HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-19, Page 4WE HAVE
to rent OUT wheel.' at the fol-
lowing rules fur the balance
of the Season.
FORENOON 10c per hour.
E VENIIV G , 20e "
Ihe �xgual,
mi rususanD
Terns •fs.bserrpsur s
Ons month in &dyaaoe
Three months,
Vena year.
$ 11
Ad vett/Mpg ■ale.,
Legal and otter caecal edvertio menta, 100
per line for ant t.esrtloa. and waste per Una
for each sub.egaeDt Insertion. Measured by
• nonpareil scala
Business cards of six lines and under, $6 per
Advertisements of Lost, Found Strayed
Sitaatton• Vnoant, eltnatlons a +anted and
Amtneee C .,,e. Wanted not xoeeding t
lines wow. ..$1 per month.
Houses oi. dale and Farms op Sale, not to
expect/ t Mora $1 for first month. 60o. per sub-
ee0ueuttnonth, Larger advs. In proportion
vo--...milirgeigestal co toe, the object at whtohJa to
Promote the permnlary benefit of say ndi-
vidral or nompsny, to be oonsldered an ad.
v ••tl.ement and charred aaxrnlingly,
1 ...J notices to nonpareil type one oent Der
word. no notices less t 25o.
&KOO notion' in ordinary reading type two
once per word. No notice for lees than 10c.
N otiose for churches and other religiose and
benevolent institutions half rate
Subscriber who tall 10 receive Tim Brasil.
- -"' r.a'tila71y1sy-mall, tame fora favor by -at>=
a casting to of the hot at as early an dates'
p o'.1rale
When • change of address is desired. both
tltp old and the new address should be given
rahlNterl Settee.
J. a. Le Tonsil'. of Roderick', baa been ap
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town-
ships' of (1oderich, Oolboroe, Aahfleld and Wa
Lo. al ro.tma.ten over the district ars also
',powered to reo. ye •absortptlone to THs
41ust At.
A.1 oommunt.ntfons roust be addressed
I *:mhos* Oall10 At.iOneh
ISOMERIC. 111aVw/DAY. AUG. iE .Ilpl.
THE visit of Hon. Mr. TArr§ to
(roderich Saturday last was -wit event Of
grcst importance to the tom:), and the re-
ception given to the, Minister of Publics-
ublicWorks by our residents was one which was
.atisfacto.•y to the gentleman received
and creditable to the potpie who received
It is fifteen yearn since a Minister of
Public Works visited Ooderich'befutnrand.
on that occ cit a the ,visitor, Rir H,ttTot
LA:rogvin--• French-C.nadi•n, as Hon.Mr.
T..ltTE is -was givae a most hearty and en-
thusiastic res en..ion- la is
th'refore, .to no: a that r change of Govern.
meat dose pot „ eci_.tl Yuspeet in which
Canaidian'pob'ic men.re held, and that, as
Grite vied with Tories in welooming the
Minister in 1884, so Tories went hand in
hand with Grits to do honor to the chief of
the great-PUblta Wo4k; department of CM:
ada in 11161.
. The. impreebfoti made oh the people of
(lo derich by the personality of Hon. Mr.
T A RTl was it good one. He went straight -
to the .point in regard to local matterr,--
and explained his aims and objects in
regard to the discharge of his public (intim
generally: 8o far ss Ooderich is coiteerned,
he regretted that the work do the bretak-
wat it had drugged along .o slowly .inns
March last, and unhesitatingly stated that
the (Hlstory style of doing the work moat
Deese, and the improvements be gone on
with at once.
1.1 reference to the public works at large,
he claimed that it was tate duty of a public
man to acquaint himself with the details of
his duty, even if to do no he should he com-
pelled to travel from Halifax to Vancouver.
It was also his duty to give contracts to the
lowest tenderer, compatible, with good
work, and wholly outride of the political
predilections of the tenderers These senti.
Mento exprossed by the Minister of Public
Work. will tooth a chord in the lomat 6f
every' honest man who wants to see the
country properly and economically govern-
011111110ther point Mr. TiaR111M equity
emphatic, and that was that he did not
favor a,eheeseparinq policy. The require-
ment. of this country were great at the
present time, heft they were not greater
than the pneeibilities of the grand country
in which we live, and when he said we
could afford to take stock in the future of
Canada, by extending our ghat public high-
ways and waterways, every true (;anartien
who heard him endoxtled the aentiment.
But the actions of the Minister of Pnhlic
Works spoke louder than words, and the
persnnal attention ie gave to the slightest
details at the hreskweter, the harbor Mere
*nit iw the pehhe heildinge proved that
when he said " no one could arses Me of
heing an idle man," he told the itrdfat•
trat,Ia He ggta f+we .164111$10). will the
paremial gond will et every tees'with whom
he Mice in 0014•1A, moil's. ss the date.
meet which appeared in Tux BwsaL two
weeks ago :
•' We hope he will Lind time to mute
hither at as early • date as possible. Those
of us who know him would like to see him
because we know him, and those who don't
know hire would like to too IIlm because
they want to know him."
Ws uanuot Mee too many active, ewer
getio men like Hon. J. been. TAaes -1
C•twtian politics. He has always been op -
poised. to political crookedners ; ho left his
party because of the Caiore, LANuavENs,
NL1:Ksavv's a al, *ad we feel amurel he
is not in favor of crooked politicians today
to any ratter extent than he wee in the
days when he fought thein and prevailed.
There was • maw who advertised
But ones single time,
lo spot obeoure placed he hie ad.
And paid for it • dime.
Aod just bewtue it didn't bring
Him customers by .sore,
"• All advertising is • fake,"
He said, or, rather, swore.
Hs seemed to think oop hammer tap
Would drive • sail dlear in ;
That from • his of lacy thread
A weaver tents ooeud spin.
It he this reasoning bright applied
To eati.g, doubtless he
Would chsint one little bite would teed
ssetury. •
Rome day, though, he will Lusa Ihe$ to
Make advertising pay •
He'll have to add ado to his ad. --
Aod advertise each dry.
l;, rte-ji,r-M. Armilewv, W. R. Beglef,
M. Cant a, C. M. Elhott, B. Jardine, A L
Keefe, F. P. Munro (bonen), T. C. McCon-
nell, F. 9. MoKentie, F. E. MoLesn (hon-
or.), F. McLeod, H. Tisdale, D. Webber.
Part 1., Form II. -M. A. Bailie, S.
Draper. M. J. Dunlop, W. G. Edward, H.
F•rga.on, W. .1. Garrick, J. Gress, W.
Johnstone, J. H Joyot, W. Kilpatrick. R.
M. Martin, W. Matheson,11V..G. MoPur
nay, T. M. MoEsen, E. j. Rhyne', B.
Sheppard, 0. M. Streog.. Mary Ttohborns,
E. A. Hill.
Part I., WithoatPhysfe .,-M. A. Amy,
L. L Cunhiogh.m, W. A. Elliott, G. How-
tard, C. Croweton, B. E. Graham. G. M.
Graham. M. Keefe. D. MoDourall, E. Pater-
son, W. H. Reed,' Maggie Tiehborne.
Form I1. -D. Allison, M. Cspling, E.
Ilowsae.. IL (laii•r; W. Gaiter. ...lobos,
A. 8. Kennedy, 8. Kennedy (hon.,r.), T. K.
McNabb (honors), W. E. Reid S. E. Reid,
M. Reith, F Reynolds, F. M. Ss•nbury, J.
M. Toruses, E. Weir (humors), R. J.
Worthinghem (honors):
Part 1„ Form 1I. -N. L Brendon, L.
Bir -ham, N. 1). Baob•nan, A. Chidley,Eva
Cooper. E. E. Cooper, H. B. Curti, E. M.
Doherty, H. Groat, 0. Heylar, A. Hes, F.
King, A . MoA,iuter, A F. MoLtw. P.
Plumateel, M. Tamen, H. Taylor, M. G.
Aart I. Without Physios.-J. Anderson,
E. C. Anderson, W. B. Rig.h•w, A. C.
Butcher!, R. Capling, F. M. R. Fowler, 8.
Irwin, N. 3. Isbode•, 1). F. MoEwen, A
McLean, N. J. McMichael. A. Marshall, M.
Moffatt. R 0. Reid, R. C. Richards- 1. 1).
Roes, W. Svut, A. Taylor. C. A. Tebbutt.
Form II., J. H. Biggart, C. W. Doe.), F.
Edge, A. McLeod, J. A. McTaggart, A. B.
Marey, K. Puroell, E. C. Thompson„ O.
Part 1., Form II. -F. Beattie, L. Dor-
rrtoe, C. Gillespie, M. Henry, H. F. Hu.
try, A. W. Hammett, L. C. Hodgins, R. A
Ramp A. S. McLean. J. R. Morrison, B.
M. Paoohard, R. Rennie, D. D. Wilson
Part 1., Without Physics. -M. D. Kemp,
A. C. Lawrence. E. Mardis, H. Robioson,
V. V. Simpson, M. A. Smillie, B. Stephens.
A. F. Waugh, R. YoreL_
Physics only -D. Ii, LaNieborotyb T.
The marks are not liks.y to beherebs.
tore the end of next week.
The following will be the literature se-
lsseleas taken from the fourth book for the
Bleb School •entrance examination. for
-lemon I. -Tom Brown.
Leeson V.-Piotnre@ of Memory.
I ewe X. -The Barefoot Boy.
Leeson XVIIL- The Vision of Mirza -
First Beading.
Letson XX. -The Vision of Mirza -Sec-
ond Readies- --
Leeson XXIIL-Oo His Own Blindness.
Limon XXVL- From i• The Deserted
-Leeson XXXIL'- Flow Gently, Sweet
Lesson XXXYII.-The Bell of Atrt.
Leeson XLIL-Lady Clare.
Leeson LXV111.-The Heroine of Ver.
Lassoo LXXVL - tabling of the I'll•
Lease LXXXIX. - After Death in
Lemon XCL-Robert Berne
Lemon XCIV.-Tbe Ride from Ghent to
Lemma XVCI.-C•nade and the United
Lemma XCVIIL-N.tiooal Morality.
Leas (X.-tlxae from "King John."
• 1898,
III. -Lose of the Birkenhead
�seeoa XI -Ts. Evade, Cloud.
Lasso. XIL-Tbe Truant.
Lemma IOL -Tb• Hatable
IV XZ - Tbe Face Agai
fliL es L.
XXV- The Battle of 8.n.
Wow XXXIII.-Tb.11kylerk.
Lodges XXXIV.-Death of Little NelL
Loud XXXIX.-A Psalm of Life
Smith LI. - The Heroes of the Lo.g
Wadi LVL -•-The House Man.
Lamm LIX....-Yarrow Unvisited.
Leases LXIJL-The Exile of Rein,
Leases LYIV.-Y' Madness of Ragland
lease LXIX.-The Chaaglteg.
LOOM I.XXIX -The Caputo of Qeabeo
Ie.... L.XX X VII. -Snag .t the Shirt.
Lemma X0V. A Farted Remit at Sol -
vol ra►moutxrpofr.
The Bells of 311110,001111. pp
To Mary in Heaves, p►. 97 M.
Ring oat Wild Belle, pp. 121-122.
imdy Clara, p0 148 130.
Lsd, Xhdly Light. p 146.
B.1*. Seem. p 190.
The Three $ shwa, p 420.
The fermatas Merwaairt, pg 498-304.
"`T$ t►Okytiolt, gate 317 a
��Mss is • Country lltarsbyted,
Ts the Editor wt Tun Sun. AL.
Air, -The ktod o! Iawlgr.st that we
want in Oetarlo u the Koabe& toast f• -m-
er who has some o•pltal sad some 1-owledae
of sofeotillo terming. Upon this meet pace
pee agree Bet we have never made say ie-
teWgant attempt to attrsot blot, The Pro-
vinoial Gov.rsewe have done notb'ig 'i
this direction, and the Dom'nlua Govern. -
inset lavish all their •sorties apes the
I ave just relented from • visit to Great
Britain. whoop! dismayed with several tea -
sat farmers the comparative prospects that
are offered to them by Ragland sad by Pea -
oda. In England f.rmiog does nos pay;
lead is burdened with heavy rates sad
taxes, sod It Is a oommop thing to pay coo
pound an •ore as root for their farms. Thus
• hnn(red sore farm would rent at $500 •
year, which, capitalized. would represent
the otitis of three pt od farms in Caned..
'There as few tenant farmers who want
to emigrate with their !amities to an abso-
lutely at r oonntry like our Northwest, eat
I was assured that there are many who
would take up improved farms in Ontario,!!
we could first ret rid of two dilboultiee.
The farmer in Great Britain wants to bevel
pl•oed before him toe prices and de►orip-
teem of the farms whims are for sale,.nd be
must have promotion from greedy sad fraud•
ulent agents.
There.have been •censrtor the sale of
Ontario farms to emigrants, working upon
their own responsibility and with-
out sapervisioo. These gentlemen
published luta of farms for eats,
and they might have dons good s.rvios for
their country and have worked up • good
business tor themselves if they had semi -41.h -
ed • reputation for honest dealing. Bat
they do pot appear to haus been • "nooses.
Oa the oonlrary, it woull seem that they
have done • great deed of misohier I was
informed by one of the tenant farntna
whom the Dominion Government brought
out to visit tine country • few years ago,
nat in Denbighshire no farmer oould,at pre
ent, be ihduoed to oome to Ontario, beoeuu
ons man well known in twat oountiy had
been sold • farm through one of these agen-
cies for nearly twice the amount it was
In discussing the situation with Mr.
-Calmer oL3.hs High Commimion•r'a office in
London, hs pointed out that for eitaiens
reasons it would be impossible for the High
Commissioner to r000mmend to emigranfi,
or id harems 000trol over any loos' agent in
Ontario, and suggested as the most effet,tiv
remedy for this state of things, the appoint.
ment in each (meaty b> the county ooanotb
of an •gent who would negotiate ibis sale of
farms .itneted in the eaapty, The manly
ooaootla wodldumsbly be careful in the
selection that tHTy make, and an •rent of-
ficially appointed in this manner would in-
spire garter oocSdenos with prospective
parohmers. This idea is • geed one, and •
double safeguard might be provided by the
appointment of two 000nty valuators, who
for • fixed an moderate fee, would value
• farm for a./immigrant from abroad. '11).
Tommie still • fsreriee pine.
Root orops .re me*. ea Beale.
The raiz os Saturday asedei .the dud.
Pewees are beteg breughit iota hewn from
outside doubts.
There was early ottmmanlon as 91.
teeorge'e on Seedsy.
H. J. U. Cooks, barrister, of Hen.all,waa
la the scanty town on Monday.
Misses Maude Treble aid Libido Allen
lo!► o0 Wednesday baa .ata tot Manitoba.
The oeslaweor W nearly amulet/id the
punting .ad kaboalalrg of the City Hall.
The Msltiand House has .gate ah•nged
hands, Mr. Worry beteg the sew proprietor.
There ..• mots °owe thea ears oa the 0.
T. R. track neer the station every morn -
Many large braoobes of mem were blown
down by the t. ad at ,rm on Saturday .vela•
Will Cox, of Leamington, was at the
family resist moo, 13rit.unia toad, the past
C. Smyth, of the Beek ot Montcsel,Str•t-
ford, wheeled to Ood.rtob on Saturday
.ft._ aeon.
W. A. Ross represented the local Idea
C.O.F. at the high court held to Brantford
1•.t week.
N. B. Smith, of Smith Bros. & Co., left
Mooday morning for Torooto and Montreal
on • business trip.
Th. schooner Todinan, arrived kelt 144
Georeiw Bay on Moody with alute el
lumber and tan bark.
Mid -Summer Sale
Don't miss the Bargains at ROBINSON'S,
hing in SUMMER 000DS mast go.
Goods never so low in Prices,
Tb' ares ea the Square WAS out the r*
week. It le not otter it wrrite cutting V
the middle of Atag,ut.
The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U.
will be bald tomorrow afternoon at 3 r.u.
in the temperaca hall.
W C. Coo, court reporter, Landon. WY
visiting •t the resideooe of Mrs. Spates%
Vietot,•-,t, the pc rat week. '
Norman Maomurohy, prindp•1 of Flora
High School, • one-time teacher of our col-
limate, wee in town this week.
Dr. Clark, V.S., and M. J. Proudfoot
were rept. esntattves to the I.0 U.F. G- .ad
Lodge "t Belleville the past week.
Ex•Alde►.nan, Mn. and Miss Christ•
Armstrong, of London, are yhe pomace of
Mrs. Chu. Simone, 72 St. David -set.
-The Goderiob"Knitting Co. hes beth -shite
ping Winter hi • the past eta weeks and
831111/.. U neve .1 !'Ile to send East.
There were several bicycle mistier" the
pest week, one on Friday muster two riders
to come to the ground with oosaiderable
Rev. Mr. Oliphant, of Kentnill•r, preached
in Norttiet Methodtrt oharob last Sunday,
'applying for Mr. Edge, who is off oft his
Thirty-eiebt fine hogs fed at the Nile
cheese factory ware shipped from the
station on Mooday having been purchased
by D. Cantelon, of Clinton.
•• The liquor question 1. the most import-
ant question to he settled, and the onty any
Rice's Pure Salt.
The North American Chemical Company, Limited,
counties would be pat to rio expense, for the
agent would Le paid • oommission, on sale
of farm, and the valuators would be paid
by'the purchaser.
It is of ossrse essential that there should
81 • °antral offioe to oolleot and classify the
lists of farms for sale throughout the d&ffer-
ant counties in the Provinoe and to forward
them in printed form to the High C'1nimi.•
tmr-txrvttms,for efi eri+t°tfnn among the
immigration agents its Great Krt.-tin. The
printinglwould be the ohiet item of expense,
but if the Government object to pay it a11,
I heni bees assured by the manager of a
loan oompany that there is little doubt that
the Loan Companies' Assooistion would be
willing to oontrihate to the a .,t, for every
mortgage mem nay is the Provisoes is vitally
interested in the perfection o;( some snob
oomprehennve plan. •
If there is any merit in this ttnggeetion, it
should not he allowed to drop. There is a
danger of this, for there is no money to be
made by the promoter. We mast look,then
to the loan oompantes to press the Local
Government to bring the matter before the
000-uy councils
Goderiob, Aar. 141.8.
Fall Faire.
Gootgtcn, Rept. 21, 22 and 23.
W i.gham, Sept. 28 and 29.
Myth. 001. 5 and 6.
Palmerston, Sent, 27 and 28.
Toronto, Aug. 30 to Sept. 11.
Load( • . ,Sept. 9 to18.
Walks on. Sept: 16esd 16.
Stratto i, Sept. 23 and 24.
Clifford, apt 23 and 24.
parties getting their sale Mlle printed•
this altos will have a hes natio. inserted
■ this lid no to the time of salsa.
A'arm, farm stook, and farm Implemsntry
will be sold on the lot, math half of 12, con.
6, Goderioh tp. on Wednesday, Sept. let,
1897, oomm.noing at 1 r.n. Twos.. Ona -
Day, Atotioae•r.
A eelien sale of household faraitar•, sir-
pN", plasm, dales,ate. at Mrs. 0W. T.
aye reetdenee, 8t. Thieriot -et.... Friday,
Sept. 3, 1897. Non. GCN»kT, Aao1eawr.
IM ie Ssperses,
The Reetere Baptist Auedalloe, et New
Brasewlek, .t its Let ..roles la Albert
Gouty, adept id • report ea T.i.tseaeee,
whieb o.ne.ued the following amemisseoda-
1. That every Marta 1a this aus54 talo.
he urged eo withdraw fellowship from 'very
mgaher who uses IotoxlssM.g Square es a
2. Thee elm °barohee ebuld sWl.rly
deal with them wile, es the day et batt*.,
an feted h the ranks of the mammy, week-
lag for et vetiag far the ram trade,
3. That the Morello ei.aiii easeare„ sad
sew all awns to Bait puler re Wag be
Noir alb rises members wile mese net to
the help of the Lear ae•rw eh* selpity.
4. That A8 s.8 whew Auld ..para'•
thseassives hes ?MO meanings . *118 theism tnflea
to settle It is by the btllot. As far as,I am
concerned I do not propose to let any other
issue intervene until this is settled and
settled richt."-Rev. Robert McIntyre.
Ensign Andrew', the Provi.oi•l Gems-
, spent, will again visitGoderioh
�'on Tbareday, Aug. 26th. He will have •
graphaphooe with him, and promisee some
wondertul wileotioss in music, singing end
Exeter : Geo. Hyndmao had one of his
toes amputated this week. The member
had given ham considerable trouble of late
8eatorth : Archibald Chisholm, an old
Meaforth boy, now . prosperous merchant of
Griswold, Manitoba, was in town this week
on • visit,
Exeter : John Manning pulled s branch
from his apple tree in his garden the other
day, whloh was laden with fall grown fruit
and blossom.
Wingam.lamb Kling has purchased
the Central laotel from Dan Mackenzie, the
ooneideration being $3,000 sad • house and
lot in Teamster.
Ethel: F. J. Eoefl, evangelist, of L.-
ohate, Quetta), is bolding a aeries of reange-
Iielio services in a gospel teat on the grounds
of H. K MoAllist.r.
a ■
Arrived AUG. 14th.
The Leading Editions.
8c. net Sunday School Edition
100 t, Pocket
250 " Cloth Hilt Edge
300 " Bold Type
800 " Large a
90o " Musso
LOOK mea wise
Mala AT /OM.
Sample lot post
free to any address
on receipt of price.
TPwpiwe Re. IN.
MOM 11>Q CHILDHOOD saa sp/rt12D son
HIAH? T10UBLas-DOcrOaa•l* , NOTH-
•rlrbiits ti`glnt.• - - -
from the Herald, Stratford.
"• 01 the making of books then ie no
cad," it has been eatd, and the same et.im
might be an up is respect of the making of
teetimoniels to favor of Dr. Willow' Pink
Pills Wonderful are some at the s ate-
ment• published in the newspapers as to
the cures effected in all parts ot the ooao-
try. fresh endenoe proves the halt has not
bees told. Were it not for a false eon.e of
delicacy whinb • great msey people seiner -
min in regard to snob matters, the oolomns
ot the press would b. lineally Monist with
grateful acknowledgements of benefit de-
rived from and p.rmaseat ours* effected ba-
the use of 1)r. Walleye Ptak PUL for Pus
People, It a quite within the mirk to .ay
that there ie no sitter medusa offered the
public that can .t all oompare with Dr.
Wiltiami Pink Pills, and there is not •
corset in this wide I)ominlon in whloh their
virtues have not bean proved. A aure
which recently came to the knowledge of •
representative of the Herald u dogmas( el
being widely known. It r an m8Mnae ot
heart trouble that h• fH ed the skill of • num-
ber of phyeloiaas, some of whom positively
refined to treat the patient on the ground
that It was no use. The subject of the ef-
fliolloa referred to is the wife of • highly
respected and a Il -to-do farmer la the
township of Logan, hear the village of Dub •
lin. Mr. and Mn. Teo" Green ars Arm be-
li•ver• in the etlioacy ot Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and for very good reason'. Mrs -
Green hes suffered everything but death
from a weak heart, the trouble having al-
Aioted her sinoe early ohildhood. On sever-
al omissions she bas been so low that it was
not thought possible for her to hoover.
Her greatest trouble often arose from ex -
Mutation or . sudden start, and at such
times her heart seemed to cease ire throb-
bing and the breathing was fitful and labor-
ed.- Meter* -1614ttdl8•- 18d'mid to Meads
effect whatever. She was advised by ear
physician that all that oould be done was to
keep her strength up and it was with a
view to strengthening her system sad with
no hope that her heart would be heasftted
that she began the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. Rhe bad not been •skier them
law, however, when there was an anis.
t•kable relief from the trouble that had
made her whole Itte miserable. During the
past Summer she has taken Pik Pills free-
ly and has enjoyed better Malik' than for
many years before, and has been able not
only to do her household work bet also
many of the outdoor obores that fall to the
lot of a farmer's wife. The different physi•
Mins who have treated her bane fregoently
told her husband that they would not be
surprise -I to beer of her dealt at day mo -
meat, but ea is today a strong woman, en-
joying better health than she has deo ler
years. Both Mrs. Green sad bar husband
feel grateful for the great henget she has
received from the am of Dr. Williams' Pink
P111s and spare no words in sounding thou
praises to everyone who eoq.lree what has
wrought such a wonderful change is Am
Green's health sod eptrtts •,-
Ia oaaee of p.ralydf. glnai't..abl•s, 10-
mraeeor •raxia, eWation.K7•
enrofulous troubles„ 1k, W,i
alit*!' Ptak PAU are superior to .11 outer
w-Nmet They •reals° a apeciie for th.
Ireabis which make the lives of so many
women • burden, and speedily restore the
Mb glow of health to pale and stow
cheeks Men brok.a down by ova work,
worry or examen, will find to Ptak Pitts •
carton ours. Sold by all denims or seat by
mail roetpald at SQo. • bar or six be
$2 50 by addressing tbel3r. Willies. Medi-
ans* Co., Krick vttie, (at.. or Samoisi Ydy.,
N. Y. Beware of (.11.1ioss red s$11pg
Lush alleged to be "Mast as rood.'
Prohibition 1• not simply to reform w.
drunker**, of today, but to prevent the ris-
ing asisigitwe Irma fallowing the came
Path- OM salsas and in • taw years
we will Seisratlba of eolyr
men and Eaters,
roe ClYagta. DrjE.
Teat this evil ie .riplatji tyashill.t (a Mr.
suet every oommuaity mast be apparent to
ever, 0,o/utast cameo, and the daily prom
furnish •bondaat evidence of the deadly
'flea of the oparette habit.
T Rev. Mr. Kidder, writing in the Ad•
van refers to • Wfs000tdn oily of 6,000 •
pooul.Nos m wbioh • recaps lnvestigettoo
revealed the fact teat a singfi dealer retailed
on .a average 300 cigarettee per day, or be
twee° cies and two tboo•and by the venous
dealers of the tow..
Ia Lansing, Mich.. Saperintendeot laird
and others made a systematic 011111•600,40 rhe
schools, end ab' habit of using 1obsiessi tlss
found to have bee& formed by many ba!••
Some of them bad goes .o tar se to forge
their percale' names la order to wooers the
weed. A principal in Chicago Saye the Hilo
of oigarettes to ohildreo br t t w •teedfly
tnaressing, and that she &smelly found •
boy of eleven year. smoking ham office,
bra desire to smoke hiring so 'trorg that be
ran the risk of indulging even there. Many
ars ruined by this habit, their ftvee eat
.bort and their mental and moral power so
weakened ren to render them unfit for say
service. Said • teacher of large expatiates :
" A hay that has the cigarette hank upon
him can do nothing to the whoolren10. H'
remt _either unit the habit . ori the
Superintendent Laird, of Lansing, said
that be knew of iastaooe• when bays,
naturally bright, had boos.. stupid .ed in
dolent to such an *:tent they could sot
keep up in their stadia*, sad their teller( off
m mental ability he believed Gas be dia.otly
traceable to emanates. This is the testi-
mony from Mat. to California, Yd yet
measures against their ass to the public
school., s000mpanied by vigorous
tine of the sellers, are only oaand
Churches ea well as tamperanoe orgaaiza-
tion. should lift up s,warsaag veto against
this oryiog evil, and p.r.at.should anis*
with snperiatendeats of sehoole and Maooer,
b adopting vigorous preventive asaarares.
A000rdlog to authoritative •talbt ass, the
entire output for the veer 189$ ass 4,042,-
391,E 10 ; and tb• profits ere enormous.
The American Tobacco Trost olalme that is
ons yew it made • dear profit of $4,000,000
frau the mho of dgarettes alone. -,Modes!
Temperance Advocate
Greatest Store.
will positively close Saturday 21st lost.
Black and Colored Trees Goods, worth 65c and 76o, choice of
25 pieoes, per fd
Black Satins ant;olored Silks, worth 65c and 75c, Bankrupt
Stock Sale N:lce
Ladies Perfect Fitting Blouses, worth 75c and $1.00 each,
Bankrupt Stock Sale price, each ..
Black and Colored Silk Chenille Dot Veiling, made to wear
and worth from 110c to 40c yd., Bankrept Stock Bale
pricer per yd
Cottons, Shootings, Denims, Millinery, Fancy Goods, Ribbons
and Laces at unheard of prices.
Q. W. ANDRUWB, Manager
450 "