HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-12, Page 6Tansduar, THE FUNDAIWftITAL • �a. PRiNCiPtE . ' ng better for g our selling PRICE, THE SHOEMANN 8uooeos to H. B. POLLOCK. for We do repairing that gives satisfaction. ,,so sIIII ,tl,I,'' sooss..do • on which our shoes are built is Mawr. They mast be worthy. We have thew made so. Not oontent with things as they are, we go our dol you day by day, increasing our facilities for nerving you, bettering our buying and betterin methods. Out of It comes good Footwear at better prices than you havereverknown. OUR HIGH SCHOOLS. are opposed to the High Sohools, it must be admitted that, they nevertheless take full advantage of them, tor of the 24,662 pupils stteodiog the High Soheole and Collegiate They ally Needed in Canada. the to 1895, nearly ooe.third were the children of parents connected with agri- culture. -- To hear the persistent cry about boys hsee 127.0' fes, Mnng, Ir1s leaving the farm and crowning Into the cities and towns one would Imagine that such • movement is peculiar to this Prov• ince and this generation. Indeed, • stranger might be led to suppose that there are farms by the dozen in different parta ot the Prov• moo lying unoccupied for want of young meo to work them, sod that it Is only the prote.sions that are overcrowded. The sapi- ent editor of The Ceuadtso Magazine actu- ally thinks Ott more merchant ore wooded, tor he talks •bout our tailing boys away from the counter, and claims as so advant- ani of • change he propane that among other things it would give us more merch- ants. Is there no overcrowding and driving to the wall and to dishonest prsctione in the mercantile and industrial world, ea well as in tete professional ? Are there no towns in Ontario where the oompetition between the merchant*, the tradesmen, and the mechaa• dos is just as keen as that betwea the law- yeri and the doctors, and are the High 1s to tie holdsfbpon*tble for thli dti r - whether we can suggest Buy mans of'rem- °rowdmv also? tidying the detects, , if such [hers are, in oWe are charged with "1eaosi W boys away system ; if not, whether we should not en- from their legitimate callings." Who, 1 ask, deavor in some way to repel the onarges,lrt ahs looks throughchq tfinks of the pomtu- 1.eaag eft rep -•ted Wt.y'ems eo be geoenh sot men of the Dominion today, whether ly beheved,au l serious injwy. be done to the politicians, m o,bills, prof ake to men, or °Base at secondary edvo•tiou ill this Pray- business men, will undertake to say what ince. I thought, therefore, mdre espeolBll proper w t ►t&tlon in fieJr f I Are w to oo inferwog our or Si one of the most active and out -"poke° oriatos thick the time �hoe roometwhen pro - 0I1105 Is • gentleman of my own town–I fesalous and positions that are commonly refer to Ernest Poston, whose 000tributiotte looked on by young men as rizes to be La the press oa thy". lyeot moat of you bays P ea Canadian w ucsd ..sd as Phe "tri e for should he kept for Who woe no doubt aat- Magazane bas seen tit to join editorially in I fhe wealthy,ped leisure classes Who core Bt dPsi et eiedertek Coltrtl•te 1a- eMaee–A Plain Talk 1■ 'mats Terms. FOLLOWING is the text of a paper uehyered by H. 1. Strang, Principe' of the Oodertoh Collegiate Institute, beton the Teachers' Aromatic a et (stem, 'soapily held : The most careless ' reader of the new.pepers cap hardly have tailed to notice that within the last few years there has been • dispi,sit ion in certain quarters to find fault with of Tligb Sohoole,and that of late the attack. i .ve been growing ',older and more numertus. It may be well, then, for us to take • little time to ooneider "___wbetb.r there it soy valid .Inundation for thew attacks. It so, it is for us to say ,1 . the outcry, that I should be Justified in ford to send them to distant and expensive I "ohoob like Upper Canada College ! Are drawing your attention to the matter, Inv- theit to you to viva is further oousidanttoti if children of fernier§ and parents belong. you think fit. fav to the industrial ol•'"os henceforth to be That • ventlemen like Mr. Heaton, of content with a Public School education, ex- Eogluh birth and eduo•tion, should have cent in •few "penial WNW where poor boyo of more than usual promise are to be select - brought with him and should still renin ed by examination, and enabled by @choler- .ome notions that are hardly In sympathy_ ships to attend these Upper ClamSohools ? nil♦ Preva to ot.with the more r�o'uticis hot to"be wondethat � I have no wish to misrepresent anyone, hat to me it seems plain that this is a fair infer - d .t ; nor is it strange that from want of once from Mr. Heaton's articles. If so, it practical acquaintance with the details and I to hardly worth while discussing the matter the working of oor educational system ne for soot •leo should tall into serious errors of toot, and Po y. when rightly understood, will, Lam 000tl should draw some hasty and illogical infer-d.ot, Sod latus support in O° .noes. That the editor of Th. CanadtOntario aooetilaenoiee. I have no ohjso- Magazine, however, born and brought opts an tion to soholanhips in themselves, but apart the Provinoe, • graduate of one of our Col• fes°rte the feat that experisnos has shown lewiete Institute" and also of our Provincialthat examinatipns are by no •sroaos • 'nese University, should indult' in such foolish test by which to "elect the boys that are and enumerated statements regarding, not most likely to repay the net of their edn- merely the High Schools, but the High °•tion, rheas Is •strong objeotino,that such School teacher", as are to be found in the s ayatem world grant as r favor to •few January number, wee to m•, a. 1 have no what we in Ontario are accustomed to re- doubt to many ot you, a matter of equal Vard as the right of all, viz. : the opportan• surprise end regret. ity to obtain • good se000daiy education What then are the oharges most frequent- °Nr •1 home, and at •moderate cost. • ly made! In brief they seem to be them : Acaio,we are charged with driving boys to (I) That the .Schools are drawing away the Uotted states. Now,no one knows bat- boys from the farm,the hooch. the shop, and ter than I that many of on brightest boys making them discontented and unwilling to do find thei• way to the United Stites, for remain in what some of on orittos aro there are laterally soores of our Goderioh Pleased to oall " their proper stations in ex -pupils settled. mid as • rule, doing well, life." in various parts of the Upton, bot chiefly an (2) That the are 8111n o tow • the Western States. Amon t ate ft t –orstaT'wv gpro esT i o• meo •w- - . ' oo "n an teacher", but yen, dootors, teachers, moil engineer", etc. while the.ifelenity of finding employment , (3) That they are driving hundreds, if not in Ontario may in some cases have influenoed thousands, of the brightest and beet ot our their onune, 1 know that much more fro - youth aorow into the state. because the sat• quently the easter examination", the shorter ter, having been educated beyond their abd lege expensive professional ooursea, the proper callings, annot find employment at wider Bald and the hater pay were the im- bome /n these which they wish to follow. pelting motives, and surely thew are causes Back of these, however, there evidently beyond the influenoe ot our High Schools. lies another grievance, one which is not sl- Moreover, in the list of ex -pupils referred to ways openly avowed, but whioh bas, I sus- are to be found farmers, clerk", 6°4-kno- t/soot, had much to do with the protonic oat- en, and representative" of varloua meohan- ory. Why, it is asked, should • man be bat and industrial pursuits. Then what oompelled to pay for • syet.m of higher ed- about the laborer" and sailors that for lack uation from whioh he doe" not feel that he of employment arose the line, or the farmers reosives any cantonal benefit ? who were tempted to move to Kansa and Before dealing with the charge" let me Dakota. Why should the high sohoole esy • few words with regard to the souroee le blamed In the one ease more than from whioh they oomtt. 11 has he's sought in the other ? Situated and oireum- to take it appear that then 1. • widespread staaad ea Ont•rto is with reference dlesatisfeottoo with our High Sohoot syn- to the Matted Sates, is anything tem ; that there is • very general bele(, more natural than that just w England hs among the farming oommuoity is particular sa•diy drawn trom Soolland, so the wider that the High Sohools are natty sad nom- Sold and treater wealth of the union "honed parativly useless the in"titotioos ; that all . always have • tendency to draw number" of great h y of the people needor wish ho oar •e hltietn and rrttet* youth within its good Public Schools, and that, therefore, 'orders. If even the Netiooal Policy oonld higher education msy be left to be takes not prevent this natural and inevitable re are of by those wish it and who are willing salt, !ray eboold the High Rohool. be bo pay for It,with the addition, perhaps. of blamed? Surely ft is ne part of their tune- s few promising Doer boys. when deati°s tion to end employment ea well se to for- st may pay the Sate to prones for by • Welt "duan'.. Let es rather. while regret• system of soholanhip.. For my part, i fed trout the lens of Melo voting people, find oen• rather "osptiosl on this point. From all selatlea, sed cyan matter for pride, in the that 1 have seen and heard I am inolind to fact that they. se • rale, oo oredtt to their believe that the niamonr has come oftener Gantry, sad that In the opinion of those from professional mos than from farmers or who are well qualified to judge, their sum meoh•eio,•nd that it the truth were known ossa is largely doe to the hotter doatioe the imp.Iltoq motive to most oases has hose and hog" graining they r.oelyd in Ontario. not to mhoh • ¢soar") regard for the vel- It is se sbenrd, as It Is nnfalr,i Ignore thea fare et the farmer or the good of the one- 'hanged tndustnal and social condition of try, w • wish to narrow the entrance to the modern life, and to holo the High Schools professions, and oraotially to keep them for responsible for the erewdlag 1.e*, the 'nest• • favored few. Daring the quarter of a oen• try into towns and cubes, and into profes- tivy I have held ley pretest position i have 'Meal and meroentfte lifer. Hundreds of had. more or.lese direedy, tinier my shares b,ye leave the farm" every pier imply he - hundreds of termer,' heys and girls. I have au". there 1. neither room nor work for known and talked to the parents ot thous- them at home, and herons* ander protest ands of these, and while the great majority oosditlon. It i. meth °haver and rosier for of thee boys and rials did not rlerie to the their fathers to help them to make a start farm" I cannot reoalLop leet•nos 1° whioh in sane other oceapstion thea to plan theta the parent" blame.) adi school or the teach- ma forme of their own. That in addition is set for the Net. Oe the other had. I an, those, many tamps' boys de get • dislike and do moll with gratitude the kind way for farm lib, cad that this, templed wit\ to whioh meny of them bays "pokes of what she set?, variety sod seaming sdveat•ges of the wheel It.. dose for their obi/tires in town sad sit lite, impel" tbola to lave helping to give them • start la life. Far- hese sad seek fortes* with the throng corneae they, t have nodose! that the peae wke perfeelly treo too this dislike, however, have been most ready to ennobles% the estrt the tanner" have themselves Iarply to of the.nheel have bees these wise are lean biome. 1e it "/rante that boys whe have fitt.d on jolts of the valise of the eines- bad their Amain for kssvl.dge gelokesd tion Is afforded, via. them who had ewer sad an Internal 1. the world of today had any ehtleres etteadibg 1t, or whose awakened Ie them at ss\eel, should Sod It .1 114x.. had ions .5... gr.w .p, sed that dell anti dreary h • bcase where Were are *0. sebeol has alw.v* samherd •.•meat Its melthwr kooks..ssggbes nor paters. Katal perhaps s wooer' 'telae oelt•r ? Is bklallrf weeder that boys who ere kept sl ttef E f!reE .relog to eight sad freak K flit heat seppert.re t,"smly re •tyre eniteral, .ereantil., Wad hall nat- ive UssWaly. U tis lot kis es • dam • Saturday, who are scarcely allowed to este or own a•vehleg, who hear tlelr lethal uetantly grueubliag about bard times Ma - unprocesuni that farming don not pay. de sot regard (arm life, either actual or pro- spective, with ea.isteouoo ? Need we be eutprieed If these boys, ening sad bearing former" held up to ridicule as " hayseeds " and " wayback.," and theauelvss too often treated as the moral Inferiors of the oily and sews youth, encouraged moreover, by the 'nooses of other lermeri wee whom they bear "poked of ea nidus berrf.t re and womio.nt physicians, should dooide to leave the farm end eater • profession? Let the termer" respect th.mselves and their calling. Let them show that t•rmlag ons be made to pay, sod that farm life is nth incompatible with education and Cal- ton, .pd is not • beerier to politioal sad "wird advanosment, sod there wall be so Ink of boys willing to stay on the farm. In short, what our farmers ord t" pot less but mon education, out manly tsohniost,eduos• tion to enable them to treat farming as a soientttla pursuit, but • broader and better general eduostioo. whioh will give them it taste for books and reading,wbiob will leave them leas at the meroy ot glib -tongued •genu a.ad poliuo•I oharl•tsn., and wil' enable them to till with credit sty position to which they may be chosen, isim school trustee to Mtdister of Agriculture. Meanwhile if our Hiph Sobool" are not what they should be, let us try to improve them, not, however,by addteg to ea already overburdened programme a smattering of teohoiosl subjects which can be dealt with ✓ stisfactortly only in separste institutions, but rather by insisting on • more thorou¢b koowledire ot the essentials, and, above all, oo • readier end more accurate command by all our studenta of good. English in both . peaking and writing. HOT CORN. Children are often born with tolyioo jnfos and whiskey in their veins A child's rsep.ot for its parent is net .s- oured by over -leniency any more than by over-eeventy. • Her Choice–A. between Dick and Harry, who do you like -hear " Jack." Teacher.–whet is heroism in Boy.–Lsm11S M.jekool flint a mails on year ftree:° – - The turns of • senionoe has decided tho fate of many • friendship, and, for angel that we know, the fata of many a kingdom. ' • Oh ! Mr. Porter, doesn't that twain step here!" said an old lady, ss tis Med through the stat — " No mom," said the :toner, blandly ; •' it don't even hesitate_ Mr. City Ways–Have you heard of those hornless carriages down in New York. farmer ?' Fernier–No, bat f have hard of the oowlees milk down that." A policeman was s eked by • coroner whether he had taken any stepe to attempt to reaueoltet. • mea on whom an iogoest was being held. " Yee," said the oowt•ble, "1 ".•robed hitt pockets" " Don't your father and mother go to church!' Boy–They can't go terd•y, der mother sprained her back chuck in father-Sown- stairsand be rot his leg broke. See "' . Mrs. Dix–I wonder what present my husband will bring me tonight?" Mn. Htoks–What makes you expect one? 1s It your birthday!" Mrs Dix–Nmo ; we quarrelled this morning." Yolk. S.arg.ant.–Ie the mad dangerous- ly wounded !" Irish Polios Surgeon–Two ct the wounds are mortal ; bat the third oan be cared' provided the man keeps psrfeotly quiet for at lent sax weeks" Nervous debility i" a common complaint, especially among woman. The beet medial treatment for this disorder i. • persistent course of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to meanest and invigorate the blood. This betaL-iNsm- plubed, nature will do the re.t._„-- May Belay–And if you think the other party le bluffing of oouree you may bet Jack. Potts --Well, that is the canal course, but I've found that that is usually a good time to dam sob" " Come and dine with me tomorrow," said • man to • friend. •' Afraid I must decline. I'm going to eels ' Hamlet "" ' Never mind," was the sahlushl.g re - pt. ; bring him with you." A oroseing•ewe.per begged something of • gentleman ; the latter told him be would give him ecmething as he same back. " Your honor," replied the boy, " you would bs surpri.ed if you knew how mash mousy I loos by giving oredit that way." Sade–Now, papa, I know della Jaok 1e just like you." Paps–Humph 1 Why do The 'say that T' Sidi -1 beard you say the other nitrite that wba you married mamma you hadn't • penny. Jack wanly to marry me and he's is the mime oeoditfoa." A young lady, naming for the first time in the 000ntry,waa alarmed at the approach' et a sow. She was too frightened to run, sed, shaking her parasol at the animal, she said. is • very stern tone : " Lie down, sir, lie down 1" Dr, Pillem–Did you edmini.ter the opiate at nine o'clock, as I dlsvtted '" Mn. Clamp (with • sniff)- That I did, ret, bat it sesemed • pity to have to woks the poor man out of the tint sound sleep he's had in four drys to give it to kink !" Mies Orey–Mn, Handsomehad sash se .opener"'', p• 1 Arrested Reoboe4e1- ' Ail s stelaks, of eeurw tea Mr. Or.y–I suppose she was very 1#sA aanoyd ?" Mor trey–Not .s all. The papers mid she was e1 prsposnesdeg appearance." • n is 1s trees, craws," sighed the besets. f11i ilrl, ea shit pad at the mu wb. had Jost prepossd–" is is true that you ae pat the hake tato your as" without losing your (eneper "Ii ho." a{1 Georg., loudly. " Well, then," said the proud girl, ador- ingly. " Take sae. I am teem" Revision old Memerles-.,M. (.iter • tory boobs esII)– WM. and *evens." Ott. --deed ...,u , by the way, didn't yea popes N As acv asap ]N ams lis !e H.(star iMd)..-Wks yrs, of Mures " She (pp�1sss�l�1.� e�-s.1 . Mil hs. Oki ° eitgrw. saMhw I cawed er rejevhd W. C. T. U. D PARTI[ENT. „ite>rer assfr nervy. Mei R Y. Brion, • Ycale adta•vs worts at the W:C.T. C. oouventloa, said :ed ' 1 repressbsaoufal Norway, the motoar of the vikinge : It was oar country- men that discovered Atnerto•,Lslt Krtokson, nine hundred years ago, and another of my oountrdiens- oradeo, Dr. Nenoeu, boo almost diens- orad tbs North Pole : he did not lake any sibiskry with bin, not • drop. Attachesthing, friend*, you know • thot•isod yt ars ago we used to be • savage people up there is Norway, sed you itegiieh people used to be awfully soared of us, and used to prey to the uhtuoun, "Good Lord. deliver us from the fury of the Hammon.".ad we ooayuir- ed ltnmland twine and we 000quered it the tb'•d tun in the obaraot.r of Normane.But I tell you, friends, you ounqu.red ns by the Spirit when you obruuania.d Norway. Our heathen kluge went over to England sad they cam" over rod conquered Norapy, rod that u w1.4w1.4we are Canadian propos to- day. Now, friends, we aro ahead of you, bo- nus. we are voting out the saloon' to Nor- way. loon: weeks last fall we voted out aidesthe saloons in eleven aidesNow 1 tell you wbv we oan do that. It is because the woo mea are allowed to help the men. Every women that is twenty.tive year" old can go out and vot .egaiset the saloon, sad they do it. And 1 tell you it you want to vote the saloon out here you must not depend upon Oho men aloes 'the mer in Norway are not any more sensible than the men here, feat tb.y have the soap to see if they °anent do • thing themselves, tory will allow the wo- men to help them." test seer. Beware of the wily rot beer advertise- ments that now flourish in the warm months. When your roota are treated ao- oordiog to directions alcohol is formed. Last Seemlier we were on a street tar when • pec• n eo party boarded a oar for oaeof the parks. Otte old lacy had • bottle of root beer. The warm weather and the shaking of the oar stirred the spirits of the Neer. It fizzed and fumed and fumed rad rax over till it benne e mbarneinir indeed to the lady who oarned it It Mas worse thole the for that ate out the vitals of the Spartan lad– than could not_ be oonowled. Good oold water and homemade lemonade are good safe drinks that will satisfy those of simple sates, and If we are not satu8ed with thew it a time we simplified our tastes to suit the bard times to whaoh we live. • lake\ant Institute, Oakville has ei ndeurptwed mooed ot five year 1U the treatment of aloobolf•m, opium, mor- phine and toba000 addictions. Everyone attending tot *reitment ta aefured of priv- acy (S deetr.d),- comfort, •Biro. of rw- etreiat, and, what of of greatest importance, be goes to Lakebent Institute with oen6- de°oe in the treatment always inspired by knowledge of its unvarying success in the p� The majority of ita patrons have ottani- ed on the reoommendattos of show vie have been oared. Those interested are invited to oorres- ttond with th.t Medical Superintendent, Box 215, Oakville. ('• Prevention u better than oars" II al0000liem, opium and tobacoo addictions become in nob case a disease better remove the cause and never begin any habit which will become so hurtful sato make it- ones. awry to undergo treatment which u, especi- ally in inebriate asylum., very expensive, sod in some casae doubttuL One one is known to the writer when the system of the poor victim of into:moanta was so weak- ened he Ras not able to undergo the treat- ment and was brought home • oorpes Cel. sal.'. Warning. I oan drink or leave it alone." So has said every man who has died a miserable drunkard. That ia the oo°6deot statement of in moderate drinker. We see the bloated, miserable, God -for- saken wrecks ell about us every day,•ad yet that smile of aseoraao in your owe will nes ggme,ASP_ an98 . •• re gendove ,001 dov, a1 1–d.Y . Colossi thorns W. Bain, the well-knetws Southern orator, speaking e. this subject, says : There was Edgar Allan Poe,the author ot The Raves. " Take thy beak from out my boast–gent\ the roves, monomers. ' f� was the evil spirit of liquor that killed tum. Then was Tom Marshall. I saw him ad. drew as midtown of 5,000 people, whom he swayed with hip eloquence as a giant oak is swayed by • storm. Tens Marshall went down to the grave • Elwraf*a drunkard. The last time I saw him he was leasing against • lamp post for support. His hair was matted and his face and body dirty from debaaoh.bIa clothes ragged mad worth• lees sod his oons phoned anode his breast. He was • miserable wreok,y.t with still the trans of att.Socr•ray upon him, He would ell steads' for drinbs, • story • drink, and so he went on. You say : ' Why didn't Tom Marshall quid ? Hs didn't want to quit, or be ootid." I say Tem Marshall did want to quit. He stood at the door of • b1a kamith "bop ens day and said, " It by holding that bar of hoe iron to my diode snail It cooled I could get rid of this baring appetite for drink, I would bold it. He could not quit There was • preacher in Louisville, one of the moot eloquent men 1 have over beard, married to • wealthy lady. He was fond ot the bottle. He own home one night the worse of liquor. Hie wife said to him the next day, " Rusbeed, von were the wore& for liquor last night." He left hie hogs*, hie oharge, he holt ibis some of hos tall. H. dnok deeply. Hie wife and fam- ily left him. She treat to live on • little passe of property–all she bad lett ot oat of her fortune. He signal the pled¢e and became sober for • time. He bottomed brit - lastly against the drtek, and wee 'suited to Louisville to speak. He hesitated, and at Int went, and In hie Nature said • "i am • preaoha without a charge, • father without children, • husband without • wife, and all evil" have Dame aeon me on soprano of the drink. I wiU sever tote it sesta." And, otter all, \e did at the ad M • droaken debeaab. It would take a too ley to tell of others I have karma. TO... was yearn Hoary Clay, gra°d.on et the tress Boma... sr of the same none, shoe in • drenkes brawl. Then were CriMad.e, PsuNok Mary, 8. S. Curtis and Nero D. Prus- Pea, all of whom sump is drvskarda rater There was the brilliant Dank Tsar. elks owe. simile • shore fistaaq lei Ming 'w- idest et the Stales • Yam • Aathesy olri � , 1a of wore Wm we is elks WWI Sselr% speakfag at she W.C.T.U. eeiarasttea at tit Loa., la Nerember Isss. said : "I shook yos for this .axpreseisa of Wenn in the work of the oei,Ws wkieh t knee the kosor of rep/mouthy:, the New York, hit Louie mid Weston' Societies tot Sapp -nein of Vlos, end nue regret that 1 bays 'Sandlot here t" that one of the noblest, br•veet, most oonaeor•ted, and most faithful men that 1 have ever keuwn 1. sot here to stood cede by side wish me and receive an equal share of all the oowiderstion "hove me --1 mean R. W. UoAfee, of be. Lexis, s moa who, daring the past year, In order to de - lend the home' 'ed the tooth watts' of learn in end the youth m thin tsetltatioss and these bonus, bee spent one handred and sixty soiree nights upon the aleepuog-oar, away from his home sod his family. One of the members of tete society calling o n me at the -tool today, aid : "Ob, If be only arouses the women of St bate atsioet this evil, this evil will have to leave lit. Louis, for if they get atter an evil it has to go.' 1 thought there was no prettier oomp- imam ever spoken than this. a This is the estimate the men in other hoes have ot the W.C.T.U. "1 wk you, sonnet workers ot this non. y'ea's, to remember one foot ie your de- liberations here are thirty•three mahout of boys and girls in the United States of Amerioa, a000rdi°g to the last cones. Many of them have Dome foto lite with bac. edat.ry evils, a tendency to wrong -doing. That same authority says there are one mil- lion habitual druukarde in the United Stein, sod one hundred thousand ot these graduate from the back door of the saloon Into the portal" of perdition every year. There are three great evils which cilia ono venttos le patted against – intemperasom gambling sad the results of evil roadintrkled .11 three of .these evils .trek" at the wows in the home ; strike at the mother bi the fireside ; sink i at the obildren to the drunk- ard's home. in the gambler's home, in the home of the libertine. '' 1 have for twealy•8ve• years stood for the moral parity of -the thirty-three mullion children in this oouatry as • representative of the society which I have the honor of representing today at this convention. We have made mon teas twenty-one hundred anew, not oo°nttnt what brave MacAfee hoe does here, cad have gathered up more than sixty-eight tone of ooatraband mailer which hove hen 'Need with then hands. Dose not this argue something for the purity of our children ? the, mother", you who are sitting here secure, how little do yop know what sersL tefuenoes come Into your home sed into the school, seminary sad oollege, through the greet avenue of oommunicatun, the Caked Stakes Emits. I want to impress upon your minds** se- os.sity of guarding your own bomM, tug your own beloved ebtidren. Thesis known the danger ; I have knewa It by be- am atter leases and ssp.rieaee oiler once for this quarter of • 'eatery that I have stood t. defence ot the panty of the obildren of this wrest nation The flood gates are open tato our homes through the Uotad .,ares ma* sad what ere want is that you (hrieeya woman, . with your thought sad will year prayer", ay stand by us, eo that through the efforts ot then societies we may 'hoan legislation. both national sod state, that we may have the weapon" of defence for our obildren in our bomea end in our tost'tutions of tannin." A Pii&v idea A oxrrrtgr .x allowed • poor Ess on hie estate, who was oat of health, • certain quantity of milk • day, which was fetched from the hall The man died, still the milk wee mount), applied tor. Meeting the deceased's brother one day- 'n the act of oarryanw it home, the act o1 carrying et home, the donor asked for an explanation. Touching his oap, the man replied: " Please, sir, It belong" to me now ; my brother lett it to me as his will l " A. Illaberasa Joke' / Leaning on the arm or his chaplain, Arch- bishop 11'ha1sly woe ones met by an old friend with : •' I hope your Greco is very much tetter today 1' "Olt, I a very well indeed, if ,1 weld only perausde some strong fellow like you to lend me • pair of I.p, was the reply. " 1 shall only be too happy to lead you my lege if your Grace has oo objection to to ire me your bead la exobange." hE_404bybop l�rgbteoed.--ast,at. iJiie. diff wit, and exclaimed : " What, Mr.—, you don't mean to say that you are willing to exchange two uadentaodtngs tor on CURE FOR DROPSY. Only • Positive Symptom–Not a Dumps of it.N/–Cured by Dodd,. PUL. CAtervet.troan (snort.) Aug 9–An no looked for and remarkable rwoevery from sdva°osd stage admits! is jest made pehIto here. Is is the oase of Mrs. John Weese, wife of the widely knows veteran stags proprietor, whom life, for months, had been despaired of. From she aooesiulated water: paellas to this disease she became so helpless as to be unable to drag ene foot afar the other. She now apeman en she street and al s she is as well as ever in her Hie. And olafine that afar all other meaty had failed. see sbsaks Diff'. Kidney Pills for her unexpected our. - TRUTHS TOLD IN A FEW WORDS. Preventable misfortunes consist, ohi.8y, of manifold things, little to do, bat intone°ee things to have done. Parente generally reoeve that measure of 811a1 reepeot they deeerve–not always, per• haps, but very generally. A daughter should never reek to nor he allowed to " mattress " her mother. Is every family the mother should he the bat dressed rember A true pruoeption of the Gospel is the en- tire forgetfulness of ,.If, atter •beetles of any pretentlon, and the esa$s4 Clad so - tire refusal to aoo.pt the world's praise or j internee t. The man who earns east dollar end spends two, and the man who earns two and spends on., stand on either side of the hair line be- tween heedlewes" and disoretio°, between role and salet y. When • mother allows her daughter to appropriate her wraps, glwe.,vdle, or other arttolee of personal kilts, she begins • pelby of farmlarlty whioh eroser or hoer breeds contempt. A napes* tor one's bdesgistpa 'reader" a raspeet for their pospaaoer. " Cabot thou minister to a mind di.sndr" asks Maol.th. Certainly. my hod; els oadltla of the nand deposdsN set pokily, ea the oondittnn of theaeh, Ilveg, enc Newels, der all of whioh oompMelews Anger's Pills, are " the se+weigne.a bbtag ea sank." The dimarded Seery of • d•aghtur should Seset eetlttlete • mother's werdrabs Ito ad ass ►Ebb'.pedally digelesd hi Ns oft ens w\w elf amen els hl . at� ews b S'kad km kr emu OVERWORK w.liToaw_ Nervous Prostration Osoillses 3 s ._ AM Vas of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "Some yew ago, as a result of too slow attention to Duaineas, my health, felled. I became weak, nervods, was '-Js to look atter my interests, and fasted all the Iymptoms of a de- cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, began to improve as oaoq and gradualiy!>lereseed my weight front one hundred and twenty -Sere to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when nelded, and we are all In the beat of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- dren would have been fatherless to -day had it not been !ores Sarsaparilla, of which prepar•tiss I cannot say too mach."–H. O. Humor, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, 8. C. Ayer's =Sarsaparilla ItCOVMO MEDAL At 1110RL!'= ►AM. ..ate-..- AYtR'$ Pills Save Doctor's eel& ATnt.rrtu £iIust.1INT–Krisyibaug an Nature indulges is •mammas". £be twin- ing plays The wthol whistles. The thunder rolls. She assn. flies. • -TM assns- b•,p- The field. "mile. osis Shit kayo shoot, sad the river tams. Fors' TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS DUNN'S- BAKINC POWDER T11,12O15SBEERIFND 1887... . Announcement. New Goods and Best Valves in the Tailoring liise at the old -established and reliable West-st Emporium- Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality Style and Price. HUOR DUNLOP GODTETE�I�CH ' IMAM_ ,B.OILR _ A. S. CHRYSTAL, 60roeaeor Chri tai a $Incl, manufacturer of all klads of BOILERS, Smoke Stooks, Salt Fans, Sheet LW Works, etc., etc., And Healer in– Eaglee', Machinery Castings, As. All 'eta of Pipes cad Pipe THMiespe Steam and Wates Dari.. Globs Valve. Ch.ok Valves, Inwpirators, Ejectors and le- lectors Censantly oa Head at Lowe. A "penial line of Steel Water and Hag Troughs for too of farmers sad others. Repairing pt meskar*ds$ to. -• 11 A. S. SEITTraL SIN-ly P. 0 Be: 11, tiderteb. Cartage & Fuel Co. are prepared to handle Bag- gage Freight and Household Ef- fecttt with Dispatcih at reasonable retell. Dealers in all grades of v HARD SOFT cad' Smithing Ooal Wood and Kindling eat to' suit customers and deliv ered with promptness. Order so- licited. Telephone eat ieteev bees *Ass t1ilt tw•otirw *overjoy ift C. da F. 43o. e D. V Wiwi** BArretary