HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-19, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO:'':
.lul•e!ae•• et els dird.11111eas L... ale
Recalled Weis` Asa I Mrasttai-Haw
gy..upaaky With the btxlhses Was
Mede time spa Oertat.,
V'buwas Grtwtiy, the well-known labor
der of Ulla city, was a participaut aL
,rune ut tit* tumour striker which Oc-
curred in England forty ur inure years
do, and his reeculleetiuns of the mas-
er m which they were euuduettd and
y, comments upou the guild which they
am,arrphrhed are listenUug just now,
"'feu striker and rumors ot -birth*. era
augagiug the attention of nearly every-
y} Mr. Oruudy is now upward of
W years of age, cud has beau a hard
worker In thetabor movement nearly
all her Ute. lie drew his tint itsprw-
twa trout a mob of striking weavers
who, When lir. Grundy mum aeveu yefta
old, culled at the schoolhouse where he
war beginning his educxttun and cutn-
pell. d the teacher to give tbe scholars
• cat•uuon. This was e uu wgqhlef Mr. r
e�u�luree,l gympathT
Grundy hes never settee men dupolerl-
ed. Ile had 'sometimes wondered et the
mtneucrs of labor struggles •whw•h he
has rims witnessed compared with what
be saw is hia_buybuud is days, but ma
jte ren ewIwrs his fe•rllug uu the great
_ •eas'luu it was rimldy one of eatiefac
taw tlibTThe strikes shonkt relieve hes
of the ueetesisity of going to echo oL
According to Mr. lirtiudy'r deeecnptlon
of this strike It must have 'been nue o1
the greatest labor omissive guar ever
occurred. In 1842 the couditlou of Mie
avttuu worker's iu Lancashire, luek-
shire and Cheshire had become 'so sal,
owing to the intruductlou of machinery,
that a geucral strike movtiia nt was
brought about without any drgaulttatron
and at tint without leadership.
In its spontaneous character It seems
to have much resembled the present
miner's. strike now oo in half u down
stater, though Mr. Grundy inmate that
the miners have powwowed gnat ad-
tentages for the inauguration of a gen-
ell 'drake compared with what the weav-
ers had on that 'seclusion, as the tatter
were absolutely without any orgausa-
tiuu whatever. During 'the six wens
industry of every kiud was entirely sus-
pa•ndrd in the district affeeffei, it beteg
eetwwted the in the uerguuor4uod of
j____ were idle. This includ-
ed the wester. themselves and persons
of every other occupatiou whom they
obliged to leave work. The small trades-
men and manufacturers were obliged W
dem their places, the teachers in the
schools had •to mend their pupils bowie,
and the ,striker. even prevented the pane -
'a of vehicles upon the highways by
mewing themselves in compact bodies
thremgh which no horse could be driven.
Mr. Grundy having been very young
it the time this strike occurred, most
si Itis iuformatiou about it has been
gathered from mailbag. The incldeets
'Weal he r•wcmb•ra arc principally the
forcing of hot teacher to di/smiles school
mud the obliging d his 'father to sus-
pend business. Mr. llrnndy'r father was
a. hatter, having a shop of his own and
rmpl^ging a few hands in the town er
Ashton. near Manebe-ste•r. The strikers
eater in a Targe body. and ut was tasty
n ecessary for out of them to say: "1'at
rat that fire, Grundy.' and the hatter
'mna,liately suep•nded all work iu Itis
little place and sent his men home to
wait for the strike 16 Ire' over.
Mr. Grandy rcmeemberw useing twines
of the strikers marching along the high-
ways tbie•ly massed together and tilling
the made from aide to side as tar as
they could he even. They were always
armed with chubs, and when marehing
wo1111 litre up clone together, each
graspin e• the club of the man oil either
Aide of him, and so weaviug themselves
{ran a wdi 1 mesas. In this way it was
n•l..ietid nni.oaible for anything or any-
body to a eeupy the road but the strike
era, and their object of forcing a gen-
eral .nsp•usion of business in the district
was obtained. This was only for a 1}t-
tl.. while. Itowever, as large bodies ot
the tr..014 of the umpire were ordered
it.to the district held by the strikers, zr-d
aaou obliged therm to observe the peace
and dcsut [rum interfering with tbe
affairs of those who desired to carry on
Mr. (.rundy's recollection of the mat-
te! it that much sympathy was displayed
for the strikers b the troops, and that
Rudyard timing'. Centrtb.tta.:d f*• Ytr
torten Jubilees.
Ood of uur,tatbers, known of old -
Lord of our tar -drug battle flue- _.
Beneath whose awful baud we bold
Luutiuluu over paha Mad ewe -
Lund laud of Musts, Ile .tlth us yet,
Last we forget -lest we (urged
Th. tumult sad the shouting diet-. '
The t:aptalur and the Kings del.art•--
[kill stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
Au humble Mild • contrite heart.
Lu.d Ood of Hosts. be with um yet* -
Lert we forget --least we forp;•t!
Furcauedd our navies melt away.-`
On dune and beadlaud ,inns the blow- •
In, all our puna``, of yesteela1 -
i, tine with Nineveh and lyre!
Judge of the Nations. spare 01 7I.
Leet we terget-leest.we forget!
1l,_drruk wltb sight of power, we lose
Such ioasting us the (indite" nae
Or leaser breeds Irithutat the Law-
l.ord /Dud 01 Mesta, be with Iw yet,
Lest Nye forget -lest use forget!
for heathen heart that puts bar trust
la reeking tube and Iron elliard-
All valiant dust that builds oa sort,
A.nd guarding calls not Thee to guard -
For fondle boort nod torUrh wont,
Thy strata us Thy people, Lord!
11d tongue., that beer eat Thee in mese
-1...Oea Thur.
TaUBSDAT, August 19, 1897, , 7
Imppt'tsnt Events In Few Words
Por Busy Readers.
MD Raw World's DagMataill CameN17
E.•ssat•ea are trot (lata Raney aid
Aasrws ave Nave Is, Ow 1111111194919 d
Oar rarer -• WitRN
ees'• salesasg
,1 to r.rw..naa satorasati•a.
nwente one strike ha New
Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson, president
Of the Grand Trunk Railway, left Mont-
real on a torr of ltspeectlou over the
eastern section eller as Portland, Me.,
on b'rids$.
Tbe Dominion Government, aecordtng
to a Wlnuipeg despatch, is eonrideriug
the question of opeuing a route into the
Yukon via Edmonton.
Mr. Joseph Lavergne, who re teed
Drummond and Arthabaaka, as
appointed a judge of the Superior Coort
of (lite
tor the ()uawait d toe
Tile grolettlnd raiur of the Oast few
works ps♦tt betty ♦ 1n�orlons to the
tlasY.g _ ar WkILk er theeseeseea a Year !• cereals'' at the Ottaslta--ExMertmeutlir
Ilt4'a'rlbu4dS)rar the Lrrth, Farm.
shtimstrd that ubuut 85.000,000 Manitoba wilier, have advauced the
Jeer it'srut by the treasurers of tete price of flour Id Montreal 2i cent, -
&ffereut foreignou
unasiary boards of barrel, the third raise within thq past
Canada attd the ['sited Suites, utei with few weeks, largely due to the increased
such au auwuut the mutter ut rxcnauee cost of wheat •
and other hews of expense becomes of THE -rOttuNTO ..XALLPOZ WARE.
euuriderable iwportau}e. Thin money Capt eec(lraw of the Passport, now
is sent to tell curuen of the earth stud lying in Toronto b tsar, was sed
the er ug of it !keeps bury u great from quarantine on Thursday.
nouny clerks. lu nu .4uvIe ou this ruts Erighteeu of the quarantined passengers
jeet The Church b:u,uumiat says: on the *termer Paespwrt were released
"Each foreign board treasurer w•ema oil Friday,. laud the remainder were
to have his own salty of trrusmittiug Vermitted to leave Saturday. Every pre`
money to foreign fields, N.Mrly thltty caution was taken against the riga of
years ago the Methu.r rat itdcW t_ed 4 spreading kitectiom
plan which their secretaries declaire can- YOLITIuw-INPEEIAL.
not be improved spot. 'i'br plan w this:
the treasurer of his own board. This tugued' to rea/s'tnbir daring the ant
draft he mails to a missionary in some week of February.
part of the• glebe. 'IZtr wsmiouary caches Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, in the House
the draft at any local bank. No nut of (Nmmoua, said that the denunciation
aionary 1. permitted to draw un the
treasurer of his home board. Only a
board secretary is authorised to situ a
'Yeatrsdewastigtu M- lots pian sin:- L
The saving of the cost of a bank draft.
beesune the secretary owes his own
draft. 2. Thr saving of Interest while
the motley Is lu tnuait. 3. A gaming of
time_ Tu illustrate the latter advantage
it is needful outto point out that. the
money or its collateral would of euilrbe
A secretes.' draws a three-day draft on The Imperial Parliament has been pro-
brewem Canada and Motley. a Cita ad
Mexico deartlateb saga elatl.rikan panther
will and • umarket as well aa various
Does tot ntt}nufietred goods. if properly
It is reported that 2700 tnibelniou
were filled in the ,Net of upk'i•1•a In the
1'he Corlett* expert that Don Carlos
will be at the bead of hint force. in Spain
before the end of February next.
A re.rrgwriaatioU of the Militia Lhe-
partmeet, which ewil effect a sevice of
esus tbutlraWls of dollar*. wilt tyke
The Dominion Minister of Militia has
authorized the bottling of the owuli au
tumn campo of inatrUetiun for the mi-
The United States Nttleahiu Inliaua
bee wiled from Newport for Halifax.
where +she will be ducked. ek,wod mut
IZr Turkiab (ioveramcut. finding it
ilatp.issible to contract s lout white a
ccaatlic•t exists with the anrbnaauwlurs of
the powetw, are uow deed -nous of expc-
diting the peoce ttelmtitttion+
It elp pearis that the Porte loo„ bees in-
fluenced by the deter•atined attitude of
the admirals of the foreign Davies, and
will pot read the Tartish .uttedrrxi to
Cretan waters:.
Japanthreatens to slake a naval de-
mtetnatratcie in tine -alien water,. and
will insist that the United
In !on-
etime Fume a aontineent respnn y
matter of artutratiese of her differences
with Hawaii an the subject of isnmig i-
tioat and the tariff.
_ - pis' Kh' w PKKrtO$AL. = .-• -
The Conntese of Aberdeen has wiled
tine* tlearehaat*ton on the Ameehtsnn
Doe yne darner PNu'is- sated with
SLouis Davies wee pros
(be freedom of Tecby. Wade., the home
ot his accept nee.
sagir est w� is the French atter caoltail. ery tlhas
k?1 Padriis f�or�•
Switaerlanii. accomud>rked
t A L
rebbhthoto Walsh who is spending. a
mouth in Ireland. sad it at present In
his native County of Kilkenny. will
sail for borne ab of Aug. 1:5.
MerutreaI, reecu tion to Sir Wirfrid
Laurier will tikeiy take the form of •t
Laurier day at the Eximeitlon.to tae fol-
lowed by a batictoet /dose by the Beard
eft trade.
An elegant .cabinet of steeling silver'
htbkeware wee preeeented to Col. J. R.
Riley. tis retiring S
endaebhie Ottawa
of the Berman and Belgic treatises was "'I,rt,copt hardy hag arrived at Ceche
the unanimous wish of the self-governtig , Allmnotuin Fork. and settled tat'
colonies, wkicb desired to deal with the *Oboe of the new huikt}ngs to be the
I'nited Kingdom oa prwfereewtial terms. afoot' heea.lgtartene. Hr wilt remain
CRL*g * tle_Sllltl saAL4.. a tom* ot Qa a_iusgsw•tint the beauties
Premier Canova, del Castillo d Spain od the great t o iiielal park.
was shot to death by an anarchist The King of Siam has arrived at
Thieves entered Garland's gt ueral store Portimootte where be was received by
at Portage la Prairie, and Mr. Ormond, the Prince net Wales. Ile had luncheon
the caretaker, find on them. (hue of with tete Queen at ()scheme bowie, and
them returned the fire, wounding,"the few with tate Pi•ittece and Prince's ,f
curetnker in the left shoulder. waive
oa board the royal laeCht Qa•
hales - tq be tvringtrul:ul _Lv P•y fur it. __ Charles _�rrcb 1aa Montreal milkman
L'uder the plan iu use the secretary living near Sault u ReetjTTet, allot -Bet
setlds the draft to the missionary woe- tram List, the+toll-gate keeper at St
tier he has the ready money or the Laurent While endeavoring to evade
culletcral in band at the moment or nut. 1 arrest Meech war shot and mortally
One to three mouths are required for', wouuded by a detective.
the mails to bring the daft buck. By THE RELIGIOUS WORLD.
that tlmr the money is in hand. yip Bruchesi was consecrated Arch
'The American Clone')Iii
Society, which is auxiliary to the Pro-
testant Episcopal hoard of Missions,
two years ago adopted n plan wnuewnat
similar til• the foregoing. Previous to
that time it bed beeu buying Iotndon
exchange MINI paying many dollar. an-
nually for the same. Now the secretary
issue,' a letter of credit to the• treeaurer
of the mission, in Brazil, for example.
On this letter the treasurer receiving it
drawn drafts up to its amount, which
drafts he gets cashed at hl. local bank
at the current rate of exchange. The
same ndvantntc s in racing of coot of
Bar. Alexander Grant of Winnipeg
exchange. in interest. end in time ne•crue drowned in tNel>igon River.
as under the plan employed by the Meth- wastttheexa:N
°diet board.
i'be• l;'tro•b terian Board still nee*
drafta on London. The trensuter of the
Foreign Board draws a draft o:. the
English bank. In this bank he keeps
a balance by baying bills of exchni.lre
bishop of Montreal on Sunday.
Archbishop Langcvin of St. Boniface,
Manitoba, was at the consecration of
Mgr. Bruchesl ai arclaibahop of the
Montreal diocese.
Archbishop Corrigan of New York ac-
companied by his secretary, Father Com
no{ly, was in Toronto for a few hours
Friday on his way home. He had
luncheon with Vicar -General McCann
and leather Ryan at BL Michael's' pal-
ace, and was drive. about Ube city.
Au expledon at tbe cartridge
factory of Ituetchnk, Bulgaria. Fifty-six
persons were killed outright and many
others were injured.
A special from Houston, Texas, says
that news has been received there that
fiery As interest ix allowed on balances,a cyclone destroyed Missouri City, a
by tinallowedee London bank. little is lost except harxlred miles from Houston
the MMI of the bill of exchange. Under On Sunday evening the steamer la-
these plane the amount the miunion- geeelan of the Richelieu end Ontario
ary gets varies* of course with the fiuctu -
Navigation Co., camp into collision with
the steamer America, as they were go-
ing through the Lachine Rapids. The
bulwark. of the America were stove
the damage is estimated at $1000.
ntion in the exchange rate. For in-
stance: in October, 1t.1)8, the Presby-
terian FoTeign Bosrd get 0 to Bra-
zil. and It netted r,zr t milf 0reia. Last-
tiher it sent the name sum, and it netted
($li() milreia, it difference of ahnoat $2011.
"In Africa the drafts of the Methodist
Board am aimilar, in both appearances
availability, to United States
mon y. - me
a sum as twenty-five cents. They Anew
as readily se currency all eking the
comet, and in many parts of the interior.
Often they are many months. in Nome
case11 years, in being retnracd to the
home once for redemption,"
as breaking the strike of the wearers was
o u.,•rnetl. The strike was lost how-
ever, the weavers going hack to thcir
work at the end of six weeks without
hist lug obtained any increase of wages
or any ahorteuing of their hours of
labor. It was not long, however, until
Farlinment, Sa a result of this strike,
boom to pay some attention to th4_Sop-
deem of the weavers and law. which
screed rery effectually to ameliorate
their condition were passed.
Cobden, Bright and other great Eng-
lish statptmen took up their cause,
and investigations ane auteru stfirs t*
molted. the good effects of which are
still felt. The repeal of the corn laws,
by which English wnrklbrmel were et -
aided to obtain cheaper food, Mr. Gran-
ey thinka, was largely due to this strike,
though it had been advocated before the
strike took place. Another law which
was of great benefit forbade women and
children under eighteen years of age to
be employed in the cotton mills longer
than ten hour a day. 'lois law sans
not nota a good thing in Itself, but *
cauxed the workers generally to thine
and agitate for a general ten-hour day.
and some ten years after the great
strike of 1842 there was a general strike
int ten bolus, which resulted oneness -
Mr. Grundy watt employed in a c•tItton
mill himself at the time this last strike
took place, The woramen simply quit
when they had worked ten hours .one
day, and no inangnrated a movement
which was sneeesaful. Mr. (;mndy says
that at that time there wee sr, littlo em-
end education that many person,. could
Mit tell the time of day by n clock, and
so in peening around the word for the
Inauguration of the strike everybody
was instructed to stop work when the
Ckck pointed straight up and down. this
urine a method of meowing a more gen-
eral understanding than to say 0 o'clock
in the evening.
In the mill where Mr. Grundy week -
441 the clock was watched .ait afternoon,
*ml when the time came there was *
eceral ni.h for the outride of the mill.
foreman had the gab•• locked and
pit -weeded to har*ngoe the workmen, tent
It noes to no tiurpns's. Revers) were no
tifi.,i that they were di•rharged, bat
thus pradared no effect epon them fir
the others'. Mr. Grundy thinks that
among ignorant wn, orkmethat i., among
brie who are ignorant in the twitter n
odor}tion obtained from books, there
h.• been to a rel.-tttare loyalty to each
other displayed that h 'hose won are
fairly well educated. It any rate they
stark together hpon tilt n.r•asion, and
won their melt. so thoroughly that there
was never afterward A keenersl return
w the old practice of working twelve
er ift.eb boars g' tM1. 411 the well
the maner� t era after w tr
n- mfr .yertetn
where r. nita g {.nal, too.
lad Iw.en k. force for ensue ohne, coll.
tie workmen tt}nw and eapresmeii lrlr
•ati•ftetinn mkt it, spin` tial the ter-
ellka obtained gwleeredpmoeyslhtree from losgrss f'"'
we" th oaif Viola
Admirable Crlebtoi.
Jewett Crichton was born in l e tend
in 1500. He took the degree of bachelor
of arts when he was only 12, *ud ..f
master of arta when be was 14. At the
age of 17, whiho in Pari*, he ehnlienged
all the most famous scholars and ph4o-
sophers to a public discussion. at which
he held himself rend; to nnswer any
gnetition In theology, jurisprudence, m -
eine. logic, mathematics or any other
selene. in an teen, of Greek, following
French, Italian. Rpnnlah, Dutch or
Fbitniuh, either in Tem or In prose, as
might be desired. He antrvvded In car-
anrying nut his boast, to the astonishment
of everytyle, and It wax then that the
title of "Admirable" was bestowed upon
him. In Rome, in Venice, to Padua he
earned similar triumph.. HP was not
only dietingnished as a scholar. but was
an eeenmplitthedd dancer, fencer, rider,
musician, painter and actor, was
handoume in person., engnging in hie
h man of the
.lTn 1582 heand a awas secured by the
Duke of Manton an a tutor tor his son,
s dineipsted and worthless young fnnn.
in 15g3. one crooks! night, he was Re-
coiled by three nnaketi men. He Ntte-
coedcd in disarming and unmasking the
principal one among thefa, when,. find-
ing that It was hit pupil, the duke ■ eon,
he knelt down and presented him with
his own swore. The nnninnly prince at
once ran it through Crichton's body.
nee Mede at Hem".
An engine bag been plaee.l on the mar-
antet hon Bavarian firm which enable*
everybody to Make hie own gas and to
oven,, as
nwtheotrr,*nit Ref •t ghee prekllaoeemdoe
the appoa ratna. The advantages dal
fthia app.ntne am RA follows: it
nitre no attention after ehn n� beto en
t e last once, and no special
the latter. The gl• p
rs, and
Is. tbi' fore,milphentireely nnerpnleonHematite ot , Lwow
Is, therefore, odor. west end not dlaagreeable
o No
d lproduce*are 4e-
vk,ekMrd b; y 1t. etllours nmbnaiis .n. The rnRfnP
works very economically. produeing only
an much g�a1rs as la r itflll 'I for the time
tieing- 1L'hen all burner's aFP clewed, It
nnly the quantity of gas re-
gniredor power. It is con -
tin three .I
atraMed niece, for 15. 40 and 70
MOM reepeitiyele.
..e 1r, the 1. lers' Mab.
" Tlentlef .'rhe feet le roe i
gontlimees clown to such r fine paint
ell y patients se •• M Meep white. Z'1s.•
pt.einnl •tn Have their
have seer,��gQ'�ees�tal�'t �>K�Mg ea
Judge Brooks of Sherbrooke is dead.
Dr. Griffin, Medical Health °Meer and
Jail Physician of Brantford, is dead.
Mr. John Munro, a school principal
tTf a and ppreeaateeut urttw
Ciel Teachers' A•soeintion, died at the
Toronto General Hospital on Saturday.
Canon Palin d'Abenrille. one of the
moat distinguished dine Sulpkians and
for eight yeare-director of the Canadian
College at Rowse, died in Montreal
Mev. Dr, Waters, for many years a
Presbyterian minister in Ontario and
New Brmaswick and latterly in New,
Jersey, died at Halifax after a Owl, ill•
Peel, aged 70.
Thr'French- Minister of Commerce we-
pects favors 1 treatment under the Ding-
ley tariff.
The Cologne Gazette says that the pro-
posal of Germany for European control
of Greek finances has been accepted by
the powers.
An ultimatum has been presented to
the Peruvian Government by the United
States Adm(nistrntimi regnirin the im-
mediate payment of the McCord claim.
AccAr ieg to a Tokio paper, the For-
mic rebels seem to have an underetnad-
tng with the high officials of China. and
their plan is to •ttaek foreign offices
and reesidences, and otherwise molest ter-
cet -nen', en as to start International trou-
The Madrid Herald° gage that the
United States has decided to wait four
months longer. and If the pacification
of Cabs' is not then accomplished it wi11
nndertnko- the protection of the inane -
nits. Tbe statement Is denied in offi-
cial circles.
The export. of t•tiie United Staten for
the year ending June 841 atnnunted to
Stogie refiners awl tt-hoke+ale denier('
rill *mot in Montreal this week to er
tablieh priree.
Three hnainrv. %Haase npretwent.nu
combined IinM:ltiea of over 113010.900
were •onoaneed 1R Montreal the other
14ie Gone & of t trader the Fr iwb treaty beuebt
h__t� fins advantage Greet
BI i to in.
(*mimeo -in) fsileteee. in *dted
States for the week jet maid n1e 214.
ay mrtutarcvl t' iah 200 in the correspoatd-
letc week iast year.
'lite Bertin Venom, enmsorest r1 'mon
Greet Britain's deanuciation of she mien-
tnerciel trattr. awe it will whin taffy of
(•'ct German trade with c)•ne4a.peettu
Mr. E. A. W.. ed Alestandri 1. Eleni.
writes M the I ermtntoti41o't
^rade and C'n dfor the m er ougg i*lirk
• 1=1
e woo MndP. creel
ekitestrit ot
Dentkit-'wt's ao fag=
ar 1x beanies they al-
takoa wb11e opera
tar tatilg,
Two sew ewes -nit smallpox have de-
veloped in Weatmount. a suburb of
My- a majority eat 15 a lineal ooppttion by-
law was carried in Wahtleet Tbwnshiti.
Weiland County.
'The tannery of Mr. Fraztk Moeeiee at
RL Ilyacintbe was destroyed by fire:
lets *100.000.
It ie stated that a site bag been se-
lected it Killarney for a Royal resi-
dence in ireland.
A fire io/tnest into the ciretirmttancce
' ,et 'O coy tltCt•/taw;,,Cu. fire at
Toronto has been baron.
Tbe partial sets of JuI$Le etemps
from half a trot td 50 mut from hall t
cent Mill are now on pair.
The steamer Belgic. with the Reath
Pole metering expedition on boardorill
have Antwerp on Aug, 15.
The wawhintatnn autb rritbes admit
that beyond any poiezible doubt the
Krtrelike gold fields are in British terri-
Dr. Fred. W. Evelyn of San Fra..eia-
ea, chine tMt he haw discovered t per-
fect drink cure in Injections of hots'
Fred. Loi hreti of Sarnia won the
gCn•trter and one mile irc-vle c tamritinn-
alhip of Ain rust at the L.A.W. meet
at Philnckipbie.
Tbe );rent volcano of •Mnpon. on the
Isttnd of Tatzoti. rine of the Philippe).
grave. ha'. t.ec•n in violent et -option wince
Jane 24. and it le ewtntntc,t thltg. lime-
y -As o[ the irdtalritantm have loot their
The report that Mr. Oteril DIltpdtoo and
Mr. Alfred Belt have rw'rw-.naliy paid
two hellfire -1 wend fifty thou/end vowels
to the Taamwvaal Government in lei-
dt-mnity for the Jameson raid is ofscial-
(ittawa, had an interview with Lord
I.nn,rkvwne with references to the Gear -
Men Hwy and Ottawa Cans&& mad he
wee promised all the medieaatrp in the
newer o[ the Secretary M State for
1 !Sam's Rot lasuisehis Indiana Y at
Mallin-Ialaa.d Sr the Rrtatak
Halifax. N. 8., Aug. 7.-Tbe Dieted
States battleship Indiana which b to be
repaired In the Halifax dry duck, arrived
here from Newport, it. I., at 7 o'elo k thin
weenie& Great Mterest wa• manifested
along he waterside in ber arrival, the
wharves being crowded with people and
the mortar." of the harbor covered with
boats as sbe steamed majestically Into the
harbor and dropped anchor off the centre
of the city. As she moved •p the har-
bor she waa greeted by the citadel with
Uhc natal salute to a foreign warship, to
which the Indians replied as she passed
George's Island. Then salutes were ex-
changed with the British tlagahlp Crescent,
which lay at anchor off the naval dock.
The app••ranoe of the big American b.t-
Ueablp was much commented on by the
peerple who watched Mer enter the bar-
bor. and her arrival was the chief snbjeet
of eonverxation In the streets to-olght.
The Indiana 1• scheduled to go Into the
drydock Tuesday morning and w11t. re-
main there about Mx days.
1111i4MO D1T1ELDI.
On Me Lowe -el Ftnejc Avretan a it wa.
aP lienal•_- t =inn t t lens Afire In
Hite 1forts itt nmime the r e•q ia4cw fst
e of stork tB Oarry oat their enterprise.
I • *r. A. Booth et betroth. Ilion.. nes
�l dtraittst Ire date of a quarter
Adel ii�wllbt la
(t �ai.sl- ! Fttsebt - tete the
1.' ted Stoat Re wi,Y malge aR Ow
• laws • treat swat'
Merino t o (the mlysios of Mr. *, W
asaeoed et al suatal 10 seep ea leads
tell. r- - -
Senor Canova* Assassins**
by an Anarohlst. -
■s Died With sae Cry 'quail Liv swan r
as DI• 16111w -meati Away at tau Riot
sa lW W11. -Tiros abets Wert Fired
aid All T..k CIINat -The Lamas Ar-
Madrid, Aug. 8. ---Senor Canova* Ciel
Castillo, the Prime Mlulster of Spain,
was assassinated to -day at Saute Ague-
guida by au anarchist. The murderer tired
three shots, two df- which struck the
Premier iu the head and the other iu
the chest. The wounded man lingered
uueu nt:iuw for twu hours, mad died at
3 o'clock this afternoon. His wife was
but a short dietauce away when he fell.
At the wumeut of the arsasriuution
he was waiting in the gallery of the
bathing astablishweut for hie wife, who
war to join him fur lunch. Suddenly
the assassin, who had the appearance
of au ordinary visitor, approached stud
tired at hue point bluuk, .sue bullet
passing through the body and coming
out behind ander the left shoulder, thud
the other twit ludgiug in the head. tie
felt instantly and never recovered cun-
Several medical men and Airolilswere
unremitting in their atteutiona VO'the
sufferer; but hu wounds, unhappily, were
mortal, and he died in two hours. Ex-
treme unction war administered amid a
scene of wingledaurrow thud indiguatiuu.
The a++mtrstu narrowly escaped Ouch -
ins at the heeds of the waiters thud l:t-
teudunts. who rushed forward. Detec-
tives and civic guards imwediately se-
cured hint,. life was very tale, trembled
violently and 'feared, evidently, that Le
would lie -killed on the spot. 'Ile well
Mar be errs/Cued before the local Maids -
trate at Vegan".
!i p.m. -The Queen -Regent and all the
members of the Cabinet will return here
to-worruw. Her Majesty has eutrustcd
the Presidency of the Council to Gen.
Azcarraga, the Miuister of War, and the
Cortes will be summoned to re -assemble
on Tuesday.
The greatest excitement and indigu•t-
tion prevails among all classes. All the
membllfiruttheolltr ensticcorpe have ea -
pressed their sywpathy with the Gov
erumeuL Many Senators, Deputies and
Generals, while expressing•-4beir _..gnet
and indignation, have offered to render
the Government all the assistauce m
their power.
The murderer declares that he kills
-Senor throes..--t%h aesemptishment ill
just vengeance,' and that the deed is
the outcome Of a vast anarchist con-
spHe is believed to have arrived at San-
ta Agueda the same day as the Pre-
mier, and he was frequently seen lurk-
ing in the passages of the bathing es-
tablishment in u suspicious manner. -
'1'he body of Senor Cantona will be
brought here to -morrow. Marshal Mar-
tinez Campos has gone to San Sebastian
to atteud the Queen Regent. Senor Se-
same. the Liberal leader, luis sent the
following telegram to the Government:
"I have heard with deep pale of the
crime'4hat ham thrown us all into mourn-
ing, and I place myself at the order! of
the Government and' of the Queen."
Moet of the Liberal lenders have sent
similar messages, placing themselves at
the disposal of the Government
A lush Mae tlmb.rtey sod laaikley tel
Make Out Malmo
London, Ang.8.-The news tomes trout
South Africa, of the discovery v of Import-
tht uew diamond 11.14s in Grrltqualand
Wet, ht the *.ante dlretric% as the Kim.
barley mines. Although the Me atone.
era wan made at the end of last yea.,
It wail not rill May Dat tient the Goo
seater of Cato Colony t rn'brimed tt
payabte dkwound field in accordance w1(1
the Caw bows.
Over 3000 persona twain Kichherleel
wed Markley rushed to the field atu1
Legged out
a Urge number of claim*.
Tbeee have bine tested egad the felents
sr reported !n receetrt letter* sod rahle-
geo ma oral to put it beyond donht the t
the find la a most valumM, one aorl fully
equal Ito the famous Weamritoe mine at
1rvl%Dal L OP Mr Wasitttlte
*as et See Plsasere .r ser.tvulr. wee
mea Mighty RaINmed.
*tnullv111P, tint.. Art 7.-Tbe fen enl Od
en* of tie otdeet and moot ie.peeted .it/.
t ens of this village took plates today front
him Ute reakienee•, i/al0-$gw�replPt, to fled*
°reeve ('Pmetery. Mr. N'heipr tame 1"
$toifvlll, ISO years sue s.d was *easel
for • $nmb.er M years is tenonllnrt bust
new bat has lend retiree for tome vena
pow HP bag been 1teere et WhItcfinren
Tewneblp end the CJlinge of Ittnnffetlie
•.d was oleo • msthetrrte mid jnatice of
the pewee. B. Mad e. rn falling In breaW
Mee. y, sad d1M at lb* ripe se. et[ M mar
w Tliursday imaraiag.
Stone In Bladder:
After Osaka( eke teeteetaves Fer lovas
New ---York. ,Aug. 8. -After a portrait
fasting for sel'en years, in which the
fugitive led his pursuers • chase from
Canada, through the UYited States, to
Brazil, and halt a doges• South Ameri-
can republics, Alexander Matthews Mae -
Bae, a Canadiun defaulter, was arrested
Mount Kiato, N.Y., on Friday nigbt,
yesterday morning he was arraigned
ore United States Commissioner
Shields', and held for examination on
the application for his extradition, whicb
has been in readiness for aiz weeks.
Although the complainant in the for-
mal papers agaiust MacRae is John W.
of Pali.•. of
the Province of Ontario, the real com-
plainant is the Guarantee Company of
Sorth America.
It is the Guarantee Company which
pursued MacRae ever two continent, and
which finally caused his arrest, when he
was living with his family in fancied
security, having shaken the pursuers ed
the *cent for more than three years
Its object In pursuing him was to pun-
ish him for the Ions of STir10(1 which the
company bad to pay when he absconded.
A n•.\ eatbeeak.
London, Ang. 8.-A despatch to Tbe
Times from Simla says that another out-
break la officially reported on the Afghan
frontier. The Mullah who prenched against
England during the Chitral wpugn has
again stirred up strife in the ito.ermmeuun
country by r• rescuting Heat the morel's
of the Turks la Name provides a revue
able opport tufty for defying Kng1'sb rel..
He has gathered some thousands of 1'ot Iii
As It rat .uo 'ate tar hem to 1 tag{at
b the attack on Camp Malttand, Fe Aft
Melted fort ilhebeaur, 18 tulles trout PHb-
The attack was made yesterday (Satur-
day). The polfre and garrison beat off the
natives who then burned • ii1•doo rl14g.
and killed tame of the Iohabttents. A
strong force eavoiry and azt,lery has
been sent from t eahawnr to pante' the
rebels: and It •s .ep3:ttJ they had led and
re -crossed tbe frontier.
I have been troubles. •..th Stone
in the Bladder. 1 beard of
Dodd's Kidney Pills' cures, and
concluded to try them. I have
used 18 boxes, and can safely
*ay they have been the means
of removing the stone. I can
highly recommend Dodd's Kid-
ney pills to all suffering from
this disease.
I remain, yours, etc.,
Shelburne, Ont. -
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Cure Stone in Bladder.
The Kensinffton Funiture Co,
blinead.,ltlT • madearr•agementa with
of West -et. to carry • full line of their good
The public can get
Furniture at Factory Pirices
from bine and by doing iso keep their money
In town. and bare a good chance of tetairg
some of 1t back by supporting Home Mus
All goods Of the Company's make ars tally
guaranteed by them
DIM. ,tarn... is Canada.
Bnffalo. Aug. 7. -Mrs. Olive A. Ster-
luaman, alio in charged with baring
murdered her hm,band, smiled and nod-
ded farewell to the citadels at the Erie The
County Jailyertetday, and then depart Ill
est for her new prison home at Cayuga.
Canada, where her trial will take place
in a 'few weeks.
Cayuga, Ont., Ang. 7. -MFA, sterna -
nae the alleged poisoner of her bus -
ban., who has beeu WWII. extradition
prom -ridings' in the United State. for
needy a year through her attorneys•s(
Bn1fsio, has at last elven ftp the light
and vase brought here this afterno.eu by
Chief Provincial Detective Murray.
LITHLI*$&I Igib.
t� 86yuas
Dealers la an leads of
Aad i uUdW§ *•Meld et even daatrtgllss
School furniture -a Specialty.
Summer is here.
oo De prepared tto meet it with a
good Hat or Cap when it comes.
We have put in stock all the Latest
Styles of Spring
which for . tulity and price annot be
equalled. In stock are numerous as
sortmenta ot the latest in
C. R. SHANE & Co.
This r*U•ble Hof. and Fnrnjahjng Lmyorinst. -_
Tan CANADIAN Purim Removal, 00':
? stooa•PE has been established to give Obi
,=j�anbUs a *m orris* per
-nteee ois* with fair and p
It te massitedoa bouts* srinotpli. Mad is
the loureal of its patron*.
Is deserves the .upvport of every person calks
believes in competition.
leer welch despatch Mee alis Ca p�s.fu
nom. ooii•otlag with all Lice and *5l•.
tb )1.11.4 States. Oath. sued Esrey*.
Dtreet throe 11 wires le all points Ip tM
Iforthwsat w O*i0lshla Mad lessee° ()aaM
Ono.-Sowth Side esNt.
sae* Manager Oodarle\
' To Pell, • t • Taken.
Ottawa. Aug. 7.-i1 1s estimated) that to
Carry oat the plane as now adopted by the
Government for the policing of the Talton
willtail an •z ndltnre of a grnrter fit
a myon of dollars, a large portion or
whk'h will have to be relied by Oovernor-a
warrants. The claim of royalty, It 1s cal-
*niated «111 nearly cover thla met. The
atr.nglli of the tore. has been reduced
from 7110 to 460 teen.
Osdsa Baer ■ Ertlee.
Wiaeton, Ont., Ang. R. - William Jo
a young farmer of Koppel, was killed
Instantly last aiattt. Ilse wax moving n
steam belief, and trowildns Over n email
hrtdge o of the industry aapp.rtittg
the 0* way,throwing the
wagon 1mI8to the bed ot the
sleet. Tee both" fsU on him. Death
wag ai*roat Iiotsatateous. He was 25
rein eiI sad Nit shunt to be surds&
Tal 0551 AnaottlrmLv lune* .* }Bleat*. .
'DOlfa dk'THl RAREST. "
Veers and Meallth111
I Ills t
Ou•re.bed to oars
Selatica, i.abag*,
Gout aa►d
Nentahrl .
A more ears .r
Headache, Dismisses
Constipation, i.di-
ers.tiee, ltbllermems,
Brigitte Disease,
Dbbte., Par.l�y�wii.•,,
C•eltvol•inne, Hews
ii.M•., eta., rte
it newa*ar*d so )Saw t Mad sin alma
said 1s 6sdsdsb 41aI, try F.Y. Denham