The Signal, 1897-9-9, Page 8$ TsosaDArr Sett. 9, 1837. x -. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. THECHEAP ST•RE. We are bound to keep up our reputation as THE CHEAP STORE. ANOTHER SNAP IN EATS. Men's Fine Felt.B*ts, Blacks and Browns, worth 32.25 to $3.00 for $1.00. Fine Felt Hats, Black and Brown, worth $1.50 to $2.00 for 75c REMEMBER THEY WONT BE WITH US LONG. CLOTHING! CLOTHING I MEN'S SUITE and O ; -i 'ITS, E% ;,: Oomia Btoclt. Primes Lowest: 800PALRS HOSIERY8D0, A JOB . •LO Te �� Now is your chancel to get your Fall and Winter Hose at prices that are bound to dear them out in a few weeks. HEAVY ALL WOOL RIBBED HOSE FOR LADIES OR BOYS, REGU- LAR 36o. YOit 190• HEAVY ALL WOOL WORSTED RIBBED HOSE, REOU'1.AR 660. TO MENFOR Oa S BLACK WOOL BOX ONLY 15o. PAIR DRESS GOODS .7 7 " O e' a •. 25c. r9c. All Wool French Opera Flannels, Nice Fancy Pattern, regular 50c for 25c. ' New Fancy Armoury Cloths, regular 50e. for lye. • Heavy Tweed Dzess Goods, new designs, double width, worth gOc.T615C. ...r ._ westwesl 000 2012 at.D and du almg to be a nephew of the late Sir Astley Cooper, i under arrest in San Fran- cisco on sua,iciun of team; a uutorious bank awipoler. It Is now generally believed that the miming Froatenac County Treasurer Vaniuven has probably committed sui- cide. Street Railway Gaels valued at $8.000 and $4O,0UO in snob canuut be ac- ctttptld for. The greatest senoatien of the l.uetgert' sounder trial in Chicago was the tending of a wlddnig dug and a keeper is the vat of caustic potash, in the sausage face tory. On Baturdny the mu,gits were fully identified as belonging to Mrs. Luetgert, the murdered woman. YC itEL I' rnstaot(AL. The Pope's health L so good that his physician declares he will live to see the eutieth century. • I'riuci)al Peterson, of McGill. is still confined to his bed in 2.1a•rgeldy, Wakes, but he is improving steadily. The Governor-General ham left bfoat- tead far New Richmond, Quo.. to en Lady Aberdeen and his tnuteh. The spontaneous popularity of the Duke and Duchess of York iu Ireland is giving great salifaction to the Imperial authorities. Sir Charles Tupper, Instead of taking a trip to Italy, as he had intended, will retiifb do Canada. leaving England on the Nth lost. Prince liiamarck says that his • enc9 ten with the Empress Augusta to pre- vent her baleful interference in politics and to check_ her court cabala elayed (U F'ry serious avob nervous aye - tem than 'firth* battles he ro ght in I'hliament Or on the tented tiekL Judlp lanrietron was taken to the General Hospital at Guelph and oper- ated. penated. on for uppendleitts. lie in doing fairly. well. The , ueen has' atelved at Ra:ntoral. Balkier en- thusiastic crowds red to greet her Majesty. The reception of ser Wilfrid Laurier tit, the capital wets a splendid affair. the electric light'decorations constituting a magni&xat feat are. c •.t.c ALTt re• - Wm. Spencer, aged 22, was suffocated by gaol in. an old well at Sydney, Sian. -A fourteen -year-old daughter of Mr. W. Wnrren was drowned at Charleston Lake. Thomas Hacking, rection man on the T., H. & B.. was killed by a tight at tlr'asay'a Corners. - A nine-year-old boy named De Ma- tasky was fatally eri•Ik d. in Moor's elevator at Brandon. AtrilWenwoe4 BPT*ugn, Col.. ow sx- losla .- in -•t�e 1 STAPLES AU Wool FACTOKY )RX11EELS 25o. Blankets. Comforters, Quilts. A Bargain Lot of New Tweeds worth 40 to 50.:. for 25o. MILLINERY and MANTLES A New and Complete Stock of the Latest Designs in JACKETS. See our range before you purchase. Oar Stook is now Complete in All Lines. Bargains in Every Department. Visit us anon and ger a choice. iCAf3H AND ONP PRICBl ONLY.. SMITH BROS. & CO. McLEAN'S BLOCK. NTO1t WAIY Important Events In Pawn Words Par Busy Readers. Me Imes towers wegerents n careens e esNUN ant ti Isis ■aaay and Astradwe aiape M w nesters of Own ratw -A soffit-il'Sles a:worss•ev r rarssrest.d-Ma. suie/MIES. Joseph Dorris, a Temperance street mechanic, Toronto, ended his life by taking a dose of carbolic acid. THY LABOR WORLD. The Labor holiday was on Monday elaborately celebrate& in Toronto. Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council how decided to send a dela ate to the annual Dominion Congress. a will he strongly instructed to do all S his power M secure the Congress of 11355 tor Winnipeg. PO t.ITICS-IMPB*IAL. Ms. Cecil Rhodes, in a speech delivered at Tort Salisbury. said that his whole Mere would be directed towards the unity of the South Africa States in dear and open policy. The new allianel' between France and amain removes the centre of gravity of a• ropean affairs to St. Petersburg, and the Continental powers for peace or for war are held in leash by the Oaar. TRY DKAD. ' Mr. O. I. Renfrew of Renfrew & Om's far establishment died he ling - laud. Mr. John Tisaimas, ex -City Clerk of W• itham, who hold the office for nearly de years, is dead. Mr. Isaac M. Bowman, President of the Ontario Mutual Life Insurance Cow- pae died at Waterloo. The death Is announced front Mann- heim. Germany, or the Hight lay. Bishop Mulsnn, of the Dixeewe of Central Pena- syleania, Protestant Bplscopal Morel. POLITICS -CANADIAN. The petition against the elydon of m . Heyd, M P. tar South Stoat, wan fftlaaeti et Brantford. Thr pnotast against Mr. J. H. O. Ber- geres, M.P.for Beanhernola, will be carried to the Superior Courts. Petitions have' been received at Ot- tawa fres Algoma protesting against tLp prop -nal to impose an export duty on sdlaa logs and pulpwood. Mr. K. W. -Barker, Pontnll5ce erector, 'Ts. onto, has i►een saper•nan- sted. Re was booked to go to London to ectK, flat preferred use or.WAR. Julian usrlMaR is per* as ctirawamost se esti. (iesa-ast Peels Proem dsd le Soefa sessaaer esa sz e Soft .is p • portion or tae army. It is reported front Havana that an- other large aabuM^ring party has landed arms and ammarutioos for the i.nsar- 'l'be native rulers in all porta of India have offered the services of their troops, against the frontier tribes, gall in some instances the Government hi4' accepted the offers. THE AtiRICIILTVRAL WORLD. The first carload of Ontario fruit from Winona reached Winnipeg in prime con- dition. oo-dition. - Dronght tsps destroyed the crops in a large portion of Southern Russia, and greet distress is invitable during the coming winter. the In attend- inga diseased herdrof cattle Land some of the members of the ttsrmer'k family have become infected with tuberculosis. Mr. F. W. Thompson, western man- ager sr the Ogilvie Milling Company, estimates the Mar itora wheat crop this weaana at from 15,000,000 to 113,000,000 bushels. RAILROAD RCIr5LINOC. Aloft 46 miles of grade of the Groves Nest Pass road is ready for the rails. Track -laying tweet from MacLeod will commence at once. Premier, Greenway and Attorney - General Cameron have left Winnipeg for Chicago and Toronto on linemen connected with the Duluth Radlwny pro - feet. An enatbonnd passenger train front London was de ailed and thrown down ban embankment at Mayfield, Suasex. Four passengers were killed and thirty Wired. A searing was given by the State Rail- way Commission in Albany, N. Y.. to the application of the New York and Ottawa Railway Compnny,for peemission to construct a railway from Moira to a point en the St. Lawrence whieb would a ■ the trip from New York to Ga=ds by fifty miles. • BUSINESS. The Englishmen now returning to Lon- don from the Kiundyke are earnestly warning the public against an English rash there, and the papers warn the public not to touch the Klondyke com- panion. The commercial outlook in the United States is reported as more cheering than has been the ease for some years. The commercial galores la the United States for the week fast ended amount to Wi. an compared wit', • • in the corrA- pondleg week of the last year. Two private banking ntatitutlons in Seafovth. Oat., conducted by .1. C. Smith and Co. and Robert Logan sad Co.. have failed. At s meeting of the creditors a statement wits eainaitted by Mr. Weir, the assignee, showing assets of $52,000, and nobilities about $a,ilji) less. The immediate winding -op of the estate was advised. CRIER AND CM11171(alk $T Sight Armenians, who have-iwg ew- lsi '♦aastowed toain wan►, WWIIlson- . A man atria* the nate of Sir Maes Edward Smith was killed i., a -mop- erste at Trenton ty the bursting of a piece of machinery that wrecked part of the building. The body of William Baxter was loans] in the river at Burka Malls. 'the young man was last seen lire about a Hugh Hickey, an immigrant ley, aged sixteen* years, died under chloroform on the operating table at the General oapita1. Kingston. Ten days ago a daughter of Mr. John U'mlerbill of Winnipeg ran a rusty nail into her foot. Op 114sda • lockjaw set iu and death teutted.-oW0:due ay. a - Mica Sarah Frank. head milliner for Coyne & Co. of Ingersoll, was attack- ed with a very severe paininher head w•lyle nt work, and died id a few min- utes.. body of an unknown man Was found on the Grand Trunk track near the Don Station at an early hoar Mon- day morning[ mangled almost beyond re- cognition. The pptr l waggon took, the body to the morgue. A rear -end collision occurred on the A.T.R. about three milts west ot'- Strathruy. r+n which one man was killed and two ibjurei. The eastbound ex= mots broke a driving rod, and while the train was standing on the tack adjusting matters a freight ran into der fr to -behind.. ' P( ILITICs-FO It to ON. A spec:al commirwion will meet shortly hi St. I'etert hurl to dist•nas the introduc- tion of universal and dnnpueru:Y educa- tion in 'insots. The Madrid newspapers say that Gen. ,�A,se►rragn, the new Premier, has failer: do kik efforts to reunite thc..warringt sec- tions of the Conservative party. The entire United Stats Cabinet -ill meet shortly to hear the opinion of At- tortwy-tieneral Meliettna on the dis- c-riminating duties and to take action. It is said that Germany will demand an explanation of the hope e•xptr•ased by M. Melita, the French Premier. th-tt arae will be reunited to the r• All the Madrid newspapers publish strong protests against the miradon of Gen. Woodford, the new United States Minister' to Spain. thus canning wide- spread irritation against the United States. Assistant Secretary Howell has in - afflicted the collector at Now York to suspend the coli etloo of discriminating dnt:es tinder section 22 of the new tariff law bending the decision of the :ttn1 nil -1lmoraI. A letter received from the United State. Commissioner at I)yea .Intimates that the Government is to make claim to' n in Me portion of the Yukon gold fields which bare hitherto been admit- tedly in British 'territory. Admiral de (',nnrtello, In an interview in Parts. referring to the recent visit to Rt. Petersburg. said that the ('ear upon several ooensions assured hint of the happiness he felt at signing the treaty of alliance. 'ihe rhrsloniontndc speech recently made by Emperor William at OobMwta Ix reeeired abroad with derision, and .n Germane with nmsaip ea. as indicating a decree on the part cif the Emperor to place hhnself ahnre the constitution. The French Ministers of ('esumerve, in an interview. waist that the floverm.•nta of Fanner and Rated* are anxious to make every effort compatible with their economic interests to develop commercial Intercourse between the two countries. UNCLASSIFIED. William Orton jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge. England is still suffering from direr Wooly heavy rains. A snow storm has swept over Scot- land, the (rirsmpiao Hills being corn- pletely coveted. 11se Rat F.wtarQe Miner newspaper has been purr -hated by Mr. J. P. Earn- goy, of Brompton. Prof. Alexander Melte/Axis, a wining expert, makes a very favorable report sit the hlb•Wpieeteo gold fields. The result of Mateyo days' ran at the Mikado taitw, ltat Portage, is two gold brickeP. Their assay value is $16,000. The Canadian Rar Aeioeiatlosi. which met at Halifax, elected o Wcees and de- cided to meet next Mayhi Ottawa. The corner -atone of tMontreal Gen- eral Hospital Jubilee Nurses' Home was laid by hoed Lister in the presence of ling friends of the institution. The Hudson Bay expedition reports from Natehvan, on the coast, near the entranee to the Hndsin Straits, Mit all but are well. Much lee Tao trawl the i►iana made bee way through :t withnnt difficulty. Me* -Thiry Sn Sbarbel, widow of the late Francis rb►t,Niretid f of the Mohawk tribe s, sad La wbo beset, ilkwrh 4- a VS. �sa►M, u etmsart* at <r iks. Haman Qs wee. oerti*Fstocu' OTttl luWkr wens uu Thursday, Peas a snit gra raceptly reported , Is at present at Monlixt- tan Reach, near OAko conduction a divine healing camp. lie has been saul- atoned to answer to a charge of prac- tising rear tising medicine without a license. Judge Solder gave judgment at Ham- ilton in the cane tlf' Lanagan v. Little against the defendants. who, he holds. were temporally Ihbee for the debt, the P.? A. being an unincorporated body and theyling vine made the contract with the pialu His Honor gives judgment for the A tiff for the amount of the elm im. The silty -fifth annual meeting of the British Medical Assooitirm was brought to a close in Montreal by the reading of papers by Mr. Geo. Jarrin, 1'.19., for- merly of --France, but now of Montreal, on the treuttuent of sewage, and by lar. Herman M. Briggs, of New York- on preventive aseffaurea for the pnr�rerya- ilon of the public health. Al•atiee Assreklar Se Me. Barcelona, Sept- 5.- aril, the An- archist. who, on Friday evening last, at- tempted to assassinate Chief of Police Portas and Assistant Chief Teixider as tl.cy were leaving the circus, was tried by court martial to -day, and it is ex- prcted that be will he executed to-mor- rcw. It is stated that.two accomplices of Bsrril also fired at the officials, bne .uccceedcel in making their escape. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. COLBORNE BROS. BARGAINS IN THE 'FOLLOWINQ LINES : -Colored Dress Goods - a -LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES Shirt Waists - - AT MANUFA RERB' PRICE& Prints - AN�teei*oatatr•r.-The Westminster, edit- ed by the Rev. J. A. Macdonald, has Fe. moms • weekly magazine -newspaper, devot- ed to the better life of'the Home and the Church. By its amalgamation with The Canadian Presbyterian it b:oomss the chief weekly journal in the Presbyterian Church to tknad•_ and by Its Dentinal. deolar•tioa. to which pit adheres, it stands pledged to the services of the entire religion. world. The first issue in each month will be • 48. page illustrated magazine •usher, with oover. The remaining issue. for the month will be 16 penes. The eubsorip$ion price of the Canadian Preety Lerma was 92 00 ; The Westminster, $1 50. The Westminster, for both ordinary and magazine numbers, will now be $2.00 in advance. The publishers mark the amalgamation ty • time -limit offer of one year's issuer, 52 m all, for $1.50. this offer is open to all subeoribers, old and B.C. who pay any arrears now hue for The Westminster, and who remit before Sep- tember 15th. After that date the prim will he $2 00. Address all business bitters.. and make all money. orders and okegw ^ A 4.�14gil s �/�4Ktri4lliolit:'crvi ' asrs c . - Lumley : Two sheep belonging to Rubt. Borneo, died under peenliar oircumstancee. The animals were attacked and died whims • couple of hours. Henry- Homey aim lees sae in a similar manner. Ylciorill 011ora lie ONE NIGHT ONLY. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. FIRST TIME IN AMERICA. I I ,i 22. Continuous Moving Views of the Queen's Jubilee Procession, Kangstes Tia. rd of (io+et.ra.w of tis E.a ntoa I*y, )sos.$tsl hale decided M Ri Perfect Life -Like Views of HER MAJESTY AND THE GREAT PROCESSION ADMi8SION. 15o, 25o and 35o. STOVES! STOVES that will Balre, STOVES that will Heat, STOVES that am atooete IRON, Stoves STEIL ALL KINDS and ALL PRICES . . oiiiiat1's ThePractical Stave and Turmas Man. SONLIGflT - SOAP Wrapper Competition. -.IDLY, 1897. The following are the Mummy is MserNR as. s, Western Oatarie Winners of Steam's Bicycles Mr. Allan Snyder, 1498 Quote 8lrset,West, Tweets. Mr. M. Usably, 192 Dundas fussed, To- ronto. arents Winners of Gold Watchet. lb. J. Wilma Cork, 4i0 Nadas Stowe, a Bn.,.ee. s,l. sod =waw h swamis, Tarsal*. Mr. 0. 8. Philip, 30 Mpids• Seines, Sam&. les • _..r Male Mho a YOU*.ageirb MI. MAs•M tia.esr,b6 Waw A...., w 1240 for 10c, 12c (or 9sc, and 10o for Sc. Carpets The Largest, Beet and Cheapest Stock tries, a in town in Bruseela,Axminsters,Tapea- tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply A11 -wools Unions and Hemps. Twine and ;Japanese Mattings. Oil Cloths in three qualties direct from the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths, . The balance of our stock at Rock -Bottom Prices. • New ' Fall Mantle Cloths in all the Newest Makes, All MANTLE and JACKET CLOTHS above $1 00 in puce Out Free of Charge. NEW FALL MANTLES NEXT WEEK DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER. - cc=_�cR .= =RCS_ PffiFt J. S- vOLBORN7il. The Great Cmpet Warehouse of the County WINDOW crass: R. W. McKENZIE has placed in Stook the largest importation of W t Ifs DO V GLASS yet received at prices which doom be touched any where. To get his price to to secure your custom. He keeps the i BRAND WHITE LEAD. Acknowledged the X72:-.7.-Itt ees,ef•.w -v'i-e g, "e. -.era ^• .-., . -� n •fir-cS .:S -ac r All Hardware Building Supplies away down in Price. • R W. MCKENZIi OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE -STORE. _- ~ - PREPARING FON FALL AT MUNRO'S Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarn.s. No better assort- ment or value in town. Lfdies' and Children's Snmmer=`Weight Underclothing; lbeotaad-Sheet Sleeves Our 50 cent Corset, said to be the best value at the price. ,Large Stock of all kinds of Braids and Velvet Ribbons. Full Lines in Small Wares. .pt INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. A. MUNRO, Draper. Special Jubilee Bargains! Refrigerators Largs Rise. $10. • snap Oil Stoves BLUR FLAME. all aisee. Gasoline Stoves 1,2, 3, t Burners. Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Churns Near. 2. 3. 4 HARPER & LEE. Portland ... CEMENT We have just received a lot of Belgium and English Brands which is fresh and good. n W L49,213 Single and Doable D1A- xOSD to all the aim. Bcpght when the Mar- ket was the Lowest. Lam. The old famous Brand, SOSERVILL$%. shoo+ lately pure, which every Painter .will tell you is the but on the Market. A Poll dine d' sal ZWII- era' Ladwaee Aitl'ailre ea MAL Piss as We es Seal Barb tea as rusab ►• Silver Plating PRICE LIST. Spoons per doz . , . ,.......... 7.'c Kgives 1e #1.50 Forks • 75e Table Cruet, each 750 Pinkie " 50c Butter Knife " 15o Candle Sticks " 42c Sad Irons " 15o Seisms, per pair 10 and 15o We can Plate anything in Brass, Iron, Copper, or Steel. Call and ail samples of our work. HB11DBRZ011 BICYCLE CO. Limited, fiodemsh• HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TOM BAST }Cfah1t011 ilaru Coal Ila THE MAREEI' at $6.75 per ton; Cash. All Oral . s4 the Market eoel acre yes ea s1•• tm. fol sew win. Luny Orders lett as ijiupimi B 1sisp$ Slee paaglo►1y *swami ts. l..� ' MalsNet 1110 gMr. Oessaifft' title is La - dei isga f9ilitlrilyaid mod*«use sheeript2V t t ; r, ui t DAVISON & Citi:. pit= NE. yor The For Drs diet An Ido', Ne H.. ua li