The Signal, 1897-9-2, Page 4SIGNAL : GODERJOH ONTARIO.
to rent our wheels al the jot
locoing rates for the balance
�•- of the &aaoi .
FORENOON 10c per hour.
PER DAY...... $1.00
, P R WEER.... 5,00
strong amoug meaty ekeoture. Like the old
woman, who believed that everything .be
thought right was of the Lord, and every-
thing her old mind didn't agree with Wise d
the 'devil,so tom. avert eltaefrii pAdI I
to attribute all good thing.t litp,S. 11-
ment which he supporta and all evil happell-
iugs to the other aide of the tenor. And
judged by this tapc•lide the Liberal Admini-
stration hes great cause for thankfulness,
--8penking about the gold miner, it
need but be stained that a gold craze has ex-
isted for something over a year, and a lot of
good Ontario money has gone into imaginary
odd mfaing schemes in Roseland which
could have been put to better use in On,
tario. Roseland,. for the time being, has
beep sidetracked, and Klondike' now has
the call, mainly owing to the booming
which the latter Itis teoeived in the news.
papers by the publication of dazzling storied
about prolific yields of the yellow metal in
that far -away region. But all is not gold
that glitters, and although the rush to the
Yukon River has never been equalled since
the days of the For-ttiy-Ninere, sober neon
thoxight will presently convene those who
have not entirely succumbed to the fever,
that there are eerier and tetter methods of
securing a rompeteucy in this country than
by going in a mad race 4 the Northern
gold fields.
m rvst.msna
let D. Ir•Yl1LIC 10
Terse .f rsebaerapttwa I
(1e month, in adverse.. $
Throe months, . ....,.......mama•
XIX „ 1
Use year, _— •�
*Wag Oates.
Le rnJ and other result advertfselsante, loo
p.r line for first tneertion..nd II wets pee line
for each subsequent insertion. Measured by
a eooparetl scale.
Blindness oards of alx lines and ander, 0t per
Advertisements of Lost, Found Strayed
pay astlone vacant. Sunetions o anted and
alnees Ch• nee Wanted not roseding e
hese ntmpar.--• 01 Par neons.
Bosses on -rhe and Fa -ms en flak. sat •.
exceed / linerg1 for first month. Ifle.far ,eb-
.sgeent month. Larger ad vts. to proportion
Ay epeeist notioLabseheatesf whioh b to
itssmws the peondeer benefit any aami;.
'ideal or oompeny, to be ldered an aC.
vortisement and charred aoeordtntrly.
Local 'toile's in nonpareil type one cent ocr
word, no notices lees than tsc.
Local notices in ordinary reading type two
tenlees than per word. No noHoe for let� 600.
Notions for churches sod other religious and
benevolent institutions half rate
Subscriber wbo fall to reoeive Tau Breast
reenluty by mall. will confer a favor by ao-
gesmting us of the fact at N early an dateas
po ,et ble
When a change of address k desired. `-nen
tee old and the sew address should 0 nif'.-ea
►nistie rnr's Rea.,
J. C. Ls Tonaet of Oodertob. has been ap
Local lng espsof Goderi Colborne, A.hleld agent tor nd
Local postmasters over the district ars also
empowered to rem. vs subscriptions la Tax
Stet( AL
communications be addressed
Tyre Stsn
Telephone O411110 (iod.uto1 O t
THE moat important event of the
past week to Canada has been the re-
turn of Premier LACaIF.a to the land of his
birth. For the past two months he has
been a much talked of man in both hemi-
rlpheree, and it ie sate to say that his home-
, Doming will he a greater pleasure to Cana-
dians at large than that of any other public
personage since Confederation. His pre-
sence in the Old Land has been the greatest
'advertiser ent Canada ever received, and it
is believed that his safe return to his native
land will be the cause of gladness to the
many friends, politically and otherwise,who
recognise in him a'-(,'hief and ., Canadian
r:n oar re• •h.
were aotne who at one time feared that Can-
ada, without the guiding hand of Sir Jowls
MecDosAt,D, would ,not make as Brest
material progress as there was a right t`o
expect, hut the re aril of the pest year, has
Sone far to prove that under the leadership
df f.At•$nxa the Government of this country
El in safe hands. 1QAroi.xoe used to say,
that Providence was with the big battalion.
Bir Joit,'s paraphrase w e that Providence
was with the Tories, and whether Sir WtL-
vxlD. hes expressed it or not, it certainly
looks as if Providence was now with the
Liberals in Canada. The bid for British
trade which the new Carnelian tariff made,
pet this country into touch with the Old
Laud to a greater extent than any pre-
vious trade Iegisktioxn had done ; the Jubi-
lee celebration and the reception accented
the Carwftan contingent, with Sir WILr&ID
a. "the Matra! figure; brought this country
to the front at a bound ; the gold discover•
fes in Roseland and afterwards at Klondike
were great advertisement. during the year
for Canada to the outside world ; arxt now
the great Canadian harvest, with good
p• riers assured, has put our people in a posi-
tion to lined( ( forth in rejoicing, from HAIi-
fax to Vaneonver.
Of cour.e, all this has not keen brought
about by a change of Administration at Ot•
taws or the advent d f.Attxtgw to power,
mai It is nevertheless • feet that any im-
prom ement in the 'condition of a country,
fro," any muse, always oounta in favor of
the Administration, just as, on the otter
hand, is a season of deptwsaio n,the 4 overn.
• meut hes to slimd the blame. We all re -
. e •
Our fanners in this part of Ontario are
beginning to discover that the reaping of
golden grain from well -tilled fields, when
dollar wheat is in sight, is a better and less
risky way to secure something for a rainy
day, than to pull up stakes end start for
the land of gold—and ice and snow --a land
of tweeze climate and uahoepitablc oogdi-
ditiona. There are cases in this district
where farmers have ratsed-over 1,000 bush-
els of wheat from 25 to 30 acres and
though the process may not bring wealth as
rapidly as successful placer mining, yet the
facts that few risks are run, that home -ties
-not broken Yui that the 1 ot...m ere the
result of bonnet toil and not the fruits of a
deaire w acquire wealth putting life" and
fnueltk4n joepsrdyerskesld-givieakepalm
Ouse who remain at home as against the
ekirreishers who toss all else aside and take
their chances at Klondike. Far off fields
look green, and men will take great risks
for gold,but,ns Pat naively put it,"Fwhat in
the wurrld to a man fwhin his wife ins
widely •O'
4 4 •
—A good deal is bein said and
written at ,present for led against' the ex-
preesion of honest criticism in the fiekl of
polities. There are some wbo claim that
whatever a government or a member of
Parliament does, in right. There are others
who just as sturdily hokl that honesty in
politica is not a loet-art, and thee the only
wnty to,, keep governments -and parliamen-
t.anann ~from becoming irregular fn their
habits, is to take them to teak when indivi-
dual sets are committed which deserve ceh-
sure. A government is no more honest
than the sentiment of the people who are
behind it allows it to be, and it is the same
with a representative. Let the party abut
its eyes to any crooked work by its member
or by the Government whose cause it backs,
and the result will be the humiliation of
that party, and the disruption of that
Government. We have had shocking ex-
amples in Camelia in test years that should
warn ne at the present time. In 1872 we
had the first of a series of attempts made to
introduce the purchase system into Cana-
dian politics in a general election, and the
Government which made the attempt suc-
cumbed in 1873. Later we lied the system
intensified and the country almost Ixeind
nd sud foot in the meshes of public and
private bribery, and delivetanoe came only
when they who hail perfected the system
fell out amongst themselves over the division
of the spoils.
amber the lean year. in Canada beginning
• 1876. The MActttttut OOvernment
was po more rerpot*lblitfnr theliarl times
• which name npon Canada than ft was for
the depression that hong like a pall o -sr
the business world outside of Canadian
limits, and yet when the 17th of Sept.,1878,
corm around the m.jonty of the voters of
o this country took the slisrpertt and most de-
risive method of wipfing the MAertlsrltta
Government out of_..erietenee that (weld
poiielhiy he had. It is new or:needed that
Idol people made a mietake' on the o e-
. mutton, end, mak& wjg4{r e'w,l,;rl-
wind, bolt the fact seam!. that the fueling
ep to the paternalism at Government is
• • .
What ie wanted irrvpolitipans in business,
is s code -of honor, and a high standard of
public morality. We want more men in
public life who are guided by principle and
fewer self-aeekerr. We want the adminis-
tration to reach up to the wet lofty ideal
of gond government instead of being
anxious, as has no doubt been the amu in
the pest, to utilize the treasury as • machine
for the manufacturing of an additioual
voting pow- r and the holding out of the
political neon -pots As a bait for the
strengthening" of the party aucue. The
Libegale have for many years elaireed that
they weere the party of lofty )deals and
of honest governmental policy. They are
now id power, and it behooves the Govern-
ment which they have elected to he true to
the principles which thel held in the poet.
No ohatructio ns should be placed in the
path of the Government by. the • Liberal
prose, eo far as the working out of true Re
form principle. are concerned ; hut, on the
other hand, there must be no back -sliding on
the part of the Administration, and the
platform of 1803 must he kept intact. The
duty of the Liberal prom is to hold fait to
that which is good, and give an honest sup-
port to every honest set, brat there must lap
no paltering, and no countenancing of that
which wax condemned in opponents in yenta
gone past. If evil be done by the power,
that he,the voice of the prose must he Weld
in the bind, or the e(nlntry will suffer la
on to a far greater extent.
APROPOS to the talk that has been
raised of latae, regenMsg the functions of a
newspaper, with party leanings, the follow
ing from The Globe of Tinwlay last hilts the
rail eilearely on the head :
" As to the relation between pnlitieians
and netripapers there is a gond deal "f
sliseuission Met now. A newspaper man
ie deeign•ted ss deeervi.g a pertain
Government portion, or if a newspaper
displays indepsr•ienoe ifts anion is at
named to dieoontumi ASAP' appoint -
meet to an Aim. - •
New, if party urv(ese ire Who regard.
rxh es s' tin lhicatirm for tdeee, sod it THE OIITSME VIEW OF IT.
would e padre hypocrisy W say that they
are not, newspaper men ought to be is
bks knit rank ; sad the more outepukeur
tbey have been the better they have
serval the party ea well aa "the country,
and therefore the better their cleiot W
Wo confine, however, that our ambition
is to see jounialiouw railed to such a posi-
tion that public (Oboe will not be partiea-
l•rly attractive to its members. And the
more independent it is the sootier it will
attain twthat position. At all events the
writer who speaks his mind freely on all
uocasiane takes a gtxd deal more estiafac•
-- tion out of life than his neighbor who is
always thinking of the interests of the
party. It he doss not get the office, he
hes the eoneoiatiup of looking beak at a
career filled with intellectual exercise and
healthful excitement, while the other
fellow may have published the po liticiau's
long epeeuhea and patehed up hie mistake.
and otherwiAe added to the num of human
weariness, and then found himself set
aside for some person whom party .orvi-
ees consisted in sitting in a committee
room and looking wise. Independence
ie beat for the newspaper, best for the
party and best for the oountry."
TEL SInNAL, under the present manage-
ment, h oalways been free and outspoken,
and it will continue to walk in the old path.
True, it has been credited with doing good
work for the party whose cause it espoused,
but it never advocated a principle or amuse
which the editor did not believe to be right.
We may have been mistaken in our estimate
of the conditions that existed, but every
effort was always made to keep to the facts
as they presented themeelvee at the time.
No dictation from outside has been per-
mitted in the pest, but the honest views of
the management of the journal have always
been given. This course will be continued
in the time to Dome- We have supported
the policy of the Reform party, not because
we were paid for doing it -bur we never re-
orived one cent of a party fund—but be-
cause we believed that policy was Right,
and we shall follow in the same path for the
tame reason. If any man or body of men
desire that we should desert principle and
condole Wrong, that man or that body of
nen shall meet with disappointment Tux
t''IAIr<!!M1 estabbe$ed fifty y I1r2S-with.
"Measnree, not Ment' floating et Mee mast -
heal, and that policy still prevails in its
utterances at all times and on all 000 1114048.
—Don't wait until the price goes
down to sell your whilst.
—90 amt. -wheat in September is
better than the hope of 100 oents a bushel
in January.
— The best plans are high up or
the tree, and you have to reach for them
—The denunciation of the German
and Belgian treaties is approved of in Can-
ada, and there ate other things the dennn-
chnnesaspiet the Liberal Preto
Mw th eleeerieb rent *See teal Is
Looted Ones by teat.$ u IYbessle--
las one eras newspaper
Defends stns Jeb.
SINCE the recent appointment in
oos•ootton with the (ioderiob Poet -081x.
hundreds of comments have •p eared in the
newspapers of Canada, rad up to the pres-
ent no one has been found to favor the ap-
e Mntment. Follewiug ere a few of the
opinions of Liberal newspapers oo the
sobfeot :
Cbeeey Enterprise Lib.) : This summer
some flimsy obargee were preferred against
Mr. Campbell the poetsnaeter of tiodertoh
sad of mune the invsetigating oommiesioner
Mead • true bill genet Campbell, and he
was dismissed an Csnueron's eon -in -taw,
Galt, was appointed. (,alt was a .brand
sera importation into West Huron. He
ammo rem Flores lees than one year pre-
vioou" and his Dame Wise not eves • to t,e
lotted on the voters' Wt in Norco. How
is the isbty tapes' The great N. C.
Cmmoron who noed nepotism when
Practised by the Tories, falls down and wor-
ships the golden idol himself whoa he sees
• good ohanos to hoist a needy relative bate
the civil service. The sight of the literal
sod ashes outweigh the pretentious of • life-
time and Cameros becomes a politloal Hes-
sian. ('ameroo'e lsflutenoe 1s gone ; his in-
vecuve against his political opponents will
sow have no more effects than pees from a
popoua find against mons rampart
Henceforth then k lad up for him $ Mos
quiet retirement from poblie life by an out-
raged oonsutuesoy when hie present teem
expires. W • an net 'surprised that a sturdy
lohersl journal, Tun GoDtetCu SioWAL
should unmercifully ,Dore Cameros for go-
ing book on his previous record. Ia the
fist pltw it was wrong to dismiss post-
inastef15 sfi, ed old aad'Yrtutworth
servant of the Government, on o mere pre-
text, and Is the mooed place, when the
varanoy was crested. the ofilos should have
gene to some veteran Liberal who hes devot-
ed his timesnd talents for the Liberal party
in Heron County.
* e
Biome Reformer (Lib.) :
T wrong
Domes in when men, 000apyisg high places
is the ooaotry'e aerates, w the power given
them, to fill esbordinaee postman with
relatives and frieoda. without regard to any
ctaim they may have upon their party or
any fitness they may have for the position.
How Mr. Omegas ase denounce Tilley and
refuse to dsmousse Cartwright, assail Bowel
There are Others,
But, -0, what a difference when yon use
Rice's Pure Salt
acix..10 MZSI012.13
Tho North American Chemical Company, Limited
G ODERIOH, - - O1•111_
ciation of which by the government would
be approved of. _
—Do your own thinking, but be
sera you get the right end of the thought
—Ib pays to do right. Thi applies
to everything from preaching to politics.
— There will be a change for the
better when the Captain takes the wheel.
—If the British system of appoint-
ments is not sown resorted to in Canada, the
American system will next he in order.
,-Now that the Premier is book it
will be in order to know who owns this
oongtry—the people or the politician.
LYTH : Wm. Begley and Miss
Teeoll are reoovwdng slowly from typhoid
Rioter: Mr. W. 14awkehew, jr., left en
Wdnesday for Medicine Hat, Northwest
Territory, to take a poeitios as operator en
the Csaadiao Psoitis Railway.
Exeter : Mr. Rob/. Rabardsoa of this
plane wee netted In marriage to M1.. Kate
Prong, of 2eriob, yesterday (Wed.) 'Lissy
intend makhg Raster their Boma
F.gmoodville : The many friend, of Mies
Mary Parasites see pleased to weloome her
beak, sitar ea 'lasses of raves years. She
spends Idle busily as ruposnhb ores work,
Ili Feet Wayne. indigos, where .he kaa�
good situating.
Seaforah : Dr. Molilokael, of iletroit, tad
116eMlob•s1, spent rsnday last with
their mete hen, James MoMloh• l Dr.
McMlebsd is • suave of Unrrie, in this
meaty, bat has been matinee in Detroit
for several years.
Lssdbory : It is ear pante! duty to sm-
ears* the death of Wm. Holmes, wide!
•d event kelt plaits on Fridaymg�ot•g
e Mr Holten bad bees is faiing gat
10 s , •• msegthe, bat base of a very la-
dentrfoe, els* be kept at week saki quite
Taokerglel♦ t Another poseur to the
pews of NM' than Walker, of the Mill
Road, Teekersealth, bee departsd this Ute.
H. passed away at she reddssa*
of hie nabs, flew Edwina Pep$., whore be
►me usuallyseeds W home for the pest few
years, en y. He bad tumid w
geed age of 84.
Sesderlb : The privies hooka/ banes ed
Llama & 0w, N this tea's, suspended pay -
makes 'Maras, last, - sed ea elssmlsenb
hobeen sonde s 114. John Weir am w aeksa
This ern i as .1d bed.sea Meek ymp.b,
la Mtn fee web Lags** rdimesltya, 4
ti1M I0 101 sow las *yet
111wM glen Opel IS bis atedlten. ttslh
tis Nd*Nsgli et this We.
•a---' w to small Slowa/, Mime Diekso.
•ad rsfsq to attack Dryden we leave to his
own ooneolewoe to justify. Thie journal is
actable to do so. The crux of the question
is simply this : When Judge Hardy.
tsar Dryden, Sheriff Yo(ia1triied Cell-
miesIoner Ca. twrigbt were appueted to the
several.offioes they hold was 11 because of
per000al merit or because they were the erpp
or brothers of some one else ? It Is by this
mmsnre that the appointment of John
• psetmarsr et (lo/oriel' moat he jedred.
It is ohargd by MoGiWonddy tbs. Galt
owes his appointment solely to the hot that
he is related to Cameron. Is it in Mr.
Cameron's power po deny Sib otter's and
make tits dash' stink- II not, then lhesp-
poistmeot is to be sesidesea.d.
. r •
Dundee limner (Lib.) : The Gederlob
814/CAL has been speaking out lis mind es I.
am appointment by M. C. Cameros. M.P..
o hie owe nos -1 a-ker els the And seioh poet-
mestarship. The only claim be the position
pat forward ere babe* of the sou -la -kw is
the M. C. ( .re% is Ms father -is -law.
T e Smut, b.o WV disposed to mediate
its .test seas dttefag 10 yean of Tory role,
le mot propels& to **done *opetkm es the
part of Hdera *•testa I6 has held to
the very peeper grim/We that members of
parliament elmll tod appoint their relatives
s. dies, sof •wept ,Mas tksmeefvesf and
to elks prink* 1t provisoes to a Ick, •lint
bbl 'bees bslw goes ea sed the Grits have
Doose fa. And the fltoltuL is right
a . .
1M•efeva R,aon. (Sits.) t Itis announced
that Tosterso t b.sbpby .of Qil ell he e
heel disekseed b sedski..►dlf111r da/•
is • of bbs eomlstssioa is Mi sees. and Mr.
John OWb. nos -Ib -tsar of Mr. N. C. Cameros
M. P., km hems aSpefsted M the pesitioa•
Mr. Soh le at pomust ablest ea • i*sinss
trip le the Photon Out, but will rotas to •
f er,doys 'Wien hs Yfil assume the duties of
Ohs . Wee. The •MO0*tmmst muses eon.
dd.lsM. t *-atida.r.. h Geeeei,a. ..a
M o.. -.4p Iimsltref b the &$4,,ML The
whole MIND 16 glazer en the boulder, of
Mr. O mersei oke Mme 0. have pot his
ems iseree *0 Abell el these of his eiresM-
U.•lpa fifslssrs (Lib), t I1 le jest • gess-
den fphetint MT. Jam'• wishes ea Mr.
M_OW h *ire abode 'revel! 1 ere
'breveae tlfitm,.4 .lilt _JULW.01•: ;a aI1dI
labial kers. jnit 011saores hes emistely
fem. meas mid Wise Ms Libman' is
;t .lIMB, 811111PIa9, MEI LAUDSLIDB
Owing to the Store I now 000upy being too small for my
business I have leased tho store lately occupied by
and expect to move on sr about the 16th of September.
We have decided to make everything move; that is, if prices
W all do it.
To make it more interesting we will reduce the price on all
our New Fall Jackets, Drees Goods, Blankets, Ladies' Vests,
Men's Shirts and Drawers, Grey Flannels, Floor Oil Cloth
&c. just received in stock today.
Sale to commence FRIDAY, 27th, and continue until we
the Harass, lasing health and wealth In the
pentane. lie had very strong Gleams to
have his .orvioss oowldered. If these
calms could have been oowidered without
the appointment of kis soo•in-law. she
sasses never to have been an eethre t0lil,
i1 would have been booster.
Leokaaw Sootiest (Lib) : Postmaster
Campbell, of (iod.riob, has bass dismissed
and Mr. Galt, ass -l. -law of M. C. Cameros,
hes linen appointed to the position. Whet -
mow reason there may tan bass for dismie-
nag GaersbeU om the-c*es, we•t*iak abs
Government should have selected some owe
else mors in touch with the residents of the
Misr then Galt to 011 the position. The
fact alone that he happens be be the son -is -
01 the dieing member is cot • sufficient
reason why he should be appointed.
• ••
Orange Sentinel : The bold Cameros), of
Harm, who bas in the past so vigorously
and oontinuosrly deaesao.d the avow=
.f the wicked Cemosswttoss, and who lash •
.d the gailty Dass with leaguers so bitter
Mat his oonduot will mover be forgeries by
the men of kis Owe generation, hes bon
found guilty of the Identioal offsnoe he oos-
damaed as heartily, sad he is wow the ob-
joot of a lashing quits es bet ae his owe.
from the pen of s old friend and fellow -
traveller, Dia. McGillicuddy, of Tae
GoDaatoa 91or*i.
Toronto Telegram (Ind. :ameros
yr osfnlly refrains from making a lewoshy
defence of his little sot of appointing • eos-
in -law to Government office. Instead of
this he bolds up Dan McGillicuddy as a dis-
gruntled officio -,esker, • charge wbioh ye
editor of the SIGNAL hes on mon than one
omen= denied.
Sledgs sad tan serves Slberlla,
8ibsrisn posting -station,, U most be un-
derstood, ar way-dde inns. sod maks
few prehension, to provide a000mmoda0w
for travellers. Aa she sledges drive •p to
the bare —and to the foreign eye, at least.
aniavitiar—leg building, the traveller 0..
form • fats setimateor the probable t000mmo-
delI4a, b• nay expect from the sive and sur-
rega nese albs desolate -looking
Nlmoaatiag he will be ushered el sees We
the guest -room, which every elation oma
best, mud which in the average past.
station is the only one at tap disposal of
travellers. He will and the apartment thor-
oughly and ober ouri.tioally Ra*siao, of the
ramie variety. The room may be large,
but ibis never lofty,••d'be will dad it Meg -
early hare of everythlog which is asy
other part of the world is sseocialad with
Ideme of comfort. Clean ted bare, with few
seats of any kind, and those of ths plainest,
ite principal feature the huge *wealth' stove
is the cense, and its only attempts at orna-
ment the " Ioon," or usage of the Virgin,
with au little lamp or candle harming before
it, in one comer, sad tbs sosmily omnipre-
teat ned
here and the iceboat the walk. la a :fanelly t
room the traveller waits, and usually eau,
aortae the delay 000•.leoed by getting a
Mange of bosses : and should he be anion -
meats to be compelled so watt over
o night before he olio proe•re them, be
sleeps here also, finding his ewe bedding
sad wrap as a matter of mosses. Here and
then, iodised, • mon extensive esMhli.h-
meat may be met with when these are
three or four guest-obambers, hat even is
snob cease they are no more than repetitions
of the one described. These larger setas
lishmcs*, generally beast separate .000mo-
dation for the yetnsohika, whe otherwise
have to and 0000modatioo with the family
of the.tatlan-keeper, net aolrequaotly is s
single •penman The posting yemaobik, or
driver, it must be understood. is, like the
relays of ponies, att•obd to his ewe par-
ticular stakes, sad passes away with his
hones on reedving his drink mosey of /.s
kopeo.—a t ,mote *toes eve owes—to be
r.ligled one belonging se she next
stare. D • sets the various *thee and
n e ieh•bft the *emery. sed
may • s COMA, a *ember d
mien • e eastern tribsa, er sten, es
occasion, • Masohn or • Mosso*. It mob
are lithe, however, what his s•Moaality
ay be ; fa oppsarsaes this mummybke fig-
ure is rosy Ism& the salsa—Harpmr'e
Clines : Adam Ceswke, wait resides
as., Indian Head, N.R.T., while
at bis trade es bricklayer, fell sad brake
leg the other day ; he is a brseher of apeeer
Clinton : Dr. Gass. of Clinton, sseletsd
by Dr. Case, of Da•g.aaon, performed as
*pennon os Dr. 0ihb, of this town : the
looter had laryngitis ; the operation wee
miessesfsl and the doctor is gaming eking
steely. E lar : Trees Jsekson, who woe srrmtd
is Lanka for steelier a libyyol. at 9setorth
sed ler which he was remedy oommf*Md to
Central Prima at Termite, broke sway
Tti;.ae�.y tea* wes rem ptw.d after •bon -i
ftos ssisaas' rue
II so the only Ready -Made Clothing
Pus can get to fit roc pertly is • •
Shorey's Make
II your dealer does not earlifo+iwq e
Off Sires get hits to osder*ylgg.
Greatest .Store.
f. - s,
X X X x x x
From Now is the 15th of September
The Dress Roods,. *net&
Laces and Ribbons ars aiked
down to about 56 Gents �s tis
dollar. -
. - M
a W. ♦NDiunee, imager