HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-9, Page 6t e TausSher, Sept. 9, 1897. " - THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTAR O. 3 NOT A NEW WOMAN. SHE ISN'T EMANCIPATED AND DOESN'T WANT TO BE: 7. ...i.....Womac $s,edNa &av-ad • nayto to se atepaw. Yd Is Dotermlaed to Revolve Arwaad lads Only. Let Others Do as They May. .>leo . The typical Southern woman is purely ;r feminine, says The New York Sun. (Whether by nature worldling or puritan, sstf.contained or it' todut�mrr,, bred in the cotton lands or in the oou.nes of town s or clay, she is au out -and -rut loyalist where mala is concerned. She drew iu the doctrine of masculine aecendeucy with her earliest breath. You may be sure that the typical Southern woman wood never employ woman physician, attorney, or under- taker, nor, least of all, sit under a, woman minister. if the men who stand in Immcliate relation to her show womb - nem where she looked for stteogth 'nr wickedness where only good was ex- �t eel -if they fail be steer the house - bark in sats- and pleasant wagers, and uthern'ise prove faithless to their tenet --she covers up their shortcomings as best she cau, even from herself, mod ascribes such failures to adverse cireuni- tatanee- LMP• Miner kelps ker;itirdme•1ehe loves ever whirr ah.- cannot approve, and eooduitete things contrary to every fibre of her nature. "It is all as plain as daylight to me, _ said a Southenn woman recently visit- - Ifiit'-tittreiry,- "slew's l,rnvinee ja._iltC to do, and woman's, is to be; to yretta; fbr instance, or at least as pretty as she can, and -to be agreeable. I ta- gard being agreeable as woman's primary business in life, because so mhch else, that sa<ems more important just at first dance, depends on It. If a woman just ye herself out to be agreeable. to her husband. aid manages, besides, to inspire her feu, it she. baa a son, with the de- slre to do something worth doing, worth having been crtilie es -fir, anti contrives to make him comprehend something of the 'rattle of life, I'm sure that's do- ing a heap more good -in the world than mixing up with voters and bothering with 'elites." Iu the typical Southern household the masculine factor is the pivot about which everything else revolves. The masculine factor may be represented by a mere youth of seventeen; may be only a baby lmitaOW an r grim OW nn r gr:tii t ie•r; is W the sante. Whether hw.baud, comes, brother-in-law, son, or even relation my - courtesy the mak factor predominates. W e N A WIFE WITH AN EGG. Oaipboma Farmer 1l•d �•pp7 by a Itsadom Leve s. Ross Williams, of Enid, O.T., wrote • loveless message on an egg ready for shipment pevernl weeks ago, and as a re- sult he arta himself a bride .What the young man mid on the egg w this: On a farm i6 the (*.yokes • r p sit a sad and lonely bachelor, thinking sadly over my fate, and would love to crux oft the nest and join my life with that of some cow Iy young lady,t rut too many summers' growth. Should the message on this egg meet the eye of a hill hrt who/ cla ainclined onn squaiataucmatrimonially ndhohinks the sorbs enjoy a prairie life with a student of "nature's b;eety, address Hoes Williams, Enid, 0." In due course of time this reply came: "Dear Mr. Williams -From the quirt precincts of my boudoir I write thee. I t.tu lonely too, and have oftet longed totom it city life and go West, where the grass sways In the wind us if listening to the sweet rppugs of the chinch bugs. After choppiing wood to kindle. the kitchen fire, and after the fire was ready for business nod the pan was sizzling In the, e'pArkliug fat, I was about to• break an egg tato the pan when, behold'. your mes,afe- met any gaze. It seemed itke a-drream of -a lost, 1111 ka ewn love. I'erha our fates Would rl 'r ging three, no sunsett ratt Oleate of grit, Let • exchange photographs. It may in sed to another American unioe, long to preserved. Methinks I know plug now.-Ik asie Carroll, Chicago, Ill." then curye4aiz deuct: resulted. and. a few days later the young people were married. "We, would rather not have! brehkfast so este Sunday mornings, it 'makes tut to church late, but Uncle Billy never get ykroata_ jae'fgre- half -neat ft amt, dikes es- all- to be at the table:' said • young Southern woman In relating -a , household, jucident W the writer. "But I should prepare everything nlee- lyfor him and have his breakfast with e cook, and consult my own conveni- ence," protested hei friend. 1 "And -crave him to breakeist alone, the only day he has to -himself T" The tone and manner with which this was paid showed plainly that such a so' lertloa of the problem Was utterly impos- sible. The Uncle Billy alluded to was sot s vital factor in this household( His orphan. nieces owned their home, and be simply lived with them, and r up- beld the family dignity. You may be sure that his room *us the sunniest and most acccessibll In the tutus,. and lils favorite corner by the sitting room fire a veritable 1prbor of comfort, with slip - and well-filled tobacco appliances always near at hand. n a Southern city where it L against cohveatbn for women to be out after 'nightfall without, escorts,_'• party wlah- Ing to go to: d or to visit,. or to walk, and Bili be no" titan' to rail Qn. borrows some • all nephew or cousin or neighbor. foci t purpose, no matter how young or how Immature he may be. and sets off satisfied now, that this mas- culine shape attends it Why do you not go out? The fresh air will do, you good," was urged once ea sisters scarcely over the first shock of a bereavement "We haven't decided about our Mourn - fag yet. It is not made up." [Well, why not decide? It is suicidal for you to stay so close indoors." "Well, the mantra maker suggests a Your -inch crepe border 'tor our Henri- . he better to have them plain. Brother - .Z1eeeele he cum! -os. again Isom Aela soon, and he will decide for os•" Brother Tom came on and decided. He tdeclded In favor of plain -bordered Henrlettas, but, having a wife and large family of his own: to care for, It is possible that he did not give the serious consideration to the matter that it de- served. His three sisters, however, one of whom held hie gloves and hat, while another one robbed the- obstinate spot off his vest and listened breathlessly to his nccognt of his last attack of nen- algia, felt amp that there could be no ether brother fh he world bait so kind and sympathetic and interesting. Family ties are stnmg in the Smith. In the same city there is 'a middle. pared ae'en.en to whom maturity has bronrht, apparently, only additional charm. Here Is a beautiful nature, but she has never married, and why? Be - teeth. the Mian of all other,' whom she eared for long ageeher brother did not like: Ile waste n good enough man an men go. There were no fundamental objections tat his character or social Mending, but her brother did not like Dint, so she gave him up. There are tames of such "giving up" discernible shout many, tither Southern women to day, Aegnitseence to mastuline authority does not desert the Southern womaa, even when she In a grandmother. or, perhaps. a trent-grandmother. Her pride In lien son's praise of her new gown 'a cap is mimeo girlish, and her face flush- es with pietism -I> when he tacks the ear- ring* robe,' tenderly reboot her and ex presses concern as to whether her strt- shade is large enough to ward off Ow afternoon sun. "Don't drive fflet, Tony; mother dee,. . cwt «ilk. it," he charges, and although "mother" may own the egnippngt' noel the groend over which she• will drive, and knows perfectly well flint her orders might be law, she is bnppy. because het Rtss•nline divinity Its. elected to regu- late her life for her. If a woman holds the purse In the typi- cal Scaeithern household. and there an boys end girls to he educnteel (nein tie scant fonds, the utmost effort will lot made to give the boys every chance 'l it, girls nerd advantages. too, but it he felt that they cnnld ret along without them letter than the boys. The nit tree- horn Southern .woman ere joys being pleesa t, It is blind letatlnet with her to smile medially on the girl Who arils her !mileage stamp., rend to atter mime truism to the elevator boy as they swing epwarti that will bring a abide of Interest to the aatomatle face Some portion of this ezuberence of tem- perament gets ground off when the world rube apinet her; she learner to he not so reset in earnest and not so dependest. see that the man malt ateei�ttdlee the very gist begI eade,a �ruy _el the art that lag " but, feaslilt et ism tabbed set It muni de he roe et uring vi Armagh's "Why don't you stop that hiccuughr lug?" said once busiuees man to ane,ther, as they met at the corner of Fourth and Vise, at the noon hour. The man addressed wait all but in convulsions. "Stop uothiugr" said he. "I've been Iflrlatt every old remedy lover hcitialeaL sad every new one that every fool friend was kind enough to suggest. I've held my hands over my head for fifteen min- utes and extended theta like a sign- board until they ached. I held my breath until I was almost ready to drug from apoplexy. I've drunk nine swal- lows of water nine times over, I guess, and two or three chumps have tried to scare me, and did it, to., but to no good. Then another tags : , siastie ama- the lick w in wnau t ug en es- capee before I could Iwo! 1,p him. I would not have done 7. !h.iBBg to him it l had caught him. }in. the hiccoughs are here, and to stay, 1 freer." "Set 'em up. if I tun. you?" I'll net 'rum up for a month d in big coid--'but_lisidrA lfi you cure em. • Thea ibey.neljourned to a moistening eetublishment and the good samaritan Said to Dan, "Dan, give this ge'utieman a lump of white sugar." Ile took it and dissolved it in his mouth, and the hiccoughs went as if by magic. probably because their stay was over anyhow. and not on ajcount of 'he remedy, but itIcost the ceib bottle just the same and some drinks besides. Still, he thinks be got out of it cheap en- ough. -Cincinnati Tribune. Rome Qneer e'wrrcweer. ' $o s, - in the East sometimes think money a scarce enough &reticle, but they really know little about it compared with what some of their cousins from the far West could tell them. There, says The Sam Franslseed Chronicle.,orae.-often goes for days without sight of even so much as a nickel, and then the people resort to all sorts of queer devices to make change." An Eastern man, who had occasion to spend many months in Montana, tells of having seen a man buy a box of matches with a watermelon and receive as change two muskmelons. Another Reid for stesprndera in turnips anal got a carrot or two hack with his pur- chase. w "But of ail the queer financial transac- tion* that I have ever known," maid he, "the oddest came Whiter that bead of 'pay- ing the fiddler.' it had been noised abroad that a dance was to be given a little way up the mountain. and I agreed to go along with our of the boys and see the fun. After going through the elat•oeste preparations of blacking ;tis toots and pdtting on a collar. I saw my companion go to the potato bin and se - in his pocket. ' No sooner had we arrived 'ttiW1V01111tHiite-ttran tte"gfltretattT-sur• _rot &red his vegetables for an entrance ticket. But whatuzzleet me the most waj that upon coming out aft ;r dancing nil night, he was given two onions as 'change.' I have been trying to make up my mind ever since whet that dance was worth in the 'enrrhilagy of the realm: " LUGEM SPERO. With fears, and cares land I travel through d caresshatkowul No pun to wake the singing lark My.fin e►i, walas, my mile ith Bowers the tlightSowa: The sun by day the starsattdgt*. O Pod eternal. tont of love Whose power goes forth In pity To stir the sleeping arida and mins The clouds Item o'er tie c t7 Breathe on my heart and I me know The gladness of toe way 1 go. O let me look on avid adti sky In joy and ehdley wonder, And lure Thee for the lights on high And flowers t4at Museum under, And praise Thest for the frutis yt eartb With cheerful toll and kindly" [girth. Teach me to lose myself add live In peace with men, their neighbor; Tohonor, ▪ gladly 0 tone help, ldlyrrest andlabor; forgive, g my And all my life with Chrisruy 'heart and ti fulfill. will, Let echoes of the heavenly praise come still through earthly gladuele: The light that Ws.ua lovelier ways De but half hid In sLdnors; And 4t Thy grace the unseen power Lift up with hope my passing boar. -Robert Kemp, in Good Words. THE INVENTOR OF MATCHES. Mr- Isaac Moines's ireeip laeome W Y tii;eM.ass. Sir lease Hgkken, who Med the other day, at tt4V tette ice retir'INel ids ab political' life two years ago was the old- est dud probably the richest member of the House of Cummasns, and be war cer- tainly one of the wart remarkable wan in the United kiing4 0m. Ile wee Lura at Paisley in Se-•otlandi is 1S407. ills origin "wan Tett' jltlstbAl.-'lJrt;'Toler Tao- inti a wcrkitag nfiuer, too poor to .keep hide at scliaok' " So lie war ` t ad`work to earn lie ew-n Brno; at cue early age of lo, when be was made. au apprentice to a shawl weaver. But re'euuvad from ,whorl only tetiwulated bis ardor for kt:owletlge and he managed to attend reeling classes when working as as operative in a cotton mill soon fourteen ay. I!Ie aindiea enableed bim to accept air u teacher, and it was white serving in that ta{oacit, that he bestowed up'eu the world s gre at benefit, which was, however, eight beuthe toefit him. This w Wetter match. -which as; the ibec ntbou ofcame upon unexpectedly while makingsome enaical exp•nment-e for the nstruc- tion of bis pupils. Other men took up the discovery, and he wade nothing out of 'it. Every Witch a tamnase. "Several weeks ago in,-J.nnckln," said a8 English tourist at the Queen s Hotel, "I was standing beside a Canadian ac- quaintanee. when 1 expreased a wish to know which point was the north. He pulled out hit watch, looked et it and at once pointed in the right direction. I asked him whether hesmad a compassat- tdched to his watctt>r- 'All watches are Compasses,' he replied. Then he explain- ed to me how this waa. l'oht the hour hand to the sun, and the south is ,exact- ly half way between the bone and the figure XII. no the dial. For Instance, suppose it is 4 o'clock, point the hand Indicating four to the sun, and Ih on the watch is exactly south. Suppose again, thnt It is 8 o'clock. Point the (land emit- eating wdieating eight to the sun and the figure X. on the dial is due with. "My Canadian friend seemed surprised thnt I did not know this, and, not want - Ing to be left alone in my ignorance. I asked Henry M. Stanley, whop•[ I met the following day, whether he knew of this simple means of taking the points of the compose. My self-esteem rose when that famous traveler told me he had never heard of it. So perhaps there may be plenty of folks in your country who still remain In ml' original state o( ignorance." -Press Sittings. The ri,irt, World Po.telaee. Yslholegieelly, I've written Many. many times to you; But the spina world po,etofaee Barely carries letters through, countless' mlwlyee have I posted - could yen r! d iheml-but It Deese They will never be delltered- Theme, our ibbeeortlst dreams. Hut the spirit world poetot/c. {las in angel stag, they 'say; And n systen, that is perfect; And no lettere go astray. And the mind -sent notes eetatalag. Silently rein*. *Mt eh r; Make my message , material, Stronger, sassy, more stoma. Letts inspired, impulse Arena. I lady we' ere piling Flew onf this ofeomeleteomeletw with letters. Higher, lewet, thee narsstve& Thew the spent-wcwad peetehtee We' will blame sot. w we see That emit bettetsnnl emit hitter la s help to you sad me. wnH•ery 'Watson .lakeway, in SafelAlay Night. O " - Oltlw�.w Tem trap. The tee erop the beet dfatrista of Chine is from 900 to 44() pseuds per sate. Mentelglea e".4.4 manufacturing new. -1'lus wax the turn- ing re tut of his lite, for, while working at bis ledgers and journals his trued went hate -k to bis shawl -weaving appren- ticeship, anal he became intereated In the manufacture of woollen; cloth, and as tight to construct a machine for card- ing the wool. For yearn tm studied the problem. making many apparently fruit. - teem experiments. All his savings Prom his miLtiey were given to the egqtetprris•. The friends to what he coulided his scheume looked with little favor upon it. But his perseverance and genius tlmaly triumt hed. egad he completed anti per- fceted a cardiliwsallstdi e. which has re- volutionised the wool Industry of the world. Happily, he secured letters patent open the invention. and as a re- sult hnndsrmne profits soon twine to him. He established mill in Yorkshire. literal- ly creating large centres of industry- He also built several Milts in Prance. For many years his income from them was enormona, avicertprinr probably $1,O0%),- 000 a year. His French mills were founded tie partncrwleip with Mr. A. t,. Lister. the famous "silk king" of Br ed - ford. 'and were sienattd at St. Denis, ltbednm and Croix- He dlseotred the partnership with Mr. Lien-" in 1^5,ig. after it had lasted nearly clghteen years, avid then the present firm of Isaac Hol- den & Son was formed. Mr. Holden entered political life in 181Mt. On the Queen's birthday in left: he was created a baronet. Like many millionaires. his habits were as simple an thea. of the peewee paid clerk in his employ. Throughout his whole he had never m'-ased a day'seolse unless. indeed. he was coedueei tin 1r Eight mile. a •day wars his "Mnatitu- tkrnal" walk, rain or shin-, hot or cold. No matter how boxy he mny have been. or how 'many honor be hail to work, he always tock time for such a walk, and continued to do so even after he had reached the age of S. To this habit anti his a'hxtpmionsnes, at tattle' he at- tributed the excellent anti vigorous health which he enjoyed as an .etogen- eat meat oftener apt ghee eeleky=ge Tillie i.---Bn`ela -feet-rani firmer were matte of frpit and some little farinaceous food. The -Home of Cointnow' hour. have greatly improved hi recent days, but in the wort of times they had an terrors for Mr. Holden. Oft're he was to he seen between 1 and 2 o'cio k in the morning as fresh. as Ay end as ready for convereatlon as if it were 12 o'ekck in the day. Indeed. he never showed fetiene gee never complained of work or worry,'remaining aw buoyant and energetic in the eighties se a man of 35. CRISP AND CASUAL. There are surlyaim thmeesd be/riotous r Great Britda, SOO beteg ().('i. -'a. Boehm for wetgbtig dlasos 1 are so ate NutlMemos. ly poised that as eyelash will tarn Nearly 70,000 tem of socks are needed for the bottled beetiand aerated waters eon- samed annually in &Moine Shephs da my that the wool of the sheep furnishes an seemliest iadio•tion of weather Mamma, Wawa it is oresp there will be so rots Whoa it Is limp and feels very sett to tbs teach assent is immiasnh The largest proprietieset single pencils is loved its Ireland ihScotland, and ski smallest in the United States. In Ireland 67 per mot., in Scotland 66 per oast-, but in the United States daly 69 per omit, are in that 000dativa Some of the flower girls of London are said to be worth • ooasider•ble sum of money- One of their number recently ad- mitted that she earned an average of 7s. to l0a • day, with Lbs. on Saturdays, This was, of coarse. an exceptional case. The well known submerged forest at W hitbera Bay, Sunderleod, has bees the subieo► of mask uonversatios lately, owing to more of it having lately been seen than bas been the case for some years, Recently neharemelK lied was made is ettese tion• with It. The relic was part of a Sr tree, which was in the mid stage between coal and wood, The high seas include the whole extent of sea so far as it I. not the exclusive property of any particular country. The 'rute of in- tern•uooal law is that every oonntly bor- dering on the sea has the ekoluuve sole ereignty over such sea to the extent of three miles from its shore ; bat all beyond, which is not within three miles of some other country, is open or common to all oountrles. The Irish language still lingers in the Bahamas among the mixed deoendants of the Hibernian patriots banished by Crom- well to the West Indies. One can occastun- ally hear, It is said, black sailors in the [.oadon Docks, who cannot speak a word of English, talking Irish to the old Irish •pple- woman whom they meet,;and thus making themselves intelligible without a knowledge of the Saxon tongue. Cigarette smoking in Britain dates back to about 1844 The greet impetus to their -Nati herrn 'dkificeti eeeeie. Celeshe war of 1854 56, when numbers of our unit - tory and naval officers adopted this meth- od of smoking from the inhabitants of Rus- sia, Turkey, Malta, Lewis, and other parts of Europe. The fire well-known per- son who smoked cigarettes publicly in the street was the late L•ur.soe Oliphant, who had reside* for many years in Kneels, Tar - key and Austria, where the habit prevailed. It is a fact well known in all menageries that a mouse will frighten an eleph•at more than a locomotive. Let one appear in an elephant's stall, and the elephant, his moon• min of fifth quivering, hie trunk lashing the air, will trumpet in abject terror, and he will not recover for boors after- wards. Tb. trainers say that what the elephant festa is that the moose will roc up its trunk, There is a tradition that • moues really did this in one instance while an elephant was sleeping, enc teased the animal such intense pain that it had to be killed. Get Rid of the Is mt- K W. B. Snider, of St. Jacobs, ie a letter to The Globe, says r " if Carmen want to realise the highest price on their wheat they must guard against marketing their wheat In a smutty condition. They want to make ears where smut appears in the wheat than esly after it is in a thoroughly dry condition (if the weather is at all favorable) shall it QV to the b•rn,ataok or thresher. Where the loss Domes In is whea the wheat L being threshed in the least damp or soft condition the smut balls will be opened and instead of the smut being blown away in dust the dust wall gat m or lees on the wheat and blacken the berry, so that it ie nearly 'samosa's with even the improved wheat•oleaninr methods to get it in good milling condition. Wheat so dam.• aged by smut that it cannot he thoroughly Gleamed for milling depose/se w Is value 10 to 20 mato laude _br teL-sr- a more, when prices are high. Farmers cm aid this Iota to moat ems With pro precaution to house or steak wh .t, etei thresh it only when in dry condition. weaker dash Ie smother Mob have tour ass yalks Mateo fight and sized with two labtsaposatels et HS. sweat ores . Seamus onion avr•ypsalt ofoHeadytyiiyfull of bo Mg lard. Dip the e.d.te fled ere side and then the ether in the eled sad Hes is the cracker dust, after whlob put them is the boiling lard ; do sail disturb them milt the seder Ode is brows. then eardally turn. and wMa the other side is brews, remove to • hot dash and serve at otos while erfap. Do not Messy so serve rimy with outlet& THE BTCWART CASE. Mr. Stewart Pays a Nall so Piotou-Coa- g atulatted by his Many Friends on his Restoration to HeaUI. Ptarou, N, S-, Sept. 6 -Good news some- times' omatimes travels as fast as bad news, which Is proverbially fast, Many people here know that Mr. Allan Stewart, of Spri•Rton, P. E. 1., had been for many years afflicted with kidney disease and gravel. It was Known, too, that last year he was so bed that publio opinion put him down as likely to die soon. Mr. Stewart fooled public opinion though, for he began using.l)odd's Kidney Pills and ten boxes of them oone pistely oared him. When he paid a flying visit to this city a few days ego he received many hearty congratulations on his restora- tion to health end improved sppear•aee. Dodd's Kidney Pills have never yet failed Jo sire io•lh{a tetra ed. dm I)ptnuaion. dew, a Sr He was not long for this world. It was evident to his wit., but she did not glove, though .he loved him well. She had got asouetemed to has abort stature --New York World. SEPTEMBEH. A ohanee crimps over nature. A deep flush Mounts to the maple -leaf ; the air me clear ; The grapes are purpling, and • orimsoa ',lush Spreads o'er such flowers as deck the waniag year ; Ripe apples band the trees, while golden• rod, By roadside, lane and meadow, gayly nod. Now whistlings of the quail are often beard From buctwbeat-fields, while, on the calm air floats The drumming of the partridge. Not • bird wn 3.a t ; 19t N gtE-lAet.!tr! by notes From crickets [war, and Ioeup*owey bum That seem. to say • " September gime has come --Solaro L. Scut/thee. Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise True Competition. GRAVEL QW1lm eV DODD'S KIDNEY -PM Tan CANADIAN MAT OD pabile s rreldeat pssnMell�� alegf ad b ItmIiiea ltsatmat4 n delaMg4s mg Is the tamed et Ms pesses.. behovIt so deserves she dapy lims aoche o'er mt sit w tfL esasat a Uses, dosiseeNts with all Uses smog gabias la faked Males. Chassis aN Meet through wires to lila abs Northwest,Rrtttsh Columbia Ooaw once -south Side W.et-et. RrurrN manager God etch The 41eesl sad the Grave. "In the town of Hanover, in Germany, there is buried a German Countess who denied the existence of God and ridiculed the ides of the resurrection. To further show her contempt for Christianity' she ordered that on her death her grave should be built up of solid masonry and covered by large stones bound together by iron clamps. On this tothh was en- graved her defiant challenge that through eternity this tomb should never be dis- turbed- ' glut erre day the seed from some tree, either blown by the wind or carried by a bird, became lodged in a small crev e of the tomb, where soon it sprouted and begun to grow, And ,jihheu, as K nature had ae'mnetl to mock the haughty infidel, she gnietiv extended the delicate roots of thnt seedling under the massire blocks of stone and slowly raised them from their plate. And now, although scarce four generations are baasod since that tomb was sealed, that rneet insigni- ficant seedling has acceempllahed what God Himself was challenged to accoms• Mich." -Evangelist Moody, is Ladies' Home Journal. i ieen rfeat$mlastleea et Water. A very frequent contsiidnatioa et wat- er Is that arising from the presence of lroe, particuiarty whore a rotation exists to coal mines, iron mines, ferruginous and areilaceous mandat ; es ground water as well water, o eeves pure sad unohjee often contain salts of trot whath usually eoeae from ochery strata. In ease the geological strata consists of bend, tmohmblp Muds or et"Y. snob se granite and gneiss, the water remains comparatively free train contes- iflatiotr, and I. what is oaliaarify teem- ed eased "mete' it, however, the water in its mbterrsneaa course roans in contact with rocks eoetAlning ceawpenenta 'Sai- ler to reek salt, it become" 'anteroom. anti If it Stites timerork, doiot'bite, pe chalk, etc., it takes rap curtain emend - Um of then[, heroines ealeareona, and is M that rase called "hard." le respect to the feIrnginopu gontaminatloes referred tui vrhile hens is no way raider the water it is Mod to be- gage Idir Sleet the og- *MOS of . ' hagnter and. Ilgylre isholY New Sate Nen Radars Pala. A Makna, whose foot bad bees amputat- ed, was found the day after the speeches out of bed on the hospital floor, mine the stamp for progression. This, to s dealer tresb from Europe, and slatted of white patients under similar eiree metasess, sa- able to bear the bedolethes on the limb, sad crying out if even the bed were jolted. was a revelation of the bleak nes es a patient. As nave after ease presests itself. ase be - Domes aware of ..he great diffsesee Is the material under baad, te relaties to dismiss and to interfereeoe with w aeemal modes of lite -a dffereeccs m great as that between the color of the two nese. A Yeo, who bad bad throe damaged fingers removed, able away the next morn. tee to Ro on a m•.hill isarsey of some weeks, ming the damaged load freely. So, no, the expeditious of 1806 besought to light many iastaases of this c•lloaeses& Shell fired nto• st.ekade aatertimaaly do not dissrinieata batwing taus, tenser and Maldive. They wooed all alike. At Mini's, women wounded were to be seem gots' about lag op firewood, drawing water. and &heeding to their phyte wants, wemm who the seat day erste dead. A little girl, whose lee was ampatated made her way to a pool, whore she eat with the stamp dertthag Is the muddy water, whiz* she was spisaklmg ever it with her beads, •singingg all the while se if math," Were mmha-Aerie k Orstral Aloe Gonne, 0000 WOMAN -BAD HEART. ' When Ovoid the Liie of a Loved One be sere Uncertai, than wises attached by Heart Disease 1 -If you have a Slat of have Dr. Agnew's for the Reset Al- ways re head, it is les O.l}y� Remedy width am Reines yea m so WIntw ani Quin yeti Fakrirsiihetliy. " This is to minify that my wife has beer a alarm trees boot theses fee soar twenty wandodoes and r«lies Isglprterable Meat having wt ite t I pre - mad ire bMalm of Dr. Agasw'e Com for the •ant. sad she has resolved awe bees - le best It than It.. all the dewwa sad all the tarts amid hmstalwe. I at. paved to rMolb be w easellottes et tea Ol ,Atli rssiagy �dBO'!I IiICJHOL- IesteebmN', Smith Tp," � etleeltY. Steam the oath* be a few ssisetee. so M ply leek RIMA that calms Om dip Sava ilea a WI tillti I n*s+oif 4 .. The Kensington Funiture Co. Iimibid. have made enaageenwtr with . BMW/1ST-at,$O$s— a! W N carry a toe limo of their reds. 'A• odea get Furniture at Factory Prime [rem him. •ad by doing so keep thigh' mosey Is sewn, and have • geed abeam of mutes sans se it bask by sappeetim sg Hoe Paan teetnniAll mods et the CCompsay's sake are fully goersateed be them asNtnrna:a After twenty years of most ex. =elating pain caused bygravei I am pleased to make it known that I have been completely cured of this long-standing trouble by Dodd's Kidney Pills, During these years I have spent hundreds of dollars without any permanent relief. Had I heard of your wonderful remedy years ago it would have saved me months of agony and hundreds of dollars. JOHN NICHOLAS BABCOCK, Sharbot Lake, Ont. Dodd's Kidney PRIs Always £utatara PLANING MILL. Blichaliaus �Epoas SASH, DOOR and $LIND Dealers ID all kiads of LUMBER, LATH. SHINGLES And builder's material of every deserlptios School Furniture a Specialty. TR GBBITBTBINT O4'HE 'warm CANADA'S Victorian Era Exposition AND INDUSTRIAL FEIN TORONTO AUGUST 30th to SEPT. 11th Grand Attractions, New Fea- tures. Bimetal Jubilee Novelise The Latest Invenions in the Industrial and Amusement Field. Improvements and Ad- z in all Departmenu. Melling all Previous Years ENTRIES CLOSEAUG. i th. CHEAP ON AL LINES ES OF TRAVEL For prize lifts, sstry forme• pregrarTee. Ind all parteodara, address- - $'7- a•s_aran J. J. WITHAOW TORONTO. nssmast. 11,1 tote al tote gran' echo the din% for new vice Jim jell olds Clot neo Pe° oth Wt It opi hal ha' ha •u in l ca sa to su so Ti a ID to al JN a b s a t CLTTLE'BRO& Plumbers Steam -Fitt 3 • s Tinsmiths HAMILZ ON -8r , C7-oc iexicla .-.r WE MAKE..... Sewer and Culvert Pipes All gam Ac I—I - fs >► Me weirs POR rtMOf$. THE ONTARIO SEVERI PPE CO lot ADlltt.Atot ate .. �,•r/d btotontr aT arrson a SRO" ' •' MANITOBA ...FLOUR LEADS THE WORLD. I have I ale received • est lead et Fieer treat Lake et the Wends mill. Kale watts. sashes 4.eambn the world can see how is now .*lewd tar sale as D. CANTELON' S BAKERY. e 1 riswhat tttyen tl�llsat Medd not m Speollid res Yui N= Buyinf WV i *IA1 Stade bea [she tel Ijlonr •as r �a moan w►ol..ss. stili ama be ouch. D. CANT�O� ernes e• Ask jeer Ono" Woo/n(1/ Tads' and ego