HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-9, Page 4t. i 4 THE SICNA : GODENICH ONTARIO, TRU9:4DAY, Sept. 9, 1897. CLEARING SALE OF... BICYCLES e ... AND SUNDRIES. We do not wi•h to oarry over • single 19tcYCLL, therefore we otter et ridlou tousle low Pr nee all our Livery Wheels, sons of which are very eliNht• Iy used. If You are Looking for a Snap El MC ILI UB. o have Wht els from es to est. Cyclnm.ters st YSe. and bee. Veedere et e1.00 worth ere,. tit -Everything at Bargain Day Prices. lbt Agnat u roRLgtsD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING B. 1. iieSILLIC1111T Terme et $ibsestl,Uer One month, In advance Throe months. Six 1 00 Use year. 11 tel 66 using mate.. L lad other casual advertisements. 100 pee Qne for tint insertion. and I oenta per line fee each subsequent Insertion. Measured by • non ppaarneil sot .. Beeinees crude of six lines and ander. 06 per Advertteemer•e of Loot, Tound Strayed Situation& Vs, nt, Mutations ,o anted and Business Cha, • e Wanted not rased's( Ham nonpareil, St per month.. Houses on Sale end Warns* en Bale. not to Any spordel notice, the object of which Is to promote the peouniary benefit of any indi- vidual or oomnany, to 1••• conoidered an ad - Local notices in nonpareil type one oeot word. no notices less than 115o. Local in ordinary reading type two tents per word. No notice for lees than 60c. Notices for churches and other rellgioue and ettbscriber who foil to receive Tag Sway ommuting us of the Mot at ad early an date as W hits s ohaage of address L desir.d, beta the old and the new address shoal& be ren ratIIsber's Notice. J. C. Iso Teasel, of Ooderloh, het been ell pointed Local Travailing Agent for the town - Ships of Godetioh. Oolborne, Ashfield and Wa wano.b. Loos' postmasters over the district are also empowered to ren. ve @easerlitles. to Twe 8I•NAL AU communications must be addrs.•ed r) MoGILLOOUDI.1 , Tim bin:, Telephone Call90 Gsderleb Ont. AODERIOB, THURSDAY,- SEPT. 9, iee. TOPICS'OF THE WEEK. SIR WILFRID LAURIER has gone for a well-earned .rest to his old home st Arthaltaikaville. That he will be much benefitted by the change is yo he expected for the wear and tear involved in the hurly. burly of the last two mopths, following up: on the arduous duties of leading a govern- ment in a parliamentary session, must have been of a most trying order. Above all things Sir Wrr.rR10 ieaetudent, and the change from his previous quiet and. practinplly retired life, which became his portion last year, although it had ita oom- pelmeti side, must also of necessity have t to .'m st times longings for the p stn -rhinos and quiet of the old way of Hying. There are men who aro never happj unless they are before the gaze of the public, and Canada has had Premiers to whom the hurrah of the populate was breath to the nostrils, but in Sir WusRID Canadisns have a First Minister who before the public is • people'. man, ind in the seclusion of his home finds as much, if not more real happiness, se when within ear- shot. of the plaudits of the multitude. SO for se the leadership of the Prov metal l.unrervativee war x,oerrued, was the fact that too touch work had to he done by him, and him slope, and that too, at s time when he bad the two CLARKE'S and C'taoeYON and CLANCY and other men et his back,who, everyone will ae•knuwledge, were bigger men than any of the retinue who at pfeeent follow Wirral'. The att'onge.t man be- hind him today ia.. Mcaerssar., and no wi71 aahei that t1Ri gentlemen fro* Simate is type-high with Vies or DRYDRN urtittswN, of Hamilton, and others whom e: ; conk' nente,00 the Liberal side • • • • And that the imam : The Piggery ; the attack on the Agricultural College ; the (,uglede... bargain ; the feet that Jun. SANDHIRLD M*cDoN &LD's surplus_ was not " salted down " instead of being used to develope this Province during -the peat quarter *a century ; the .gMiming un the tetnper•Iwe question ; the borrowing of the Liberal Slogan, '• It is time for a change," -that platform is not one that will oust • government., Miracles ars not performed now -a -days, as when Jotters and his Israe- lites wallah around' Jericho. blowing ram's issue-=kss issues will snake a breath it the `rampart$ of the local government. We are freato confess that we never knew of any Government than was impeccable, and the IIiARDY-Ross administration is only human, s(ter all is mid and done, but it's a pretty powerful human Combination, ju.t the sans., and if Mr. Wurrege has any hope of Via - Ring, it eeetainly is not an the cries the he has presented to the people of Ontario up to.date, got upon i brilliutay of the tail eef the kite that he flies .4 • • West Huron is not the only corner "f the vineyar.l where things; have not been running as ennrrthly as moat of us old-time Liberals would have wished. Way back in Wentworth they have had a little kettle-of- tislr of their own. Lr the first -place there is a vacant n• sth •rresd. and second, there w l> ~- woe - select a standard -tearer for the next Local election. The sitting mamba' doesn't live in the constituency st all, being now* resident of Hamilton, and it was claimed that there were men in the constituency better quali• • to Jill the . poaitiaa . tbup -be• . 9OtL_ of there war ALv K PIXIE, of The Dunrtas Banner, one of the braineat chaps in the Province ; another we. Mr. Striver, and there were others. Mr. FIrrr had stated at the previous convention that he would not seek a second term, but when the recent convention was held he " renenged," and, by hocue-poetising with Sextsv, Pm* was thrown down. But the people wouldn't stand it, and when Mr. FLArr took a runt through the riding he found that lOs chatwes were flatter than his name. Ile im- mediately went home, took ra sore, throat, got a doctor'. certificate .and sent in his resignation to the Preeideieof the ronven- tfbn. For a simple and easy way out of a i$lculty we commend it to all politicians in tight placer. * e e Bat that doesn't settle the trouble about the registry office, and there are some wi to he now, that if there ts s position vacant and a member within easy reach, there are peo- ple uncharitable enough to believe that the member will grab it on every occasion. Now such s fallacy ever got into the public minfj is sae of those things which, as Dux. DREARY says, " s fellow weally eawn't find upon eseb and every Israelite to keep thetae interment of the late Capes* R.M.dont clean, and as e$ Tee $1AL is an large. Wefts whom there • is no guile, we have endeavored to clean in front of our own door. 1f very newspaper is Canada took the same course there would soon i e la end of a crooked lushes. that has grown t4 large proportions of late. We have spoiled the in dustty io this emotion for years 'to twine, and *hall tosttntm to hit it r ey time we see it, here or hereabouts. But we are not the caretakers of this Province or„ the bread 1Atminion, and we are going W allow The Spectator and the others able pu newa,w•rs to carry un the goad work when the disease strikes their bailiwick. portion of the highway an front of his uwu R yoe& 111es Melanoma, of Goderioh is the Ram t of Ilre. t F. Cala. Luakaow Sootiest Our duty is W want the Government as a friend, not to suite it as an enemy. Be - rider, what would The Spectator have ur do' The old Scotch adage rays, " never throw water that's dirty awry, till ye're sur ve cart get came that's clean," and any. one that would turn smart the Liberals became. they had got a slight attack of a political disease that had been epidemic during the Tory regime, would not be acting a wise part. At any 'rate Toe SUrgA. were .nt-VastoieetweleaaseeaeienPlatiseew, comes • bit more healthy than she it to: -day. Hal The Spectatjr been as honest as 't'ni N11NA1. it to-dsyj and as anxious to put down political '.calawaggery, it would have raised a hue -and -cry when ADAM BttowN and KILvrST, and ALss,'x 4laKAY, and the rest of the raft floated from the &or of Parliament Into fat jots in its -id. mediate vicinity. THE "Zit. N A L (104%11 't want sympathy from The Spectator or any other Tory chest, and won't take abuse without lhowing Ib met of sheets that are giving it DOMING ANO GOING. Mime Rusk was in Cllatoa this week. Mrs. B. Sault. ia vl.itfat V Brockville. Ed. Munro visited Clinton os Monday. E. W. Rattiian visited Buffalo this week. tag as Salsa._ day. Miss Effie Koos, of Auburo, is visitiog in town. Herb. Robertson left on Monday for To- ronto. (Aria. Oj•bb, of Chicago, in stain i• tows. 1U1i#su. of sLnehacw, was in town on Friday. H. Mair, of Clinton, was to Goderioh ea Friday. Miss Jessie Reberbve. M•it oa Tueeday for Exeter. Mr. and Mn. Walt r //rough are is Toronto. D. In the Marwick is tstlir Toronto Ex - ;maiden. Mies Mary Robertson lett on Mosdey for Windsor. Mr. Or•hai Mineola left this week to Was Mabel Lawson, of Stratford, is tba gams of the Mate. Creme, West street. Mummer R. W. Looe of the North American Chemical Works le la Toronto. Chis- Watson and R. MoLeaa left oa Meader for the Pharmacy College, Tomato. Mrs. P..so.k. of Detroit, returned home M Saturday alter s month's visit to Gode- Nob. Chas. White et Toronto arrived in town this week to take,• potation with the Stolt► ►free. Jas. E. Lewitt, manager of the k•ittiag factory, was in the Queen Otty the pad week. Mies Kahle Lenton, of Monet Carmel, has been visiting reletivee in town the past week. (:bas. hhannon, when in Detroit, spent a t time with oar old towoan, Jas. yle. m Mn. J. E. Nelson ,.ad children, of Ridg.- town, are vult:og thslor.roer'emother, Mrs. Yates. Mies b'lorenoe Grant, of ran Francisco, Cal., is the guest of her oousin, Miss Louise Gibson. Neve.ted D k4 riWvr•y,d'straro.d 90 " tf ji! to ager* Falls gad oronto. Alex. MoL o4 Alex. Moly* sad ChM. Gaileway took y the Waterloo cycle races o. Labor 1).y. Wesley Reid)of Detroit Medias' College, is at the family resideoo., Elfin Ave., ore • two weeks' vigt. Tom Storey and Geo. Munro, of the G.T.R., Stratford, were visiting relatives in town on Monday. Robt. Robertson, barrister, of Toronto, left for law home on Wedp•eday, sft.r • TWf to hie permits in town. Mies Marion Pumas sod her mann, Mies Carrie Parsons, of Detroit, meet a few days in Toronto the past week. Mist Ada Barrib$ bad charge et the junior clam at Si. Patriuk's ward until Mies Skelton's were from Maaitobe. Mise Psnabake}rr of Port Hiea Jae. Hsnlan, of Clintob, drove to from the latter place on Sssdav IM. 111•.JW9. _ y J111nL M iniaT-r mea=t. Arc w a- dtt fag Mita Pana& Maws, is Torten& Mr, Robert Mae /wish and enter- prigng forges,, of Th. Wm-Reoord &pane 1/ u doubtful 11 there ie any other 000u - Sunday fa the Cinnabar City and vioinily. pawns more trying to the oeo.Utntdoe thee that of the thresher. hapssers to ohm rains and storms of the mow seines, and at the sem. Mme choked with the dost mai* quint epee threshing, he wily falls s prey to dlsa.e. Mr. Jet. H. Davis. • resident of the township of Wicklow, Hominy county, tollow. the threshing machine ter .era motels every tall. For sight or sine years be was .sajost to masks of infirm- met.ry rhwesatuen. The disease usually reeds its appeerasw is the foil, and me - based throsgboat the wisher, otansiag sot only mete suffer*, bat greet uoon.esl. .nos. Mr. Davis' men serosa attack oo- osrred daring the what c of 1893. It fires made itself smelled by the sweating of the right hand, wad before twenty -fear hoar. had pummel the disease appeared to nave Res. through the whets system, and the ism' were swelled to an sheerer! Sint, so emelt .o that the joints were not visible tre=k 10.9wd1y.. For t o woatbe the ttrr..ssbIs aasti nod .sd dories/ that Mr. Davis was stall• to gees ea hie own clothe., aid the cads he endued almost peeped oomprehensios. One doctor after another was tried, but without env b.e.ho- ta1 results. Then advertised medicines were tried, but with:no better &see..&. •' I 41111 hardly ay," aid Mr. Divis, •' how N10 imey I .peat os doctors and m.dl- ais., bat it amounted to a considerable .um, and yet I would mat willingly have given my farm te be rid of tbn terrible paha I was forced to endure. Bet all my expen- ditures emend of so evert' and I Degas to despair of asure. Al this juncture, acting on the advise of • frt.sd. I began u.lsg Dr. Williams' Ptak Pill., The first six boxes I sad seemed frees outward appearances to have had so .fent, end I felt alined like Jiving np i. Amspatr. 1 thought, bedever, REMOVAL 44 SALE... 1 TEMPTING, 3WEBPING, BIRDIIN LIHDSLIDB OF DRY BIJODS. Outing to the Store I now oocupy being too small for my business I have leased tho store lately oocupied by MR. J. T. ACHESON, and expect to move on er about the 15th of September. We have decided to make everything move ; that is, if prices will do it. To make it more interesting we will reduce the price on all our New Fall Jackets, Dream Goods, Blankets, Ladies' Vents, Men's Shirts and Drawers, Grey Flannels, Floor Oil Oloth &c. just rived in stock today. Sale to commence FRIDAY, 27th, and continue until We move. JAMES ROBINSON, MT SQ!T . RE AND WEST ST THRESHER'S LIFE Ofill_0/ EXPOSURE TO INCLRM_ENT AND CHANGEABLE WEATHER. YAM= ONE 01 TIM NATURAL IIIIIULTS- Irma :pea arra inlitsxmoussios. !rem the Iatellieenoar, Ballerina, Ont. Miss Creighton, Toronto, returned home en Seturday after • three weeks' emit at Mrs. Ceptain A. K. Fraser, of Detroit, left for home ea Saturday after a week's visit to her denghter, Mrs. Albers Hunks. Mr. Foursome, who was upending • few ameba in Bratatord, retained to tows far Labor Day. He weeds movieg Mere Shortly. Colonel Tao. R. and Mies Streng. of New Y ork, were Mit week nattier the Colonel% brother, the Principal of the Collegiate Le- s ti tate. Mrs J R Hoffman. of Gretna, aad her Mom, Miss Skelton, of Goderith, are resins There are Others, Bat, --0, what a difference when you -age Rice's Pure Salt THE SALT OF THE EARTH FOR TABLE. DAIRY AND FARM. 1301,320 24-A.S.11114.13 The North jimerican Chemical Company, Limited, take his course at the Toronto College ot Robt. MoLean returned from Montreal on And this brings to mind a silly 'story that appeared in The World of Tung - 'day la*, which stated that a rumor was *float that it was preeently on the card that Sir WILFRID would betake himself to the position of a law lord in Britain,.as his popularity had waned. particularly in On. taxi% to make room- for a statesman from this pro% ince. The story Was maid to have emanated from Mr. !irritant -AND, the well known Lateral whip, and an attempt at oircumatentiality was made in its details. When the yarn reached Mr. Sorest:Lien an unqualified denial was at once given, and the denial wan supplemented by the state- ment that at no time in the Premier'm life war he so popular ea to -day. And there is no doubt, whatever, of the oorrectnes of Mr. Scvnentateti's denial of the woricee blunehaugen story. There is no. hamlet, no hill Or vale in Canada that the fame of Lamm* ham not reached, and am the days hf, and the true greatnese of the man becomes iniunfeet,so will that fame increase. Sir WILFRID has shear pesseamil e mag - t, try lm never en hard, will he able lo dira the lustre of that nerionality. healer of the Opposition in the Legialetioft, bait been before the people avain, and ham been presenting his caM to them. It it not the duty of a Government supporter to point out my weeknese in Mr. Wymtav's mate, en that he may thee hare an egitsor- tanity et strengthening it, lint, even at the risk of doing a good turn fOr Me leader al gm Opposition Tun ElfONALile. tIO inform Inligreing that Mawr, kad flaring kle tours. It le • well -knoll* that whet Jeeeettlet hptese pretty firmly at present, rend it in to he hoped Mr. PUTT wm be ebie to give the popular believe in-thas regard • shock, by not reaching tor the leaks ana ghilic. There are men in South Wentworth better deserv. ing and more in GU ci the poeition than Joint Lae VLATF, and it kb 00 he hoped the Ontario Govenment his at la* learnt *ie. dem in the matter of making political ap- pointments. There are more men in On. tario that the ninety-two Grits, Tories, Patrons and P.P.A's, who comprise the Legislatare, and if the truth most be tokl, there are better men in the Province, too, SNAP SHOTS. X.:-/Lfter the Fall fairs football. -The Fall fair now has the call. -There will be nb ireighta last on 'apples from the Huron Tract thie year. - The scientist has gone from the Queen pity and the agriculturist lute the - The way the local tax attackr-the pocket.book this year proves conclusively that things are looking up --The fever known as Kiondicitis not virulent of late. Tt ie a sort sd yellow jaundioe, we should think. -Why dosed% some one down at Galt start the theory that the newspaper men committed the Om murder Up here they are blamed for nearly everything. the Yankee shipbuilder, haa been made rich by the cranks who want • Yankee navy, and there isn't mach of • Yankee naro' to brae ot up to the present. CLEAN YOUR OWN DOORSTEP. THE Hamilton Spectator is a daisy, of the ox -eyed variety. It finds fault with TRI RIONAL, because it lines not turn and rend the Liberal Government on meount the Onderieh post -Milne appointment, and co▪ ndones wrong " in not denouncing the Oenerameat MPS ea Ilbe member. Welt Speekydesscpest easesite it we rains • taashil nage la *maw le year tee- t4040P. 141 4.041.00*..!rnali10611 Wan Dr. MaLennan, of Kintail, eras la town on Snaday. Idles Farrow has been 'netting in the Queen City. • Henry Horton 'vent the past week in the Qama City. Mrs. Jame Ceeltos has returned from her visit to Sarnia. Thee. Powell;of Clinton visited Goderioh on Labor Def. Miss Ands Campbell returned to Ma - Mr. sod Mrs. Searle, of Ciliate° were in Sown on Labot Day. The Mimes MoGilliouddy are visiting relatives in Toronto. Om. F. Emerson waa inspeotiair wheels in Clint.° this week. Duman Alliaoa, of Climate, waa ie the county town tele weak. D. itoKey, our Joanty Chief, was la Jan Asbestos made • business trip to Tomato sim peat week. Mrs. sad Miss Marjorie lag in Creditou this week. Joseph Goldthoree is on te the Toronto Expositioo. Miss ;Jean Shannon Ls Q11400 City and' Perkasie. Alex. MeKtanes la Ultima la Show exhibit of maskinery. Was. McClure (I.T.R. Wes in mod .Tareate the 'past week. Uwe, Meanders, of the organ is at the Toronto Exhibilies. Miss Yates has resumed treat Vie fall milinery openings at Toroato. Thos. E. Headieed, et Exeter wee ha she meaty Mani Me past week. Ur. ead Ws. Jen Randeri, of Mates. were is bleideriet ea Saturday. Miss easels, el Drysdais. rebuses/I las* week be attend Mae Oellepials. sad Mime Kalidees Ball are denim Mn. Forbes in the (Mem City. Mr. aed Mrs. D.MeDenald, Waterloo -M. firers la she Queen City this week. its. NM left en Monday fer Termite to Weed sae College of Phainneay. Wat. Mailben left Monday for 811. Cathatims eked the Terme* Fair. Mks Limb Bobertese len TaseLev to resume Mr Wheel duties se Weft. Jos Baslat, Jen. mod ha. Reiyastalei of Baum (Po Were la Mira Oa Seellay. Pawl lialeemess sweat 8sesday amid Mm - Mks Dem& Ma reteramid Mess Masser eve** bene Darold *boo dbe beel bob Ball were visit - his enamel visit visiting in the the Toronto Hienlieste ti Mary, at the Lobbied. -Manitoba /sorest 26. D. F. Hamliak is ma • baldness vied te Miss msbel Allen. who bas been speed's" several weeks visiting in (Iodide." sad vi- cinity, leaves today for her home la Strat- Miss Tithe left for 811. Mine., me Taseday last after a Newish's visit to bar mother in town, and to other potato in the Mbe Fraser, ot Stratford. is speeding • maple d weeks ia Godenoh, the guest of Miss R. MoLellse of the Coilegiate fedi. Mrs. J. R. Mebane and ohlldeen. of Hamilton. left for home last week otter visiting the lady's persons, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoCiura. J. A. Gregory lett here Wedneaday for the /nab School, etpderish where he will mks ap the nude IsaftWeees for a Tsai. -Exeter Advocate. . Mr, amd Mrs. George Thompeom. of Goes. rioh, were speeding • few days with old Mends ha Wire sod daring Me week. Wimrham Times. Mies and Miss Elizabeth Sullivan, of Dayton. Ohio. who have beam spending teI Semoser seams with their uncle. Gaoler Edward (Jarrow and wife of Webbwood, thirrainelor. He le • brother of J. T. Ow - row, M. PP., of Gederlek, sod wee • former resident et Crsedwook -Bream/a Poet. Free Prete, HARBOR AND RIVER. The Oarsmen' made her last eall for the season es Wedaseday mei* of last week, sad took ea aeveral mssemeers. Oa Friday eh* was seem oat in the lake stomas' north, mad ito is sapesews the wee seeking far the The surf lathier season is ever. The marsh are rather/ late in making their antease daft. Anima* bass are ad pleaeltal a few deem° eans were eaughe the past week. fte tor war overtones have sot lied nn Rabbits are still pleatinl la the sedan aleap the beak, aIthongli a good away ht. NM shit remedy. The embosser Sarah readied this port ots Friday with a earn° et Member Mee nem. Yak* tor the mem faelery. The seheaser Sarah sealed ea Sategday might he GotIos Valley te load lumber for Melt 44 Tk torenimit wish 800,000 feet The Yosell "nivel as bee a timber tree ter Nemo& es epee ea le wired be lee pad erUl be reedy he epotedlere The new soot tee Tbeneles ems satemay le toed woke 1st 116 pert. each day found me irrowieg bettor. I coo. Untied swag Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until we're vestige of the pain had lett me., end I was nohow is every revere • new man. I believe, too, that Me ours ie few I have not known what it to suffer from rheumatism slime." wili tiles be mos Met 1)r. Williams' Ptak Pills released Mr. Davis from the painful thraldom of rhoessatisai at • com- paratively smell expense after doctors and other meanies* Ma amen* failed to give him even • fair measure of relied. It is ob- t:klIkAlturrilars -test ito4s.ffrff4samie Fete, ?Ms me gives • fair trieT they ars mute to brunt relief and a oare. Every bet of the gesmuie Pink Pdla has the trade mart co the wrapper wound the box, and the par - by refusing all others. fleld lay all deafen st 50 Geste a box or six bate fee 82.50. FALL FAIRS. GODS:UCH, Slept. 21, 22 aad 23. Winghaun, Sept. 28 aad 29. Palamerston, Soot. 27 and 28. Toronto, Aug 30 to Sept. 11. Walkerton Sept 15 and 16, Realtor d, Sept 23 aad 24. Clifford. Sept. 23 and 24. Huron Central, Maim, Sem. 28 to 29. Mouth Huron. Exeter, Sept. 20 oad 21. Hey township, Zenith, Sept. 22 sal Teokersanth. Sealants. Sept. 23 sod st. Morris brawls. /Byte. OM. 5 aad 6. Meetreal, Sept. 19 to 28. Ceetral, Guelph, Sept. 15 sod 16. Dumpiness, Sept. 27 and 1113. Stanley, at Hayfield. Sept. 30 aed Oot. 1. The billowing are the topics foe the dil• forest yeeinii;people's moieties which meet dada( She wadi : North -et ?itletbodist church ILL of C.F.., Fr.day 'vomit* at 8 o'clock. Oa Sept 10th • literary program will be conducted by the literary oommainee. KS= anfralt Y.P.8.C.L, moot with Hall on Weebaseday ••••ilf. no uplift Sept. 14, ",flible dinettes. for Presbyteries Modena In Onseral WM. will also 84 disabused by Mu Idierds for me is m coodities and I obtained All are oorflialle invited te attend dodo • farther seep y. By 1M Sem I had need meetings, with& are held in tha beemeseer • three Mime more there wee a oonsiderable of the differeet °heroine. Meehan Mal improvements sotiesable, and from that out other moieties are invited to be premed. • A Rigby Waterproof Bicycle Suit Made of all wool tweed. Coat with four safety pockets. Pants with two side and hip and watch pockets, made either SaiSisclale at the knee or button with cuffs ;" all double stitched seams, can be bought retail for 114.78. Worth $9.00 made to order: For sale by all fust -clam dealers in Canada. Keep Your Counter Checks till they amount to IPA As a further XX X X it inducement to 0.141314 Ert..71r1C11£3 who attend the great BANKRUPT. STOCK SALE Progress at all purchasers of S5.00 worth of DRY GOODS or MILLINERY will be resented with the pries of to the GREAT to be held in OODERIOK Rept.. 11-11.4, '97. 0. W. ANDR1CWO, Maaagor