The Signal, 1897-8-5, Page 4, .R -..-.,^Mamie , :. t at'S*'v ,a` s ,'..-r.-.= .+_ •.A,�r+'C �`"��"��:•?..t.L_ ^ . rir +.. .+. as .. -46 'itifIIR Yr Ag.1i,' If397."`' `_°�!" • .% E SET THE PACE is no idle phrase with us. Wherever it bis been our privilege to do business, we havebeen recognized.4 leaders, because SHE BEST WHEELS � dND THE BEST SERVICE we can possibly give is none too good for our pat rows. Parties purchasing their wheels from us will he taught to ride proper- ly, free .;•! charge. Our prices are down Rock Bottom. Give us a trial. • G. F. EMERSON. CLEVELAND CYCLE LIVERY GODERIOR & OLINTON. T the �zgnat, of PQntMODID $VERY, THURBDAY MORNING •SXP. M•SILLIILMOMMT Terme of eub.erepde.a 1 One math. In edy$aO $ IIM 'resat months, t Nati tine year. •, _ ..:k.. 110 vertIstag tales. Legal and ether casual advertisements. 10o per line for Ir't insertion, and 3 Dents per Zine for each sober 'tont Insertion. Measured by • nonpareil sr Business oa r oaf six Imes and under. $6 per year. Advertisements of Loot, round arrayed --- Pt/rations- V t,=an ptt terre ,. anted -aloe Deeper Chanced Brat eir-hot weedier 3 Item nonoarell, $1 per month. II Anew on Sale Ned Parona on Sale. not to • s 31 for fl""t m,nth, Enc. per into- ▪ nt month. forger SA •"•. in proportion % ? +pr••Ial notice, the oh}eet ot which la le prmmete the pecuniary hen..ttt of way tot- vldnal or noroneny, to be n•,neld,r,d an •d- tf*-tGement and charged son.,rdtnrly. Local notices to nnnnareft type nee mint w word. no notices less than 35c. Local noticestn ordinary reading tree two ciente per word. No notice for leas than 600. Notices for churches and other religious cad benevolentlnatlrutlons had rate Onhscrtber whoeeil tO renetve Tett STOICAL ✓ -,n1lrAy hr mall, will • Mrer a favor by we- ooaiLting us ot the toot at at early an dateas pwat blr when a cluing° ot addr,es is deslrod, born ten o.d cad the new address should be given reWleher's entire, J C. Le Toone!. of Godrrich, bas been at iteete..Yeyaaevl Loral Travelling Agent for the town- eplce of Uoderich. Oolbern., Aahlleld and Wa Treaooh. "' L...•nl poutrnaater* over the district are flee *mpotrered to no, ve subscriptions to Tux A.1 :.nmmuo!cations must be addressed U MoatLLICUS)DY, Twit BmmoAL T.:ephone Call 30 Uodech O dnt. . tr1ODZRIOH. THURSDdY. AUG. 5, 1897 POLITICAL POINTERS. -. Is politics, aro .n tope call, btuivh your bite. ierWHIN evepytJling else falls, try a ie• OW It's easy to cut SANe0N'' hair in politic[+. K NKvttit take hold of a lite wire in 'petit les. A telt.,-„AI,t. p,litit•ien worship; his correct of the poltltdis6 mireWeed . learnt trust. SIGNAL - VLSI ARltll. ri A POLITICIAN may boreal early in his term ; but politeness' iu:reaora .as the term advances. ,tr " PITY the snrraysn Of- • poor old mart," has been the wail of more than one pdnyad-out pulitiuisu. to' Pouter.* is a straight game, but that dear. not hinder the gamesters from trying to ring in it "cold dock," kr You can be crooked in politica only until the purple find you out. LAt1:KvIN Mc(:Krsvy are finger posts on that hue. ' air A CAKpKT-TACKmay puituturc a bi- iyele tire more easily thus a crowbar, The same idea applies to the inflated politician. tJ AT thea next .eeeion the Liberals should omhitly in the Statutes •Mrtocit'n hill against ttcalawag politicians pitohforkiug thenmellea into fat offices. THE PETITION FAKE PETITION is on its roan a ask- ing for the appoiutmwlt of .10115 GALT to the Geilerith pk,a1Co16tw,uifloeare fervor 7'o say the feast, the petition is enmewh•t premature, a. the position is flat Veoattli and • very large majority of the people of Godlerich and vicinage can see no reran why a vacancy should tis greeted, except on the supposition that a contemptible piece of nepotism is tontemplatod. In justice to Mr. GALT we cosy say, that he is not a party to prodmting the petition. In fact, we don't -believe ho has been mn- sulted in the clatter at all, as Fie tiowut't count. But there are others. From ---what we tap learn„ the moving apirit•ia the new fake a L. E. DAicIL•LT, who occupied the position of solicitor for the pro - emotion, in the recent investigation by com- mission of the rharget prefefr tl against the peat n -tint eestItLi4dnk tau rile young lawyer, who is looked neiribri sodte ea being astute -or 'cute, or anything ekes rine may like to substitute -would have been content to let some oafs aid in this matter who was not so direct mi with the pr geention pereenan through the members of his family, but sonic people are not over *eiemitive if then are a few dollars to be mance, and it may he that he is working on oommiaeion in this ease , and those who don't know bit woald like to we him bemuse they want to knew him. And we all want to Mn. the harbor work go urn, and he esti make it proceed. -The action of the Liberal Govern- ment regarding Klondike is etre that will twnwtmand itself to every Canr.clian. The gold in that district is the heritage of rho people, and not the " find " of the itxfividu. al pre* tor, and it is only right tihpt the people at should receive benefit in that shape of au equitable royalty. Hon. Mr. Mirror is to be congratulated to the manner in wind' he has grappled with the qutetium HARBOR AND RIVER. The steamer Jennie arrived on Stturdsv evening. Oeptaio Baxter's boats were freely used this week. The steamer Carmona wee is harbor yes. Corday ou her downward trio. - Several wow. to be used is the stirs mi- litating bu.Ggyy have been built re mmatiy. The steamer Lake Miobigen was in port last work and delivered.lytbtbaws era. plies. The tug Seaman arrived in port o. S.tur- day night with a raft of loge fur the Lum- ber Co. The steam barge Jennie left port y ester 1'v afternoon wttil•--• outgo of Batt for -0oiliogwood. --- - - - The steamer Qsrmeea made her u.nal call AO Saturday morning and landed a number el passengers. The schooner Todmin .ailed on Friday with a cargo of watt for Colliogwood, and loads b,rk tet Wahu•heoe and other points for Goderton. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF I.'. on foe spell again. The cemetery looks h o - i.plYrle Too water oat is again The cow grist mill is rode rep. Our people still use their Comrleet brew. Robinson's mtd-anomer sale islimmtimmethia run. The Harbor Park was largely atteeetad ea day. The Court House Square has blotto fixed up. D. - -Lt. Wilson, of Seaiorth, Wes Its Woo yesterday. Be that as it may, we know of no partilel exoopt the hypnthetii<al ease, set forth by the Western paragrapher, of the undertaker , who was so anxious to aeconnnodate the people of the locality in which he lived that when he heard of illness in -a family he al- ways est let their doorstep, in the hope -of being called in to take the nooertary nie asurement», should the patient .ucvamh. The present job may not be am pleasant es preaching, or es profitable as a " beach - tombing ' tree; but it certainly pgesee.rs the element of being "prevjou.."toacon sidemble extent, and the novelty, of the thing may have a cb.rm far anion who has tried Many , things antic been aueooeaaful in 11004• Meantime, the people are wondering why Mt. {:ALT'S name `should 630n the petition, anti knowing the cheerful, and sunny and min -sensitive calibre of haNczy'k diupo.i- tiou, all are wondering why he did not nuh- etitute his own npame for ( tJ,T'ti. Troth to say, there aro not a few who believe that will'be the fact Uhler':, the case is through with, as there is no limit to 1)Atscsr'k ad- aptaiility-tin much a dour1h gepoy, and be re does. By all means let 1).twer 'r name lea slliwtItuted art the petition, fnr,if a vacancy be created, barn hes not. peen the pines and paintiteking author of the vaeancy It+a Air Pounce_it a big bnok, and no trail know'it a11. r► illnx'r get gay when you'refeeding CM green Ppples. or 'P4x newspapers have made and un- made polieic•fana tr Ws have seen a favorite beaten on the home stretch. Ia Dos'' measnro a VbUtf-dEn by the figures inside his 44 ar Toe crooked politieian always finds to Ilg to do his dirty work. Sir THE politician is tmado, try_.vihat he 1 does.] --not by what he says. • 4* Om Vox .went, can heat any poli- tical clique that ever existed. or Ir the political arena no one holden the ehampionjbip all df the time. O W sex a politician gets the "frost " from the public he mown shrivels up. ire• Ane, men.ars moral. This applies to Ijoi1ticisns as walkers ordhnory folk. 4 ' I TIME are " Sate" and " sharps" 16 Parliament, .. well .. on • music store, '-,fileatr'T wad* set over your ehin if you • itan't swim, or yet* 'won't lie ahle to shout.. or A eitlosT politica) morning in politics ilften aloes with a dull and dreary evening. se 1i11yta was a great general and .JAIL, only is weak wrnnan, but she tailed him at or Time nimble flet is glow when on,; pull with the retia of the wobbling poli. tideL !7 TNKr[x are melt in politics who weird like to haul a ton and who can't pull it /f Eels a tparo►ariII turn when trodden yon, but worct *BB jjdesptioe will not le trJd apt- t•• 41riiiilIteer..omua with a sore mouth 11 1M"Moemof f6e tins, and the sante is ,1 le6 Tuesday. -1lCM4et la befog pat is seder,b LM tars employees. Robinson is having !•ice crowds .0 W midsummer ale. i The central emit Wad a.600ls hat. ell kaleomitued. Don't mias the bodes *Sr -1♦e -- '. mid summer sale. - Could en el.otrio Light be platted ea the top of the stand pipe ? Dry good■ never as low in price •a they are now at Kobinsoo'e. Regular meeting of Huron Eocampmest, No. 28, I 0 O.F., on Monday. R C. Hass Is adding a story to the b wk part of his dwelling. Waterlo,.-et. Regular meeting ot Maitland Lodge No. 33. A. F. and A. M., next Toeedey. • William Jr. MoCreatjt mored on Wedneed.y from a platelet visit to the oon0try. Things were bury in the Gderteh Lon, bet Co'.. yards last week, twe0cy-one cars being shipped. The pi h .• ....k. committee des special m•.•.,•.. Inc ane improvements being made to tV*.t-at. It. B. Smith (Birt) has secured • pnettion with the large wholesale firm of Ely Walk- er k (;o., St. Louis, Mo. The sewer contractors have lett tho welt and gone to the east, end an now working -on E:gin and Rfet streets. The Henderson ltioyole end Foundry Co. has completed is oontraet with Humner & Canary for 25 tons of sewer and man -bola gratings. ' Judge P. W' Johnston,after • very rip y - 01 SL Mary's. wee$ 4ioder- Seriouoly speaking, the wholeihirtg is a disgrsoe to every one connected with this wretched fitness, and we hope Om Govern. ment will at once take aetion by deciding in favor of Che retention of the 0$'ite by the prewtit p etmaater. Outside of a very small elbow wok a cones, would give un- qualified matidaotion in Gnd#rich and Weet Huron: SNAP SHOTS• • -If the breaking away of the train of carp.from the railway million Monday last, and the subsequent wreck of the train at thio harbor will be the moans of opening the eyo'o of the Q. T. R. I♦uthefitiee to the noonosity for a larger and more efloient matt' at the station yard, good. rat her than ill will result from tho catastrophe. 'then, is such a thing am 'paring at the spigpt Anil betting outat the bunghole, and Manager HAY' will barn that his cheeseparing policy at this terminal point of the rod1 has not been the aneeeas that he antieipsted. -The Mail and Empire is busily engaged endeavoring to prove that Sir WIT, TRIO LAPRtaa is tryttorto frustrate prefer• enti.l trade and that lata ('nAm.te Ti rrwn is working hard through the mndinm of new' paper interviews to bring the thing about. (fpr own upitiiret i* @hat the voice of either of the Comedian statesmen) he of small ac - (runt in the matter, which Testa entir'lt with tint Esitate prep*, and Jaws Beit, ie anything bet a fool when a matter of cvwn inertial interest dm the gtw.tion at fames, nor does he need gentlemen who never were in eomatierce Wade'se him. -We -regret very nodi that oar esteemed .i-roelfnre, the Minister of Pub. lie Works, did not find oppnrtnnity to visit Ihulerioh nn hie recent trip West. Had he eluate so, he wonkl hewn seem tart there was greatneneaity for the immediate proms .1 tine of the puhlie work a. the harhor., anti he wnet i ramify )neve dierevend where the terediV,, if there he any, lay. psi vomit. will 8aol time to Pomo hither at as early • deem a. pataibie. Ther of t» war Imo trim would like to are hits brooms its Mow f eltere' revolved the larger glc h e of t lees waWelter ; 11ra_ Arthur Smith, Nora Craft, Bernal Oerrew, Mrs. J. J. Welsh, Mn. C. Crabb, aeon Charlotte Helen kleldrusstay, IL ttalareed, Jet. Wilma, Ed. Munroe, ..A F. E. Eagle. Tose* the artiste blow there woadertut drive is • school for old and young. On and see them. Open afternoon cad .elate. ell week Ladies sed children ehwuld atteoJ the mitt raeoe and avoid the crowd at olgb.t. Saturday overtime is their Mot appseraooe, se don't fail to visit them. Admission only IOots„ a present free. v - Lawn Tsaats -Amber of our lawn ten- nis Meyer' attended the lava tenets opening fa Clinton Int Thursday sod one rod all are hied in tow praise of the Clinton Play, ere for the rely pleosetit time they were give.] in the hake. The foltowlog games wet. pl.ysd: Poo8saysL L-0'TLI MU D. and F. Holmes vs. Terry sad Orate - 4 -6 and 6-8. (farrow sod Jeomogs vs. Parke and Chill -4-6wd 3-S Field and (,arrow el. Kara and Sharp -I -6 and 3-6. 1). Holmes sad Platt ea Oluff and Terry -6-4 and 6-4 DnadLa.-L IMMi Mimeo Rimmed amid Ididdletaa vs. Mimes MoHardy sad Ries -6-b and 6-1. Miser Aueebrook and Rtienpsrd vs Mn. Spalding yd Mir Fa►r-6-4 and 6-4. al NO LOS -0 a5ITLIMRN. D Holmes vr. Terry -6-3 and 6-1. F. Holmes vs brace -b-_7 sud 2--6. • Fuld vr. Mo?o:rart-6-O and 6-1. Jeanine. vs. Combs -6-2 end 4-1. -. inrtflnbhedl wixan bovata Mies Sh.phar.t and Carew ve. Mies Fair and Suarp-4-6 and 9-11. Moes MiddI.too and Jeooinge vg. Miau MoHsrdy and Comb ---6-1 and 6-3. ar AUCTION SALES. • Auotioo sale of household furniture pt effeuta at Gundrv'e Auction Rooms, llsesd- too e'., at 3 o'clock r.,pt_M-ti14rj ia. Ang. 7th.1897. C. E Tar toiletries are the topica for .6. dif• forest young p.opi•'s societies which meet drag next week : Viotorta•et. Methodist church E. L of C. R,.-Itride,' mamma, at 8. '01 6..._. Topic ter , 6, $o ial•-eveesag-An esjoyab'e time er expected. North -.t Methodist church E.L. of C.E., Fraley evening at 8 o'clock- Oo August 6. Cooedor•tseo, and reams' question ,drawer. Debts es the 13th. Knox Church 'I.P.S.C.L, meet with the general pprrayermeeting is Temperance Hal on Wednesday evening. All are cordially invited to attend these meetrmge, which are held in the hormones of the different oburches. Members from other eooieties .re invited to be present. metrtelwety TO £spat.. It may be an Ind/allot' of the letting down of old standards of poarage,sa has been averted, but there can be no doubt that the hearts of men -are mon moved ty suffering tin tbia age that ever before, and cruelties which in a former age were regarded with iadifllereaee will rte longer be tolerated in any community making pretoosIow to'en- lightenment, sod this is true not only 'a relation to cruelties to the human families, bat to dumb brutes es well. At say rate t31e time has Doane in .11 of the largest cities when • man or wantonly abase an animal Daly at great peril to himself, sad the spirit ot bumenity Ahaah has brought about this state of odors le rapidly imbuing the whole land and stirring kind hearted and sym- pathetic propte erevywhere to action and enforcement of laws far the proteottou et animals from the bsptallly of mea -Yank• (OD Gazette. c - W. C. T. ti DPARTMENT. The loit maetiarg,of the W. C. T. L'. was Veld July 25rd: Members present, ten. Minutes of last nrelecg reed cad approved Business was then proceeded with, one more honorary member and one more active mem- ber being added to the roll. Moved and scoonded that wog dollar he soot se pav went for literati's ordered by the prime dent. Moved aryl seapded that the followiog ladies be- a rtri d u eepaisteadeateit t i seili `�spaa ti L o Mrs. Saddam: 4ee the tiepertmeat el railway work ; Mtg.. Duff, outfew bell de- partmeot; Mn. Whitely and Mr.. Chris- topherson, wort among sailors ; Mrs. Col- borne, siperittlndint of modal acetest. The tresenrer%'1-aport was then red showing • halaom on heed of 17 40 A obmmueioatid6 requesting the ionised to tele .otion 1. curfew bail was road by the president, and the Union voted that Mn Doff as snp•reotendert ot that depart- ment be mooted tib wait on the mayor sod band 1m the retiree Moved and sseooled that we meet et 3 and oontne oteriddves to ere boor. The Union then adjediod ly repeating the Lord's prayer in eaksoert. Itip J. V. Boers, Ree -See. Th. W. G T: D. will meet tomorrow at d P.• in'lfempereao. RalL turn to Sault ht. Marie, via Sarnia, Monday. Bit -jailor 1)iokeon and Mies t)iokhoe, of Oodench, who had been viatibg the gentle - nine's brother at Wiogham. spent a few hours is Clinton on their ratan, sea Milan - day. ,New -Kee : Rev. W. T. ('laff au& lin. Chaff, of Thorndale, are visiting tria*de and relstireo to Clinton and Ooderich townships The rev. g*hmieman ofoiaton iv S'. Thomas church lost Sunday.-Cliatoo News-R.0- 'ord. Your opportunity to hay fnrnitu-e below tarry armee may Dever odour again. 1 am gong oat of it. Must have the room at neon for other geed.. Come and buy at roar own prior. %Vu,rea herrn, next the town boll. The Viotoris-st pulpit wilt he supplied ter a few Week@ donne the absence of the poster. Next SAbhstb Bert Thompson will preach in the morning and Edgerton Atm• . trans in the evening, atter whioq Rev. J. (a.11oway, of • Leamington, will take the work. ADDITIVNAL LOCAL NEWS. Oa Tbr'oui EV*NiwO.-Oo Tuesday .vying then will be some big bieyole races, inelgding a maids between Alex. McIver, sad Whitney of Swtlortti. in the Agricult• ' oral Park grounds. TWO Aam.-J. Ades Fowler has opened a studio ever Price's oboe store when he will mat any pupils who deein to take lessons In water-oolor or Mark and white drawing., or ohiaa painting. Mr. Fowler studied in the Royal Academy, i.o.doi, and hoe ceru- Sootes trnm the Nacional School of 1)wlga, South Kenesegton, was • drawing tearer in the Toronto Pettit(' .ohoels, and ole of theme who teudd the Urea* Aoeiety of Artiste fe 1813. Visiuws to the stodto are .Iwags "videos*. Rxonaarole To BRAIm'oan-Arr►oes- e M.es see prcgre Meng for a monster rem. sloe to throolty of Brantford, as • very inn fan for the routed trip. Exner fen train will leave Ooderieh at 7 15 A w., arriving in llrentferd at 10 A a : 'starving, will ►cave lir ...feed at 8:00 P w., %retying is (ied.rtah as 10:411 r at , thus yogi.. exeereteilae. 1.-e hour. time in the "Tetephoes Doty " Ar r.stemeets haw* hetet made for a r.vAe..l fan to Hrsetford's hanuful perk, which i. eatable for pie Me parties. The date sn farther parttealars will be announoed shortly. Tis (,Rue's Itt.o'wrae A GRAreNemirose -The Libby ewe blowers, .ptaeen, sod wee*ern, AMMO t+m o hteseetsng est. Ivor bile es seer, efler.sn. end kv+ws.e . (re Alia Walk lk eta die Rsrket *quote and .11 were tram tier Maw at the blueish permeate era bus et doss Wow Cho '"" radw POPLAR ROW WrDtelpeoAT, Aug. 4. A very haptg ...!diem, wee celebrated Teeedey ..metas+ Aug. 3rd, at the resideaoe of Thomas Campbell, *bee his only dearth - tor: ilygeets d., wept married to Junes dal• lows. of Denton, Ara., roe of Thomas Sallow., Colborne Th. bride was ebarm Maly gowned is golden brows AM with while silk and leo trimmton, and carried • boegst et riiire Sower. Mir Maud hallow.. elate( of the groom, woo brides- maid, sed wee estly dressed in white mus- lin with hese tied ribbon trimmings, and retied • boogies of mix flower.Jarvis McBride. of CsRow, ably satiated tee groom. To the ratio stratus of the wed- diag maedi ably played by Mia Jeanie Mo. Reedy, rhe bridal couple were ushered to 1h Imam dal lift, rod under an aroh of Sootoh thistle, mielletoe aid evergreen., the inter. etre ceremonys performed ty Rey. A. Hied..., of & ear% is the premise of about 413 rats. The piyen to were nnmernoe and.om017 sheltie" 4hseti1,A .st em m which the bide 4414.1111.11"9". ad gt0 ,in wan 6,1d .Mr. aid Mn, J. Sallewe Leer so 14.tir• d.7 tor their stew hems 1n Dunmore, Aisftt- Ihola, sari the test, web.- of their I.S.y fries& en .11 it 'hem. Air Billows is the. mahout Neal* in thle unmore piddle e A LARGE INDUSTRY. Tao btlewing N a brief review of the matief•eteres and the mill* et the Nether- gati Oomph* at Staples, rear lssesiseto., Ona, At WO iib. 3,14ad 3, their ferns Is tie ..y waft serrpolw roar ale nom lied boy.peoelp.steed• w'0M Wore air 25,003/hI G Na sepawl, 11,000,000 fast of limTUN* atr res use Peep Is are waters A6, ass. • rets e- "n ...t.,. .aa.-.-... ... WA, CODERIOH-BARCMN: GENIlit Mid-SummerSaIe Prints So apd loo for Linen Goods loo for .. Fiannellettss for . -50 . 5o 5c Hem -Stitched H'd'k'fb be, 7 tor.. 25o 44I. 8c, for 5o Men's H'd'k'fs 8c for 5o Children's 1K'd'k'ts, per d1ssm 12c Shirt Waists $1.00 for.. Shirt 'foists 75o for 45o 450 Ladies' Vests 9 to 50e Ladies' Vest] 200 $ for Sly Pillow Cotton 46 inch 18e,- for .. 120 Pillow. Cotton 48 inch -264,4W ..-li4 Table Napkins 75o for... ,,. Table Napkins $1.00 for .a , ; ., . s-750. Trilby Corsets $1.00-6----75, Summer Corsets 753 for 45c Sailor Hate 40c for Sailor Hata 15c for , , , , .... Drees Goods 'lye for... Check Muslin 8o for 20c 10o laic 5c Flannelette Shirts 50c for 25c Summer Shirts and Drawers45c Mlle's Idose 10o for Nen', Braes 40o for ... , 25e '11s0's Armes 25p:htor 15e Towels 24 by 42 iuob „ 120 - Towelling, per yard 40 OWilidlir Wel . * 25o to 81.00 Skirt Lining 10c for 6o Fancy Ribbon 20c for 10e • our Shirting for 8c and 10e Table Linen 35o for :.. , , , , Table Linen 50o for , , . be. oar Cotton for 3c Sas oar Det$oe . for .' . 5c ... White Cotbij .r_iftiav _ - - 5c 23e Anyone 'buying r LANA from us 35c gets 5 spools of good Melded for loo JAMES ROE3INSON. lye, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Bleck Rook tad other points, with some foreign trade, while lumber is supplied to the wholesale trade in Detroit, Loodoo, Toronto, Buffalo, Boetoo and other cities. The firm have their own timber lands in Ere: oomey, where • litre force ot mea is employed during the winter months. Nu. 4 is used in the manufacture at cheese box hoop, coded IMaops,raao.eiae, headlag sad stems, encase boxes, and is t or and a • bale storey building. covering 4000 square feet. In this factory ( whim in fall force) sixty men are employed. Toe manufacture of ooild hoops was added last spring tad comprises all grads e1 hereof hoops for eager ted dour barrels, fruit hunt., cement barrels, eta, Nd the capacity of their hoop milt i. 30,000 coiled hoops and t large qutouty of rotary but chine -boa hoops per day. the latter *tee supplied to large dealers in Montreal sod other eastern cities, while coiled hoops are . kippers principally to the levee cities in tie New Easlatd Stat... The firm s;so do a good business in the manufacture of veneer. and stems, the former being adapted for the manufacture of small kegs tor soda sod other archduke, while stems are need for spade handles, etc. In edition to the above the eoi.pany have • large store (largest in Staples) adjoining the ofoe, when they oarry a fall line of dry goods, erocoriea, hardwire, boots and .h..., clothing, teats' tarnishing., patent medicine., school supplies and stationery, utilizing a Isere building with two Soots and basement, all frit► stocked with staple god. Thee goods are purchased by th. otapsoy in large quantities from the moat reliable hoist. for spot rah, end .re .old at aloe prior. eejoyiog a good family trod. is Staples, with a farts country $atrooare ex- tending to a radius of 8 or 10 milds sod their eneraaxtde trade it Abe largest is that ..lo 1'h.co bruin. was previr n fly estabtlsltd by Geo. Neibergell, about .ix years ago. The present isometry was organized anti in- corporated in June. 1896, with a capitol stock of 145,000, the officers being .s fol. lows : --George Acho.00, Goderioh, pert - dent ; D. R Menzies, Staples, secretary - treasurer and mssger, and them gentle- men, with 8. P. Halla, Gdench, comprise the board nt dlreotors. The burner of the company Is growing every year Lod (heir ootnot chin season will be larger than ever The company kaown as the Nelbergall 8tava_apd J.sizabamt. Ceethene, .1.4eattowl,-mi the largest of its kind in this end of the Do- minion, and the plant being .ral..ively the property of Ooderioh men makes all ranters eoneeeted with 11 isteresting to our people. FLOUR..IFLOUR 1 I am agent for-04111LViNEr cele- brated brands et 38130. PASTRY and GENERAL PURPOSE FLOUR . tancryen get OGILViES' A. H. MATJGER IfARBOR MILLS. !=OR YOUNG WOMEA "ALMA." At-wAu..oa, St. Thomas Ont. reod.atlal sci, I i.. young Women. Delightfully am tared In a acre park. 4aa th- .rest attendanu Of say idle• college in Omar.. :rite for catalogue to Rev. It. 1. Weser, prtoclps. ALMA OOLL[O(. BT. TI•OMAL Owr. .Ys.» hF/Y , A Pair 1 -- of Patz - 1 Made from Hair Line Stripe, solid Worsted, in 15 desigils Shorey's. . Make can be bought retail for $3.75 Worth $6,00 made to order. HELLO! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF �mss'ml ALWAYS ON HAND THE RENT SClrallt011 Hai Coal iN THE MARKET at $6175 per ton, Cash. All Cast wailylied on the Marital Holes. Mire you get row Ito- for . tem. WM. LEE. Orders left at Sjianila se wars Store prorlptiy attended to. • Huron's' Greatest Store. So3.e_�� !��4!�Ah0PPiQ interest- ing during the nut two weak* find while the great bankrupt )ale is ip progress. 10 ods. American Challies, fast oolors, for 4Ao 10 yds. .&eserin tart colors Prints for ... 46c Blouse Silks, 5 yds. hearths at per yd .._ ....... 221 #.merioan-made Blouses, worth 75e and $1.00 Bankrupt stock sale pride 45o Colored Silk Velvets. reenter 65o and 75e. Baakropt stock sale price 350 5,000 yds. mill lenghta, yd. wide white Cotton, 'bankrupt stock sale price per yd... 10,500 yds. pure Silk Ribbon, Black end Ordered, regular - 5c and Pc 'd. Bankrupt stock sale puce _ .... 2�c 150 Ladies' Belts, worth 50c and • 60o each, choice for 26c Every piece of. nary Aibbon in the store at half pries. Any piece of Direr Goods in the store at 50c yd. Most d1 them worth $1.00 yd. 6o ch. We oan afford to clear the Valence of this stock at 50o on the & 13- SMIT-Fr- 0. W. ANDREWS, *mom