HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-16, Page 1a cos. LLE PRICES MIT PRICES. 8c. heapeat Stock ,inaters,Tape6. ply Ail -wools, Oil Cloths in 4 widths, Bat Makes, 00 in Prise WEEK 'asst 0W any ...v !lit as Price. ENZI 1 ) better woel- ,ong sad €t !!aper. 750 750 50c , ... 15o 42c 150 ...10 and 150 anything Copper, • 1 and see az work. CYCLE CO. podenoh. 4E OLD 4L B ON NANO rr iftiCO8l RK ICT on; Cash. is Marks 8oslea a tot'. ON$ DOLLAR, L ELLO, HURONIANH [l ,d,► Stas 1►fAY QUEEN H BRAAND&. 8 ra.. agog vee camas rAelvVac- vvltaD SY MADDOC S &OODERKENNEDY • WILL PLY FOR THE SIGNAL Yoe Oam Ede, THS LI3AD11443. D. WOILLKTDDY, EDITOR. 1t' .�1.�Jl�Y• ZAPS Rid" sled ter waMlfeegleileit malty tart rPdr is • sale Q bap 40114=alt 14 - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS' -SEPT. 18 OUR OTTAWA LETTER For ;isle -J. A. Mtfi)on$gh 5 i Ti. Porton-Fattest Cut -F. J. Pridh om 81 What la Ij3olnMonatLb. Capital hew Restaurant -lire. Carroll fi For Sale or to Rent -J. A. **Doughti f� liras Ifskin/-oldteelibsesier.:: +r''+s Better Than Gold-folfwed A Co Ammunitsou-Davison ! Co Dollars to PeaLota-North America& Cheerios! Co .. . - _. s.A_ New F.rm-Genesi! At YM . House to Lot---hire.Lot---hire.Dr. McLeod a Our Baking Powder -F. M. Denham,,,.5 Economy sod S•tietaotien-Est. iiea - Reid Drees Msktsg-lin. Matthews .. 5 Form for Sale -W. C. Putter......:.:.`._ 5 Private Sale --lire. A. C. Camet0S . .5 Notice to CrdiyPhilip Holt 5 Millinery Opeolus--gins Yates-�"--_8' Cone and See What -Smith Bros. h Co. 8I l.alere, that so iutsgibary tale of bickering a Roim-Stcimat. office 5 gong on to the L.:loral Cabinet is heartily R'•ncsd, Autumn Exhibition -R. B. Smith 4 Bin WantedrBox 999 SIGNAL office8 Viotoria Opera House -A. E Forte 8 Is the New Store -Jas. Roh:u oe The Wake Merles About Dia.. Rohm. to the ilehlnet-.Ir oltver'. terterrpl•ted Resignation -lir. Peeler as a rake Prophet. OTTAWA, Sept. 13. -Tory journals are delightfully prolific' and indefatigable ta the fake story limo these days. dissensions among the Dominion Cabinet Ministers is one now bring pleatltalUY disbud up as a thought tood for the faithful. They Let e had such • thorough sart.it of reel dtstenetone ame.g their ansa_.-Pe(0Y. COMING AND GOING. A B. Lava= visited Bayfield on Fri- day. Geo. Acheson was at the Toronto Fair last week. g Davis, o1 C.slrelie was in Godertob i�J r icy. D. 1#.i1. i41il6rned $31� jliencreai relished, and a pleasing diversion from the bug continued contemplation of their ewe F.Ivtoettoos such this. internal warfare. however, Dau have much weight eves with the more simple minded and tN oredulou Tory, prone as he is to accept the Botioos of his press. A little thoughtful consideration of the mutter ought to oon- vince teem that this story, like many another from that souro*, is merely -the work of the on Monday. J. G.' Walk yiefdpbeld, was to O.+d•rtob as Mo•day. - Mies Savage, ot Detroit, is visiting the Minces Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. R, C. Hays were visiting in S..torth Monday. S. P. Halls, M.A.. was in Loudon and Stpttord on Saturday. 'eo. D. MoTeggsrt, of Clinton, was is Goderich ea Saturday. Joseph Armstrong. .f Wingeam, was is County town this week. Joe. Murray le speedtag • few dapiM C. Bailiff'..-Se•forth Sun. Isb•e maker. There are sot many of the Ministers in Ottawa at the present time, sod .here have been•t.w ben inc.ithe Lvttday sesaeriage1St6't•';lume acs •Last a the usual venation trip whilrot.hen •gal r are away oo busmen miested. The plus - tog pastime, therefore, of snarling as one soother, according to the Tory 6otioniste. must be indulged in across miles of land and sea. The contemplated -roetgnation of Sir Oliver Mowat from the Cabinet in ord•r.te wows* the Maher digoo y and office of Lieat-Uoveroor of the ptovinoe of Ontario, will no doubt afford the Tory press material to consiruot another dmansion tale. Sir Oliver Mow•t's retirement from active politics in the federal arena, has always been • well understood matter In politioid Stoke ; and his elevation to the gub.roa- torial chair of the province be has so long and so faithfully served, will reosive unani- mous approval. It is snob • position which, "Odle tilling it, will not discreet from hie uastuloese. bot will still afford him opper- OA THE DISTRICT 1NEWS TTOIO OUPOW12 Corrwpondenta ThemaImemeaPU.w Urre root Casae( be gypg *Where tiles -News or the r•..S0y %orrisll1 reported r..r The slg.al. ASHFIELD. TeentisY, Sept. 14 Tt.e rot ie pets ' s is oeeomit:< very i pr. valent In this tocaluy, --i...-<d1;.,11:..YuDirtaah uI.1it•tr:. c.:un - - ,}wh , was vwUq. !riwodle in this viciirry' r'p'- hese, LEE_ _ , "- TrasDoY. .•pt.. 14. )ln, John Chisheliw wee t. Twoato Me. a w.ek tee of rtie-11'orld'e 3reir. Butt la"' vae,stnu rel.uvrs serer. Weston. Sundry last the C, E. S. held their meet- ing in the morning, owing t:, the ab.:r . f the pastor oo we holiday. Mies Frith Horton being the leader to the Bible direo COMMERCE, GOCERICH• , tions "for practical life " THE CANADIAN BANK � COUNTY CURRENCY tiruntield : Mies oder, of Mutr1oh, was the guest of Mr. ass of Ms maosu, for the t __Lew days. --New f1+r___.... Era. t.ondes b no : Mr. Frsad• Brown is the pasteeor of • y..uug pig IoviuR two Mads rnd three eye., wuieh is rather • Mite !leak •.f nature. Walt= : A Court to deal wtLh a Kesa loader the Ditches and Water.twraaI a will be held Itfore Judge Armee ea argsh hotel, in chic village, on Friditlf01 1 -fast. re 10 o'clock. Grey : Usury 51.:Naught, of the 19th c••n., I is a hustler ar an *lissom. H. expecte to start this weer f.,. .1d,suicuba w.th a1,.. it 4 ton. of honey bio i• trk ng hu „ew .i.•e►etelope'%-_paoygte to_.Jtor litate ma-.og sale. . (:;intoe • Last 'Thursday night some o•0 }ooterad the ael4r sit r. D. LVilw, Loz Jon ad, and stn's 40 dorm of rained lout mad r E jun of porkies. Presumably' this latae per- jn a riletoo hie drive hoose and took a.vsv. TT sever$y tools., t Holo well.: Ti' trustee board of -ilio Methodist church bas deoided to holo Om regular au0.vereary ,-.;rise. on Cr:,. 9 10. Rev. W. etyen. of Point Edward. a to rte invited for the 000asion, and it u probable 1 Q•Q$-- friends tbroegl,oOt--thg.floor eoli.l mahogany counter stat furniture many nen • ' the of latest design, nimu►factrutxl by Life Gu4i • oowsky who make a peat of sitdtisfl , h t organ Company, and the grille work, of county town at Fair time well, chi year nc ratty maty improvements. The town tri 1 late has ntetle decided progress and is may mg in a steady mid_ manner. Ane,,�},�.�.L 41}tid „Erne lith yeararlaLlee the new ofbeee'of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, an illustration of which is given it/rove The Bank, through its lot! manager -being alive to the necessities of desin the o, and having full faith the future of de town -.ought for ...new need- larger offices to meet the requirements of its fast Waimea,increasing Waimea, and act arrangement was made with R. C. Hays, barrister, who represents the Stuart !estate, owner of the property at the corner of ('olborne-st. and the Square, for the erection of •, suitable edifice. The services of a prominent archi- tect, Mistime Bird, of Berrie and Toronto, were called in, the oleo building which had stood on the property for a term of yearn was razed to the ground, and the result is the handsome structure which now adorns that portion of the Square- It is the tingsto and moat complete Weimer;Weimer;block in town, two stone. high, of red 1 11,642_and outside and taste u finitiried acienrt ince with the latent architectural requirements. The interior is particularly;ftn, with tiled H. Davis, of Winrh•m, visiiisthe e County town on Thursday. '. - Ma w Pettiagr., of Mooers.!, is .l• Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Logan. treasurerTown treasurer W. L. Rectos was at the Loudon Fait cm Wed•ssday. a Mines Bella and Mario* Watson, el Se forth, were se teem ibis week. E. L. Dickenson. hamm ster, of Winghe, was in town the past Tbursd.Y. Mrs. R W. McKenzie and Everett Mo - Kenzie ars visiting London f.ir.so Chas- B kfodgo, of Detrtot, wa• in town this week visiting relatives. mettles of reoderiog his valuable wbuooe in the =building of the country. Tb. fable•writr is already getting in hie work. upon the subject of Sir Oliver's withdrawal -from the Liberal Cabinet. It bis been said that Sir Oliver u now making his retirement from the Ministry contingent upon the Hon. David Mille being given the portfolio at Justice. Such • 000diuoe would be rather dictatorial, to say the least, and it would Henry Ramble, of Buffalo, N.Y., is spending his manatees ia Goderioh Den. McLeod is speeding • few days to I:oderiob this week.--Seilortb 8m. Mus Mary Croute has returned to her duties •t the Stayer Publio School. Jas. Ribinein was In Toronto the ysmt week studying the dry goods fashions. Mr., Mrs. and Miss Eva Dunlop spent • tea days in the Qum. may Fast week. Miss Reid, of Menlr.sl. is the gent of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Logan. Celboree et. Mrs. Mark Turnbull was redid to Petrola the past week by tis dined of a s•lauve. R. . Mie use,Msnes U .II.at the Collegiate, sped the pest two weeks in town. W. Watson, a former employes of Ilia Henderson Kioyole Oa, was in town this week. Mrs. Caon1, reoent(,r of S•ltl.rd. has opened • r,M.ur•st oppndte the Colborne hotel Mime Grant. of Mull. Is os • vied to her brother the Saoe.oe Menses at the C.1- lege•te. Arch. Rends. treasurer et Colborne tows - ship. nowt three day. le the Ousen city the past week. Stewart Smeltss, d Goderioh. Wit Sunday with triesd• le Egmesdvill• $••- forth Sun. !lime McColl, of Godwin, u visitiag with Mrs. John Hostels ter a short time. -•S.• - forth Baa. J. O'Oesnell, .f Godwin, was visiting Meads to Egmeadvlll. en Seedsy. -Su•- fotth Sun. be quite unnecessary to .ttwh such a proviso io the resignation of the..,proess Minister of Justice. 1'he selecuon of the Hoe. Mr. Mille by the Preplier as th• eau moor le the present tddumhent of the Justice Department, would be appreciated by the general public. He ie reoognized as • leading mind in legal oiroise, and a m•o of wide knowledge and experience and one thoroughly trusted for his ia►•grity. It is • fake story that hardly needs denial sines it carries its owe refatatfoo on the tape of it. Between the stories *Weber et dissensions and the travels of Cabinet Ministers, gni Tory brass m•eas.s to work tall up to • fine fame, sod it makes funny reading in- deed when viewed in the light which • building, ,!tanto pattern and excellent workmanship, was specially designs for thetui , by the Dennis Iron Works Co.. London. Tho business trwis►eted at the hank has iu- .•reased largely of and with brought about by the large crops and good prices, is Lound to become larger. Much attention is given to promoting the Savings Bank Department, where sums of one dollar and upwards are received, and current rate d thereon. In on to of commercial-paper, paper, the-Bankti lmake* a special business of Inane to farmers, and the collection of sales notes at reasonable rates of interest. The local staff consists of R. S. Williams, manager ; E. H. Bird, accountant ; R. A. McCord', teller ; and H. H. MeVity, junior. The head office of the institution is in Toronto, with a paid-up capital of 46,000,000 ars! 430,000,000 of m- eets. It has forty-four offices in the Pro - .a -ince of Ontario, also office* in Montreal, Winnipeg, New York and New Orleans, and agencies all over the world, offering its clients unsurpassed banking facilities. A- silver medal has been demisted by the Bank of Commerce to the Great North- western Fair, to be held next week, for the best exhibit of grain. Brats refteesieraeses it -looking haskward over the record of the oast eighteen years in this reaped. Times papers would have u infer teat Tory Ministers oevr travelled in the days el their Zoog lease of power. It has been stated teat one of those Tory 00000mizers, beside, being very mooh apoe tit• road, is • moment of thriftiness actually brought home in his plane oar his winter .tock of potatoes. The junketing" of minis- ters ini ters are matters ot ,.►.rorty, a rid to suoh an satdei They travelledtalyirto amount t .. o • andaL ly sod late. out sista their are travdonelling ddays,t .x the country's dyads, ex- hibit great anzl ty to shift L�stigmaietb.t Washed to them eyes Will not work' Liberals sa be �the � se .mise the [ablest• MY se eves ea they do the short piste w 15. allow themselves for the nsessary parried of reit Mr, Foster's pr diatl.r that th..xpeedi- tar. for the pees fiscal year would ore•« • d&GMM of net les. Mae 22.001000 has again proved him • door prophet. past he lt prepared the estimates or the veer and should be in • position to know whereof he speaks, he .videotly mi.asd.rat•ade the arty bice. Stilettos. .moo pIofythe Liberal liege bib exol.ge.r arid pervises the speedieg .1 the nu!le remained ~ Mr. b odes's pais mopeye )area ted est thet the finasoial r pear it le throe and • returns soul heti revealed 30th of Jane half millions of a defied .s the lad Tb.Canada for the past S sal year haef the tweets sod ex- ve sec ofy Canada handed dos, and they .Atm, that tie k imied of the cam 'radioed by Mr. Foster, there is only the small 4.tlelt of ,731 apes o.m.olidswd rename amnia. tory aM asai th..a.,.ya gessest tievermitift hi a ospeaditu s. .alas to r. an the Agti.rtrrea whisky distillers wid.stiy lake little stook Is the probibitios tenttains of Ora dp- Then ar. S'o`ng. to Meir geode O.tw► Heretofore wss so to lie .at .f obliged balm was obliged to w ea maps ditty es hmma i liegera as well Ilkseaseessfel ftp. iii ChesMies dim makleg • le whiskies tmepnsellila Ramo•.Qy • • 1. * re .11. R. venue iron eraweve• Ma Ogles am that sine of mien ad mow esj te la . Asterisms dililler with lair shemesege tmpets in the aesdW mar - ban with the borne prods tort la lookaiY into the coda prtay."te horogeolsel•w that • w�.m . „u o heededwere. hoses he t""""., Cssailee *t„asjwa � imea erliealy =Rapo elmem le OM fillielsy MIL T s Oma - recent c ear., BLUEVALE• W•Daa.DAY, Sept. 14, Mr. L Conitee is visiting in the Queen City. Miss Annie Corbett, of Fergus, is renew• tog old acqu•tntaooes in the 'adage. Miss)lary Robertson lett for Bov&ln oo last Tuesday aompenied by -• Patterson, who. on her &rxive' will wed Mr. John Roberlkos. 411111-?•'6Umslirfrc"7-4LO '2.1L16 - "1410th, TUT,113•1r. Sept. 14. Mita Assn Badman, of Goderioh, u the goose el Mrs. Glazier at the Ezobeoge. Mies Haughton and Mess Don MacNeil were the ruses of Miss Susan Wallace of t5a Bayfield road this week. Mies L. Morrtsb, ianghter of Wm. Un- ruh, a former resident of Colborne, is home from D+kola, and is visiting hen and about Benmiller. missiooer of Costars. Wormed me that the bonded warehouse privileges were unaltered said no change was contemplated. The Am- erican exporter may send into Caned• his whisky in any sized alms pecked* and store them in bond for not longer than thirty days without entering for duty. It put in any other style of package than .lase. hooded importations are not to be under 100 gallons in a pwkag• American" are ever ready to raise s hi.../1 over • conjectured tariff provision which may be bo.Ule to their interests. the rub should ww work both woes LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Seaford' Rs -palter : Mimes Loom and En Acheson, of (led.*. se. visiting is town this week. Thee. and Mrs. Graham and child, et Cleveland, .re visiting the gentleman's parents es East street Miss May Bmhas.s sada abrother. Walter, rstetmed ea Mosley visit to Toronto sed Megan Fells. Chas and Harold BMokstose wheeled to mondial. and from Landes the pest week, two day. ot the Wester* fibre. Mr. end Mrs: Allem Murray, el Remport. who 5ste bees visiting the kitty's broths,. Wm. MoDenald,l.ft yesterday fee MestreaI. Mr. sad Mn. Comates sed family, of Sarva, hove moved be fioderioh sed are re- dd!eg os the veneer of Vistaed and Brace et ruts. Mies Harris, after speeding a portion of the holidays at tbe rigidities of her *sole' Thos. Harris. Trafalgar street. left this week to rem•mee work et Tomato Unarm - lofty.. Mrs. J. E. Walters and see. 0f 51eleford, Welland GL.. Oct., dee dee .unties her fans) 'thee. PreeloM•, dartsR 1616-' pis thseadweekr. Mrs. Waters let for i t hess tine week. f#te, g A. M.Areur sad e►lldre. ra- ime ed for their hewn. is %bedded. Mae =ussday leek atter spssidiag • most eller !him eammer wet► bar roma* Mw m04 tibio. Wim. Jesse .a t heiew. ltemoshisg daily The putt woow=atturstur.- Our pgtmer touters hays not all left us yet, Wednesday will be school children's day at the Fair. The prettiest view is Ontario is from the Harbor Park. M.sesetang Perk closes for the anion of 1887 this week. The town band had an excellent praotioe on Moaday evening. The Knitting factory is enraged oo work for immat'lets delivery. Mr. Calvin shipped s oat load of boos to Gelltagweed en Monday. Jumada Miller shipped • metobed team te the Londe. lair last week. Look at oar toot of dab& tor Fail Fain and dote those you will .s.eud. A large namhr of our idioms visited Messetung Park last Saturday. rose above lib in the shade, • pretty high point for 7e1).e1i1 bar. Next Tumidity :s the opening day at the Great Northwestern. Are you making ar- rangements to attired' Don't miss seeing the moving views of the Queen's Jrbileo Prooession. -just from Lon- don and Toronto exhibitions. Sept. 21st and 22nd. Mw E. Hillier, Kinpetoo-et. invitee the ladies to call and inspect her display of Fall Millinery. Opening, Mondsy evening, the 20th, .leo 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Wiogh•m Times : tar. and Mrs. G. A. Newton wheeled to Goderioh on Saturday ,jfiety_•tsd spout • few days with friends in Oodsr s mad-ibodesldBTowttsh,p: - Goats To Sr. Aracar1NL,-Oo Wednesday of last week oar popular blacksmith, Wm. Pbillipe, changed ibe location of his forge to that olaohan wbre his sharp strokes on it will •waken its residents to the fact that they have at last a smithy in their town. He and Mrs. Phillips will be much missed in our social circle by many friends, and also their dentine Strata. We, with • large number of friends, wish them every success in their new home. Burrows an0 .,tewort end threshing around here this week. Previous to earning here they threshed 410 bushels of Gate in 90 minutes, R.R. time. at Samuel Johnston's on the boundary, near 8beppordton. The grate carriers who did double work were Johnston and Wm. Yeoman. This N not • fish story, but the live truth, and soy tbr*sbtng firm that can beat this let us know if they can excel' it. Doubters can be s000mmod•ted with • challenge toy time tor • purse of twenty dollars. or higher if they like. within 11e next two months, and more thee this, we dare sly live threshers under the gun to take this op. A oard to the firm at Sheppardto or Drnlop on the euhjaot will meet speedy attention. that n nun. Exeter : Owing to the heavy nine this summer the wells are fuller than usual and the water is likely to become impure. As this le the season when typhoid fever is000- traoted the health authorities urge all in. terested to give attention to their wells mad secure a,npply of pure water. Tumberry : On Wednesday afternoon. Sept. 8th. the marriage ot D•vtd Pocock, of this township, to Mary A. U.e11, ot .4Irfenher nae pl.m . „at tl!'j a tut onMe sd;riot, 'Wingtt , fof Parsonage, Res. James $smilyon. The newly married • couple will sojoy their honeymoon among friends in the East. Seaford : Wbile Nelly, youngest daughter of Mn. Joe. Brownell, was playing on the olothes reel stand, and =for- tunately weak, ahe slipped and broke her Dollar bone. Dr. Burrows was Galled in end attended to the injury. The little Aire is progressing as favorably s• can be expected. there will he a tea meeting 1.0 000, dam Now M.(litfhrit. II. L. au. MA taws Mob week est We whisk by Item. r. ilssillai � aGefr011y as ler r 9l M.rj a '"�• Mel .sa M Trireme gad ting �� Lily clews to the 17 U1 11tt My Aadrswe Bros. A. C4 shipped • oar of cattle to Tornado last Thursday. The O.T.R. sent one hundred and three loaded can eastward lest weak. The directors of the Northvdsstern exhibi- tion had olnning up bee yeeterd•v. The Clinton bakers hove raised tis price et bread from 10e. t. 12e. per lungs loaf. 0.11.'$Ulett 1. miss la eta fen fah ego, and roe can't bring him too masm. Drysdale : While engaged threshing at Robert Ntoholson's. Aibert Woods, of Bay- field, wbo was pitching grain off the scaffold lost hie balanoe anti tell partly through. Quickly he caught some of the bo.rds,whiob saved his fife, for had he fallen be would have Roos directly foto thy ovlinder. Ha fork stuck into the manias Mom Mese of the feeders Grey : On Tuesday more* of this week • deer was seen quietly feeding on the flats oo Jobo Budd's tarot, 3rd line. Coming in contact with civilisation seemed to 0000ern him hut little until Joe Budd's dog got on bis track, and then he took to the woods. He weir aces several times afterwards .red the goosed impewioo is that be is an *soaped tame deer. Grey : Last Sunday evening somereneek thief entered the orchard belonging to Geo. W. Tnrvey, during the absence of the own- er, and helped himself to a quantity of plums, besides breaking ssvoral brushes off trees, etc It is not likely Mr. Turvey would have nsodarLhelp in gathering the fruit, and we, do not think he woeld desire them to work oo the S.bbitb. DUNGANNON TUESDAY, Attiring ti. NOTICE --G. A. NEWTON, 1=F.NTIST, Luoknow, visite Dungannon on Lt sea 5rd erRIDAY of each month : hours frro m ss o to 5. Painleeexttracting : spec f 111 and weserving natural is TAi1g8 SHOP. Omos- Men items at page CorvAtasciu o. -W• ore plead to state that those of our citizens who doe been ill are oe the way to recovery. We it. pleased to state that Mira Cbar- 1olte W igetars, who has been indisposed train the efteote of • severe cold, is reoov.r- ing nicely. DsroA•a AtSD heroatlsat.-We regret to chronicle the douse of the late Margaret Glen, relict of the late Ado Glen, of Col- borne, which book plan at her late rest - demos on Friday of IMt week. Bu: Wong. -Robe. Finnigan. of Ashfield, recently out on the premises of John M•1 - lough, Ashanti, 13 sere sitelite is'? Iva". 30 widen, The oats were • heavy crop. and we think the work hard to beat, R. M. Ballantyne, the cheese Zing, says : Thi deity Carmen of Western Catania, without aov material addition' -''to their herds, are making 4150 out of the tame= this year. Postmaster' are now instructed to bold letters shirty days, utiles the printed notice on the oorner of the envelope ask• them to be r•etureed sopor to the person who sent it. Mies Hillier's millinery openinMoo- day, Sept. 20th, rise 21st, 22Andg ' Flani1ggaane s Fortuna," a1 this Opera Henn cm Thursday enter, Hept. 23rd. Tits rain es Fridaysight ended the warm spell, sad settled te dust for • couple of drys. for the hletoty of man look at his weekly p•�.r t tkere you Mem sips if he u op M Ropey a goad much mid splendid Irish piano! . Thursday, 23rd Sept. a1 tr+ Upson Rome of Chrystal'e employees were work - Mg Ma week em eke elegem light boiler is The 54 totCe. shipped • as hell d to ythe e North-West yeste dey. Last welt WN'r Torreon, this it io Leedom. sad MO Week Uederieh will Immo Aa old lady res dant of Colborne tows - ship was robbed at the Union Station, To- ronto, last week, as she was taking the train for home. The lady's poker was sot ptoked, it was out eompleeely away from the dress. - Oa Tuesday, while Joseph Cololough, of fiodsrioh township, ase driving to Clinton, •000atp•nied by his wife and ustr•in•lew, the heroes" gave way, causing .11 to be thrown out. Mrs. Caking/1i had her ool- ler Woe broken. Rev. Father MoKeon, suooseor to the late Father Quigley as pastor of the Wing - hem .od St. Auuu.ties R C. eoogregaties., preached his taaugur•1 s.rmon at the R. C. eherok there Sunday morning to an spored alive .esgreraties. Goderich : The farm of the late Wm. tleoderson, on the 615 non., was sold on Wednesday of last week by public) quoties, the purchaser being Jul. Motdillen, of the 41.5. The farm contais. about 60 sores and is nearly all under cultivation. The paroha pries 82300 is • very reasonable flours as the soil is good. Robe. Henderson, the t.esat, wW o••opy Torinettteryear- Henrelf : Jas. Moiriber and Mid Albs, daughter of Riabard V1 slab, town, were joined in wedlock by Rev Mr. Kerr en Tsui - day .1i.raoon, at the residence of the bride's parents. Jas. Bell, oouin, assisted the /room. while Mies Emily Welsh. sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. The young eoupie tore driven to the depot, where they took the .ix o'olook train, amid slower. of ries sod old slipper., for • boe.ymoon trip to Toronto, Buffalo and other pluoes. Chinon : Un Thuday iuornou,t Mrs. Gristle of Clinton, had a wouderfully narrow .soaps from what threatened to be a • *Flom' acaident. She rot on the Toronto train te. hi9 feir daughter good bye and did n ot noosed in getting off until after the train was under tall heady, when she jumped . t sbe London roadsroo.ing. She rolled dinotly under tbe oar, the wheel. brushing her clothes, but fortunately doing her no inl.ry beyond a severe shaking up. Ca Nord -Revs. Thomas Arm. strew/ Win. Stool, of Clinton, .x• dinged pulpite last Sabbath. Rev. J. T. Kerrin, of Nitobell• i. impeded to 000duot Divine ServloeIin thelEpisoopel church next Sabbath, commencing .t the usual boor, 3 r. r. The Revgentleman some years ago resided here and was much esteemed as paster while hers. HARBOR AND RIVER. The past week was a bogy one a1 the G.T. elevator. The schooner Todmao, light, arrived in Dort from Parry Sound on Monday. The steamer St. Andrew lett last Thurs- day for Fort William to takg en • ergo of wheat A targe number of men are employed at Dynast's yard piling, sorting and loedinr lumber. Petr Maltose still has three same en.sred heeling .1sb. from the Harbor mill to Ashford. A very lenge quantity ot the timber taken frau the breakwater has beet' est up and mated op tows. Beene may hs soma all along the bench sad the river, their einem gathering sheer ter the breakwater. Contra Ano Oenro.-Mn. John Hick., sooespanled,by her daughter Mertyle, of Essex noasty, Pere the (meets of their ooein Mrs. T. Smiley cast week W. Welters, of Oodertah, and sen Jelin. ot Col- borne toroth's. permed through onr village on Tuesday Wit to attend the femoral of their nephew and oousls r.speetively. John Allan, of Ambfield Robert Armstrong, of Stanley,was in oor village last week bay mg horses for the Iorsdgn market Misses May sad Lillie Mallengh,of Superior City, ahe ban boon on an extended visit. to ther 'road parents, William M•lloogb..t. P. and his wits. left here on Sept 8th for Alma College, 8t. Thomas Mime Franots Arydges, et Goderioh, and formerly of 1)on gssaon. daring last week was the guest of her gnadpsrsstm Mr. sed Mrs, Thes. Pent - Wm. Crumble, jr., wife, sell end Saks Mies Mary (:raise. of Belfast. also Mr. Skleeer .red wife et S1. Marys, John Mold Magog and wife, of A.hdeld. were no - ossify the poste of Mr. and Mrs James Walker Mrs. Margaret Llitta and ethers et esr cities.. are taking in the Rx- hihltiooat Leaden Jne ph LAO* and wife, taskaow. es T•o elsy lams visited them on Thews& is our our village and other relatives to Wed Waw.aest. Jas. Hay. ..d him w aeln.ded the be. Amboy so quickly that the wee able te steam earth early yontsrdy. The edhoes.r (Asea Tonal arrived in pert ea S..ardsfrom Theories with 300,000 tint Acer. fed of Ismer for K. Dymo.t trap's J.Wes iAttustes Views et the Tb st..•mer 51. xsdrew, with 39,000 Open Hissing es Terstisy •ed Ws. edsd•y ba bob .t wheat from Fort WiTI1.a, .r- upMtmp most week. rived in port en 1'.ssdav mereisg. Whom M the Weelbw5M.ra 011 et the the Harbci sew milt le m bogy mora. sin 13rosAt. adios and pay 26 tests lee Tim tits- .ss4ag the up sad icaMag, piling and VAi. M Jameary 98. ellelltig tks tnanafaeteeed limber reoatres • Several days Mint week tis t arsemsear Usso wb•t d Meads,` ' Clinton : Darin/ the electric storm .t Sunday week. the lightning played a - ooaple of queer frooka. It ran into the House ot Refuge. by the wry of the elbotrio light win. smashing • reooiver to pieces, and petting net all the lights. It •1.o destroyed part ot the lights is the Ontario lit. chard. At the Electric Light Statics. the I.rg. 8y wheel •..oily revels at the rate 100 revolutions • misuse. but the Behesing ooming in as 1he wires as an opposing menet, eompell.d the wheel to slow down 10 ttew revolution per minute. Morris Pearl i ethae>/ wee badly Mehra by • moss doe helsadoa to I. !sword, es ilesday .owing. We hep• nethisierme= may result frost the weasel. Mt. pal an esd to his oupgolds. Yet set bolero M Lad Woe Mae ea the Used, Hallett : A .•d death took plane at the horn. ot Mr. & Mee Benisons Morrltt, in Hunan, on Friday, when their decaliter, Bella. tacanmbed M blood poisoning. Six week• ago she stepped en • nail and little attention was paid to it at the time. as it was nee thought to he serious, but about • week before her death she oomplain.d of pine in her leg and medical assistance wed celled in. All that human ,kill Gould do oeuld net save her life, •.d she died ea 'friday evestar. Hes age was 10 years and 11most ha. Feder : Tice harvest boase newton an °meeotion with the Trivia M.berial ebareb were hood ee Sunday sad Monday. On Sod- dy Roe. Games Dann. of Ludes. presorted two elegant and impressive sermon to large esegregetiesa Os Monday • sapper was gives is the Opera Hell. after whist en sddrese seg delivered by Rev. Oases Dear. ea " based," The •ta.d*.0e wee large mid the mess one of the tarot hestlfd wap spread before se timer •somnidy. while the Ware tor• k iso... a laserseave sad fall el bstgise. The a , 111,,o i bila asati si0A nonoil- . w