HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-26, Page 1HtILW. HURONI♦N8 Asia snit ram M MAY QUEEN HURON UM WI Male *Amuse Wenn 1Y MADDOCI = KENNEDY THP maa.A..raisrca. zTzi1WaP,/_P a Oir YIUR.ON OO U T- GODERICH, ONTA 910. CANADA: AUGUST U. 1897. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. FIFTIETH YEAR ---1636 • V_-- DOLLAR WILL PAY FOR THE . SIGNAL Yon Ons Ym.1 CAMERON CUTS LOOSE. The Letter ad an Angry Man. sae Member flag West Karma 1.1ea te tar lad m1Y mepettem, and keeps se alar /rem Me 4aestio■ ae Ine Pesst•ly a.. OoDoaica. Out., Apr 17, 181(. To the Wort of Tea 801x•1, h, SIR, --For the last tax weeks, in each Mos of your papaw, yea bay* per•Mteatly minted your spleen sad alias •gains% me. 1 paid no attention to your motors; 1 knew, ,. *very pitman la town knew, that you tier* irrespondbe. that your *welled b.sd, meaty and oonoeil bordered as the imams ; but wham 1 see tis•% your luonbratioos are copied into the Tory prem sad mad. •be most of -for loamy 0.aneoted with that press 1 have the bigb st esteem -I thick it time to speak. aid so I "speak new." Prior te the Int el July last I was, la the oyes of *IF SISI,rat, "tis Hem of South Baron," the War Horse of WsetiHorom,'. "the iget*r d tb. party," "aa able am," to. Smog toes I aa, •ooardlar to the gospel of Dam, " basswood timber," "blath- er, blunter and b•000mbe," • political tad," '• • scaly palmation," •• • warped poli- tician," •'• seoeseking politician, "a cork scrim politician,' "• machine polibiolso," ••1 tattle -ended politooian," •• s played out pskaimee," "s dead tatlst' ,' '•a pelywog.s Ottawa," " a graben and temp -•U," ' • oared oat." Why all *is vltap.r•tios, Don! How have I deemed from "the hero of South Hiroo" to '•• staged eft" m six short weeks! Only because I would not re- osmmemd you to the Geveroaomt as Past master of tioderb►-ibse is rho raw& and thatcely. You soy Ulm I "inveighed" mgsimstmape- tism, that I "have Ross %bror gh the fiery forsm of public life for over thirty yours without being •tmlrobed by • taint of oaf - seeking or Deposs's." That M snore that oas be said of but few lure to Cas•ds; a Rood deal more sham you can truthfully say for vocreslf. You applied for the Remn.try ethos, me et" oopperted year prets*iam. You aterviswed the L.sol Government six tames shoo: lt; they did sol recognize your claims. You them applied for tae Pest Of - hos. You worried me to death for sax months about the atter, w is *oo and out of mice. Yoe uiterviewed the Mtni.ters u Ottawa twice es the abject You wrote Ministers and myeelt, begging for the othoe. 1'oc thresteeed, merged and attempted to bolldos me, ad DiMeitam. You fatted; eddy arse liberate purported yen; pone suppers you now, you are " the deed dock." In toe f•oe of all this you had 1be oboe» be quote is yours of the 12th ism. an ex- tract tram Tb. suestalar, that " you were sot after tiso job yourself," and you pretend asw that your repeat editorials were writ - tea in the interests of A. party sled net beams you were • disgruntled o4imisseker. You know bettor. I did dolomites the Mu Sir L Till.y because he had a more of rot.. lions in the public Gerdes. I did email Mr Meekest%. Bowelb bemuse be had over half a more Ieediag at the pmbtlo crib. I did •b - t ok the late Jamas Dwk.om banme b• appointed Mansell mod two .ors to Ioomttve N eslac [ did oo_pl•in of the member for . orth Huron for making his brother tegie- ear, because, as you told me, be (the r e- trsr) has '•a sea and a daughter already in UN pablio ..t -vise." 1 did assail. and will d nets ole•fea the uutaTT challenge you to port to • stogie instance when I mailed • Miskolc er a member el Parli/loam% for apsefntny ase or two of kis Mauves to oma I did ne• desoamoe LR. J.' Cvtwncew ghs b*be had two wring the eosatry. I did not email Ilk O. Howse became he mad* his .en Sherif of Torose, or the Kea. Jobo Dry - Ms imams he made his Mother Raristrar of Ostarls, or rho Hoa. d. R. Hardy bo- ws* be seemed a jstgeship far bis brathsri nue do I snook yen bosom* you o.umted • Mroti,e onto fm your blether Tom. Oce MoGillioadd tied a.. is woug% te feed at tbo Pohle rib. Ai ase time I bad seam adios myw4 y m pus m. though Ys r mattdt1O i hays asvtosod see thee you are utterly unfit fir that or any ether ogee to the et of tib. Govsramest. Yee are still an .mo. -.amts -yes •ppINd M Ho.. Mr. Tarte Mai s serday. You lave Masud around tows that you aro getting • Mir ohm Moss that of postmaster. Get It. I •m -.bund es bong Si it is oat et *fa Yon payer wire .t mush taw to the ray hers : new you are now. Yea are "".f°1111" Dennis." am • • Dao." For 30 rare I have hem se wino party man. Uminft that time I have saaridosd seers for lbs Liberal party bbas oil tM McGilU- faddism that oversaw tis light of day, sed John Galt lath. fitog s.ls1ve. and tit" by marriage. I ever r.sommsad d for • while .use- You call that 'Nepotism t Yea deal know the m*•sfag of the word. In tours of tae 6th yea =y, " 9mrle'd7 spsaklnK, the whole thing is • diems* te nervous oannea..d with thebre ism i sad s bop. the Gev*t•oa tnt al m* take sotsoe by depiding he fovea el the M- isatioe'5( the olioe by the WON P.M- saa.r. a W Inky .s. week of the paorml aeeyea yes ladMN se the difigMOW .t Or. Csephs11. Yon were the Arse toad ShMI lbs sly moo who poettof.rmmMse Mehl* ale. Yoa visited say siM Mx art out 4 saves t,. Preet Ns dlamimd, mita Yee kis'w I would not reemem std yen for W piaos,L idle Ottoman's and press the .batr*as• w •plui.te "diagram' and N wte4ebei ins.. oPPly to eerie*, th.Y otOWY bo 1", od 7oa only, Yes premed Mr the di.s1► tif i stir► wed se lass as lee bI"p*d ler vess y U I we the ales, s w- w•v If I dos's.ssaed Oampbatil.was d.er Zarin, m.tte. I tet Ma flees yea Mo d. Von, editerislthed 19N Is Mailed "The "sWeR of Ots"reau Olmtssw dew mss A•m" Imams b as, would amaim you Pen maw .f 0edul.5. Rs dem son es redly tr'r the ser.. It will take • pd _ nwoo mod ear •-N up by the progo A !pp)Ia1mi 'yf *r" wit M 1amle Ili se 11eU.M d patllk4 Ib", jj PM think so, sell • mesti.g of the liberal Con- vection of West Huron. 1 challenge you to do so, mid 'shall* your •• Utole armor- ww" to the oosvestioa 1 oral oh.erfully abide the result. Yee owe • aswsp•per- n ow. You have %the last word. 1 shall pay oo more attention to your ravings, un- less torosd to do at; Y Deus, eta, Y. C. Comraoa. COMING AND GOING. Mrs. Carleton is visitias/ frmsode in Sarnia. Miss Holmes. of London, if visiting 1a town. D. F. Hamlink wog la Maatesal Obs past week. H. 1. Steer, B. A., has retested from Toronto Several Clinton people were it town on %andsy. Chas. Croft", of London, .peat Sunday la Goderiob. E. M. Barrick, of Windsor, was in town Ibis week. Gee. Seymour, of New York, was in town this week. Mrs.and Miss Addison are visiting friends in London. Mts. Semgar has returned from her visit to Toronto. Mims Collins, of L.oadoa, is vatting Mrs. G. Mothers. Milo lioMordla, of )(ippon, to vbitiag it Gjderloh. A. J. Moore returned from the west City on Friday. H. E. Reynolds, of Minneapolis, was is town on Saturday. Robe. Beattie, at Wimghms, was in lbs ell: Arra iviirp 1yi ire.` Mid Mime Herr llrlsgbam, u o v:tAtlag to Ooderiob. ....`lauds Whitney, of Seaforthi w 1a Goderiab en Tummy. ♦asses Chisholm, of the 1Ie11F$soord e r& west town Sunday. Gsa'.'fl Naini, of W4.dse?,-Yifsading • law days M the oid home. Mase Ede and Masts Lem (meat re tamed Item their yieil mitt Misses Sarah and Nellie Herne ars vied - big friends in Buffalo and Toronto. Mn. Aitken, of London. M spending a few meets in town wanting her soca Wfmgba n Advames • Tilos. Watson, d A.deridh, spent Sunday in Wmoham. Mgr. Metra left but week for PetrolIa M visit bar daughter, Mrs. Geo. P.obeon. Mrs. Sm•itoo and two children return - .d.. Sunday from • tour of the totes. Mrs. R. K. Miller, of St. Helens, was at Ibm old borne • few days tiso past week. Jadg. and Mrs. Oaspsoar and t•adly, of D arou. s,.spistvialmg in Goded.b- Jas. histo., si BMW.. arrived to God.riob en Tbweday on a short Tama Mrs. M. s•.d Miss Madge Fisher, of Kin- cardine. are visiting friends in Gotha -tab. Mies Bathe, of the Sick Ckildret's hoop*. al, 1'oroato. le visiting at the old home. Mise Pesningtos of Dundas, has returned home atter a pleasant visit 40 relative, ►ere. MMm Pretty, of British Columbia, who is visiting the old home M the guest of Mise Ralph. W togham Advance t Ills Treem thew i. visiting her same. Ilim,Seulligaggilligh. Godetioh. Min Gram Dick.. wire Ye bene visit- ing to Bromide tor Ms last ase weeks, has returned home. Harry Parsons. of the Bank of Commeros, Stratford, most Sunday at the family reel- dame, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. S. Crabb cad family of Denvr. Coloreds, are to town on • long visit to their relatives. Mise Id. Heywood. of Clinton, .pat • law dam the past week visiting at the home of bar oo.afn Jno. 0' Brim. Mr. Robin's. sled sister, eI Oedsrbob, viand M». Brodsrlok bar. the poet week. -Hellish our. Emu, Times. Root Dtoks.., st., and his dsn,btsr-tn- law, Mrs. Kelly, of Detroit, are toe gnosis oI Mrs, bpmoos, Yiotoria etre». Miss Sarah and Emma Hyslop redwood to their home, Hamilton, ea Friday, after a month's visit to relatives to town. . Mr. 'leather, of Wyoming, visited his morose the Mimes Wsyde last week. He oa Saturday oo • visit to London. Mien Roby lmrie, of Toronto. alio* of John Imris, the Scottish poet, is visiting bar aunt, Mrs. W. ladder, of Morris. S.sfestb Expeditor 1 James O'Cosnsll, deputy redetrsr, of Ooderiai, cads • firm vide to friends to %his oniony this week. Mien Minnie Tholepins, of Laeknew, lett for bents lost w.ek, after vlting .1 bbs re- d dens* of hos anol. Deputy -Rome Tb.mp- ses. Mr. sod Mrs. Jeanie Edwards sad J. Mose. Breekaarid .. of Chicago, are dot- ing st the residence of Mrs. Jas. Br.eksm- Rev. Father McKeon, of St. Asgastia$, Ma Rev. F.tb.r Bresnan, of Kingdom. were the guests el Rev. Father West this week. Mrs. R. Hwdeesos spat part el loot week with Mr luster, Mn. Waiter Oeew, of items , wbo still swtiaaos to bad so vI.4M44 MMat. Miss r. sad lbs. David J C. who hod baMartin the *WO ss*, returned Wets to Terema se Y.iday. De- troit' ppmsreAs . Mira took, aftisillimg Moe feared of the t ges1Lrs's brother. Was C.psds Rebore lith lis BM I. Hamipss atr.Nthree wt.& trip Mm Mgawil banlos- halm. Orasged . Oredli Teas and Cluedea. Dr. M. marriage, •f s other paths.t bind la leper sea last week. Will Yesaghlab lift lee week M Mew the, Mae.. earth be wilt dark be the thee of J. T. Adbn.m. .asst Blas' limeek s ee wash' ('Need tress • va7 mad three i bo crit plAmlm o • river SINm•M>►m Nil eL Leaew M°GILLICUDDY'S REPT. Fanta Can Alway. Stand Alone Omar ma •as seen tae sties Metes tor stag Tears -ase IrabsYsede 1.11.4 -%tet. ',settles se M to' eerap Imes N . To M. C. Cameros, p•4 , M.P., Ooderiob, Oat. BIR, -Yesterday I received your open latter to me, but was too engaged Mat I had not time to heart ii in the last Was, w the day before was a civic botiday, cad extra work was throws apoo the oiissst the day of publication. I dropped you &lsief note to that edam. Your letter M that of an angry man. With reformats" to your remarki on my "swelled head," "vanity," sod "0000git" I have nothing whatever to say. You were glad to have meas 1 was, so long seI did not oppose your will, and you would be glad to -day It all that you have said and done arainet me were undone, and you oonld once more post a -a reliable and trutbtul man. 1 dos'! alit• • straw for your abase or your Shrieks -say blackguard may oat! name*. You said that 1 bald • hi ih opinion of y on at one time. I did, sod so dad thaw - rods of utast' is the county of huroo, out I regret to may we don't hold the same opium of you today. You were • tighter and • leader that I debt/Mod to follow. You had the repulsdlos, wbioh I hate moos learned was not deserved, of bel'g an Mo- od po11110:an, wboe* word was bum Load. Yoa mote looked upon as • man who oared pot wb•t .soma• he mads for his party, and who believed chat public office was • public trust. All this has changed. You are no longer • Nadir, tat a oreatare:n the hands of two or three designing mea, who have takes advantage of your many iadrm• Was to tome upon you • coarse whioh your better jjndgmont,in the days when you were mentally and pbydo•lly struoger than you are achy, would hews dot r.ed ycu from do et (mar amnesties of tonne of oppro- brium,whisb yoafalm:y say I have spoiled to you, yogi knew that your name was nover siowdiaeaseedise with any of thea. It is true bbl I oposed op • odium of politioal aphorisms la Ta Sits m, but, my dear sir, these were in Nuc "pobblosl pointers" reformism to Amid we 1n poUtios, as well as to erected .taps. I wW give you some of she aphorism wino► you gaol* from, and moms of the others. for they really are nut bad. and have been treoly .opiad to It num- ber et su.sid. paper' : " Tb. &Moreno, between • Mammon sad • politician a like onto that between oak and basswood." "Blather, bluster sod bunoombe.re the earmarks of • polities! and ; integrity, ea - eery clod bosesty bearkem tbestat smsa" Never bank on • bottle -ended 11das." Tbs politician who 5.'t plumb is • dead failure." -. " S000ea' in polities ghee thee mea • .maned head.' " Tb waited Hee wbss anis and W. the game with the psliti. dna." ♦ num who la a polywog at 01aw• tries to appose. like • whale when at home." ' some politicians woad have you be- lieve they were /loyal Bengal tigsr.,whas -.b rssiity,tist•aw.aly mord oaks." " A corkscrew potatioan cannot work straight." `Ore.b.sll and Keep -•11 ars great psUti- ' "Be true to peas/Ode." "Always *land by the oone►ltneaoy, the eat5ti4ae1em and .saalstesoy," " The true mem in politics should be loved and revered." "I1 the honest mon were oat of politics what • carnival the other chaps would lava ' "It is fortunate for the country when good men lire in the n..jority." "A parliamentary macadam should stand four -.guar* to all the wind* that blew." The people like booest, upright, straight, bigb•prineiplsd captains in poli- tica The honest man in polities ie not to be foaled on one side oetfy." "It It were net for the geed men In poli- tics lbs had masa would drive the ooambry to the devil to so time." 1 New, why did you appropriate all lapse tint were mot el • fMNsrimg kipd and *- sore the others ? (Me would Au* that am imamonlsts pgliliolaa..,a.d • good, tied- Marlag Christian male- ♦sob se you protium to be. whoa at ohne*-;would have taken be hawed an the sweetens. trom bbe demon. sad Lett the ugly little Shores fes lbs ether fellows. Bet yea deal do 1%, fur .id pro- bably knew what cite year taw but. Yea may have M sit. and ..looms, far all I far.. I am ars &daft the ohoeo{mg. I WWI new that with gems of your •li•- sation again» me. Yoe my I am an ef• Age ee.ker; thee I applied fog the Registry Otdoo, and then 1 applied for the pest -aim to yon. brther ea. you soy. *OMI "was the dna ed only man wire nye »ter'mr- des eg•tod l •mpbell." sal IMO 1 did e with» me week of the gassed dsoOl a With roman& t• the registry di.. I pi and g uilty, It irthe • grime to apply Mt • poli- ties altar a qupinew el a eeNry 01 armee mad faithful work Without tee or reward. With Miriam. Is year Mammon% of trey hostel .opit.d M ria Pm the p.otetia..r VW wean is yea b Jar. or M asy Mhos time while the dell. p -•-Too 111, INS WWI lila by yyea ew ewe ;M I drat wad OM was 'pekoe Mamma yea and moo ea the "sliest d Ohs pe4Aw was si the 30th A . MM teak'..% yeer Mars from 0Maint, bles yolk boom the ' ▪ treeth meet y ease yew 1042 yes W suss ill/ am10. *Me with the iso J. IL .fest eerie te the 7 hadsold11a Gi1w M. PPP. he lithe Hawesessid on pet the die% " Ike," pee isd I I - Y>r.1 wli1 11Wieelellaseed M edit» Aloes that were not vassal, sad yea rspUed, "I will maks a mammy ; I will out Campbell's d ---d head oft." 1 tblw told von that I did not wast ( pbell'a bead out off to maks • place for me,Md you replied. "Campbell will go •nyw•7, and you .1U have 1hs lint odor." TOM M the story of the aces, and you know 11 L W u.. But you praoMadly corroborate it to your latter w ss dated Apti130s0, 1897, lbs day the deoislan was delivered, sod wbioh, by the way, was he reply to mine of the 29th April .f 1011 year --lbs first ootrespondenoe w iob I ever had with you on the subject : " Yours of yesterday r.o.ived. 1 km bees laid up three or four days oonfined to my room. I intend to go West bonight to remain till 1 feel a good deal better than 1 am now. I have no ra•ollsotioo of baying made you, as anybody el., an ex- press I do, nowever, recollect o 'a moment of waskaesr' myamg to you when the Registry Offoe failed, '"Why don't you apply for the Postoliia'!" 1 think this is the statement made, and I have no hesitation in now esyiog that then I fully in'mded, If a vaoasoy oo- onrred,that YO(' OHOCLD H*Yz'rtla O111CL Since then other oiroumetaaoss have arisen that make It difficult, if not impos- sible, for me to carry put aiY On1U1a0L 1NTL/itna." Now, that 1s *e quotation. How do you noontide your own statemeat, above given, with the statement in your last letter to - girding my •tilted. to Campbell and my worrying you in June to obtain the po11- offioe for me ! If I had been aottng in June as you aimed, why was it osoeseary for you to ask me to apply for the postohoe 1n the last of August! Somebody is bearing falba withers in this oafs. and 1 am not doing it. My attitude to re erenoe to the retention 01 Postmaster Campbell M not s new ons... I explained attars in full to mimosa of HIV Master. at Ottawa In May last, and did not hesitate to say that the damaml of Campbell would do injury to the Literal party. espsoially it it were Implemented by appointing John Galt. I repeated this to three of the Ministers at Ottawa on a sub- sequent visit. and left • written statement of the Dane on that occasion. So, you see, your feeble and t•lse attempt to attach s stigma to ma in this regard is futile in the ex trent} Ana pow a word in regard to your at - tads er nepotism. No men in Canada has ever Neighed against the orime,-for crime it ie --Ss a greater artist this you. With- out elle grandiloquent esntesoes demoino- mp merotism, nearly all of your .pesob.s d uos your powers began to decline, would have bean "fiat, stale and unprofitable." It wee the harden of your song on every oo- aseian of late years, and the language you employed was strong, stern, rebottle= asd even vulgar. Yon boll me that I don't know the moon- ing of aspotiam,asd I will give you the best debnititat I hams been able to dad. takes Iso= mid"' 4 14111.11.11.7.vol.• b, page 32714"6"114"; " N> M-Tbe vice oommou among public mem balding patronage, of appoint- ing tbsir own relatives to situations of emolument in disregard to the claims of others better fitted for the otfiose ; favor- itism towards one's relations." That, I aim ems, ought toeut&es even or one who really bas the perfsot ol•e.iesl *do- minion that you me supposed to pewee. It certainly estiefies me. and it nineties the peopie of West Harm. You soy 1014 .5. you objected to was wbolesels nepotism, 1d olmim that i1 M not • oris to go into the retail business in that regard. In the opinion of honest men and according to the D.oalogue, he who .teals one sheep is a thin, and me is Iso who steels snook. 1 •ppiy the iesbegy h your psrtiou- ow to •ppdntlag Jobs Galt- Am a wy*r yea »Mw, if you iowiayib3na, that it is • ptetsoipl• in law, 11x4 no trustee shall be • beneficiary in the trust whioh he bold., save and except it be nominated in 11e bond. You held $ trust from the people of Woe% Huron, and it ie not nomia- •4ad to the bond that 4M public ottioes of toe county should be your privata psrquis- 14e", to give to your blood relatives or rela- tives by marriage, to too .:dodos of all others. You bay* beset weighed in the bal- sams and foaled math% an& politically ppeekiag, " Mile*, ramie. onkel mphardo" le mew wr1d4sa en the wall, so tar as you are om You menet shelter yourself bm0ilel the doisge of others I4 did not avail Adam to say, " Ti. woman tempted me, and I did et"" Then you abatis me with the Detre* of nepatiam.bemme may brother was sppointed to • patinae in the government employ at Toronto. I bad no more to do wtlh resting that ymi4ion for my brother than you had. The Local Govmramame wanted m oomoeba.% sts.ograpber toad salter to owneotion with oma of *sir d•partmenm. Thomas MoGU- Ibmddy pommeled 1b meosmsry qualifim- doss and was appointed for hM ability, and b.muee be bad a belabor. Eves bad I bow a tooter, 1 wag not 1 member. You sly I am ,till so office. -.esker and yes make sbabemeste brimgisg to the tame of the Hoa Mr. Tarte. Mr. Torte will minim 0tdem year statement leer thank you for the Ia11omtWes. and I have already peeved that yen ore s very obis yea make 464 u ry sista falsifier Thou yea try 4. slot at my same, and, with leadelaim at you "hove made gN t+ar espW oMost w for the Liberal party Mall Ill the M4MlHMaddye tee, ever mw Ohs light of day." Well, I am lest ashamed et my name. I4 tr 1 gtmt. limmhsttsred 1.Mb tams, and I sea woad M ewe it. It 'some to a bwwabl , mod 1 knew el clam blot en lis tial, bask from • hssliye always otheve boomm t The WOW ..O.Ua,- mod Ia1blal M their Moeda I ewer lammed el a briber or • beadier is the family. Yea o w [ wen. Modtopay th. following Iri- bsb Mame la sh MOW pasvbwfy gunned bus (April 30, VI) t and you threstwed to sedge sad lobo MooAPER THE HURON TRACT registr•rablp t You went IO Toronto cad •p- elted to the Loud Government for the posi- tion, sod as being refuses, yos thee' silted that I *hood have tie pantloa, claiming that, outside of yourself, I beet deferred the otos. If you do not r.member 11,I do, and so do the Mmolsters whom yet inter- viewed. Who woo the o1o.•sesksr ea that eooastoa ! And that probably is one d the six visits to Torooto which you falsely •t• tribute to me. I ooald,it I were so disposed, make of you the greatest exhibition chat ever was mode of • public mIa in Canada. You talk about your .soritlos, but will you tell me ethos you have done for Lbw -ahem or in Pulia- meat. outside of filling liaussrd with stroog adjectives sod limping logic ! W hat is your record for 30 years of public life! True, you may say, 1 minted Svuth Harps cad Wee, WeHuron on several *comma-, and I swot • lot of money /a doing so; boa your tdorts om thee* occasions were not became you were so true to Liberalism, but beoause you wasted to have '• Honorable " attached to the name of II. C. Cameron --t purely selbsb motive. But,even it you have bought up the ooastitueooy, atm s no reams why you should now sell it, and that is what you have done. Yon =y that 1 am an ofios seeker be- muse I applied for • position, and tried honestly to get it. What about yourself! When I spoke of your unsmirohed career of 30 years, I spoke without 'Dakota oP the records. Since thea I haus looked them op, sod I find shal,as early ea 1866,you were an ohoe•seeker. You spplled,to Sir John A. Maodooald'e °overmmeoe to mike you Judge of the ooanty of Huron. You were an offios- seeker them, 31 years ago, and you are an ofioe-seeker today. During the Mackenzie regime you were anxiow to have " Ho11(401. " •itagiig4,,Fp vAir mrne by say of the lismster...kren did not gel It, and there were stislnsd relations between you and your limier. Coming up to 1893, you became an ot$oe- seeker as moon as it was known that the fats Re 1nr was 71_stricken with illna, and made, i 15imt, 1M drgypliositisa for the ofnei" Immt.di•sly inter- the death of Judge To in May, 1896, you 'were very willing to throw down the Liberals in West Hama end to aoospt a judgeship from the Irate Tory Government. But the plot failed, and yea were again an ofce-Berber out of • job. I km. all the particulars, and may give them out emofh5r occasion. After the judgeship tailed you, you again betook yourself to the chase for the regM- trership, and after vainly writing, made a Zurioh : A few days ago, while R. It. sp.oiml oilgrimage to Toronto to obtain the Johnston was taking • trough from F. Hem' Position, as I have already stated. And wagon shop to Phillip H•noh s on a light yet you have the hardihood to call •*ether wagon, the bores jumped. and Mr. Hench, man an omas-esker-to denoupos another who was on the wagon. fell oQ toad brooks for caking an otsoe in a legitimate way. two of his rib.. 1 oould go on exposing and giving partic- ulars lof your political iniquities tor weeks were I so disposed, but 1 have no desire to make you feel wane than you do today. Your letter bears evidence that yours is truly a bad sate. The Grist /Isom the Local • Wormy wtgcss s/ own* mews tlerved rep S SIM myerybsdy - P1t0 and retail Cllppsd and C..densed m4.th Every aseIlea. SEAFORTH : Alex. Davidson has gone os • trip to the Old Country. Blyth : Wm. Begley M 000fined bo his hoose with an attack of typhoid fever. Ssatortb : W. H•wkebaw, jr., lett en Wednesday for Medioine Hat, N W.T, to take • position as operator on the Caa•diam P.eldo. Clinton : The wits of %Vm. Cancslon fell down stain oo Wednesday of last week and hart 1 herself severely, chourh no bones were broken. Bsamiller: Miens IA to Allen, M+ad Treble. Flo. Gledhill •od Maser. A. Dower sod W. R•rkwsll lett Goderich on Wednes- day for Manitoba. Clinton : The Collegiate Institute board has dsoided to put in new furnaces and im- prove the veatilatios of the bulldlg, $ p_ oust of early WO Blyth : Mise Moffat, who has bees s sod• cleat of Chicago, 111., for the past awe rails arrived in town on Tuseday morning to visit leer parents and other 1rioads. • Wingh•m : Mrs. John Buchanan, who has been visiting trfen& and relatives in town for 55105 time, returned to her home 10 motne4.6 Mapjlw se Wedoeulos .- ktmtb mit...-. Wtngbam : Mrs. Wm. Robertson, who had an operation performed for the removal of • tumor in her stomach oo FridayWt, a doing nicely, and will soon be ale to le around again. Ujbocot; .14--farla shat., lith ono. of Uaborne, was sold by emotion on Saturday t. Mr. Sellery for $6,C50. The farm oont•ias 100 sores, with brink hones and fairly good barns. Goderioh Tp. : The many friends of W. A. Turnbull, tormerty teacher in S. 8. No. 10, will be pleased to learn that hs has been re - sugared owe principal of Boissevtn whoa' Manitoba, with his salary inor.ased to $800 • year. "Row. Das. thyro is an meta la Gode- rith I would softer de a pd term for the yea. bee la this thew I lawe es sadder mato lbw yea tad myself. I Mew yore atrwbm le the piety. as well :112: ata MU ss. I Mow eyes dein ee • prtytth well es yea ere Wl we. • Ile sot w4.b es setae rte et preen* pat M mass tater. _I s s%le ysab.e OM is width t e thee- et wirer p..'.ese 11 taw" erre Width be you amsmbe hot yeer.wbse your 4. !1$w w pit bas the C.li.et proved t id* Permit me to say that you -have been bad- ly •dvleed by year board of directors of late, and you were very badly •dotted when you wrote, or had written for you, your last Iebter to s*. You tiro not well equipped for open letter writing, and it were better that you had kept to the work of black -lettering and lying about me to the Postmaster General, In secret, and getting your hired men to do the dirty work in quiet at this end. In an open 8Pht $ mon who is not truthful, upright and abov.- board has no chance with an barbed man; and you are cot " in it " to an open dsb.a, for your *show will not .land the light of day. Ittnow your whole plan of o$mpslgn: I know of your relations with Mr. Seeger, and the promises yon made and broke (or oonldanklallSlU w him; 1 know_Mt...L.E.. Dano*y has been your henchman all along, and bas 4..0 you his amMlsoce in season, and out of season, and I know that be has not done your work for his health's eke. I "mow how your famous petition was peddled about town, and how it was signed. 1 know bow the lotto» in favor of Mr. Galt were obtained, and of the personal monis of your sen -to -law bo obtain them; I know of your premai int.rviews with aortaln Liberate and of your plssdlogs with them for .id and senis4.noe in your efforts to obtain the job for your so. -in-law; and I know of • ease where one grand old Reformer to whom you spoke, voicing the sentiments of many, begged of you not to do theIot, sod "oast a clod upon your previous poibticsl mreer." 1 know the sosvengor work In wbioh you have bee •ngw•d to order to get the office, and I know of the slime tbrongh wbioh you Brawled to rather In the job;--apd you make • mistake to rushing Into print. and to ootdeg into the open. You should b.,s kept to your underground eosthods. You should have emanated to do your work to the dark. You taunt nae with not having boon on - denied by the Morals, and nob being en- dorsed today. Well, the reason I did not ask be Mw lateere beet to yon, and die- oombn.sesd lbs tie., was that I did not believe in begging for them se you did, through your bon -in-law. 0es or two Mends of mine, 1 oidarotasd, sent letter, is my (Ivor, voluntarily, and whim I found Mw thing was bahno dose, 1 asked that so more be gent,as I had an idea yes would old* 4hn4 awry letter bub to you was use Is fever of 0.11. I mMjedged you to semm outset, as I tae you have placed three Ma my redia How coy volaetary tenses did yen t*sive be lover et 0.14, and law omoy weeas b weeks w. g04aged In coarseningfor reodv.d by yea t You beast d your straw* le 1b eem- sMtntsm.y sod my wsalusem There is an Mil soy be setas it. Mee year rsaigima- ties to the tread. of the Rpeaksr of the Hew, slit Mows rue for b5. isustib.e.ey, if you due. 1 wall test year strong* sad my weskame M mol as .sleet tbas you mIU mot be lard d .elan Is (Asmti. ponds". I had irate dd to let yon reel qtly la bks mow wblh you lad dir5d or jsw- self. hat eew,1 lid you that I shall faro yw .vary Mss you dare to rise rout %ted es this quattiea, ta mess or of platform, will maxicandidhems to .newer Polars the tdbonl far bio dsods y.. haw dame Year. set, D. tdoontxeonbo. Deem.5, oat., Am. 19th. IAV(. SSssforth : P. Keating bas self Me hand- some working mare to David DemaaE. 80. weighed 1,660 pounds, is 6 years old. and was sold for $170. She was shipped to the old oountry, and M.ae floe an animal of her doss as has left town. Gorrie : Messrs. Ferrufon and Nlobolls have dteeolved partnership, and Mr. Fergu- soo has bought the stook of the McLaugh- lin Brothen and will in a few week. be found in the Glasgow bowie, where he served him apprentisbip. Egtnoadvllle: George Sproat, who had been ill and angering severely for &boat two weeks, died on Tuesday morning. During Who last few years b had several severe attacks, which finally wore out hie naturally fine oonetitution. W. Wawanoeh : The estate of the late Wm. Wilson was sold by public auotioi, Pugh King getting N} lot 22 000. 5 °oatsio- Ing 100 sores tor 52020 and Wm. Andrews parohas.d Si of the mme lot for $2900. T111.- lm s .gaud prnp.rty. waltattwaiad and sold for just 51100 leen than it was par- obased 3 years ago. MoKUlop : While eogagsd in threshing on the farm of Ed. Dri*ooll, of MoKtllop, John Mows., of aeafortb, met with an :in- cident o-cideot which may oast him the sight of an eye. Another min wbo was working pull- ed his fork over his shoulder, and one of the tines web into Moose, rya Hulletl : last roll, en the farm of Tynd- all Bros., Hallett, a field of fall wheat stubble was plowed under. This Span it was node,» to be guitar/roes. and they al- lowed it to grow. hast week they oaths. .d from it a Drop of wheat that yielded 100 bathing, where not • grain had boon sown so tar as their labors were oonesrned. Clinton : Tfte old friends of Rev. F. MoCuelg, of Welled, formerly pastor of Willis ohnrob,will regret te hear of lbs death of his wife, which took place at Toronto on Tuesday; the remains were -htsrrsd is Clinton osmstry yesterday aHrttssmi death was dae to sppendtoi es; she"tem es • daughter and three son.. Brucefield : Trace Jackson, alias Conn, was up bdore Judge Edward Elliott, of London for sestets., hooting pleaded guilty some time aro to stealing a bloyole from Aruoldf k Hare, el 8s.terth, asd moths/. tram Alen. Mustard. of Brueedeld. The judos sealsmsed his M *rim mouths to the Coated prima At the expiration of this term be w111 he takes to Whitby be stand. trial for as.ostilam a 0sretey at Whitby jail and escaping. Clinton : We debt it there is a man In Casada whit fan put tap lbs reword that ,les. Sante. of Clin.on. ma, as a mann sirvant. F.r 19 veers be was libewiss of a dbUo library In the e1d 1•.A, agar Belfast ; Nes for aim. years librarian as 4.mptvills. .red he has just .lased 96 years "seri.. to the same saponify at ONneoe. Is addition to this M taught taboo' for 40 ye.ra,.nd is TM bale sad heart y it his 89th war. H. is or opiates that ens teaaare .blah has seetrib- a4sd is his good heoltb aid mom of mind M the 1.M that be las aways voted en the Albs Md.. 9emtee b : Mary Dswaeast, wife d Pst- elsk Gonia, Hibber%, ami dsnghtsr of Ed- ward Devare•nz, et Mo. Roma Ras&,OMas eed Nowa. died very suddenly es Ma- lay el lest .eek M 4b early w el 9i 75551. ♦ Maw over • wash previous tr h dmtY. lira Oast bad gives birth to • s0W. Mt was rsgefolag ..sage r• sad was apparently is the keot of heal ad . kM• area • few .tonlm Infers Mr Wisishma i Rob4 RM. if Welk rs.s. ss death. BM wee talkies te lar shearer relda1 Mot pare►esed the Wt.gbam two wase bb. w.s mhossedd Id sad within •d sedawser sanmter.rf from A. iii► Iltbl.w.5. We dead. • :lie et bhie1 K*4s, aid will Ile the fetors eoled.M bei g h .mm of eh* maim %Merle. I ARI Obs Walkovers amt Wygbers bad■- le plsisrt was the thea 4 ,,,