The Signal, 1897-8-19, Page 8a $ TutnesiAy, Asa. 19, 13JT. 4 e: IF YOU PAY GASH YOU OAN SATE MONEY BY TRADING WITH IIS £7 Q-SP.rwaiAI LOT OF WATCH SPRING FILLED CORSETS BEST MdgF, REM ;1.25 FOR 11.00. A Full Line of Corsets iu Best Makes at the Lowest Prices. A few left of our Ureat die and Printed Dimity Muslius clearing at llc., worth 15c. and 20c. Ladies' Vests, Fancy Bilk Embroidery, Yokes, beat Maco Thread, regular 25c. and tOc., clearing at 19c. General DRY GOODS and MILLINERY. cis■ *NU ea£ raven eclat. SMITH BROS. & co. NVT?K yy FVFEK pre.(nted to s lticbard Variwfgnt. Oice =reg to the records of the Unito- mates Trw►sury1N•{rarraeat British vee eels are carrying more than 55 per cent. Important Events In Few Words For Busy Reatdere. ts. Sas, Worlds ■appemaga CerefW7 Compiled and rat lista ■a■ey said Atiraeslve Shape O'er the tenders of tar raper -A .,dad Near's Lap/meal is Paragraphed I.fersatlea. TBi DIAD. ' Dr. 1`.►unirr ,1'Vry. puetnmce inspector at London. is dead. -----TM$AAatt LD. The first sample .4 the new trop of M,Ith,tnbe wheat has 'been -received o:t Alou[o:,l. - The prier of wheat els still elimbiug, and it ie eves hailed it mu) yet- be a dol- lar a husIGl. I4L'1'111E RECORD. 1... are es um . r and lath 1,11 at $,nit : e -falls was burner). The loss will be about $1U1110. A hre broke out in the attlE above the woolen'. (anthers In the Cental Priem. and datneste to 'the extant of several thousntad liters resulted last week. PO L 1 T I Cm—CA:r ADIAN. l oft -Nie United $tater eserebaedise -both of inij,orta and export*. Much 'surprise was expresser) in Mont- real when it became known that Mr. Ed- gar JndTI, flour awl feed merchant, had meat. it it thoegbt-that ten thousand dollars will cover his lia- bilities. The Attorney -General of the United States has decided that goods the pro duction of a foreign country which are regularly imported Into Canada and af- terwards exportsrd tto .the United States are subject to thtr'> ►if ilnatore- duty of 10 per (ent. 'Ile question whether goods transported through Canada to the LTuit- td &tates under n lar nsi are RIM- lett I -lett to the duty has not Yet been deter- mine., R la repnrten tri Calcutta that me Sultan of Turkey is .ending a medal envoy to India to'etir np diaattiafaction with British rake among the Mohamme- dan inhabitants.- lion. nhabitants.- lion. 1Vm. Maleock begaii an saps)., int, the w-erking of the Mtatrtal post- MEd.. ost- otl . !'here Is en inch -ase in the inland re- venue -..sail lions d 1;1.340.00') for the deet year. The ()mark, Cievornioept is. acid to be cos,vklering n to jittlntkiq which will prevent the employment ser funtlgn labor is Ontario lumber RAILROAD Ill 11111.114011. The (eauadinn Pacific ltnilway L re- ported to be retaking arrangements for the erection of a atatiat in the cats! partset. the elty of Ottawa. Mr. $haughtwe,uy, vice-president of the Calndien I'ao•itic Raidwvay, denies that Ameriemn laborers aro emplace,) on the Crow's Neat Pass Railway. He Bays all the Mean required 'can beobtained in Canad • IltE.RELtOIOUs WORLD. The .corner stone of the Presbyterian Clrorch was laid at Ahloaton. .The Bishop of Algona arrived at Rimini/alai on the atettmer E'arisian from Liverpool A small riot table place at Rockland awing to_ feeling su+attpett--Ly---the re- marks of Rev. Mr. Cote. wbo is speek- lm£ agaimR the Ronan Catholics. 7'be t'aticiu is disappointed that the enepdiesl or the Lambeth Confeten:e does not favor the tspproebe memt be- tweea the English and Catholic churches Ohio Populists have nominated Jacob S. Coxery for Governor orf the' mate. It is lelk'ved that theeleramn Govern- ment will again crop xe to On+ht Bri- tain end the United Stales the (+nnplete- disttrnarneut of the. $n.tmoan loin Mem. The London Spectator hats ■ very tem- perate trt*kv-nor The Atits-rfiiirnt m oda of United Staten politician,. and warns them that English feeding `a arouses). and tinkers they mond their m•nncra a (Mnriiet Afar !hens'. with the Most dinastotow remgits. TRE WORLD OP SCIRICR. Prot. Frederick Ward Putnam of Harvard wits elected Pnrddent of fur Amtrlou A•eeoriatl..n ter the Advuue'e- ment of Science. Boston was chosen 11 the piste M meeting for next year. Phe tweeting of the British Medical As- .• ambition w,ll take plk in Montreal at ,the end ot,eth(e'-mnnfti The atten.i- stee n1 pthw.t t physlclstn and Mir- tr with, their faanilka. will be much al rg.r than nt first nntic•ipsted. Lord Kelvin nml about 175 other Bri- tish melpntista have arrival In America 'to attend the annnnl meeting of the Bri- tkih Amork,ti(m Joy the Advenetmuent (f Selene. In Tor ,u o which opens in Clint city this week. r,. • . •-.-THELAROR WORLD. The Britiajt pas it telegraphers have decided not to ,err, .e, nit.hunxh they t' -i etadt their coalition is burdensome. .Thr injunction against the' striking Idoses was inured from the Pe meeri- t/anie courts. The men are determiner( tO go on with their program just the same, expressing the belief that they hay men eit- gh to till un all the Jells if armed* ane deckled upon. The dispute In the onginee,ring testers 1s extending in area. atul n week helve 70000 sten will he lnvnlro'l. The Ahcf- Seki employers have joined tissue with the Emplovors' Anaorlath.m. and '.he (sante'? htu. ,,ermine one of endurance. Fart aide is trying to starve out tits other. !w'll aar- The Pope received S.r K Atred and Lady • Laurier. President Faure has returned to the Elywe frim his summer vita at Havre. Owing to threats and statements made by the nsstte.iin of Premier Cano- va*, Preeeideot Ic`nure is being strictly guarded by the Paris police. Oa Friday Mists Edna Mitchell. a name, of Toro.-eto, committed suicide in the. Cincinnati humeral. to which she t. -as attached, because• abs was deserted by her lover. The New York Times publishes the statement that Secretary Sherman's (VII- dition. mentally and physically, L pain- ful to hie friends', toll that a eollaaae may occur at any time. The Enep•rur anti Empreae of Ger- many left Crunsteilt on the royal yacht Hohenzollern (m their way home. Af- fectionate farewells were exchanged be - teem the royalties of Russia and Ger- inane. The reports of the commerchit agencies of Messes.11un and Bradstreet state that the outlook is blighter, and that there is a noticeable increase In trade. The crop prokpets are reported good from nearly every eity,LBnd an increasing pros- perity is indicated by the rise m stock,,, the growth 'tit hank 'elearings and rail- way earnings. Tt,e heavy apenlatian to mnny praiucts,but particularly In wheat, has made the week one of surpassing interest. There were 21.1 buaiuesa fntl- ures during the pawl. week, an compared with 25S io the corresponding week last rear. - CASUALTIES. Mr. Re•nj, Loring of Leakay was kill- ed on the railway at Thornhill. Mr. J. T. Whelan, a conductor on the Hurl and Aylmer Electric Rnllway, was I'he i lg iiska ateamer exlco rse on a rock a •itka aad sank in 500 feet oC anter. on board' were ,leveed. Mr. J. I[alreby. a patient at the Chat- ham Ho.pital, Aimed out of the aecond atom. window and killed himself. A Scotch felt ntimed Johnson. ttaveeltng tleo) - saint= to Porooto et5• b wagon, Toot 'a loot of the,: property bbyrfiree. Two d the children were badly It was largely owing to the compli- ants with the request for more speed on the part d a number of Christian Rndeaverers on bond the stammer Mexico. that the ves.el'. eourae was al- tered and she )net her fate. MIM I Alto cutletRAtg. von 'aim Or WAR. The treachery of the Amer M Af- ghwMeta n la andoul.tad. ilia hand 'la poen In the recent tribal nerlsings o0 the Afghan frontier of Widish Indite 'The (-Nellie of Abu Hamed pliers in the hands of Mir Herbert Kitchener it most important strategic positMh, end aft early tel :ince will be made es Ber- ber. The meeting of 'Inverter Wiliam and the Ozer has nen, ed in nn nIIis lees be tween O<rtnnny and Ramis to `thwart (,neat Kritastn era all Important. aces doss. it M reported that a M'(•isiee barn° Aon hew .leenht between the P pn,dah endtrw+tot, 1n (GaAs. end atter reeve the 1pmalard. were do- - etiolation. The benefit of Ow Widen-= tariff baa bees e*ten B l ttqq the products of France. Mr. E. E epapab ' a. bm t rias- of trade wt* • It 111 stated that Golli, who aseaaninat- 04 President Canvas, in the course "t a pollee e'xaminatlon,declared that it would be President Faure'. turn next. Mr. John Scott is demi i at Boissevain, Man., as a result of an altercation with a farm hand roamed Tomkins, The Cor- oner'. jury returned a verdict that de- ceased came to his death by a kick. John Stonefish, the Indian wbo is awaiting trial in Woodstock jail on the charge of stealing a horse, made as un- pnece.efnl attempt to escape by attack- ing Turnkey Forbes with a heavy iron- bound bucket. A rnhher witted Into the once of Mc- Farlane's wood yard, at 1606 Queen street west, Toronto, and at the point of a revolver demanded Mr. McFerlane's money. The merchant seised the man, and he was clumsily lodged in jail. Aletander Matthews MacRae, alias Henry J. Goripy, the secretary end trete carer oC the Security Loan and Trust Company of St. Catharines who is charged with forgery and embezzlement nppar d before Commissioner Shields In New York. and waived extradition pro- ceed Inge. The Defy of Mrs. Ort. of North Duni- trim. near Galt. who mcatert.swwh• di.- nppetnred from her lame daring her hus- band's ahsenee last Monday. wan found Snndey morning in a shallow g eve in n earn patch close to the bonne. She had et identity been murdered, and ten ar- rives here been made. .A despatch to The New York World M,m .liinpnn, Alaska, entietpatee merlon' freebie In the Yukon district. There are n tengh Iht of adventurers proceeding to •bit cannily from the_tJnited Settee who -.• determined t to ray the ("emotion en,etonu'dnty. They threaten to ignore the (!tfiet,h,ns nmeer., peaceably is pose .lhle, iinf forcibly If necessary. 1 N( LAaal►IED. IVIne etperts say that the vintage of Europe this year will not rant high. I h.• ,)olden Club has caused a ape coal gold molal to be struck for presenta- tion to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Grouse shooting has begun is Bog - len and Scotland under favorable acs piece. The Iitghhinda ratortt good bap The late SpamyabppPrressler has be- queathed aaea.e asa,aes d to the .r]isr Msa+7 80,901)ails *WI THE LAST TWO WEEKS CHANCE ONLY! Having fully decided to remove to Manitoba, our whole Stock of DRY GOODS and MILLINERY must be clear- ed out in two weeks. In order to accomplish this in the short space of time we are compelled to mark oar Goods at such prices as will command the attention of, every buyer of DRY GOODS in Goderich. On Monday, Aug. 2nd, our Store was closed to re -mark our Stock for this great two weeks' sale. Everythin must be sold. Come with the crowd. J. T. ACHESON. R 1 !1 a 1 1 1 T 111 i ri ■ a f t r1 n 1 n r- n Itev,h1 .ands or sere rollower s et tae mum - of thespanieb thronebeiml locat- this dty. The Pall Mall Casette Mho "Their leader seems to thunk that the Call of Canova. brings their oppor- ttmity nearer. Dories the past week they have held many meetings to d the best meso, end aasistintt their co& Il S nif ." fa the st mt of • It10 Mrs• Orr's Disappearance Has Been Accounted For. Nee lied, rind Started, $ • shallow Grave la • Cerasetd Near -:alt-A Grave .d Seen Dag 1a a Swamp, het ea pl►ttlj Apeareaily thaagsd the '8111 r4k the Murderers. • Galt, Ont-, Aug. 15.—The mystery of .14M--5ieappearanee of Mrs. A:whuuy Urs of North Dumfries, about three miles from Galt, wait cleared up about 11 o'clock this morning by the finding of her body, badly decomposed, in a shal- low grave iii a corn patch, within 'LJ The deceased woman my.teriuusy Ws' appeared on Monday morning last, anu at the sante time u shot gun was miss- ing which she was supposed to have taken with her, with the evident Inten- tion of committing suicide, but why abe should do so was not known, es her do- mestic relations were of the best. Although diligent search was made for the -sting woman, no truce of her was found until this morning, when a seatch party was formed with the intention of making a thorough search. The party were not lodg out when one of the num- ber, while wanting between two rowe of corn, in the rear of the house, uotic- ed a slight excavation in the grouud. phi closer investigation it was eeeu that the soil had been recent!' disturbed, and the discoverer drew the attention of others of the party to the fact. Removing some of the soli with a stick they craw on the body of the unfortunate woman. The grave was not two tett deep alio looked as if it had been hastily made, and µ1e body even more hastily bursal, being wily severed with a few inches of earth. 1'he. body presented a fearful sight. The bead awl shoulders were badly ltaJ- tered, as if dune with some blunt imetrt- went. It is evident that the crime is one of premeditated murder, as everything points that way. The intention of the murderers must have beeu to bury me body of their victim in the frtahly-ma,ie grave_ found -slug in the swamp about :300 yards from the lionise. Itut a probe change in their plans. The body was removed to a shed,where a jury empanelled by Coroner Radford, viewtd.it and adjourned until Wednes- day at o'clock in the eouncilehamtxrs at Galt, when the result of the post- mortem will be given. What the motive for the rnmder count have been is a mystery. Two arrests havt• already been made, a young mno named Allison, who was t nntiployed on the farm, and a medical st6dent natn..d Treleaven, who resides in Galt. Ube former has been interviewed several times and it was_evident that he 'knew more than he cared to tell. 'rhe gun was found hidden in the barn, but it had not been need' and was et i- dently taken with the object or throw- ing suspicion from the guilty parties. Mr. Orr, who, during the past week has been iu ternble etupebse, was Nome - what relieved when the true state of are fairs was made known Rbfi many kind friends and neighbors are with' him to comfort him In every way possible. Weide, the husband there are a danghter and son lett. The .(•ene of the trneedy was netted by hundreds from Galt end the sur- rounding country. This afternoon there was n continual stream of curious p. o- gle heading in that direction from the time the finding of the body was known until evening. (OOran ILlPa. A switekt ae reit lute,. Mar •f Mrd. Nes slag la B•fale. Rnffelo, Aog. 15.-13. F. Fowler, a switchman on• the Western New lark & Peun.ylvania Railroad, was horribly bnrnerl about 1 o'clock_.Ws morning, icy plunging into ,s bath of red bot aisq that had been taken from the blast :ur- nace at the toot of Hamburg -street. Ills body was so terribly burped that the flesh tell (4 in masse.. The un- fortunate mac was taken to the Viten Hospital. His face, erns ant) leas were Ij burned to a crisp. When,,,hrst carried into the hospital bowler was (bnweioua, and his erim tud agoiletng appeals tor help were fearful to bear. His face was the picture e t awful asony, and almost caused the d -s -- tors to shriak from their duty. Dowler is 23 years old, and his hoose b on Rex-strert at Hornellivllle. He canoe to this City about three weeks rtgo sad obt lned employment on the rail- road. He cannot live. At any moment dtath may end hie torment. A.gvliv of tae Carlisle. Loreto .♦fisc 15.—The Pell [all Gazette this afterrnoon...risk£ the eaten, of a long articl the i arthvity of the oars it im leseraily known that Ionia- 1. one of the stmasboiia at ti. CaNlate thoa- The tl•'sMestese Amer. i3ombay. Allg 13—The impression it growing that Abdurrahrnnn Khan, the Ameer of Afghanistan, is conniving with, lE not actually assisting, the tribal risings, It is reported that he has re- called the Afghan agents at Simla, Cal- cutta, Karachi and Bombay, summoning than to Cabal, his capitol. From eme)uirieti it Is asct•rtalned that Tar Id bomed.Khan, the Bombay agent, left for Cabal a few days ago in re- opens* to a rnemage from the Ameer. Ettore-lie left he diapoaed of all his naoveahle_.,ReTMe N M her. Parts, Arg, la.—The fount of Turin and aWn ° c ga ptQrlp.pa ( ht a dart with *ar 'clock ,is merninR to the bola de Marechauz Vancrca.on. Y hem• tl. acted as umpire. The fighting was moat determined, and lasted VI minnten. There were eve engagements, of which two were at close quarters. Prince Henri received two actions wounds In the right shoulder and the right side of the abdo- men. The Count of Turin was wounded In the right hand. Prince Henri wan taken to the residence of the Due de Chartres and received medical attendance. a/nadn.je Leave tfes•Ha. R,C, Victoria, B. C., Aug. 15.—There were to 'Victoria -this morning close upon 11X,1e men of every clans and from every pert of the world who were wildly anxious to get maned on the long trip to the new eldorado. These men had tickets, which carry them to Skngway Bay on the hig collier Bristol. or on the steam- er Islander. both of which sailed to fey. Wingh•m : Fancy Maud, the yonageet daughter of the late Dion C. Sulli-an, L L. D., • former publisher of The w Ingham Times, died in Toronto. Clinton • John Camptell and wife. of Wispipeg. have been visiting old friends in town. Mr. Cempbell kept • harness shop here some 2D years ago. Hallett : Geo, Warner, of ilnllett, fell off • load of erein on to a large stone, aliplitlag se bis bask. He received • severe shak4g sp. but sect am. were broken. asgb3 lain-Proofsd- Fy ieze Ulsiers In Olive Mix, Brown, Fawn, Claret,$! Oxford Gray ; 51 to 54 inches long, with 6 inch collar, 5 pockets and throat tab, with " wont come -off" buttons can be bought re- tail in every Town and Village for =7.00 HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THS B1DIT Scraiilofl Hard Coal itt P115 lYAlt1tai at *5.75 per ton, Cash. An yes sM f01t II& tat rdtet seals,. W ONere len at 1a 1111sli LAW, them • COLBORNE BROS BRGAIINS IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : Colored Dress Goods • —LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Shirt Waists AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Prints 12}o for lOc, 12c for 9c, and lOc for tic. The Larifeet, Beet "and Cheapest Stock Carpets • s in town in Brtlanele,Axminsters,Tapec. tries, 3 -ply All -wools, !-ply All -wools, Unions and Hempe. Twine and Japanese Mattinge. Oil Cloths in three qualties direct from the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. T. Wakes es of our stock at Rock-Bottqn Prices. COZROR TE =MOS. PBR J. $- OOLBORN 3. The C>ilrsat Cat pet Warehouse o/ the County WI DOW CLASS. L• W. McKENZIE has placed is Stook the largest • Importation •t jY _Q 3U15 7.4 Medved as prisms which o&na iM tombs@ aay. where. To se .*ts.1s W secure your cods.. He keeps the ELEPH T BRAND WHITE MO. Acknowledged the beet. 11Nr` 11 Hardware Building Supplies away down in Price. R. W. McKENZIL OF THE CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. WESTERN FAIR. LONDON, SEPTEMBER 9th TO 18th, 1897. CANADA'S FIVONITE LIVE STOCA AND AGRICULTURAL EINIIRIf. The saes. eeaaltete Use Meet Otilldt.as H .),cele.. !acre tuspesvesaeata card et. seaslve addltieaa th1. year. £very ,seeks.., Agriculturist, Raaelactarer, Dairy.enaa. Artists sed la resters. err., e1e., speelslly Invited, itatellee dew Sept. Wk, la all leep.ri taea. Nevar arured, Sle Hansen Ben Ali, The Arab Prince, Mas .ee. meowed Se torahs\ mud sepertatead the stage AttraNtssla Auctloa Bala of Booths and-Pr1vilmee, Aug. 18th, on the Grounds at For tiiz. Lista, Pr.gramme sad Maps. apply to LT. COL F. B. LgYS, Prdsid.mt, THUS. A. BROWNLS•orelarv. Special Jubilee Bargains! e • Refrigerators Large Size. $10. • soap Oil Stoves • SLUE MAMA ail dna Gasoline Stoves 1, 2, 3, l Burner.. Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy Churns Noe. 2.3.t HARPER & LEE. Portland CEMENT We have bast received a lot of Belgium and English Brands which is fresh and good. LAB Single and Double DIA- MOND in all the doss, Bought when the Mar- ket was the Lowest. The old fatuous Brand, SOUERVILL$% abso- lately pure, which every Painter will tell you is the best on the Market. A Toil Liss of Treallasra' sad Man- ess' Hardware Alvaps ea Lea - ma law es eget YNas sem IN .d 1ss, _. . oAuisoN & ca VP. T WOO 1 Sliver Plating PRICE LIST. Spm ' dot 75o Knives w $1.50 Forks 75. Table Cruets each Pi^kle " '- Butter Knife -- lbs Candle Sticks 41. Sad Irons - lbs - Scissors, per pair lead 150 We can Plate anything in Brass, Iron, Dopper, or Steel. Call and see samples of our work. MIRE BICYCLE CO. Limited, Oo4eneb. Summer Goods ...atCost! AT W ORASLL'6, NOW IS THE TIME TO OST _ REFRIGATORS GASOLINE and OIL STOVES WHOLICSALE PRICRJI !t WORSSLi. We bare a brand new stook d Granite Preserving Kettles and Pots which I ase selling e. vary also CO and WORBELL las imolai glen *Sd Pareses 111,•. •