HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-2, Page 2"4
Vacation days will soon be ended. New Shoes necessary
for the Boys and Girls. Were ready, to supply all wants
at a certain money -saving to 1 uyer.i. A good, strong
for the finer grade, but all wade in • way to stand the
'hardest usage. We consider it • pleasure to show our
8uooeesor to POLLOCK.
N We do repeiriagg that gives satisfaction. `
Gateuned trans ares rage.
w g DNI$DAY.
Wednesday was entirely devoted to the
oousideration of C. E topics.
The opening canoe was the sunrise
prayer meeting from 6:30 to 7:30 It was
inanely attended and ezoesilingly warm.
" Christt•o Endeavor and Proportionate
Giving " leas the first peper of the morning
The paper was riven by IO a MoGowan
of Blyth, and was • carefully prepared one.
The necessity of giving was dwelt upon and
the benefit of having some systematic
method was clearly @bows. Wo should
give " s000rding as the Lord bath prospered
us." Ia ancient times it was oustodlttry a
bring • tenth of their animate. We have
no good reason for duoottinumg the tithe
motion. If each Christian would oontri•
beta one tooth of their yearly inoome how
great would be the resales ! At • sent •
week for each member of the C. E. societies
fa Canada .ere would be • total of hund-
reds of tho ..add of dollars. Let us oont.-
orate ourselves afresh and It -possible give
more than • tenth.
The one minute dieou.sious were quite M.
targeting and eugrestdys.-li•ra Mr. Stout,
'"7. 'Edge. J Fuber, F, J. Oaten and Mise
J. Wilson, W. K. Lough, Rev. G. And.
nest; Rev. J. Fletcher taking part.
The mart Copts, " Line Up," was intro-
duced by Ed. Wanless, Varna. He recalled
the patohes of his teacher in school of lin•
ing up his class to a chalk llpe. Today we
an all in the school of Christ, the Great
Teacher who graduated with honors over
trials and terptstions of life, over death a-
eon, and is now'the greet Ls ;deeding
oar ennem. •e the t hessamh The oft
to "lien up' soon. to every°. of " as sot
doing our wbol. duty. 1t we disobey we
most remember that the trey of the trans-
gressor is hard, If we obey His preemie.1.1 n, 4 '14. i', le oline is•
duty immeaeunhle in its own unportanos
to our own den� rnise and to the destiny of
the world in whigh we live. Int us Iles up
and marsh forward with all oonfidenoe in
the ease et Christ and having done all to
stand, "Stand fast. quit vs 1 ke mea"
Line up for every form of Chrt.ttaa work
and for the overoomlog ot those gigantic
evils whiob are sucker -life drawing the life
blood out our beloved u•tive land. Men
and women of Canada, " Line up "
The aplo was farther amused by
' Meters. Lough. rusher. Hall, Stoat, Hale,
W. Roby and the .bairman, Mr. Kerr.
"C. E. and Temperance Reform " was
dwelt with in an admirable manner by J.A.
. Gre,.ry, of Exeter. He outlined the woo•
derial strides of dvano.ment made by the
groat temperance movement, espeoi•lly in
Canada. It is now admitted by politioiana
into the arms ot politic. Intemperanoe
as a brand in the midst of the politicians
whose evils both perties r.00ghize, bot from
whish they both endeavor to stand •loot,
calling upon the other 1e remove it if he
We have the W. C. T U. and many other
temperance sooi.ties whiob have aided very
materially in bringing this movement roto
.--prownseaes-iestererommenesv The eeeisties
sloap with oath strictly Christian organize•
• talons as the Y.P. S.C.K . oome in for service
just where the child has rrdnat.d from
the Publio sohool and goes out into the
temptations ot lite. If they perform artvbt
the great ask oommitad to them, ivam-
per•see shall coon he banished from our
home and oountry.
The cry of infringement on our personal
liberty was dealt with and refuted. The
laws of society asoe.rily prohibited snob
sots as stealing. be•riob false -witness, mur-
der, &o., bemuse though the love ot person-
al,liberty was entified in th.i oometission of
them yet they were fraught with di•oomlort
and harm to his neighbor. The same arga•
melt applied 10 intemperate But some
eay lntemperanoe oanaot be entirely pro-
hibited : neitbr eco the •boys named evils.
The opportunity and obligation resting upon
Christian Edeverer, to orvsaliziba the
vote of the oburoh in the coming plebemite
the thea emphasized.
Miss J WILee, Climes ; Ab. Cooper.
Clint.; Rev. C. Flotober, Tbame' Road;
Jae. Boots, barrister, Clinton; Rev. I. Edge,
Oedertob; Rev. F. J. Oaten. Belgnvs; Rev.
.It - W. Bloat, Clinton; Mayor Holmes, Choke
1 Res. Mr. Hall, Bsigrave.
The new isating .ommittee was then read.
the following beteg appointed : Rev. F. J.
Oaten, R. R, WoGow.s, Roy, Me. Halo,
Rev. J. 8. Henderson, Rm. Mr. Edge, J.
A. Gregory.
Miss Janet Wilson, ooaaty tr.esarer,thes
read her report. Last mar'. balance 97.10.
this year's receive 1143 65, envenom $32.20,
leaving an had • balance of $18 55 The
report was received and adopted .md • veto
of shanks tendered MI Wilms for her
work se heartily readerod.
v. . Thep
' read the year' report a • T. � thee
` bad spell.bened by Mr. Cooper's pessimi-
sts eloquence and enlbt ala a. H. epplls4
the parable of " le s She grain 01 mustard 11
sold ate C; E. sevssent ; the seed be -
hg pleated by Dr. Clark in his private par -
kr la the year 1991. I. 1894 it had green'
fate a beautiful "tree whose homehes o,w-
the world. Tie different braisehe0
Udion were the ieeier. intermediate
hid maim sasinties .pd the load sakes et
O.dsrI.h, CliMtoa, 8sal ma said Blyth'. 1.
' 1894 Hansa had hob 16 eseteth.t lis 1807 11
bad 100. TMsib it was saes that Reno
Cooney W fates the banner M SA year's
Preirtaelal 'etwbien M Ottawa for the
• amts, of linter esaislies wombed helsg
L. the year, yet 1t was aim teem Wit perms
in tbe propagates of these easi.Mse bed
slew. Ise' proolbses
wage else fester d.N...paned i ISO
www* beve bad ties. Less peat 180►000
Y. P. tl, Q a people bad Mood tht w les
• .as ekmsebs le Ire01 Athmiea jli tka
• .a Me. deeper% able address fab new
tadrwd • vete el 16n10 ter Ma bNsiwh
wow is shah hi had prlrrmN bra
year's work• The oh•irman was also kind
enough to noommend Mr. Cooper to the
work of • local preacher to view of his un
doubted ability in that direction
The afternoon session opened with the
usual service of praise conducted by Rev.
�. F. Fletcher.
The @abject, "The Power et't'ersonslity,'
was iotroduoed by E. F. Armstrosg. of
Goderioh, in • most eloquent address. man
is. and ever has been, an independently •ot-
ter animal. Each man must stand or fall
by himself. We should. however, 'zeroI.s
the influence of sympathy tor others. Ex-
orcise that shanty which sufferetb long and
is kind. It to by giving the bread of Lde to
those in need of u, by visiting the widow
sad the afflicted and being at all times reedy
to hold out • helptng hand to our dove -
trodden brother, that we .hall glorify God.
Eode•vor to increase your tntiusooe for
good. B• careful not to plass boo muoh
oonfidenos in and reliance on the various
forms of organiz.tioas hg work, thus lima -
tag your power of personality. cern piny•
lag and such babite Mets i. ter asst -south•
inv remarks.
A paper on s' Soul Wrssinv, or the end
we keep ha lime wee -41m given by Mess
Hatton, of Dungannon. Mies Hutton
showed by her voioe, manner and trwimeat
of the subject that she was tally alive to
the all importeooe of this subject. We
most start oat with the love of God within
as and clot will mesas the ancees•ry sarn-
sstness isd sympathy by wbioh we will be
enabled to win souls, Paul says " I am ail
thieve to all men that I may win some."
Paul bad great taste in dealing with peri.h-
101 sole. The Bible ie the beat next book
oo used whining. Stud the bible daily for
in tomes ye think ye bavboternal lite.
Prayer was also essential. ' Then is •
power whish man may ase wises other help
is via." The efsotual fervent prayer of
• righteous man •veilelh moon.
Miss Wilson gave • most laminating d -
dress on '• World Winntnit and Missions."
Though our efBrts should be first directed
to the conversion of those nearest us yet
we should never lose sight of the great end
lin view, the salvation of the whole world.
One great means tor the a000mplub-
meat of this grand atm is the power of the
tongue. The simple teaohing and preaching
ot the old, old story of Jesus and His love
sever turas end its wfl•moe never wanes.
Let Christ the eternal Son of Gd bs our
model. He went everywhere laboring
among the poor. He rated their dead,
baled their site, restored sight be their
blind, unstopped the sere of the deaf : in
short whenever be found an opportunity for
doing good, he did it. She dwelt upon
the importanoe of the medieal department
of ion work. The mdioal men and wo
ere a most effective means of break-
ing own pr•jadiee and of reining aooeth to
tib then homes and hearts. Sohoob and
dtlleges were also an sff dtive means to the
bringing about of that end.
The next ten-minute address was by Rev.
J. S. Henderson, of Hess•1l, the ehhieot be-
ing "Nation Winning, or Christian Citi-
zenship." Save the indtvidoal and you save
the ebbtbn-hot the tailff tang.' 1Clond"yTi
gold mines and snob like, but Christian
zeoship was the most important thing to
soy .lion. The legalized liquor trafo and
the threatened .soularizatloh of the Chris-
tian Sabbath were some of the evils whish
our obristlea citizenship should be exercised
abouts 111 we are to save our oatioo we
must it: i patriotism and we must gin
oar beet snorts in whatsoever sphere of
work we engage to the eervios of our coun-
try, ever remembering that what is morally
wrong oan never be politically right. Chrt.-
tiaaity should not be like the fabled os•rieb
whish refused to oarry because it was • bird
and refused to fly beetles it was • ousel,
rather It should be like the eagle whish beth
terries its load and soars.
The report of the nominating committee
was reed by Mr. Oaten. The following
were the ofosn appointed : Pres.. Rev. J.
8. Hmsdeesoa, Haob•ll; 1.1 vies. Miss M. 8.
WasWngten Cliotsa ; 2d vies, O.F. Blair,
Brussels : secretary, A. T. Cooper Clinton ;
treas., Jia Swot, banister, Aister; exeou•
five oommittes, Mies. O. Elder, Sato th,
F. H. McCallum, Exeter; F.T. H•Ie.Oode-
rlelr ; and Rev, F. J. Oaten, Bslgrays. A
vats of thanks was thee tendered the rs-
eeption and hillsides oommi%teee for the ef-
floient manner in whiob they had performed
their work, to the pastor and oSeon of
Willie oburob for the use of their oetaso-
dfom building. to the Mates Meads for
tie hearty hospitality which wei have espy -
ed. is the resitsg olgson and szeossive
somsibtes for lite easiest meaner b whloh
they penttrseed their work and to the
coheir wake .readeesd musk fasplrhg mdse
Daring the avails'saesloaa
The saint took • As ep-...dats Es•
&averse," wosdotrodaeed by C. L. Fisher.
Halmsville. The ideal R.gesvorer *heels
bs a was of his weed. 8.0.adlf thee he
should he an e.tmently sociable seater*.
He was eould Immedleety make • stranger
01 M bouts in ear ebsrsh ma.lags is
bold to be an hlisiose for geed. Hs
should he .assert ad tht rough la all Itis
weak. Lastly el hs as sp-tad.a Esdower-
r bs sage bas geed (Aeietlas (Mizen.
Pickle the sweet ister..teg this" ie the
meao e.svenlles was wen ,roasetd, beta'
some Nelal rtr.lass by the J ashen el
Rises Obesity. A somber of aiably Anes.
ed Janine etas as Wailers asters wh1W
woke *Meath a sort of dil gs%s there was
e ms sopreseklag arrayed i5 ptetarwgse
Ent Wks e.s es with bowed heads
god hared hauls gad atsr bplewd la
Mite {mak sed every masa are tsid
the old old slaty d Jeer tad low% w
Weasel to bow their keen 1. p .ys,, this
Is i 1M Mama el Heahtoa dwindle bent
rennin, Shop we, taken spa
traa n the .IMfs and • ]►11�
PPvriaiirme tdrodril.. Has .h. •l.tif.
Peel agowge.h 'see weeper T,e tetlegg int
armee wee s well r.wdsred then am /pad
away • Isil pow w was omit,
eeM sf she vivid picture it psossated so Mm
d the boudoirs olAea te. d.gr•d•tloo•a•d
tela f. whim sues • large trwtlwt of the
World's population is sull held. L wan a
moo. mellow. object lemon oa the need of
latiewui sod of the beneficial work which
o.0 be a.compltsbud by Junior Edoevorere
an 1 both althea and towhee are to biotin.
The Ise epic of the afternoon mesion
was au intervenes sad ezoedingly *to guest
oddrees on "Junior Work," by hill. M. 8.
Washington of Clinton. She oNltsd the
aims and objects of the Jnoaior C. E. Society
and no unpraiulioed p.t'ton ooald Bates to
snob an addrees without beteg 000vmoted
that they were euf8olontly important to
warrant the soutane in every oburob tet •
Junior Society. We siooerely hops that
this enoo•r•gtng addrese will .ot as an is -
motive to the fort/mum of many more is
our midst of thew swan11,btoo so useful l
training the little bands and hearts in the
service of thou Master.
The afternoon's mseting h.d been mon
than filled so that the executive found it
o eoessrsy to maks arrangements for so
evening overflow meeting in the towo hall.
Both pl•ues of meeting were well tilled and
each speaker delivered his epeeob twice.
Each meatier was opened with a 30 nun -
um praise servioe, the imminent ohoir rend-
ering some fine selections whiob were wuob
The opening •ddrew in Willis church
was • most eloquent acoou0t of •' Tee Pro-
gress of Young People's Societies to Cana-
da,'by Rev. Joseph Edgeof Goderiob. He
reoonnted the taking of Caserta by the Brtt-
tsh. The throe brat generals who were coo•
aided ea to the sdvwbtlity of taking Qua
bso gave their opinion that Glade was but
a region of snow and toe and wts mo, worth
the attempt. Wolfe said he would :ate
Quiets or die. He d:d both ; but little did
bs realize the far-reaching tofiuenm of his
fest to Canada, to the British Empire sad
to the world at large, whose poor people
have found a home within her borders. So
with the foundtng of C. E. societies Little
did Dr. Clark dream when he opened he
lint tittle moiety in 1881 bow many hea-
drely of thousands that movement was des-
tined to blew. New there sire 50,747 eooiet-
Il. with 3,U00,000 Tonne people enrolled, •
happy throng singing • united psalm of
prates to their God of mimosa
The statistics of our own Domicile' age
also tutus -eating. There w sew la loot&
2,853 moieties with 121,640 tsastbou
pledged t• work taw ee&
1•he tint society organised 4 tbtlaads N
whish the speaker had the boned es
paitot','Wa. the Godortoh North Bt. if
dist cobweb o efaalrf81n 188E. -The y
great toluenes' of the C. H. sosbties were
thea set forth. Their great power of devel-
op'sg an toter-dealdainatioonl fellowship
was was dwelt upon. Behre this and other
ben.ficiset inflames the walls of s,ptariao
bigotry• and pride wen already decaying
and beginning to ornmhle.
Dr. Meldrum, of Si. Paul, gave s most
elogsset elucidation of the subjoot "C. E.
cad proportionate giving," basing his re-
marks ea the p• is St. John's dssorit
then of the HIty Carr "Tae beigirt.ioad-tbr
breadth and the dire edit were equal."
The inproperthaatimme of moiety as ex-
emplified m t5e modern oily wears class
was set egai0* slam. the via, dthe
Cathe poor envying the rich was set
fhome people areas it woos too lou,
1 a, lose -headed, mos who oppose very
strongly all forma of crookedness ad evil,
but sever gen his life aflame with emotion.
Hie beighth, his breadth cad his depth are
Dot equal. Some ars dt.proportis••te by
being too broad. They are broad for the
sake of ,tint broad.
We ought to build up brolly. Christian-
ity opposes self-o.etr.dne.s in all its forms;
It bombe no that we res and fall with our
brother everywhere. It is so with the indi-
vidual, it is so with the nation. A strop
plea wmade for the gommon brotherhood
and solidarity of man son the hope was
earnestly expressed that the oloeiog years
of Mite ntneasoth oeotary would me au Ar.
berates treaty unite 10 one the two Great
Christian nations of the world whose ism
on blood, lanvaave and religion already
ormed bonds of mise. Whilst thee and
other broad-minded Christian ideas were
prated, yet then was • danger to broads.
but onto we fall fist. Lot one height.
breadth and depth he equal
The beaatitul way in whiob the C. E. fol.
filled them gualydoatiose was then not
T_ t rr Dr. Meldn.'s elegem% era.
Buis wee "foetid* Willi --rt/ de apjjTfilft'
Mr. Hoots., M. A., then moved • vote of
thanks to the Ise 'meeker who bad so kind.
ly teemed the msetiag. Mr. Tiplady sec-
onded the mottoa and the audio.. 'bowed
their ammiesenos by • hearty Chatesogwy
The Conssoratien Service was then goes
through with, ad though the lase, was by
De means the least interests, or predb0hie
of the exeroime. The Hares daises. wen
divided into dlotriees and each behfk seear.
•tely oslled open, responded with suitable
BIo10 gootattoos and by singing a verse or
two of some familiar hymn.
The sadienw then joined 1. dating
" Whoa the roll is galled up yonder, I'll he.
thee.," and Wes creates* 'osventioo that
Hues hag ever held was breaths to a shone
by the Rev. Mr. Edge pronounang rho
Wapmn.DAT, Rag. 25.
retsrwd w Lwdoa sftor
lira. A. Tebbutt.
Muss Miller
• pleasant/
8. 11 oompaoy with
hs wtfe, the parent-
al root test a
Sae. Waiters. of Goderioh, bad the mis-
fortune to get his hood badly to by getting
It in the maobinery of • bidder while out-
tt•e grain on the farm of his brother. H.C.
Goderiob tp. •
Ono. Beattie left last Wednesday for
The present week will Dearly wind up the
karvest to thus locality.
Tbreahtng is tits order of the day, sod
Henderson Bros., the well known threshers
ate dutug bir work.
Wa1Nat4AY, Aug. 25.
bill. Flo Gledhill left tor • trip to visit
her sister, Mn. Potter, at Whitewood,
N. W. T., on N edosd•y.
Sam Hart. who was kinked by soolt •few
weeks ago, is progre'simg tavorably, sod eh
the present rate of improvement will coon
be able to get around ...min.
Jesse Gledhill how sold his trotting more
"Dot" to Barney Wilson, of Qodericl. tp.
We did dot h.ar tart pries, bat undersand
it was at a handsome ' flgg.r. '
DOLLAK WHILST. -Our farmers feel in
good write over the rise in prices, sad to
view of the limey crop just harvested •
better feeling preemie over the oommunity.
W tib the ries in prices oleo rues big expec-
tations, and 11 te • eight to gee our "Agri-
cultural moo" when eluding on his boa
floor, after a hard day's threshing, ooatem-
plating hts bias filled to ovetflowtng with
the golden grain. Why ! bless yon, Klon•
dyke u nowhere just now : therm M a geld
mine in every barn in the netgbberheed.
Kick FROM a Hoaao. -4 ysg. IOUtm
n amed Hiram Brimdley,team. for Miobasl
Firemen's, received at/ almost total kelt
from a horse oo Friday last. He had jag,
returned from tows with hie team and after
watering them the animal kinked aim on the
bead, breaking the bridge of his toga. and
fracturing 5is.hull Mdioal aid was one -
moved Immediate' se woleo the young
InaneInanemother. The acoideni. althorgb ssr-
less, may not have serious mole it jpgam-
poa$b o of the twah does sot dela •
What la Going on at the Capital
OTTAWA, Aug. 23. - The home -
gamier this week of Sir Wllind Laurier
prom'. to De stvn•lued by • popular dem-
owkatea of weloome, mob as never before
to the history of the Donnie., vested s
statesman. Yeo of beth parties are coin -
Dialog to extend to him •o antbuste.tio re-
coption at the Capital, whish will be a pub-
lic one, the oily cousofl taking the idtu-
•tive. None dotty that the Premier is deo
servals of the thanks of his oottntry, and
her will refrain from according to htsa that
whish be hos fairly mused. Su Wilfrid has
borne himself with siotul•r grsoe and dig-
nity amid the magnificent oeremontl.leof the
Diamond Jubilee oslebratio., sad by his
masterly foot and eloquence has impressed
the leading minds le the political world, oa
the other side el the Atlantio, as • leader
possessed of rare gifts and stt•inmeats.
Ane sold ass be held guilty of exagger-
ation to soy that he has, within the pest .tx
mouths, done more to advance the interests
and elevate tis status of Canada, commer-
cially and politioally, within this great Em-
pire.od before the world, than all his pre-
decessors eves a000mplubed in that direct
tion slate Lko btrthday t.f the Casadl.a
Union. It is fitting, therefore, that ca Nim
occasion of he return borne, honored by I s
Queen and esteemed by the whole British
people, decorated and eulogized by the
leaden of the French Republic, cosh • tub-
like sad us.nimous Siprestos of appn.val
sed rreutio.Woo, aside from the dividing
Bum of party foaling with its b asses sod
dtsoord, sboald be tendered him -tendered
ie recognttiss of bis brilliant .chieveosest•
• moor the •.ambled great mea cad Wades*
of the Empiredue lbs .t tits
Hatiooal Jubilee.
The oossidencial of many weighty isd
important metiers of sten await the
Pnsier'e return. Probtbty not the least
•m'og them all will be tete emus: eronoa of
this sew cause of irriauoo betwesn Cased.
and -the Dotted Suttee -the threatened nbe-
httn et what is oalld the bonding priv-
ileges. This is the olub whish rho holly to
the e.wtiregi always bald over tar Arrallsd
tread wt` ti@sad.; sadmItalb Haw alt-1E4HW
to let hila He foolishly imagings the blew
will be • eraeldi, hat for aloe al less be
will Gad kis iodinate' It halt. Is M said
this dmarimiaatiag clause in the new USW
States tariff Lw was sarnptitrou•ly plied
in the Di igley hilt and smuggled through
To geese this trash sot of aafriewdliaems
ea the part of our ssatbers neighbor will
doubtless occupy MN attention of tbo Cab.
ten .t ea mirky day in the west .t the
Atomises 4 ssimet (ienarel. •nssusoi0R Mt
'memos 'Mettlesome is gwwetks wnUY al -
see the Msdkag patetismo .a le le sews
sated it doss. Thin claw ssbjeea all
ponds lmperbed tate the United States
Uhrenrh Canadian territory to an additional
ammoms duty d 10 par •ens. This is in-
tended to divert traffic a Ainoeieen ports
.ad over Amortise waseperatioa lines sad
away from Comedies parts .ad railways.
Here w see bet mother et the many k-
etoses. vital of lata, maissivoo•lly dis-
plays American hostility .ad the dabbers..
latontio. et Amortise legislators to hamper
. d duibr•y the gsser.l trade of Canada
L say better greet seeded d tits relentless
hostility st the Ustted Slaw tewsrd.
Coneda ! A retrieves. of IM peel tea years
of American tariff *Skim would ra..al
seep .vld.ess el the dotsrmisaties of
As+risam to rale Gneda's trad., or or
Nater her sommts,eial sd industrial devel-
opamt, that the **wayfarer theatre a feel
.1gii1 sot err" is meats' to gash os.ol cies.
But it doge see sed quash ss•r.hi.g out of
past ovate to olaarly moovies@ eves the
mast camel observer treat the whole treed
et Antedate whey is reaps... Canada is
avowedly repressive el that d.ermleatisa
8sosly then ib is high time for these is
authority to awake to a proper sew el
their ditty in cafe-gsardise the interests of
the e•nntoy. The peepie dewd 11 (ex-
cept those wheenertak the pest* folies
that a blow la selt•defa ms reMBMie., fa
tinobmmew+wMm ha-wotti-
th. maim of too peo� shouldrs
be sp.oaa
8a-mt ebeale golf aside 5.1 the
Glows of ear oaasigbborly ods►ber should
Ito mat with others sent .tr.lg5* from the
shoulder is the true, undaunted British
fashion. It is bamiLtisg to think that, as
this day Ctnads mum sad tamely by gad
. bmit to the evarfacr.ssiag immeshing', ing', of
the United Stale bosoms pm.hamm.sorys
lalividsal mtsresia atlab* mats, If ma t
mans at self-pnaotion woos posed la. It
alassdy lies in Shit power of the Meddlers.
ties 1e wive the Aaoiea. a " Relied for
W Oliver" is mon ways than nes : W so
opportunity, ea Ilse, Would be less to .s.
fres the operates of Obese powers which
Parliament hos essteresd a N.
Take a lett from the hs.k of Teaks*
oommo.W policy, obsextews :bought i1
may be te dept mob Ossu-avilM.d I.gida.
teen. It Assret aaa naw 1f wise .ad prod.
oat to discefais.mat what god. walk* .n
imported into He Udted Slatm tbr.yb
Oswsdise tsrritery thereby pressysg the
interests of their own parte sad railways
I(oaeisg the rrying trade o.. end ever
mean. et .00h diosrintaatio., ft-
cxsxvstmon Ndr.a.
Lunen}} '98 ; e date mal w'bail to re-
membered l y k.adre& of esteemed d.le-
or se.
The somber et de/agates present ae the
Weds -nM evening egrets suet save bees
hithitless*.t� .•d fear husdredd, • llsele
eeegreg ties is themselves
The .emhtn et the various eooifese
doom credit fee the whole-lsset.dsees
with which they entered late the weak al-
istied .. them. -
Roe. J. 8. Remises. et Heseall needled
ressembresse how et Oculists he and Dr
l/slI{tImtopothar, L riot rovdry ted
mat the lo. -ball ply.'
�. H. Err e1 the Brandt Pa* maim
the bat Witness we have ewes lilt_ air,•
day. Hs always toys the prop**5M sod
says le h as esaeedtyty asameess issmser.
Dr. ltetdrom of St. Peel is a Ssstsbmaw
by birth, • Oirtdirs by edslNlsa, sad se
Amelias by idepNos. be •Eosee a•a
he is, to r hit owe words, a pa.byterMs
item the dewew•rda" H0 n a•w a
'10• WaltaMp both le appaloosas' sad
It than la sus piety sass. then Moth* r
to whom 1 N wean of the seevoallen is
dee thee penes is madmhbdly our assist
fared " Ab " Cooper. We ksew of se se-
vvetien pkrtwelegy whisk would udsquiba
ly diatribe ►is.. bas is e0.aee does par.
lases he weal! be sall.d •' • hempem," ".
heiUr." ge "• whale." Ho bed • bled
wood for everybody sad timid rather tad
'either Ms ossa lovely apprttlen bet was
shap laths right pima
lis calm* avaldeme. Mob tM- aMai.tr
Noll w *steels"Inse Omega .ail .b.."
y~lameii""rd 66M--
- no maim
0s Is blab 46 .R
d ills.oells . 1'!Ns - S tII uIs6r111Rw -
Lookaow, visits Dungeness gra 1et
ata erd wRIDAY of sack mouth :ism freed
r to 6. Painless extracting: special care to
'1Lt.at sad ores•r.tsg natural teeth. Ohs.--
WIDNeDAY, Aag. 26.
On Tuesday of last weak Mimeo Mad
•mel Mara Whyerd nod rya Marrow, Loci
Taylor and W m. Ghem nwrned from •
trip to Sarnia a•d Detroit. They report •
pleasant jean..
J. E. Tom paused through our village Inst
week on his semi -•somal vitt to shook
seeds of here.
Oe T6eday 4 last weak -Matt. Was. hiss.
row and Wtll Smiley, of tido pleas, and
Him Eta Mollwaia, of Nils, 1.11,vi• G.d.-
rbe. oa • visit to relatives is the Pr.rk
Division oourt was hold bees on Mosd.y,
His Hower sedge Doyle presidia". Tee
level fraternity was roprees,ted by Proed-
foot, of Ood•rtdk, and Maloomsoo and Mor -
rises, of Lsokaow. A amber of amass
were adjudicated upon.
Miss Carrie Wbyard lett en Wednesday
of Inst week for Rigstows ,1 w has
good potties. --v
Rey. B. 1.. Basta...elq/ ss Friday Inst
after s two weeks' visit la Dais Sea'. do-
• Mn. Thompsoo and d•s/kts' lits Allen,
returned home last week atter • Is.gtby
visit to friends at Leoksow,Khowadues sad
.her pounce.
The well -knows, genial end expsriesosd
thresher, Thal. Bosky. is kept very beef
these days. Hs reports as istre good peed
.f 611 wheat, the best for m•sy years. also
an abuodanos of straw. It was 55 who
threshed Peter MoC•nn's fall wheat, gad
corroborates Ube statement meds *.r.totere
as to the large yield of wbea1,
Jahn Strothe s sad wife. of Woodstock,
are vfsitiog relatives sad resewieg termer
auga.iatman hese, sad aims N be enjoying
leransslvaa t.,.,....ly_
During Rs .beam el Dr. Elliott, et
L.oknow, wise is net at tows en • visit, A.
R. Mo y is takirtt t1 ss/e of his large
Mrs. Prosdfoot and obil0ss,.000mpanid
by her husband, Barrister Pr.sdtuet, drove
to Dung•oses en M.d.y last.
Mies Eva Mallougb .mel her youngest sis-
ter, Dell., left ea S•tard.y on • vteit to
friends is Hieaardfss. We wiph the young
ladies • ple.es$ vest.
flan. Pearl sod Liters Psssiegton are
re stl.stiMR beret They neem ki b s . .y -
ing thea'-Fvea
Quito • somber of young people of both
e su'. icy themselves In ma.IDul•ting the
Oa looking over the fiat of dates of the
eoesslag fall fairs. Ihiavasom tins far is
e st en the list. Perhaps the direct rs ear
1. emammgosnos of very Mvewhldrs•tber
.116 w/1.5 wo have boom favored lir eras
days mW, foram or. homily sap'.d la so.
mufti the crops.
M.Heaknk, with bin wife sad sodiu-
m -low owned of Cesetip.Ms. by Dodd's
Eider, Pak -These Pilie bee's, shad or -
diary easharties.
Toronto, Asg. 3015. -Nal MsKaobn4, •
barer of this city. bas
f4.e teees obroak sonsttpaWon for yaws,
Rs end Dodd'. 1[idan, Rill., had sot eery
eblaiwod immediate relief, bat • permanent
ears. His wife and motes -in-law war* .im-
fl*4ly aflllaled, had Mod thaw pill. with the
same grid roman Ordinary maharani.
,Iva only temp.ery relief and leave tis
poetess wires thee Were wnhg the..
While Dodd's i idap PMIS are not ealher-
ties. Miele pastillas anise es the liver sad
kidney is sash that the eases et seer
stipMen ars prsasw.Ny removed.
Setlastl Nam et orb Weld.
Causes- Pita MpM Leaf Forever."
g. 104-l)ed Have oho Qseoa.
80.lsed -Seip Wits Ilse.
Milted Bane --Amiens', Hall Columbia
or Star-Spugkd !lase.,. Tea reads may
sake has sham.
trams --La Mesa(iWs.
Gasmen an Walsh the !Wan
Ihly- lesg of Gnebr141 •td Royal
Mash and Palace.
Palma - Palm" 11. Yet i►ead it
ftw06106.-71,i. mom °�`r`
JI II. a ease,.
Nwow-th,~ r lite. dp 1ispNN►
**Set YeMNlnls MUP
might, and doubtless would, be profitable
tor Omahas' 1e adopt the some line of ea
tied is rooms t• C•aadl.s porno and rail-
ways and enact a similar law. Is 1awb an
event itis said thee the injury I the Caned
Stara., as erase pines would be lames'
stably greater the. whM they eau pessibly
intim epos tJ.esds bht.egh the operatiam
of thus new Masso of that tariff Tie iT.B.
Attorney Oeard Md1.ssa is to had
tyre vii. jasMem Menu.. wbothr,oftnt,
.. *swopiates. ts,l. di irimis•M.R dao.a le
lK ppb,..p.» to
IsQtaadaaa railways. t
NO d••gA 4 +re ris m�ltiaCono*..,, t ..-
omit/ Ibis eleen.'et the 5., 55.Imledy
M oassa age Animus' .Mootrgiate'Mles
atsafer 5. ba� wadi e}r W 1 ,.`-1
otrwsl"y see • As f11•ttr �
.M Ina *ase basalt by vela* .551,
them Asterisms kn. aseWeeres �
ma7 Gonads. and Mea awe aelry l.paas
ad bite tis. U.I1. It hos bees .pay nal
tW w yaw.1 Oho whela,,,uau.11lttil tgrbM5
wosM ashes sal ammo lsslMw sets asset
lases N arawar•a 1es.mhratam mamma
thea to Ontallba 1 glisiat Magi aala5
the AyAglai taybies am kw Obt Jobe A.
Iisedwelfi me team tit. •sets quoins els'
t! "es.watwm' and obis tilt Nita
ansa ew&
iia: zo Vis►
110, AM MN_tIMa 0.1, seer es*.
Tait OILY AISOLVTILT amiaima Pastas*,
Ttotte alt Toa MA*ILttr. -
r .... -s. •tale sad ttlealthrui
PHRBIOLIBB Ga hasn` t mop^
Rheumatic I IV.arslgts.
Sciatica, Lumtnp,
Gout and
A sure ours .
3fetd.ohe, Dizziasat
Constipation loth.
gestioo, Bilioos•ees,
Brigitte Disease,
Diabetes, Paralysis,
Couvnl.ioas, Hems
Dfa..w, oto., etc,
Maaufletared ea Maser 4 Geld ea aero
Bold in Ood.rieh only by F.H. Dunham'
Winter is ;Tear!
good Hat ar Osy minis it oomfa.
We have put in stook sustie J.atml
Styles of Fall
which fort uality and prioe annot be
equalled. Iia stock are numerous as
sortments et the blob in
0. R. SHANE & 00.
The reliabl. Has and ForsM5.s irssikee
rxc esr sazsrrxILND
New Goods and Best Values
in the Tailoring line at the
old -established and reliable
Weft -et Emporium. Satisfac-
tion guatantee4 in Quality
Stvle and Price.
/messsesr Mewlsi • Birr&
risastaeturrr of all Wadi at
Boob Stacks, Balt Fes, Sheet Ire,
Works, etc., etc.,
Aad Duda' in--
Eagfnee, Ma'bluery aMhM. !s.
All ohms of Pipes and Pip' llttlafp,
Steam wed Wawa Osayes, Maim Vara.
Cheek PamIs y s, , phsta Meson wad 110
}wen+ C...l.nll,d
'n Head at Iwwss
A one of Ett1 Warr sad In1 for nee of fsr.s0 sited.5 s.
Rspatrts[ p.ospW .6es1u1 W
P. 0 flex 11, leesYb
Cartage & Pael Co.
are prepared to.hasidie Bag-
gage Frei ht and Hoafshold Ef-
fects with Dispatch at, reasonable
rates. Dealers ia;all indite of
and 8mithing Coal
Wood and. Iraindling
1''11 b salt customers and deliv
stet with promptness. Orders iso
Teiepl ions t�l1
asaF.,•job •
J. 8. Purr, 1 1161111111041.