HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 2TMUUDAT, Sept. 16, 1897. SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. , NEWS IT PAYS TO TRADE AT PRICE'S. Prom our own Correspondent• OF THE DISTRICT J THE VILt.A per. SCHOOL SHOES! Vacation days will aoollt be ended. New Shoal Iaossse.q - for the Bots and Qiere -We're ready to supply all wgnq at a certain toamey--aatmg to l oyer.. A, good, strong Shoe - FROM 75 CTS. UP TO SL50 for the Suer grade, but all a)ade in a way to stand the battiest usage. We consider it a pleasure to show our Roofs. PRICE, THE SHOEMAN successor to,lten. PO1MOOf(. tet' We do repairing Ithat `gives satufactioh. aaaaaaa.aaa,NM aaaaaeaaaaaa a S 414114 4144441 1 • W. C. T. G. 1)EI'ARTMENT. ' •`•"` v -- dM1D - CKTetOL1C3-' `- lle testv.etien nos strews and Advameed elseulna Iona. At the twenty-second annual oosvcatba of the Cetholio Total Abstinence Velma,0t Ohio, held last month in Canton, over 160 doleget/a were to attendance, iholudiog many clergymen. Among the latter was Most Rev. Archbishop elder, of ('mcinn•t Several delegations were quite large, t Tourist Club of Cleveland, to. Youcg Men Temperance Club of Akron, and Collor Ranke from Warren acid Youngstown. The committee ou resolutions made partial report ae follows : The Catholic Total Abstinence Union Ohio, in their twenty-sixth annual soave S/00 assembled in the Ciry of Canton, Jul 14, 1897, moms ite unfaltering alleeiao to the holy c.u.e of temperance and is an swerving dine enation te rimester' to th prosecution ce es peaceful victories. " Resolved, 1. That more persistent et Jam ebauld be made by •armdolt°easkMtt in the matter ot organizing cadet socaties both of bees and girls, believing that tbe moat suooe.sful work lies in this direction his hand. lams theatrical frenzy Roesn tee p:unget the wiepan twice into his left hf.•. t, iufecttnc wounds front which he died. -Toronto World, Levier No tesprrter et Perse••. Jemee P Hulse, brother of Arsool.te Justice Harlan, was killed by • teeth this aftergoys.:p«r 411! c1ty almshouse. Mt. Harlan, who was about eeveaty years old, wee tame one -of the most prominent lawyers in the State, eajoyiog • large praottos and !. hording • high judicial office in this ootratry. he He wee, however, the victim of an uocoo- 's trollab!e appetite for liquor, and was inoep- m wrested tor business despite the effort. of his relatives and friends to bring •bout hs • cure. He practiced law for several years in Kansas, and returning to Louisville about of three vers .go voluntarily entered the n- almshouse, when he has stoat resided.- y Nasional Temperance Advocate. oe - You can't regulaEe sin. s A sober people is • prosperous people. tate ethtere kriest rear ta" the neer for discharging the deems et lls it nota crime to sell it or to allege le to . be sold' " Reeuhed, 2. That we view with ex• trema plower* the onotinued growth of our Ladies' Total Abstinence Society, and here- by express our appreciation of their earnest efforts in the peat, rwogniztng the potency of women's tn21a.tos in furthering the oaths of this great movement. " Resolved, 3. That we note with pleas- ure the mewing tendency among most of our Ciabolitetratein to retrain tram the pub lieatton of liquor edvertisntodta, mad we are matelot to the Carbolic pow of Ohio tor the continued recognition of she object. and Lebon of our union, and we ask our members to show their appreciation of these fame by •coordivg it • generous patronage. " Remised, 4. This union wishes hearty Godspeed to every consistent worker in the cause of temperance. Jiang organizations may not be working .ton, the same hoes as our onion, but every man and woman wbo is striving, for the cease of temper.,. _e we regard a reeking to promote the hotor and glory of (cod and the selv.tion of aoulil." American Medical As.eration. A convention of the Amerioan Medical Association was held et Staten Island, New YorA, lately. Memi.ers of the association ars pledged to personal total alstinenee, but are not restrained from the use of alooholto stimulants in their practice, although its gas is opposed by a lanes majority of its members. Dr. T. D. Crothers, of Hartford, Coon., who presided, said that pbysiolans had outgrown the theory that a Mbit was right because everyone had it. H. said it was an exploded theory that . teaspoonful of aloohol would protein • gallon of energy. Dr. D. A. Elsworth said he had not used aloohol in any form in his premiere for fifteen years, and bad been able to obtain better re.ulu, particularly in oases of ty. pboid fever. Dr. Sbepberd, of Brooklyn, said that alcohol ppee�d- th etuni tbs-, gp,Mp_, eyi1 o `wiflioutt l e going any obanee. Its action was to paralyze the nerve °entre.. One grain of wheat contained more nutri- ment than • melon of wine. The adminis- tration of sumutents to children was par- tloal.rly disastrous, he said, beoanse the tissues of • child were satiny destroyed by _1t. 1)e. A. M. Lever. merles at the New • Yerk Red Cross Hospital, declared that 10 ,-_was the duty of phya(olans and preachers to eradicate aloohol from general medtaal peace U ." Since the opening of the Rei Cress Beepital in 1802. over a thousand oases had bean heated without the use of alcohol and the morality rate had hem only one per Deet, Referring to the matter of tektite the pledge, Jobe B. Gough Docs said :-" If the pledge had been offered me wham Imine • y in Sabbath school, I should have beta spared there savers dreadful years." CIGARETTE SMOKER IS INJURED. James Moreau ?Irene t. ■made• t11M�n aid a r e mellfitele_ . . The deadly oig..retta olarthid am th.e vic- tim yesterday, when James Morten at- tempted Gtempted to handle gasoline with a lighted oig.r.tte in his mouth. Young morgan le now .t Mercy Hospital suffering from burn. **beat the head and arms, and his father's bvllding at 909 twenty-sixth serest was sewed tress deeteaoNee by the ere depart- ment aft.. $ 00 dames had been done. Magian went to hie falba's building to clean • vse•nt storeroom oe the first floor. Mars were mom sees .f gasoline starred there. and Owe* he attempted to move white 'untying • smoke. The result was .a explosion, followed by s, firs that threatened She deetrsetba of the pleat Crated with pain from the flames that payed .boat his heed. Morgan 21.11 to the slyest, wtere he fell exhausted. The polios removed the injured men to the hospital wills the flr.mea subdued tee fi.mw. Faglm ate Weeks. A ►flea Bend .f Morey girl eye : " I payed Mus the bird traps [sat by meal bej.] might sot sateh the birds -and than 1 ewayd teat God would prevent the birds frem goalie late the trap• --•ed thee I west glad kicked the tempo an to pt«w." Whet thea* bay tams. ` Shah we met !IM the traps be poem. 1'y the all powerful baliet sad then sheer ' n• heels t y est works sad prove our pre yet messs,. a heat . maw's Trae1. tr.eia. . /few Uri', -!qp•. de.-tAffee etr!: l }seg ar esak el wItdey en • 'iirncese. Hf yskhold Abraham R.eesthl te4.y 1 hine.elf • tragedian .ad Meed 4bd 5 N. &pati Meals se Dart 91M -et., with • Ng halals Is A contemporary remarks that there lee no snakes to Alaska. Well, there will be newt spring 11 the cargo of whisky Mete Michael's goes up the Yukon. i -- Should • mac have liberty to destroy himself, impoverish his family •ad commit innumerable and unnameable sine, the re- sult eventually of tarrying at the wino eup. Avarioe and appetite are the two strong- holdeof the liquor traffic. Shall not love of (.od and love of man, law and order, parity and righteousness be stronger thea them. We seek as + people to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked and to moor the due tressed. Let us remove the root manse of nine tenths of the poverty and close up our rum shop. " is tt right + Will it do right "' was General Grant's one question to legislative measures -or sots and it .bould be the one by whioh we as private oitizens should gauge all oar °enduot. The law is an edueator. When there is no law there is no oivilization-there ie li- o nee. A prohibitory liquor law wouldeds• oat. our people aloog the lines cif truth and soberness more effeotuslly than hundreds of sermons. If • mad dog bites my little girl the 1•w commands that the dog b. destroyed. I1 does not sag oat off its tail, restrict or strain, but 'destroy' ; so instead of °artap. log the liquor traffic, let oar legislators de. aro, the arob enemy ot our children and our homes. A oetrespondeht of the Globe speaks of regulating the liquor testier by Government •oMrel...thee soldier es _et r -reweave, - Dad faetesing upon our Dominion the tall re• stronsibility of the degrading business of making drunkards. The people of Canada do not desire •o dark m stain upon their national character, CHEERY'S TROULES, Were sf the Hsart-Hama. Skill wee al- most Defeated while Dr. Anew'. Cars tor the Heart Fell Into the Brmob .d • in • few Minutes After the Dose H. Found Great Relief, and Five BottMN Made • Bid Heart • Good On.. Wm. Cherry, of Owen Sound, Oat., writes : " For the past two years 1 have been greatly troubled with weakness of the heart and teeming spell.. 1 tried several »meets@ and °moulted best pbydolane without any apparent relief. I noticed testimoalais of 'rest eerie made by Dr. Agnew'. ('are for the Heart. I prooured • bottle and the first dose gave me west re- lict. The first bottle did wonders for see. After using wing five bottles then arch..•• of the symptoms remaining whatever. I Ibiak it a 'rest hops to mankind." Sold by J. E. Davie. .•rap TIeId Ie Maatr.tw Winnipeg, Sept, 3,-(Rpeeinl.►-Reports leaned by the Manitoba -Northwestern and Northern Poetic Itailwaya to -day show wheat cutting to be practically 014.r. The fellow!hg reports of yiekta arc given: Westbourne, wheat, 20 to 22 bushels per acre; (4laditone, wheat 10, oota 45, barley 25; Ardeqq wheat 18, wt. 45; Neepnwa, wheat 90 Mlnneaota est 15, oats 80: Rapid City, wheat 20, oats 30; Newdale, wheat d0 to 40, mite 56 Strstbctair, wheat 18, oats 50; Nbonl i..nke, wheat 25; oats 50; Birtle. w•b•at 18, oats 50; Yorkton, wheety2i: Portage la Prairiewheat, 20; Rond. wheit 18; Miami,' wheat 20. All k ports give the sample as \`4t, 1 hard. lire la m.etreal. Mlftttreml. Sept. 5.-IRpeial.)_- Quite 1110 extenalve fire took place yesterday in tbm north part of the eltv,.and before the firemen mould master the Annie, the reaidenta, composer! of eighteen tamlltvn, from No. 840 to Atln featienineestreet, were turned int of door• The Douses the baa of their furniture will tell etc oed $20,f100. The families burin out however, set meetly poor people, and the )ass of their fuhniture will tell heavily apron them. A per of telegraph poker atm took Ate. and the (1.rme!ite nun. were apprehend", lot a w.h11e fur the enfety of their now mwtastery. fMsema memo tilted, Repo Item. Wet. L•-(apwdatu.--sleue• manias. s wow.* bee oe tee T.` es A fi. M N . wet killed at Genese gt.tlna, • few mils Mat of her., Helm ev sags A Mtea Mai tea teMai tree spaa�.d be4y ereadfeuy. As lamest will be bale, More 1. Iafeem•Y.a Niece t hat t ages be gad Anywhere ale. -hews .f the o•a■ss SNa•w R.p.reed fee .l110 Sig•aL UURSANNON TUlr'DAY, August M. NOT1t:E-0. A. NEWTON, 1'FNTIST, Lecknow, vista I)un annon ou be esu :trd /FRIDAY of •nob month . hours fro to rtb5, Painless eitr•otlag: special oars iu Weigand °reserving natural teeth. Otttoe- NieXT tlKt)iYS TALWlt tlHOP. Nurriees.-A very happy and ples•aut evensog was reoeotly .peon at the residence of Matthew Foley, township of Colb+rue, the omission beteg the uniting to the bonds of matrimony by Rev. Father West, of (iodertch, W tiliam O'Brien, of London, to Miss Johanna. daughter of Mr. Foley. There were seventy-tive invited toasts iron- t..ohdoo, Goderioh, Clinton, Duogeunun, Port Albert, Shepp•rdtoc, Duulopaod Kto Gel preterit to wanes* the oeremoey .0d partake ot the fesuvil whioh was eump- tuously prepared. The bride looked chertn- ktria erhoeftWweit lelttttasraiiicaillFtntatttwi% wttb chiffon and point Iso•, and head dress to suit The beautiful bride was attended by Miss Nellie Keating, of flay City. hitch.. who was aloe gaily attired in white Swiss muslin, in whelk see appeared to good .d - vantage. Tb. bridesmaid carried in bee band • beautiful banquet of sweet pima. The happy groom was assisted! by his brother, Thomas O'Brles,of Bay Qty. They had the honor of being the first couple made one in the newly 000straoted and imbstan- tiat edifice used fur a chapel at Goderiob. The esteem in whtob the bride is held was evinced by the numerous sod costly pre - septa made to her o• the happy tmeaston. M. C. Cameron, M. P. , presented the bride with • beautifui bridal bouquet of exquisite roses which was admired by all the guests. The following day the newly wedded trouper left for their future home in London, via Goderich,being congratulated by their enemy friends, wishing them a prosperous and happy anion. We are pleased to to able to sate that i'nttet very BIM' ttWI' way to recovery. - Miss Mills, of West Wawanoeb, is visit- ing her sister Mrs. Medd, wife of our V. 8. Bort T»lugs. returned recently from • plsaaant visit to friends in Brantford. On Wednesday of last week Mrs. B. J. Crawford returned toms steer having a plenums week's visit to relatives a: Shorts. vill., Now Mexico, moo npwted by how mother Mre Clara Wilson. Mrs. Weems is somewhat unwell. being tangoed by the long tourney. We hope see will soon be re- stored to good be•ltb, Miss Kitty ?Heins. of Goderih, is visiting her aunt, Mia* Maggie Nevins. Miss Franots Brydges, of Goderioh, and formerly of Duogannoo, is rnsioating at her ohole's, Thos. Pentland. David Roberts, assistant of Mr, Moeally,' enoessmor to Stephen Rtothers, blacksmith, mowed his family into our village on Wed- mead•y of Let week. W • welcome them to ear village .. residents. POTATO Bar.-Ths potato. orop whioh looked so promising as an abuod.nt Doe, ie. .000rding to report., likely to be • fail- ure, owing to a disease in the tuber, called the black rot, it having made ita appearanoe in a Dumber of potato patch* is this sec- tion BLUEVALE. TUESDAY, Septe14 Mite Annie Rutherford. of Toronto, who had been visiting her father for the Summer Msrned home last week. We are pleased to learn that Ed. Coultas wee snoowful in obtaining his senior lea,• leg cattalo. to. Ph. flat mill is runnier in tall blast at present. Ed. Coulter Is taking in the Fear at To. ronto. The Wineham foot M11 olub, of whioh some of our boyo aro members, have made arraneemeoa for a greed oosoerl on tete evening btulie.'29tri.-Baaits*-iept•Ri chief attreeteoe and will be assisted by local talent- Tbe boys will be presented with their medal for winning the o eente gebip of the league. RIGHT -PROM THE MINES. Family Ties sea)� be Broken in:tee Grand rash tor Gold, but What's Wealth With- out He•Itb-Dr. Ague, '.L.arrbalPew- der is • Wonderful Caro -It Never Fads to relieve in Tea Minutes. Fred Lawrie, of Trail Creek, B. C. *rite, - " I have need two bottles of Dr. Ag»w', Catarrhal Powder sed have bees wouderfuily helped. I ase rsoommemd it very highly le .11 sufferers from catarrh" And here is another -Mr. B. L. him, Sm. ten, P•., says : " Wimp I read that Dr. Agiew'. C.tarrhsl powder would relieve catarrh ts 10 minutes, I most say I was far front Mimi oonviaoed of the foot. I de- cided to try It- , I pnrohes.d • bottle. A single puff of the powder through tee blow- er •Reeled instantaneous relief," Sold by J. E. Davie aemga Cats. Person, suffering from rheumatism are laterally anxious to try every proposed re- medy. John Raymond of Northam Iowa had tried, without relief. nearly every al- leged ours suggested by friend., '1hen be Mad this In • medical jour..) : "The» is more benefit in • mood laugh, Mae in the hot water remedies, the faith tare., the sleotrio and .11 other new teet- otallerm the world, and it Dame **thing. If yea knew of moth's/ else to laugh at, Legh at yourneighbor." This wed • saw Ides to poor Mr. Ray. mood. a - moud. Ah what should be laugh .t ! 1. the house was nothing amusing. However, the metlorsl journal said, " Laugh at your neigh bee " He went at ea the front perob, and..15- mi•g In • their, watched the people on the mime.. Ft* • tithe -Ile saw nothlne fame,. TM* • nig (Memo milked by. memories .food to himself...! , H.. ha, ha IN OEM _Me. Harmed. 1 he big (Merman stegeed and looked. " Vet's dee e' " Ha. h.. h. t" " Vet wet yea haw, haw, haw mit me 1" " Ha, ha. ►a l" thew the home leaped the big Gseeme,hin awe uplifted. Ohl" meted Raymond, "1-I m...t mo harm. I was lambdas for /health." Cad den yea leapt sickmbtMt-1•aahtwit Mg »nagana t T1.Mot1 hat tial M enIs 1, •bob wbo T11hid aM Met really st r. Ro eases* te be reds i lie lard oe up the With ewe. bobeeles Nee re 'Midge mea ria hires realm them w 1111 pal Goma. !T glee. ?. Mw Somewhat es vatjr.at winds raft Is the tregranw•nt fns r'ea., Or gleam of aunsb•ie wilds the path that lends through drifted .none. The meu..,ry of the time onmee btoi e'a wastelseds of the put, When clouds about our early ways no mem. ring shadow oast ; And more thea .11, the tlooday m.t'jtl Sunnier glory fur, • When mother sang the oldUms hymns aed fattier led in prayer. How vivid Domes th. Vioture of the ohurnb and village folk, 'Pee solemn tlltug down the aisle, the Amo( ut .ouudice oak, The benohw rude with oo.upants from all the country side, Tee rutin() lovers' tender looks that lash - tuitions would Ltd. ; Wh;le through sue window meadow -meats came oo the morning air, %V hen mother sang the old time hymn* sed" father led eu prayer. (Ju: in the gr¢v.yerd ..e4 white tomb loom. ed like a beery h. el; The oeaiby brook song tirelessly to cheer the dreamless dead ; Upon the hillside one could see, where .himp.ering eunheaue•lay, And butterflies seemed flower. -a -wing, the lazy cattle stray ; AsA jl' OVeseedt awn •i.b.ntlut stir ee=it welled from eveywhore- - As mother sang the old tiroe hymns and father led in prayer. O church among the alerting hills, t.y well- - stgb elf forgot U voioe that rani old " Happy Day " es saints, I thought, could tool ! O sire who had your sitars of woe, but walked the ways obeour. !n pstienos and with dauntless breast, with thoughts and motives pore ! It I meld but be ymog.a a.y, and spend that day back when Alliwther sang the old-time bymns and `thew led to prayer 1 't;AYusivirIlae, At Barrie as 1.8 -year-old boy named George Connors was drowued whtla bathing. Mr. Benjamin D. Culliver of Ti rou- burg was kicked by a horse uud died in a few minutes. Mr. leeward J. Grim.hnw was scala- u anew en that a agar se tine up in %Vel oa h box factory. '1'he steamer Acacia, owned by Mat- thews Bros., and 0lendenuigg & McDon- ald's'handsomeeam yucht Athena were almost complete1 , destroyed by tire at Hamilton. The body of an unknown man was found on the Grand Trunk Railway Dear Prescott. The head wee remittal from the body. It is supposed deceased nes run over by a west boned train. The outbuildings bebogiug to Mr. D. Beaudin. nenr�,$t, Chrystome, Que., were struck by ligitnlag, killing Mr. D. Berta - Wm and his two sons, also a pair of horses. The buildings were stet ea lire and were burned to the ground. The eldest daughter of Rev. William Tindall of Walkerton was sewing in her father's oMee when the Sid of the leek fell down on the lamp, breaking It and spilling the contents over her dothiug. In an instant she was enveloped In flames and was so badly burned that she died in a few hours. FOR WEN OF WAR. A despatch from Bombay says that cholera has broken out in the Northamp- tonshire regiment. The Mad Mullah commanded the Af- ridi. who captured the British forts in the Khyber Paas. The Upper Swat tribes have paid u. fine of 20,1000 rupees for revolting against the Indian Goverumet, Tbree hundred feepoys are reported to have been massacred by a band of Afridist near Fort Ali Musjtd- Lnst Friday the Dritish military au- thorities disarmed the Khyber Rifles forming part of the garrison at Jamrud. Three of the principal chiefs of Belu- chistan have been arrested on suspicion ot intriguing against the Indian Govern- ment. The rebels in India captured Fort Lunda-Kotal after a desperate band -to - hand fight with the Mariam. and then burned the place. The Inenrgents on the Indian frontier have captured the police post at Ma bomedzai, which was garrisoned by a detachment of the border police. Fort Maude, in the Khyber Pass, has stesmo eel byethee* ttli - wfter'des- perate lighting- The garrison retired with the loss of three mete The British military authorities halm now mobilized :12.000 men for frontier operations in India, whish, with the frontier garrisons, makes 42,000 men aveilable for nee against the Insurgents. The Sultan of Turkey Du commuted the sentences of death imposed upon thenen wbo weir engaged in the masma- cret of members of the Greek Church at Tokat last March to penal servitude for lite. -Italy hes wired to Morocco Bunten - Ing to despatch a then -of -war to Tan- gier nnlees the crew M an Italian brig to Messed. Moorish pirates recently 'Decked and plundered the brig, and de- tained the crew, Deer Inland, near Posen, has been cPdPd or leased to nasals as a math)! station with the consent of the Japan- ese Government, which was dioappoiated at the failure to-errange an alliance with Great Britain. 1: NCLANSIFIED. The r efettlric cabs have proved • big stress§ In London. • Two more eases of smallpox have de- veloped in Montreal. The bubonic plague at Puonah Is in- creasing, and the Kirke• bazaar has been closed entirely. Mime Coulter of Lindsay jumped into the river and Raved a young Ind named liegg, who had helm off the wharf. The ahem tax law was decided to be unconstitutional by Judge Acheson of the United States Court at Pittsburg, Pa. A Mat Portage despatch says It is Mated oo good authority that a twelve days run at the Mikado mine baa yield- ed no less a sem than $20,000. At the Congress of Women to "halt of rational dress, to be held at Orford in September, Lady Haberton will pre- *1de. All the delegates am to wear bloomers. Nom the middle of Jnly about five tbobaand citizens of Montreal have ap- plied at the City Board of Health for vseeinitlor, and the number M increas- ing dally. The Canadian Canal at Sault Ste. Marie was Mocked on Thnr,sriay for rix boon by a rtgamer and schooner becom- ing wedged M'tneen the eine! bank and the railway bridge pier. As the result of drinking whi.k'y bought ht a Ritke saMmatn flee Indians ars dead and the remainder are dy- ing. The wbielfvy was a mixture of whlss�lkey. Deal oil. Io. juice sad al - Writs have bees leaned on behalf of the kf Pa.rw. Timmwapsos Mt. a RNd. Taylor eat ter talo street 10 co Jahn faun •1 eb rM fi lift a she A . 21. wee bre sit am, AIA. gam West std war again •d$.11 land WOULD YOU I,i, itio/M1 c ,. °' 4, --SOLD WILTON? 12 Stearn's -� 27 GoLd Bkvdes . Watches Given I I -Ever • Away) l Month Ask your Grocer for particular, or drop • postcard to LEVER BROS.(Limitedrroiro''n o A COUNTRY COURTSHIP. Deletes the °owe -from fife upper meadow Beauty and Brindle and Base - Now in the sunlight, saw in the shadow. Aod now in the wind's threes ; With song as sweet as at mors the starting Is wont to the skies to trill ; klollie, the tarmac's daughter and darling, Comes tripping •down the hill - Purple and black are the braided troves Her dainty temples that cr01/0 ; Light is her step on the sward is prosper, As t.11 of the thistledown. The squirrels peep from the wayside hedges As the maiden moves along, Aad want it ohlet of their privilege, To list to bar jocund song. Dews where the alders and *leader realm Border the rivulet's hank*, And the widsoed sweep of the water mho Vader abrid's's belied planks Whbtliwg • love-esot. in broken 481ate111.47t, His hat posited book from bee brows Robin, the miller, awaits sod watobae For the oomiog of tee cows PIIREN0LII1E Medicines foul MY assor.ureur alwu.r.z ri:sra14. :toms oft tial MARKET. r-_iamt, !r U*l Iteaittnt HRBAOLIN Ooaraeed o ours 17 Rheumattematt sciatica, Lumbago, Gout and Neonikie. Bheuniatic Specific RUMOUR Pills A sum ours ,r Headache, Dirziaen Constipation, lee. gelation, E*I•oueoeq, Bright. Disease, Diabetes, Paralysis, Coavulsioo., Hemrt Disease, etc., ate, I aOmtee menet t gold ea Merit iii( In Ooderich only by F.I. Dnnbta Up to their knees in the stream, the cattle - !)rink deep of its cereal flow ; Little they oars for the lover's prattle Or the bliss the meta may kiow ; Their having ,ides with their draughts slit. tended, They enter the path again, And Drop the eraa•m,witb beads low Mod,d Ga either side of the leas. Tbe.tmdows deeps• : the dew is sprinkling With diamonds all i1. meads ; And faint and far, is the distanos tinkling. The sound of the balls recedes. 8ti11 on the bridge where 1W water gffsairakr. As the moonlight ea N falls, This miller talks and the maiden liet.ma, But the cows ars is the stabs. Winter is Near ! 00 oe prepared to meet it with a good Hat or Cap when it comes. We have put in stock all the Latest Styles of Fall HATS which for . utility and price annot be equalled. In stock are numerous as sortments ot the latest In etlaints WLLAR$I' .L✓-- ■HIRT'd. HOel�SRy " rO°AP9 °NECHW'ZAR. MITTS. -_ 0. R. SHANE d& Co. aarsbb Hat and Far•iahieg Emporis= IT HOLDS THE KEY. Inaiwol6oaat Beginaleg. -bat VW sisaI ea one as • Thief In the algid sad Were Dae baa time to Wonder whet ails Him he is in the firm grasp of Disease- . South American Kidney Cele will Break the Benda and Liberate, ao mat - tor how .troog the cord.. The thousands of o•aes that have bees helped, aid :oared by the greet South Am - otiose Kidney Cure in the beat reoommeed of its curative qualities. The remedy is • specific for all kidney troubles. The form- ula ie oomponoded oe the very latest seis- islo discoveries io the medical world. There ars themes s today who trethfully say " I am Beteg became I used South Americas' Kidney Care." It relieves in eiz bears Sou by J. B. Davis. JUST FOR FLUI. A certain termer, who 50 Try me mans meted for kis res.mblseoo to Apslls, bee a u00 wbo powe ids hm use dayeMMNu s war maer oame to the tars, and seeing tbo lad asked : " Seamy, where's your father!" "Is the pigpen," was the mole " L the Mimes ! Tbsoks." AQ e s the to.. mewed is the dimities' imdkated, the boy sheeted : "I say I You'll knew him. 'owes h.'. (•e a Um *Sr' They had been discussing th..11.amm moot of eoi.mor- "I see it is ola aced thee they oaa ga. elsotrieity direst trent m..1 sow," Suggested the lawyer. " That wos'1 do as any rood," returned the railroad nem - seer. ., If we 000ld get owl direct freer e lectricity now we wouldn't have to worry about this strike." " Dear," mid the Senator's wife, " the papers are mousing you of lotting the stock market taLauoe your vote." " It is not e n," roared the stem,me., and he pounded the table with lm fist " All I have done in that dinotiee wee be allow ay vete to inflames my d..limg. In the atese menet." A little Ley fa • district wheel received his first day's inetraotiow, sed Wore niebt he had lerrid to .poll ooh weed. " Now," said the Iasekar. " You can tall you graodmether hew to spell pig." ily gr mt r� knew. how to spell y replied the loyal little fel- low 1 "she's teethed oohed" " If e1e were s yeasg girl," said the plemp juryman with m metrep.11taa air, I would be im favor of as.es.ieg the dam - whisk you wish. Bet it sesame to as M a widow le est entitled to quite so mach fee tee &map to her feelings by breath of premise " I don't leek at it to that way at all," mid the Isar juryman with the red hi. h .t.. "1 take it that • widdeettilt im'.'ad he but the west, 'casee10_ Iu. l •bhat'..ee is lesia'." es ere.• Oeeklek Om penal of Heat f Nre.-QLi.Iwa if • poled **eh of bmfsse Asti allot ; Wee awe ; one te,hpooeflfl.4 toorw•ter. Deep es. sp.emhl .f the wdl•beatee balsa for sash cask% Mees well -messed bend -pee, sod lake is a gel* awes. De tset trawl steed the retaase t " the tight la always sapadbst:" Tie. Mb .t. mems freedoms t1. SOK teak's( it hard se de wrests sad may to M -e .T ?C TO chaplain w f.;11 • ' t$EY1.A1tr 'Tr at am a-4 1. MM. mer oma For TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN*S BAKINC POWDER TNECOOK'SBEST FRIEI� 411sur Yds a O�N�w. dnaonacemeat. New Goode and B* Values in the Tailoring „jigs at the old -established and reliable West -et Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP GODERJOH 8Th.&M BOILER WORKS. A. S. CH RYSTAL, Inner Ohnotai I Mask aa•anfaot.r.r or all kiwi. of 8 0 ILMR9. Smoke Stacks, Salt fans, Sheet Iran Works, eto., etc., Asti Dealer in- Englses, Maekls.ry Carthage. its. All wire. of Pipes and Pip. Zbtb o . ete.m and Wake Gowen, Globe Valvese Omsk Valye., Imiptralors, E).et.n sed L- Seetah Oesetaa41, . em H at Lewes YPrrllaaeses=moo. A .pssW line el Med Water sad flog TrougDh for ass of hgetba sad Dias•. Rmp•trtnQ Pronertle •Basad ep .. $. aLsTIRArk !. O 11as n, OadseM. Cartage & Pul Co. are prepared to handle Bag - me Freight and Household Ef- fedte with Dispatch at reasonable rates. Dealers in:011 grades of HARD SOFT and $lulthimg Coal Wood and Einabut U$ o WO customers anti 4eliw whit *Oh promptneme. Order* tent Timl•phoyka ell w r. to .1. & LA,t', D. 0 8rt.6111Awe Manager. Elecsetasy