HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-9, Page 5• 9, 1597. IMSLIDE for iii) ber. I, if price. rice on all ilea' Yeats, Oil Cloth lite until we SON,, ag better. I cos. is Pink Pills until lee by which tie had lett me, sad ispeot • sew mre ist, last it Et.er:74:Ner hat Dr. Williams' Davis trim the matt= at a aim after doctors and orty failed to give f relied. It is eb. F • RP:Mem? •Pialpyr•- they an ewe to - Seery box of the he trade Inert on box, and the par. If from impoeittoo Old by MI dealers isse for $2.50. RS. and 23. 29. 28. pt. 11. d 16, 24. I. , Sept. 28 to 29. bent, 20 sod 21 Sept. 22 mil 23 Sept. 23s.4 24. 5 aad 6. 1. 15 mad 16. Irk 30 and Oat. 1. J., opiee foe the dif• sties whisk me rob RI. of oak. Os &ea till he mmideeeed _ 112.• nest with im 813 it= fee gtheisei IfF to and these a the -imemento Members ire d to he press. T * •Notoott C THE SIGNAL:: GODERICH ONTARIO.. whom were from • detain. aseesabled at •the resides°, of hire. R. H. Plea the Cresent, to bid good.bve to bar dancider. Me Nellie, prier to her °teethe for her heats ia Si. Paul. Mina., sad a erity "Dior able evening was Spent in dancing and other emenments. Miss Tire has been a resident a the West for some years, aad she retsina thither with best wishes of her away friends in this looditi, Ws HAYS THU( Now -Any amount et empty early tattles at Wilson's presoripLie dreg eters. THS CLG H. -Di is partioularlregunted that all neonate due by the Club will rendered immediately to E. H. Bird, trees. W german Fee. -Oa Monday end Wed- nesday next. 13th and 15th Sent, the far* to the Loadon Fair will be $1.46. All other days of the fair, single fart BATH FDIPAITIJILIL-Tlis Goderich Orgaa Company are making large shipments of , beth furniture to Great Britain, ed. Yester- day several large bill, of roods were shipped to Toronto. A r •1411.1Alt FAcR AT AN OLD Sateen - J. Wilson, of the prescription drug store, has engaged the terrifies of Scott Dictoren, so long aod favorably known as • thorough pharmacist, and customers min depend up having the moet-skilled attention in die preparaidoo of may thing in the drug Ina am well as experienced service in all lines of goods handled at the prescription drug Mon INDING-UP SALE! state JA.1.2ICS A.. :RIGID- _ You will find it profitable during August to toms to this stop for anything you want in GENERAL DRY ClOODS, READY7MADIC GLOTHINt. and MEN'S FURNISHINGS. In closing out this stock we are disregarding the value of Goods this month as we are anxious to dispose of them as soon as Possible. We imite inspection solicit comparison and court criti- cis.u. Est JAMES A. REID ref S. J. REID (Administrator) ' miLLIAMS-la Dunlop on Sept WI. 11141 ot A. A. Williams of a daughter. MARRIED. LNDREWS-DRIVER in Goderich toe, skip. es • Wedersdae. Sept. 8. by Key. &Aida Chas S Andrews, of Rochester. jr, F., to Charlotte. third daughter of Jos Driver. DIED. gcagTHUR-41t Wheatland. N. D , on Aug. 16th Kltoilisth, relict of the late Arch. IllcaRT1KU kt, tacknow. aged 77 years. SE TALK OF 4111 TOWN. From the ReporeSPIEREE•book. tee're Mole In aTer Dena I roe la teat It a Cligors Among Is Takla' Meath aa' UVIS ...Not • r"V natais.-•The -amen miggiaggf school board wee held on Tuesday even- -present chairman, Jas. Buchanan, and trustees Athena Ball, Chrystal, Cretins. McLean, Nicholson. Minutes of previous meeting read and sporeved. As asectunt tram H. L. Weteon for dowers 3.15 was or. dined to be paid. The urincipere report of the ettandthe at the opening of the schools we read and filed. TUC TWINS. -The Sootoh Twin Evange- lists, of London, will begin • series ot evangelistic .1111111101111 in Victoria street Methodist Amok' mixt Sunday. These Cluj/Lien workers have boss eminently sue. essefal on the Various fields where they have labored. All Christian workers are cor- dially invited to moist in the meeting, and all are invited to attend the series. Swig service at 7 45, preaching at 8 p.m. CeiNsen DICTIONARY. -Rev. D. Mo. gillivey, B. D., of Henan Presbytery. China, hsa completed for the press his Chine.. dictionary, after an arduous Libor ot nearly two years. When printed, it will a Patna* wegkAki$4.4grige.of goreiga, Minions. -it nth obegithlelliting leaded page. Mr. McGillivray. Is • miseionary of the Canadian Preshyteriaa Church, and is • brother of Rev. hi. tio0illivray, of Boston, Ga. -Christian Observer, Ky. N CARLY POISON SD. -Last week BOON per - see shrew • piece of poisoned neat over • fees wish the evident °dimities of poison. loga doe, but a °bad ffading thi-aeat put It into his mouth and sucked it and would derteinly hey, died had it not been noticed trying Se en it. As it was the little ono wee easy Ill bed had symptoms of severe paeans. sad the person who ea earelmely tried to dietary the doe. was only loved from being a murderer through the ohild haviog been seen picking up the piece of lait.NOX CHCIVH.-II is expected that nest Sedgy will be the lest on whioh the ac- tion of Knox Church will worship in She rink. Arrangements have been made for the reopening service on the 19th. inst. when Rev Robert Johnston B. A., B. D., of London, will preach morning and evening : and the pastor at the afternoon service al 3 o'clock. The sew Book of Praise will be need tam for the first time by the con- irregatioes. On the Monday evening follow - lag, • musical and literary sotertatommat will be held. It you deal want to beefs the liellabief Wfa- ter„get •tilese, and an Irish uses; that, from PridMim. wile &plasm and special Prime la far Bellows is tee only mike up thisawho photos. and those WOO award the are =peg the beet vaelograpkers in Ontario.men who sans a good whom whew -Mrs mo one. liNMONTIELY DUTY. -1111101111111 COS was a the county olora's aloe on 1.'weeday us Dii moottly roma of duty. All be noticed in our list of Fall Fairs. Doessinea will miebrate on the Ma sad 28th of Septem- ber. AT Till FALLS. -Lea Seam P.M., is at N agent Falls and other pollen as Do- nate Goatee's's% bunnies, end will be este/ nee fee • week. . Tat Nsw Hao.-Reee• intent or will he is telt operates as the North • Wee tem ilist in the verde of Billy Barlow, we seal see them "a Incasing ot chickens by steam. New Fall Style -Miss Yates arrived thie week from Toren, where she has bee Ire the part two weeks, electing all the is New and fashionable in fall and Winter StIlinery. Er ov AL.- Y. G. Camera'. barrister se soli/4W, has need from over G. hi. Elliott's store, and his coffin is now located as Inman Sweet, 2 doors North-east of Were Sees. dry gen noel; Tilt FALL Assize COITST. -The Fall term of the High octers'ed Justice yrill opine in Gederiot ontiesti:eptensber M ke 20th, be. Lordship Jeans Meredith. Tbe Crown besieges all the mien will be ettedneted by J.?. Lister, UP., Lo tit Xn AlIBILD.- AS a easearlf -el the Ladies' Aid Society ef North-elt Iliethodet than, held this weak, it was dethied to eery out their nasal progresses fa eon asetioe with Thanksgiving Day this year. -peasealose-atothie vilL.hs. Io. casing Is due %tea Tarr HAS, SZTTLID.-Tbe eminty Olga- esd Non, of Glisten, for injuries rim= el have settled the Wens St Meese. bY their wives by rime of their horses felling over the bridge ea the Loudon road. The amount paid est set Inge. but was estiefeetory to all eenseesed. - AyRome."-Tes E. L. ef C. E., of 14"40-1t. Methodist thank, will have • smin esthe is the lecture room Friday *ming.I. of the Model 'eked and Cellegiate.Imlitate, sad svs.esse who bee hey me in town, are eerdlally invited is be preset, Time, 8 ecolook. .ake 'ants with t the knee ight retail lest-elass ad the great 1LE ERY r Tee Tows insp.-The town bed tarsal a position ea eably caatributed to the ea programme. t all go meth we est in tall elingth Teeny *moist end COLLILOIATZ 1NSTITOTZ.e-Regular meet- ing held on Thursday. Sept. 2, 1897. Pres- ent. Dr. lire, Sheriff Reynolds. and Messrs. Jordan, Acheson god Colborne. 'The min- utes of last meeting were read and adopted. The following sealants were read and or. dared to be paid: I). C. Strsohan, coal, $130 68; J. H. Woreeil, been tor retie, $137.19. Star, printing, 12; 1). Stoddard, 112. The bond then adjourned. CANADA'S GRAATLST WIIALTH -A great deal is being said and printed about Use meld regions of the Klondike, and large members of oar people bound on obtaising wealth rapidly are attracted in that direction, but while vast riches en minerals abound is out northern reentry, don't let us who cannot take in the Fold mines forget that Ontario's mias of wealth represented at the Western Fair, London. annually. In the im- merses exhibit of Live Stook. AgriculturalImplements, Dairy Products. Arts and Samoa together with all the latest invita- tion,. Untold information is gained by the thousands who Tint this Fair year atter year..itaistalE itservatithi"ho4t. overages cannot with thee whole W. stuTi kar Fess aloe, the Hass of stook raisine. &Viol:that° or mechanical pursuits. The fair is replete with the finest onetime*s of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, poultry of every breed, tither saving devices of eat kinds, and mechanical and mercantile products of every discrip- lion. Nor do the manage/neat forget to intersperse with apappropriate and wholesome amusement' the exhibition proper, and have spired no pains to obtain many special at - trainee ; artiste to provide reoreatioa of snob a high ceder of merit that their par- formanoo will (melte in all its ealightening sad elevating isthmian. Programmes will he seas for the asking. Greed Jubilee Pyrotechnic display tour evenings, at which all the special attractions ot the @Merano will be repeated. and for one or more of these evening performances special trans have been provicliifi b*alltba relifirsys. It you cannot attend more then one fair let that one be the Western Far, London. September 9th to 18th. Er-fITIIDSNTS Or Tat NORMAL ScHOOL - • velum* containing short biographical anises ed all students wile have attended she Teen Normal School between years 1847-1876 neinsive, is ham prepared by the Education Department. Toronto. In- spector Tom, °edictal. would like to re- ceive from soy reliable source information of the following kind as far as relates to West Heron : (I) Whether the student is still alive, and, if not., wee his (or her) death took plan. (2) The preen rash damn ot male studenta and the ,,,,,_,1slimes and residences of female stadsede who have miwried since leaving the Normal col. (31 The career througha h which each &Widest 'Mi. -pairsed-estsstan masa v Wacker and where he has teissb• whether he Ms gone into some ether calling, and, if so, what ani where' whether he has tithe say other educational course eine leaving the Normal Sobel, and, if so, what other The honk will be teetelally gotten up, and thy es able to furnish the iaformatios asked let should need it in at case, at least, before September 15th. They THANK THS Pl7RLIC. -The King's Deena* Society web to express their salted thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hower for the me of thaw beautiful Iowa for the sone held there for the benefit of the Society sad I the public who Weeded is mob largo numbers; ate) those who so kindly and ACKARRY COMPOUND CRAMPS. COLIC, SUMMER TEDESDAT, Sept 9, 1897. 5 RY OUR OWE rOISON DAY pAPER THE SURELKILL Ali Medea make 8 please la amino tor de. WHISKS from 5c. up. - Don't be dusty. Buy one. Special attention' paid to AMERICAN TOILET ARTICLES and COMPLAINTS ETC. pERFIJMERY. W. C. GOODE CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK. taking 01 'j. senety has re - the aioari payed ea. „maim wea iodated a elleause. The band hes ial h shim onesi; denies of ten dollars from the ark Tanibell for wee the ladies wish to tender *hear nooses Osaka The Fall end Winter woe is before nes there will re essay of our towe'e poor to ne there, baled sad made oeinfortable. We obese in wean with many who are Mar. egad, mid es amity pow little ',elected Andrea. Lain whin a number of childrea Were dodo otederlda mad able to attend 1thee. dm aorta of the satiety, .61 ray WNW nada blighter and happier. are tiding le the ea, bat we ask et the Wide Wks are la sympathy with us be giggly eggagErses te ear box by vending say net Ad elsibias nasty winter prieente that Mg Mein Veda' et boom we will be very MAIN Hine& him firm end bide fair to lead the bend.. Wester. Oalsele eta° distant data. Tax OIDIre Or D11•00111e0es. -Wm Mal- l/nab, who es been visiting relative' in Dungannon ea is Jaded, delivered as "ire is the none seen of Northot. Methodist ohneele so Wednesday seethe of het week is the Isnesits sf the Dearness - el' Order of the Metheine bode. This Order was teemed far lashing eta the peer tad sick. Ti,, Norm Winning -Tb• direr/am of Ike North Weseere'Ralt0dteen met in the then Hone as Saturday aiternitha and as tar as essible esseptelled the eireamtemeata lee the the three lia,ye thew. The Mana- tee are that the 1827 Pair will hs ahead of movies years, and it se to be hoped the the Doyle of West Entail Will kelp the Mr. markts to make it es. ••••••• " THE OCEAN IN A BATH TUB" ISE BROMO SALINE, 25 CENTS. 4115r SOLD ONLY AT - DUNHAM DRUG STORE. Now IS TILE TIME To Think of • SPRING TONIC. lir tare many good ones, but 60 . quite Do good as our IRON TONIC fsiTTERS. "The Season for Colds is not over yet. We expect to ell more • 1C181104-41:-- lErfir-7-.2.11Ct&TEr=1. ming MARCH and Arum hos in all the rest of the Winter. J. E. DAVIS, PhD,. B. Medical na ' ruPtiolit ostroometteme, place -bunting and low political ideate in high pine. Fortu- nately for the Liberal party and fortunately for the manta y at large there are papers in this Province which cannot be muzzled - which are determined to tell the truth and stoat their mind no matter what the oon sequences. one of these papers is the Sim ooe Reformer, another is the Gedeneh Sig. nal, and still a third is the Dundee True Banner. The last of those journals pub- lished last week one of the ablest and most inspiring editorials on the relation of the press to the party it bee ever been our priv- ilege to read. -Owen Sound Sun. PRESS OPINIONS. Globe Is its frantic ageless to make party ohpital out of a load dispute between tir.M. C. Cameron and Mr McGillicuddy of The Goderich Signal The Mai and Empire goes see sawing from one aide to the other in • very amusing way. One day Mr. MoGillieady is • patriot and s model for independent journalists to iollow, and Mr. M. C. Cameron. is a selfish person, whose Ghia baldness in lite is to get office for his relations. The next day Mr. Cameron is the patriot, and Mr. MoGilliouddy is merely a disappointed otheeeker. Oar contempor- ary "sours" on Mr. McGillicuddy be- rmes the latter says a good word for Mr. Tarte instead of throwing mud at him and hitn.a.fair nisi. A by, of British fair play and a belief in the maxim that every man come to be held innocent until be is proven guilty are not qualifications for iadepciadest journalism "'wording to The Mail and Empire. ("AdirliblYweelb""irkei11 saa STiaseasc4.1114ey 4".814111161:1111 0101Walell °VILA •-• Tho at dkieh • hearty elle el dish. WIN passed toUr, tad ilea R‘*. Leen far thdr kindness ha greattag lbs dee et timer lave fee the reseal Garde Party. • vete of fronethy was sloe passed to Mrs. Los la be, pretreat eagle Wham Movie Prortresa-k siphodld vire el the Jubilee ovellailat Is Leona S i flimeg me menet *ease se the haliegratten west, shit ad the Q11018 SSW* 11Wiellt The pierWee as. steady, deer egii bee tem 16" lemelmili meth* airealif Gleh Ilakitaksek-lin Tama, These umpoidost dove Ida be Whores at Vienne Deem Zee as 1Plid Reek Brenet-ileet. Wirefilvtoy ;4= km god it milk% hoe for,' ILD00•11011(aL Saintoes - Rev. Joie TCWIDAY. bale 7. Louise Sterling has returned to Buffalo. Mime L Hays, ol Ilstrott.has been visiting about hero. •: James Young, jr., at i Gee. Jardine lied a very interesting trip to Kineebrldge as their bier:des this week. Communion was administered lest Sunday to a large attendance of members by the pastor, Rev. Jae. Hamilton, who eve an Garnet address to those who partook of it. For the first time the new hymnal was used. This fortnight the pastor, with Rev. D. MeGillivray. the rhoently- returned mis- sionary to Henan. China, go on a bioyole trip to many points in Western Ontario, and on Sunday the C.E.S. will bold their meeting in the morning at 11 o'clock. Peet of Tomato, prokaba at both yeggene & even/ neves in Nortkoa• Malian% tilauseb deny lea% and also ad. dread she Sabbath wheel to the aftwooso. The Rite. 'Vt. dem set mein to have lost vier or seal0 although, his *possesses, be is seise jesTssida-rabiy. Tna text trod whisk ha r=his mereing Mown. low takes tt. 2: 1.11, il•beig thee fame wise lea trete the east to Jereelen, ' Wham Is St that It um Zig of do Jima fee we have sea his star In the eon, sail are seem te,isthIP nre. nest in the mania _wee " Tint Immesams bawd Illsgsry:°-.-111eat 11: rt. C19•••••sufte. wee eatmetely large at belt The eellieti_ sub - me behalf at NM ilmatessal food monetal to shod ISO. The ale& et the "era end. r thaobio hodere. ot S. P. P.P•ems lass. ia_0:::ty LOW. Is to0 sauson efed the MEM la E. by Ilridoo. wee la Inima= in • awl atadteablo dam" the abort prodboo they haw. hod IS *On plse. eesld oesetlas Oserato rods aid dm sok to SPIN by Mid Whtfater. " One diorsedy Weed 22011126." nobs Owe,. • dose lime PAMT. - Oa Tbenday efliel With abed fad, goada. oder of +eat when tee had lin 4114111).."16 1118 frit" • eine to Onrood woe" Cow Wed beth,,, ate - led SON" 11411616,$. WM Ms li,, Hoy. P M0 Memo% as, NI ~ be. Remo PftesuzLaiss. Wad d whew he had woo tat atm yen -Minnie 010 TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted no to noon Wednesday of each week. Traveling GUM*. ORAN IS TRUNK RAILWAY. eitadval• Med 10.59 atm llotlitod Entrees 1.25 am. 7.40 p.m. Wand Erprons 10.66 p.m. Dairearr. Mixed AWAY know Us. -Our popular young townsmen, Peter Foley, who nearly two veers sae left here to learn mercantile life with C. Beek, late of Deulop, in the Circu- lar Town, has rope with John T. Aoheson. of Galina. to Norden, Man., to be eine 1 staff in his large there there. To his em- ployer he always rave satisfaction, end De was a favorite with all, so his departure will make • bleak with a large circle of friends who wish him every success in his n ew undertaking in the Prairie Province. The San believes that in many respects the Lehner government is worthy of the support and reader» of intelligent Gin - seas. But while quite free to admit the government's virtues, we I. cosmos with many Reform papers, are of opinion that there is grave Sanger of the Liberal party rsaning into the very some rime ao their prod•owmpers wore guilty of. Reset events make the ereseet an opportune weenent. if there ever wee eosin the history of Ceasda, for the untrammelled, free aad tadepeadee pees to speak oat is protest against 00r. Mom Maini11800 Limpness.- vvr LANE. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE VT . Limmereir. Golsen. Ont. Milt Ptii_,ELIR, MUSIC BOOKS. FOR YOUNG WOMEh "ALMA." ALMA CQLLIIGE, St. ThOTIVI Ont. A residential school ke Avernen. Delightfully :71n 8 acre park. Has the Trgest attendance Of any ladles college In Ontario. irrIte for catalogue to Rev. Ft. I. Warner, principal. ALMA COLLgOZ. Sr. Teicitsam Clem - HELLMUTH LADIES COLLEGE x...cDr.Tpc3rT, Olga% Fait erns will begin ea Wed. Sera ISIG,, Four Graduation Courseealso Elective courses FEES, Board, etc., and Academic Studies *275. per yew MUSIC, ART, RTC„ KITRA. :WA 111/31la I number of Bunnies (value $15 19 eginikAinestincitudatts at entrance ForltEltiairetiesem:SIVITAIIIblediRMIl. FAA • New Machine 11311013116 NEW hi ACHIN E SHOPS--ALt K1NDE of Repair Work done at Romonshis Mem new and second hand, bought ell= Pries. Farming Implements for DILL F01, Dila or To Rent- Atesa and Bolles, fop saki. likasd-assaa _ Id wagon shoo, corner Victoria and Vahan Streets. .1. HASTIER RUNCTMAN. POR SALE -A 11 STORY FRAME dwelling on Platen street. now wearied by John Reid, and • frame cottage on Sri - tante Road. sow oocupied by Misses McGill! oudAy. For particulars apply to JOHN REID on the premises. 50-4 NTALUARLP-TPROPERTY FOR SALE. V Part of Lot 9, Cone:mei= C. Goderich Town. containing 3 1-5 sores of lend. There is situated on the property • good la story brio& dwelling, with kitchen attached. and with miler under the whole house. This is a really first class place and will be :mold on reasonable terms. For paiticulars apply to PHILIP HOLT. tis,rls4t Goderich. Dated 6th Ji I ,1887. 29 -if M-4014 SALA TO RENT -FOR SALE JI: or to rent. ti.5 dwelling on Ninon st. at I occupied t gntaiag F, mee ou ellXims. including drawing room, dining room, parlor and kitchen, aad has • library a number of closets, pantries and • good cellar There Is half an acre of land tastefully planted with shrubs and fruit trees, and an exoelleat lawn. Appy to F. SIIRETR. on the pre- mises. 10 -ins - - - 111013 SALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT • I ItHeaAll Mcifisa.rmTg: II/11°de No. 67, whit:it:21M THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. wormazon. September 8, osoonotaa, Goderich township. and contains Wheat (newt 0 85 to Fall Wheat fold) 0 70 to Flour, family. par cwt.... -2 00 to Flour, palest. per mit 2 25 Bran. Ctow- Shorts. I las Oats. • bosh Pow., • bush... OldBal. • toa •-• • • . - ...... Panora. er bush fresh nepaelied. dos-- . 110 0013 total . 12:00:41100.1 0 20 to Butter u 6 00 to Harea... 4 12 to 0 (M to 8 fie to -.... chesewHase. isseverIbib..........-...: ...... ....... 6°,404: 7111100i t:Itotic st go PaLiLanivise"kna.ls mimmildlEssmw The Favorite Song Folio, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, retail prior, 60c, our price .. 38c Royal Folio of Music, Imperial (new and enlarged) Royal Song 'Folio, retail price Wm, our priee 68c University Toronto Hong Book, On, our 0°8 180 Bellek'n Organ Method Paper, Ii0e, our Price . 380 Hellen, Organ Mdthod Hoard, 12c, our prise .. ...LAO° Richardeon's New Method, retail price *00, our prior. 0.26 Jaime's Musical Catechism, tenni price 110c, our price lOr All other music) ordered at the same re. ductie., 4111111011/11aNfit dar Thom Prins ars Strictly Oath ft....a, • Wanted. WANTED BY A GENTLIMAN - V turaished or enmeshed room where there In stable room for I horns§ sad oarriano Address, "A " SIGNAL OIVICI. 1 Publie Notiee. VVILSYBODY GOES TO WIhOHAM- Li Ihs.Gritseistod Sugar for its. Two ear loads. 0. K. WINO. 'MR On. PUSLISSISIUS AtillitTil TOR NEW PRESBYTERIAN . . . ' . HYMN BOOKS PORTER'S FOR ADOPTION -A BOY, TERVE ears ad, handy to HELTON. Pea tint Medea's' Aid Society, Ooderieh. 1 T STILL BUY BUTTER, BOOB AND Dried Apples. Highest velese-eash or trade. 0. S. KIND. WANTED -I CAN PAY TEN DOL. t n aid tam, to bee ime la ood a g late meetly to :16ielia a molar* age. e- daemoases. T. IL LIT1800 . Tertian, Oat. • Lautuirr. 75 awes. It yields annually from 80 to 100 barrels of Winter apples, and is a good grain farm, the land being a No. I clay loam. There Is • No.1 frame house on the lot, a wood barn with stone stables underneath, and it is well watered in every field. A large porthe of the purchase money may remain On Mortgage. Far terms, etc., apply to THOS. BURNS, Car- low P. 0.. or to W. W. !ARRAN. Clinton. AUNDRY-ANY OWE REQUIRING , sand bander week kiss at moderate reteizaple to MRS. bakeryPRICE litsaleyek ear . it-rf Musts. tiOR SA LE--1A)Tli 69 AND 70 I: Hutchinson* Survey in the Town of Goderlah, apes which is erected • nice dwell- ing houna.... Dated 4th riaiiiiS/41:13SE- - Apply to CAMERON. BOLT ft HOLMES. Goderich Batt For Sale. 11OR SALE -A LIGET WAGON,PLAT- 12 form scales. biscuit mechines and other bakery fixtures JAMES WATSON. Moat- real-st. 28-tt MURIA FOR SALE OR RENT -FOR 1` gale or to reat.aa eraeneat 1110 acre farm, beim lot IC am, 1rd, Wart Wawanosh. Ii is about 11 miles from Goderloh, the same die tame from Loloknow and I from Dungannon. The Wm M Is good Msdition, the banding' and teams bang ftwanktea It is woU water- od. Tito soli is a clay anad there to a fair salbearing onchard, terms to an oureheser. Per apply to A. DU MILD, Dungannon. 17-t1 'VENOM ON PIANO AND VIOLIN IA will be rearmed es aseembse brat. For imrtisirdri t111917 agar& 1FriZtliPli. floods. Nmv TIMOTHY 21111-H • AN. allairda= bell MansteilirhgAla-s Court of Rovisina Tonsorial Artist. T FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTIST. . Hot and cold baths on ortaniate. Saw toaming.ehampoolng and even' other require- ment carefully attended to, end none but coca- E*::ehands employed. Williams' old stead. ()Lean's new block, next door to British 5g. change 96 -ti "(TALI) ABLE TOWN PROPERTY TOR V SALE -The bath residences the river_ arid takevaklarasee rt late A. thieDenostt One of the meet pew airtime Inners. South street immediately adjoirion 2. The twoetorey frame dwelling the 0- taft 1Ihc2.ti Heal, .at present °coupled by 'Jr. Aadrew Waddell. pear the 0.1' R. station. formerly ol 110714 1. The dwelling house and adjoining bytheJade Tome. so sad terms of pareienteint-ble. as- say to GARROW & PROUDrxr 704f 8thettees. Ooderieli, Agents Wanted. WANTED -MEN AND vV01l1t,N who -can work hard talking and writ- ing six hours daily tor six days • week mad will be content with ten dollars weekly. Ad- dress, NEW IDEAS CO.. Medias! Bundles, Toronto. Ont. VOTER" LIST COURT, 001,110ENIC V TOWNSEIP. Moues to ()twitters. WANTED CANVASSERS-" QUEEN Victoria i Her Life and Reign? ham captured the British Empire. Extraordinary testimonial* from the great men; send for copy free. Marquis of Urns ewe. "Tb. be. popular life of the Queen I have ever seeit." Ret Majesty sends a kind letter of apprecia- tion. Sells brithousands gives enthusiastic satisfaction. Canvassers, making $15 to $46 weakly. Presoaking free to agents. TAM BRADLEY .GARRET8ON 00.. Linalted, To- ronto, Out. WE WHIT to handle established trade: this county. Canadian stoat guaranteed to live. Permair. mins cut position, whole or part time. MOW topiar. Yaw can make ten do1la7e a week or better with us for eery week you work. No experience necessary. 11801712 XELOTRIISS OOMPA.NT. Continental Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT 1-3m NOTICE TO CREDTTORS. Is the matter of the eetate et Jetteph WU- Nese, deceased. Notice is berth, drew. 'wow* to diatom 110 of the devised Stentee se Claterlo and aimendiag ages, that all oredition ord other asp":earns/ Mahon mobs' the egftM of Williams, late of the TIM* Gods - itch. In Ow 00maty of Huron, lumber met - thee, domed who died eautrisewsterat the 8th day./ anis, * re le eeliver to Mrs. Asa N. lee of the of Gode- deicaaletili sweeten et the seen eine sat= te is writhe SI With F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL bar, turerittee:Ver Fe ti•cd assaid sissuniar will° el 1.k. said vs the said atediallaof Umill"wbeitdther 1 gimeaitMse se IS le ic purees bees a arta nand, at A. D. HOTOedo0 tide Mk deg e At. . - min - SASH, DOOR AND BLAND FACTORY I take this ophortunity to Inform the ;labile that I am Still in the business notwithsteading all rumors to the oonteary, and am prepared be do every eine of work In my )'ns from making fu with mansard root. Estimates rniehabilictra a window trams to erecting a 3 -story ompotitlos invited. Tkoit=ing of botiding material, rash as aad lumoer a specialty. F. SIIEETH OOTN ravnIAOL el Ile 0. V171. lablheillea 's Amnia et swath ea' the mos reaufalls BOOKSTORE. mai as rem 000ERION. lielesbnie Re. la 0 drink. July 4th T T IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BIM -IL WHAT YOU SAYE MAKES YOU REIM THE HURON AND IllTrICE WAN HM86710E/IT Ot. MPANY Boxierrouri.--Carneeetra ;to= Habeas -lateen eery em per seat. Prisfri= Zagl a .me. se ms. 14 way a Aventine* we solicitors. are boated on North Sgtuire-orinosite Wirnimer. • 631111,1111 'JAMIE IINTOlgpor itedertek. Leg. 11. trios Stionst WRAC* HOManL .1. H. OOLD0p412.1 - - Situations Vacant. aRNERAL ninvArr WANTED. itliffewt wane Amity to MRS. OAR ROW. tf QICRVANT WAN FED -APPLY TO IJ Me0ILLICUDDY. 77 wawa. IRON PILLS. Tay a loos of Wilma% has Me sad seed thew deal etre yaw ob_apIPOSION sat stroairtbss your WOWS MIME het manse. 25 cents only at WILSON'S pRINCRIPTION DR130 STORE. saw lad V Sods ore Ns lodatadds. • •