HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-9-2, Page 1 ELI.O. HURONIANB
t UR 0 N't
Max ensant A k4awdo-
$1.44.D DOCKS
Sale of Bankrupt Sleek. J. M Roberts
Saved His Boy-Vulford & Co .4
Mum -Sisters of St. Joseph 5
Stoves J H. Wor.sU 8
New Timothy Seed 8 Sloss b
New Fall mantles -Colborne Bros. 8
The cheap Store -Smith Broe. diCo.. .
Booth Privilege -Jae. Mitchell
Servant Girl Wssted-Mrs. MOGi4
Ilcuddy h
Iluron's Greatest Sore....$. B. Smith 4
OUR OTTAWA LETTER,' ble rash of leads • tax would be to
MAW Americas ssanufsoturers to enol
their mills is Canada. Canada hes • prsotl•
cal monopoly d pulp wood, the paper mils
What la Going' onatthe llt)pl1Ti1 of she United Stets. depending upon us for
their supply. There are said to be .boot
140 mtlls for w.oufaoturing pulp and paper
.1 rhe KAP." Da1r *a raga wile end almost extinct in the United States.
Abe milla were erected le realist« ,Whets
se cosier -The Dingier mitt is Prat- at one time the usoess•ry materiel was
dully rr..lwtrve-ache sub- ebusod•nt, but the wood ham all b..q out
and there is not mix year,' supply itrthe
United States at tbe thine time. The in-
terests of the " pulp wood farmer," so-
called, are not .t all likely to be interfered
with by an export duty. On the oontr•ry,
wherever the competition of • local deruand
exists, priom paid to the farmer arspropor-
tionately bwber. Take the St Nicholet
river • for imetemos, where $3.50 to $4 per
oord is paid since • Intel mall has been .r-{ " Signal " of the 19th inst. that the *deer
luted, as tig•i *t $1..75 to 82 paid by jobber.! had • !acid interval. MY pleasure watt'
for export. Au export duty on pulp wood farted sato sorrow when I found on the
will erect p mills in every dutnot favor- r
able to menu acture of pulp, and the jobber 2606 that be had • serious relapse. Modi-
and his poverty -producing methods will die. o•l authorities tell um that lunacy is inter -
Miser. Six hundred thouaand oords of mlttent, exoept in grave oases, such as dis-
rsnlp wind ars exported annually u the appointment at not getting the otllce eonght
Statm and the labor of transforming these
into paper mate 86,400,000 all spent. there for. Still there le a ohsaos; my trust is
Why not try Wimp the industries in our that the editor's mossml M Wbrium may be
own ooantry, sea the money too! restored.
A. V. W. The editor says I am angry. Not so. No
LOCAL NEW. IN HRIEfr one oould be angry with the editor. One
• • may pity and sympathize. One never sail
or efre.t w way-Etasp. nosy with a mast who las hie mental hal-
shoe because he does not get an ethos.
- '$ohool lege tawideaos yestrrday. The editor denies that ne applied to me
-4 bod-piwm* wewearkwe yesterday -at 40 for the pass-otiioe shortly attar the also-
osnta per basket. tions. Why, he ceased worrying me
Border moetieg of Public School Board about the office from almost the day of the
next Monday evecrne. .lectioos until 1 told him in plain English 1
would not reoommeod him. On the 29th of
April '97 he wrote • cringing letter begging
for %be office and reminding me of an al-
leged promise to give him the positibe, seed
to have been made in September '96, long
before the oharoes against Mr. Campbell
were investigated. A min sniffing for an
ofioe nearly • year before the vacancy oc-
cnre,houls, me get it whets the vacancy -
does oocur, a4i4,the editor did not. There
n ever would have been • v.oancy but for
the information given by the editor. In
belt defeooe [ expooed the motive .ad the
actio.. The editor in his own chaste and
polished phraseology, replies by saying
Yon he." As 'this is the language of
"hlsokguard. and rutlians'' 1 menet retort
in kind. The editor has the patent right,
let him enjoy the monopoly. All I wish to
S ay is that the wittier is • Dreamier& "ealoss-
egaizer et bh.lrath." -
The editor says that I tried to get lute
the Cabinet. When the editor makes that
statement, be either states what he knows
to be untrue, or he recklessly makes an'
assertion regardless of the oonmequenoes. I
ob•llenge him to the proof. If 1 had made
one-hnodr.dth part of the efforts to vet into
the ('ab net that the editor did to get into
the poet-uho., 1 would have been • minis-
ter of the orown long ago. 11 the Premier
had called me to the Cabinet he would have
made no mistake, 11 1 had made the editors
postmaster at Godericb I would have oom-
mated the blunder of my life.
The editor says f tried to get into the
Senate during the Mackenzie Administra-
tion. The editor knows the statement i to World, also. I observe that yon make
to be fairs. He os't prove • word of it. 1
ehslleng• hint to the proof. -
The editor says I applied for the Judge-
ship. wrong ageto. The editor knows, as I
told him end others, that I was offered the
ndgeaWp.en. onnditime.. .1. daulined_..the
000ditioss. 1 was not then • member of
Parliament. 1 was out of pahko lite. Had
the editor been in my place be would have
submitted to any conditions and vrabb.d
the offios. The residue of the editor's letter
le as false and foand.tionluss as the item* I
have oriticised. I will not trouble the
Liberals of West Huron tarsier with the
editor's motives tor his venom. This sods
my controversy. I will bandy no mere
words with him for the amusement of the
Tories Bind the. delsot.tiot of the Tory
press. I challenged the editor to 0.[l it ooh-
,entir.n together, where my 000daot ootid
be sorutlnised by those who have's rivht to
do so. He has failed. He is the President
ot the Aroci•tton-by . flake. He secured
62 votes nut of 124 oar. How he became
President he .lows can tell. -He 1s Pr,si-
Jett .f r silpweed.
OTTAWA, Aug. 30. --There ill con-
eidersb:e d,Nerenoe of opinion existing to.
COMING AND GQING. day stmt. he lumbermen of Ontario, at
least, as to the advisability ot urging coca
Carroll CbUion, is at the Amerman Con. the Government the necessity of imposing
sulete• an export c'uty on loge. 1be sdvooatesfor
too. F. Hobert of Clinton was in town on immediate government action, however, in
Moodai. Mt -Silt -to the duty, largely preponderate
Miss Charles, B. Ase M trill" and then is no doubt telt that their
Miss Ise.. we tesla M ley. M Meet''.1oa u ten will prevail and that as soon aa pt •o-
acrioudv ill. finable after the Premier's return, 'cabinet
9fisa llan, reil.e siFiremSllMf*rd. MeltedMeltedWill he called to deal wish the mat-
.. Mot f ter. 1t a generally believed that an export
ca T
duty should be imposed not only upon saw.
Moe Alagvis Barrows is IF/NWNionda logo, but aro upon pulp -wood. Then u
in St. Mary'S. sothmg new or strange in respect to this
B. D. Gtssd ,net moll has kis anilism proposed duty. During the past decade the
visit ihie Meek _ - - subject _lis le timber duties bas ooccupied
w. W.Noah,aarowas w. Is *hob. the site mites o[the federal Government tar
town akus _ gaewtly. rEsd action has been several times
W. H. Kerr of the Brussels Post; =orfs upon a lel. In 1SEti.an export
laws an Friday. duty of $2 per thousand feet was placed on
pine loge, and $1 on tiptoes, with power
M. A. Nesbitt, Blyth, was to the oonnty vested in the (lover•or•Gan.ral-in-Counsel
town, Saturday. to incre••e the tax to 83 on pine logs. Tbi.
11.. J. C. Coombe, of Clintoo, was in -was dobe two years tollowing and the ex.
town 1•at week.
E. M. Rebiees, Hnes•ll, was is (ceda
rich on Saturday.
Mrs. A. B. Devises in Mailing in Kites'',
dine and viatnity.
Rev. Mr. Godwin wUJ preach Mite own
church on Sunday.
Mrs. Wall. of CUntes, was visiting in
town oo Thursday
lilt. Robertson, 1.41 for her -school in
Wibisor this week.
Mir Mary Shartasti sompleted her holi-
day runt tote week.
lir. 4. G. Elliott of, Lucknow was in
Goderiob on Monday. •
Mw Rask, recurred last weak from bet
visit to Parry Sound. • now law in the United States, and its lam -
Geo. Emereen. wee one of lbs now party liar tax is high enough to almost completely
that wheeled to Buffalo, kill the ('median bumiier trade with that
M•.s Wiggles was visit*, hhads m oountrv. And now wbab wait vs. tor?
Cred.toh the past week. k(. • Prompt and decisive action to looked for
from the Government by the great majority
Mn. Mark Turnbull, wee visiting in the of Canadian lumbermen. It is true that the
Forst ',:icy, Ian weeke Ottawa valley lumbar interests are entirely
Mr. Coughlin shipped • carload of sheep opposed to soy export duty, Cbsudtere lum-
to Montreal, Saturday. hermen °latming that they o.n still do buwi-
Alex. McLeod. of the 81.4 staff, wheelod oats with the States even under• the $2
to Seaford: on Saturday. duty. Bao upon the prinoipls of the great.
wan W dates. left to resswe her Hig.rh est good to the greatest number, the Gov-
fSchosl duan on Timidity. nment cannot afford to diwevard the de.
mends of the majority, in order to 000eerve
Min Anbebrook retorwed weak from the interests of • small minority, and re -
a volt to thenem
Q Cow. frau from exercising their power of linens•
Miss Jeannie Faro el Wilkerson, ins these export duties. The action of
le spending • week in 110111111. I parliament in granting tbu power oertsiniv
Mrs. Jas. D. 1.oeg, el Wkttgbsm, it vast- meant something more than an empty
lee her mother Mrs. Sallow,. threat to Americans. Ie was not a mean -
Mrs. Ioastkrte Miller, returned Imw a tttglois. move. It would have been •ooh it it
visit to Detroit, on S..nrday. were merely intended as • .0.r.-orow to
_...._ _ _... - _ Americo brisk,tors t4 tr1gbtep them off
Mos. J. Read, of Cleveland, • Cornier our trade fieldwwisiob their new tariff wit
resident, spent Sea sy in town. deigned to injure. But the Yankee will
Mrs. R. J. H. Hallidayend children, ars not soars '• worth • dent " .t what Cana
visiting Mr. and Mrs' Chas. Seeger. may threaten ; and the sold fast cannot
Inspector of Inlaid Revenue A. Cavan, yet break through the solid *rust of bis wolf-
ed Stratford. was in to last week. oonosit and hatred of Britain to teaoh him
that one of her oolonies hold, the power to
Adam Kay, of the prat-ofBca doperim.ot, inflict an injury on some of the oommerolal
Stratford. was in town the past week. and lnduetri•1 enterprise, of his own oom-
Joseph Williams arrived at the fminily try. Viewing our docility and mistaken
residenos from the far South last week. policy of conciliation as an evidence of oar
Mr. Smith, of Smith Bros. & Co., lett on immune., Amadora, loudly imagine that
Monday to rend the millinery openings. they can streak as at my time and in ash
Mies Lizzie Wilson, el Whiteobnreb, is • wny with perteot impunity. If the potion
of the Canadian parliament. is passing the
pupil a/ ilio Ceil.gi•o Io,tieato chi, form. export duty ant. was intended a s warning
Mw Jessie Robertson, resorbed her to tbe Amerman Congressof what we would.
dutin h the Kerr militia wheel peter- do, should they wast the bestir lumber tariff then 000templ.t.d. and that warning
Mr. Tilt, tltr.tker et Mae best of the had been effectual thea parliament would
1lritteh, sal t i • oar eI oats!. ip MAW We have accomplished • peasefol end el the
Mtarday.. « without any dutarb tes of the In
Flamm FleR. t Ball, ...,, .donTees• trade between the two sentries, or
day (rem a two week,' visit to Waterloo further breach of friendly rely/ions. flat
sad Crediton. ..b was sot te be. What berme' of the
Mims Toms who has bees eisiiine i• New warning? 1)d bilking dogs ever bite! le
York and ifrooklle is epetsalog toseaaaa at domes to ebie, %bee, that either Parliament
Newport, R.I. -
intended the Government to sot when the
Cabinet last year. You will deny anything
fwd your denial doesn'• moot. `Vby, man.
you were nearly resat -broken last veer with
'1 the disappointment, mud asked m. -to wrote
to Ottawa in your h••h.11, whioh 1 did. 1
have tie repine. 1 also interviewed a lead•
ins Minister is your toterest in my caps."
oily ss Pr«tdeot of the Liberal Ausociat ton
M Adepts • Mew myth Yetivery-Yalu ; of West Hiroo, sad 11C41w a good ileal
t• he ssttelwed nee H rsI - c U tr• %•bout honer threat■ tn,auign,we S 1 disposed
eld eaelvrir.'mGrnfe-kiet:Ull• Ito toil the.tory. Yua My cow.
cedar's Maly (1 "If the Premier had tailed me into hip
The Old Man Ina Tight Place.
A •GNOSIS Meeting at Clinton.
rim rpt./l..*f talwtu sabasse eed $.tre-A
Ian e*
1.seerte4 rapers rresMNd
-` - d tie rintberetme ' - -------1'"=",.
.......,,,..„---.,---,..4:. Cabinet he would Gave made no miatrke." THE greatdlt cetit'ention iu the an-
Tttrt'm what you thounht when the C.bi• oris of tie history of Huron opened in Clio.
_. _ _.Qs1alMly;lt, Oxl., net date was befog made np !had •ami• ton ooh Tuesd•p acro 0g. Aag• 24. The
---- hog. 30, 1897 kir idea of your !tunica@ myeelt at the time, Sebbsth School Aesoott.tlus and ChneNw
D. ItioG .di L'DDl, AlQ •
but I am froe to oahirsa uuw that the Pos. Eadesv*r Uuion oaf Hnroa county have pre-
" Ktffal," Oedeneh. mier knew more about Cihtnot making carpe vtoinely held their o•.nvoaiuoo. bewrudq
`Jia :- tbo beleuunt of suitable timber than I cul and at difforeut data -The letter have s;±'
1 was pleased to see by the issue of theand in the light art your r oeot Pau, 1 ways been Tires and euthusiastto,and it wad
plan] and marvel At his groat disuernment. ap-
thought'y some that I y holding the S. S.
You dray lbw: you were anxious to weer convention at the same time and place that
the senatorial cove. Well, there are wee it would catch tome of the enthusiasm and
in town who know to the contrary, and you receive more of the interest end attention
to oh U it is unuoulnetlly entitled. The
know it, coil. decision to hold the first of these oonven-
The judgeship which y4refer in is not tinea the town of Clanton merged eau-
thA. t of 1866. You don't ! ten wen M OM aN1 the of tksiiii.d1y ems. • _
office seeker at that tune. bbsa hopes
A. to the later scheme, you admit leo The prayer and praise service ewe -assn
were • offered the Judgeship on mai.
tions.'' Wbat were the conditions ? Yoe dboted by Rev. R. Millyard.had publisbed a manifesto on March--
Jiawt -?gyp I Its` .
1892, atter Hon. J. C. Patterson was elect- was dealt with by the president of the 8 8.
ed, that you would be a oandid•te on the A , J. P. Rae. kxeter.
flet oocesion that offered. A petition Mr Kerr, of the Brussels Post, then gave
agaiest 1,attstsos was mated, and then • most intonation speech no the same lines.
you tmked, bat not until you had oom- He was then ill io bring. (21 pray, (3) listen
muniosted with „Letheeson. 1 know more to what is said.good and lied. (4) to resell
then yew- suppose -shoat aha whom transom_tb• • benefit he batt'-reosived-Mote li' eek!
tion, but 1 will let that go .t presets:. I•n frnm the 8. 8. (b3 Te Berry back to his R..
1895 Patterson went to the North West. S. to Brussels as mnoh koowledge and is -
Von had stated over your signature thatoenttve to the work as poihle.
you would be the Liberal .twdard-bearer ' Thas
e phos of the Leseoo Helps." He
on the tiret occasion that offered, and pointed out that it was help., net help, be.
the Reformers of West Huron looked upon cause if made singular It would he confined
you as their oandtdate-elect. And yet you to the bele and enlighLemeut of the Holy
were willing to be approached by your op- Spirit, Question b iok, quarterlies, k...
menus with the offer of a judgeship " oil should nut be used in S. 5., the olass'Welt
oouditions." You kept the 'natter on • can be used as a help and • blackboard may
string for • long time, and were willing to be very useful. Then .re three things
let the Liberals go to the bow -wows if your neoeseary whys. mei ras. to study the lee•-
" oondttioa " wet> acceded to; when you eon. The row tte'tMiiis1 1. the Bible. I.
could not work the oracle you became a What it says, II, *bet does it teach me!
" patriot " coos more, and accepted the Re• Von mast know r scholar. What ere hos
form aomie•tion. That's • skeleton of the voinv to teach' and III, how to teach tit,
matter. And then you deny, deny, deny! He laid etreas on the danger of allowing any
Why I would not be +apprised if you now outside helps into S. S. sitter to teachers -
denied that you appointed John Gott to the or scholars.
postmastership, or that he was yam eon -in- The ■.oretary then re.Othe general com-
marship. or anything else that came to your
mittee dratted for the transaotion of all
bnaioees :-W. H Kerr, Brunets ; R. W.
MoKenrtie. Goderiob ;,-Rev. J. Hamilton.
This is the month at Fell fairs, including
port duty raised to $3 per thousand. The the Great Northwestern.
"xi year u wy redaod "82 per '.comma. Exhibits for the Great North-Wwbrw,
and in October of 1890,the export duty was should now bo orrimmed.
abolished altogether, and there has leen
sone winos that year. The sot of last w• Our bowlers that visited Clinton on Sattr-
sion of parliament oonferring power upon day oould not find Kitty.
the Government to impose export duties on This market is now well supplied with,
saw -loge, pulp -wood, mod ores received the home grown, ripe tomatoes. - •
approval of the whole Common, with the Chas. Lee'. new dwelling on Harbor Hill
.loeption of Mt. Charlton and possiblya Ave. is flooring completion.
or two other members, who, however, di
d New Presl,yuri.n books of praise for gale
not °halloo,' • division upon the bill. Act. Thompson's music stere. 37.4
ion, under the powers given by the mot, was Andrews Bros. Co. shipped • oma of
.apeod.d tending the final completion of cattle re Toronto this week.
the Dingley bbl, which was to decide
whether the detective power to imports • The wind storm on Sunday evening dam-
oorrspooding duty on log exports should aged fruit trees considerably -
be ex.roued or not. The Dinv!ey hill is Mrs. tto.well will sone eo.upy mar moo
dwelfugon Waterloo street.
Mrs. Bea. Allis, was this week in t eam-
legto•. attending the funeral of bar brother
S.mael Walters.
Jelin Kase and eau, of Niagara Falls
south, lira on • two weeks visit to the
family residenoe.
Mr. .ad Mrs, Wm. Sperling sad eon, of
Clinton, visited Mr. dad Mrs. Chas. Blaok-
stooe oe Sunday.
&b. and Virgil 8eaerflik• of Loado,
Wheeled to enderiah es Saturday, sad
rptat Solidity with !heir rehUves.
"t Nin sod Mies !bertha Trainer, lett tor
h• Chiga4e, on Murray, after s two
--.-seek.' visit to tlsseriff sad Ors Reynolds.
Rs,. Mr. Galloway. who ball eeaducted
the enrolees it Viobrfs •leer ebaroh the
pet week left ter home. Leamlagtoa, on
M osd•v.
Mir Ethel Rooyd retorted be fossae this
week, h•vieg .pent a ooeple of weob vWe-
ink Mr. and Mrs H. Dodds her Grandparent'
sear the Nile.
Mems t;hartes E. A. le le be eetgtsiai.lal
w the face, that s $.nasions O.IMghts ta-
rtar ender takes Arts plan hr Oalarlo
mnd,rn ls.gnaeee.
Fernt. Fek Nieboteoa, et Dolor, .a.8.4 km" ea • tree einem' visit be her
Purls Mr .ad Mr,. Perim.. ,.tamed M
here ea Tuesday.
Mra .1. W. Venter els for Tenets
w Meedsy to ruse MW 88.1Ma se bey ra-
!" frees the Mortimer. 1114. Ve easter
well nand this reek 1. the Qom. slay.
'", Mrs. s.. Menem abd q. -p
>rt, (lb
, Miro, wbeame b.. bees Asians >•d
h•5e of Mr. R's. pess.a
o.. Dgaolink de'
141 the Most three enabM pnpes hsyllIg
lee OellIersei.ion week.
The O. 'l: R. sent one hundred and tea'
loaded oars eastward the past week.
Robt. Mahon sent a oar load ot floe
horses to the Old Country last Friday.
Look out for Crawford probes at G. M.
Elliott's on S•tnrd•y and alt next week.
When •ttead,ing tbe Fall Bbow don't for-
get to 0.11 on Sturdy Bros., the groo.r..
INyco y -Reeve Tbompioo's new dwellieg
on Viotorts-st is nearly ready for habuthtion.
The sun est on Sunday evening was a
brilliant one tureen from the Harbor Park.
Jonathan Miller sec' • horse to Guelph
on Monday for the fortlfoomioq rsose in that
• The store ;meetly occupied by J. T.
Acheson ie beim fitted up for Jas. `Robin-
A column of news from our oerrespondents
held over from last week will" be teen on
51. .
The sewer haMlMsbee werehat week
leveling the Agee this the dower pipes
were laid. , - . •
Commencing nett Senday, St. George'.
Sunday school servioe. will be bold in the
Postmaster (telt wiM shorty move into the
house on tke_fer of Waterloo and 81.
Patriot -ate. --
Registrar Gibson has moved into the
dwelling es Nortb•r formerly occupied by
W. T. Kis*.
Wm. WalimiLlies the materials on the
pound to starlit Mee storey dwelling oo
Wellington streets
Tat Stoaat's large ofroulatfon gives .d.
veneers a greed opportunity to reach the
yeomanry of Harm.
J. P. Brown'. dwelling en Helios steer
shortly Meomplesed by the oouteaokoes,
rowans mod Rhyne.
There will b. • " hot " nems of b•N
m the 'eoreation grounds. S•Jtford,
Leber day. Everybody oom.. •dmis.ioft
The orglen f•otery will reoemmence open
seosesity ares"kw,., as 1t has arisen through the I ow, squire, wow or tomorrow. Th. de•
operation of the new American tariff, or etre by i. wawa by Ositiog for a piaci of
It mei simply • pearlier shake of the .tick •t ehiamy
onr ov.liatrown nmsghbor. Th. "rattan al. This day three weeks will be the second
probable Toes bs individual interests day of the Orate NorW-Western Enlist -
by the eoforo.m«t ot sport nese It Hike! tion. Are you making prep•r.tidoe to •t -
toe late to be seriously osesidered sow. teIC
The.. „oneidentioh• of j1 41..sd lues, at'„. xm smoke and have sot yet triad •
which actino would ental , were e.rt.ialy May Queen or the Hanna, try them at
dl.onssed and dolt' weighed by art legis- Mee. Maddock. & Kennedy, Gedenob,are
bion, $.dors they oon.ented, be nn•.imoa.- Ob. 1011'ly, o condone the measurerot.p•eiiag the.. PresbyterAo Book et Praise trees Rots mt.
export duties. The weight .f popular Alsooo! oorimphlaesse.took - of 9obool Rooks nod
Ctvies whish new prevail. thresgh 1.7 .shlioh-The allures to my lunacy id) ray the
(:.Dads• is to the eller that. se the Diaeley J. Yates' Book Bien `same old Idea in a new dram
limber duty M prsotinaliy. prohibitive to The statement se M my action last .am -
the egener volutes of our 'amber expert Mr.. sod Mr. D. K. and Mb.. Septi err is regard to the Campbell outrage, I
trade, for our oelf•prsteotlea the export 8trech•n, left M Meeday tor Metcalfe, mea disproved last week. by your letter oaf April
duties should be isp.t.d. Mblrlohine epee- Ottawa, to vein Mas. ob•ds nephew 30, teat, wobh pal rat .tat rly awe •f wort.store now vet the log. free of duty, saw 1)r. Wallas* of ease laws. • sed year rwiwatiea of ft dor not improve
them ap and one them rad them hook. in • Miss CMiterd, ••07. W. C. T. U. of Loo. your reputatioe ter veer*, of whims, by
manufactured editless. is Casals alto defy deo, Oat,, retarwea to bar hems M Moto N. way. You bay. nighty iltttie to beak on
tree. Amities* o.t•psssios is thus ..lab• day, after a Owned 3 weeks' visit se the A spy of my lefts of April 29 of this
holed in our ewe ..wiry with she trir.d•oe reddens of Mimi Andrew., Brtbessai.•et. hoer M Wont pars I Wile. 'Mere is ea
of our caws tosses'.g ai.eafady d ea alien Th. W. C. T. 41. will m.wt r sb* Too- eriagingcolsorit Intone wrote • Marne
twit, while 0..adt.s,aimrede le barred eq pies b•11 lesseerew lite 3NRept. w 3 1rtev it a aria I. eV life. 1 thought I acs.
ins fair lad 6n.eet cepdM! enl
t .aces the r.111: aioh
a fall e.dassee le requested se w,itfeg t. s Wetkhl •*d 66561.61516 mss fr r
border• bifehii.ee'.1 hpertase. will he brought hr when I had sass win, eatiNfle*, i. the
Mr. Marlin ie en the mp.puler side of 1•s• the rsesin , peer, and whom 1 had /Med fry la tae dark -
toe qus,llisss. and be Fret voices the lrsr Wihngboa Tlsusra :-Mr. and Myst J. W. Mit herr and Mayor fetal .f his life r bet
inset W tarso.• et the Domiaiee. Al the VewMes. et (I'edeei.8, .wen 1. Mw . m Is my ot.Msat. of him I was eilet•kee.that'•
Toronto e.nvestion of lnmberour. however, ,swat utwdiy the womb. N Miss .11. • The Leser wsa written after thm as -
h e 414 set aka ale.g.eb.P a pe.MmlNia eeeee.sse.e was abll•hsd thee (i.ai h►
vl.w af the site.tks. Har wNersd the Wim• My. Veneto eve the Tissue a dna.. Seeger scald five kir pnblb deliv r-
aotiwc to tM .tic. Iktl tk. Oev vee sst off I' -!y mall while In tows. sans is toe O.sepk.q lean end say 18.1.10
(.g.,ia mimosa imams asitia is !0.810 fee Mrs. Deena, of Alyea'''.who acs/ visiting lice over written se yea by we et the sub.
pertedint• (7.a.di ikw. i4. Us1/M' Ms bar .Mt.r Mrs. Wm. iRherM.s, *•M•M., )eat. 16 wee wrtr oss braille w reports
la with leek lasiibsr ass tshrtessaes ewes. be wee . sellable wen eel that yes wtobe *slog M kisses
11ls dtiaa with ofess11a1osp gold womb sod /iso. lutesTheredaJ Hew- .ad I had mob earldom« b year 'Ouse
}rite 1. to.'tt.+vro.+r.• 's . ~ ;rsr, tt Esti Lem. b.ef.+[ Ile. .werdlhell 7 Nd eel $.,.Nino One satin=
°mutt•.. es a wept* a•.se awn sawn /e4kta Woe* .I/itNrr , etre N- wad la .o less a plow 1. lila, aro. I did
Is esepsel M the „end acs Hot qpi
Imbed It en /sass Mui/ f%Gad eat M wk* sot knew Jess e l S etas thee•.
yelp weed. N kr bah pied 4-'-- . YM day tkat )res eater$. M gee
IoM the
law, or that you ever abased after the rove-
You seem to be is a state of mind becauseWtpgtrhm ; R. Holmes, D. Tipledv, Rev.
some of the Tory newspttffbPd have made re- R. Millyard, Clinton ; - Hal. ttelgr.ve;
ferenos to your scandalous nepotism, and R.v Scrod, Seaforth; -Wilson. Sea-
publsbed extr•ote frotn what 1 have forth ; Rev. A. E Kerr, Hensel!.
written. Why, bless your poor old heart,I • The s. S. worker and his Bible" was
oould pot have hindered them from doinv most ably dealt with by Rev. W. Muir,
it, had I been so inclined, as none of my •r- Rnwetietd.
tick* were copyrighted. Rut 1 olio ware The proper place for the Blackboard "
you that I never asked any Tory sheet to was the next topic, Dr. Towler, Wingh.m,
publish • line on the question. I lett was absent, so W- H. Kerr, of the Brussels
that kind of guerilla warfare to you, and Post, was called upon and dealt very ably
you took to it kindly, when you got The and profitably with it, considering that hi.
Star to publish your very foolish letter of remark, were entirely extemporaneous.
two weeks back. M. C. Cameron rushing Mr. Houston, Principal of the Clinton
to The Star for space to holster ap his mane, Ilegi•t., then came forward and Was -
was • sight -for gods and men. You should tr.ted in • very interesting manner the me -
b... scot your florid effusion to The Toros. thud which h• weekly ase•.
The first topio of the afternoon, "Tb.
Exercise of Authority in the School." floe
dealt with in an able and eloquent mawsserl
by 1.. F. Blair, Brussels.
The tmportenoe of keeping etriot order
the S. 8. was pointed out as one of the moat
1 dieliDi., things _tip to view in
handling these oomp ex organizations.
order is not snetsined the good lntideaos of
the teaohine reosived is very muoh lessen-
ed. When pupils oome from the infant
clew his order is 11enenlly good, but, it
then gradually becomes wore, owing to the
laxity ot disoipltne too often maintains!-
there. The clow of Mr. Blair's elogoed ' --
oration was greeted with rounds of aye r
planes. Messrs. MoKenzte, Houston sod W.
E. Kerr then spoke. their remarks being
along the same line of the necessity ot main-
taihing order .t all hazards.
'' Home -Department" by the Provincial
s.oret.ry, ML. Day, was Most exoelIeotty
dealt with, end followed very suitably the
last Copia. Order in the house was .most
essential to Rood order in the school, Ass the
seholrr will manifest the same orderly or
disorderly habits in the school as to the
, The Importanee of Reverence in the 8.
8." was dealt with in • very able manner
by Rev. W. S Kerr, Heneall. The irrev-
erent spirit aloes. he soul to the good infla-
mes of the Holy Spirit.
The soh)'eot was disoaseed by G. F. Blair,
Brussels. R. W. McKenzie, Goderioh, Rev.
J. Ashesoo. Kippen.
"rho Character of the Tiober " was the
'subplot next dealt with. Mies Bead. of
8e.for/h, read . very carefully prepared
essay, hrine ng out the all importances/of the
8. 8. teacher knowing by personal expan-
sion tbe benefits and joys of • saving belief
in Jesus Christ.
Alex. Ssonders, of Gederiah, lneredaeed
the next paper whose enhjeet wile " Reap
Whet You Sow." The snhjeot was dealt
with ib a thoughtful mann.r,.adlm.oy good
sngeisllone were thrown ort. Everyone of
a shell reap s000rding to our sowing. Are
you *owing in faith ! Aro yes rasping Ia
hope of freedom from sin her., arid .aura•
ttoe hereafter ! Sow geode of pr.paratien,
preparation for our eternal life beyond. M.
we sowing the seeds of brotherly kindness
and charity, or aro we dnwug the mantle
of ..lash/*.. and .xel.iming with Cain
"Am 1 my brother's keeper ! or are you
sowio pride and envy and reaping -hatred
. sad Mili.s ! We need to sow goad geed
we need the frnatifying influence of God'.
Soiiertb : John i easkertaed has hese at Spirts and then w. .h.11 have growth;
hose fee 18. past week Of so from Cadger- growth to grm and knewl.dgs of our Lard
ata es a visit to his parrot. and %viear Jain Chyles.
debt de fseto. [ now dare the editor te,
m11 the convention. He will then discover
her absent • 1.$or he is in tee poll -
/Won. I •m Ro.,
M. C. Cewrnex.
M. C. puncta, Esc.. Jll. P., Goderbh.
SIR. --I 1n reoetpt et your letter of
the 30th Aag., and must oougr•tuhte you
on the improved tone --or It may be, that I
should oonkrtttal•te the person who wrote
It for you. You will pardon me, if I err In
attributing the writing to another. bit the
style in so changed from your previous
Warm that I thought I detooted a !Amory
flavor in It that the workout epistle did not
ponces. There is oot web I8 the teeter to
reply te-little of it is new.
no referenoe to the Liberal oeweoapers that
denounce 7onr oepotism, Not ...tie of them
stands by your action.
As to your statement about the presi-
dency of the Reform As.00l•tion, you most
Losalso •s -bad de swr aed ie.-iew•ir-wick
you. You were at the oonventton, and you
know that you are talking through your
bat. You were anxious to see me turned
down, end 0.me all the way front Ottawa
to he present at my obsequies, and when I
wasn't ,lain, s. yon believed I should be.
you opened not your mouth, and now Too
throw your veeomoa• slurs, If anything
were wrong why did you 'not raise your
.tenter tones on the occaslon ! Just now,
you are • trifle late !
Yon want me to osll • convention, wbeo
you well know that 1 am not empowered to
0.11 • oimvention, of my own voiitioo. Yon
have the power to all a convention to Wi-
ly your nepotism, -why don't you do it
But you oats be assured that when • oenven-
tion 4 called, be it early or late, I'll be
then, and I question very meal if you will
face the -music. although you now make 1
,greet deal of blaster and brae.
For the second time, you say that yon
will not 000tbna• the controversy. 1t is of
on moment to me whether you centime or
not. I'll stay with you, if you continuo ; if
you will resialn deed, as you ought to, I
won't worry yoga perturbed spirit further.
D. McOn .uc'TDDy.
C. E L. U.
The following are the topics for the dif-
ferent young peopWe *reties which meet
during the week
Viotaot.-et. Methodist dharoh R. L. of C.
S., brilly evening as 8 o'clock. Topic for
Sept 3rd, Ceo•eor.ttos and Question
Drawer, led by Mw Minnie Hillier.
North -,t Motbodiet eberoh R.L. of C.R.,
irday evening at 8 o'olook. On Sept.
3rd oon.eor•tion service, gelation drawer
(geser•1) eoodooted by the president
Knox (:horoh Y,P.M.C.E., Inset with
the gsseroi ppvasyerwi«tfog in Tempennoe
Hatt os Wefts/day evening. The to_pto for
sops. 7. "Oar GING from (led : Obi 00'.. to
Gill," by Mlee Allen Miller.
All are e.rdially limited to attend thew
meetl.gs, which aro held In the heeemeets
of the different oharoltes. Members from
other societies are invited to b. presents
Yesterday Y. H. Naas end family left tet
hetes steer • stay of 3 month. ineriok.
The ata hmao, who 1. director of the
Horeir tory of Malo, Ypsll•etl,
Melt .. wee dellght.d with ►1e yid% and
Wake ear lawn • eksrining .nmewtr resort
Remo a*kbM ernes have ben **tron-
a M the ear• bf (lbh Lomita and Weston
Tissot hisop•rHt (llesitad), of Leman,, and
ilia, .111 werhbret ap •.
Rawl fro *tit td the
Wee bis bas Wad y ilia 144eutt.w, of
slaol.apkrll/, tb u.Nwl.... of whieb i,
mod the riser sew crossed.
Th. Predation then milled far nemtnbMoss
of a balsams to tae Provinc•l Aseet.ti•a.
Rea R. dealer's meted iter Mater Holmes
of Wire be th. dotlsowla awd. A wee
ennead nsaeimonely.
■vett rtes.
The .vest*, meeti.t, smarese ed with e•
half beer pears esrelaw
Deer. 4 Oppertnntty " was that outlast
dealt with by De. Montana, M. P. ef'
1R.esLt.:.a, r►ilt t+ss
ssR Sac v.eMbi egfi
by abo ppMeat..4 the Jerrie Ike• as ewe
.f the sa••.Iled "noble thirteen."
Os.slssded me Pave 16