HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-12, Page 8THE CASH BASIS.
The old•fashioned credit systems are dying in every oom-
mtlnity, the people realize that the CAH B&.su1 is the only
fair and proper method of doing business -where all are
treated alike -
Not making up out of your cash paying customers the lasses
made icy bad credit..
Not giving one class goods for one or two years' credit at the
same price as the Cash customer.
But Cash and one price to all.
We buy for Cash, consequently buy cheaper.
We sell for Cash only and you will find our prices the lowest
in town.
to Fine Deem Gingham', regular 100 line only 7c
Fine Scotch Checks and Stripes, Gingham", 1 2i
Ladies' OoUars and Cuffs -White, Red and
It you pare/ASH you oan cave money by trading with Mit.
The Grist from th Lotted 11[111.
• Week!, aha et e7aaW 1/!w. nem.
.v N Is* daeF.edr -NIS -
rMae !R ed and e..diest&
iro.t [very seethe..
SEAFORTH : Geo. Hammell, teacher
to the Colltngwood Collegiate Institute, is
td.itesses mother hers.
Bluevale : Rev. W. J. West hoe .torted •
C.E. Society to concoction with the Pcm-
hymriao church.
Winghem : Wm. Clegg shipped Eve oars
of wheat to the Wolverine Muuoi Co., To-
ronto, last Tuesday.
Seaforth : John A. Jackson left thin week
wtl.aome fi:Ceea years or more tll.a..e '%tie
lady bed lost the ring about the time of her
marriage and the find of gold has beubtless
revived many happy ret oU.ctiooa.
Blyth • A number of opt °.furans intend
leaving shortly to work in the nem ilei mill
Winghsm. Will Drummond has
.r.d'the position of forerman, which he a
s;sll able to 611, having been foreman m the
Itflyth mill for several years.
Seatorth : Rev. K. S. Calder and F. Fish,
of Clayville, Penn., who were here visiting
Mayor Scott and other friends, and who
were on a ty sling tour. have been called
home on a000unt of illness, thereby •horten-
is their wheeling trip through Ontario.
Baster : W. J. White, Stmt, of Immi-
agencies for the Dominion. spent
on+ y night with his father. John Whit.,
town. Bund his appointment several thou-
sand immigrant, have left Michigan tor the
C1o14taa 1`orib•ws.t. H. lett on Tuesday
for Detroit.
Egmoadville : Thoma H%hs, of Fgmood-
vale, who !s one of tree moot enterp: • .og
for London, where he will take • course i0 bootless men in this district, has reoent y
lbvmttitarysahuot- -- its& veva and oeortert.bi.hMws
Wrozetsr : A. Mh.noe wild ' wled Is SII• re two of his reeideoces in 1•:^mondcille.
'erten list week to attend the Marl of Mr. Hill is one of the men who keep, Duet.
his brother D. C. Munro. ea. booming.
Clinton : The town intends to put insane Ss- Hdeos : The unezi sotsd death
7,000 square yards of granolitio walks, at • Chas. Dr nim. of St. Helene, has .• st a
probable Dost of llo a yard. gloom over the ooirmuoity in which be re-
B.ltford : It is understood that the lits sided, he being sick only six days with in.
ease oommiwioosre have refused to extend 6ammatico ot the towels. He passed
She hoopoe to the [inion Houle away at the its• of ;,6 years. He leases •
Winghsm : Mr. McLean, of Lockaow, wife and six small uhildreu to moats testi.
shipped two oar loads of export oats.' from Henault : Jamas .o
Cozworth, the proprier
bre on. Thursday, per LI. ZR rt the Ceoteouui hotel, and who hes kept •
Baster : John Mellott, lett on Friday, for first ole t horse bete for a number ot yts.s,
Bt. Paul, Mum., where he will work for and 000stantly improving the n ne, and
WUl Carling, • former oitixen of Exeter. vainiog patronage as a result of good vnan-
• Turnberry ; Gavin Wilson, of Tornberty, agement, hr1 lersed the hotel for a number
commenced puling peas on Tuesday los.. of y_ ire to Mr. Robinson, of (loderioh, who
Thies 000sidersd very early for this year. hes been eogarei there to the same le d-
WroyeWr : Stauderson Brothers have 0w.
....d • general store in Thoi .. Hemphill'. Win.bam : The train hands of the Lon•
biook. They are well and favorihly heaven. deo G.T. R. freight have had • good deal of
Seatorth ; John Cliff, while working in affliction thrown upon them daring the pest
his tathet'a planing mill the other day, got year and • half. The first was th• terr.t'e
one of his bands caught to • machine. Th• accident which befell Brakeman Alex, Liv-
tbrmb and first 6oger were cut sod bruised. tomato° ; the sickness and death of John
Clinton : The S. A. Bend is now one of No.r ., engineer ; the sudden dentb of Mrs.
the fixed instintions of the town. They play short time
cede ofd e d tit o T. easyor, •
short tine ago, and the death o° T. clay of
will and c'•lieit the larva crowds who it. the wife of James 1.'.,411‘8Y• brsktmao on
tend. t4o.tme t..ih.
Clinton Edwin, aged tem, so0 01 J. C. Morrts • Alen- Er[sse, of Mortis, hem
Adams, Hallett, fell from a wagon on Mon- raised • pup in • vary unusual manner. Bt.
day evening, and broke hie left arm at the fere the pup's eyes were on*oed, its mother
wrist was run t ver and killed, so Mr. Brian. fit •
(Antra : Rev. J. F. Parke tetsived from ted • nipple on to •'ergs bottle filled w'th
the Government stores at Ottawa the woes- milk, sad prooesded to bring the yuppie up
eery tents for the Boys' Brigade temp at " by band" bks " Pip " In the Great F
1192t t e le? 019910.With Au bo;ha..
-Winifu•m rows, formerly of the tometimee vie would gorge himee't until he
Times, bas secured and excellent ooutioo on oonldn't .move, •.d If the children would
the Whimper North Wester, as deipatoh take the kettle away, he would cry afterit
reporter. like • real bah".
Wingbam : Pearl Moore, the little Wtngham : There died on Tuesday even -
daughter et Wm. Moore, had the mister- in one of Winghea•'s me -t highly rennet -
tone to fall from a ober. y tree and break ed yeeim women, In the person of Mary
her left arm. Eapb.m.ia, beloved stale of James Langley,
Tnrnberry: Robert Douglas, who lived brakeman on. the London (1.T.R. freight.
%ear Wrozeter and who has been m.lanoholy About two weeks ago deoewd was cooiined
for • Ices t••ne, was taken to L codon and was gifting along very h only until Fri•
Asylum Joly 21st. day last, when she wee seised with • eaddee
Brussels : Walter Soots, of Broaasle, woe chill, whlob was followed by mother on
the first prize tor tossing °slier at the in Mond y curtail, std she passel peacefully
anal Scottish cremes, given at Hartford, away oh Tuesday evening, Deasased was
the eldest demob, u of Mrs. A. MoLaan, of
Conn., on Monoay.
this • an n, and had only teen mevried about
Wiigham : Mn. Finale Little Woe
Waited in marriage at Ingersoll to H. 1!. a year. She leaves a sorrowing misters the enterprising young editor of fast
therbooa mother and two ah.t•n to
The Wingham Times.
Winghsm : Pearl Moore, the MuleButen : Sit apples were .bow r is 81.
daavhter of Wm. Moore, bed M• mister -
the other day from so orob•rd in
tome to fell from • ohorry tree ON day last whloh the Government is .reeking an •:peri-
weak and break her left arm. meat to that the practical value of .praying
Whitman): -Tb haler for the Wio batt oreharde. Three of them had been taken
R from • tyre where no email°, bei been
Thu Mill arrived last week and the work• dose. They were all em+ll, deformed and
pan are nosily sngagsd in Pinning tb peaitioo serowtly atf iced with those bleak .pots
The h•rllot was built by Mr. Crystal of tied are the rain of se mach fruit. Oa the
Godsrtoh. other band the three taken from the
Harpurhev : J. P. Brise, of Ha ,iiib•y, .prayed tress were telly twice as l•rg• acid
has had his fall wheat threshed asd 11 bas were healthy and well shaped and free from
Melded over forty bushels to Ibis •ore. MI6 all fungi, with every apnerrr•ice of develop -
Is oaloul•ted to hrlog o.• ie mind of the fag Ina. podee4 fruit 1'M w wplc 1 were 511
good old times. of the Nertbra Spy 1; -1ety, and were
aearorth ; B. Diokeon to making extensive sprayed six times.
improvements on the post °Soo building. Leed•shere i Early en S•terday mew..
When these are m •ted we •_s,ot to bbe „bow bus worehorrified t t M sr that
have one of the seate.t and moet °onvenient Jambe Brows bad ekes big we by masons
post ofboe. In the ooasly. himself 1a his own stable, some time daring
Last Friday Mary Juin &ad the night, or early that malaise. Be was
Chia and New York miff- dboover.d by kM wife in bbe morning, when
of Table. The .he west to attend to her milking Aedes,
while and when found hie was quite Wine,. The
reduce for his Veen,. antis a mystery, and
oebteily retain so, as he Savo es
way et ewe Istoulio., or
would lead waste
deed. He
Rlia.b.th Irvine,
airmails', loft for their Bol
Wham are natives of Be:grave.
hers were the gnosia of Mr. awl Mrs. R
Winghsm The Vetere' Lisa far the
town of Mariam have been printed and
delivered to the town olerk ft shows 812
voters -In part one 528. In pert two 1152.
h tart three 134. and 279 entitled to urge
ea juror..
Rest W.w.no.h : Mrs. Jas. Wilson boat
her eanary bird by death see day last Week.
Mrs. Wiling bed the Mrd In her posesesion
for 18 year. Thte is onn.idetwtsli.g piste
for a bird of this kind to live, M the aver-
age airs is tee years.
Oed.rleh tp : For .ems time Were hag
bene intones emolument over the lasmenee
geld Rade threeghoat the DsmMM.. bit
there wen .e tui d.. dr tram libeler -
wad 10 Oodalw Or Pay last
week • t I is wee anise
tie erilir .. d t9r I. the probes
sight bisg m iridium r1.g preemetee bb
will u
fathomless is any
.hosed so symptoms tba
asepses kb likelihood to do .sob a
had hens unwell for sons. time in th
whiter, but woe lmprnvlsg sibely, as be had
hen is Londrsloe, • few times duets, the
week, and had been al bits father's on Fi
day. Rs was SA years of etre, a farmer in
frilly good eireo .ssso.s, and Laves • wife
and Ave °hilt) sss, tb yosat+.t nhl) 8
nsenth. old. He was a 0150 of ear quiet
dtspo.lttew, and was held 1. high esteem by
hie nolo/blows s.4 Maeda Tt.e foasral en
Monday wee largely attended. He was •
invoke, of the Order of Reese Cirelee,whlek
order att..dd the Naomi Is a body. A
pet aortas ilualesSba was mads en Mo. -
day inersing. sod an tagasst lased en 1'.m -
day. The sympathy of tar -people rises one
be 11141 whims, aid family le tbdr pee leakir-
le and bsreevsm.ee.
Having fully decided to remove to Manitoba, our whole
Stock of DRY GOODS and MILLIITERY must be clear-
ed out in two weeks. In order to accomplish this in the
short space of time we are compelled to mark our Goods at
such prices as will command the attention of every buyer
of DRY GOODS in Goderich. On Monday, Aug. 2nd, our
Store was cloned to re -mark our Stock for this great two
weeks' sale.
Everything 7nu8t be sold. Come with the
crowd. '
NEWS OF THE DISTRICT • Ytsh their Hsmnt«..pent Tuesday
From ourown Correapondond
niers 1s tarersaattes mere That pa.ot M
Ieaa! Anywhere eiree-flows of Oho
meaty epeel•11J Repay ed
tee Tse stg.at,
WttDtOSDAY, Aug. 11.
A Bus 1 LLD. -Go Mooday.J•e. Jenkins,
of Colborne, threshed hem lb aero. of Fall
wheat, 615 bueheh of • .pine lid sample of
grain. Good for '97.
W. L. Ferguson & Bon met with • heavy
low Saturday last io the death of their im-
ported heavy draft stallion, Royal Sov.
*reign. Thai animal, which was valued at
=1,000, died from the effects of tenure of
the bowel..
TrsoustY, August 10.
And the raspberries have gone.
Hillary Horten hoe returned from Strat-
Loner Stirling is home from Buffalo on •
visit to her parents.
MAY Cors.-I)urirg his sojourn in Code -
rich, it is expected that Rev. Dr. !Meldrum
will preach here. This will not be hie fins
sermon here, as 1n his stnd.ot days over
seventeen veers ago, be preached Thee
this ahurob was in emutection with Knox
°hut oh,
TcsvrAY, Ans. 10.
on the evening of the 28th alt. the resi-
dence of John Anderson, of Blyth. was the
•c i• of • happy ocourrenoe, when kis
000111'3, MITI Isabella Johnston, of Malaga-
watob, Cape Breton. daughter of Ju. John-
ston, of Welltowa, Ie w, Sootiand, and
Albert Beckett, of A•Lfleld, were united f0
the bonds of matrimony. The .bride was
given away by Mr. Anderson end Res. Mr.
M•olean, ot blvth was the officiating olergy.
mat. Tb• bride was beautifully attired in
a gown of .bot .ilk. and she oarri-d in her
hand a bunch of Highland heather. The
ceremony over, tt.• guestI repaired to
a tempting weddiog sun or, and attar spend-
ing • espy pleasant evening the oompany
dispersed, wishing every happiness and sao-
r.•g to this young couple, who started tor
tbdlr home, where they will meat with the
beat wishes of • large number cf friend..
Mrs. Becket 1. a sister ot Mrs. Rose, wife of
Rev. Mr. Rom. formerly of Ashfield, now ot
Msfrysw.toCs Bfeteer.-- - . _... _ _•
TDtsDAY, An,. 10.
Joh. MoMilL., M. P., was in town las%
Several t.te.setlag_law suite a -s rive ea
the wing bo.:
A oompany of the tory' Brigade, from
Clinton ore encamped on the yak• shore.
One of the hotel proprietors was fined for
• breach of the new license law amendment
Oso of our medical men is away oe •
well-.e.aed trio for the benefit of hie
The harbor ears again imputed by •
Government engineer on Wednesday the
41h last.
A prominent member of the mnntdpal
caution is won t r retire. On his retirement
be le off for the Klondyke.
Eleven clergymen were at one time last
week enjoying the lake brews. What a
rest it moat hs --for the ooegregations ? •
The tourist .nein' is sow 1■ full blast.
No room to be had any pl•oo. Pnada@
from Seafortb, Clinton and other points are
tit• order of the day.
Tosspav, Aug. 10.
Edward M•Conkey, of Goderioh, visited
relatives near here en Sunday.
Roby and Ede& Gibson, and Elle Miller,
of Oodsrieb, visited hero Inst week.
Marko MooNell, spent Sunday at Loss -
borough. making the journey then on the
(arrlo Molise and Grows Walker, of De-
troit, who are .1.itlom 1m Ooderioh Tow. -
ship, 'bitted bus last week.
Master Roy Rookie. of Woedetoolt. i.
. pending his wheel vadat-iota the meet of
bis greed patents, Mr. and Mrs Robt. Fel-
ford. -
A large party of gl b e Damp again on
the old spot on. NighN.g&L street. Three
plenty of horses, s.mereas in
all eiaea and more eunssreaa
tsge•*ay sad joy -
watch dr gs of
in okllde s. Their .a
dal one.
A lam toothier party of the fair *ex sad
a hi; time la the wateee et lake Hares at
the beach ear the b..- 1 .e of Nigbfl.gale
street the ether day. $.Nell ked a deeper
dip than they wi.hed,by the upp'sg et • e4
wbloh they seed se a sdlisg waft.
Wmtwmttssv, Atm. 11.
Notal .sheds reopen en Monday mut
Mrs & 1. Kish sad Mrs. 1. S ---w-- ,
of Per* end kite Jeatitehtaeaa. of cele•
The Misers Ramsay, of Gode.-doh, •re
vydM.m Wm. Hawk* and family.
Threshing has commenced in this own -
enmity and fall wheat ie yielding abund-
The Idiom Graham we spending their
vacation at the home of their greed/Wm.
Thos. Ginn.
Daring the vioarinn of Res. Wm. God-
win, the pulpit of Zion church as bets very
ably occupied by E. Armstrong, of God. -
The farmers who hese a good supply of
hogs tor the market are lucky. $6.50 live
weight is being paid, wbioh, considering the
price of coarse grain, is • high P -are.
Your correspondat L ashamed of those
members of the Liberal party who have
done the dirty work in oosaenuon with the
dismissal of Postmaster Campbsl', of Gcie.
Claude Fisher, the f opaler and peinetak-
i.g toaob*r at Holmehville, has been re-
• stg•gti for 1898 at the salary of 1400. A.
The reels essmtoeVs.. thew, Wt. Timber
is • capable and eifident teacher. and his
re-engagement will give general eatidac-
tion 1a the section.
MONDAY, Angn.t 9.
C,satsrute Emnsavoa.-We understand
Joe Mchevi■ will lead the young people's
Christian Esdeavor mooting in dile plans
next &today evening. A lure turnout is
Imitated es that eeoaloe.
GOOD Woes Dov• -J. O. Soapwort fin-
ished baying last Friday. He took thirty•
two large loads of hay off twelve ewes.
Alex. McLeod and Wm. Robinson had -t
Jubilee Bargains
Large Btu. CO. a snap
Oil Stoves
'mum FLAME..11 slaw.
Gasoline Stoves
Tamdem Stoves
Laws, Bowers
Daisy ;Churns
. . TWINE.
Now ik the time to
order your' BINDER
TWINE, as it won't
oo.t yon any more to
order early, and it giver
ns an idea of the quant-
ity required.
As usual, we have tie
on the market.
'IV_._ ._...ORSF3,L
Illi UP-TO-DATE MUM The w.Mte.i m , mad ran... orae.
Colored Dress Goods
Shirt Waists
12}o for 10c,1tcfor Se, and 10cfor 8c,
Carpets e s The Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock
in town in, Brussele,Aamineters,Tapes.
tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply All -wools
Unions and Hemp& Twine and Japanese Matting'. Oil Cloths is
three qualtied direct f.som the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths.
The balance of our stock at Rock-Botton Prloe',
COT Po -= =MOB.
P3M1, 3. H_ 001.3301:11 1.131.
The Great Cat pet Warehouse of tat County -_
has placed to Stook the largest
Importation of p j yl D 0 V.
'Yet 1Nretved •t picas with swab be imitated any-
where. To get hl. prioe L to secure your custom.
tie keeps the
Acknowledged the best.
)elAll Hardware Building Supplies away down in Price.
tithe ramloadicr. as Al.,,,Omuta' but be NfAHIT A--
fork as mach bay as A, bat he
found hs matob for once. Percy Stewart
ran one wagon and Wm. Green the other.
Will and Alex. came out at the top of the
ladder this time. Will forked off his lass
load in eight minutes. Who oan beat that
mooed? The above hey was atl bandied in
the one day. James 0 said it was • big
day's works
Seafortb : Mrs. Henderson, of Damfrio-
shire, Scotland, is at present visiting her
snot here, Mrs. James Mafionsrl. Mrs.
Henderson is delighted with this 000011y,
as she Ends it far is .Avail.** of bee meet
sanguine ostentation/.
su e
Spoons per des , t 75c
Knits' 1.. $1.50
Forks ▪ 75o
Table Cruet, each 750
Mgt .„_ " i ... _ _ Oo
Butter Knife " 15e
Candle Sticks " 42c
Sad Irons " 15c
Scissors, per pair 10 and 15.
We can Plate anything
in 'Brass, Iron, Copper,
or Steel. Call and see
samples of our work.
Llmjtsd, Ooderiah.
Summer Goods
.. a at c %ost !
We have a brand now stock of
Granite Preserving
Kettles and Pots
which i aro selling very obeap. Call
wWn.I have Just received a oar load of Flour
from Lake of the Woods min. Kee
The !lour is wade from the cream of
the Manitoba Wheat and 1• the beet
the world can p.od.oa This Flour is
now °Mired for sale at
People who boy Ebur should not miss
this opportuntty,
Special Rates to k armors Baying
Large Qnantitiss.
MT BREAD 1s made from this beauti-
ful IFlour ■nd hop yeast, and b tae
most wholesome that min be made.
of Pawls
Made from Hair Lin
Stripe, solid Worsted, is
15 design.
• •. * Make
can be bought retail for
Worth $6.00 made to order.
211111 1111,1
ScraIItoH Hard Coal
iN TRK MAlti lin
at $5.78 per toil, Cash
All Owl witting es the now maim"
hers yrs tiwt IWO ibs fora tea
' . Z
°bete left N 111.