The Signal, 1897-9-9, Page 3cin a eaumu r. Law end to ewe lmat se tumt it sed refit*. cursy,, b•. Disease atioo, ladle Billoub,ee I Deem", s, Parslyab, ions, gaup , ntu., etc, da ea meg K. Dues' Fear it with a it come. the latest 3 e annot be umerous as IB. RY, [MBAR. & Co. It Emporium fit YEARS - ,S IG ,REND it. est `aluee line at the d reliable n Quality WORSE. 3TAL, ]Nets. 18, Sheet Iwo ,lap, dc. "the Fittings, Globe Valves. seers and he l at Lowe n eer and Hag d others. M s. •elsd.a. wla smile Bag- lsehold Ef• reasonable ■des of and deli• Order to s 000 essistall eT \Ng'G TONt OFA i You can't go on losing doh under ordinary con- ditions without the knowl- edge ihat something is Wrong, either with diges- tion or nutrition. If the brain and+ nerves arc not fed, they can't wtirk. If the blood is not well supplied, it can't .travel on its life jourticy through the body. Wasting is tearing down; Scott's Emulsion is building up. Its first actioliais to im- prove digestion, create an ap- petite and supply needed nu- trition. Book free. GGVTT t sows', Ddleria, Ohl. P►, THE SIGNAL': GGDERICH ONTO. Aevaea,� gid, a ;t 1 : t FROM, THE KthN9lKE torn awntlt 1. belietwd. wW ebdHnrr ii Important Etyfgnts Ih Few Words At Barrie an Depeareed uvyI (ley .Oamwn wasdrowae.l nwluk The Steamer Arrived Down tland Has DOwn fir, �1•pjatniu L. Cullivrr ul 'Dam - burg .:Aril A.LT I aa. For Busy Readers • burg was kicked by a horse and deed iu 4M "my w.rla's t.*PP S Car."1117 a few asiuutea qes falw aha re. tete Way aha Mr. Leouard J. l)rimshaw was sceld- Ateraea.v shag. tee tb. •.Mer• e.1 ed to aeath at li.uudon by steam escape •.ues Oajor lug hum a new engine that he was int- im m rs se sats+ �� ting ps is Watson a box rectory. Mat Parevesate.a tnr.re.sa•a a 'Kramer Acacia. owned by thews Bros.. and Gleudeuuing dt Mclhsu- aid's handsome steam escht t eyedbn POL1Tltb-11r r10ft1AL. It it repurtexl that the Indian Govern- s were almost eoetely menet barn seat a *coned letter of wuru- tier at liatullto•. mpl his to the Arise. MN1CHOLSON, LD,8, , DENTAL .vserow. Rooms opposite lbs Post 081oe Gold eineon. Crowns and • Bridge Werk a Specially. 33 Years ]lased bee. lu tihe United Stater commercial fail- ures for the week just ended have been 208 Neutered with :UM for • the corrr- opondiug week of lam ye.X. It in reported that a an,eer)dic to of Englech a npitatnrbe bee ca par - chew the barium* of a auntie= of fish u sn ewer, les out the great la . al of Can- ada mot the United States., sL Il:lD'.IS. John 0. Uehnwn of Hamilton hanged hinmelf .to a high board hence. Ex -Aid. Charier Farrell of Brantford drowned himuelt iu the river in ten hasher of vAtter.- Petrut, Au Ottawa buy named Joseph whore 'rarettta refused to let hem go to the Klunkyke, swallowed a dose of ]'aria green, and it nut expected to recover. ILA 1.1toen item Stenos. ---- M. MASSE. D.D.`K , t..l).8.,-UEN• T♦ 811POWN.-heist andapproved methods for all dental oyteation ion of the natural toettnn a p olalty . Office over James Robtas es Ary s de storecor- ner of West et. Sar M wales. • T M. TUBE tn----7-5-1., D. B.. L D. S. - t). Dental Strides. ]Lately s.soctstel web ter. IMzsa.eett]faafr'eL Gold s -and port leen. aniline! teeth aleuebd oa awe or alum= nam beets. ■astrihl att•atfan Alvan to bks praaervation of rs natural teeth. time. in lecLean's new k1Abt 1'96-tf • * dl. L A. THOMSON. IL D.. C. Id VT elks et Aasiddace. MoNreal OWN*. Smog :r e r arin De," alb trom esu Loma The body of an unknown man was found on the' (baud Trunk Railway near Prescott The head wassevere,' from the body. It Is suppooed au run over by a west -bound train.D. The outbuildings belonging to Mr. , Beaudin. hear St. Chrystume, Que.. were struck by lightning, killing Mr. D. Bean- ie and his two sons, also, a pair Of horses. The buildings were set oa tire and were burned to the ground. The eldest dawtltter of Rev. Wim11nm Tindall of Walkerton war sewing In her th father's office when for kid. of 'e leak fell down on the Limn breaking it and pilling, the contents 'over her dothiae.In .an instaet she was ler Jones$30,000,(. lt.. t�oprd in 000. W. V Hautes and was so badly bgrned that she I tele:,,U00. F. I1'. Cobh $1.5.UW W• Ube ed . y�� T . , l $13,000. A. Buckle $10,000, 5, 1. S. Late •:..actuoo_ aiRw, B Fpyrthat,t ila,ltW, K >K re 'oir WAR. hi. E. (,aatk+r X15 It in expected that the first hwslred miler of the Crow's Nest Paw ruilway will be completed by November tl1ws. the 'The aantuuueeute•at is made Fetlerut Government will take over the .11nWnmeend Comity rub Way ber ler) h The traffic reatipts.ot the C.P.R. for the week ending A 21 rrewpa gain of glie.l.0rsl over for reecei� for the u,rnitmeiding week of lntl year. • evitrr ant-CA!tAUI{►�. *i( U. CAYSRON,BARRLSTER.SOLI teens,-• �• -- s Ban lite° and St. Andr•wsts•• 0110. ■.0 Bigot E KNEST HEATON - BARRISTER., Solicitor, Notary Public. Aotiebie s Brook. Wed Street. Law iy Mr. Ogilvie. eke Canaille* snrveyeer, Says Ag»at IM CtalsM Nass been Taken Lad That to .he lest Three Tears, If Sao rreseat Nate .f r,.dstsU hemp. L,, tlse.e",e•• In alt be Cl•aa•d• Svelte, Wash., Aug. 211• -=be steamer PortLwd thrived here at 3 a.m. to -day. She earned then eetu Lamers. swell of a Luta hruugbt only a entail i of his stake. The total amt$W.t of dust ou ,e.,ut le`- The te lhr perhaps n y the failure Portlandwas of the P. Ii- Weare to heave at St. Michael's stud by a storm on the North d'acitie Ocean. with the suuxt ru The meter* on board, lit •,t of their total amens Wo cut, are as which was btv ede witilh Jou ileal feiluwa: F. Mown* �.� !1, W. ;N�.1„ 000, Joe Gobineau $:6. Pewees $135,000, W. W. teaklwell �. - -The q, ia deeded that the mini- mum tariff has been eitssttl.l to Syain. ribs 1i ttrM egaluirt the election of Mr. Davin in West Ameniboia was dis- nt.•.rd. support The Hover amt between to a Cauaelk►u line of Meaniehips V-aneuuver and Vittoria and the come cite.* of Mexiere The Government decided to - extend esiedisrneem of the tart to tdreou s x f.:. British resita,ining the most,favored na- tion clause. THF: il;IttCC1.TCItAa, wOI&a.D. AIIIPION,Q.C., BARRISTKR;'80L- •eftor. N Vaffu4•. Olds eve Medical hall. %Mrs, eeMa.�..ses�a.. U. JoBiUrroli, BARRISTER, 60- �. teeter. oasr. etc. Moser so �toa and St. Andrew's N. Lsw BABBIBTHR, PKl)O- limn a of MS los R, _Mu iibbBOisosa ' SOLICIT - 1‘. d SeasAL mos. Private !ad' tem at Leet rates of Waren. •ata - .i - ,006 lir.' Ogilvie catenates that authorial, the nth these 144) claims are- now V and o esideriu grudud yet be he worked. in the uezt three years will aggregate A despatch from Bonahey says that cholera ha. broken out in tem Nurthan1P tonshire regimcut. TheLad Mullah commanded the Af- rills who captured the 1dnUrh torts ler al -out -$70,(+10,000. To this in be the Khyber Pass.added the favorable puesibilities of 'Wo - Upper Swat tribes have pail u I gulches and the devrluPmeut of claims fine 20,INM) rupees fur revolting already tutted but not ..peueaj s0 as to There The Frendi Cabinet has derided that there we. no ground at present for re- ducing the duties on cenale. Mtw. E. G. Thomas of Woodstock is reatnd tp have made $110,0110 from a $300 inveafinitutle-theerlfrdilPe�'a'"a� market. The first der ofManitoba hue been received in Wnipegm IN►wsne. The wheat grade.. No. 1 barb, sod is ea excellent crimple. The recess of the different tnwnehips In Wenewnetb County will hold a con- ference in a few days aro iweese the question of improving •r'HE DEAD. Mr. James elcI eeeters, fine Mayor of Bowmanvile, is deal. The Jlaigtds of (},aysgh"re1m. wbo sat In the House of Lords are Baron Min- ster. is Bleed He was Vico-Admirs.l of rout eot of the I'r.vince of Ulster. Mr. George W. lanmliten, One of the oldest and must prominent members of the Montreal tst,ck Exchange, died at lime -Il. Que., m'ar Montreal. >:Ir George Owboune Moreau, Bart., M P. for Feet. 1)ypb ghahi r•. is dead. Ii,• was a Li beret. and was all' int Jnitre Advocate-Geneeal I �� t° and Patli.tre.eMrtt'T Secretary t Omer to 1886 • h..Mr *Kb CRI.rNate. O ARRO * Pi VDIOOT, BAR U r'.ten. Atliowlys. >0tidtors ta- Gods ries. J T. aerrow• O•• W Proadtsol (UMW HOLT A HO�LMES, � arich. M. 0. Osseessem Q0.i T. IUD Indio Solaces. G. WAR% OO YANCsr *livingU •Kra. ail a a Ifirss t -mss dsdprs. wet Jenne. ere leas reeding in ry OOmar Naas la sr DlvlsleaAll against the Indian Goverumet. reported Three huudred Seto. are to have been massacred by a band of Meld(' near Fort Ali Munjid. Last Friday the British military au- thorities dla4rmed theKhyber Rific'i forming part of the garrison at Jamrud. Three of the principal chiefs of Bela- chistan have been arrested op suspicion ed intsiiuind against the l.uciian govern' Spent. The rebels in India captured Fort Lund]-Kotal after a desperate hand-to- hand fight with the garrison. gad then Denied the place. Q'be insurgents on the Indian frorttiet have caetured the police post at Ma. homedzai. whit+ was garrisoned by e detachment of the border pollee. . Aiaette. in the KhgeeTass, has beetC terfirtnecielieethe-Media.:-attet� perate fighting. The garrison ser] with the loos of three men. The British military authorities have now mobilized X2.1100 utero for frontlet operations in India, which, with the men frontier le ffoor net- against thrriaons. makes e Sultan of Turkey has commutedu the - nteneee .. f -death. imi* *.L pd s' those who were engaged in the' massa - he ct�Tokat last March of members of tto peal k Church aservitude for life. Italy has wired to Morocco threaten- ing to despatch a man-of-war to Tan- gier unless the crew of an Italian brig is released. Moorish pirates recently attacked and plundered the brig, and de - tattled the crew. n. has been Deer' Wand. near I's.s ceded or leased to Russia as a -coaling station with the consent of the Japan- ese Government. which was disappotatee: at the failure to arrange an alliance with Great Britain. egoemeit Aedd.aos knd P.O. Ont permit of test producuvn. have been other rich strikes on Stuart Rivet• Hunker, Henderson and ludian Creeks, but none of these is as rich as claims on Eldorado awl Bunhlla Creeks. le�ntil the wonderful dtl�w pries of Klnts.ke to wanre�ith onemade , two or three ten cents to pan tell feet of pay dirt were conni.teretl very -rood tor- the Yukp). -and miners made fair money with roams and sluices. This year miners are rewiug euti:ele over ground of this richness in their search for sand apd gravel that will pay like that of the Klondike discov- eries. - A reaorber. Terng Lady read Dead. T■UMIDAT, B.14 9, 1W1. 3i.' 'A STANDING OFFER" BUT DO NOT MISS IT " LUDELLA" A Splendid deylon Blend Tea at 26, 40, 50. and 60 Cents. Its natural Flavor retained b sealed lead paokagea. For Sale Here, There and ,.ryw here. Maty McCitaw, a Loudon domestic, wee tvmmtttad for MIS! me a ch.eree of n'TThhe roost her it leu e h County ate Iwee de rug to orddordd,� ud, wee tk4aaaz'ted• but yy m iced fitted for A. M. MacRae. was comm trial at St. Catharine' for forgery acid embezzlement from the Security Loan dt Savintw Ceatpany• Galt of the The preliminary hearing t Galt mar Abelson, the finers of n. Anthony Orr. has been partponed far a week. alb a> calling was at Vifliwalt Itor t Hamilton 1'Jle.k. the ort 1 t Savtnsa. dompsny of Torontse said trying to obtain the week's collec- tions oiler tions from the weed - Title LABOR WORLD. ]Leans and In•1u' .OM• _ . __ MONEY To LOAN. ,00o 00 zasDy. Dt S�'�i�� 0it self oil as trrP�M'r of moose' merit oelh•rss • �n pRIVATE FUNDS -PERSONS tem seelirlir Imo St • s I. aa a[ t �"- MAsew op - v �A1KAS 1:ss..- bold uuale•b R. to. C SKAGEB, OONNEYAECING AND tyos sat ease. o*err Marches Basel, MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE aatt N cwt. Nati $ow. flea.• B�(istR st�•rr•sl» F J. T. MATTEL, /um, AND a�s�t • st ifwe.t e _OK�ss, aAa His " 31 TO LINT -A L A R G l eiztrareiWzavetrauti. joy R . $LDOLI?n, GENERAL IN awl Malan esispesiles te �� st the Myna ram of b eereow.' alnldis •E deer heettarw W 1l�nMq� est lea mesnianneer Institut*. Teterboro, Out•. Aug. 29. -For a num- ef days Snpetrsm+sd•ese Aelrel of .be Little Lagi r-baw-had•ia"nia possession a Brantford bicycle, lady's Nuclei, No. 133e, and nu owner had claimed it. although it was left at his ublice on Tuesday last. The mystery as to the ownership of the wheel was solved last night when two gents men,. Messrs. WalterPattersondiet J. lend, the slide at th bodTTen of below go over tee• slide n the cee Undertaker Bellingham and Coroner Bell were notified and had the body removed to ruoms on where It was identifiedet as thatof Fraser. daughter of Mr. John Fraser. The deceased had Leen acting se collector for the York Loan and Savings Company. The coroner has not been able to decide whether the girl committed suicide, nor is there anJ�ea ` son apparent at present for believing that foul play was the cause of death. The only mark on the body O a nligh.. bruise on the foVthtad, but it does not appear to have any fracture of the skull with it. The coroner will decide as to an inquest on Monday. Tee ■sserma weepiest. she whew Pah. Skaguay, Alaska, Aug. 17, via Se- attle, Wash., Aug. 25t -A civil engineer of nnts are now Garthaide, and six as- sistathe W kite Pass in the interest of an English ayndt- eate, which intends to run a railroad from Skaguay the entranceto e of the pass, to Taka Arm, a distti miles, and eventually to tog li uiinq ue River, 110 miles. 51 A. nil I Donees of Victoria i one of the Drs pa V pen of the scheme. Thg electric cabs have proved • big so in London. Two more casew of smallpox have de- veloped in Montreal. The bubonic plague at Poouah i in• creasing, and the Kirkee bazaar -bas bees closed entirely. into Miss Coulter of Lindsay jumped theativer and saved a young lad named Bugs, who had fallen off the whale The alien tax law was derided to be unconstitutional by Judge Acheson of the United States Court at Pittsburg. Pa. A Rat Portage despatch Pays it is ststed oar good autkorf4' that a twelve days' run at the Mikado Mine has yield- ed no less a sum than $'20,000. At the Congress of Women in behalf of retinal drew, to be held at Oxford in Sero�ber. Lady Raberton will pre- side. All the dee' ates are to wear bloomers. Since the middle of July about five thousand citizens of Montreal hasalve e for ap- plied at the City *5..Board number i Lacfeas- InR dally. The Canadian Cahal at Sault Ste, Marie was blocked on Thursday for six hours by a steamer and schooner aecone- jjigg wedged between thcanal bank and The railway bridge pier. whiskey As the re.nk of drinking ey boughtredead a Sitkathe remainder .are aloon five Indians g The and was a mixture ' f dy- ing. The whiskey 1 whiskey, coal oil, lemon juice and . - cohol. • Writs have igen issued on t behalf Mr. lfei f the Messrs. Thompson ai of Reid. Taylor and Bayne, for alleged Woe arrest 1* eonnection with the late John Eaton Company failure at Toronto. - The legume into t drowning of four children in McNamee's cot, Toronto, en "tug 21. was resumed a• Saturday eqv�n- Ing, when AUlzts,Mt.Street omm slipave r Evans sed Aid Iu until Sept. 7. and hesapp ieatl of tl e Lord's Dy Al- liance that- the Attorney -General sh Knit tarry the Sunday street car case age the Hamilton Street Railway Company to the• Privy Council at the expense of the Province has been refused by the Attorney -General. The members of the Jackson -Harms- worth earedltioa, who stave spent three winters In the Arctic} regions hare been brought baek in ha Windward. Waley the Britt" trimmer Mooed �A� Aberdeen. S&reland. on Saturday morning. of Caut,4n Henry Ark- wrigbt, wbo was e•camta to the Lord -Lieutenant at 'mane. the who Was killed by an avalanhe o0 lira_ n i M. was of i Aug. ug nc 22, 9000 October,feet 1 plow was tooted on where he died. inat� has honed The Doke of Westin an} 1 to the British public for funds to be- d for the relief of the di/dross�re which pa'eva in Athena aineng re- alty/es from 're tq0 fuly gitives depending says there charity he Athena JOP' NAM IT COMlll'1Rtl'l lckcurc i t/tttrtrtruuv The piano and organ makers of Guelph have homeerddia union. Alois in New York ha. ke herd deterred oQ, the de- mands of the strikers for an increase of 76 per cent. in wages being grunted. � A strike in die building trades Bailment, In which 20.000 man are one was Inangerated with a imenher r pitch- ed battles with the polices in winch i(1 20 0 persons were injured-coaltors djoimimeo atPittabere broke p without reaching, an agreement The miners'��ciaV refused to recede trout their po.itlbnand demanded se cents per tion pen.ji.l h .a a lora dy not con- cededcand than 81 1-2 cent%. POLITICA- WORSION. GOTDS:WOIE ME1lQEANIor LEM- itt°011 Nr. of !•sSt Mr'M�icd 'WPM nosheses t le a.st. sad IT 1 111 rJs.. ABOUT MOO �VoLl Ili LUMMOX. -'.ding Daily, Inekly a iaegrated MI Pe.srr, jileaasiwnieta AIL ala. ApelleaMps bt •a bsrdli sesdvl hf • Lies. lea V Carrs E. �hlarT ,,*r ll- 1x' e1L�ftit. � '� NIL A, ,lnlgt. • d :.0' Is the quickest remedy ever known to cure Burns, Bruis, Scalds, Cuts, ,fit, fCtC,..� The many well known people, of high standing in the community, who have spoken and written of the merits of Qnickcure, show that it is an honest remedy of great efficacy. Note the testimonials in this issue. STURDY BROS. F`OR . . _ E les Vessel Supplies a Specialty. STURDY BROS._ FAMILY GROCKRS-THE_ SQUARE. Tarns N.imiaa shrewd to Leath. Walkerton. Ont, Aug. 29.--A very sad accident occurred here last night, by which a tine young girl, 17 Burs of age. eldest daughter of v. William Tind- all, lost her life. he was sewing in her father's office when the lid of the desk fell down on the lamp, breakipg It and spilling the contents over ner clothin . In an ipstant she was en- flames, and was so badly burned that .ire al5d- ei irteoe.- • The Creak Imatimaii7. bet�ttsttntinople, Aug. 28. -Lord Salis- 7 has made a fresh and important, peoposal in the matter ueTurkel ee settlement of the indemnity thatG from Greece- lie suggestsjointly gtleraa- Bri- Gain, France and Buena job tee the Indemnity loan and control tomo revenue. ret apart for the purpose of meeting this obligation. He invites the other powers to participate in the guar- antee if they theme to do m. The Paris cr respondent of The Lon- te treaty don Times aly � that a bye Fiance and Aggaal1a =tat given in the new Peterhof t,al�e at St. Peien eutr'gg.tat at which Emperor Nicholas end Pref Fa( t o neer. has been rated by the powers to waste the amount olds is able to Jay as a firstInetallmot of the TMarkish in- demnity, and tie reveres she can as - to guano** We the whole amount. The French Government is totysideei0` � �cegiea loan of v o,otxt {n 2 tp- for the redenip- of dm Saadi/ �tll.d p* very Balirdrsry IM a w 'r a aoat- retioninnictios ese, of the seiNsaeat tK the liedgesalty due da, rttrest _M•� aikre . France and= yari control attire the Indemnity loan the remote" set apart the the parpase of mewling this ebllg•tlee. ' CUS1LLT rItaepxAL. I. OTIOICUR plc AXi-.- -aa aaet4. IIS!15!' •Of.. as sad d is li nay Olin E t A11 ALTO - aa. E its 11311131• 1ES atasew.vrai SIT. hasp 1101411110311 WESTEN FAIR. LO NI SEPTEMBER 9th TO 18th, 1897. r, CANADA'S FAVORITE UVE STOCK HND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION. Tbe asset eoseplete Live aged' Rattan's la Awer.ea Sere im rrevemesta and az. Senator additions this year. livery ateckasac. Aarlealtal•I.t, aLaalartarer, Dalr7esan ArtlsU sad inventors. see.. etc.. speeislly .,Ieats. Messes aerrea, Entries dose Sept. fah. la all b.Lm� r• S>te Hassen Ben Ali, The Arab Prince, Ras been secured to furnish and superlatead the Stage Atte actleaa. cotton Sale of Boothe and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the Grounds at d p.m. For Prise Lists, Programme and Maps, apply to LT, CUL F. B. LEYS, President. THUS. A. BROWNE. Secretary. Farmers, Dairymei • • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ Farmers, • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • e • mows••••11•u•••••• And their Wives, Prfocepal Petersen of tee McGill Val - vanity. Montreal. is IF at Ls- arldy. Perthshire, � The tootreaBobof Trade has decided to tender W Sir Wil- 1xI otter ` i p Mr' has prevented the Mb Iron with'a com- et Ills �y Curette wens by a mealiest* t* w' sPr part in by the eiS- �p M' r Hoary Strong, diet tate trettirtirgrg W hi r ► rtamlian rerseetitativvirra re•kurao3 -�~' • !j 1o1se7 the Menhir of Mime aasasarett Talk•. Rome, Aug. 28. -The Tribune pub- lishes - lishes an interview with Prince liis- marck, in w....•. the ex-Cbrooell r de - dares that the British Government is acting foolishly in South Africa, forget- ting the lemoe tab ht it by the Dutch In the Tram.vae 1. Ile thinks, however. that die should rattierthan Dutch. be Br F." Is he As Aseaseta•a went. Mantel -Vete Aug. 215. -During a na- tional fete, which wits heed herr today, President J. Idiarti Border was shot and killed by an asseasiu, who need a revolver. Senor J. Idiarte Horde was elected Presidedt of Uruguay for the term ex' bendier from March, t.804. td 189S. ■ugalaa r, Lib the teat Its Wahs 'vibes Ss Mw tee Lev, baa Osenf'•a. 'ss...becrli, Pa. Aug. 28. -By the end etbest week sill rise coal in bests the Bio wilt i>> ag one firm When the present ittiko b•�IPyotl�t too ll waryhn lit /them theyeeRld, at peens *Melt mew Mmem � very p• They bum Iwo tee= this coal and now practically brines Nigro lne septi. Victors B. C. Aug. 211. -The expell- doze of Prince Luigi of Savoy to the summit of Mount St. Elias has fixed epee for all the altitude of Mount }iL Silas at 18,120 feet,. The expedition has also shown that the mountain was never a volcano. The Prince named a newly discovered glacier "Oobmbo." rrar.e-•UWM AirlLl•s.. Pasta, Aug.28.-Tie (3auleis publishes details of the sighing of the tre ty lee tweeen Francs and Soa+its,which it re declas to be a t•amFeve and a remolve agreement. ales Tax law rusersaigull anal. Ptttshnrg, Aug. Ifs.--Tbe alien tae law vgaa derided uneoustitutdorsl to -day by Fadge Acheson of the United States Court in taildalgr. Jeias. aatttted w�i that t11O 0(10 Pero la vadat. Lima. Peru, Aug. 27. Pando of Bolivia, with a foes of SOO sere, has invodit4 the Peruvian Provisos of Sandia. A..t•se PeIlpaa..aors Air Atos.tt, thprR, Opt.. Aug. ' it --ft N aeasenacee ogeet Boal dee.. meat feet Trld ,y. �Ia iw4YerM s, tmoe ills telae there era vary =lain eb" 1a. a4 ,Drop us a post card, and get ree our booklet on"INDURATED FIBREWARE." It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, and will put money in your pockets. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, Limited • HULL, OANADA. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BOOTS AND SHOES twit .bea 'sBe.. held it weeI *mob it two ow sonnet. et slur York. Aa e -]Lary K• Dig- it at. T•iraltialbs. MilNS*ta> including the SLATER and all Other A I goods AT SHARMAN'S Our Goods are the best thatican be obtained, and are sold at Rock Bottom Prices. Hundreds of pictures leave our store weekly. They are the prettiest on earth, as nothing to comparS with a handsome woman in a pretty, neatly -mad% faehlouabie pair of shoes, es d we only sell such as becomes the sweetest of pictures. &X1" Timet YoL'l e1413 BI>i JK) cion BI B1