HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-2, Page 5436.2 ^•atrraias MINDING -UP SALE.t etette JAMICB, A. RMID- You will flud it profitable during August to Dome to this store for anything you want in GENERAL DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING and MEN'S FURNISHINGS. In closing out this stock we are disregarding the value of (foods this Month as we are anxious too dispoee of thele as gpOit M Possible. We invite inspection, solicit Cisal. comparison and court crit! Eat. JAMES A. REID & J. RED `Administrator). MARRIED. O'BRIEN-Oa the loth 10.1b.. at 81. Pratter Wase.. Win. O'Brien. London, to Joanna, third daughter of Matthew Foley. of fCColborn PILIOST-ATTRILL-At at.0eorrgsee's church goderlob. by the rector hey. M ark - ogv t1. !Moor. a O. daughter of the Lae hussies. 1 Martel late Nenr7 Y. Attatll, Itldeswood •rk. Ood.rlch. MME TALK OF THE TOWN. prom the Reportor''e oteboolg ,, rt THE SIGNA ; ..C,ODEItIOH.. 014T010• °haters Dasmot go to • beth ► n the r. WetteYoh to ..t Waal - ready salsa at eased prions for di@tribaMo4 The prise liste ars ready and a simple applieatioe to the ..°cath . mare A. Broom., will are • espy• is well just here to my taut the Mow* deM or seeking entries is Sept. dick. s$ While the •Noou►lon Rives pertloal•r tatdoa to the .ablbiton .ed exhibit., they et the Naw time are &ware of the necessiy of having Nine first -Mass special edify and amore their •letters darting the ottomans end overlaps. Sia Haman then All. the Arab emprint him has been e•Red, not nal. to bring bis wonderful troupe of Arabs. bat ..o e. ore the beet talent in America along other His kuowled a of the business and his .o• inta•oe with best &rout+ and Els own m - BLACKBERRY COMPOUND yns .allied reputation ts sufficient guarantee that two boars of Rood, olean. high -oils• attrections will be hed tee &et.offieisl week program was Ds of August sod is tree to all. ATULLTIC AyU8IMEIIT.-Every thing is Nature tadulges in amusement. The liaht- ine plays The wind whistles. The thunder rolls. The snow flies The waves lap. The fields smile, even the bods shoot. aid the river rani. A Bloom Schtwowne-Lamtl week we e flower ledWel land hi soal week Rev. Jos. Edge flower stalk, m Dame in and informed Tim Stoma, that there was one rowing on the grounds of beees° p wbloh measured 10 lest 2 Moine. Next. this country is oap.ble of raising. The Direotors ars doing their best to give the people in this.dvnoed and soholuatio exhi• baton • great pictorial lemon trom nearly every branch of prsottoal horsing. In as dition to the complete exhibits they b provided • null list of special features of the very beet to .mune, inspire and ednoate their visitors. Programmes of the special attractions will be mailed d en o able time is In dress. A pleasant l 7 store foe all who osn make ib 000venteat to attend. Spinel tram &rrsogemente have Men provided to enable those who stah to stay over for the grand Jubilee Pyrotechnic display is the evenings to do w ; ask your &gam Remember the greater e thuooi5 othe benefit f the exhibttioe the greater the people, and go. g yew,. Gera it nor Wats. I trees - ll. feet 1114 -it ms's Amami We flf thge DO • en' fail. Wu road 11.-_E.'ws. For a oleveriv ant sett at s °heed! 881 prise try Prldhem the taller on the square. Bare you thin Sallow.' Wide' studies that took the special gold prise In London. If not. wake u r••early oppef!t to do se, tor Sei- nes, the artist, will be pleased o N Y ou. LAto1 DAT.-Mowday. Latter Day being astral holiday the mitosis will be closed sod labor gsiesatly responded. House of Refuge Notes._John Denby, of Goderich, died on Friday night, and was buried here; this is the 17th death which hag taken *os at the institution since it was opened; he was aged 79 years and six months ; the cause of bis death war peraly- sis. Mrs. McCaig. of Goderioh, one of the esssaYr inmates, bas been moaned to bed for ewe eigitksaiitbs,the resole of • mo- uted thigh; she bears her *illation win wonderful r.stRn.tlo0, and so well boo she sore of any description for .uat pon her, notwithstanding her long 000fineme0t. Mrs. Fremch, who A BtercLS S'roLax.-Lass week a bicycle owned by D. Jeboetoo, G.T.R., was stolen Bail Club room. teat Knox CHURCH. _Tb5 i alterations y t x x oberce. nearing arotiteoture ot the building a. it will be when finished, and all who viewed it yester- day pronounce it W be one ot the most .°.- yement and pretty sacred edifioss In Ontar- io. 1t is expected that the eats will be in their oleos to eight or ten days, and that the ohuroh will be oompiets in every detail in two weeks, so that Knox andayU g&00 as Dmeet on the old spot 00 Ti'm Bur or Ca&DsxttAu-Ono .t the week, and up to the present time the owner beet esrtifioata. • ansata ab&r° to bis /r°°°.1 has not diseovered the thief or remwered ly paper with the 1a Curios vs. Oo.ra1CH.--Go Set&rday the tenets lawn was the some of • pre et tournament that drew a large0i a one y onlookers. Three sets were played . ever time. sod tee gm being es green the Isdlei pretty dresses were shown to per- fection. The yi.ttors were well reonved and entertained, sod though defeated they left town with plesspt memories of the afternoon at tennis t° Ooderioh. The emote were decided si follows : dated to ole The theft of this wisest following mew that he dose net owe the printer. Tss Glares Sumo. -Die oyster Memos mess oe Seterday Sept. 4th. sod i1 yon wast to gaiety & dish,get them at BLoketone'@ gid aid reliable rest•nrmt, West attest. ADOPTED Twire.-At • msssios of Rao Presbyterian hymnal aid the messed ' wheels wheel of nuns bo Nle m tows, would likely tf t of the peels w the bicycle . f the ooiRreRatioa throb held a Wednesday evening the sew the cy Wilson a taw weeks the loss el Doe by Jas. sheen tid:wtes that there is a bicycle thief in town. and It would be well for oyoltsM to orstaaiss a band o1 wstohirs, se things sum to indicate that the thief is • resident, se no stranger could have known As the here Johnston's wheel was stored. Dthe FOR CRAMPS' COLLO, SUMMER COMPLAINTS dioover were adopted toy ills use nitron StAro*TH &wreati .-Osnmridr o, that torte's ohm boltdsy, large town's chimes .pont the day in Oodetioh. As the day was fine and he train w kip seek twob . the fishing and other •sees► 1002 spell at boatillR, UMW e. 1101'! Li D, Bey Bottsowe.-Aa old raideut Boys M bas • neighbor who thinks it a orime so lend soy ntsemil to his Mende bemuse, it injures busts..* by p .sating tam teem buying the said unable who objects so strosity to the "passe ol horrowtog • hoe mads M his nd[b .vett Thursday for the loan of the Moil paper. Sr*rr'a BY Loltwr°O. - A valuable thoroathbred oow-the best of • herd of woe, was instantly killed of Thard.t lest ou John Walter's farm, 5th nos- Colborne. during the thunderstorm ibat passed over the township. Unfortunately ter the .05 er his insurssis policy on hie stook expired o&1 two days before the •soaree5e, sod be will havi to @tend the loss. Oe Tor -- Homage. -Milton Bisbaesn.& PoeLIC Woagi Cotittmss. -The public works ooptmitt i met on To Present Chairman Thompson, Retro Proud - foot, Councillors Nairn, Centeloo, Colwell, Pridbam and the mayor. The following tender for the mostruotiee Of sewers was &ooepted, on motion of F. J. PSuba sec- onded by the reeve : Graham, bill tt was Finale, $4,677.50. The bridge apses should be repaired ; and the Asir - Men, mayor and reeve were appointed • eommittee-to interview the oonnty mutton re the i&i1 sower. should my difficulty arise. 11 was speed that the ooinmittes should go over the sewers with the engineer and in spot them, &sd this the oommittee ad - Owned. ening Dor gnash--asttttsttss. D. Holmes sad) Holmes kMl +t 0116- end Sharp 6-3 : Dickson sod Field beet Debii$p *4 Terry 6-2 : aro. best Biro and Gar - row sod Sharp row 6-3: 6-'t• stxols'-osTrutnot. Rhodes beet Field 6-1 S. - F. Holmes beat Sharp 6-6-0 : 6-2, . Dickson best Doherty 4. DOOBIAS-LADIs.. Th. Maw Assebreeke and Elwood best the Misses Fair sod Curtis 6-4 : 6-4. The Misses Sh.pceed and Elwood bae the Mimes Curtis mid McMnrr•y 7-9; 6-4. 6-2. THIIMIaDAT t Sept. 2, 1897. 1, ETC. PoisoNF pA_PER THE SUREPCILL Imam masa 8 elopes 1e envelope for 5o. WHISKS from 6o. ap Don't be dusty. Buy ase' Special attention paid to AMERICAN TOILET ARTICLES and pERFU M ERY. W. C. G 0 0 D E CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK. "THE OCEAN IN A BATH TUB" USE BROMO SALINE, 25 CENTS. Sart nowidaye. Decent blact bass are still to be °aught in the river. The Goderioh harbor mill still °oneness its log -cutting bee. Perch are again seeking food in the liar• bor end .round the piers. out Of The steamer St. Andrew at.•med port y The fishiest The this y Tb for th Tb o.r10 week light Gederio The itis not N. bringto mine Th mho tog Tb osT Mow T T w1 W O To and 7 si alo d Cao fi io SOLD ONLY AT s DIINIUM'B .DRUG SORE. HARBOR AND RIVER. TO ADVERTISERS. bethtng does not draw many people mast be left at this Notice of change' O1Eoe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mat be left not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements aooepted en to noon Wednesday of each weak. GIRA11D TRUER RAILWAY. f',oY i. iTfediat 2001oR wwr- the 60e6 thou i• sru lmraaRes at the roast suminstioa.. The young geatlein&D who WOO the distinguished honor is • see of De. Buob•nan, of Zariob, and would 14 not have akN entitled to • scholarshipWs part of the examination in '96. mei- inhabits Mr. Buchanan epee 15ktsg the Ent place among the thota .sed M Collegiate on having had se gif tod estsrd•y, for Lake I therig . _ IOW at pressen bolas ma- by oet rage do not Dover exposes. en higher Hs Woe ewe (iot.0• -Sdlews waste Lon- don the other day ar-t exhibited at the Wise PhotogrepbereConvention, and as usual kept up his sod of the profession. His entry, " For Child.' Stadia. osptered • special prise of $1600 le geld. taw show- ing that the peetovr.Dh01e of Ontario knew a rood thing when they see it. Oar Godo - rich artist aloe brought beak • for diplomaew&. hie show of portraits, another and • third for w exhibit of flesh light mst.eri•la Horns or Rsrros Norm -Lae Sunday eight or Monday meenisy Christina Mo. Martin, who has been ao Minato from sdu y towneklp since the opesine, She will be brought back it informatiooAout be obtained u to her wbereebou ny person dropping • oard to Inspector Coats, Clinton, would oonfer • favor.- 23 is the Grif- fith !rose Nast Wawanosh, aged iso• attendee to the isms e : be is eufferiDR from br000hitu, bordering on oonfemption- -Poor old Tommy Sherman is not very well Hs says his heart falls te drive the blood of life through hie body. and be evi- deetly w °wreott-There are in all 73 in- mates. -Last Fiend.y Rev. Mr. P0000k held rervioe.--Mr. J. A. ging has Meq awarded the °arousal for broad for the RII* ' mounts -News. Record. TR' G. N. W. ExHI&rr101.-The Load Ma0•ging Committee of the fall sbownow hold weakly mintier, to deem 0npar•110Ds nonese•ry. 'aid elm 3.terd•y. Sept. 4th, the full boar) of dira.teee Torgrill meet to make final arrengeeeO special attentions the Parker -Ronald Troupe of acrobatic •ed marital weenies, Ly and three Wild West vetsreas have !lams, giving spseWlt{se he theft .Maes bee. *Weed There 1s every that the .gyissietval display this yearwill b, one of the bon % the btstofv of the fats Frid. s p.Oe ,11to O A Inca -On Y,1llls1ssl►' Civlo holiday, • team ot the bow804 eb'b MOW op to Ooderioh to cross bowl with a town teem, aid the Clintobo llter ataking advantage of the excursionat. The Sea - forth to join 1e ed ttho games• end those Ifrees tsars pLy tiro h. The following trees tis Hub the sac . ears the players •ad the worm toads FALL FAIRS. GODESICH, Sept• 21. 72 sed 23. Wi.gbam, Sept. 28 •ed 29. Blyth, yam, Sept. 27 and 28. Toronto, nue. 3 t18. 1L ._._. Loodt n Sept:15 and 16. Walkerton, Sept •an CUeotrdd, Sept.w23 •od 24. Huron Cesare!, Qintoo, Sept. 28 to 29. South Heron. Exeter. Sept. 20 aid 21. Hay towssbip, Zariob, Sept. 22 .a! 23. Tuokeremtth. Ssafortb, Sept. 23 and 24. Mortis braoob, Blyth, 001. 5 &ad 6. Montreal, Sept. 19 `285 &id 16. Central, Guelph, Sep AUCTION SALI.S. water in the harbor ear then for ahoy seasons pest. week • schooner Todmso tailed of salt. e • Georgi•& Bee with • cargo e steamer Lake Michigan delivered • of wheat ab the 0. T. R. elevator last piteenerassyetlsae led on Friday, for 1 heEnle , Oe- tamt•ettshor -lee- h. • naw brewery Is not yet finished,`at said that the job will be comp leted distant date. vessels engaged Dyeamt hes two large g Mother from hie lleorifian Boy to this port. nee who have not had a Crow this seams uld take the first opportunity ot sugarc- ane ug&5 on• of C.pt•in Baxter's boats. • uearaer SL Andrew i vsd Inur with port c•sday morning from OW bushels of what for the G. T. R. • tor. arrived in wore on he schooner KoltaRo Tu • evening tram Johneto&'s Harbor tis • cargo of lumber and shingles for m. Ronson 1 14 7' IS T$i• - --TIME To Think d e SPRING x TONIC. Then aro many good ones, but - sone quite so good as one IRON TONIC BITTERS. The Beeson for Colds is not over yct. We expect to ell more OgH1RRY PVLMONIO. .rang MARt-u and Aral:. ban in all the rest of the Whiter. eMixed 10.69 a.m. MixedMail ExDr'ess 1.16 p,m. 7.e0 p.m. Man and Emirate -...-MOUNT. 10.65 0 Jn. Mail ted Express 7.1 a.m Mall and Express. ...,...• e, 2.90.p.m Mixed ..• ...».._ •••..• •• ..Jiro Pose, All =tie. getting theft gale bilis printed at ills o®oe will have • fres natio. mews* to this list ap to the time of sales. Anotia @ale of household furniture, osr- Piano, dishes, oto., at Mrs. W. T. Sys' residsoos, 8t. Patriek's-m. on Friday Sept. 3. Thos. laundry, •sosiomesr. n the arrival of the 8t. Andrew es LtIIndrY• today Jas. Hays and kW men started the oading sad bad the what elevated early yea Woo morning. T AQNDIIY-ANY ONE REQUIRiNO A imp somber of the Seatortbaoh sod . LA pis n &ose atanite moderate afar oststs o& Friday were .1 the rates. hanw7• sett ng the river, sod not • tow of them 10- alred is a toil es the lake. Sale Or To Rest. ti.otor id:digan now bee mouse twenty- • For ••r men employed on the breakwater VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALE b and expecte to take an u whey • Pus of Lot 9. Conos..loS • C. Aoderttoh more as moos as the raft of timber Town. ooatalnlnit 3 lS.ares of land. Thera ts Ghat is supposed a have left for this port /attuned ou the proDertY • Eood 1 dory ltrloc atrtve@ dwelling. with tltcheo attached • and with Ln@0 week Den MacLeran fiatshd lis I snier under the t dam ;lace and, hole house. This will be sell on 1 5senable ooatrsot by boasting the leg for the Ogilvie@ first for paicoulara apply to PHILIe aerator into poaitlon. TM new limb seems I HOLT. Barris tt ggoodderi0h• !•tt to be • .nnstantial one, and, if current ru- Datd nth Jt 11 .IEe1. mor is oorreot, it will soon be potting its foot into • what vessel. J. E. DAVIS,Ph Medical Safi FOR YOUNG WOMEA "A L M A." M.YA COLLEGE. St. Thomas Ont. A residential school to aunt worsen. Delightfully SIP _ uated In a acre park. ties the Ontario. Mos of any ladles college ytl0t to catalogue to Rev. R. I. Warner. pnocI J. ALMA COLLEGE. ST. THOMAS. OMT. HELLMUTH UW(S COLLEGE LONDON, OMT_ Walt Term will begin en Wed Sept. Mite. Your Graduation Coursa..alio Elective courses FEES, Board, etc., and AAr se is Stitches 9275. per year t1 'A limits 1 numbs' of BnrWt1 (1.105 t 5 10 $1001w111 be ewsreed to students at entrance For slender address ; V. E.N. ENGLISN.R.A. Prim9, Publlo Notice. ISTILL BUY BUTTER. EGGS ANI) Dried Apples. Highest priess-esith or trade. G. E. KING. WANTED -I CAN PAY TEN 130L - tars weekly to a 1*47 of mature age, r d mIf. - oment ntaut 50 speed canes. T. H. LIN800T. Tomato Ont. EVERYBODY GOES TO WIhGBAM- ag's sale is booming. D lbs. Greenlet. ed O r for 1.00 Two car loads. G. E. KING MarrliHe L1oSIIeee• LANE,. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE W. Licenses. Goderleh.0at. Milt Tenders will be received by the undersigned rap to the 8th day of September. NW. for the purchase at • rate on the a of • scoot of boob stationery. toys. fancy troode, wall paper. mos- loal instruments, sundries and -Catarina In- ventors and stock ciao be seen at my °tens. Dungannon. M. Dated AngadJ. M. ROBERTB. Assignee., New ffiae . ! eln000 _ KW of Repair WorkdOo a at SHOPS-ALL113:11X. n•$S Priem. Farming Implements forest.. M•$oC* luery. new and esoond hand boocht and sold. Id wnaesioa0 ibovocoe os Vin tatiad ds -Batas ahs Streets. J. BAXTER RUNCIMAN. e For Sala FOR SALE -A LIGHT VFtAAON,PLAT- torm males. Upeiriphines and other. bakery fixtures. JIM= WATSON, Most- reel-* t8-tt BANKRUPT SALE OF STOCK O WILLIAM McARTHLR. • To•dsy. nursery, ootemeooing at 1 o'dook r u.,•tb5r5 will be sold at the ra i- dsso. of Mrs. W . B. Mathews, oorner of Waterloo tad 81. Patrick streets, oboios hsesseold aim% consisting of parlor. din. Mg room., bed roost. 1i&Jl ion t1telNa fund - tura. TH014. Gilmour 5.0otiot551. 1t is stated Wet Rev. Father West ie. Mode having monolithic walk' laid at St. Peter's. i4,. Hadi. ea London, knp.otor of eo.ioffioae, sunsets official visit 10 oar pot t- ethos on Mondays Mite Teton Molatesh loft yesterday for load•*, where she will twin for a oars r SI.Joseph's Hospital. ken been visit - Park Heyy, of Detroit. GM km sift fog at the ParkWedn.ida ofy Lot week. for ler loose as Friday last the Sealer* baesbdl °lab sew to God.ti10 10 play with oar local mama The seem was : Ooderiob 21, Ssa- forth 6 Ai Ohs imam lediates the visitors didn't Nit ep is very strong g•Oe. CI? To Warns. -Yesterday eta well known dry pees enerehent. John. T.eroh!_ son left for Darden, Manitoba, Jae. T. has started v large stere does nes leave beeaese be was • falino in bndeo•, as he has • larger bank •°toast Nin when he started some six years dem, but bleenw M thinks ith UR 'redo there ten Mawr eppnrtenitel ter extend** 4Wvtol than the new reed risk data Oer old mer• then an n its Wipe. i 4001° °law sad chant m 551015 Omer • mai whoss'tv.rd r as add as his bead. sod we hope lyse is ahs Ow home be nay them with the seisms W b04 -.es abJf y eel sada! .h•rsdeee deism. Too Wtarrwut YAis. Lestroc- On AdSe bet peel We Sleek esti rtooltaAhsw Las/en ell sow he nark d tram test mill de 111116 gs.f ,, (Me WM rm. f• 11114 eel el atete,. The Assns f' persi'~ a 00E4 44 Nedi's teireo1M Lftte 01001lms 4 Aeftyeastei Stir en seemed ifit° umber et *webers. ktrrsen hn itmortm aAyts GODERICW. 81A1Olgfs' A. Farrow • Jia Motiveless' Dr. Hunter W. D. Brlrkt R. W. Leese J. M. Best Dr J. R. Shanties WK. S Skip es Skip 20. Aprsmtroo + angst tams. 6edsrieh 9g. (=lr[ou. OooeWWCH. J. Johnston F. Jerdsw J. Elmsford J. Raritan J. 1'. Man 13. Go0sltSCf. P. G. Rsysoltls Ws thooptoll • Ms D Allm It OAS,. • kM11 Se.tortb 17. • '' ' Geo. l;1lotl D. C. Strachan Win. Lane Skip 98. Cuirroi.. J. Fair L. Kennedy Joe, R&Iteebary 7we. Wrap W. Jaokion Skip 110. Skip 16 LL%LDA s FAboIti'" lava S'roei lttl1111• TION. -The Western Fair. Lcudos. M sear to the frets sod le providing Wither woors- swdatiss sed . improvements *soonest Meek loilditige. 11111 ted bWood1 the ilsere•se of estrus lest year is these d•• pse direetere of the Vow' c=ite beve had se Set.st eeptileesp M to dshe rotor *i SW le Wsul nee enjoys sorTes Lim Week eat teal el C&isda Tw.sW' rem lege pedslik_setsy sums she tree d s..h .14 vverryf eyew wweuan -^ t M les Mss marked sy tTea reasel terKos- lardepargely deo Se 1b. see el the reses. beg she het sass the s/*iesNslss saw"'! ms -teer trimmed ee were ._fir to ei Yell*nlle Inst yaps ether' bathe fo5ad •eenee 17 ren ■ mares of seeeMsetleta tee tea we ted raft. Harden's p&ir badWee gw•awtee.Uq 1. Noelle le efts *.MbiMlss 111 ren dist these. 0000eery, e1 pfedeO' al egl! Uel. lse!!y ler .Mir - Wiogh•m Fanny Mead, the youngest dsuahter of the late Dion C. Sullivan, LL.D., • former publisher of Tee Ve Ingham Times, died in Toronto. Clinton • John tAmpbell and wife, of Winnipeg, esus hernees shop old town. Mr. Campbell kept Imre tomo 20 years ego. $e/lett s Zs°. WatlWri. of UuUstt, tell off • load of grain os to a larva itakes, alightingvaso sh&shakier:P• p, were bub no boom we broken. OffislAP TT-- SOHOOL 8; tPPLIEB FOR SALK TO RENT -FOR SALE or te vent, tut dwelling on Nslsonat. at present occupied t 7. ttmeeth. It °°°taus 15 rooms. r SO4ingkit drawien, sa R roam dining & room, parlor and kitchen, sad d • ceUmr somber of °insets, Pantries and good•os There 15 belt an acre or land tastefully pleated with shrubs and ruitBYEETH on excellent Wen. Apply lata pre- mises. - - THE WEEKLY MARKtT REPORT. wOOWISOe. Segbiesebir 1, Is97. Who* Mewl 0 82 to 0 tee T•Il Wb5a1 fold)...... ... ..0 07010074 emu. • w•-•• • 100 to 100 1100101 0 ei tea. 11 00 toll 0ll 000 'totv•.•.....•••090 t 00 leo 0 o Lack ..ori.....+.....• a ger to a A8 bush......... • .....+t• a • Tonsorial Artist. JFRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTI$T. . Hot and opld baths on premises. daa- foamtnt sbampoolns and even other require- ment equir - mat oaretal ly attended to, and 0000 old but com- petent beads employed, MoLean's sew block. next door to litrittsh•Em- obange Hotel ADrents Wanted. T.IM. SALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT L' aid p on • Rood road within di miles ofStaten. e lot is No. 07, Maitland sweeeneleerrtaeoshi siouieme =slimes. 11 tends apnaa►17 groom °„ t0 iW 6at[el/ of Winter apples, ands is • good,■ i ` farm, .o bio. 1the land trimeehouse ea • the let • stood barn with stone stables underneath. and eld. A line liit of e patoh•eell waterede money fimay main on °' Voir terms, eta W. W.',ARRAN. M stew. low P. O., or to FOR SALE -LOTS 60 AND 70 Hutchlnson's Survey in the Town of (10451(ob. npos whish is *rested •.tie dwell• tog house. Dated lin September 1.90. GoderMb.o CAMER074. HOLT & HOLMES. With SedNl Eeiseheel °sero pries. 48oThe. Hirb Sokol Q1FMr. 63e. eb*ebeee' may Segall pries,Bakal wale. 'Iag prim, LO 0. /shoot gmwRettell bas tic's Sedbbbxe. Thi. tees. 3e. 1100-pSee 1, Retail pries. be. The teff, 6.. 10Cleass. a Retell grim. lei, toga' ;auto &til Yellow EW Serie- blase. illase. 300 Meese. subs sale their epps•Nt5S lei Y 11000 ei tee seers el the ltleZt herd. sad 6Nbs at ehln eoatt1y. 'Ter AMse)ssgl le bud 1a 11e temp t hIG, 1M sis*i.vtis pewter from ei e"tfetl, Al the Wear - -'- '.m8s 8 10 waste, wet. - . t e , ..r , -sr4 q y„ amts, grew ... webs. the keen of - ,we else 00 to 600 •.hoed....••• ....: 0 11 to 0 IO ..,, a I9 50 0 l9 bosh "& eato000 , _•• ••.. •,•• •••.,...... 100 10 700 PLaiqs 010 to 050 mbSklm i.' 0 i0 te o 00 Live Hen r, 0050600 = seoe. .,,,•..,•.,.r•+,.,• -,rte 0 to 0 1D Per Ile. 0 10 too U Meese. ser lit:...:..•• e e SO 0 it Tibiae* A B. bed intuits la 'eds. t llssbber. , d lead Pease. leg 1e. g ll1 w10' tar Is 6 stir pile Wets tee la „Mee mese 411 rr.110Wt 5 cum .6e. ssteams PRIVILEGE. teams by. amities. ai°s• •t WANTED -MEN AND WOMItN who 'can work bard talking and writ- ing six hours dailytor six days a week and will be content witton dollars weekly. Ad- dress, NEW Toronto. Oat. DEA• CO.. Medical Building WANTED I:ANVAbSERS-" QUEEN Victoria 1 Her Life and Retail," has captured the British Empire. Extraordinary testimonial from the vest men ; send for espy tree. Marquis of twits psis ever seen.' popular Iles of the Qua Her Majesty sends • kind letter of appreob Rens byttbonsa' sago isatin autism Etna trees taw 1.0 __y.. ) .r-GARRETSON 00.. Utnito& To- et the G. N. W. Exhibition Gendry's Anetion Saturday.RolresSept. le at 7d10 r.w.' the ii ill•ge of the refreshment mend at the F.tl 7•lr os Bate 11. 99 and II. Tkeite rw have Sued ue the Machina y hallow 101 Room purposes, f Daela. • orafreshowet basiases, Its for dei • IarRt Amy tnrther faforsewtlos oast he obtained frets Thomas heathy. &notdosser. or from the Oso- ttwtfa7• B7 er. JAl[Eli NITCHKCI- - Gederieb. Ane >A 1W. t tats MURK 0,10 FOR SALE xee11110 R1 0 a re farm, being lot 14, non. srd. West Wsw.ncah. Is is about 11 mete from GodeHeh, the a 0onea nue from boohoo.. and i g farm 1• in wood oondlt the buildings an y10*ppn e• Nay loam sad there io • fair rr be iing first chum. h m. Itt leo well water. ed. The Weed .reme to an IJNRELD. D1 gsgusew" Apply fl7-tt V 81ABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR LS----Vha Welk reoldenoe overlookf/E the fiver and lake formerly occupied tis MooDee melt ego.. Mester 1n cbas L er1 Oise of town. most valuable and desirable pro- le w twebsme7 hems dwelling hews_ pe stress oft rdenl aBeteil1,pt Aed esu WaedelL 1 The dwelling hoose and Welsh* grouses 45.1 tb• G. T. R. Matta&. ttrtnert7t, w oo pted edge Toms. ply P t e a 9Ai1ROW itG ppmast r pt*5bte..D 70.11 Bolietters. Oaderloh. Kunio. LESSONS ON PIANO AND VIOLIN will be reamed ESptes er tem r.1 p•reea'mesh's 174s8oBT. osi PH .1 Sim eta WE WANT. AGENTS to handle test•bnsbed trade: this to 1115. Canadian stook ant position. whole or nett time. Liberal tort Yoa can make ten dollrZto a week or better with us forevery week you work. No a =LOW 1131.0781186 QCIMPANT, Continentally rtes. TORONTO. ONT 1 Mttrttoiitr Vacant. (1121111141.INISMUla• it WANTED. R(>+ _nlsrffte. A11114 its MEL OAA- mr lllotlee to Uredlt0le1- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Is the nseferefiosthe '. ego& of Joseph W(1 d. oUoi tie* Woo. Pureruat to miaow 110 d the ils,1.md l atath°e-p1 Omar(° sod •ereadi0R sats, that all ar}sssesu gird ether .rso wee Malmo MMMMnot the estate of Je5SDh WBltseee. lets* the Tows of Gale- ala wL d Evros. lumber sees *beeo led es or •Poet the Del day .0 Jalr. 11117 are seontrel to deliver le hln. Ass P. W Dil•ts1. of tats Sews of Gods. rieh ,1 si.e' Wix of thostemente inea the ssaiddo a aha Yams d li jifit sl hteitsae,,,, >ww.55 err Pwsrt►} se1 Tt{s suis osn°auF pt es,. O 1111481t of =--- at the enetise the Maims a lila- M te7h.B IRON PILLS. +pry • bot of Wilsea•e Iron Yips and _we If they don't gave you an appetite Roe strengthen Your ,y.tem'durine the bet weather. 116, stay only at WILSON'S pRESCRIPTTON - DRUe STORE. MM111Gageif Gare ant mtlefacter7. ea e+r utEnrs Fe PLA1I 1-1G 1t ILL SASE. ]iOO L]FD 1Ll D *'T WM" 11116111M111 -t MU lib. ;fes. Witt salted Sconlllg 'WI Irak et Se>tcol ONalas. PORTER'S ores or rpm GODERICAL mreeateim eon Wave settee, the tlie =carte set be liable Mt analas W TI11011rir pert thereof Mono shell :I Om= I take this opportunity to Worm the ititile all rowers to the oontrary. ane act Prepared go do every dans a in my !Me from makiee a window frame erecting a Pewee building crbspetitios la toe. o derloh..Inlytth 107 ...1 II 15 wr witA YOU SAYE. MALES 10101 NM WHAT YOU EARN, WE .7: ma all ertig pay4111 this fa der 111160. liattartarMies Mileiriertur°81"111111001bArt a:: -11ellerees leo pep Me Weems* se es4=-4-eii.us. =Lei menvity Mal 1....:11sEa. se drete82.6. ere =4,1pogan It 1=10 es 1111111141111 ilo=or. J. IL 001.746