The Signal, 1897-8-26, Page 88 THQtt11DAT, Aug. 26, 18H. THE SIGNAL : CODERICH , ONTARIO. HE.NEW STORE We have enlarged our premises considerably to meet the re- quirements of our constantly increasing trade. In our stock • this semen you will find all the newest and latest designs for the Fall at prices that have never been equalled. AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF CLOTHING! In this Department we have taken great care to have the Latest Styles and Best Makes. - In far-out goods are made by Custom Tailors and in styles and finish quite equal to regular made-to-order. The Prices are bound to be the lowest. We buy for Cash and sell for Cash and One Price only. How is this? Nice Tweed Pants, 75c., 90c. and $1.00 per pair. Tweed Suits, regular $7.50, costs you $6.25. A Full Range of Men's Tweed Suits. Men's Black Worsted Suits. . Boys' Two.piece Suits. Boys' Three-piece Suits. - -_ Overcoats, Pants, Vest$, Etc., Etc. Department A -Fell• Range of Fancy Wrappassktsa...T--„---u A nice line.of Tartan Flannellettes, only 8c. Twill Flannellettes, Pink, Red, Blue, fast colors. COTTONS, TICKINGS, LINENS, SHIRTING., ETC. BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, QUILTS. Compare our Prices. Dress Goods Silks Almost an Entire New Stock We did not carry any over. from 'last Fall. All the new things in Fancy Dress Goodsand New Shades in Plain Goods. A Range of Beautiful Fancy Armours Cloths, -42 inches wide, only 25 cents a yard. 5IALL WARES DRESS TRIMMINGS in Fancy Braid Setts, Tubular Braids' Russian, Fancy Tubular Braids and Colored Jets, RIBBONS. LACES, VEILING, _ Gt. at our well-known Low Prices. Cents' Furnishings We have added a Complete New Stock of NYiSTO?It O?AY Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers Ms Gamy Wavle% Uaggewlage easditiy ewn•d ata arcs fuss malady awl Asaa.sive iisA tea 11. 1aa•eue er Our Hope -A asitia asu►'e udieumma se resevaNed Infiermalleea THi LLD. �emafor Robitailte L dead - Deputy Registrar William Parker died at Cayuga• Mr. E. N. King, G.T.R. freight agent at Loudon. dropped dead on the street. YOL1THCa—CAMAU1AYl. At a largely -attended meetiug of lum- bermen. held in the Toronto Beard of Trade building, a mottoes was passed fa- vouring retaliatory measurer in response to the clauses of the Diygtey tariff affect- ing the lumber industry. POLITICS -Iles' SIAL. The firm stand taken by the Marquis of !Salisbury Qh refusing to allow Turkey to retain Thesaaly until the ()reek in- demdity is paid is emharrasaing the pow- ers. They are anxious, on tbe one hand, ter a settlement of the question, and, ou the other. they do nee relish the Were of yteldlug to the dictation of Gest Britain. TBI WORLD OF sCIINCX. The prospect of settling the great en- gineering dispute in England appears to be as remote as ever. A special convocation of Toronto Uni- versity was held yesterday at which the degree of LL.D. was conferred ou Lord Lister, Lord Kelvin Sir John Evaes and Mr. A. 8. Hardy, Premier of On- tario. THi LABOR WORLD. The operators of the Pittsburg dis- trict coal mines have decided to obtain Pinkerton detectives to protect their nou-union workmen. and a serious eta - het is regarded aa inevitable. On Saturday tbe striking miners of Plum Creek, l'a., attempted to march, but. were prevented by the sheriff's de- puties, and several of the miners were £treated. FOR HEN OF WAR, volume ref toe. Stocks arm promo ars adteoctn`, in spite of occasional seta back. 'I7tere is an increasing denied for Emory, attd the outlook Lt 1& advanced Wheat bas add ouuis�-s d corn steadily In price, and Indications point to a still further advance. Price. all round show an upward teatme:tr. In dry goods. clothing, boots and shoes, eta. the demand is late. The commercial failures In tbe United Stater toe the week ended yesterday show 221, as com- pared with 214 lest year, and 250 one year sego. PUU J.T gat $ONAL. Dr. Mama has hem appolatsd Medi- cal Health Officer In Brantford. The Duke of York was installed as a Knight of St. Patrick at a Chapter held at Dublin Castle The son of the late Sir Jahn Millais. the former president of the Royal Aca- &my, will shortly publbab the life of' Na father. Mr. W. Hale of Hamilton, whose skull was fractured, spice injured and sM;uhier dislocated in a bicycle acci- dent a couple of months ago, 1s recover - lug: Mwho won high praise for brinacing .B. Calliope out of Samoa harbor during a hurricane in 18819, has resigned on account of IU -health. Schlatter, who is kltown as the divine healer. -has married Mrs Margaret Per- ris, wkiow of the builder of the Chi - (sago wheel. Her relatives were much opi.'•ed to the match. The Bishop of Huron. Rev. Cavell and Hon. Edward Blake were passengers on the steamship Namidlan. which arrived at Quebec from Liverpool on Saturday. Mr. G. C.Cunningham has reelarned the management of the Montreal Street Railway to take charge 01 the Birminit- ham Tramway Company. and Mr. F. re Wanklyn of Toronto will emceed him. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has sailed from Londonderry for Canada. He visited Galway in order to learn the views of the people there with reference to the Canadian steamship line and to judge of its suitability as a port of call. rroasAI;lRs. Conductor Edkins fell out of a bag- gage car near Gooderhem Station auil1 was probably fatally injured. Mry. George Hudson and tour children were burned to death in a fire that Se- .truyed the fancily residence at --Rapid City- - Mra, mer -Harrison of Lambeth was Emperor William will attend the Au- thrown out of a carriage at Londe n ♦ud atrian military manoeuvres, and win sustained a fractured skull. Her in - spend three days in September in Totia. juries are likely to prove fatal F.m_peror William has proposed a new The bodies of Ike three boys. -Ernest plan of concerted acti(iu ou the-ptet of Hayem Chenee$aker and John °tilde the Continental powers against Auer -who were drowned at, Parry Sound last Cs ease Tuesday, base. oat beea..asoovasrte.--..r+ let, -eve isana BWish tr o -pit John Arnold lett--a as Instantly killeatl e been massed on the Afghan trop- his companion. the 14-year•ild son of tier 01 .India, and the super saim of Mem. Fred Fitamartin, probably fatally the rising is assured. injured while driving over a railway TUX 4ORICULTVRAI..WORLD. grousing neer Napanee, their rig being etruek by a train.. The body of Fred Slater. tbe young man who disappeared after seoonmeny- 4Egt -Mels MItehetl to elevelatid, LVW1 found near A.thabnla, Ohio. Ile was drowned. The remalus have been for- warded orwankel to Galt for burial. Foix chiMren were- drowned in• Tbtern- to hay Sunday afternoon. They had pushed the smell ferry at Me Nanree:'s cut out fast the eb ore, and weer playing 0o it. when the scow npaet, throwing the -m Into the water. There were 22 ehillren involved in the aec4dent, hut the other* WPM oith.r caved by the by- standers or atrnrgled to the shone. A taige quantity of dynamite and riant powder, stored at Beeeise' nese quarry, near Port Colborne, exploded. doing conekiernble damage. ortnn- ttely it occurred at an earls boor. and no one was hart. Mr. Foster's gime Metros* was levelled to the ernnnd. Mr. "teeter' limekiln were boldly damegeed and his horns harmed. Rnikting, in smr- mnnding towns shook as if they were Shout to fall, and touch grass was bro- ken. CNCLA%*IFIED. Four thousand Ontario farm laborers arrived at Winnipeg to work in the hi erthwaat-harseal.lithla. Harvesting has commenced G a ma- jority sof districts in Manitoba. Thee weather is good and a big crop of ex- cellent wheat is assured. Mr. Robert Meigheu, President of the Lake of tbe Woods Milling Company, estimates the wheat yield of Manitoba at 22,114110,YW -bushels. YOLIT/late-YOKBION. - .. - Gederal Aamrraga, the new Spanish Premier. has decided to codvoke the Cor- te* ortee- is November. - -- ' he French GuTe;nmeut is making overtures to the United States for a reciprocity treaty under the terns of the Dingley Tariff Act. The Spanish Queen Regent has con- firmed the Premierah-p •of Geek n War. • who is alto Minister of War. The Cabinet will not be modified. Secretary Sherman has replied to Ja- pan's 'nor regarding title annexation of Hawaii. Mr:' ..8 erman malntatns the right of the United States to annex the island. but he guarantees that the rights of Japan will be safeguarded. The tone of the reply 1. very friendly. WITH Rt1OALT11t8. Queen Wilhelmina of holland flatly refuses to marry Prince Bernard of Saxe -Weimar, whom her mother select- ed as the young Queen's husband. The crowd of sight -seen at Marienbad so press about the Prince of Wades whenever be appears on the street as to cause his Royal Highness extreme an- noyance. Great preparations are being made in St. Petersburg for the visit of ['resident Favre. which, it is said, will cause muds greater enthusiasm than the visit of Em- peror William. - TM the Duke.m• s,��te 01 to create the of ort r ce of Ireland. and to make that title a per- manent ermanent one for the eldest son of the Prince of Wales. Tete permission accorded to Prince Francis of Trek to join the Anglo-Egyp- tian expedition up the Nile is accepted as proof tbnt be is restored to the favor of his influential relatives. The Queen, accompanied by Princess Beatrice, will proeeea to Balmoral this watt. where she will take up her pro- ject of providing pensions for widows who are seventy-five years of age and upwards. CRIMi AMD CE1MJAALa. Cyrus A. Hull was committed at Hamilton for extradition to Chicago. Six Artueaiians accused of being An- archists have been arrested at Constan- tinople. Burglars made an unsuccessful at- tentpt to blow open the safe 19, the post- Tbe • acoroner's ridge. ury in the Orr minder MAO at Galt. Ont., found a verdict of willful murder recalled James Allison, the hired boy. The jirry stood twelve for and three against the verdict Michael Angiolillothe assamin of Senor Canvas del Cositlillo, was execut- ed in prison at Man'Bebaatian. He show- ed no sign of tear, and refused tbe ministrations or the priests. The Mexienn authorities have disCov- eted an Italian Anarchist who has just arrived with the intention of assnaminat- lntg President Riaz. He is being (deeply watched by the ppooLee, and e"ili be sr- rretel ob the first demonstration he trinkets. 'rap court-martial of two ,aiiors ' f c, } ilritlah bnftic hip Royal Sovereign ala ve4gav) the ffii•t that the Penmen ser. guilty of groan insubordination and strik Ing their ortieen. One of them was ,,en- tenced to a years penal 'servitude. and the other to twenty -foot lashes and three months' Imprisoomettt. HL$1MGM. At Port Dalhousie a bonds of =66o1 to the Toronto Rubber Shoe Cumya.ny was carried on a popular votes. The British Board of Trade report shows a conaiderable falling off in the n umber of bankruptcies last year. The Ottawa city bakers bare raised the peke of bread one mat a tont, .o that the four -pound loaf now coats 11 seats. It is reported to New York that the boldness of the Steinway Piano Oom- �nr Nov► York, has been mid to Aa nglish eradicate foe six millers dollars. At tbe Tornnto Pehoe Orion on Sat - soda: the charge of tread preferred spaiut the those Thomann m ,wan fro hers ie eemsertion with the John Bevin teats Vail disniesed mo -far as Macara. Boyer Ind W. A. Thompson were a terdela.L lams a.iat rrMls b bersodsaisei la the case ofire. T. C. elooispolia. 1211(ISM t to frpois . bmiarr da w at brut t • Mr 111Mwr b the • MEN'S FELT HATS AND CAPS. Nice Tweed Caps as low u 10c. each. Men's Black Fedoras, regular 21.00, for 69 cents. " Black Fur Felt Stiff Hats, extra valve at $1.50, for $1. MILLINERY -and MANTLES. This Department in future will be located Upstairs in front of the Store, where, with plenty of light and space, will show ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS of Millinery and Mantles at the Lowest Prices. MANTLES Do you want a choiee Garment t A Full Line to hand this week. • the we We are now prepared to show you anything in General Dry (foods. Our prices are bound to be the Lowest. We buy for Cash, sell for Cash and One Price only. Wettest* SMITH BROS: & CO. 4 a.rk•r... . Seventeen additional letter boxes will be erected in Hamilton. It has been decided to allow hotels In Guelph to eel liquor till 11 oieloek at night. , There wits a white frost in Winni- peg one night last week, but no damage was done to the crops. Montreal City Council has voted $15)0 towards the expenses of the reception of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, who has sailed for Canada. There is great excitement in Conatan• t;nople, and a general feeling prevails that the bomb outrages will be repeated. On last-•-Tharaday a dozen homeless carriages, impelled by electricity, were t --ora► giving great satledaction. The tardiness of the Promotion and Sax- ony Governments in affording relief to the sufferers from the floods is causing great dissatisfaction. The King of Siam says the United States eanoot be sewn pr opejrly in less than nix months, and be hopes to visit that country in 1866. The convention of the Canadian Asso- elation of Stationary Engineers was brought to a close at Brockville on Fri- day. It wag decided to meet next year at Hamilton. Canada's offer of emrrying the mall,. one round trip a month. between Daw- seen City and Dyea, wee formally ac- cepted by the United States Acting Postmaster -General. Mr. Gomm Johnston, the Dominion Government statistician, has compiled figures which show the rapid rate at which the great lakes are Is.c depleted 0f lhlh. Thea rte icatell • ley Canada. and the United eta L seventy thou - gond tons. Mr. Bittern, 0f the Department of the Interior. Ise decided to inspe t tbe pod - tion of affair,' on the P,d5e enact in e dnection with the great rash wit=ch la being made to the Yukon. He will accompany Major Walsh and party as tar as Tagisb, and are them well start - an their way to the Interior. HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 'rite HINT cr&itou ilani Coal ix ?Ht MARXIST at $5.75 per ton, Cash. An dealw.lgbsd the ltarkss Seam, bete you pt SOs i1.. ter a ern. WM. LSSI, Orden YtipF0s♦1?a *fid be. :Mu COLBORNE BROS. BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : Colored Dress Goods Shirt Waists Prints —LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES ATMANUFACTURERS' PRICES. 121c for 10c, 12c for 9c, and 10c for tic. Carpets , e in t in Largest, Beet and Cheapest std in town n Brpasels,AxmiIIM rs,Ta tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply A11 -wools, Unions and Hemps Twine and Japanese Matting.. Oil Cloths is three qualtiee direct from the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. .-_, _ The balance of our stock at Rock-Botton Prism COLIZIORINTE mos. P33R J. 8. oct.r...soms.ATIe. The Great Carpel Warehouse of the Ooslnty WINDOW CLASS. R. W. McKBNZIE ` baa Discal In stook the Isen..t importation of W I srD O W QLD yes asnt►sd as Woes which oanaot bs leashed any _ _-__team lb set ills pMeb M seine 7wr custom. Maltases fuse - , • ELAN T BRAND WHITE LEAD. Acknowledged the best. All Hardware Building Supplies !way down TII- t=oe. R --*.nvccitslisizfE OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORM, PREPARiNCfOR FALL AT MUNRO'S Canadian and Imported Scotch and English Yarns No better assort- ment or value in town. Ladies' and Children's Summer -Weight Underclothing, Long and Short Sleeves. Our 40 Dent Corset, said to be the beat valve at the price. Large Stock of all kinds of Braids and Velvet Ribbons Full Lines in Small Wares. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED. A. 1MIIINRO, Draper. Special Jubilee Bargains! Refrigerators Large atm. 1110. a snap DirStOVeS BLUE FLAME all sixes. Gasoline Stoves 1. 2, 3. 1 Burners. Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Churns Nos. 1 3. 4 s 4.ARPER & LEE. Portland CEMENT We have just received a lot of Belgium and English Brands which is fresh and good. GLAZES Slagle and Doable Bu- sman in all the ekes. Bought when the Mar- • ket was the Lowest. The old fatuous Brand, SO*ERVILLS'e ..i - ht y pare, nabob every Painter will bail rota is the beat en tee Market ♦ nil zetas at ll'resises' sat iatiQ Iles' ialdwalle Always on Sea. Voss few .s seed Ideas all. retatr.- "DAV & 00. S.Ilver Plating PRICE LIST. Spoons per doz Knives $1,50 Forks. - " Table Cruet, each 75c ............ 750 Pickle " " ...........» 50c Butter Knife " .. 15o Candle Sticks " 42o Sad Irons 15c Scissors, per pair -used 150 We can Plate anything in Brass, Iron, Copper, or Steel. Call and see samples of our work. lll(DBBSON BICYCLE CO. Limited, Oobsnoh. Summer Goods ... at Cost 1 AT W ORAELL'8. NOW 18 THE TIME TO OI3T REFRIGATORS GASOLINE and OIL STOVES WHOLESALE PRICES cit WOBSSI L We have a bread new stook of Granite Preserving Kettles and Pots whirl I ma eslliag very AAeap• and see thaw. IV O R El Te PaselMN scene rat Ir ester Pa&