HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-5, Page 6e TEITlIDAT, Aggust 6, 1897 ttaw►,r►v..
e' That Imre ie pineal ado mei leas
N gfpb halm upon. tis•, I v'tg ?. brsaeh
And thinks with &tasters ever new
How in all Ibtags to please Htm Met ;
" Wh mai la all things. tot great slow,
Oa 'Irving Hien is fully. beat.
And, koowiagly, will not to Doe.
Na tot the smallest sin, consent.
"Begin. then, first with little tbtags,
The smallest sin avoid and hate ;
Obedienes to love adds wiegs,
And little faith will grow to great'
W. E. t;ledetone : Death -bed bequests
have been est up as great sots o1 self-denial,
whereas It is the lest thing they are-- there
ie no touch of self -dental in them.
Principal Cavell : Readleg and tLtakint
are very good is their way, but In order to
secure salvation • man must submit himself
b God. No man oars think about the tut•
cru life and feel happy notes. he has firm
hold oo Christianity. It is impossible for •
good men to be made seriously unhappy.
Forward : For forty years persistent ef-
forts have been made to nullify and misre-
present the workiovs of the Maine law_
Forty years of such effort have utterly fail-
aired to ooevince the people living in that
State. Public sentiment trtnmpeantIy cis•
Mine prohibition, and utterly refutes the
calumnies propagated by Its oppoueota,
Irish Temper•noe League Journal : The
sootier, however, churches and preachers
lay aside the idea that one Sunday in the
year is sutfioieot for temperance tsaobtpg
the better. The fouse demands constant
edea ecy and Unmeant work. A temper-
ance man used to think it needful to apolo-
tyles tor his position and to give reasons
why be is a total abstainer ; we should not
have done our work until every Christian
who is sot out sad out with os will feel call-
ed upon to give reasons why be is not •
total abstainer.
The Td.onbarg Liberal tells the story of
bow Miss Jessie Carruthers of North Wtl-
g ingham rejected her betrothed at the steps
of the altar- She had received a promise
from the young mac that he would never
touch lignor,"611Y' on the mereitfref 1be
wedding he impaired on the mese the worse
of drink. She promptly ordered Moil to
burn the liostne. whioh done, the clergymen
and guests sat down to whet was intended
for the wedding feast with the heroic young
lady. and commended her action. All honor
le Jessie Carruthers' It other young
women would follow her example there
would be fewer hearts mode sore 1 y drunk•
en husbands and' fewer oases of hereditary
A--,J•ke ea the Hell,._
Oa Saturday evening, he saw a stranger
in a bioyol• suit and thinking te do the de
cent thine by hie he went up and said :
" You're a stranger here '
" Yes, sir. '
The Mayor introdnoed himself and sug-
gested the cigar,.
"I dont smoke, thank you," said the man
is tns bicycle mit.
" Well, we are very strict hero about our
Roan of closing but we have ten minutes
yet. Come on and have a glen ot lager
No, thank you, I don't drink " And
the two parted.
Nert morning, the Mayor as usual was
eating usher in Knox March when School
Inspector Campbell oame and introduced to
him the Rev. Donald MoGillivr•y, returned
missionary from China.
" I think I met this gentleman before,"
said the Missionary.
•' Yes, Igapas you have," said the Mayor.
tt was the man in the bicyole suit, the
stranger within our gates.
No one oan convince Mover Macpherson
now that it is the proper thing for prewohers
to wear bicycle clothes. They ars liable to
be misunderstood:•-- Ktnfordiw Review.
Temperance at the White [tease.
Some very remarkable women have illus-
trated Neal Dow's principle' in the lest
thirty years. It is not se well known
t+mt»raao• pseile en it omelet to lie
that Mrs General Grant mads the first
move against intoxicating liquor at the
White Howe, she having secured its ban-
shmeut from the New Year reception ot
the President. Mr. Great wee.uooseded
by Mrs. Hayes, whir was an Ohio woman,
yd a warm sympathizer with the Woman's
Crusade. A We•long teetotaler, she never
offered wine while at the White House.
Next came Mrs. Garfield. Mrs. Harrison
and Mrs. Cleveland, all total absealwr.,
and none famished wine Id their own
guests, though, laokinv the oo-operation of
their husbands, they oould not prevent ifs
nee at state dinners, as could Mrs. Hayes,
because the President's views and practios
coincided with her own. Mrs. Mo inlay is
well known to be a total abstainer. on that
the siz wives of Presidents (President Ar.
tbnr was a widower) sine 1808, have per-
haps dealt more telling blows asainst the
driaking h.blt--and per oouorgoeooe, the
liquor traffic—than asy other women who
have lived. For " where McGregor is there
b the bead of the bile, ' and what 1s done
at the White House este the keynote of
social observances for millions, and sends
its helpful inflo.ow out foto the wrest and
thonehtless world-
•' It le net for hirers, 0 Lemuel. i1 he not
for kin. to drink wine," give the hest of all
books. andet no king ever lived wl>e wae
not • wine -Wither ! But when the people
begone the king, they must hold thesteelvos
steady of head and bas i, or ab fieate.—U■-
soa Wtaal.
tPtwdtng rev Prsbtwtlem-
"--- Horace Or•ely fell lateausly and spoke
. strongly scalae/ the evils of the legalised
liquor tnffio. la hie paper, the New York
Tribune." of Feb. 18, 1862, be made the
bellowing bnrsiag appeal M the chasers le
Ire their rapport le She adoption el • Pro-
, WWtory law. Nee lose the history e/ the
Neat buffo In retest years garnished all
MOM be moderate the sestaese tura pm
se awed sealant 11. Mr. Grsdey orate f
•' We hear m•eli Wk of the Maims las/ Mt
iaterfewfag with moo's nateral ri eta, soh.
looting Sham 10 inquisitor -al searebes,redae•
lag She profits of landlords, break's' up the
Zsem •t distillers. eta, ba/ n• mac hos
N smarted, as far as we have .sen or
• that crime, misery
varaaey and the other
/•astall �bePeemasi�hg•
metal evils el one lime. would Zs=
by the passage el the ant d.meeded by ear
Is'n4Nere. h7 She prayer of ever 200,000
peelllealse. Os the smithery. if /1e ram•
aglow isemeeivee wont eraei1s4 •tno
etastveiy, andw__-11r rake'
-De yet set trIldsiesitt est lid*
law • i.. satgm=irf
el Hoar
wed/ he maser vied M armor. ' We M t
"Mai M theak•ed's w bawdier mil Mere
[teals with the hyfljld ma/esee, which fills
their Imams with ssapashabb wr.$obedaes,
sad dooms their •klldrea to Mama, dist(
trim sad ries, IN we stead p61teflar
area ''.tpg7 ttbet•lltiei/ es U it vete i gaga
awe oourteratng the rings of Secure, or the
mountalas Is the moos.
•• We protest a strip this Bold -Wooded
way of viewing the matter- The question
en wbiob our legielatareS are celled to pees
fn oonsidersng the Maine Ln, owoeroa the
happiness of families, the prevalence of vier
or virtue, the safety of human 1 le. Of the
last hundred murders in cur Stew, ate per•
featly within bounds to say that ninety
would Muer have been perpetrated bat for
iutozioating hgson Of the 1.600 criminals
in our Siete primes, fully .even -eights are
either the children of drunkards, or were
maddened by liquor when they were first
impelled to crime. 01 the 18,000 versos'
in one year arrested on charges of ortme and
misdemeanour, lees than fifty were total ab-
stinence, while • large majority were woes -
sive drinkers. Of %hedonists of our alms-
houses, nine We this have either hose tipplers
or were reduced to want by the tippling of
others. Our gaming -houses and haunts of
infamy float their victims to perdition on a
river of atroev4rink, without which they
could scarcely and but meeverly erl,t. Yet
in full view of these appalling fact., jouro-
aluta coolly chop logic about the perils .f
e roe1•1ve legislation. the proneness of law-
makers to intermeddle with what a Done of
their liminess, etc. They might as well call
on our firemen to listen to a graceful and
. [ivory -toned specob in the midst of a vast
and remedies conflagration.
"Patriot, you profess to love your count -
t3, and are reedy to pour out your blood is
her defence. But ' he that moth his spirit
is greater than be that ruletb • oily.'
Swoops down on yogng and old alike.
The promising buds ere nipped oft almost as
certainly se the fading blossom. Dr. Ag-
new's Cure for the Heart ba. stayed death's
hands more times than you will count- K. -
heves in 30 minutes. Over 40 arses ot sud-
den deaths from heart disease were Doted in
the daily pacers in Canada daring the peat
ten days. It seams incredible and proves
the uncertainty of life where there is tend-
eooy to heart weakness. Dr. Avnew's Cure
for the heart is • failing remedy for
heart disease. It tots lake magic. Never
laiL ea-eemee relief ia.eeotiegly hepeleee W -
rack@ in 30 minutes and to ours permanent-
ly. Sold by .1. E Davis.
Steve ,bas gives eat ,'old st<j
Professor William M. Watts, cf Still
Pond, has a novelty in the form of • cold
stove. The stove is tor use in the heated
months of summer for reducing tempera.
ture, jest as stoves heated by fire aro used
to raise the temperature in winter. By the
ase of salt. a mall quantity of ice and a
patented chemical the most intense d
of e'.'!d ie &scared. So great is the oold that
it is an dangerous to touch this oold store
when in oper+tion as it wculd be to place
the band on a fire stove at high degree of
heat. The skin is instantly taken off, and
painful tojurtee are the result of the slight -
at contact, Professor Watts states that
daring the hottest weather the temperature
of • room may he run down and unide pleas-
ant by the use of this novel device. Tee
new ,proems was di.00ver.d by • ooilete
mea of the teacher of the Still fond School.
The cwt of operating the stove is very
slight. Chestertown Traneoripi
For Years a Rheumatic Cripple—Under the
Beeline Balm of South American Rbea-
metio Cure Soffertng Vanishes—
Through Faith to the Teetiroev of
Others She is to -day • well Woman.
•' My daughter, Mrs. Grerory, had rteu•
matism so badly in her right hand and arm
thy[ they were rendered almost helpless for
over • year. Notioing the testimony of per
was who had been oared by South Ameri•
oan Rheumatic Cure, 1 procured • buil
She received almcet instant relief, and when
the bottle was used the trouble had onm-
plotely left her. It is • great remedy, and
we take great ptwnre 1a recommending
it."—Neil Morrison, Bt Jda, N. B.
Sold by .1. E. Davis.
-. AuMtI
A pales/ manufacture called'•M
whlob. It is oiaimed, is 500 times as sweet
as ordinary sugar, will be introduced in this
coaatrr by Frank H. Allen. of Connections,
be having obtained the option for its ezolus-
ive Isle to the United States. The patent
is a white. oryetalline powder, wily eatable
in water, aloohol or any other liquid is
whioh ordinary sugar dissotves, and -fon be
produced in any form, powdsr,gmia,pell.t.,
tablets, eto. Foch of the lozenges. which
are of ordinary size, sent to Mr. Allen is
equal to half • pound of ordinary sugar, end
therefore seffioient for sweeting six pints
of water. ooffee, tea, oto. ltg ohemifol pro -
weenie y, it is claimed, in that it has no ef-
fect upon the exchange of matter. Persons
flouring from diabetes, diseases of the kid-
neys, etc., who oanuot take sugar, may
Wks sugaring" with impunity, the latter not
having affinity to the 'turbos hydrates. A
grata of it w111 sweeten a cop of *offer. The
ooet of produotion le only one-tenth the owl
of ordinary 'agar. The article is being
manufactured in England by the British
Sugarine Co., and patents have boo applied
for in the various oua/ries.—Amerioso
Idle Ordinary Mortals, Subject ►o Kidrey
Disuses, but !meshy Cared by Doddb
Kldaey Pula.
STArlfga (speolai) Aug 2.—Mr.,James IG
Nesbitt, a misty oossaahta of this plate,
haeIDe suffered far a ism time with kidney
disease, he booms* aware that the doctor
celled it Diabetes. sad luoamble. As be
had the prod breams be know that maty
eases of fhb dims« had bean oared by
Dodd's Kidney 11111 this news did eta
him. 1 ea
atolls e says be went straight be
Sander'' draw eters, and oemmeneed t• got
well es she first hos pnrnhased. Now M M
gable bin usual muds pralelai Dedi's 11131
my P11is 1e every nal the Oahe oke pafln-
lees of hes reoovsy - — -..
Rapidly Maplesia, All Other Vebteiea Od
the Streets et rade-*Teed. = 'S
e.d tiarity Assured by the Nam- Ow
ruse'. Adopttoe,
A Pori. correspondent of The New
York Herald gives the fullowiutt ezplicit
ltdorawtion about the strides made in
vuudd,d SKS dip u; dllgowolas -i.dti dtL)
It will not be long before we will ems
o fmo.t as many automobiles soiling'
41"".35,-'• '.
-o... - ...�i:-
Mumma TNR MTN.
f Mg•aw is' cru tipbeigeavased tes Agee
mangled' do Objeef.
Preparations are under way in Loudest
for the most gigantic: uudertekieg in the
way of a survey seer attempted. It is
proposed to measure the mirth. Now,
It only needs a glance at our of the
humble imjstiius of this teerrestrbtl
sphere to see that it is no light task. It
Involves the expenditure of millions. It
Wer/ coutinuuai scientific researek fur
• period the length of which no floe can
Scientific nes are roasideraug the plan
with the deepest interest. It is a strange
fact ttsat the more the problem of the
formation of the earth is attuned by s• -
vans the more b the belief that/the earth
is not rouwd credited. This may seem
like a ridieuleue etateeneut, but such au-
thorities nu Prof. A. Fowler, one of the
lending members of the Royal Astronomi-
cal Society, is firmly or this belief, rind
he rhiree eutr a bort of others 01 equal
The longest are at present kuown L
Si degrees and MI mtnutes. The south-
ern termination of this are, whit* means
one of those• liner you see dritwu id a
semi -carne on n map, is Stan,-Nekras-
sowk,et in latitude 45 degrees 28 minutes
i8 .errands- This ter:Mouth:a is merit-
ed by, a pyramid of tart iron which reale
on n t-ulxe seven , feet widrt,%beering nn
inscription *bowing what the niouumetft
really is. The northernmost limit of tbir
For Over Thirty Years!
IlAyer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty
Tsars have kept me in good health,
sever having had a sick day in all that
gine. Before I was twenty I suffered
aipoet oonUnually--as a result of cou-
stipaUon — from dyspepsia, headaches,
neuralgia, or bolls and other eruptive
diseases. When I became convinced
-U1111. BROS.
Plumbers t
Steam -Fitters
n ► Tinsmiths
HA TL3ON-$T .1 ,
through the 'turrets of Paris as there alae
today ordipgry cabs. The Automobile
Company has beam adding to its etoek
and taking advantage of the many
patents now on the market. and we are
Pleased to be able to present to our
readers a perfected acteottut of autne of
the interesting triads which have been
"The first two pictures which we he.*
prr+eest are well known to the Pm-iaiass.
They are of the 4saii', ry type whit* roll
se uoisclemsly along the boulevards, and
are adapted to a petroleum motor. the
ii.ventiou of dal. Pretot. The coachman
14 comes it motorman. and there yon are.
it mote not lye nodenitood that the plan
is a definite one. Tbe Automobile COM -
Deny is giving the sew patent a trial•
only bind' itself to a practical test .w
awn material. and the investor pro-
myes in return to give entire methane-
et ane -
h "At the Warne ,tier, that -these -tris1a
are being ninth. M. Bizlo is making a
study of the ,tyles of c•rrinnes built
, -specially for automobile traction :tnr1
the best method of utilizing the material
ou hand. The director of the company
serine .lispos.'rl 10 tempt only • new
model rnn by ole. tr!eite. Motosu run by
petroleum. notwithstanding all the Inger
nutty of the srwn•m Anvented by
Pretot. have one very serious objection,
whi.ei has so far been immenrn:trtabie,
and that le the very'#lsagtvwshle ..deer.
11' a thousand or so of these vehicles are
out in (ireulatLu in Paris the streets
end boulevards of O. city will be in-
fected. The elkiokeepera in the im-
medtnte neiebboriwitel of the different
stations will 1.' obliged to go out of
bnwiness altogether.
"But' the prea.'nt oat:ink -rune to as-
sure as thnt we teed here no f.'nr of
i +1
The atone ieamiatMS tattler ib TAWNY,
le sew complete.
else tineas Relset rem P511a.
Thea meet Irrtt•tiag 41.... relived le lea
minutes by mime Dr. Amea.w's Ointment,
and a mire la fres three se six u- Good
for *mrawa, Raft Rhesta, and all skis 41.-
msa If y.s aro whitest Latlb, mit aspira-
tes will eoevfw. 36 cents. 8.le by J• IL
The "Moons'. Cretmmer bus ham given ai
cuss el pori
What memo ba4 Ire sn.• netle.
mew sew boss iitl t.etaedrs
y wwessd;
but. M sloe •asli .el of seta, frightful
Swath get the Hee% e1 ispsefust digeoli.a.
whisk • .w /eves eel Armee $ar.apNfla
tettathensaMy ren ly. Deal delay --try
b M•/s�.
any -Much eMiestrapbe. The number of
patroienm motors put in eer•vice will be:
very feel, and as the electric motors
will be so much mors preferable the
petroleum ones will be done awe" with
as wean am poesibt.• and replaced by the
more desirable,mudeL
"The Antomobiie (;ornpuay has decid-
ed to buihl its new carriages on a model
preepnted by M. Darrarq,awho is the
director 'Dee Cycles (Radiator.' The
er,rive dettigned by M. Derriere is built
on tlje principes in one for ordhiery
lii:ht suing vehicle*. which onaaider-
Oily lenient the jar. The motorman is
ielnesol i.ehind in each a manner as to
leaven clerir vier in front to the pace
enters tualde.
'The body of the carriage ie Ming on
o n exceptionally rigid frame,, built en-
tirely of steel tubes. Th.e`wbeeis here
rnhlwr tires: it is tnrnhdwd with else -
tyle liras. The eeenenithrtme ars. plic-
al both in the hack and front of the
carriage: they see tormarv.tvd into a cer-
tain munition: M boxes, in order to facili-
tate their maintenance. Their total
weight is abort 400 kilogrammes. Their
stontse eneetefte 1s euM ant to rim
weenie -five kilometres on an eves rnn'1.
'"The remnit is. that for a alb service.
U' -
where the average diatruee traveled with-
out citatory of horses never swrlInva s
forty-five kilometres., the weyfht of the
accumnlatoss rete be reduced in the aarsr
proportion. that is to say. to permit et a
run of twenty -ire knots. A speed of
fifteen kilometres ea hour can be easily
obtained. and. as this speed MAIM
never len surnamed is titins. it Bari easily
br neeereremil to twenty kilometres on
country roads.
"Smelt ie the new ek'eoie ferriage st
the pretest Moate[[. and it seeing to re-
alise all that we can pusslMP expose
from automobile locomotion. The. rharbt
i. m built that tate hods 1. abotigllJy
Independent and can at will
noon a come or • argon ,nt
snow wheels and run hr the game
M. ltooeber. Minlater of (lnaamerch.
lately mid, attar an kesowein a of tdd.
earl-face:„'e ,hell eon we onewtaNh
eltarir.r) Into power homer. and .e-
enw'nbitore will reels.s the hilts of oats.
The time la near. as the net the
wall amya, when hot,',. as eh of
Irene, et neepa.Wy. will be Based at on
their way thievish oar ,[reef,,
mach ,[untie, as we taw
when we caeca sueldeety wart a
bulk gwtnrnobite.'
Men Praaboese.
Miss Vote flalwhf l'd'like to we r
ante kir me'
Wel* Dottie—So eletrne het I'm flee'
prised to hear you adman It.
are is et liammerfrat, in Norway. An-
other monument is there. The column
464 p.e4, 1%1 are et granov', list at the
top. on a bronae hese', is n terrestrial
globe of copper, bearing the following in-
ae itition :
"The northern termination of the, arc
of meridian' of 21 degrees )fl minntes
from the Arctic Ocean to the Rarer Dan-
ube. through Norway. Sweden sad•atus-
Mia, which, atermini& to the orders of
1310 Majesty Kiag Oseer I. awl the tem-
ppeprors Alexander 1. and Nicholas I., aid
by uninterrupted labors from 1816 to
1102, Was measured by the geometers
of the three notions.”
When the pr.arnt are was t•ompleted
it was celebrated as the conclusion of
the gr'ntert undertaking of the sort ever
curried to completion. Therefore how
much greater is the present plan, for it
contemplates tate nwasnretnent of an
ere of 1416 de'gie es.
The pritrbilities me that the currying
MD of the latest pian will not take ,wesr-
ly a century sod a half. Th.- knowkrige
which is already ours will lcrekrat.e ac-
Life oma.d.• Pertralt et Prises Edward
of date WVia%aro
.t beautiful portrait of Prince Edward
of Saxe -Weimar, painted by biles Floe,
..w'u. darks. has just been pree•nted to
the First Late (ivards of Ragland. Tie
Prints was nt one time a colonel in the
Guide, and the portrait, which is en
excellent likeueas, is highly prised by
the od'cwra, Prince 1Cd1611.1N1 wax n
prominent figure in the 414ebt'atlon of
the Qneen's Jubilee. Hp filled the fnne-
tion o(, . a Seed member When the
Praha` was in the army he served many
Tearer as (kilout•1 at the Gaarde--a Poet -
tithe which is regarded ne one of the
moot bonorabie in the service. 11.e is by
DO means a tinsel. soldier. He served
with the Grenadier (:cards In the Cri-
thean wqr and took pert in the actions
of Alma, Balaclava, lnkrrint(n and Se-
bastopol. IIe wan in Command of the
Ibwte District from 1870 to 1876, and
that nine -tenths of my troubles were
caul d by constipation, I began the nue
of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisf•o-
tory results. never having a single
ntteek that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife, who had been an
invalid for years, also began to nee
A yer's Pills. and her health was quickly
restored. With my children I had no-
ticed that nearly all their ailments were
preceded by constipation, and I soon
had the pleasure of knowing that with
children as with parents, Ayer'i Pills,
Lt taken is meson. avert all danger of
sickness."...R. Wsrrrranr, Byron, Ill.
It%SHNtitfRors se World's FtaA'g
Ayr's Sutras Wampum 11e $ '
'Cakes, Pies, Tarts.
The abient-miaded Grimm professor nen•
tion.. to the gaiety of the ,acct... Lally
he bad, tate as night m hie chamber, dis-
robed himself, when he sat down with his
bead in hie hands.
"Ceawrwetter 1" he said. " There was
ses0•t'eing I was to do, What was it,
*ow •"
He eat and pondered intently ler half an
hour, growinr colder and colder. Finally
be sprang up.
" Ab, I hate it !" he exclaimed. "I in-
tended to go 10 bed !"
Rslliqy fir Os Rush.
- Cali, at D. CASTSLON'ai. flue leading
bakery, for your Party Cakes and
Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties,
Mince Pies, Short Bread. All kinds
of Cakes kept on hand. Orders left
by ten in the morning will be made
and delivered the same day.
Wedding Cake.—Ornamesiting and
decorating of the latest designs with
a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake
Ornaments- — —
Almond Icing spa:bay
Ram wire biting freely the putt week
aad•ack Illelarday UM. Little took three
beamilegreho 'arrest turning the *who at
four poundo, and the aniallest one rasing
the beam as three.
A. AtiegibiNON,
wilt handle and keep in stock From aad Wood's Binders, Mowers,
Rakes and Plows, Sylvester Drilla, Mann Grata Dim and Cultiva-
tors, Chatham Wagon., Wettlanfer Pea Harvester. Buggies. Carts,
8ealliers, Harrows, Churns, Washing Machines.
Examlne our Binders
most durable, easiest rename end beet•bal.
anted machine cm the market. If you use
ow", your horse's neck twill not need bath-
ing during asd after harvest. Cempas• it
with others.
Our 97 Mower
is a beauty, havizig several raw and import-
ant featurse—greater width of tread, new
foot lift, scissor out, adjustabie cutter bar„
roller.- Memnon ffee---alinse feeler,
ine your order.
The Old Reliable Tiger Rake
ge-to-datei, having high settee's, solid steel
siglne, perfect reehet damp, splendid abaft
irels4 tooth. la
our a:tutorage Goditriob and Colborne
townships oheerfully acknowledge their ire-
periority over other lines et plows, bane
very light of draft, easy to operate, doing
eplendid work.
commanded the 'leathern dbitriet trout
Ins to 18/64. From DM to 18110 ne
eommanied the force, in Insisted. Prince
lirAwerd in a enuein et the reigning
(hand Duke Carl Alexander of Sitio-
Weimar. He wee htwa ()et. 111
nna a the SOU of the late Duke Bern-
hard. His rank In the Stitlah semi at
the prevent time is Maki? Gerona The
Prisee married an Anglish lady, the
danaider se tile fifth Duke of Rklemoad,
and although be ejlertruin
he is Mulish In all ,her resperWb*
portratt which presented to the first
regiment of the Life elissrds Wit/ dis-
played during the: JabilMe at dm Vito
Mirka Era Exhibition in Clop%
Programer Carl Barns, ham pat thp
Aeolian harp te a scientific nee. No dais
that the sound made by the wind whist-
ling serum a fine wire *SAM with the
• that lin Yee:W*7 the wind ONLY
volopitv of the wind and he aim fo5
etemputed Prom the Moth of atm
awn -9w! the ease nf a even per.
attire of the air By the aid of •psoal
be conveyed throve' • mitmemser MI as
to be isolated from otZr orates •t the
place of espoenre. the tub of n
number of wires the West:ion-
triad could he fleeermln014.—lavostioa.
Move Eaeseerlpta sem.
Ude at the Lemke" ha* foot then Mid la
ea tar It
164111Vxdy three
without fear of contradiction, tbe newest,
most compact. best balanced and most per
firmly contrplled and nearest to perfecute
of any Drill on the market.
DISC by the fanners of Huron oreee with-
out • cloak* what we oleim for them, the
best in (Nestle. Before you bay •
Pea Harvester
VESTER, wham of diploma at World's
Farmers and Teamsters
do you mita the WAGGON that competed
with aad defeated the beet Wane** Is
ads and the United States, visaing a geld
medal and diploma at World's Irak. akis
medal at Loudon, Keg., end Iedostrial
hibition, Toronto ? If* you do, buy the
mot CHATHAM, eqmippod with Van Al -
lea's patent giant malleable arms, Simpson%
malleable adjustable stakes. best white oak
bone -dried wheelie hickory or maple slim
Don's let a dealer encumber you with as
old -tinier before seeing Our Wagoos.
We hardio the beet smorted the county oat being reariatsd te
deal wile any me firm. sew are we repreemiustive. o ray oombine. Our mashie's am
built on Ham. sad we sell them epos their enerirs. Gett oar pries.. emnaine Out me
thins*, esquire of the best and mom progressive farmers who ars mine thew, sad be
guided by your own judgments aed their mpsranos.
tor any machine. Points for all Plows furnished rad mei
REPAIRS AILL. KINDS to say part ef the County, wham Cash accompanies order.
Plowshares 26o other mein in, proportioa. BINDER TWINE cheaper them over.
Call sad ses oar sample".
Latest Improved Make. Best quality
and Lowest Possible Price.
made of Pnre Lead and Oils and Colors
Illephant Brand White Lead. 'SO
the Market.
1001-10nierila la eases a' hew. sr moor debt
Mid 11161110111111 me, mom as ea. arm la