The Signal, 1897-9-2, Page 8a Tateethe, Sept. y, 1SJT. THE CHEAPI STORE. We are bound to keep up our.reputation as THE CHEAP STORE. THE STORE where gond reliable Goods . are retailed at the Lowest Possible Prices. THE STORE which takes advantage of the great pos- sibilities of BUYING FOR CASII and thereby gives GREAT BARGAINS to the buying Public. Small Profits, Quick Sales, Is Our Motto, CLOTHINO 1 CLOTHING 1 Have you seen our Clothing MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS, BOYS SUITS, Etc. • Complete Stock, Prices Lowest: • r4 800 PAIRS HOSIERY 800 A JOB LOT. Now is your chance to get yowl Fall and Winter Hose at prices that are bound to clear them out in a few weeks. HEAVY ALL WOOL RIBBED HOSE POR LADIES OR BOYS, REGU- LAR 35,. FOtt 193. HEAVY ALL WOOL WORSTED RIBBED HOSE, REGULAR 66:. TO 85o. FOR 42o. MEN'S BLACK WOOL SOX ONLY 160. PAIS. DRESS coons Fancy Shot Colors, Double Width Tweed Dress Goods, regular 25c. for 19c. All Wool French Opera Flannels, Nice Fancy Patten°, regular 50c for 2.5c. New Fancy Armoure Cloths, regular 50c. for 25c. Heavy Tweed Dress Goods, new designs, double width, woetL iamt 68c; •fvr 3ietr -- , .- �ld..weec-:-....-. +..,_ I_ -THE SIGNAL: CODERICII &XTA" 'O. • the yield sad thr.►t.g it outside the bare was adopted by several of oaf farmers. Ms. Trde•vea, from near D..gs..ea. 4 she new t'a'ker in No 6 eeboeL The tens- er te.elesr, Mies li•Oom .l,r.sut.ed in Jeer sad is sow married. OoaavxjoN.-tan klLadey, at 10:30 41.W. The Bev. Mr. Mol.•,, of Blyth, wW preach et Oho preparatory eerie' on Friday at 11 r.R. The new byma•1 will be used on Seeder. Paa•caaD Hans -The Rev. Dr. A. Mel- drum, of Si. Peal, Mina., preached here es Sends', from Aden. 25-20. Be "poke of as ardent faith sad earnest deem to esquire the way and never to he afraid of the eye of laughter and rldioule, as • weak-kneed member of the obuuob would do it more harm than an out-and-out uobelievet, sod gave an [Holders of • eh veer old ohild pot In the captain's charge on his trip down by boat, how it interested all who watch- ed it, but night Dame, Hs play ceased and deep overcame it; end as It slept tt reached its destination. The captain ear- ned It to the gangway e.nd the stout erne of it• father osoeived 9 and bore it to the shore and the bot• went on, so was our course, we mill like the child, wake up from our last 'lumber. Beton suylee he spoke of being here fourteen ye•n ago in the pastorate of Rev. J. A. TutabuU, now of Torouto. IH reply to our query if he had any of the county people in his present chsrge,bennnarked he hed,one of them being an elder who was legular at both 8uaday serving and at -the weekly prayer weeping, coming • distance of seven miles each way, he being over sixty years of age. Before and atter eervios the rev. gentleman spoke with many of the oongregstaon. BAYFIELD "BLQWS." Tt'1GsDAY, ATM/. 31. The apple Drop a a oomplete failure , other fruit good. A carryall of hoodlums paid Bayfield a' visit on Monday P.m. Ata large sale of household goods our Reeve acted &. auotioneer. Dr. Woods reoeived • oordial so.sptieo en 41N return a_to•e brief science- Campers cience-Clampers eking the Take. like the Arab., have folded their tents and gone to pesters" new. Fishermen are not doing • great deal. The seseon has not been • favosgabie one for them. ri�,, touriate and all the eemeef,g(rla "i1"` eitaaow the 011" An open air musical L again to be held by some Clrntonttee, and the penitentiary march is to be repeated. Farmer w thio neighborhood are getting as they thresh out their wheat very large return., thirty-five bel.. pia •ore L a emu - mon estimate. The Boys Brigade were Damped here for some time. Before breaking up were waited upon by a number of young gentle- men resident here who muoh enjoyed them. selves. The Rev. Mr. Parks, of Clinton, had • case before • beach ot Magistrates on Mon• deg evening. Masse. Johnston and Proud - toot, of Goderiob. were in attendance as limbs of the law. STAPLES All Wool FACTOKY FLANNELS 26o. BIWtets.Comfortege, QaUt.• A Bargun•Lot of New Tweed" worth 40 to 50d, for 26e. MILLINERY and MANTLES A New and Complete Stook of the Latess Desige. ba JACKETS. Bee oat range before you purchase. Oar Stock 9 now Complete in All Linea Bargains In Every Department. soon and get • canoe. !CA./3I1 AND ONE PRICE ONLY - Visit SMITH BROS. & CO. McLEAN'S �e NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Corrcepondentii there 1. I.forrn.l,ea Her That ('suet be read Anywhere Else-few.ef lee Ceuty Specially Reported for The eIg.e1. DUNGANNON Toar;DAy, Aognet 61. NOTICE -G. A. NEWTON, 1:F.NTIST, 1� Lucknow, visite Daiwa/mos on Is arm 3rd RHIDAY of *soh month : hours from s to 6. Painter extreotag: special rare to Ailing and oreserving natural teeth, °Moe- N1CXT m/Zi)1Y$ TAILOR tiHOY. t,,. V.RY ILL -We re et to have to state that John Curran o w dope%bear aeon o la recovery. Mr. R. Medd the popular deputy reeve of West Weymouth was on Monday last visiting hs sons John. V.S., and James, e lothter and tailor. He report. Rood orope aid big pelts of Fall wheat in his locality. New Mu icat,Orrice.-D1. T. E. Case'' S i. offioe is completed and beteg furnished, le • credit to the oontrsotor G. Begley, and also to the doctor. It adds greatly to the appearanoe of his bet'ssitul premiss, as oleo to the village. Aooresevul. --Wit take pleasure in ex- tending congratulations to M.esn. 8. J. A. Boyd, I'rinofp.l Belfast school, H. A. Ryes, of Nile, .1. H. Tigers and W. J. Kilpetriok, Ashfield, who have been suooesful at the recent examtnattons in obteiningaertafioates . In form IV. and also G. H. W byard, of Dungannon, is paasing form III, who de- serves great credit ae he is only about 17 or 18 years of age. Charly Dornan, jr., mathematical teanber `the CJIlegi•te at Mora, lett hereon Mon- day, after having 'peat his bohdeys, to resume work on Wednesday, Rept. 1et. • He feels quite jubilant me the manes of these who wrote for forms V., IV. and 11I Item the Collegiate at Elora. Every ens who wrote poised. Charles is as many • ether Dungannon boys, a great eredit M Dungannon and this so/ion of ooantel < A UNIQve 14VINT --One day last week • Nit, the year old, belonging to our general amiehy, Mr. Wm. Thompson was misled, • mind on searching for it be was found upstairs le an old house on the farm which Mr. Tbemson has leased from John Johnson, It brims lot 15, ere. 5, West Wawanosh. When Ant dl.eorered It had In head through an old window frame. How the anim•i as- cended the stein which has • landing with a toy narrow throe is • mystery. A was, however, when dissevered takes down with- out any inj.ry. Herat TaimsntNo RmsIILT..-- We have beea, we proem', oredlbl Wormed that es Woodsy of lase week James Agar with his .tug of seeietaM skreehed DO the pitltrabss.4 Hebert Henry 266 bushels of red'Clawa.a whe.1 hi nee boar anti forty - lye nMftsyr 2 3 7 bushels in Dee minute, mad eh Taed&y, en the premie.. of John Melee, Went Wse•ash, they threshed la roe day 1000 beeheta of wheat. 100 rye. and 100 nets, in all 1200 bushels. We weld like to beer freen any who have dime .. r well la the sine elms. Amit et Noreen -Mr. (i. Heise has ►oMYed &beet SO aeon at land te, mimeo. k .1. Omerfed fe.t, ONlryh, phwgr' itetwof iA a1lsere1M-' • able propery, it being in and contiguous to our thriving and prosperous vilhge. 01 oouree he is longingly looking for the not- able electric railway. -James Agar has purohased from Mr. Wm. Fowler the north hall of the east half of lot 18, ooh. 5, West W•wanosb. Mr. Ag&z.ss now owner of an ezoellent 150 Cores of lord. We wish Mempre. Horne and Agar good saucer.. COMING AND GOINti.-Mrs. B.. J. Craw- ford, left here on Wedaeeday of last week on • visiting tour to relatives in Sbortsville, New Mexioo. She will be a0o0mpanied o her return by her mother, Mrs. Clara. Wil - mos, who has been vuielng'there for some tins. -Mr. and Mrs. Neilson, of Cleveland, U.S., ere visiting relatives ben and other points in Ontario. Mrs. Neilson it • sister of Meagre. Walter Stewart, proprietor of the plaining f•otory, Luoknow; Andrew and Robert of West Wawanoeh. Mr. John Lovett and .barer Miss Catherine, of the township o7 Hallett, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. MoNally.-Mr. Albert S. Cook sad -either Bahl.; nes sac stilielnit OT Tei late John Cook, tithe in former years wen Clerk of the Division Court, 'Ashfield and West Wwanoeb, are visiting relatives and renewing former aoquintanoes bare and in vioinity. They have been for some time an C•llforoja and arrived here on Thursday of lest wok. -MIs Lura Brydgee who has been :speedier holidays with her grand- mother, Mrs. T. Pentland, left for her home at Goderioh on Tusdey, DUNLOP TIIrsDAY, Aug. 30. • MIs Frances Quaid visited for several days in Goderioh last week. Mn. Whitley, of Lnokuow, with her two grandohildren from Luokuow, were the guests of Mr.. Tho.. Tiohborne for several days last weak. The Manitoba method of drawing gram to the thresher was tried here with good .nooses by the laird of Lwdown farm Thursday of last weak, four teams drawing thirty loads in three hours under the fore- manship of Joha H. Barker. Four men In the field p:tohed'two for each teem. Mr. Hackett was bite able bees, throwing off the load to the thresher, John Oke, our popular staoker made a sang fouhdaeion of pea straw for the fall wheat Straw 10 bop off. Tharsdav of last week we received Ud- ine" ofthe u..tte ri Mn. Peter MacDoug- all, sr., of Portal.' Hill in • few weeks ot her 90th year. Sixty-five of them were ship with her lare husband, beingt in s among riab ththe earliest pioneers and 'ostlers. The deceased we had the pleasure of seeing in oar transient visits j tenet Hills, and rennet teet her courteon and genial Aoottish welcome and our many ohate over the pioneer days of the township and the guaUons of the day, ea .he was. • Reformer and took quite •a interest in the progress .f Oanada. A huge oonoo0res of relatives and neighbore wen present at her interment In the M•itlaod cemetery where, she was lowered to her last reettint plata by her grandsons as pall bearers. Rev. Mr. Cohan, pastor of the ratbani Preebytrf.a oheroh oondeeting the femme' northern her last wishexpressed e homewishesth es was hot seed tied .h* wee cermet to the pave hi • Iliht waren. L RIBURN. Temper, Anglin 29. Mies May Kdte., of Whither. Is visiting old friend. hers. Thrashing last week was the that tart. week; Riehardse.'s 'trainer,(r near Port Albw§ rad Barnes .ed Amway Tb. 148104110- 41.11* .i1thriermiss she ends tarots , � , �.0 .. • vArrl �; , l illi, In 7. x , % nil sit.. y o• 1.! 4A. IP WHITECHURCH• TUESDAY, Auo. 31st. WIDDIVC BICLLi.-A pleasant event 40 - marred at the home of Mr. Thomas Wilson, &beam Grove t''•rm, Cameo, on Tnesiy last, August 24th, the 000a.iou being the marriage of hu second daughter, Mary D., to James W. Soott, M. D., of Sanilan Centro, hdliobigao. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Andrew Meonab, B.A., pastor of Whtteohuroh Presbyterian Church, in the preeenoe of • large nam'.r of gueeta A very pretty bower et evergreens had been prepared on the lawn, immediately in front of the restdenoe ; also the walk from the bone to the bower was decorated on both sides with evergreens, while floral deoo- rations wen in evidence everywhere. A floral horse -oboe was suspended from the dome of the evergreen home, and under this, at 5 o'clock the reverened gentleman took his place, followed by the groom. The bride approached the improvised altar leaning upoo the arm of her father as the wedding march was played, the guests witnessing the oeremouy from the balcony in front of the house. The bride was nosily attired in a cream silk ooetnme, with lam and pearl trimmings, and carried • bouquet of whlt5 rote'. Immediately steer - ceremony the oompany eat down to a sump. Lions repast at tablas plead upon the laws. The evening was spent in the enjoyment of mu.fo, various games and .Dols! conver- sation. The many friend. 0t both bride and groom wish the young 000ple every joy and happiness in their journey thrnugh We. A notable feature of the wedding wine the large number ot handsome and ootly t'i'er of esteem in which the bride was held in the community. Dr. and Mn. Brett left for eastern points, in anticipation of an en. joyabls wedding tour, previous to taking up their residence in S•nilan Centre. Michigan. The Times extends Its meet hearty eon- gratulation. to the newly married maple. CARLbW. SATED HIS BOY. A PLAIN STATEMENT PROM MR, ROJBT. MoLE.iD, OF O.*14. ale IdTI'La SON was teiteLFINDOINWIMIN AND DOpttR'e TRLTMIINT DIA apt no 000D-D1L vrn.l.i*Y5' PINK PILI/ wua Given AND aareor*D A ru0E0111111 QUILL Moen the bialt &Porter. Mr. Kebt. MuLeod is • gentleman well known m the town of Galt and throughout the district. 1e conversation with • mem bar el the Reporter *1.1 recently, he the seated to make public the fent' eenoeruing the 1llas.e and restoration to health of his lime boy. Hei said :- ' Yes, 1 believe that had it not bora for Dr. W Wiese' Pink Pilla my little boy would not have been living to -day. Willie, who as ten years of age, was taken with an ilia Drys that developed into paralysis of the left side. He had the beet medical aid within my reach, bet nothing seemed to benefit him. He got so' bad that a pia could be rnut into trig lett hand to the bone without his feeling it to the least. if be at- tempted to walk he oould ably get over the ground by dragging kis left toot behind him; he had no power as es whatever. One night 1 was feeling pretty blue about him. I felt that he was going to be an invalid all lig life, and 1 viewed things in their wont light. On this particular night I put on my bat with the intention of going out to take a quiet walk, but just ail I gut to the door I tow lying on a step a pamphlet. I picked it up lt.tleasly, and saw it was an advertising book ot the Dr. N'ilham.' Medicine Co. I only read • few words when the oonviotion seized me that here was something that might possibly benefit my boy. 1 at onoe went down to Mr. Fernh'■ drug store and purchased a hoz of the pills. By the time he had taken two oozes the oolor had Dome back into his hand and arm, and by the time he had taken half a dozen boxes he was cured, and now he is baiter than he ever was before in his life, l'ijr hearty anti strong teeny boy in the town. Yes. sir, I believe D. Wtlltsan• Pink PtIL are • wonderful mediates." • i• BUOKS AND PERIOOICAIIS. HAtt'rn's BAZAR. -That leant" in give if -inaaticlgoan rondos, lt•1 2Pisit- Th*t t j6Tt Sr. id obar- aoter, and that environment gre•tely affect, it; in a word, that, Wattle certain limit", it msy be cultivated -Is the subject of an ar- ticle dy Katharine de Freest in HARPta,h 134r.AR of Aoeu.t 61 at. The same number will ,mutate • paper on Jewess Textile., ..penial grocsde" end mopes. wrttlen by Eliza n.hrab Seidmon, the well -knower traveller. and the author of " Jinriklsh• Dare." .Is " The Opt -door Women " Mica A. K. Brainerd will discuss golf, with special reference to •'driving," in which slur eon - aiders women bicyclists, meotiooieg certain perils and mistakes into whish the wheel - woman eerily falls. Clinton : John Chetohill and family leave shortly for Pilot Mound, Manitoba, having purchased a farm there from Geo. A. Stewart, who takes Mr. Churchill's house in town as part of the consideration. Conitann : Robt. Coates returned last week y Idaho, after spending • tea days With friends hen. His brother George ac- companied him to assist him in the sheep business, .t which he was engaged for six year.. Porter's Hill: One day reoentiy Wm. Blair fell from a straw stook, • distance of fifteen feet, and waa pinked up unconscious, but fortunately- no bones were broken, and no serious injuries received other than • bad shaking up. STOVES;! COLBOENETBR6 BARCA!N$. IN. THE r OLLo ri 1NT V Jli 1ES Colored Dress Goods • -LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICEY Shirt Waists- . AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Prints 12}c for 10c, 12c for 9c. and 10c for tic, CarpetsThe Largest, Best anti'ieapest Snort D in town in $rusttels,Axminsten,T5 tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All-woelni Unique and Hemps. Twine and Japanese Mattings. Oil Cloths in these qualties direct f2om the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 0-4, and 8-4 widths. , The balance of our stock at Rock -$Qt cea. _.._ -... NEW FALL MANTLES NEXT WEEK DIRE(T FROM THE MANUFACTURER. CCIZZ3OZZINT= CROS_ PER J. H- oOLBORJSTE. The breat Cat pet Warehoi ,e ot th, County WJNDQWCLAa1. >yr placed In stook 10. t imporadoo of W I N D O W GL LS8 yet reoeived at prime which cannot be touched any where. To get kis pri..fafitl.cnre your custom.. He keep. the 1 _ B ail'. the •✓t`t111'.w"�!apa}:w. 1EPAU Hardware Building Supplies away down in Price. R. R. W. MCKENZIE OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. PREPARING FOR FALL . AT )UNRO'S- Canadian and imported Scotch and English Yarns. No better assort- ment or value in town. Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight Underclothing, Long and Sheet Sleeves. • Our 30 cent Corset, said to be the best value at. the price. • Large Stock of all kinds of Braidit and Velvet Ribbons. 11/411 Lines in Small Wares. _.. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. A. MUNRO. Draper. Special Jubilee Bargains! Refrigerators 8lra.410. Oil Stoves BLITZ FLAME, all sizer. Gasoline $Wvee 1.2,3.allisMINIMh- 1;smdera Stover r STOVES �-"in Bake' 8TOVES STOWS rm.} ptoVes ALL The Paiams oxsccsad ��s, Pranged FRIDAY, Ang. 27. Colborne Connell met in the township" ball •11 the member being present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. The following amounts were ordered to be mud ' Szossi., pieties rot - en' lit, 236 60; Joseph MoCaun, (reveille, e9 00; James Sande, gravelingg,, 184.00; John Sands, gravelling, 226 124; Wm,Petee. i Ing, 22 60; Alex. Shield., read work, 13.00; Frask b1oI►tyn, repartee/ advert, $2.00; W. Milligan, gravel, $5.90; George ftradford, repairing road m•ehhio, 25.50 repairing 'Draper, 23.00; Robe. Faliford, obi for road machine, 40e.; Edward Shaw, lispectiag, 12 00; Jobe Barks, gravelling, 130.00, repairing culvert, $3.60: Jobs R. Kennedy, outting weeds, 75e. Jams Tay- lor moved, mended by Noise John., that • oouoty me of 2 mills, • lewoahlp me of 2 mills, and • special me of Ij milts ea the dollar, also siAtoi.it sits M raise the necessary amount of geesey for the dtfreet wheel sections, he imposed. Clamed. A resolution was psmed by thh . illel that all job. not completed ea or helmet the tact day of October be 'sm'iled. Adjwanted to meet the 2nd day of Ootobar at 11 e'eiook r. a. F. W. MoDo,Aet, Tp. (mak. SLUEVAUI• Tnothar, Aerie, 31. All the small boye sad girls el till ,inose ,ire earthed threading dax. Harry M•lCn*, .4 Bremen, "peat Sun- day at els meat'" Mies A. Wynn's. Mi+, J. 1da.Demald, of Latham', sad Mra Fred. hithOreelk11111. .4 Brua..la, err vYNtlag their .esh.rfeRr, 3110. Gardiner. (listen : Mr. Sterni boo a pleat tree i• his garde., wbinh m'aser's 4 fees la air. ehm)ereesoe, and 3Q feet aore,e, sad has been la Roaring ter 30 thew ee.tlaosady. It le very newel fee . Wee to Nada ads hof Is is jest m maeonal is is is Wen that will Heat, that are Stoves SIINL!KT - SOAP Wrapper Competition, JULY, 1897. The following an the Winners 1a Mme No. s, Wasters Outlets Winners of' Stearn's Bicycles Mr. TAliasan .ydr,1498 Quern fittest, West, Mr. M. Hambly, 192 Dead.. Strwt, Ts - MOW Winners of Gold Watchet. Mr. J. Wilton Clerk, 469 Dundee Sheet, Toronto.1 8wees Bros ,ore. Ele, sad Elisabeth esreets, Treaso. Mr. O. 8. Phalie, 39 Molise serem, H•awU• tea. MIs ()sorsa Molts, Brldgshor Man Arnie Geode*" West Lolls Avenue, Toms... • Om the ~��� 5 lskitteai t0 r._., 1.• 1 - Lawn Mowers Daisy Churn Nos. 2, 3, 1 H)SRPER BE. N Portland .. . CEMENT We havd just reoeived a lot of Belgium end Fngluh Brands which fs fresh and (lood. GS 'Single and Doable DIA- MOND to all the sizes. Bought when the Mar- ket was the Lowest, WWI= LEAsi) The old famous Rimed, $OIERVILLL'. Lawry Faintg erawll Mil sou is • the hest on the Market. NM of woman and Build - Allways an Vasa. twos lithe Ikea en he fe mbiele e Silver Plating PRICE LIST Per .Ane-••••••_ Knee. " Forks Table Cruet, each Pinkie " Butter Knife " Candle Sticks " Safi Irgw " r., per par 111 N E' Az j ted Iia Cle Ne' 11.1 l'.I Fob Fe Th As 1, 75e 75o 60o 15c 42c 15c 10 and 15e 1 We can Plate anything in Brass, *on, Ooppe>se or Steel. Call and see samples of oar work. MOON BICYCLE CO. ELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KING'S Of COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TIAN BOIT ScraJltoll Hard Coal IN THE MARKET at 86.76 per ton, Cash. welebsd co the Makes genies. Von Feta Ira lOOlet Ile. for • Me. WM• Ordetm klbatt=�� r8L • j„�!'* Star. threaded to. Auburn 11011,4480N &�.'