The Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 5a�a -vielketaidented CLOTHS of 3N tour; anomer ring in favor of all trades is practic•l17 fled the cone be uperabart day of the thfirredu pore ,rialtos, ra., ending many et was found n a helpless d to thelese ~` 1 suicide by ,eastMwhare- ost ark, was ,L empty b21- bolic acid by lieutenant ha has been at •eaeoa. com- ay evening, bty tbuasand last weakZ n what Ida with elaise sew mill, .ad me which was e hares took ms beast seat . y. The boy re was eat of wagon paved I was .set fer, red that emu of es e. Though plsesd to ea ma he... d dog passed aft proof. of the farm of worried the tion. As far farm .f Mr. is caddis, and LWOW. weer,. Mr. G..nlao's It war Im- owlag signs of N nem for •, for treat- . Mr. Law• ad several et 1 «� te de Sithis Dols It R ESTATE JAS. A. REID. uas; ;1 We have decided to continue the business of the late JAMES A. pin, and have bought for cash the aROEST and BEET STOCK of FALL and WIN- ISE IN- T E DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, MONS' FURNIBHINGB, TWEEDS, CAR- PETS, OIL CLOTHS &c. we ever carried, and which will be found up-to-date, both in Quality sad design and at PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. Economy; Comfort and Satisfaction goes with every purchase here' a' your money back if you want it. ESTATE JAS. A. REID Per S. J. REID (Admiektraiee';: Qoozlucu, Sept. 13. '`"`"1"----`---- • eLLtN-lo Ln�g r 0 Sep& 4,M. up, JamAwn, aged nor' VCh.DOCH-!n Ashfield, on Sept. 4th, 1Mf it lasso der Mtudoob. aged 57 yews.Sept. l0ah, tf LRN _ 1 n Col borne. oa lnday, ifir. Margam Young beloved wife of the lam John Olen. aged 70 tears and 11 m ate& iA "'ice kfSStiilO'611'1141`lseds% Mtge. tore farm, end he evidently know, how, for -laat year he aatontahed the attires with some whopping marigold. -that were almost (not quite) the size of two bushel grain bags whim filled with grain- that', so ! Bass BALL -An iotereetin• base ball match will be played this (Tburrday) affir- med' at the Agricultural Park grounds at 4:30 r r , when the employers and em• ploy's. of the Jordan -Horton block will contest for the supremacy against the hall players of the SI AL block, when some 11. MARRIED. IIcWHINKY-KYRR-On W.deeedal Sept. fkh. at the testy idenoe of the bride's panata NoWWh1anK, ofof Colborne, twooY ORh ee J.se, oldest daughter of Mr. Wtlltam Kerr, of Nile. •l *�sep. job atItGoderiolLon Wed seehe residence of the bride'' parents, mor. Victoria and 8t David's woofs. by the Rev. Joseph Edge. Agee Clark Humber, only daughter of C. A, Rtunber. Esq to Rodeeiok Medina Camels. of Stratford. Ont giTttK OF =OWNS ma the Rspa'ter'u Notebook. If you're a ..leaf, of i01r Omsk% l lase Pt test M t • MOM &ease Co Tak1e' Ne0m war WM MM rtiONt s'ti81wu--_ - -• untag play may be expected. As both teams have been prepaid -log for this groat event, fast play will be the order of the day. Come one, oome all, and w real ball No charge for admis.ioe. A WAreal' l:KAvg -If correct rumors are correct tae new stand pipe h.d drowned some hundred or more sparrows. aad their bodies are now floating ca the water in the pipe- It is said that more lbw one person Me °noshed to the.fgp0S .t). AIRS". `counted Me -dead bird.. 4bsccsmsa gle fes the wholesale drowulog la that the btrds mono the water, go to for • bath, and are then gable to rise straight up with their wet feathers. If the rums is true it will be esesseary to sever the stand pipe with • ieall emelt iros netting. Vrrritlxiais.-The Hares Veterinary A..o.w1.s held it. retnlar eestiag at Qodstioh town hall on Wednesday of 1 week. Then were t --C- MoGretor, Cm.tmos, pee,.: Jobe Wil..., Wiagb•m, may ; W. Gibbs, Ssatsrtb ; W. Clark, J. Hamilton, Oode ieh ; J. Walker. Loodes- bore ; J. E. B1•okall, Clintons :-W. Farrow, W rouser. Several papers wore read by Messes. Hmaflwo, GIbb, MoOreger "ad Blackall, which elioited soostderahls discus- sion, alto which the meet**, adjourned to meet in W Ingham lo Dmoember, et the pres- ident's oalL q^ a a na . -..s .. .: •mow ., l8� _ . .. _r . -x 1425 p>LpAlr, apt i THE SIGNAL : GODER�CH ONT,�EtIU. . was held le the Model Soboot, Clint.% es Sotarday week After the ,made* Mee Meg wee traips.d.d, the candidates let the Medd soboob were allotted to their mimeo - dire ire ghees. The following re:elags wee than earned : " That all towhees with third olass oertdoetprimary1 primary ng wee have taught"two yeah, Rabb •iresIlt ive se fur - tsar ed this, >wR-ing, that holden apposed Vis, maintaining third alas. osrtiflo•tes who have lost six a,00tte' time or more throygb dolmens or inability to obtain • school at a fairly re maa.rstive salary, should be allowed the three full years' right to teach, oov.red by their o.rtiflo•tes. At the Baal examination Mr. Moore was appointed to read the papers oa " The Solesoe of Ed uo•tion " • Mr Robb. •' Sobool M.n.gomemt,•' and "11. Papsria tk- Methods " ; Mr. Tom, '• 1. Paper h Ml .ds." and " Hygiene," and Mr. Baird. "• Sohool Law." lI rut want a stile thse WOR uidI sad last as leap u • law -snit -yea ma gas it at Prid- ym 50.',. ole eTeoeoo photogrand mimephers of d utarisilow s .hows as wenby of Marimbas tad • specie' mid prize DnaMg Fair week give mallows • �t gulag sad d me of the photos that Artistst y are the besoast.t THE CME Sagami -The close maim for gadded trout tesmmsm. today (Thursday) aad luau tall May. 1898. Tag Sswgas -The oon•rno0ore for the atsosien of the sewerage system oo,nm.seed mirk on their contract ea Tuesday. FAIN SOLD -Robe. Orr has sold his 0511 hundred and thirty-three sere farm le God. - nal town.htp to Robi. Bell for 96000. HAS Movie Lar. -leas Robinson has t end iron the et rber of West street, nod n ay aow be found in the store so long mum - pied by Joe. T. Aohsses. FINE PEACHES. - Mrs JUDOS How, of Clinton. mat Tam StoemL some fins peebes last Friday. They weighed rex ounces each Lod metered over eight imohes amend. Dn.u-loce IiIvALvsa,-For • pint, • gun As duk (either 000hed or raw) of dehowue oysters, esu at Blackstobis reli- able Restaurant, Wset•st, third door from the Square_ 39 34 THE Uate'r MILL. -Men are sow diodes the omtede of this sew Institution, and the exterior will be completed in debt of tea day.- In a few day. Chrystal will start Petting in the =memory. TRE Fixer ix Towle --Smith Bros. s CO, hive elkd 1 is saroesave mob rvetsm le their store. It is quite interest- ing to see the Little sore flatting •nowt, to and from the o•.btsr's desk. THE ORGAN TrACTO.T.-Badbee, ion home tag at this institution, orders befog on head to keep all hand. mess for seine week., sed lest emit unsolicited orders for 12 oTg•se and over 800 seat* were ro.dved. THERE ARS Otfaaa..-That's what the Indianan mad to the fellow whit tbosght he mea Use only tame in the teak. 8e we say Ogre are other lorries of salt het. Ilse whiz ! what • diaereses whoa les me Nita•@ Pun Balt GRANOLITEIO W ALaa.--Grmaollthio walks have hien pat is Iron the sidewalk to the tWa eetrames of 81. Peterto Igo's church..t the editlos d Cactesoterr iL• harms. did tbd boded where fated at • dem whom memo- wsrk aad nppae0•117 aMde •e „nose is. I ; het whether thN's :dew is rtes bad tmer•ot sbeen r not. it would buss bees batter to hate melds 09mmiWd fast to m aroma baisel lether them to the Rasa sodMirth than heed' a s°emendate of the maltitadd. WELDED i* Ssrrswiic*.--The bride meodetted in the following, taken from the Mail and Empire of Thursday, to the daugh- ter of • ooe•tlme Goderioh oitlzeo :-" 36110 P. MoOoeseli, associate editor of the James Aoton Pul•ltuhinj Co.. was ye.t.rdsy .mar- ried to Mie. Sarah Mabel, daughter of the late Fuse by Elmet, formerly of Klno•rdine• The oeremony was performed at the ran - deem of the bride's mother, 10 Maitland street, by the Ret. D. l• Honok, of Piotna, in the preemies of shoat fifty guests- The beet man wen W. 8. L•n.htoo. of Ntsger• Sono_ 21-11. 1.4fl10,4e4 t $d ldisa M!p- sit Elam, skier of the bride. d s t he littera mitered the parlors she loaded oo the arm OI Dr. J. C. Mitchell, of Ennieklliilio- iRe gets her away- She was attired la dove oolored oovert, trimmed with braid, to the Empire .tyle. looking very •ttreots's. After the wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Connell o-Connell left on the two o'olock boat for Moatre•1 and other knotera points, and on their return will reside at 149 Seaton street DisD rat Hie You're. -On Thursday Mat Nina, Agnes, yoasgest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Lee did from en affection of the brain after • law week.' aline= at the earl► age of 16 years sad 7 months. A few weeks sines dammed was around, ap- parently in good health. having )net then rwover.d from as attwk of typhoid, and It is supposed • relapse brought about the at- tach that ended so fatally. The ices of Mies Nina, foilowiaa se soon that of Mi.. Grates la a heavy blow to parents sed relative•,.ad sympathy te universally expew.d tar Mr. o05rlMM.1-, Lvr .!s lbw aAts. bereavement On S&f rd• unarmed the funeral leek 'MoeMem the family reddest* to M•ltlead Cemetery where the casket was placed b.- .idi tne oo, oo.tainlug her sister Grass The Rector of St Georges, Rev. Mark Turnbull °oedemmd gar•vlm at the boo., sad at the grave, sad the osekot was bores to the bests by Mere. Charles Gamow. Cho.. Shephard, Frisk Lawrence, jr , Percy Tom, Joseph Doyle and Arch. Dichosa. The mate erred, c- *musts sad floral emblem. plaid on the oothu by rela- tive. and friends wse a Ngtimooy of the deep sympathy telt for the bereaved parents sad family et &sensed. A Nrw Stroll -ma. -A new swindle has been invested, and is befog worked quite extensively to some sections. A farmer who sante te eell his place ie called on by • smooth talktag restlesrn who wants to syl the farm on a ewmmi..ton. He will put ad- vertisements of the farm with •ttrstive pictures in the lending papers, seal charge - oommis.ion of flys per sect- whoa he sells the term- Tbs farmer signs a contract, and lame on, when the farmer makes a ..le of his farm through some other ohannel, the *entreat turns up, and is found to read that the oommi..l05 U payable who -weer the two is sold no setter who headmafs tamed" of it THE G.N.W. Exmisrriori.--Nest Tues- day tae fall fair will epee 1 ole, sad *stead- tng exhibitors will do well M teed or leave their entries with the s"or"t sty at once. The beard of directors held their last meeting for general arrangements lest Saturday. The keenest interest is being shown in the speeding oomos6ties, in wbiob there are five clams.., and seam geed work and lot" of tun is anticipated. The Wild Westspec- ialties ars .:pasted be he very good. Bridle Bill and his took homes J.s, with Arizona XI.* and if ear -Bev,; wso biwir rev•• of where they have performed elsewhere. On Wednesday, " the Mg day," the school AAildrea up to 12 year' of eels will his ad - edited for dm amts, up to 6 o'olook p.m , but at all ether times they will be ohargd tea test•. A OiwsolrInds. _ oke Logue, ek. wile digging he gr•vd At - trill estate, a number of human boame wore found, t two sculls d a>ouadd Stam ny 1 Soon boo.' news spread to M exhibited tihe buttes warm tikes .way se ourit•dties- Various enggestieus were made se to how the hoses °time wb.rm they were found, and whose remelts tb.y were. het no sedef•otory oonolwfon was reached. The probability le that they were part of the resides of old reddest". sad were BLACKBERRY COMP(U1 Tsr lecaem at±mllr.-Oa Friday ,',wisp *best aim e'elook, something went wrOSR With the lasasdiee•e light, Lad from the rg..mit.ters on Wad sad 8 - eirsNs mevery dull, ee dest5 byartM etre• being bred. Tax Totoxro Gwws Says : - " The "bible"biblegs e plotures pprr��eesNatea by the M.N- 1555 d the •adltadem lad e.sate ei 1 at- tested • bee sedat. AI s es1)*S Qwidn is sem them tineela Ro6g Med * N her le M d M west he *heatedmelt gates TM deters. are •.n dlettaet s.d K 'Tuesday tttwdy" At Vloteria Opera 1is•fled Wedesedey, 21st sad Med Sept. THE FALL A.stxs. -All the fall term of tk' RIO Coen of Jumbles which opens • Yesday ant -the fsllewing orir�teal erase will oo11 before des Grand .Tory Tho s.RamonQss vRamon1 assault, the Qleso vs Colbert Mae wish tomes. 1Ierns. Qsvas R. 8. DILsat- two 'eft...* WM alba Mak end Wiliam Je M al...a.�,t4 M &deed. The OMI Irt this lyes$ M ave a ieag ems Lase .hot upward mem fes orr. The following d.y = of 6" deo twox Caduca.• -Tb r.. leg el Keel ahem* wbe held 1 ill 1U1Nk. when Rev. *At. Jabeels a. B- A.. E. D.. of will peu► al 11 e.11. eel 7 r.8.. e.1 aJae. A. Andersen. iA., st a !kapO•Iiimiens M b.hMN of the bseMk'R Pm. 11111 he takes op es meg veeete5. O• Mer 7 m'homewksi • .eawR wee lie IMO is oto fry Ills mid d lir. Jebsi w81 he 100404 1104 writ by Me seek is.i4 sebum Gage Leen.-Aa item that has bees go- ing the rounds of the pro, to the 'toot that p•rtridee •ad quail teapot be .hot till 1900, i. incorrect. The sot of 1893 pro- hibited the sale of partridge till Sept the 15th 1897, but it haa not be.e ualawfnl sad V not now, to shoot these bird. darter open semen which .steads from the 15th of Rept, to the 15th of December- The only ohmage made in the game laws in 189'7 wee the •x - tension of the alae .em.on for wild turkeys, prairie ohiokens. Enalieh pheassets t^ 1900, and the prohibition of the sale et Sipe wood -cook, psrtridr•, and quail till 1900. These me:the mit, changes of Importance af- fecting th11 gem• law.. The rewlatibns for shooting deer, and the ops season for all mime remain. ��,i•e same as before, deer, Nov. 1.t to 15th. elk. eartbno, moo.., •*indoor, prohibited till 1900 No deer to he killed is the water, and no .hooting without • homes, be he bad for 12. Only two deer to be killed by one partes. Ops. ..anon for groups. partridge,. wood -seek. .nips• rail plower, black and red .gduel, and hare. Sept. 15th t. Deo. 15th. No Rime Olin 1e (exported from the provlbm, and no nos-residst os* hast without a laorn..- Tex SrrAvliy BALI. -The dui atter Oaref l eondM der•t o , dd the plan sihtnitted by Mr. Fowler. It provides for • beta, well -lighted, modern two-story buildial/ to be leosted 20 or25 feet wise 'uselat Mr. Farrea'e. wick.. Albert -et, sad the ae en Rattsbery-S*. Merged ren as spa. Vestibule. right lute a weil1.pP4bNd U r5Mbr room ti eaa Nat. 11yy`14'116of red premed heiel !'sith ormaseltal erimmlbg. dams of the deMlb .1Ilso plan ars sot yet oomplete, but the semaditee meset to have It reedy for .ext week with all se.ess•r7 ipesilloa- IMae. whoa andel will he asked Jor. sed Nie .spatted that week will the/at mem Medd Ie te pretested tO. cot tie bendiest at s ogee est te .x Beed, by .a.. meat, 94000. -4iefe 11e.. , FOR CRAMPS, COLIC. SUMMER COMPLAINTS ETC. W. C RY OUR OWN( pQISON FLY PAPER TBSIISURAILILL.. Wks! implies 8 plies Is s•ee1VSM is 5A. IMO from 5o. up. Doli be dusty. Buy alM.- Special attention paid to AMERICAN TOILET ARTICLES and PERFUMERY. . G O O D E CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK. OUR BAKING POWDER is perfectly pare, containing only Tow_ • Is THE TIME To Tblak of a PURE CREAMTARTARAND BEST BI -CARBONATE OF SODA-_,$PRIN.G x TON IC. ..„ty good onee, but IMMO T lar te lie Good a. our IRON TONIC BITTERS. The Reason for Colds is not over yet. We expect to 011 moreT` _�� .-1=' To 144:::1 utter 3�A11cH and /lent an in.All the zeq of the Wisher. .tj. E. DAVIS, Phut, A. `: If nukes Biscuits, Oakes and all Pastry. -- `4` '- r LIGHT. PALATABLE AND DIGESTIBLE. (live lt a trial. For Sale only by -_ ,�... II AMT Chemist and Druggist. • • l l Otioe TO t3redltOPS. Situations' Vlieant. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. GENERAL wages. SERVAApply NT WANTED: Hl,Ibest M MRS- GAR - Hotta, is booby given to all pergolas baring ROW, tt datum against the estate of John Newell. late of the Town of Oooerlon. carpenter. who dyed on or about the bob day of July 1857. to send pO.nor before • of October 1567, full rtla0leum of'theeir claie iith ms to the undersigned Iheonter of the estate. The said Executor will. atter the said date, roomed to distribute the estate among the the ental entitled ',Mon o- h•vtng regard only to do. has bees reoetved. Dated too 18th da of 8e timber. 1M7. 5 1'1(I7 -IP HOLT. Exsonter. Wee s Btteneeila-Wali, lisett wlaY fF'r hibon all (a Moldy em Mr. Mme.- taewti *MS Mk. II+ fit i671111& Maxloot row feet -rule .4f Yee mad iso y Kid* le }0e* 10K AMl t0 11e�1.s�b.0.e iit a rli y►b W 41P �l� . ����`�.. .V'a '.siia,•A,a,.a1<�ci�tr:i The soft maples are (edam; rid of their summer oosteme. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Ito the smatter of the relate of Joseph Wu- .l[abeed- Notloi9ff 16�b716erb7 Mem. pa..nabi is shatter 110 of the devised Statutes of Ontario and amewdtttg acts, that all creditors •cd other p.r.oas baring claim. ageism the sst•u of Joseph Wwlams. lets of the Town of Godo- rick, la the County of Huron, lumber mer- °haat, deoewd. who died 05 or about the 6th day of Jed 1851. are required to deilver to Mrs. Aim N. Witham.. of the Tows of Gods r3mh the sz ontrix of the estate of the said de seta d. ving their aimase idr.angeets ,, with fu td sad proob of their claims sad the mature of the seoarity to an11 Iu1d b themon or before the 50th day of k•p1.mter, 187. atter which ..id date the said executrix will proceed to distribute the e.eets of the maid deceased =We parties angled thereto. having only to the claims or which the said easoatriz shall then here notloe, and the said executrix will act he liable for the mamba so distributed, or any part thereof to any Penson er person, whose *Wm shall not have beet reeeired at the time of the said dt.MbnUoe. MRS. ANN L WILLIAMS. Executrix. Dated at God.rlcb this 16th day of August, A. D. 1107. 164 Dress Malclne. SERVANT WANTED -APPLY TO AIRS. MoOILI.ICUDDT, 77 Wsshst. BOY WANTED -TO LEARN THE Drlgooda buds.... moat be mmen, se• tie. and honest. App .rating age to box 888, SIGNAL omen Foe NOW Oi TO Rent. rpm LET - A HOUSE WITH NINE 1 rooms, • good cellar. town water. con• mislead to the square. Apply. to MRS. DR. MoLE('D. Hrsee•e1. •. _ - --'1L FOR BALE -A le STORY FRAME dwelling on Platos street. now occupied b1 John Reid, and a frame eottage on Mei - tante Road. now oo0utiled by Mimes MoOtlli- c eddy. For particular, apply to JOHN REID on the preml.... 18-4 riOR SALE OR TO RENT. -STORE L' and dwelllnp at Oaribw, County of H uron, seven miles from Goderloh. Prat alam building and good cellars. A sloe trade can be done. Rent low. P O. in oonoeotlon. Apply to W. W. McDONAOH. Carlow, Ont., or to J. A. YcIXJNAOH, 40 Wellington St Wad. Toronto. tL L'0R SALE. -ONE OF THE BEST 1 farce In Western Ontario Lot Loom o on a township of Colborne, Hlme - d on Huron County, 100 acres. Good Olay soil- Spring water. Hee been oout'nnotdy in pasture for 1l years. 1st ala.s large frame barn 40 by 1/. Frame hones and kitchen. Store and P -b- 00 the premises. Excellent gravel rods. $1,000 cash, balance at met per et interest Apply to r. W. Ma DONAOH, Carlen P.O., int., or to J. A. Ma DONAGH. 40 Wellington 8t last Toronto. tt, DR888 MAKING --MRS. MATHEWS ? has mnved Into the rooms in MoLeaa'i bleak, emit to Dr. Tarnball's °doe. DRE.% MAKING. - TSE 1118588 (twins, of Sarnia, have opened Dress Making Rooms at their resideacia la� Yio- toile and Bruosa„ p3•aed to be favored with a share of the Patronage of the ladies of Oodertak and ylolnity. Satii.faotory work guaranteed. Reasonable pries., 31. t R. COUSINS. Scanted. s WANTED -TO RENT, A ROOM OR two se.11 ones suitable tor • riving room for a boy wishing to board himself. Oa*. on or near Sgg�tanterted., Apply to box 1/0, BIGYAL Orfrl _. WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN- tore Shed ro aoer� a.torulebsd room where la there stable resole?1 WICEng' d omrea. Address. '' A " SIGNAL YilslLtilO I<%•ne.s• TME MI'SE'RLY -'1KA e -r REPO 1. W LANE. L78UER OF MARRIAGE weptisg 0a. .pter mb16. 107.• Iri NUS ism Maim -What a NOVO. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Part of Lot a Concession C, Goderlob Tows. omntainlna 3 14 sores of land. There 1. situated on the property • good 14 story briog dwelling. with kitchen attached sad with sellar under the whole bone, This L a really first alam place and will be sold en reasonable terms. roe particulars apply to PHILIP HOLT. Barrien Goderlch. Dated 6th Jt I t .1851. 10-tt FOR SALTS .. TO RENT -FOR RALE or to rent, tLs dwelling on Nelson -et. at present occupied t 5. lmeeth. It contains L5 rooms. Including drawing room. dining room, parlor and kitchen and has a library. a number of closets, pantries and • good cellar Thine la half an acre of land tastefully planted with shrubs and draft Meet, and an ezoelleat laws. Apply to 1. MEET%, an the pro - Medical Ha11. FOR YOUNG WOMEAI "ALMA." Ar toes Couscs, St. Thomas Ont. A residential school lot scum women. De1*) .Mt' toed in 8 acre park. as the peen attendance d any ladles coilete in Ontario. Vrite for catalogue to Rev. R. I. Warner, principal. 41.11.4COLLEGE. 87. TMOeAL OMT- HELLMUTH LADIES COLLEGE LONDON, ONT_ Malt Terme w 111 beat. ea Wed. Sept. 164h, Four Graduation Comses,also Klective courting FEES, Board, etc., and A ademk Studies *275. per yell SUOIC. •RT, ITC., EXTRA - �A Budget d NIMier•et Bursaries itehee.R11T+' to ei001w111 be awarded to students at entrance - For eehtpder ad4rees ; REV. E.N. ENCLIS11.13. . frin'I. New Maohlne 4110118. NEW MACHINE SHOPS -ALL KINDS of Repair Work deme at Reaeos iia Prf.ns. Warming Implements for sale. Mach- old second band, bought and.soid. Boilers for sale. Stand-BHsattmms earner Victoria a.d Tree= TER RUNCIMAN. 0� r OR SALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT i• and gram farm on • good road within d: ells of Clinton. The lot is No. 67, Maitland Oonoe.ston, Oodertoh township. and contains 75 sores. It yield, annually from 80 to 100 barrels of Winter apples, and Is a mood In ���� thean¢ 4slpg g Np cl loam. L ra N6: I one house ds theis�, i toed with Moos stables underneath, and It la well Llere.em. Wlmrleb Oat d41 Il I w.rered in every 8.1d. A lerse portlos of the paroteee money may remain on mortgage. Por tones. eta, appDle to THOS. BURNS, Car- low P. 0.. oete W. W. IARRAN. Clinton. Vali Wheat 0 t. M 066 Flour. dandle. par owl-- •••1 60 M 1 M roar. * tell . per tll.t....«..,,,11 00 to OS Brpe�a�•+ttquma ......;::...:... 11 ee loll Or BaM M Dari .... w.. •• ...«••••••.• 0 !! M 0 OA ��IrfM►......».......�.•e... tion New Rq t 0M •-•� Potato...TO ....-....••••»•. M 0 N OISle015 g, Rater. O �.... 0 11 te 011 5 OS to t IN Pe▪ lta Idanbillettet .m Rase COMO 040to06e 040to060 400t616 Haman,•.•: