HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 3THE SIGNAL:: GODERICH ODTTARIO.
Your tn&letyr is for ' your
delicate child; the child
that in spite of all your aw-
ful over -watching.,, keeps
dein and pale. Exercise
moo m weaken ler gad
food fa to •nourish. Tbait,
child neeas•&cott�'s Emu�ioln
with the Hypophosphites--
not as a medicine, but as
a food containing all the
elements of growth'. It
means rich blood, strong
bones, healthy nerves, sound
digestion. No child refuses
Scott's Emulsion. It is
pleasant and palatable.
tie:OTT & BOWNE, NdisvW., oat
r RICHo12AIe; °�. ..., A.. -
near t. evwtatt.
Roam* opposite the Poet Omoe
Gold Fl1U.s, Crowns and
Bridge Work • Specially.
35 Ysan Expert nee.
L• M. MA11EE, D.D.M. t..U.H
TAL SUPratiteN.-Latest and approved
methods for all dental operations. ''reserve
los of the natural teeth a p clalty Meg
over James Robin a'e dry c Qs store cor-
ner of Weet tit, ant lie square.
JM. TURN ILL, D.D 8., LD.a-
. Dental eurseion. (Lately associated
with Lir. Dixon. of Montree 1 Goll and poroe-
isin, artlaotal Meth mounted on gold or alum-
scion of the wtaralmtoot� Og4.even to
clean's sew block. 9011-tf
U T A. THOIIyOM. M. D., C. Al
e1 ' dens et aware ee. Mwreel Strwa.
LJ mon. to Mos -Brum street. the nal-
-Abaco lately itousa \ tgh-
oalls from fib dl en i. T'lvphesie M.
A Wow, Winters Tips .( Jouraallasa
Rested a I1. Oedemas sod Rake. It
ea )Mai Reading .. the eletltluse
AORSI•R Kleh.r.
And now comes Klosdyka jomrnalian.
It is a small, pale yellow tour -page
per, priuted in large type, and catUtd
'rhe Kkwdyke Morning limes. The
number which has tome to Press nin-
ths is "Vol. One! Nu. Our; Buy Oue."
ritkr per copy $7.511; $350,000 a yeyar.
it is dated udwson City, July 32, 1307,
and rimy have (some duwu by carrier
pigeon. Every page is n plea with
eyes and tuformatlou.
First (sours the greeting, "here we
are. Now ray it to our face," followed
by an apology for the color of the pa-
1t ie due to our reside' ; to say- that
we hope to be able to p. rut ou white
paper next spring. The Indian who
tried to carry our paper over Chilkoot
I'uss had the misfortune to stub h1,
toe, which started him toboggeuing down
u declivity of seveu miler oto Death
Cauou. He did not rejoin the party.
We ..re iudebted to tioapine Saw, our
genial grvicer for the loan of a ream
of wraappppiug aper on which to ,riot
t1Mtr 1r.El4„ - ,trq„ret,. ,a ..
to return -_4h15 paper to Sam atter read-
ing it, as be utteds It for wrapping
ewun.•.l peaches, of which he hue a
flue bread fur sale et reutarkably low
in.. eller. Conv.1enoer. ke, ')moa -Oa
Ea.tlton street ! doors east of � Lotus
Brea' dry gouda store.
Masher. Dietary Patella Atheism's
OPAL West Stress
. Iolcor, Notary, Its. Moe over Medical
IAL. 9gsera Roderick. ,
. lldtor. erm�..r,
btr•eea. Gleam -10h. Dat toa sada. A50055 raw a
Showing Thr* gimes& AAM Roe mr
1n a Baal u.n ... Like Way.
The erected
the °Moeofob
coadjutur of Rhode Island, is. toe if
thinking, one of tbe most tun
and in a way,characteristic epistles
our times We believe that our read -
"There was a pror aW turd
Who eat and Uatea.d to the ragtag sees
A. liikee t 1tear them at ttesla; .1
eight; lad. add
And Lord have merey os the
That •riled at soon, though they be puss
of mine: wham the
etc wbeu the gale gets up, and
Penis at the whitlow, when it beats the
And lulls, and stops, and tomes op again.
And ewes the oriel clean off the phtuging
And *ethers 11 Wte feathers up tbe Geld.
Why, theo That wouldl hare kworked sad of wy two never lett me
And never let we take the pariah �paY,
Nu, nolo of Blue; my lads were urowned
at sea --
My two before the moot of these were
I know bow sharp that cute, since my poor
Waked upand (Iowa, and still walked up
and uwu.
And i walked after, and one eotdd out near
A word the other said for wlud and sea
That raged 5nd beat and thundered in the
night -
The awfuleet, the longest, tightest algal
That ever parent, aa4 to spend,- a mono
That shone like daylight on the breaking
Moor! sod other men have (obi their
And other women wiped their pour
Aud got them home and dried them In the other, with rtroug and urgent_[Cdi
muse, t both alders. What tuose reasons are it he•
not necerear7 to 5tat,•. bet 1 u dl got /gnu
to believe tbat it be only *tier a eery dhlt-
ful, and 1 hope conscleutlpue. weighing
and balaacln([ of them. do
no other put
lu.aaw 41543 Jo) duty. flint v 1
vee tr stied the above heathen.
Ing reached It. 1 feel that it 'set v fur-
ther Baty to at once Inform you
lioSe me, very sincerely yours.
• David S.wer.
Following the editorial cooter the cqi-
umn of "Versional Nuggets." Thie in-
forms a gaping public that a half in-
terest iu 'Thirsty `\'ilhr's claim bas been
sold for 1'270,000; that Scartaced Sum
of Indian (:reels has been suffrnug 3Com
illuess on the part of his dog; that Clu-
ciuueti Charley took out 114th) In our
day: that teed tea is sold at the Grey-,
hound restaurant 0t the uowival price
of 30 cents a glass; that a prayer meet-
ing at Amazing Grace Chapel is in pro-
spect; that Cot Barnes is getting out
logs for his new opera house, and that
"two gent* from Bonanza Creek" came
into town on Sunday, and after shoot-
ing ail the windows out oi' the Hot
Number saloon weut away without leav-
ing their names; together with various
other interesting items. The rest of the
page is taken up by a picture and pic-
turesque gdverti.ement of pr. O.
radeasy, "whose patients dla
every raveyard from Sttka to St.
"Do mot despair" cries the advertise-
ment. "Consult the Old Doctor stud ob-
tain a prescription for a square meal.
This, emi>leut physician 0Jlds out no
small hopes to anyone. If he cannot
mire you he will frankly tell you so.
and kick you downstairs. Write to-
day -for his sic for gild fewer, hun-
ger and homesickness. Cures in one
to three days. No pay, no cage. Bring
the dust. Office hours 10 to 11).50 a.m.
Office over Dirty Dog swoon, Dawson
The second page seers*
Lee for to Maritime °oasts of Retort
,,Mme-Seetb Weems ms Oeeet MIS
it. OR, ta. Moe Nbrth•et, next door
S weet 0.es. Private rate Pleads to � at
lcweat rates ot_tatmeeal.
rUtees. ♦tterame, Solicitors. to., Godo.
rink. J T. Garrey, 40. W. Promdtoot.
barristers, Solicitors In Aaaebry gto.
e• d• ai h. 10. 0.
Cameros. 40.: P. holt
J • Ro.. and eommf�ener for a.aa d e
smrt0utlsmreo. s. Yens se MR. seism* dodoes -
Masa la se aoseerd say satW. salt or era -
seeding la the Bok Ooaet of Arabs. t1 •
Courted Appeal br 0.tnrb, or !s say Oonnt y
ad▪ dresn and P.O.
Aromas NNW In.nranes.
MONEY TO WAN. - $60,000 00
11'1 Priest Fuad. to lead at ei per time ma-
0000s▪ i, M. O. OA71aso1 �� .s /Beak.
oobo•ite Oolbelrme Mani
-m. �ogsg
tang ss5*rle7 was o an at y g.r jahrliej-
DOld BauaialArs. T. wets GYx. Room `
- r.=r,ammedge. swu.td Yaed.tiHome
Mall" TO . ,. MORTGAGN
miff tRpiArnemette
F J..T1.dN.APr*L, Mme, LsI7'N` AND
Q ..Qva. Rgetk eaiatrlaer*e sot•
to have
intended for the editorial page, as it V fora large part of the year In Inds
headed with the name of the editor, One thing. however, must be made sure a.
tlaa P. Yorick, and the warning: "Yoe of---tb*t a wax la used whish wilt hnrdeu
have to read this paper quick, or you at a shade temperature of 140 defuses
don't believe all thee's in it; bat for Fahrenheit at 5e.0-$O.[vu Traoieiipt
surae 15115011 there are no etlitoriaM.
Their place is taken by certain efnsO7h1 ls.,eul.ao. Frown mines-
u sp.
t kwb. feces the trraustement, might he The interesting observations recent!,
be TD nese
quoting: effects of mosquito bites and I
which may be (induced by previous to-
juries of this kind, a we'd ut 1
notice. The idea implied by -this un- '
ptour per os. -45c.
triunity is that previous bites or Manu*
Corn meal --2 lbs, for 115.hwcalate the blood with some priuci 9e
Whiskey per quart -51& tr "toxin" derived from the powun,whmch
-• per drink -50c. hi its tart protects the body from fresh
perk halt deiak--aec. attack. An *pal0P7 can be seen ire -
stn we: u rpork ta telae tween this naturally produced immunity
Ing on the hog.No ales lees than 11.37 and that which is pigmented by rue treat-
s pound. Cariboo steak, less. Yde cm- went of diphtheria with, antitoxin of
let. 51.10. Dog tenderloin. 1240. the disease. One writer toad his ex-
periences to the effect Chat, beiyg a bee
keeper, he had never suffered from atilt!•
atter he had once been severely etung
by a swarm. Probes ly his system had
become thoroughly inoculated by the
big dose of poison he then received. -01
been related• But what w•.iN be of in -
ere, after the careful perusal of the
document which we prat. wlhl egret
with w in this estimate. The Vtt 01
the letter is bcfora ug; it run uta. lt3l a:
!hell►er►. Ri iegriY.oekN..Dl.',c elitrn.
Reverend and Dear Sir, -
Is reply to lour official notlgcation of sty
electlou by the diocesan evt.veutlon to the
important office et blsbup-eoadlutur of
Rhode Island, 1 beg to say that utters full
and careful eonelderatlou of the subject 1 c tee
am compelled. very reluctantly, to
tbe invitation which has been extended to
It 1* not without great difficulty that 1
have reached this decision. and the d:rtl-
culty has been enhanced. I have 00 hesita-
tion in saying, by my strong personal af-
fection fur the people In Rhoda Island. lu
attemptlug, however, to ascettalu what 1.
aught to do, I felt that all per.onal ewe
'Mention must be eliminated and pet
aside, and that I must wok ut the gamma
of that had eupra to me stat ly as a ytsalee*tt4ilt
leat duty, do. But anti that eve ha then t I la Weed 1t�a
very perplexing question, with .545 connlift
In It of duty egalaot duty, drawleg me
aryl lu one direction sod then *gals la ate
And sees the driftwood lie slung test roar .
That was a tidy boat but our day back.
And sees next tides the neighbor* gather
Jir".r-Fromt�Soth a ers: A Bs mai"• :•Yana
1 ngelow. . .
___ _ **y lith•, Awe. George L Locke, D
Wood Witt Very Boon Give . Rea. Provldi•noe, R.I.
Paper etlek•. what strikes as so forcibly in this
It is predicted that paper is the nom- communication b what we shall tell its
y{ileuael modes ,pint. A letter 1ik..-
Ing t f terialr for matches. t The pros- 1s, on such a eua►eet. would iMe almost
appptet ut the wooden mull n new
torn the
iulably tur.•ctcd mbyarches
a mew Vst,r is ' word '$ history. does, indeed, lallude
man be ex rrutg extremely
1oe paper is to the "important" odes W whlcu the
held to be ebewly Ptfor tie, prrpoa
tarty as the best we,".t for the purpure water had been elected, but were it not
a cwtstautl7 avowing at -racer glut murk" for this reference there is uot.hiug what-
ever in text or ateetembere to rugger: a
The new natchwoo eat» �ruut 149111uu* relatioushtp. It it the letter of
ly cheaper thah the wooden V a business turn, .ot high character and
and weigh mach kris,n-which ccouts for ta*Ktves, declining au important trttsl--
much is omeletxtit paper Thr sticks of the ( tlse presidency of a basil: or a r.cilrua.d
tolled together,
strung and porntt� and, wheat ow mini. duty, and between cotrdicting duties the
iu a solution of rise. well to ane arurt' that* is difficult, but t. murky made
b r s with a , lit.. well together and I after careful and comeclentio is thought.
burns with a bright, true -halt
inc aid odor- And is not this enough': Uert.unly'-
Iees tktme. Stripa through
hn11 inch in tdth And yet it is a novelty W de.tl with a
watches am,. t of w e • or withdrawing from a scn•torial t-,
ot. the briar. The paper is rather The initiation is nue .1i
ayalty to
sir first drawn tb,rvagh the combustible b� c as one• might with the
m Y'Iafn tub ._ m ray; a.Memere sword about
ting, thin tubes, ism of the ordinary prayer, or divine guidance, or a sacred
Srugth at wood or wax matches briny i responsibility. To the writer's mind.
too doubt. such plusses wbuid smack of
eairt, and were de4iberateli excluded -
But it is all so modern! Su tlpicet of
the busy city paetuz, wearing a twntar,
mustache, and a sack edit, dropping iu
at the club, dictating his. sermws to 1
stenographer (the letter before us 1*
typevrrittene; *Tannins' twenty varieties
e inn • at .encs and snaking them aA 'pa7" after
waste whatever, and the papa* is -AF { ffieir kind. T utautyr, and
livered in roils' lite the teirgi'sph lute fi
anti converted at one tin
ttmatcheitieks, and by., seen1 into mat-
T•OnsDAY, Sept, 16, 1897. 3
That time worn Wold •-'BEST"
most faithfully describes
rut off alltoutatioeJly by the maehiree.
When the sticks {1e cut to rise they are
dipped into phosphorus, alar machin-
ery, and the dried head ~lir ignites
by trktoo or any guest*.
Thele is some talk of utilizing the
Dew invention in the manufacture dg
amubes on sin eateadve scant the expotti
in India. 1� invention mvolves W
It is at once pure and economical in use. Black or
rtes that woulddry without
taken to poetry. Then come recorded regarding the freedom from the,
market quotations, which an worth bee talus+
ll,,00rrt�r.� ted. weekly by the aurora Borealis
l'omldiaslo4 - Company. 14 Aretic-square,
Dawson City:
Dried app a grab.
Rana -2.e. each. _ _ --.
Coal oil -Ile a smelt
Lemons -$2 each, 3 for lea. "-any
Salt -le pee pinch.
Next comes an announcement that The
Klondike Morning Times has the big- td bites do rams eFpeeiance has
gest circulation in Dawson City, and
that its books ■re open to all, followed teres' biokmgi*ts is the recital °C, let
by an recount of a popular movement an""''' correspond. fit; that +leek ree-
to secure water power from the Eton- bath from mosquito stings is not invarl-
dyke. ably met with as. i conss4�ppnevcc of tre-
"It was the general asst et the meet- gaent bites. Lt la sax iiruatration of a
kino,g," concludes the article "that the law I have never been weary of potat-
he dammed:' Reel oat when nnnawonable people have
vet7n "For Sale" and "Want" ad- argued that because a D�r*'o�Cees of trent-
"Preiremenb appear. A boy L wanted �fi��t__d�idd not act invatisbly seed in a• M
ttr -w ,4... s - eiiej 25'• 1% am -. r-te'-.rztr -time
fore of no value at all. The kw i rete.
to L that which teaches as that when
ws ere dealing with Mrine Pa4um we
cannot expect to Sod mrthcmatioally cer-
tainty ip our results. Life is a ve.7
different thing. in all its vagiabjlity, town
neatheenatieal and exact calculations.
-Loudon IUuatrated. Neves.
'• 1. ill.
salt >�
bartender at the High Ball Thire Pal-
ate (short hours and no cash register);
likewise four men at a sawmill, wham
there i. "nothing to do hut work," for
$15 a day and three drinks. In the
"Von Sale" column there is an entry
by a gentleman who wanta to sella half
interest in a claim and go home on the
next boat toet something to data There
la also an offer of in ieecream freezer
cheap. The Tapioca home advertises
iodgt•si. E1 with bed, $7."
The local page eeoeerm itself with
a highly ornate saloon Dere the blend-
ing of a railroad, and the pr.)spects of
a bask.
"Yon don't have to believe all you see
la The Thaws," is the but paragnipph
im the paper, 'but the book is straight
goods frome cover to cover.'
J1B••ls.ilrr Ia•tt*pt,•.
ar. mr
, emet sad iprs fie
•BevT'9oo gMgr r MUNI?.
Leading D. y, Weary ilia 511115451
es AU
'liana' tree aim 1 w 1• tui
Ubri i... fawei nwvaa by
. aA,1ttA1iI`tONIr.
r•sde:Mum um.. -�
Th. eyeleN 1w a irsemiterseorm.
A wey known e1ectrieien gives the fol-
Mwlegetid to cyclists!' to be foilevred
in the event oftheir a� t tin
a thunderstorm: Dismount fence of the disturbance has exhausted
itself. Unde certain a aditiotis the
rabbet mfrs. Insulate the machine par-
tially. If wet they fail to do so, the
elect -tie Current running ores the damp
.arfaee. The handlebars again are spt
to 'Attain the Bald, sad, tat flame
dangerous. The safest thing for one
to do is to lay the machine down flat
and stand some distance from it,
Lug the chane a elf getting a thorough
decking. if there is much lightning it
is far more likely to strike a mounted
cyclist than a man nbo has taken abet-
ter beneath a tree.---Obkage Intes-Otwn.
stsosisei *.potash..
of Russia has nun
The Bret census
and shows thatbeen completed. the
popolatioa in Europeen as well as Asi-
atic Russia emmtnts altogether to 129,-
000,000 inhabitants; that is to sal, 3
510,000 mothan tbe figures at which
N. empire hes meth now bees ofectallY
rated. Is point...of pOra4►tlee. there
fleeeggie excel third in rank, China
heading eke Het with en ..tlso*11ed hard.
400,000,000, while the British Rim -
.ons. *ext with 908,000.090 Agnero
ad not oh guesswork, as in China, bet
opo refit census. Russia
(,,, top• ja 9000,400; i eland.
31011 ; *0. au
a. 0,700,000. ui
iw,01WSt. Petersh •
r, d
1.2117,000 inhibit*
gamer, 414,000,ad Odessa, 404.000.
•the shovel -bat and benignant smile
change with them! -Church Economist.
Postage s.smp. and Tlu,tr Collection.
Modakbds . of peopleyoung and old,
now and pleasure and profit in stamp
collecting, a pursuit which extrude year
by year, the prier of genuine *pe'imrns
of ,sp�,�g� �yj��� epntiuuMly witl
thet� i1113i� +4.:.leie, tdWnt
fifty dealers in Kamp* in London alone,
and the collector mny be found every-
where. One dealer. Mr. W. .1. Palmer
of the Stgllad, estimates the value of
his stock at over £60,000; and last year
be avid upward o1 • build:ed thoueaud
,tamppss, while he examines from live to
ten thou/land every day. The versed uses
to which ',tetanal are put may be judged
from the fact that a customer bought
0,4)00,0010 of the commoner sorts for
walls of houses and public
Wirths, It is estimated that there are
,000 stamp collectors in the United
Ststce, the C.H• Mekeel Stamp and..
Yob liahing Cctltlpany oC St I.,uis emplop-
log alone'i�hpoddtt 130 persons In the con-
duct of a very large business. $eese-
ttonal prices are 'riven for rare stamps.
American local earieties bring from £250
to £500; one of rlvingstm, Ala., has
usld for £140. One of the ten specimcus
of the Battleboro stamp ham son for
£250; the twenty -cent St. LAhi. (1845)
foo about £500; • pair of Postomce,
Mauritius, are worth 2600 (two hers
been sold for £870), and a set of the
Rye British Oedema, first issue of 1850,
will fetch 41000. An unused Transvaal
stamp with error "Transoral" has odd
for £50. One of the moat valuable Eng-
lish stamps is the nine -penny straw-
Qioeee's head with h , of
CO-. ~4`
�-•+*► QU{CKCURE -"Irc•"-4111r 3111"•"""410"'
A Change of • --
t Expression
aakban's teeth are
cam eacriS by
--too often
Ol tarsi____• _thakMc* is d bd�gp�,..,�Bst Qalchoesw did in tem
"^'-'int:Rhea 'dwelt here ix:
rte a. , 1, says; M � elek ones overcomes thea n
lt en
; vel Slid for a 1�r� tbms •• le eapedally valuable for childaan s
Beeth •aho•Id not be - itct.ed until their roaersocs appear. 15 !s
otherperfectly e i trove d f 20 th a>�"does pot (Items many
other remedies naiad far too�tLanTie
-. QU$CKCUR& ---411K
The Uwe •r the Grist Tee.
The regrow of lite West Indies use
the great toe constantly is • climbing.
Several years ago, while spending some
time sit one of the famous resorts in
Jamaica, I had an opportunity to ob-
serve the skill with *bleb the black
wanes, who do a great pant of :he
menial labor, carried stone, mo•'tar, and
other building m•terfab o• the* *rads
to the top of a five -Merl towner. in a
,part of the betel not then Hoisted.
Mae► of the unerring with which they
(women and girlil tamed each other
up and down the long letklere. with
beau] loads skillfuyy pulsed on their
woolly _patea, was due to Meanies
with whish they gemmed Ade ran .t
tbe ladders with the great toe. Tbe7
did not plebe the ball or the hollow
of the foot on tate NM, blot pewee
at the jnnitnre of the great with
the body fit the foot; timed they fast
other gthe rrtppolfthe
tlg itmtf .de. 15
much the sense 'way tie A
native <se 177 ogreenr the �S*WPFJ
�hp �bisalt, astride tfte nfiiar pox 11�� a
wtheet yoke, guiding a lead mb wib a
idle held between his great and second
toes, *011. Ma rally arils whes demote& to
mieking his teawt es lsad
A 1Aeer.rr eleeld.r,
OM iBerets. the minted barber hu' ern
a,g�tadteptdee at his boort lail *4 In 01-
''TT�if6s a yr weaves a we/rl in his
I1stl�M�.tri�wd t wbie•h eta to readily
the oraiog word
mthe ' W Ut-
"t'o-es wtaw
J •
Among the valuable collection" Is that
of Ferrari of Pari., which it AU
be worth 4250,000. That of the
of York is worth between f3G,000 and
240,000; Roth*ebUd's about f108,000,
end thatof the late Omar of >vmss1a
40,000 The gollection which Mr.
Tapling left to the Britiah Museum was
worth f70.000. There ser `now collet. -
done io the Berlin& imperial Museum,
also at Amsterdam, Vienna and Dreg -
dem -Chambers' Jo•rnht
111027c .
-fir-€- fl -G [ R
Vessel Supplies a Specialty.
LONDON, -SEPTEMBER 9th TO 18th, 1897.
The .ansa re50ple,e Live .tank ll.11dl.aa la A50ersen Mare I50eeeve50e.0 sad ex-
tensive addrUoas 101. year. ivory 0555050*.. Agrlemltmrlst, Baaolaetarer, Dairyman
Artists aed Investors. ere-, rte., ageNally I*vlted.
&atrles time rept. N0. 1. all Bepartmeal•. stmeee•e aa.ared .
Bie Hassen Ben Ali, The Arab Prince,
•a. been secured to f.r.Mb and .uperlmlead the Matto Altr.etl.as.
Auction Sale of Booths and PrlvNpres. Aug. lith, on the Grounds at 1 p,m.
For Prize Loos. Programme and Baps, apply to ..• .
ifT. COL F. B. LEY8; Pr.uideot. THUS. A. BROWNE, Secretary.
T.vsal.e s Teaedq el tido.
The way the metaoo tovectepe milt
cling en pre im one of the tatter tee
able things in Nature. At Qom me'
lived for then months after the
had baba relieved. The bell (pa-
tinae to heat for B0 tolnulleil GdWr Wit
alt seat at the body. T1ste 11 ♦ else '41
weed of tortoise 11 a ems
nor qt ail Ore Ms
moi11 that time b. MtEt, wit t nee.
visg .)r eating. Alit. eve st le be
was taken out, pit In the warm .an.
*Rd in a tow 11111115511 its wee We ring
Omit seine h•pp5Lr InpdM,
tilt around lie tlae�tt thqat
crena«) the all�f feet. 'a
blood math lower r
thea t almost sip oaelatlllm, mug*
, Me -who. Ia.n nolle
>erlir�r the meth,meth,estr.v
tb.ee, dowses. nearer to
of women,
Te Keep Perla Clea..
To do tin work and to remove 154
9000 cubic 'Debra at rubbish, there are
141* brigades of sweepers, numbenus
3845, in uonjunctioa with tibio rubbish
carts, and 1075 horses.
From before dawn till long after sun-
set onie gees in Paris the street cleaned
hl thele peaked caps and watermen's.
boob or sabots ham at their work of
•weeping, swabbing, of watering. • leach
bopr of the dao brings its particular
welt for them. From 4 to 11.30 a.m.
they have to wnah and sweep Nue pave -
meets rod streets, and In winter Cast
gravel on the urphalt (316,4.41 meters/
and wood paving (368,800 meters) of
Ws city. From 11.00 till 0.30 four or them
ori a woman sweeper .r.ompaoy the
renper'■ flastcart to Blear away
e da.tbtne •n,, retie,. whieb the
!vs have dlemeded; frame &A0
to 1 they are again at wbrk sweeping.
oleo ng, watering and Rushing to!
tet these almost menu( the form
oil tittle mountain torrent From 11 .lig
1 they leave e(f for dejehnet, and th'u
law see hard at wit 'rain elsmaing
5trv'um ague 'benehe., encs Wn winter,
hvxn 7 tIK i p.m.. it 1s their duty once
awn fA thiow gravel aver the weed end
•mhalt paternestli.--Good \r orris.
lteybla 1. R5ay L.oagaaree.
A Peterlbarg newspaper, The 'Peter-
agtfsakeea assets, of June 24 (Jute GO
lefecsaeve to the (J4ptlila's teceus
teNar�kgg the sit only have
P Xrenek (ate •alts beut.,n
tart: I)letC11
( setter): an (boiiettirto), mid
deter,4nropeai lea gee, to repress a
Pathetic "004 a oetlderies." bat the t
Ftehens even feeds Its. way into
nela tem
to the gimp* of beret:Mitovat
Its hoyeep�tt), bo_ yeettirovahie (Ma
nehe(anflve.) -Nw
es and Qseetea. �
mamma Imo* r'e •adf.
It hall veceatlpmbaso ase rtat-d Sat
body of Martin Lather. amateur
Wittman seer vom•5mmr teem
lace Chu eh at Wtttn+tt»ti, Myra
even or eight het below jibe
!then savuIlea �l,Is� 'e rotas o[ Wood
. 5* ams miff • *11 to by is ell taap mem .
.45"- '-' -r..4. -,.a, .• -
■ ■ ■ •
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■
.Farmers, Dairymen
And thele Wh'e,
Drop us a post card, and Set free our
It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated
Fibre Pails, Mnk Pans. Dishes and Butter
Tubs, and will put money in your pockets.
• ■ • in • • • ■ • v ■ • . ■ • • ■ • • •
• ■ ■ ■
S1 -t
Including the SLATER
and all other' k"I goods
• tt o,
Oar Goodaare the best thattcan be obtained, and are sold at
Roek $otbtn Prices.
Hundreds of pictures leave our store weekly. They ase the
prettiest on earth, as nothing ease compare with a handsome woman in
•pretty, nestiy-made, fashionable pair of shoes, and we only sell such
se becomes the sweetest of pictures.
32Ea45*.r=Alt, Ts.