HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 4774.1 tit;"
4 T>svaaDat, Sept. 18, 188t
s aad+u
• � t
p��OF • •
Ws do not wish t0 'furry Over • KM&
Bicretm, therefore we offer at ridicu-
lously low Prices all our Livery
Wheels, some of which are very slight.
I) used.
If You are Looking for a Snap
813;11) U8.
Na, • have Wheels from N to Klee.
Cyolometere at fee. and tee.
Weeder» at *1.00 worth *tee.
1151..Sverything at Bargain Dfly
u6""vaf- -EMERSON.
ST D. ■ea1S,MdCtSST
Terme of aab•eripsler
One month, to advance 11
Three months, M
81z SS
Vas year, •• .r. 1 fes
and other usual advertisements, loo
pe1 ne for Ars[ tneertion, and 8 oens per line
rm• each subsequent insertion. Measured by
• Doeppaarenll scale.
Baalneee Dards of six lines and under, $8 per
' Advertisements of Lost. Pound Arrayed
8ltnacioes Vae•,•t, !Muttons Inanted and
Raciness Char. a Wanted not xoeeding E
t'!'fstiect esesperetl. *[Lang month. . r ..-• - '- -
Houses on Ba.e and Farms oa Sale. sot to
mooed /lines. g1 for first month, 80e. per sob -
segment month. Larger advis, in proportion
Any speolal notice, the object of which is to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi-
vidual or romper', to be oonaldered me ad.
weenie -runt and chanted aeror4tnely.
Loral notices In nonpareil type one oeat per
word, nominees lees than RSo.
Lore' notion, In ordinary reading type two
Bente per word, No noltos for less than Dub.
Bodeen for churches and other religious end
beaevoleal institutions halt rate
8ubeeriber who fill to receive Tan Sweat
regularly by mall, will o.of.r a favor by ao-
even:ideg mot the fact at a. early to deceits
Wa change of address is desired. bean
;Me old and the new addrgsasienld be vs.
Publasiees [renes, "-
J. C. Ise Teasel, of Goderlch, has been ap
pointed I.onal Travelling Agent for the town-
ships of Uodericb, Colborne. Aahfield and Wa
Loral postmaster' over the district are also
empowered to ren. ve subscriptions to Tam
All oommunioations mor be addressed
Ibex At,
Smiopboa6oe Ca1100 Tan derlohrloh Out
EVERY year or two [tome new
scheme comes ep which has a tendency to
bleed Ontario in the interest of one or
odter portions of this great Crerfederation
and other quarters of the world. There
was a time when the gridironing of Quebec
and the Maritime Provinces with Govern-
ment railroads, and the subsidies incident
thereto, made of this Province the milch-
cpw, as Ontario has always been the largest
onntrihutor to the keeping up of the Do-
minion treasury. It is not, howetler, of the
public bleeding that wedeefre tip speak,
but the bleeding of the public ID title MOORS -
Mid pabulum for the sharks who make the
remote districts their stamping grounds.
• • •
Ontario did a great deal to give
British Columbia its first boost, and
tent acme gond blood and treasure to de.
velope that Province in its initial stags.
Huron County sent them a man who became
Premier in the person of Jam Romani,
formerly of Bayfield. Later on this part of
Ontario took up Manitoba and the North-
west as a new field, and threw men and
7 money galore into it. In the early eighties,
almost every other man met on Main-st.;,
Winnipeg, was from either Huron or
Bruce, and the amount of capital sent from
these two counties alone was enormous and
Its never found its way back. Huron ales
Pent MIanit ba a Premier in the person 'of
the Hon. Trico. GRFINWAY. Then there
was the great exodus of inen and 'means to
I7tkota, and North Dakota in particular
became almost • perfect duplication of
Western (Ontario. later, there was • fur-
ther sprinkling of population and dollars
into i he Territories, and the chief sufferer
was this Province. Last year the Roseland
mining ,•rare attacked Ontario and its
'Arden,* succeeded in again depleting the
hank aonounta, poekeb-hooks and old stock-
ings of r.o nsidershle of the available good
money which neuld have been more pro
perly applied to mors omelet and resnune
/retire purposing. Now the Klondike is the
'bee ip the bonnet and, like its forerunners,
ie likely to be prod[* of more sting than
e 5 e
When one considerr how Ontario
has held its own ander all of its great be
setmrnta in the past twenty years, it is
enough to make him feel that he is a eitisen
Of no mean Province. To -day with, large
mop' and fair prices. It begins to look as if
the greet old timers 04 wheat at $l.fiOand la
a bushel were again in sight, when all that
*so wanted was health and industry and •
determination to grew up with ihi, country;
sod when a Mesh farm was alwurs )costed
on the highway to a competency. But al
tlwlwgh things look brighter than thy bath
been fro some yeses, these will •t 11,a611a
-'Cur t;,ir.:eiady stt1vieo ftw s revedeab"$wbS
that there num was. The fa,Mak lite
showed his pitbeds ; the bealnees Mae, to
be suoossafd mw -*•days, must follow
different +codes ; and the a o,uent of
speculation has been more largely developed
than ever before. The social and political
condition". we changed, and time method*
And manner* of the pest are fast becoming
Memories. , r
. There was a time when • line of
dgearkatiol wu etrungly drawn between
the agriculturist and the business section 01
the community -- when, fur inetanux,
Furn ere' Day et the big Provincial Fair was
farmers' day indeed, and the horny -tinted
is of toil,' with their stalwart Sone,
uxom wives and blooming daughters, ga.e
unmistakable evidence of the lwtetite of
honest labor, exercise, and fresh air, 'to a
great,er extent than many of their city
CUUNflN, whrmc lives were supposed ro be
cast iter mora pleasant places and more
sedentary txs•upatiotw. In the old days
blue jeans avid winceys were largely in evi-
dence at the big agmual gatherings, and it
was sufficient for a Huron man W know
that another man carne from Brute or Perth
to make them fraternize as brethren from
the unit' Tract. It isn't so today` Our
blue ane aitc wtiuryei' 01) eu c
coded, so far as we are able to do it, by pur-
e and fine linen that anent closely into
competition, if it +toetm's stand quite along-
longside if that of the city "dudes" and
"dudeeees,* and the formality 61 a stately
introduction is insisted upon by Romulus
from the same town, village and township
who now meet -at the fair. In feet, we
provincials are getting to be se part:bulks.
as the city man named SItrrii, who super-
ciliously remarked that a man named
BaowN lived on one aide of him a man
named Jos es on the other aide, bet. he
duln' know on which side either Bawds or
Jove; lived. Bit owN and Jonis' heard of
the matter and got together to determine
whether the Sumer whotiradb00ween them
was the well-known and ubiquitous JOHN
4 sir an ordinar% Black -Smith.
But to return to the Big Fairs.
Last week and the week before Toronto
held its Industrial, and it is not neoeesary
to say that the outside points were well
represented. Toronto does not do much for
the big fair in the shape of attendance, and
were it not for the tt-o��wxx-t towns, vvilla� . aad Lack
townships there WO.atn be enoug
fair left for the aldermen and the manage.
ment to quill r tel over. This year the at-
tendance from outside was larger than' ever,
and the Fair, as a fair, was • fine exhibition,
but, the grand stand features were
away back, and the great Victorian pageant
was behind the age, by a considerable term.
The old-time speeding in the ring and the
trapeze work argil other specialties were not
to the fore, and the result was a lean grand
stand attendance, especially in the after-
noons. One would have thought that the
grand stand, with its quiet and sedate
feature», would have drawn largely from the
real good people who, in the past, have oh.
jetted to the high kickers and seminude
display, but it didn't, and even the gentle-
men of the cloth who,on previous occasions,
had front seats in the grand stand, so that
they could talk, from personal experience
against the performance, were eenspieeous
by their aheence. Like the man who didn't
go tochurch, because he had everyoonfldence
in his preacher, the good people didn't
patronize the grand stand because the per-
formance was cxtnducted with Y. M.C. A.
deowrum, and the Ama »kites didn't throng
to any great extent because there were in
"strong sights" to see. Between ourselves,
there ought to lie l medium display which
would attract the heathen without shocking
BOY A QuaRT.a'e Woara.-Buy • guar
ter's worth of leery Soap aad ,,nese the
-werghs of the mw.moth twin bar w the
wiudow, which wi,l be Ririe away to the
one gaesatnr nearest the *igh'. Usoxut+
PALSY. The Haoi. on street Groeer. ?t
Ari lsquseT.-Coreoer Dr Aolines. 00
the swore inforotetiou of F. M. Russell, of
A.hflsld township, held an iu lout un Sat-
atday at Dungapaoo oa the bwly of • b.by
Doi a day old. Tbe laformeat stated that
be believed that the child had outsO to its
death from violence or unfair moos. From
the evidwoe Riven at the inquest it appears
that Jessie Hart of Ashfield, aged 17, gave
birth to • child un August 17th, that the
tame day the intent was buried in the gar•
den near Icer parents' residence, and that
Ibe And was horn during .bs absence of
the girl's parents to Godertob. On the ro-
tors of the parents, the child bnag dead it
was buried in the garden plot, the family
not having • lot to the temetery Dr. Mu
ROA. who had examined the body, gave evi•
deooe, rod at the cut.eIusiou of the use he
oorooer summed up and the jury, returned
the following verdict : "That the ohrld did
oome to acs death oa the 17, b day of Augus
1897, at its mother's house in Arhdeld tear
want of prover attentipn at its birth, but no
blame is attached to anyone. The men
Russell, who laid the ioformatiao 1s the
person who was charged a few weeks since
vlith ortminblly athtbet9^irig"fife i�f1 8ki'E,
and his trial on said charge is set dews for
the assize ootut next week. -
TKR Coir.au rm Ir•suer.-••OF.thb
past few years the trustees of the Collegiate
Institute have been try.og to snake the
town College perfect as an educational
institution, and with this end In view have
made additions to the building and placed
to the uieao* rooms secret minerals and in-
struments required to make it • perfect
laboratoty Still there was one ttiue
needful, and that was 000ventent sod por-
tion sanitary rrraogemeote, but there was
no sewer.• system, heves the needful Im-
provement oonld not be made. Some two
months emu, however. the *ottani shred
to extend the **were(/' system, and as the
new brooch would allow • 000•eotion from
the Institute. the trustees at once started
the work that makes the Goderioh Collegiate
Isatttnte -the moat complete educational
establishment 10 Western Ontario. The
changes meds 000sist In ooaverting half of
the third floor into LRP $4l „Moan)... ,gpR
Rhe is and one for CWe boys, and as
the work has been :ars ,d out in •000tdanoe
with the strictest sanitary rules, the job
ie • perfect one. and -ensue oonliderahle
credit on the Collegiate Institute Board tor
initiating and carrying to oompletiet an
imrrovsm.nt that o•noot brte add to the
health and be • convenience to every
student to attendaooe.
eltiltres _Cotuetemttci.-A-peoafier
eeinoidenoe, whiob is worth repeating here,
was related to us a few days ago. Ignitable
to two termer worthy oitiseme of this
vicinity, who have some time ago departed
ibie.lite. The parties aro the late James
Dloksot, Eon.. and the late $r. William
lattpWll, of Tuckeremith. It thetas Admit,
daring Their life time there was • close in-
timacybetween the two men. Mr. Camp-
bell aways plowed the utmost confidence is
Mr. Dickson, and very frequently unsuited
him about business affairs sod intrusted
him to transact tmporMat business for him.
Mr. Diokson, of coarse, in those early days
A Nova soon* LADY aaYi, "1 omen= DR.
Rrom the Amherst N.S., 8entlael.
Tne lugged aad the •trooM de not •ppre-
(date to its full extent the blessing of per -
fact health. 11 s only those who have
fussed through a ttytug ilinees who feel
Lha• heelth le • treasure to be prized more
than attest or gold. Among those who
heve erperienoed ins truth ot the 1. Miss
Sebe Rector, of West River Herbert, N.S.
1h s laity has passed tnruugh a trying and
ss.rimini. nine... from which happily re-
lief was fouod throu_b the tnedinm of a
medioino that has lot-•':ght health and
strength to thousands ot ..[hers, aad whose
medical virtues will work equally good re-
sults in all Daae• war• u is given • fair trial
Mies Rector says :-'• I feel it is my duty to
recommend Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills, as
tle y"have deae-wonders is1 nib. Abouti
two yeirs ago 1 became very ill wit[►• oom-
pllcaiioa of diseases. I was aaffaring with
iad gestion, biliousness and the resulting
nervous disorders, such as Kok headache.
lo • ot aopettte, and flashes of heat and
ool 1. I began doctoring, and although I
had the best of caro I seemed to grow
worse every day. I slept but little and
when lying down would grow so hot and
suffer from a eenaation of imothenng that I
would find it necessary to arise. Than the
other extreme would Dome aad I Weald
shiver with cold. Time wore on and there
was no improvement to my oowditioa. 1
was not able to do .ay work about the
hours, and even the exertion of mortar
about would tire me out. If I attempted
to walk any dI.taaw or burned in the least
1 woald gasp tor breath and oonld scarcely
spa ak. I had a very poor appetite, and
what food 1 ate did not seem t., agree with
me or furnish seeded nourisbmeat, mod I a1 -
so suffered with • severe pain its my side
and bank. Daring them time I tried many
remedies bat they gave me no relief witfllI
over. I had teoome ee weak aad sty ppr.
tem had so run dos• [het life was a herd[
to me. At this stage my attention wee di-
rected to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I der
termird to give them a trial. Atter thing
four boxes I telt mo much better that hope
and e.00ursgement name to gas oaoe mere.
I oonti.ud the use of the Pink Pitt. aad
Lound myself steadily gaintag health aad
.t.ength. By- the -time 1 bad seed four
trivia more 1 had !ally megained health sad
strength, sad I am rot only able to do my
full share of household work, but also to •t-
rend to my Sabbath school olaes and other
oterob duties. I look epee Dc. Williams'
Pink Pills •e �t sir pgffmrityg.
De. Williams' Pick Pills area spentlo for
the troubles which make the lives of AO
okay women a burden. and sosedily reMeres
toe rick glow of health to pale end .*flew
•beets Scold by ell dealers, a Neat by
mail postpaid, at 50o. • box, or six bone fee
82.10, by addressing the Dr. W UY•tas
DOLLARS to PEANUTS you'll be tickled
into new life if you use
Rice's Pure Salt
The Imo. lmeoical-- Chemical Company, Limited,
The Western Fair is on this week,
and has been well patronized feign this part
of the Province. The Great Northwestern
will ne held in C.oderich next week, and
eterponq,bere and hereshout is looking for
a veg.- successful exhibition. The re-
mainder of the month and well into October
will -be taken up with other county fairs,
after which we t ay expoot a settling down
preparatory to the exhibition of the political
pyroteehuies which will be the prelude to
the next Provincial election. Manager
WHITNEY has been endeavoring to run a
few displays here and there between the
fall fairs, but the consensus of opinion ap-
pears to be that the ordinary shows have
ore-empted this time of the year, and that
it is impossible to work up the enthusiasm
neoeessry to make politica a suceces when
the abnormal marigold and the enlarged
pumpkin have the floor. This doesn't seem
to be a good year for enthrsisam in potitire,
anyhow, and unlesi there he a waking up
that no one can conceive of now the die
cusaion ttf pnlitia►l brume will be as dull
as ditchwater,
Svelte Woii*N INTmamvTan.-Tbe in-
terior of the thousand of the meet stens
ttwe bootee to the Ushd States have .how
photographed by The I. •din' Rome Jennie!.
Ose h.ndrd of the hest of those pioteres
will be reproduced in that inseam. . The
first •rtiele of the eerie»--" inside et •
Rasdrd Homes "- will appear in the Ow
labor �enra'. Hee*ohambees. r•eaepttye
and dining roosts, b•tbroosss, hall. sed ap-
pertinent. of every kind will he pictured
jest as they are in daily rise. itab piston
esetalw drag ot eugeetioae. Every
woman is t•ta/Mted is okbag • peep lab
the most &MsMtive heave m the 1•.d, b
mos haw they are furnished aad evinced.
She waste to the praetioal hints add oew
Mw der faraiehieg her own. The housed
pbetograNed by the Journal are these ewe.
pied by peewee of moderate [neem». Tlelr
Iot.rier are nionism% shows what verfeee
noes ass •000mol1b with • bulb 'ses.y
and the teeth of a wemaa'. deft »sets,
Hesse. Is every State is thaw Vales -1r.,.
Milne to Oahfseale-tear» phetsarapbed ler
the Jeereal'e raises sad eeeful aeries.
e►tam. iA*A. ds•.t iiiie .fid 1.MItM �"
yea mass he a Ilatle
eeteider aad set .sold ea Yea s.., 0
it wase' es yea welshes t les • readmit
wee in business in Egmondville and repre-
sented the district in Parli•menr. Thirty-
five or forty years ago Mr. Cam,bvil became
possessed et a oonsiderable sum of money
bequeathed to him by his tatter. Having
•o immediate um for the mousy, he gave it
hlond-8r 11 .e., to teveat (or ham.
Some years after that Mr. Camphvll died,
and nothing more was heard about the
money until • vear or two before Mr. Diok-
son's death. The heir of Mr. Campbell, In
some way thaw thereto mese data smear/
his papers whish 1d them to believe that
this money had than riven to Mr. Dickens.
They •pphod to him about it Thirty years
or more having slowed eines the srmam-
aotren, Mr. Dioktoe had forgotten all about
it, and ooeld not bring it to his reooleetios.
However, he knew that 11 be bed reoelved
the money he had deposited it la the Bank
of Montreal, which was the only bank dolma
business is these parts at the time. Ac-
oordiagly he went to the Rank of Montreal
at Goslorieb and • short search revealed
the Not that the mosey had been lying
there at Interest in Mr. Campbell's name,
where it had been deposited by Mr. Diak-
eon, over thirty years before.--A.•fortb Zs -
C. E Ir U.
The following are the topics for the dig•
ferret young people'..00ietiee whiob meet
during the week :
North -.t Methodist thumb EL. of C.E.,
Fr.day evwteg at 8 o'oleok. On Beth.
17th there will be a review of Bible study
and ouesnon drawer, led by Rev. Joseph
Knox Qineoh Y.P.S.C.R., meet with
the etheraT prayernmeting in Temperanee
Hall on Wednesday evening. The topic for
Sops, 21, .. bveing one's Ute end badlag ter,"
Joao 12 : 18. 20, 26. Queailee 93, led by
Willie MoCreatb.
All aro oordi•Yy invited to attend Meth
meetings, which are he d ia the helpmeets
of the cliff/net shurehes. Membere from
other eoeiMlee -ere Invited to be proses).
One.aon.t, Sept. 21, 22 .ad 25.
Wiegbese, Sept. 28 and 90.
Myth. Oet. b tad 6.
Pahaersba, Sept 17 aad 20.
Lemke Shpt 9 to 18.
Waikato... Sept. 15 aad 16.
Matter d, Sept. 93 ..d 111.
Qhreed. `rpt 23 mod fl.
Kuril Central, Qrt.., Sept 98 be 29.
South Huss, lather. S.pi. 20 sad 21.1
Hay ethreelip, Zurich. Sept 22 am! 2.
T.ckw.wb; leder* Sept Used f0.
- .k
Morris be.., Myth. ().t 5 aid
Sept. 16 to 9d.
Omni. Quaid, Sect 16 ant 16.
=f1cpe. 9l aid!"
e Yikikalelsedi Oafr, 3.
Y I Bsibas d lidlisw•� oblbn
Medid.t Co., Brockwl*, Ont. Beware of
imltstlea* end subeatates alleged to be
" j•at as geed."
Miss 9ra►am who bad been eejonrahg let
Oars Greve nursed home late week_
Important Events in Few Words
For Busy Radare•
Me her Wee5•. etMtam' C.s.HdMy
Compiled end Pica lase Mindy mut
Assr.Msvw Nemo OW the »indene et
ear user -A lestld maser's m•)efmame
d rae*vsNea 1wtemeatses.
Port Elgin suffered severely by Sr.
on Sendaii.
A lane handing occupied by four
toot sod sloe maneracturtrs et St.
Bosh, (teethe, was burned, and the loss -
SI ars very heavy. About 410') employee
are thrown oat of Week.
it la repotted et abide that the Afri-
die are yMlkecttug m gibe Bathe Valley
for an ittteck oa either Bare or Jam-
rod -
A despatch from Jlgande states that
a thd0ny' him broken out raiding the
troops of the Congo Free State, .and I hat
the miatllts' o hi 'tif'y-n.ne; Belglau
oIDccw aid melt. fmar
14•11 .110.40 MUM1rr.IVOr. .
Tbg b0Rlltlg of a rail dby trots J ane* u
Os Lake Teefgt h non Ramped which!
will teethe the thole to the - KMndrke
6t 1 urg wCagle
Lo ck
malty %matedoaus tburday
Panning of Me le* Motor car oyer
♦sultbialom iheaserwla of lib. Boslfais
Lettering heft • eaddxu attack of
Tbg.I NT dr Mena arrived In Parte on
lie =1:10=4 •p hi• reddunce In
a by the Govern-
®r Wlltdd IlialiZias wired Mr. {,
H. Meto, that he would
visit ?A*agb tM h and Ott of Oe-
MINIM tedirma 'as mama.
Iia et Leedom
show its jattoopnla 62. der -
1•a jfi! t tit of lfitla.
d siquessatatirse from
till most l■ Tomato that
flat. of tai
as Mange-
n.tedded net to mi'
ele t. • »occas[
'1t�J.. .,Patina
d ill. Mew Roan
Has MOvEo
Into the Store recently occupied 1337
where he has room to show the largest Stock of
ever shown in Goderich. 1s the Goods are all of
the latest Style and Fashion and marked at the
lowest impossible figures. He invites all
avVisitors to
f:eL4 ,. •..us...>csathilblb'hfat to- h.aess",J did "•+--Kae .
�. suss at YI ooatWLOCI were nets oununy,
Rev. Principal Grant preaching the ...p-
etting sermons.
The notorloua sermon preached by
Father 011ivier at the dine of the fire
at the Paris Charity Baser has ted to
his removal from the pulpit of the Ca-
thedral at Notre Dame.
B. John L `Lynch, priest of
Nlagsraoo-the-I °, le ead.
Frankthe Hungarian arch-
aeologist ander blicist, is dead.
Mr. Andrew Irving, Registrar of
Deeds for Bestrew County, died at Pem-
w-=Kis -Swiss, Mei of aie lli tr'Ittag-
ton Fire Brigade, is dead after • short
Bev. James Kine*, pastor of Division
Street Methodist Church, Cobouri. died
at Clifton Springs. N.Y.
Since the alliance between France aad
Russia was announced the tone, of the
German press has changed, and there
is now a dtepe eition to mare the frimad-
ship of Great Britain.
fir Charles Hibbert Tupper cloned his
argument before the Behring Sea Oone
mission. This completed the general
argument on behalf of Great Britain,
which bas lasted nearly three week*.
According to the arran`` nt made, the
British coup:lel proceeded to deal with
the claims of the seined vessels in de-
Owing to the failure of crops the
southern portion of Russia is threaten-
ed with a famine.
The latest intelligence from Labrador
confirms the reports of the com',lete
failure of the cod fishery this season.
The Earl of Cadogan, Viceroy of Ire-
land, has issued a statement to the etet-
fect that the reports of famine prospects
in Ireland are lnjustiflable.
Ireland is likely to hi visited by tn-
mine the coming winter, as the potatoes
are nearly all destroyed by blight and
the heavy rains have ruined the oats
and other crops.
The trial of the electiou petition
against Mr. J. A (}11115., M.P. for Rich-
mond, was con ed at Ariehat, 1.8.,
and the eche was dismissed. ,
The news comes from Ottawa that /tie
Oliver Mowat, Minister of Justice. 1x11
quit politics very shortly by beenmpg
Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario. rile
wants Senator Mille to emceed him -
In regard to the complaints made by
Unitel States distillers against the Ca-
nadian Custom laws, regarding the ship-
ment of whiskey in packages, Mr. Pa'er-
son, the Minister of Customs, says that
there has been no change in the law in
this regard aim. 1888.
wirtosva w vRLD.
The Trades Union Conereee, at pre-
sent in session in Birmingham, passed
a resolution vigorously _protesting ngarnst
�• e�s.rewt MUM tabor; another
**solution was passed declaring in favor
of the Rational federation of all trades
and industries.
Th. big mining strike Is practicany
over, the men having aecetted the coop
ptomtse terms offered by the optston,
bet aatarttm enl the Int day of the
sQugde war disf gored with blood, tie
e deputies having tired npua
marching mirs near Ha -epos, ra.,
Mang POMO men sad wounding mans
.v iC1 DRi.
♦ FOCUS mea named West was found
it Ireedoby the police in a kelpies.
� -W
o*editiottr�. fi! ransomed xed W the -WV -4'
pital, where he committed suicide by
taking carbolic acid.
A well-dressed yoang woman, who re -
glittered at the Cadillac Hotel, Montreal,
as Mina Warner of New York. was
found dead in bed, with two empty bQt-
11es that had contained carbolic acid by
her aider
Baron von Bebrader, a lieutenant ha
the" Germany army, who has been at
Ostend defies the cadre mama, com-
oopmitted suicide on Thursday evening,
havins lost a fortune of eighty thousand
pounds in gambling.
lfalmer.: On S•tarday et last week see
of J. Wegil's *eye mot with whet mirk[ -t
have beet • edema sesideat Be out otter
bays were playing ermine the seer mill, said
be got astride W. Las's horse whiob wee
bitched to the wages. The horse took
fright at the leg oar. which we8 bdaa east
out of the mill, aad ran away. The boy
held onto the hareem estil he wee eat of
the yard, when be fell and the wagon paved
ever hie body. Dr. Maoklta was sett fer,
and es bis arrival is was leased thee oam of
the boy's I Sage trussed. Though
waorfag . we are pissed to
Imre that be 11• demg me we'I es sea he ex.
Credible : Remaly . ma,1 dog weed
northward, sod is Ib trait Wt proofs of
Bartow damage. It west tar the hew of
Joseph (iasis*, bit kis dog, wormed the
tool sod did Recent depredation. Aa far
as koowo t1 ext Tinted the farm of Mr.
Lamport and hit several of him aseelo, end
then diesppesrd, nobody knows rant.
Some days after the biting of Mr. Oaseiao's
dog his own dog but bum. 11 was Im•
mediately despaeohd upon .bewtag eigw of
hydrophobia, end Mr. G. left as oath for
the Pasteur Institute, Chbwe. for treat-
ment, and he to deiag lithely. Mr. Law -
port's cattle beesme affeoted and several of
them had to be shot. There is considerable
excitement in the towaahip, everybody sn-
bleipating the development of the rabies
apes their aremfeee.
True liberty muses freedom to f e rights
asking it hard to do wrong aad easy M de
r gbt.
If so the only Ready-Mada Clothing to
700 can get to fit you parf•Ctly is . .
Shorey's Make
If your desks does not carry Srorey'e
Clift Siam get him to order for yo..
Fall Opening,
3B1[, 3 83 IFaNnaQ
When w(1 111111 bsve t»1 Rxhibitiotl' ea dtjgaat
Collection der .8ea•on'a Repratentative Factories.
You are • bulbi to come and see o* gsiiblt,
TRUBSDAY, $*PT. !8 sed Mow* Awe.
-...,_...s..5, »,.earn.'t p.
0. W. ANDREWS) lute.
Je� A-...., �r•r