HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-19, Page 5Tr1 A IS TOO ATS,YOM O E�TRotd NM TRI RURON ARID 'TOI�LOA* IINNVisfarzwr 01.11PART 1lottorroas.-Catnet•n,t Holt and Rale t1'.--)st•reet da. asipeand every obi months at tour per cent pot atnam. oa s Rom one ttheir �odil�ecry�lipgsre lees, mDo pe.ltore wlg� 'trioMay Ds,.pored sed use ae. Aire-- rtf u any t wtttn,r t tM1_.ytd•e The Or U4LNG-UP SA1Et IEstate J AIs&E8 A. IRM It) - • You will filed it profitable during August to come 'to this stole for anything you want in GILNERAL DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTU $a and MEN'S FURNISHINGS. In closing out this stock we are disregarding the value of Goode this month as we are anxious to dispose of them as soon as Possible. We invite inspection, solicit comparison and court criti- cis M. Per 8. J. EGIID Est, JAMES A. REID ADVERTIBEMEN T3 -AUG. 19 Naw - htell -- ,- raw'. Balt of the l srtb-ll. .-L .... Mar... Portland Cement -A. B. Davison &Co. Frieze Ulaters-ShoreW & Co Tenders Welted -Wm. Mitob•ll Suferei from I.feaol-Falferd & Co If You Pay Cash -Smith & Uo Western Fair-Tbce. A. Brown 4 8 9 5 4 8 8 BOttfi. Hit I Ni &COMB! - In Goderich township. on Jute 24th a sou Mr. sad Mrs. C. H. Brtmloombto s. MARRIED. WILSON-THORBURN-Om the evening of Aur. Iltb. 1617, et the reeldenos of the Nine's mother. Palmerston st. by Rev. Jas A. Anderson. B. A Wllliem Wu•+on, of lather/re. I11.. to dart Jessie, Bang tier of Mn. Christen• Thorburn. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporter's Notebook SAW= Med a' Ter Gats. 1 rode is Os. A t a ciders Ansaag We , Takla' ■ones, aa' lank tell Prost 16.' -luras. Maltase is still gtv:og away eviler testa pair of plata and these he has eds. away are the moat •pprecusted nether IMMelsill ever .or by man. gallows wit' be abased la London from Tune day to friday. sweet., rho canallan maw. raptors' ooaysntlo$. 'those dee'-lug tot per- loam eeluau &tisanes wW Masse reserve orders t 1 his return. G. T. R. Satruerro.-The 0. T. R. emit over 100 toll oars eastward the past week. Tut HlND.ino:1 Co. -The Hendenowt Stuck Co. Gloved down on Fnday and are, Organ Co. oleo had o•e tendered him, but db. not woept as the oompaoy is not • limited one. Oa Monday • printer was en- gaged painting the word • United' Moog the frost of the bteyo. history, sad e11 the limited oompentea are busy getting things to comply with that.*, Bowe. -Tito bo„ung teororai.ut wee completed last Thursday, A. MID. Allae wonting the pair of bowls presented by the club. After being declared the winner Mr. Allan said that one pet, of bowl. was all be wanted, sod that be would present the pair be bad used this season to be played f� the sight mew members of the organ- A'Iht>rinsersEnt'E Basks. -Oa Saturday evening the large thermometer hearing true. side Porter's bookstore got loos. from its nail, and t he wind that caused it, carried it ow tidy to Allan's. end forced it through the large plate glees light of hes store. The damage is a serious one, but who all pay for it has yet to be settled, se the light brae not almond. OooD Raootutnt,ATtox -)!r Scott in Ear1MS"tiweisnsss. whewho masse seat ume in the hast lade service, was ken last week, looking up the oountry with • view to loo•tinr bre two eons on farms. They are attending the Agricultural College, Guelph, and the authorities hd recom- mended to him the county of Huron as .k• finest agrioalteral machos to O.ttano. Arcot i. itutocit 11Rvlt.a. - Key. Dr. Meldrats. of Ss. Peal, Mins., delivered -w able discourse to the oonkreg•tioo of Knox obardh in the risk last Sunday m ruiog,and Rev. Jos. Elliott, of Nairn, was heard very aooeptably is the evening. The services will be ooedeeted next Suedey by Rev. Jas. Wiles, B.A., of Niagara Falls South in the moraine. load by Rev. J. S. Allan, of Lams- tsd. Mich., to the insane. BICTCLI PARTY. -Mins Kate Reid enter• tithed twenty friends to a bicyole party .last Thursday afternoon. The party seek a ran of nine miles to Mr. Orummett'e, .rte waioh.11 eat does.► to a tempting supper Fettered by Mn. Ortimmett, wbo is a stater Dillies Retd's. Thu evening was spent in ball, memo, singtog and dr•soing on the Awe..$.l M late boar the party returned basely se„- god at the .noa.l stook ?Akio,. to Doder.ob b•viry stint • very eajoyable (!tae Seer Dow" -The Gpderioh Orem Esc - tory will abut down oo Saturday toad will A BAD Mir. -New Fen : Tuesday m. 14 engaged tits following week at the same- =ital. omorning, on she station platform, wt.'Leintro- stock of the Malthus Advance, was intro - v stock tithing. duped to J. T. Garrey by • friend, with the TRIAD ATD Foedrn FORMS. -The result of the retest Groans itioos for the third and fourth forms is ext sot id to be made k.owa by tb . d.y week.' Pic Nicw -Notwithstanding the showery err tuber. there were many picnics the past week, sod one of the favorite points for these ootirge was the Black Hole. Norrw STREIT's CALL -At a meeting of ,be quarterly board of the North Street Methodist ohureh, a unanimous call was 41. • odd to Rev. la. W. Readers= of Same. •. pastor- - Ne er env inew--F---m.-ihae.wer ,,.;.a.aet,- •re. who are neat!. the wad of their 000- kact, expect to *nu . by Saturday or Mos• dry, thus getting the i gb the wet k long be - lore the the time allowed them. WARnxe's CoMrrrrss - The warden's oommiti.e of the ooa0ty ooaooil met yester- day to again consider matters in oonneotion with the bridge aooideat oo the London reed oesr Clete" • few weeks .root, OODOTOR "DRT _' ;.ti• •..eve.•vu ! s�IIO, �. SHE SIGNAL : Reale of Bi George's Sunday Bobail was held at Meseeesiuy[ Park oat Wedseeday of last week lad was a.. of tb• beat of the N,.aa. There were sight leers loads id ohildrea end teachers, who were safely and oomlortabfy ooavoyed to sad trots the grounds r. Runtish. the proprietor of the Perk, did every On= passible to add to the , sed hhe ladles ant leaoe are loudttto their, their poses of Ms osrvulee The Park was ptonounoed by all an Ideal spot foe each all .ottasioo, end when the hour for home going arrived .41 departed with regret that their stay could not be prolonged. idle Sul Rear Ile P.icu - A Dew'.* deepen* says : The steamer i psbee.wbhtk went rebore neer Sarnia three weeks age: and was released and sowed lath Port Soros for repairs, has been surveyed and toured to be damaged almost to the extent of her ta- sursecs. Mho was veined at $15,000 and in- sured for 110,000 in oomoautes reprwsatsd by the Western, of Toronto. Her damage 1. $9,000. Not only is her ball s' ailed and broke* in places, but the bed piste of the engines 1. broken and the machinery more og less. Nothing has yet been, done towards rtip.tring her, but it said to be the indention of her owners to fix her up again in time for some of this season's business. By hard work she can he gotten oak before this moasb is putt 11,000 DA .Asda. -Exeter Time t Mr. Heideman has Issued • writ against Cou- ntable Creech for false erre*, °taimtng $1,000 damages. ReosoUy • neigbbor of Esidessa*'s mesh for Crssoh, stating that be (Heid.msplwas drunk and abusing the family. The oe.itable arrested Heideman and tank him to Goderich jail without first taking him befgre • magistrate. TO. Judge old not hear the arse on the above grounds and told Heideman and the - st•ble to go home. Constable Creech maims that 00 • previous corn on hen Heideman was hound over to keep the peace the judge told him before witnesses that if the primmer repeated the offeooe, be was to be brought before him without the preliminary trial before a magistrate. This Mr. Creech did. home the writ kr dmmagi■ toe false arrest. CANADA s PAt•DPJTI Live SToxz EXHit, MON.-The Western Fair, London, is again to the (rani and is providing further a000w- =Waittoo and improvements to its already exoellent stook buildings, neoewiteted by the increase of entries last year in these de- partments.' The directors of this time- b000red show have had sufficient experience to kwos_.ihe peeper coarse to pursue in mafatei.404 the proud position the Western n ow dbjeye as The Live Stook and Agricul- tural Fear of ()•nada. Twenty -sibs years have petted away since the W e re Farr was established. Each. sad every year [ince has been marked by advanoement in all the departments. The annual improvement is largely dos to the tbouthtfulness and oars of the management, and etre fact that the' agricultural In: insets are gives first pleas. A GREAT 8M-7ACLi.-The proposed re- production of a portion of H* Majesty's great Diamond Jubilee procession, with oeremcette in front of St. Peal' Cathedral, and imm.wss hhie&.z of laotdeuts during the Queen's reign, at the Toronto Exhibt- tiod Lom the 3,0th of August to 11th Sept-, is creating much interest throughout the Domineer, and thousands will go to Toro. - to from ell parte to see it. A' the ent- In;me, ooetomee, ctrrtages and state bar - nese, 's beteg brought trom England •ad the actual d..orationa need in Loudon. The attractions at the Toronto Fair this year will be greater than ever. The exhibits i ail departments axonal any previous yeses fled by Morton Robertson. The Illuminations will be grand and omit a Knox Charoh Y.P.S.C.E., meet with lot of money. It will be • fitting oonolusion the general pr.yermasting in Temperaoas to the Jubilee year, and will be well worth Hull on Wednesday evening. The topic for 50155 to me. The usual cheep frrse and ez• Aug. 24, '• Hove we the spirit of Cheat !" c- laces will to gives. and Denominational - " The Benevolent RUNAWAY. -0.Thursda afternoon about Fund," by Helen Strang C. E. ooevention in Clinton on August 24 .nd 26 M.ss Bowles, Clinton, onnvenor of the htlleting oommittes, desires to know se soon se possible whet delegates the so- cieties are going to gond. All .re cordially invited to attend these meetings, which aro held in the basemen of the different churches. Members t -nm nth r societies aro invited W be present BLACIBPRY COMPOUND imaxps. f3 MIME It COMPLAINTS TRY OUa OW1ii POISQN FIX .L>AJUR THE SURE -TILL' AU leading maks.. 8 p .' s $a 111 Mdipa for bo. WH/SES from 4c. ut.on 't be dusty. -$ay elms. Special attention paid A AMERICAN TOILET ARTICLES and PERFUMERY. ETC. w.G O OD K EEITORD BLi0CZ PURE P&1 TS GREW &ND FRESH HELLEBORE AT - D' JNHAM'S DRUG STORE. N -LR i is ic e llir yeas.-1fl T whose maiden name was Ann Oledwwd. was born to the 000nty of Mot =has. Ire- land, oo Sept. let. 1821. Ke emigt•ted to this ooun•ey in 1837 and made her home In Kitiey tow..hip, meds County. la 1850 she was united in marriage to George Hosea, who predeoeeeed her about 3 years ego and after living in the towoship of Elizabethtowo for a time moved to Holmes - vide, Huron Co-, in 185.3 and • year later oeme to tulle township, where they took up land on the 6th coo., upon which they rem ded until °ailed to • batter Lad. The subject of this notice was an indomitable worker in her earlier years and did • good share in helping her husband to transform hes farm from a primeval forest to well tilled sores. Mrs. Hann• had liven iii since last March. per.lysis and heart failure being the cause of death. The children are Res. William 0 -esm•. K A.. et-4is1ridge ; Miss Hanna, of Morrie ; Mrs. Cololeu,h, of Goderich township ; and Mrs. Blair of Morrie. The 'funeral took pl.oe on Sat- urday. Mr Muldrew, who is supplying fcr Rev. Joo. Ross, of whose church deeeaaed woe a member, taking the service- The tell bearers were :W. Michie, Joo. Cook, T. Russell. P. C.otelon, Hugh Haase end Hugh Feisty the. -Ex. a C. E L. U. • The following are the topica for the d'f- forest young people's societies which meet during -the week : Viotortaat. Methodist oburob E.L. of C. E., l ridgy evening at 8 o'clock. Topi. For Aug. 20. " Paul's preyet' for the Churches," and '• Hie prayer ter ('repeal friends," to be led by Mir Ci.r. Million. North-st Methodist church E.L. of C.F.., Fr.da), evening at d clock. On August 20, Review of Bible Stody and Qoestton Drawer on John I., II. and III. 'and Jude, remark : "Mr. G•rrow, allow me to mak• Ove o'olack a beer Mend fn (root of Fritzley's you acquainted with Mr. Cornyn, of the barter shop took fnght and breaking ileus• 9 :uglier Advent's, who's not a bed fellow but votes on the ..ung side. He knows bettor, but ion's see the light." Smilingly taking hie kind. Mr. Ostrow quickly re• plod, '• He must be • hid mon than. if h• occupant out. It then collided with two knows to do right ant does it not --the good other rigs. ono of which was • bust/ coca - hook says so." seed the laugh whioh followed was mot even miasma] w to oo- Wingh.m friead- reinrres around the Square to East -et, tak- lag the sidewalk the fail length of MoLean'e block without doing any harm, and on East- st oollidinr with • baggy and throwing its pied ty two daughters of Mr. Ptrammer, of Benmuler, and • young lady named Mir. Rook, of Hibbert.. Their horse also started A Cop Iopi-Here is a suggestion whioh to_run bat after some difficulty was caught. bowls of school t- its 'n tic'. oouatrythere being no damage done ; botthe dot R'►�t�,,p�rofitigtly_adopt : By direotion of lrunaway disappeared round the block. the Omaha Borrel of'i�daoSb jallik cilli lthriitTir oar di o oToo-i P"Crammer'eukersi pablio school. e -e ..kd to sign, of their .,a'i took Bright. the timer at the blowing own tree will, a pledge to abateia from the of a trumpet by a small boy, and went down nee of tob•ooe donne the'- school days,1 St. Patrick's etre* to Wellhgl.o, turning with • proviso that they can be released from the coiner opposite D. MoDoe.ld's and A FAMILY NOM. -1 est week the S.1. Mild family hpd an outing et the Falls. The pi00 o drew Dearly ono hundred ted (toy measure of this web known Huron family, all of whom had a moat enjoyable day. Toe MoDra. Bcaoot.-'itwoee.fal.tad+b at the recent examination who wish to ate lend the next term of the flederioh Model retool for professional oertillorter should send their names tit Inspector J. E. Too, Goderiob, without delay. For KINCARDt,g.--The Minister ot Pub. lie Works was s000mpanied to Kinnard.' by Mr. Tolmie, M.P., for West Bruce, Jas. McPherson, mayor of Kincardine, Major tiny, the s.vi.•.r. M. G. Cameron, of Goeerioh. sad kin personal staA- 8. S. Exce.stor.-The Methodisteburoh Or:entnUs end the snrrounding churches will have an .xearsioe to Dod riob next Wodo, slay, the 2516 tett- The party will tone then will special male Rad 11 pestod that tteadabee. TRS BAND. -Th. town hoed tsewid out oly v strong b er anon he t s Hon. pesaroh to the Court House. 11 ales ptayed • sloe program during the oomplknentety lunch, and in the evening ea tow Square it disooursed the sweetest of mtsdo. Sinn WAIS Annan. the past two weeks • .1mher of eyelet Aden were tireagbt belerw P. It Seager. °barged wok tidbit/ ea the sidewalk, and is every as= a Boa was Wlseoed. I1 thirster* behooves all shoelaces gad wheelrws ss te keep dear of the sidewalks. Fater MAGI t}ra,rot/,-Th. angling ply frown Mats SUM= arrived home ea flet• day sassing, having bad . ntb•r rough journey dews Flailing was not 00 to 111• standard of forcer year t oever•shdem lbs ntemh,rs had an enjoyable outing..s4 MAY "bold le, (asst of them being well htoweed by the sen Graeae Putty - There w4 I be a garden Ile - seder the =spines the 1 .1*5) psy=spinesarbtere this (Titnred's/1 =mist c1 1g{• Lena of the reeideaee et Mrs. A,aeasr. NoFtb e4ee=• Refreshment* will be obeli .b. ail the "'mill. Then w111 he .s •zeolleat rerun of meats end the smedelia 1514 1.441 Oliva • Melee salerelen. �rnt1,-Oa Seteed.y btestagsr W Ibee •1 the RaellenM 8leyete de. we. 1101ve41 "64writ ter 51 ioniser* of the law i. ret having the ward ' 144.4114 ' r hill an all ~""kmottry sad ' ear i reaftedasiere: Oe M armoire igr llaard.r. d *5 • their pledge at any time on a personal re- quest. The teachers report that the plan has worked well, that many of the boys bees signed t .e pietas, and that keeping it has come to he regarded as a m.ttar .t honor. B.1tter soholeeship, bettor morals, sod mon cleanly habits are among the di- rect results of the movement. throwing Mire Rook oat with such forte se to stun her. The other girls 'soaped injury. Miss Reek was taken into Mr. Brouge's re- sidence end oared for try Drs. Whitely and Hanby 'who found no boots broken, bat • `mer vous shock and several braises. A PIo'.EIR Dee. -Mn. George Hanna, resident 04 Mottle township for the past 43 Sr. Gsozos's 8. S. Picric -The .aara& year., passed away from T se oo Thursday BAI! SCRODLSUPPLIBS. it await US11in than till if Pri 11 ' •.ccadon to find, to Toronto. High 9.beol Readers, snail prise 60o, this term " Grammar. " 750, Chamber's Dictionary, " 11.26. Webster's large Diot'y, •' 1.26, 44 14 70. " pooket " cloth Porter's S hiders .• bo. :Voids! Jobilse Scribbler, 100 pages. .. .4 E..sn. Book, 11 M a. w ... .. .. ....� 490 biro 893 90o 500 t M FOR toe TO OAN 8D' e • THE WEEKLY ,MARKtT REPORT. woDemicu. Angnet 11, 1897. 040 to 11.72. heft Wheat legal 070 to 0 Ts Flour. dually. per cwt1 00 to 1 00 Flour, patent, pee sent....«•! 16 to t 23 Brea, • ton--,,,........ U 00 to12 00 %sorts. • ton ...a......«..««sees U 00 tole 00 Oats.* lr ... .... ..«....w...A. 4 38 ce to 0 TS Old y. t► ton. v..,.........sees 1 f0 to 830 Potatoes, ttbosh-, .- -._sees• 13 M 0 !0 Flatter, am. 5 111 M 0 13 Nath as •d1K....-#t»te000 wtZod........_.... ease..«.« i 00 to 3 60 •.....- 010 to 060 i 00 to 660 bila Se/�••••••••••••••009 to 0 15 IIi1r�6...... seer-erre••• 0 10 to 0 14 10 te 014 or Sale. R HALF -A LIGHT WAOON.PLAT- tot.p amiss, biscuit me Ase and other gztse. J A E88 WATSON, Moat- • atm:( ens Vassals BOY WANTED -A GOOD. SMART boy. about sit veers tit age,to learn the busing= busineAptly at Tait fltawar. ubIl N0*• ISTILL BUY BUTTER. BOOS AND Dried Acus.. Hlgbe.t Wow -Gash or trade. 0. $. KING. • WANTED -I CAN PAY TEN DOL tars weekly to • lad, et mature age, re - 'Lament T. H, tang t0 4?, .5 Ia. geed mash T fi LIlfb00 IT, Tr,w One, VERYBODY GOES TO WINOSiM- Rto ^'srale Mlwleeat 4 ih..tarli 0 Hagar .or iL01 .Ian IGad., A. I.1[IIfa 2 Rubber -tipped Lead Peodls, 4, 292 NS Pda1s 6 sharpened Slate Peacik, 1 Hardwood Rale? 1 Slats Sponge. 1 Pee Petnt, HeMer lad Handl: 1 big value Yoribhling Reek, 1 Fatter'• 11. B. Drawbar Leai Psne°. . RULERS, BLOT'T'ERS and PENS given away w ilib 8.1)404 8.ppliee, the first Lew days of School Opening. w., PORTER'S SEA BRASS SIGNS AT 0008 COURT HOUSE SOUARE• BOOKSTORE, iso. ?eadire Wanted. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Offioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not inter than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted no to noon Wednesday of each week. Merriam" Lloentlles. �r L9 LANE. SUER OF MARRIAGE V i . 1 '•-Mases. Ooderleh. Oat- 260.1) New Maobtne dhows. NEW MACHINE SHOPS -ALL KIN 1)) of Repair Work dose at Reasonable kenos.. Farming Implements for eats. Maoh- Ineerryy. new &adteeoed Stint! boueb/7ed.old. Engines and Boiler for sale. Stan Id wagon shoo oorner Victoria and r 8, v ree. J. BASCTER RUNCLMAN. U For Bale or To R912% VALUAofBLE PROP0ERTY FOR SAI Part Lot ConosssOo Town. contatnlnft 4 1-5 sorsa lon O, of Tend. There 15 situated op the property a good 14 story befog dwelling, with kitchen attached, and with cellar under the whole house. This i. • really east class plooe and will be sold on reasonable terms. ire.- pattloolrb apply to PHILIP HOLT. Barrister, 0oderie;b. Dated 6th July, 1897. 10-11 FOR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR YALE or te rent, tho dwellieg on Neiaon-et. at it occupied by F. ameeth. It contains ti rooms. Including drawing room. dining room. parlor and kitchen, and haw a library. • number of closets. pantries and • 'rood caller There is halt an ears of land tastefully planted with shrubs and fruit tow, and an excellent lawn. Apply to F. SMKCTB, on the pre- mines. re,minas. 10-tm TENDERS FOR THE LEASING OF that portion of the ell Agricultural building and groam& at present bussed to 3,8. Platt and toed for the carrying oft of • eosl and weed ba fneen Tender will atm be re• osIv.d fur the rental or that portico of the building at present eemtpled as an evapors•gr tigal. F. Ramtlnk. Tenders tomato what mat t aro to �y say par year. readersT�e Torun OI! t.resolved/to lt�lt M YmglCl.l. r Ifr1DIMS YOB 8KWE1&-TItNDBR8 =p.m., m1 a trivial Weeks, tin Goderieke otrsmn 0110. =lee of If, 3.14 S MoAm'Gi'tke See•1B°atioae at 1L���ddGaaeet.1srk'..east g.A�.rpa ieiti and atr seek Ismdertwhleh moot lisle The oases igat two et the onrtr'oter mad his sesetl... k� lowest or an, �teinger see ar ears fly em GAR RO PAUUDFOOT� Oldmiek, Aug. raft. `Teter C1.rk. A Qt M/. O.MaM1i, eY1 Mlltrg•/ et� 12OR SALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT 11' and grain farm on • good road within six miles of Clinton. The Dot Is No. 67, aftitland 0011011M 1011. Ooderich tow nobly, and contains 76 •Ceres. ft nettle annually from 80 10 1' • barrels of Winter apples, and Is • good seem farm, the land being • No. 1 clay loam. There L • No. 1 frame bowie on the lot. a good barn with stone stables underneath, end It le well watered In every field. A large portloo of the purchase mosey may remain on mortgage. For terms, oto., apply o THOS. BURNS, Car- low arlow P. 0.. or to W. W. 'ARRAN. Clinton. VOR SALE --LOTS 69 AND 70 12 Hutrbinson's Survey to the Town of Oodorich, upon which Is ereotd a aloe dwell- ing hoose_ Listed ith September, 1186. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT Jt HOLMKS. Ooderieh. 66-tf FARM FOR SALE OR RENT -FOR sale or to rent.an excellent 100 acro farm, being lot 14. ono 3rd, West Wawanosb_ It is .taut 11 miles from Ooderich, the same dis- tance effrom J II..(u�cknnoow pand 3 froomt�Dungannon. an fenoose be.Ing_0 -est c1LML011 41 weir water- ed. The soil is a clay loam and there is a fair sized bearing orchard, Kai terms to an early natohaser. For asrticalan apply to A. IIUNKILD, Dnngannole. 17-11 THttsDAY, Aug. 11 ,•k }.0 Now I$Tit* -- -.rrIME To Tblak d • SPRING x TONIC, There ere many good ones. but none quite o•' 400d a. our IRON TONIC BITTERS. The 1..eoa fee Colds k DOC 01, ET 744. WO expect to el: more O�RRR Y PULMOZ!1a; _ nring MANCH and AMOS. ' • hail In all the rest of the Winter, J. 7-,--DAVIS, Medical 'halt. FOR YgUNG WOMEAY "ALMA." At MO COLLEGE, St. Thomas, lent. A residential school foe young women. Detlghdully as- s-- uated In 8 acre park. Has the Irresr attendance of any adios college In Ontario. 'trite for cassava to Rev. R. 1. Warner, principal. ALMA OOL1,.1011. i•. TIIDmns. Owr. HELLPUTH LADIES cOU.EGE LO N DON, ONT_ Wall Terns w111 train en Wed. Sept. 16[44, roar Graduation ('otremole° Klectlt ecourses FEES, Board, etc., and Academic Studies $275. per year ML'6IC. ART. ETC., EXTRA. 11A Unita i number of Bursaries (value 8116 '1. *140w11l be awarded tostudents et entrance for ealkidV address hill. F.N. ENCLtSSILIi. P Laundry. .IINRY.a.- Ny ONE t..�'-�. (>a ►.a watt .nes t fess amp y l.0 MICE. 8tanleyst., near Botcher's bakery. 16-tf Tonsorial Artist. FRITZELY, TONSORIAL ARTLiT, . Hot sod cold bathe on premises. Baa- toaming,shempooing sad every other require - meat carefully attended to. and none but com- petent hands employed, Wellisms' old stand, McLean'• new block, oezt door to British Ex- change Hotel 9611 1leaYt011ng G1Jit]e. GRAND, TRUNK K*JLWAY. Aim". Mixed �...... 10.59 a,m. Mail and Keynes. 1.20 0.m. DatIVOIL Mixed sees 7,i0 p.m. Mall and it:prese - 10.50 p -m, '' Mall tr d supe.... -«w. -7 '1 a.ei ll[a't and ezfa.rt 2 p.m 88.1x104.7.41.1.: t -•;:-t_•••• AMD.m Arent. Wang.. WANTED -MEN AND WOMEN WHO can work hard talking and writing six hours a day. for six days a week and wiltbe oon' int with ten dollars weekly, Addres, -NSW IDKAS CO., Medici Building. Toronto. Out. v`t Beoond ditlon .t. (.Ween AG 1 ►J . Vlctort• " axhaustd. Jn- h•Iee i1:Altton o0 press, Beer HietoryT or the Quoin and Victorian Kra published: 9'be only Canadian work accepted by Her Malesty. Hales unpreordentd-knock the bottom out of all records. Canvassers scooping the money. Kven boys and girls sell it fast, Big oomm/.- ..on or straight weekly salary after trial trip. THS BRADLEY-GAhRKTSON CO..LlMrran, VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR BALI --The brink residence overlooking the river and lake formerly occupied by the late A. Macl)ermett esu., Master In Chancery One of the meet valuable and desirable pro- perti•s is town. 2. Tyr two -stony frame dwelling house on South street Immediately adjoining the Brit- ish Zxohange Hotel st present occupied by Mr. Andrew Waddell, It The dwelling house and saiolning grounds near the 0. T. R station, formerly occupied by the late Judge Tomas. ' Pricer gad terns of payment reaotn•ble, $p ply to ()ARROW W & Soli�Mtors, Oodorfob. Notloe to Creditors. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Is the matter of WWIa,R McArthur. of the Village of Dhsngannon, is the County of Huron. Insolvent. Notice he hereby given that the above named In.olvect has wlgned all Me testate. rest and petsor:al to me for the remand benefit of his eredlton, pnrane•tt to R. S. U. 1887 oep. Int Gad the amendment thereto_ A meeting of the creditors will be held at my oSloe In the Village of Dungannon 044 Monday the tied day of Aagnst at the hour ev two o'clock to the afternoon, to appoint In- �pactore and give directions for the disposal Gl the estate. Creditors are requested to file tbe:r claims with me dub proven by affidavit on or before the 1lyd day of August 189'1, after whlen date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the Were, eying regard only to those claims of which Isbeli then have notice. .1. IS. ROBERTS, Aseenese, 1)nngarnoa- BARROW & PROUDPOOT, Solicitors for =nee, . pa-! Aed.elob NOTICE TO CREDITORS. a the stdeto' etf the estate of irtutwe Reeder - we, deceased. Nodes h here given. pursuant to chapter lib of the Rev Stmutes of Ontario sad smwedlegs sets. that alt etredttors and other pp.�rautnnnos having chane •g•t••t the estate o WUilam H•nSeraos. late of tbw Tow.ship 01 Ood rloh. In the County of Hone, ♦oospG dee sed. who died ea or about the Bah day of leas. ler. ere MildrePreedrd otoo delivf the er .to (Y�.d..�r�aeb stloIeIto,s ter J Boos= Whitely 11 D., sad Jame. MoMLl1Ge, the ezeonttaog�um Ne estate of the said seesaws statements wrldsgg1 gin their semen .rd add with full p.titemlae amid greet, their ey •tad the nature of the sae.Mty 44 tall held them, na er before the IR d.y of September, tar otter which .a1d dmf. the sale esteem" wfl( prwotosd _ a dbtrlks.. theism**. bks emerges the t�sh�ts h.,1* regard cell ne tb.v entitled M Ia44 'tr...fd p�ptttore shall t have sotto.. and the seM etseatspp.Me tet M Sable for the s•.Me so dt.trltorte...ee sr my tkKeot b My sewn •t pewees who. ilhtml ct1Nf Mtn hen ben Meshed at Gee time • I take this opportunity to infers( the ,nMN that I am m111 in the business notwithstanding all rowers tease eeseary, and am prepared is do even den of werk in my Plastron' making . - • window trams to erecting a fHtory building--- with mansard root l atlmaten tarnished a eA r ompetltlos levtest,. The f.rsisliag et tsatldlag materiel, snob M , shingles and Inmoer • sesetalty. i. SMEETH e ierMh, July Ith Iier WAFTED -Industrious penises ot either sex with good cheroot* and common school education, eau obtain employment for two months in this community. 8. M. FRY. Toront2 Ont. WE WAIT AGEITS 10 handle established trade; this county. Canadian stook gaar.nteed To live. Ferman• eat position• whole or part time. Liberal terms. Yen can make ten dollaTv a week or better with us for every week you work. No experience necewesry- BB,OWN BROTH -VW COMPANY. Continental Nurseries, TORONTO, ONT 1-3m IRON PILLS. ?3y a box of Wilson's Iron Pills and Ore if they don't give you an appetite ono strengthen yoor,gMogs during the 1101 weather. , 25 cents sat WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRZUQ''STORB Mosey beak fit Oesd. are set e.cbt otor7. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL AND - SASH. DOOR. AND BLIND FACTORY, t Scnar Alt 0ORAA