HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-5, Page 3IF VOICE '
• bIonohltls
IT ViDis
1 Ch 7
s oPollalcc
▪ a ff e, I took a via
,salted In an attack
Ilia, I put *yeelr
eatii'ene and at the
the Wag no better.
liMenit to preach.
try AM's Cheney
t! i?lr rr.r e 7 w •i
.r v a e :ria ri . ?'.w vZ"' 'K1G"a:e:a: re '•q",. ..
If we told ,you that your MgT0?S 0o A pi
baby was starving, that it
ll didn'teensut
actually g g
to cat, you might resent it.
And yet there are thousands
of babies who never get the
fat they should in their food
or who are not able to digest
the fat that they do get. Fat
is a necessity to your baby.
It is baby life and baby
beauty. A fow drops of
Scott's Emulsion for all little
ones one, two and three
years of age is better than
cream for them. They
thrive and grow on it.
SCOTT & SOWN!, elevate. O.t
I111iportant Ev.nts In Few Words
For Busy Readers
the easy Overall's Illappealags Carefwlb
assispWd sad Twit lace ready aced
....«les Maepa Wee tire Medea of
eel raise -A ISMS sear'• limas
ea Tarmorashent Tar ees.usa.
On Sunday sex to St. James' Cathe-
dral, Maternal, r. Bruhbcrl will as-
sume the epiIo OSJ t eau , left vacant
by the 0th of Aeclibishott Fa.bre.
'i cit. SIM&. It.t'O1tb,
Fire seriously damaged the buaist.s
maniac of Weirton.
Boltz re bat gad fear 'ere at London
was daer ilxn 1U.
ed by lire to trier au ou.i4 of
iAllriJ si
The tutor nal the rut -ts of Messrs.
Dau and Bradetr,lt as to the trainer
situation 'in the U l ted States it not of
en eapeeisliy .uaoaiewging nature; still
there is a feeling &annus maty timelines
men in the Pained Butes that we shall
witness a marked revival in trade.
THU LAMUrt women.
The Grant) Trunk car works at Brant-
ford have been e4oad and notices posted
instrucngg the epuerewes to & 49y for
work attiI.oeekwi.
It is estimated that there an. between
three and tour thousand uneteotheye 1
seen in Mootetv& and efforta-.A4e being
mode to pet acme of therm week on the
Crow's Nest Peas Rahway.
It 1t sanounced that tbe Hon. Win-
ston Churchill, eider son of the late
Lord Randeiph Churchill. -will stand for
earliatuent iu the Cthnserttalive interest
at the next t a tunny
et is sowed in London that, while
Lord Salisbury is h no mento please!
with the tone of Seentxry Sibernian's
kretten. on tee seal question. he is not dis-
posed to take the minter too seriously.
atul lids. reply, while firm. will be pulite
ami coached in diplomatic langyage.
reeet.t ettttaUNal..
Madame Nordica is convalescing.
County TrrwurNr Vrnluveu of Fron-
tenac has been niissteg sitter Satunity.
cad his wtrerehuta are !!3-sAspe. -
private terram teem Sir Wilfrid
Timer anawaoeen that nillr will ail
from Liveerpool for hone on Aug. 19.
Mr. Whitelaw Reid, special Unna)
States envoy to the Jubilee. states that
Newer impresePd by.tig•-prrtoeed demo -
ten of the KngKadl people t'ai iii QSeeeii
and their -de gree to 'Ise -as gold WIDE
with the United States
Hon. D. A. Row of Quebec is dead.
Sir John Skelton. • Scotch writer,w'lo
reed the nota de plume u( Shirley, !s
dead. He was tlti years of age.
The fppweal of Mr. Thomas Lyman,
the wtiote•aaie druggist at Montreal• took
piece Friday, anti was largely attended.
Mr. Thomas When, one of the. add est
eider'', of •Ohathane Ont.. and at one
time pommeled of contidergwbie wealth.,
died toed 137.
The Right Hon. Anthony J. Mendel -
la. M.P. for the Brightseide• division of
n1. and twice I'nwident of the
Beard elf Trade, di91 of paralysis.., -
YOLlTIet.-.:.% ADIA%.
'at bottle me me
econd, which I am
elieved me almost
leasant symptom e,
gat one or two bot.
feet a permanent
ters suffering from
recommend Aver's
-E. IL BRA W L re,
etarr. Am. Bapt.
Petersburg, V'a.
Pry Pectoral
likes peoumatie tire
be, le ewes man•
n ay of lift.
este, left Beu...l• on
wb re he bag se • grad
cornea of that town
IN'S -
and Best Values
)ring line at the
ed and reliable
)oriutn. Satisfac-
,ettd in- Quality
id. pt
t Pans, Sheet Irott
itc., etc.,
ry Casting. Re.
and Pipe iitti io,
awe., Globe Valves,
tem. R uetsrs sad la•
■ Hand at Lewes
Itesl Water and Hog
ss,. and others.
treaded, t•.
1 Bps sr. Oseertes.
Fuel Co.
to handle Bag
d Household lb
ch at reasonable
all grades of
in OW
mere and deli.'
lees. Orders Ito
Ire Carr
I. C fis*owse,
DasTaI. ttnWKOK.
Room, opposite the Poet Off!oe
Bold 1ri111sR. Crowne sodsBridWort • Specialty.
)S Years Exner) ase.
it M. MABEE. 1 D.K , L.D.S.--UBN•
lJ. T&LdCfleMON.-Latest sad approved
methods for all dental opariiintea. Pr esseve
IOC of the natural tSsth • p olalty . ogees
over Jame Robles s'e dry ode store. surd
g er of wove et. aw he Sollars. - rTa
. M. Dental
ILL, ans., 4D.d-
tal tSun•0a. •Lately sat serol
with 1) . Dime. of Moatrs.l. Gael =lap
tarn. artificial teeth mounted on gold ordente
mum base, special atteatien ghat is e
sreeervatloa of the Otis
hnatural teeth. yew
Mcl.ean's new block. N -t!
W. A. THOMSON, M. D , C. 11
see at Reaidesoe formerly occupied
by Dr. Coe r on bout IA et. Telephone 10.
n s>rr7'ifit. PHYSICIAN. set'
l7 rale. atsr.mSS Drew! S SS Is
Alb• lately occupied by Dr. w Is egb-
Alls from residence. Talgrpaa M
M. aA'
. CA
clue, Coaysgsnoer, to, thiese-osr.
Hag Ilion cad 8t. eadrsw.li.. on. Colborne
If -.l. ll-ly
NJ etwoot otary Pismo. Aoaaso.ti
MOS. eel Mw-ly
4 Niter. Notary, t.. Oleos over Medicallain. erases. Ooderwb.
131. hotter. ommissioesr. eta Moser to
oan. offices : mor.lilaaadtee lid 8l. Andrew's
buses Noetertob. Ont. 606
L Solicitor, Coaysfaacer. tit, etc. Money
to loan st lowest rates Horror's lilook. Op
ooalie Colborne Hotel. Ged•rioh. Oats lMLtt
1i. ter la L ay Ilse Oo.rna fit octan
Poath Xellinee borer. fsls
iv. North -et., soot door
Moue niss Privets hada to laid at
Lweat rates At IMerist. lgil0
rlrb. 1KTT..sGarrew. Q.0 A Proadteet. e.
liar istes, Wieners 1a Obaao.ry to.
. 11. 0. pewee. 40• t P. holt
nedley Holmes.
0. WARD, OONVIilrANliil.
t, . t... awl .so.t... r tier awl P9
ring II .kande.ratl ,elaa .. a of
Sans yy pips, salt o.. /ro
em:Ilan la time reit et Juin% tis
(bort of L,eeal ills sr In IOW oo tti
B al K misid tet, 1W =egg
1 iddrw-1l--- age aL > tt
1nauran0a- - -
MONILY TO LOAN. - $110,00000
Pend Peals to qIea at le per east. sa-
e ▪ so.it. ColbGo.
rneSoiltN iiiaaelob 's Shook.
ea 14. -
Snag whim mme
farm too J aNOVesitsfats. •
old nuIId11101.t•, whom
Ingenue. edam epMsite Messtea How.
at al Per prm x
scum. gain *peep". 's Yeaw
L•'Stymaddest lawarwses soriSt3 M bawl
e ick. Om« -0r. Nsthsaa
rss. and sr*. Ood-
I smio ni !Mine tang ter tatsetpses
oARROW & se PaO Are
mow' sett s --
Rrns*sasi. Matey ie Lard as eirM it
*eros at t., 1,wed gsM d kttu
sit dopy trete i .,regidtt 1:41119011Maz
aEsohan/.d Institute.
(4o1ER1oH MSOiHANIOS' ntaTt-
Yon c. et Bwoe and &scans tap
Oso hoe tie lex, std ICS 1 M ►.n
ABOUT 200VO'9 Il( Li81M.AN•T •
Liodity NW', Weekly and Mistretta!
f_,ers, 111 T/ , ate., a1 !Ws.
Nattipg 6.s e s iAws!{ esttiZa.
A re11 s tet user te*Nvid by
• E OOs trip ww g MalliLTON.
e0'tsrlm Mare* leis ler. +
feud 1 t noesIYyI
d ed to rasp "" a eseafat
.._Aeet to le aq stet *t ;WI
T()R14 KNOX, 11 tAL ADO-
' 8.me arta
The ('.•••mean papers In Berlin detente
that Sir Wiifrbj Laurier has obtained:i
.srritt.en aaaurathat at Great Britain
will denounce the Belgium and German
Yesterday a vette was taken in Prince.
Edward Island on the 1)anada Te•w
perance AM. wkith was defeated by 796
to 071. The Act hag been in force in
the province for some years.
Tbe' Hee/ions have taken pb ee in
Prince Edward Island. Aecording to
the later .retnras Me Liberal Govern-
ment secured 15 aesta and the Coxuerva-
tive Opposition 1:3, with two seats to
hear f ro.a.
breed in
Mr. hills . Psnstmast Geor al, hew
for a Wed-
nesday to the chief eierks of the de-
partment to meet Liget-Col. White; t!
retiring deputy, and his successor, De.
Coulter of Aurora.
CAN) A LT1 Ra.
Raley River has overflown its banks
Mr. Harvy Cimenian of Uxbridge was
drowned at Teterboro while bathing.
By the wreektag of a ('nines, steadier
n pare for -Mataeme ise
dere, drowned.
1 rs 1* a anions ontbreak of diph-
theria at rector'. and a rlaneent has been
made to the Provincial Board of Heeal•h
an investigation.
George Eames, a young mss reviling
fin Toronto. was drowned in the tens
while rowing in a dingy from a yeeb'
towavda the thorn.
Mr. F. B. Robb of Amherst, N. 8., a
preaminent worker or the T. C. A..
was dnewnel neer Pngwa,uh while
bathing at the boys' yammer camp of
the T. M. C. A.
The a ,teem.r Hamilton of the Riche-
lieu and Ontario Navigation Company,
on its way from Hamilton and Toronto
epMontreal. ears ashore neer Ieoequols.
passengewere trsd nsferre earl
the Hamilton was got off, having ant-
lered bat -little damage.
rot, tines_ YOREIOtt.
The Prussian Diet baa rejected the
Law of Associations hill.
Premier Canvas de Castillo denies
tbat acts proposal for satiate* of Spain
with Japan baa been made.
the Sanaa bee issued an trade sanc-
anetioning the settlement of the frontier ,
According to the wishes of tie powers.
The Leingley fang bill pawed both
Houses of OoneWas on Saturday, and
was slgpoe4 by President McKinley the
ams day.
The i'reasekbe Jahrbucher advocates
the return of Mets to }''ranee In con-
sideratlon df her ratification of the an-
nexation of Luxembourg.
The Japaneeee Cabinet has agreed to
the proposal of the llawniian IGorern-
inent to submit the gnestinna at trine
between the two Go•ernewnts to arbi-
Emperor \Villinm's increment interfer-
enoe in polities is weakening the Gov-
ernment ranks• while the reeks of the -
Socialists and discoutenta are swelling..
day by da]
it it eonerlently expected by the [Neel
Stetee emulation at ensue* M l.eutdon
that Great Britain will attend the In-
ternational Bi-tnetailie convention to bee
held to Wlthtngtnn.
Per.idit ialey seat a •pedal mPa-
sage t0 ent CoagfaIS bit Barnsley, resat
weeding the appointment of l al
anettulesba • to pevi,the •ye-
temM beta rezZd
111r -won
ro* U0 OT WAIL
The mewl rapt the withdrawal eft
Tartish hoes. tram 'Th b' bas be-
gan is
dw e Prior at Sisley war wee
ant et the paint DevosZediatii et the Thiootir
tin. met et unites
Swam ase
ble that the art
will be reopened
and that an
aoeeptable to
ritlah Govern-
Met es. et. he hradnd
expert White, o the
and 1°►'a (AL.L NATIONS' GAMES
Th▪ e Indian Government has dacjded
upon prosecuting a number of editors of
native papers who have of late been
preach leu., ped) t ton.
In solte of official dentals, the London
military dub. regard the Duke of GO"'
naught is appointment to the Quarter-
master -Generalship as a certainty.
The Hi`Mand Cadets of Montreal will
shortly visit Ottawa for the purpose of
beinginspected b the lioternor-lietieraI
and Borden, ten of Militia.
The order of the t Admiralty fur
the battle•.bip Renoir*, the most power-
ful Ironclad in the cavy, to proceed to
Behring Bea, it regarded as Lord Salim-
bary s Neely to Secretary Sherman.
The minuted meet of the Nattutrl Hine
.kssoeiatiWo eloped at Risley, England.
Saturday. Canadtair competitors served
fomete sixth. eighth, and twenty-Seeund
irises, in the Queen's match. the most
mportant eonteest for the meet. Tax
Canadian team• this year made on the
whoa• n very good record, ough
handicapped by the fact that they badalthhad
but Tittle opportunity Ito shunt wail the
new rifle, which Brtti marksmen have
been liming fur tonne time past, and wtth
which the largest number of the matches
were shot.
Constable Wilson of Strstbroy shot
an weeping prisoner named,W. Burns
in the arm.
The sate of P. Stuart a Co.'s oat -
mill at lugcrrull was robbed of
;L during Ike i aopntaat's absence at
Mrs. Olive t: Sternamav, who r
charged with poisoning • her husband,
was remanded on Saturday for extra-
dition to Canada.
The trial of twelve women and two
uten for wholesale poisonings was ,cou-
clud d at Buda Petah on Friday, when
four of the pri..eners were sentenced to
Edward T. Hubbell of the hrW. of
Rogers A Hubbell, .tock broken, Ot-
tawa. left on Saturday with his ac -
mutes in bad shape. Reckless specu-
lation caused his trouble.
Twenty -prisoners. in_ the ime ■
Conuty, N. .. penitentiary
J have become
insane since the beginning of the year
awing to entoreed idleness, the result of
tbe Anti -Convict Labour law.
Mrs. Sbort!ss, mother of Valentine
liberties, the Valey/Ield murderer, whore
death sentence was commuted to impri-
sonment for life. has returned to Canada,
and it is believed an effort will be made
to obtain bis pardon.
In connection with the John Eaton
Co' ffre in Toronto some time ago. W. A.
and T. C. Thompson were arrestee) in
;Toronto last night, charged with ilk/rally
transferring goods in Jane for the pur-
usrose of detrapding their creditors.
A •trsa s4, waw `ave bis -aloe as
Robert Smith. was discovered by Mer.
Hiebei' of the Campbell Howe, Cayuga,
riding the safe. Mrs. Hiahall gave the
alarm. and the man ran away, but was
captured with some of the booty in his
Robert Webster, a Barnardo boy, At-
tempted to poison his employer, Mr.
Henry Lewis of Brunell Township ty
putting Paris green in the . teapot.
They had a slight detente be•canse the
boy wanted to go to Huntsville and Mr.
Lewis cuffed him for his impudence.
- . V VChassii#11D.
The new directory of Ottawa gives
tbe population as ICc4811.
Heavy cattle s 1p4t eufa- t0 England
are reported front W inuip•g.
The Peery expedition Heft Sydney for
.North Greenland in the steamer Hope.
There have been serious outbreaks and
riots in Barcelona, and the gendarmes
have been stoned by the mob.
Thiele have been serious anti -mission -
sty riots in China, the datives aeeusing
the Christians of bes►ltching and kid-
nappiag their children.
The Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada.
whieh ryas in session at Brantford,cloeed
Friday. it was decided to Beret -next
year at Toronto.
Peter McNally, a Boston man, per-
formed the feat of swimming the Eng-
lish Channei from DovPt to a point thn•e
Miles horst Grit Nes, France.
In the band tournament at Berlin the
Dundee bind took first prize in clans A
competition, London second -and Walker-
ton third.
Last week there was a sale at the
old Culloden castle of relies of Ronnie
Prince Charlie. The Queen puretuIucd
his walking stick for one hundred and
strty pounds.
It is noW demi-ntfi ialiy stated in Lor
dos that an international conference on
at.e ...t iwill_ba yyas.m in. Pusans
ingtows with the view of errhtng at to
agreed state of facts.
n anonyneont writer in The London
Daily Mail urges the British.Govern-
ment to rectify the Canadian frontier by
adding Maine, Vermont, New Hemp -
g hee, and part of New York State to
Canadian territory.
Mr. McLeod Stewart, tbe provisional
chairman of the Georgian Ray canal
w hew, ex s to have nn Interview
with ldr. Chamberlain in London in a
few days, and'onvinee him of the im-
perial importance of the -undertaking.
Os* hundred' and eighty -live Mame
tteaatern points. They are all in splendid
nts from Galicia lett Montreal for
health. are people a comparative means.
agrfculturfsti by railing, and are bound
to make good settlers.
Frank Mor, en ofd -tithe minter, has
returned. to Grand Falls, Mont., from
the Klondyke 'cold regions. He confirms
all the reports If the wonderful aurifer-
ous nature of the country, bat any, it is
a death-trap, and that the plat* is dotted
thick with the waves of thoue who 41M
of starvation and hardship ip their quest
for wealth.
to0L PLA r to lselaa.
c.udwase W. c. wale.. sr the G. T. L
Mew OM Par and elaappeand.
Port Huron Mick.. July 34.-('.ondnotor
William C. Wilson of the (trend Trunk
has bees misers`s over a week and ■w
fatally .and friends are ansa werereoi over
his disappearance. The last seen of hint
was weer be drew his pay cheque at De-
troit a week MPS totsOren .day1 Ogethos oe
trice re him ran foetid. At leis home
the moat pleasant Matto.' relat.d, and
foul play Is feared. Whoop reatded near
the tenet depot, •ed lig wife b prostrated
ever the agate.
cerin•r s.er glassed.
Utica, N. Y. Jay 26 •Thr Porhie
Hewn at Itkheld downy' was burned
lest sight w 0* flet prose out, in
d*a than 1a11adef thewere leo guests in
0 em Rolm NON York
and re , tied 100 employee of
Ile betel. Pry resew in the bni ding,
so tar .a known, esenpsd. The lintel
wee the scene of OW elf the saaaow'a
cion brilliant lops.
■ssts.al Absi Mt storsee.
hinttmoI. Qua, 41ts0' $.-Trhw vet
end abattoir wasennopletety de -
strayed by Are thte y
started abet Wt. s*, *tee And i'arvi e1
I with great hes toil Mrelitgi
pplleet!e1bo g the Avers. coos -
bsiIM,tls. Th •gel a Wen saved. rhe
. Pers is MtYtatid at ewer n00,000. partly
rover/ad by l zhi-
mum ins* deaseis.
the '. thit, PiPtsMalay h Iter
iM *10 y err n.
s•.. Iadlems Mad Tinian Layoats Doh' r.
the IMaa.wry .r Aaaerh.-Aad rule.:r,
With Vary Illsht Dt sreaees. WA.
rlmyed In Parts.
Mr. Stewart Otitic. director of the
Marcum ell At tt&oulugy atul 1'aleuute-
logv ot'he Wevettrty lit Peuuaylvaw,
tibiae advasote article on the were he
.unitlannt 011 the imams of We word
baa unearned au tawctt atteuuon, tiro
Levu rpnnditwt • few days at the Nee
teasel Warn= in intermit of hie sfldtee.
For the must eight yea Lireetee Gedw
baa been Leeks:ting data and apeeiiue ne
et the sesta which are Waged by all
the meteor of 'the world. •tut Ina aleeu
erode ne eunidr' coil/ecduu r pomstble
of *uIa t ite•os egNut of the gaitsll puiyeu
by tate tart easiest Deuple.
"(burn:s a said Mr. Culiu,
"areable aur their similarity'.
which, extrude emetically to•idenuty. in
all parte tot the earth. in all times ♦ted
among motile of for highe.t duel the
lowest culture. Any ,i ierteueea iu refer
roue W the contact of rate* and migra-
tions most be made with extreme ca-t-
tiou. as we find pretty much the 'same
games ewers -where. Tet• game* of emus,
meat -
mus -
meat viand at the present day he
civilised people are clearly survival; of
dTTittitary rite*. bio fact betug shown
by die dbsitfou which all games oorule
among the oeppie whom we call sA v
*area The more oumpMeated gtiU"-
emii s• playing cards, appear to hue,•
direct retatiooa with the (Reititttir
calendar. And the counting boards or
eableea. upon which piecte of wood are
moved. es in backgammon or chess.
have timithr re stiona.
"The collection shown at Atlanta,
whike oneatoinrn it •greitt deal of space
and ippareody diveeal8ed ib chasa^te .
meta repro aenbd• an attempt to il-
ium the develasiment of two types
of senses which are represented to -day
Sv nlavine eards sou cheer. In the
course of these ib+egtiggji►tious it 1r
shown that in a sense ageing cards :u
one form or another' are practical);
universal. and were kno en to many of
the tribes of this; continent sute•dating
the d ecoverv. Their neon highly artis-
tk term occurs in the 'gambling wtteite'
of the Indium of one Northwest coast.
'These gambling Wicks. it M demonstrat-
ed. were derived from arrow ehaftments
marked with the emblems of place• and
The cards of northeeet Alla. such
a• are need in Korea, reeen1 prert.edy
the memo origin ale three arrow short -
mewls, 4ibinerte duets connect with
them. and our own carol's rimy be re-
garded an the legitimate issues of the
e :utx series"
Ikldentally in the collection a remi-
tter of highly artistic packs of phayiug
verde are exhibited. intended t, il-
lustrate tbe ancient red existing cards
of the principal nations A Persian act
among the Oriental cards is of etrikiugly
artistie beauty. The cant Diere•. aro
ttsinted with delicate miniatures. ex-
ecuted awn a amend of gold foil. Cori -
outs enough the rattle Digo-est with thein
et our familiar came of poker. •
Gen. A- Hontnm$cbindler a Teheran.
in reply to a letter of esquire; hale fur-
Iathed the f rittewlae erenrtnt of the Per-
erten game: The game is called •'Ae." -tad
i' exactly like peke.. het without any
flushes or sequences. There are four
players and eae8 player gets five cards.
dealt to the richt. The dealer puts down
a gtske. The first player then looks at
his cards: W he "tows" he ways "di
dam" 1I have wen'. and • covens the
stake be mine it If he doem not wish
M plays be says -Nadi dam" 11 have
not seen). and threw. de.ern his cards.
He may also "go" without looking at
hie reeds. that ie. in poker parlance.
"straddle." and be says ' nadid di dam"
(not stein[. I have went. The second
nlaveer. If be wishes to teeny. mast cover
the stakes and can also rnt.e. The
third nearer and the dealer they art in
the same wee. fust an in coker. and
when the ettakea of all player are equal
and no ooe mime's any more. the clads
are turned ext and the leaver haldeng the
heat hand wins the stakes. The. handy
in Hee onler of their value are farce of
a kind and a oar a "fulj," three.
Irina etc.: two pair. tee highest; one
pair, area highest. When two players
have Hee smage pair of mega. too other
card.. decide. For inataru'e, repair, of
kings. ace. soldier end some a n.ra n'
[Jit te.n.. _U1..ass1 la-+ Mea/athetir
Mme. and le called sadam, literally.
" Be knerlaonn is cue of t -h, few Messi-
cal gatlmes is which the pretest .ler ..t -
thine. rt is eextre•nwly inter••.sine from
the fact thane is identical with tura' 11.3-
rmao gamine. dice benne eget from
dice box into a tittle tow•••, the Tnr e'
meta of the ciawdeal writers. In Whet
annum a hackgnmmon bnir•l is shown
from the Make Pectin- Ii. wbirh is
need in a game kletttieal with our own.
A Syrian specimen is beeantlfoliy Inlaid
with mother-of-wee.Modern ingenuity." said Mr. Ceoi,
"cannon he said to have risen to tete
torn of inve-pHnw a game. AA.fpames
were invented acs ago. and it te io hP
mentioned whether a .isle amall *tion
for a patent mon the i of a game
wkd he rnantied in oar patent of see
woee the bis ory• of *lenitive gamer
fully known and aeeeatitlie•"-Waabing-
ton Poet.
'Seems Impossible"
that a pun Ceylon Tea such as
offered at so low a price, but it is so. Other, are begining
to appreciate and take advantage of this snap. Wby
should not you.
25. 40. 50 and 60c Lead Packages,
. Why didn't you keep to
your own side of the road
i Wen. p.rba h seen Galt bet a ,,r ad.d, 1
Me a p ..e4 a "Qutckcar.•' Ta ny !it lid It wilt cog.
sew beak.. i.fr. w. [a nom.. Yoe a.v0v ..w say-
.. t 5mg bk. die saris wall b4al a •tat w a 14014. or uy
klad, and for spm cad goals* u 1r- v.11, a la its
eras d,,pL..
HENRY IEvat,T, L.D.S., Quebec, writes :
*• One of my children sprained her ankle, which
became much swollen and discoloured. Some •Qulckcule'
was spread on linen, and applied ; the pain ceased at once, the
swelling was gone the next day, anti on the fourth day she liked
to school as usual. 1 have also proved it to be a wonderful remedy
for cuts and bruises.
C# O T O
Vessel Supplies a pecialty.
EXTRA VALUE in Nottingham and Swiss Nett
Curtains, 34 and 4 yards long, New and Elegant Designs.
Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig.
MUSLINS---A large range to chooseifrom.
Art Mnslins, Art Sateen Draperies, Crepe Cretonnes,
High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes sultabe for Por-
tierres, etc.
.A. MIINRO, Draper
Ragttab Ia0rwality
i hewn known American meetsar-
rive at 'an English house in the atf ere
noon when boot and boater and all the
'meats were not ahnottng or driving. The
anteing Americium thought thee were
being treated tmeermonimme7. and were
dianoe d to resent it. I asked them
whether thee really thought Dist the
day's plans for a sepre of guests ought
to have been apart in order that the host
'should meet then at his front door as
they drove nit. That was a new point
of viewer° them. And I ilnalty perlfled
them by relating what brad Mad Pen me
early In nrilejDealtab experiences. 'wht,h
1 w111 repeat bore. An DCnRlieh friend.
whom I •sect by chane. in L reidon on
Friday. *eked me to cane to his Anne!
la the eeonn from Saterday to Mon
day. 1 Wee metered baeoedr y erotstng,
and arranged to come evader" seaming
shows . A the dr 4: it. whoreek, I war
a whom l bad sewer eeenn.hat
wheat I seemed to P* cry trtlsi'a write. Of
hiss sit Was no ages. We talked tote
a west twat for a w. sk. M w
hoot nurse in bast beset, toneb ew*. one
or two other meets wit!This lady
eceti me !Hon afterwssrlo d,t the ao
more thew ate than I bee: that her
Imaba»d bred tnM beer • wen we...•rn-
ina down that mnrnitir. bot did not say
who. and atm took for irt'.tsett It was
woe ow she knew: flat sheen the aer-
rent announced me oboe did not hear
the tape. and that 4t wait tins we
anent toe mnreeng teat tber seekerrr
Gaof the otwr'a identity. it was .the
of a Ioef It le
gg 114 a very gaunt Ilt r*
war to width foraat lttion ars di aDPwaa
R wnitro, W.ekitkitsWasttr
h ety hossp.-
11 e
y Aawett i tarroi ore . .
of Inset 1811tMa arts env
*Yeast J ► 000
, p,mii • tresses
.10 digit
Including the SLATER
and all other A I goods
111r7".4. Onr Goode are the beet that can be obtained, and are sold at
Rock Bottom Rias
Hundreds of pictures leave our store weekly. They ire the
prettiest on arth, so nothing tan eurapare with a handsome woman in
a try, isy,R►y,mads.iashilmabla pais of sloes, and w. only .cell este
as become. the sweetest of pictures.