HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 7,ss PILLS with Net. le ; could ay1Was 'fill cures ,a4 done, them. i ind I ant an highly Emmy. it. Oat. 1 [ILL. hyaas BLIND INGLES doeximeas IBC( Sats NT a lot � and liable Dia - the sires. the Mar- owent. Ila Brand, sbso- hich every ell you is e Market. ltd ROLA D Zsz4 et mine Drying - the ITS aHO '1'@ltiLl. A MAD OOti. suer* ^'tee" toes TWs nub. Joist Vitt to spew.. able' does not 'gist .a a disease. Aga ssetelly a Mee dog aloes become id. taut the .ynfiptowri err far ow. •at front the accepted !berme* of tit! public. The support.[[ 'symptoms resin p rt. e Ua Teeple have euurelY fella'W a very much misled by the tguurauc would-be eavt•nts. fallacy Mt of thew, it is a popular t • mad dog teethe et the muut.t. . ta f elm truth th at thYou e be e that mouth he is u, t These ie, however, rue sure ut ii1ndUeestt. 'That tit the preteuce i thick, Comae. stringy browu wucue yiug w the lips. It is so troublesome the dog that he spends all hie num ily attempting to wipe ur wash it ty. if he can reach water. •hist, again, n mast dog doe'i not avoid tar, ate some people sagely state. Hie je1y to get water, is so great thut m he finelly nyteplunges iu tuttte ears • -w• ed eloa mergeitr i Me "11 t > trate• any tinuatu1 anr- any evidenFe ot excitement. He ,..ver Mated; he never laaru'ns at it ,•,1, lir "pndrsa to be be likellin. Ile out of the w11r plane, r•:,ds and drags himself along slowly. toad dug will never make the first if appnrucbed by another doR human being. be Dever tater, it the •sew• is underway. He rather snarl)' and then Minnie* his journey tb- d death. he dog that rusber trautically up down n street, yelping enol whinier pit a toad dog. The road dog rarely ✓ utters a sound- Whets he dope. it •. hoarse, strident howl. tam. pitiful :, tierce. Ile is too preoccupy with .,wn agony to merest others. A blow tut even arouse him. - a dog is bitten by another dog that sad. signstheThe Chicago 'littte'.- iattase will not set vrten days, sals • 'rite symptoms of the approach- disrase are not generally known. are similar to the following: Thr will first bt•tr>eQeexeeediug restless. VT net ftp a flliikn regrettable.. owing his position sagy1'17. rolling •r from side to aide, and constantly ting his head and body. In the drat stage of the disease, he will be more irritable than tater on. and he will song eobatantly at objects that approach him, and even st imaginary objects. His thirst becomes excruciating from day to Jay. and he Dever erases to lap *11 He water within reach. Large Fame 5r 'terintrite win lien matte there ap- pearance about his mouth and throat and heavy brown mucus will be dis- charged freely. If permitcd to leave OM Mouse, he will stray away from bene. .Del Y Meer ret rn, pre- ferring abso adltede. He will prob- ably seek the open country rather than twain in city streets. In the early maces of the disease- the dog Is feroci- ous and will bite. But in the latter etagye-he-will molest aetther man sex best hat w'abdcring off. despised and &k,cie. he seeks some Wetly grown corn or wheat field. Then laying down his fseeri.h head between his tired paws, he dies within a day or two afterward. Jag THE SIGNA : GODEHICH ONTARIO. HOME NOTES. Alr to D/•etave +teens. The air age is about to begin. On the third track between the two regular :ricks, jam south of the Rector street station ot the Sixth Avenue Elevated Railroad, the air motor. which is abort- !) to be tried on the e•lerated read, is now receiving for tlnisbing touches Pre - Mastery to the coming trial. writes a New I ark etrespottde•b 1 of The Pitts- burg Dispateib, The motor doee not dicer mtuii in general appearance from an ordinary locomotive. It has about the same sired engineer's cab, and whet lob hid- a boiler•, thoedei it is not a Nike but a place for Lite storing of corn pressed air. The chief difference ia le the absence of a amoke.tack. The Dew idea in locomoti.,a is in (rood condition for a Lit trial. Abort 1900 pounds of 'tom— e/imbed air has been put into it. When ihr motor is run it will carry 2000pounds of euro Th mesd air. e air le obtained Tiwni p sir suuinn In Greenwich street, which Air wPir-O 1fl1ritte-11® .d. To charge the motor with 21100 rando of t'umpreaeed air takes about the some time as to pit water tato au ordinary engine, or something ender a atmnte, The 2000 pounds, It is aid. will run the motor for an hour, or long enough to make the trip from the Bat - !flit to One Hundred end Fifty-fifth street. The new motor will he quietly terteld in ■ night or two, and the regular Ma , which is expected to take the motor over the whole length of the elevated system, eel folbw, The A"r Power Oomptny office -es are very eattgn{ne as to its. nor c"le. The tnotbr bas already been nm .acre..relir at Rome, N.Y., where it Res hulit it ie the *tat motor of the Wild to he built in title conntry for use on a menhir'railrentd. thrwtgh air tnoters have hen run on .erne• French millr•o>ad., Ones man. It Is said. ean easily operaie }M tar machine, though, to avn'.d rick of nevideft, two Wen are tlkely to be *red npon a locomotive. And other wtrprisee are in the air. .411-40b4;1144. ijr7 TQ TME BICYCUBTelIENDINO FOR- WARD. O eutb, wad-teen/nag torwara,rldes var.var.With meleauc auly stamped upon your fair, Pursuing pleasure with • treuated eye. Yet worked by her, hgwever fast yuu tl , ♦re you awaits lbw horrible you look o guy inverted tor a picture book Was ever a mere palatal eight than than. Lord of the brut back slid the auhluus brow. Oh, alt up straight and try to wear a smile; Be les. intent to yds up Dille oil mile; Enjoy the proepeett as you glade along, The tseee, the snnatdne and the robin's Bong. To us who view yud',cureklug My by day, brut un your bas lu sub an a*kward way, You are the homeliest tatng tau earth, my Oh, sit up stralgtt, and make the Lauda -ape -Harper's Weekly. BETTING WITH AGM.. It Does Not Always Tura Out as Ex- ported. "Wit du yuu seen' to try to avoid Miss Sweet's" asked the man with the cigar. "(July a week ago 7011 were de- voted to her." The man with the cigarette scowled. "Don't speck of her," he said. "She ie the most aggravating underhanded- etseF-deslgailarerei'illi`!'!;tie''ieta reef 1iet ettyt�'' "What bas she done?" "•Ob. she hasn't done a thing bot piny a regular cunbdeeee game on me," re- turued the mai with the cigarette. "You see, we made a bet' "Yes." "I bet a Lox of 'Candy against n kiss un what was practically, a certainty in say favor and she, knew- that there wasn't Out chance in, a thtta�.. ai ;<ng losing." "I see. ITbe iuft'rence being -0 "The inference being," said theelnau with for cigarette, with scar hasis,- 'th.tt she would a little rather lose the bet than win it. laterally, 1 was consid- erably elated, but to avoid any possible mistake I made, her promise thut she would surely pay if she lust and not try to get out of it on any technicality." "And she ugreedT' "Promised faithfully -in fact, seemed offended w think. that I had deemed it necessary to exact such a promise; said she was a girl of her word and what- ever promised-bet mkt - l es ---.a nd sher "Well, abs kept out of my way for a while, so that I bad no chance to c.1 - Met, but finally I caught her and ask- ed her if she intended to pay the tact." "'Pay it,' she cried. 'Why, I've al- readit.' l've never received that kiamr' I of bested. T y Te no-uhe,but = r to blame. she answered. 'I gave to her to give to you.'" Tke man with the cigar gave •• low whistles. "That was a paean trick," be admitted. "But that wasn't the worst of it," confined the man with the cigarette. "It knocked me out so that 1 hadn't n word to my,and the next day she told my Sister that she didn't think much of e man w at ! Tlad the gumption t" collect a kiss fairly won. I tell you, a woman is the most aggravat- ing and contradictory' thing that war ever sent to torture man:" -Chicago Poet. -a- elevator ae4 Tlrrwl. Tommy was told that "coupte"''a'ss singular. and, to make him remember 11. he had to write an essay about "k Couple." Tommy went into his study corn, was quite a halt hour. except, once. when be demanded the proper or- thography of one or two hig words, and this is what he handed his mother when it etas all dose- There was a eot+k tray -went fishing. One -balm of Ir wag a twee: the eecoud half was a woman. it went in a row- boat with a pair of bars, which was al- so a couple. The wbmau half of cite first couple caught • couple of fith. '(•hen there was three conples. Said the man part of the Bret couple: "We has caught enough fab." Then it sat down together, and it pat it. terms around it and said: "Ob. my, don't." But it didn't act as It it cared much. Jest then the boat ran into a stump stropped:- Thee -temple- wee-seey-ains gular for hile, but finally she said to it: "George, my dear. doesn't it think it M time to go home'.'" It looker) et its watch, and Jaid: "Yes. dearie, It is." Then this e.faple was plural while one of It rowed home. So a cuuple,ia both plural and singular, lust the ()num.-Detroit Free Larvas. A r.II..r,4 Ais*rase►. TT. wetree * .tern. Metric standards of widgets and we- bers have been adooppted by twenty-one er,aitrio>a, Great Br1Usin and the United States being the only'irominent escp- tbna Befnre soother year Great Bi- bb will, in all withal -AIRY. Lair paawed as set legalising tit "7 m M tke i'nit- ed I(titrgdom, and poo for' the pre livatten of a tsbleF • effetNaktwts twren tate me eget the respetiIitelan- rt'da. This will Ierive,tilt.. United Rf4tr•e ta tlretla conspicuous miaotity .thong mi - The Rritieh act, itshaqld be noted. if, Merely permissive, and the tho{ce be' horn poonnde and kilos nserains tree to every merchant: but eveq So it is a emi- t will Bend tea more e.101Y) t.we'htag of hi. *team in the *chi i aster t4 tt I wider taros. ash ,was dv >si iRl with much to conquer befort. Ikt4iitk• becomes universal. bet It le mahist irepill abides teethed *teeth. *reeelite Its besndarde tt1►- 1oettionahly f*cilitete the beeping of see- 'e,enta, nasi give one a great deal In tette mint with the rest M the world. With oar divined money system we nave a rend Oriel made met the metric grada- tieaa, and ode atitime ie etlutlam'a hare o Maes paid mora attaeniien to tt ?retire standard* then eorrcapottdi 'Vesta b Du Urs aeho.i... it 'nay a fifer. ft may ane bnwdeed )yet* hofen tato metric system bewails• ty establisbe•et .•ge�khat of adju.Mtsg *OOP we ah•awrla. ii ep eivtNsen. na- e ebonite le gradnanj Mori a h 1 b wer"r, and not ispiollr "n'a wl+ to eRRt+t ",.e w abtlden e *'er most A ti hate r"t sated Mar • 11411 *'"lain ^ser"•'*. and L,!_is Ukel t we atoll •e1'+•t rt eaeRaspr. R •Wee}still. .114a{ "bsne• ere. F M*, war. "� -a es* ad �� ane 4,,t b •nen«, . e 1ir. Cnmr'nz's son was studying S ��ssiSU il'seoungementtin Immo. �a in his voice tremolo re- marked: 1 don't seem to get along with this lesson very well, father." "Can't ou say any of it?" "Yew: I can say 'amo, emelt ()mat'; and then I always forget what comes next. "What does three words mean, Johnny?" asked Mr. ' Centro:, who de serves credit ter hying always ready to add to a somewhat de'beieut enrly edu- cation. 'They mean 'I love, thou Intekt, he 01t does seem too had to see you start- ing Mg In tw soon," flys el gentleman mnsod.' with the flitkulties that has slecnes aarrottnelPd that verb. lint yon might ns well commoner• young to Mara that them words in one way or another canoe two-thirds of the botheration that wows' fa 151. life." "Please, can I quit school, the r' "`o: It wouldn't be any use. Yon conidn't dodge 'ens, and you 'night as lull go right along and gee a• fnmllinr wt5 then' as ppoossible. Yon ll find flint learnin' 'cul ain't half the worry that np, Johnny,n"em is after ye know and remember hnttmeat e. your troube is Kill ahead of yuu."- IAashington Star. yt9..,tdi rh11o•rethy• No men of much brains ever get. the "big head." A rieb woman t.. crows of glory to her dreasmnker- There la a moral tp a great many thethat are fetmorst Jerky and the watermelon are tw, *nob with but a single tbonght. ff the sheep bad the eollrage rest it. !y it could whip most doge. Same 1 s are like spk'! apiece s w birds at will. (t mea dobta t many mon but there case bee beA tires garde than there are *ow, A wean wodidn't minds so mach the hair dropping out If,+tte teeth didn't drop At et iiet the seem tiwe. firer differs from a heekrt of pent'bet, TME JOU NEY. 1 Tibial taal I hellt take ewer delightfuly*t aam duns liaises lite has elven er a hews Dies' sure Of alt beet gifts, and many a tag 01 pleb UMsure, tl better tidbits await me furthet on. +t This little earth is such a merry planet, Tru distance. be,. 1t w suubt that all the mplrteme, Between usve no uaud the stun are Stied Wain, spaces faces More beautlful+tbaiis! aline areas. I like to think that 1 shall yak behold them, When from this waiting nom my soul seas roared. (Garth is a wayside stutloo, where we wan- der, Uutll trim out the silent darkness y u.der Death .slugs itt. lantern and cries, "All aboard!" I think death's train sweeps through the ruler system Aud pusses suns and moons that dv art QUI uwu, Aud quer beelde us we shalt find our dear- est, The spirit friends cu real. we hell the nearest, Aud 1 tae shluing dlatahce God's great throne. THURSDAY, Sept. I6, i88Y. 7 spores ■Least. Beat twsly• eggs very light, add one pentad of soft sugar. twmve omens. flour sad' the grated rind of • lemon- Beat well aad drop by 'r oostels on buttered sheets of iia, mad bole to a quick oven. ._. _.. _ Apple Vassar/4 Pare sad erste two large, tare apples* add roar tablespoonfuls melted butter, eight of setae, jutos and anted rind of one lemon, yolks and whites ot eta eggs, .sporatvly beaten- Luis digit with Ruff paste, till sod bake like custard. a pple Cream emceed. Hak. flus apples and then remove Dorm and tkins ; Leat whites of three eggs to • froth, add apple sad beat. Serve with boiled oustard made of Doe ()mart of milk, yolks at three eggs, small amp of sever, quarter of a cup of Sour, lit le salt. Masser Cakes. &gU�nit quart et dour, one gill of cornmeal, Nur eggs, one tablespoonful of butter melted in • pint of fresh milk, salt to taste, and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, cr half • pmt of our cream and one level teaspoon- tn1 of soda. The eggs must be beaten sep- arately, very light. Bake quickly, as you would ttaekwttest oaken. In piano or pressure. la 0ls world OZ dou!•t, t knuw that life at worst can hat delay me, But no tuallclous fate has power to rely ins b'ruw that grand Journey on the ;3reat Death Route. -ELLA WHEELER wILC•)Y. KIPLING'S JUBILEE POEM. Ur Walter 11e•ant gays It Is the trtnept Utterance of the Oeeaalon. This is whatEk Walter Resent says of Rudyard Klp►ing-s Jubilee poem, called "Heceasiooal": -To my wind they are the finest ut- terance, the. noblest and the fittest which has been 'palled forth by the Jubilee. They stand oat in bold relief; they are real; they are inspired; they are at voce a prayer and a thanksgiving. They con- tain the very spirit of the Puritans, a spirit which must never die out among us. We have amongst us once more a poet who can male our hearts glow with- in us and can uplift n our smile from the Zee lonmolistee,ethen are withus in pkmty: bat itam poet -where was he? Is this the only one? !day, this one goes before; he leads the way; he is Chwf and Kiug; but poets create other poets; noble souls gather round other noble souls. For the mandolin we shall have the trumpet; for the frtgnings we shall have the sham, lovesick shepherd we shall have the *oldies end /Ica pilgrim, '(here awl Dineen war- Alam sa, tea lone- ootttcatett with the twanging of the mandolin, two or three wbo will surely feel the force and splendor of Kipling'. muse insomuch that they, toe, will open their eyes will ser the world as it is and mankind as it may be. The wands sing to the brain; they will be heard; they follow us into the shades of night; they will not let one sleep; they must be repeated over and over and over again." The tertian and the -.hooting di**. -t The captains and the kings n Still stands Thine aadent An humble sad a contrite heart. 1i Lord God at Hosts, be with saeere :1 Lest we forget -lest we forget Par alled, our navies melt away, On done and headland .lurk the are; Lo, all our pomp or yesterday Is one with Nlnerab and Tyre! Judge of the Nathan. spare as yet. (.est we forget -leaf we forget! ear Cy'oAstl U d at ibe L. M''t �, { M a neigh. t r, riot lit to 45. woRld. ad1 Ton sow. bare -Ertl h. t. flee w T wg =..01:01.: tw uareelth. lm • tl�, �f'� 7sw moot (tet r" If an17 i �.,e�ey Minuses-• M !Mt e4 aim -` P10 41. �a T' . ---arae, Pea seep. ----- Pak • --- -Pak• fat, fall yrown thicken to boil in five quarte of water. When it hes boiled slowly for two hours, put into the • pot two quarte 6t green pees. let thew boil until soft, thee remove and math them thorongb• ly. Put them to • oolaadet and poor the soap through it, tubbiest the peas about so as to let all the alp mix with the soap while the bulls remain in the oolender. Return the soup to the pot, adding a quarter of a pound of butter, salt and pepper to the taste, end • tablespoonful of shopped pars- ley. Rub smooth a tablespoonful of flour In- to come of the batter. add that and let it boil up briskly for • minute or two. Re- move the ohioken and sane hot. This is the nioeet way to make green pea soup. If you want the chicken aider and the soup sot quite so slogans, before adding the peas to the soup, you mean remove the ohioken sad eery, it ter dinner with SRR maths. +..ase :-sails+„! avt r..aau t• . - • • • �.--- H. seeds • careful examination dt ths'96 sad 97 wheels, marked reepeetevely 160 and 1100 and oould detect no dtffereaws be- tween than. "Th.se wheals seem be be pretty mach alike." he remarked to the s•leaman. "T5.'97 model tis *meetly the same kind -eE-feastss ees'96 es*, hs.s'.-ler -- -- ete.e.4ee," .Reeser ti*+ol..wa — .:><-• "Tim tabbg is just the eaemtlll" • "It is." "Their* 1a a diff.rsnos is the sprocket wader Nein.,. "Thr hubs weather' "ItPshhi sass attain oa both?' "Yea" "The tires .sad M• sane. maks?" e' Thy are." " There is no obangs in the beadle bus this year'" "Neo "Aad the rims, spokes and pedalo alike is beth wheel&" .. Yes." . Vita, then what D the difference between the two wheels." " fifty dollars." Mistakes Atmet Mountains. Ninety-nine people out of a hundred appear to be under the impression that Mount Bone is in Switzerland, whereu it is wholly within the French frorttieer Province of Haute Savoie. Next, Mount Rt. Elias la not the »igheet mountain in North America, but the peak, which is 1511 feet higher, namedvafter Sir Wil- liam "Logan," founder of the Canadian Geological Survey. And what is more, although* so patriotically scouted by .ome, the assertion that both mountains are in British territory has been oat - firmed since 1887 by the Canadian -Alas - 5a boundary survey. And of another mountain -Ararat: 'The usual statement that this was the place on which Noah's Ark f� ted hu do foundation in the 13115"rp"ilii Ri: Ori ---taw mountains of Athlete" Ararat was the ancient name of a district in Eastern Armenia. and has been used for all Ar - mods Another IrltEkt. if 1 sbonld elle to-nlgbt. 4ad you Mould tome to my cold comae sad my, Weeping and beartalck o'er my Welton clay - 1f 1 should die te.eight, And you sboold come to deepest ethe sad woe, And say, "Here'■ that 110 tha:11!*" I might arm In m whit* stye& And say, 'What'. that?' • If 1 should die tonight, Aad you should come to my cold corpse and kneel, sapi� my Wer to stow the Beet you I say, 1f 1 should die tnnlght, And you should tome to m., and then and (bore bort hint 'bout payln' me CIO tea, I might arise the wbYr-- - But I'd drop dead gain. - -80.ervllle atiefells taleh.1I.n'e Tensa. Litigation of an historically interesting sort is about to take place between the city of Paris and the descendents oft the relatives of Cardinal de Rubellas The city wants to take over the Sor- bonne wherein is Rlebeliea's bead, inclosed in a theatrical -looking tomb. The direct des�enh of the famous statesman's tam opeoor this, on the ground that Ricltetfeu baht the Sorbonneset of his owe motley, 0a the condition tat be, his relative/ and theirs to some should be bnNed In the thspeL The cit maintains that. aye Ow:dinar, will 1* out of date and of no aeen*&t owing to the lapse of rise. Ta liviag reps sentatfvees of his family, awever, !im intend to fight eat o order to prethe ctuatelemie AMrtlMttttbo.la kali IORTETT . . } for ioet 5 Wal Indy. Whoa • yeast man is In • situation to support • cape and household be should 'Derry. But bow lone be should wait in making up kis mind departs ea too may {talars to be are 'pained. Hat • few cies- may be sugaestd : L A Ma ought to consider What he has M give. es well as what he expecte to to-, esllai If one expecte all the graces and' rtrtoks to reelde in • woman --personal beauty, agreeable manners, iatelltgenoe, .f- 6oleaoy, prudenos, good management, de- voutness, afieotlon•tensss - by obis right does he Isy claim to semi a one! What erre creature are ' you,' that such • paragon should be yours! Is tt modest or manly to appose that you have o•!y to ask to receive such a noble creature ! On what grounds do you claim the allianos of • greet soul in • roy.l form, when you yourself keys no c0utvleat to offer! No man thinks of talkies( so about anything but women. What it • plain !shoring mita should ask ; "Shall I buy me • bores now or wait till I meet my ideal of • horse!" Boy • horse that encu your circumstances and is within the reach of your money. A youog clerk may ask : " Shall I buy me a cottage or wait till I can find au ideal mansion !" But your ideal mansion is far .beyond ypur em•oh, and • cottage %earl it and as you must Iles .....eflsis& had better choose modestly. In property matters, men acemmmodate their ideas to their otroumstanoes- They do sot wait for ideal clothes or houses or business They would laugh at the extravagance of waiting for that whish was not probable or whish might not reasonably be expected to be within their reach. But men -possibly not that sex alone - picture every imaginable excellence in the .hewn one whom Time is bringing to them, and it does not seem to occur to them that i1 would he • shame to graft • branch from the Tree of Life itself upon the miserable orab of • Wok, or to ally one • " little low* than the •noels" with • plain, m• gifted. ordinary moral. 2. Bat then is • wiser method of selec- tion Let Das find one who is fairly his equal, and who will be able without loss, to adapt herself to him and 50 his oir'oam- .t.noee. Let the partnership be equal. Do n ot ask her to bring everything sad you Routine. If she briny health-aatm'e eteinesry, so moo '9's'*.LI .he briar, beetles, sacrificing love and • gestle and complying diepo•ition, so moth you. To many your "ideal" woman may be . l1 very well ; hut you will bays to live with a " real " mese. And good health, • goad disposition, industrtoas habits and prudent management will he more to your b•pp4*ea tb•a ell th.sentitaast•1 amellen- ose lalistdt� imagination. Inals .f--.psndinr hours in formai an "ideal,'' make tour own disposable agree- able, your manners gentle, oorrecting our - mit and arrogance and fitting yourself to reeks en honest and virtuous woman happy. -H. W. B. Geed saggee*sea. ',world be well for many of the ,people who ore given to worrying to pay lewd to • story of Cromwell's time, said to be abso- lutely true. The Proteotor wee sending • epeoial envoy r. Sweden in the person of Bushrod white - look, • most devout man, lint one of on.x• tremeIy nervous, anxious temperament. As the ambassador was about to embark on his journey he wet detained at Harwiok by • I storm. He was so troubled with the affairs of the nation that he toeatd, turned and Moaned on hie hod, unable to get to sleep - At, last his confidential servant, wbo had woo W hitelook's respect and oonfld.ao. through his talthfnl.ese ad good sone* .n many • trying oeoaeion, ventured to •%y, " Pray, dr, ;will you give me leave to ask you • emotion ?" " Certainly," was the •newer, " De you think that God governed the World very well before you ounce into it?' •• Undoubtedly I do, said Wblalook. •• And," continued the ..rvant:, " do you not think he will govern It quite es well wbo you are gone out of it ?' " To be sure he will," responded the mater, rromplby. Tb.a , sir .zonae me, bet maytet truss firm% deco 1-t %-riga wyou ne yon are tohveinis!" Wblteiook made as reply to this penis set attention, but he turned over and was soon asleep: and no his return be repeated the story of this Mt of advice with mnoh appreoiatios. A TAMMY Tates.. -Tb* big Fair is on la Toronto ad there is the usual rash to ,as the sights, sad while there many of oar people anima advantage of the time sad ta- dalge in • nand of shopping at the city de- pertmeatal stores. Ws recognize that this is • tree country and 15.1 everybody bas • right te do as b* please, to bay in the cheapest market and sell as the dearest. We believe that if any perms wants to go to • Toronto department store to hay • fake bargain, some shoddy goods, sad bargains, with 15 ethos. to the pound and 33 fbob.n to the yard, ahoy are *t perfect liberty to do so. net no one who has the interest of their own town at heart will, bemuse of sows fake barg•lsege' to Toronto sad speed bii mi►a�jr T>; ttT�ii aep�Rmiltlat Moth. ITU the oommunly that keeps ita money at beam that is the most prosperous. The peofit the borne mereb•ae recedes is spent in produce at bone or hi improving the town in which be lives. If be receives no groat be nos tepttsd nese. The predseer loess his market tat .gssqussoe.fi the .Mme..' gate ere peed% he cannot bay peen. Tams is se d.m.ad ter bindings the stores iesp.sese, bf skla er, plasterers sad others lees, • job they w5srwioe w.ald bate. If the money whish should b. spent at home is seat to the 'Tomato departethatai store, millionaire's foftunes will be increased L the QaauO City, while Wingbam will gradually go down, stens win become vacant and w the dammed for names deoreasae bending will saes sied the town beesesen des& Dead gawps have a. real seta* due, sedtea desdas.wIll affect the value* all property e nermadi.g It. A prosperous town mesas aster erase for the alerts awl tate vemba4M bale MOM ter the leadletd, hrwm 'seesaws easily paid tor loe.l improvements Every delktr sprat la Termite dew that Nip tame geed labile year ewe tows le Mc much the poorer ; so rush oppertalty fee work and profit is lest, gibber to yourself or . eigbbor, sad yea will Mos mire in the ea than yea gal. by • slbele anw-minded policy of avisg Masts es some parohas . the city .ad pNMtg a shodty-made wale whisk may or my see stead the test a tee. A item i"ds seas. mous seats of thei nobbtilt! cif Entifieed many r tsa108,� home of the Dna and 1760111101 of Witeltt minister. Ilo possums ars the reseed that alt ty settee ate net spirt fbi vele ton alone; bat it is owls no *0 oealpotos 01 royal ,visIt maty true 44$ .1 this (t`D=rat Dw " tiiouS ts+fi t0 m boowkleh is a► wee ta;Agif esta,11� �i.%e.s .er .•s P..iwwit lust. thrsi •raiwr >W41t *tepDB,idet0igtsi ad at N• KDU feet the was, is •A leant, eaa�sgi�l�� poi- et M w� maidens nay 1 1 think to AM& ham• dsplbLLtar s roseeide'ra g�� `.'areas. eases sswerlg�Sfi7+ of ea Wart. tgsws wiles,. To mike yourself miserable by osest•at Batt helaia` Is Y impart your URb•ppleem to the @bele he waft yea meth A Iasi We awe a wttisl.R *do Mtimisid W on epos OM's owe spirit cad the spirit et ethers. No eels WWI le Riess to 1t rasf- Ines aad oomplalata 8 oak ef year tem. slily w Willits I. Wham gg�ses wNbi`rsfi 55.w ry t�i�dlst lt� weber sad aliesatel� Tai iiia ked iia "maws rlo eei.m, fi(t mid slit the= MMIthe eoRl spirit ceiiit thea theres t�'�te. r alb tat re ''lth Irtm.fl 40 always a chars►(. 4141126:41• 1mmes tio "il j3 4:211 law niselovitt2tiftrah_ 1. Olid s Mnrp•y i Ds yew tee uses al this here IOW. as the ebeyl woes Malas' 1t is • masted mese, tied he says Y own' 1. ,ode any Mutt wapitis -it •LIua vitae him sIa suers. " - Biret fie y : My or.. e•y• I mu.' u t play With yuu, because your father is mottles hu' a shurmaker. Senond Iwy : So'e your fat her a show maker. First buy : )Ae• • ea) s ate's a manillas, trees. He reeks-. • tnuu/and parrs to your 1.e5.,'s one pair. Second boy t Tkam be mast be . tic -weed Mows worse ASS . k 4.r. tows t s cal pt.y wttby.4MtMMM• "S'ap neht le, l..liee sud+►rt.11.rualt," orir't aha elm amen bhp right to •.tad see tit .• e.twetted pig .d.. and omat." fellow," lut•r,upteI Fanner Backbit', "my ol•1 heir at home has u.1. .y over to /flu+re 1004._ t'aaealabed. RaroeTaas are said to be the mildest of mete Thayer* so,end sometimes the wittiest ot men, too, and their wit serves them when argument fails. A celebrated canon of the Roglisb Church was announced to speak at • meetui/, and on obis ouo•teioh did rot wish hot address reported. He communi- cated his desire to abs gentlemen of the prow who were present. They remonstrated with him. "The interest of the meting osbtred is him," they were seat b' their (thief. especi- ally to take hie .peeob. The canon was inexorable. Ha gild ue► i[. Wettable of biter ifesessaiLy. ..•, said. with a merry twinkle in his eye- ' What ! • can.,n go off and no report?' -4"ww- He was vanquished. and on the following morning all the papers contained the addreee + , E,fetsr: Mr. R. B Switzer, of son. 9 Hay township, has sold his farm on cos. 8, to Mrs. James Hudio. Mrs. Hudie has secured one of the best farcy in this via• laity. _ ashen Iberbes. Six lemons ; four eggs (the whits) ; two pints sager Make • thiok syrup of one pint of sugar and about one pint of water. W hen oold, thio with the jaioe of six lemon., and water enough to make it • rich lemonade. When it is about half frozen add boiled icing mad. as follows : One pint ot sugar moistened with water and belied until it is • .oft toady, whilst bot add ape stiff beaten whites of the four ogre. Flavor with vanilla and • little citrio aid or cream tartar, and boat hard until thick and .mooth,and add to the h•IMroaea . , . A wit deel•res that the nose is put in the middle of the hoe bemuse it is the ower pias. An [illtsr•te'young moa oath got • friend to write a lease for him to his sweetheart The letter was rather prosaic for • love letter .pd M felt thea w apology was dos to his eweet5eart for ita lack of tender nothings. It was w follows: " Please exunse the mild - • • Appla,taake. Away down in the bottom of the basket we find • few strings of real, old-fashioned dried apples," whish the sunshine and wind of last autumn did not, while drying them. rob of their oroberd flavor. So, to- morrow we mean mike some of grandam's good apple -oaks. Two cups of dried apptw11i i7t n ight. then chopped • little. Platte fa • stew pan and add two coq of good moIM-,, . w . Boil slowly two hours ; add two-thirds _ _ sap melted butter and allow mixture to be- come 000l. When 000l, ado two well bat- on eggs ; scant cup of sugar : oei• sap ra- ins, atoaed and chopped ; meal' sop of grated, sweet ob000Lte ; two pups of but- aeractik or soar milk j ewe teaspoonfuls of soda and two of o.edk ono of cloves and one of allspice. Fleur swab to mute it about the oonsisteooy' 11 fruit -cake dough. If desired, the ohooelate, raisins, or both, may be omitted,:end the sake will still be good. This rsoeipe makes two leave,. CA'.CALTIS" Wm. Spencer, aged 22, wa■ suffdicnted by gas in an old well at Sydney. Man. A fourteen -year-old daughter of Mr. W: Warren was drowned at Charleston La ke. Thomas Hacking, section man on the T., H. & B., was killed by a train at Grass] s Corners. A nine-year-old boy named De Mn- tusky was fatally crushed in MoOr's elevator at Brandon. At Greenwood Springs, CM.. an ex- plosion occurred in the Sunshine coal - mine. Nine bodies have been. recover- ed. ecovered. Edward Smit' was killer in a coop- erage at Trenton ty the bursting of s ----- piece of machinery that wrecked part, of the building. The body of William Baxter was found to the river at Burk's Falls. The youg�a�tw was last- seen *lye about a week tate. Hugh Hickey, an immigrant boy, aged sixteen years, died ander chloroform on the operating table at the General Hospital, Kingston. 'Ten days ago a daughter of Mr. John Underhill of Winnipeg ran a misty nail into her foot On Thursday lockjaw set inand death resulted on Saturday. His Sarah Frank, head milliner for Coyne & Oo. of Ingersoll, was attack- ed with a very seven pain in her hem4' while at work. and died in a few min- utes. The body of an unknown man was found on the Grand Trunk track nem: the Dos Statlos at an early hour Mos - day morning, mangled almost beyoud re- eognitloa. The patrol waggon took the body to the mouse. 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