HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-8-5, Page 1`e'"»'tet" •
'�"' , ,....:w._:.. _.e.•'warr... L:2:air'.a.:..r*x,i7....rlfw•a::1ftR:Cr3ti:�.•s+40iir'?•Y.1r t' ren.Yr•
*e., MY•.,.+/wnM •-...e-.+'. YY.Wofi,•�.riY�a.s��-•
1 illag171•0TUIDD be
If yye*aa went as Al live
Oent Cigar, smoke
Fort ONE Yurt.
Umng Away-P.ebr's BooLtore Pyo l
Summer Cemplaiate-W. C. Goode ....
The Let thews --J. T. Aobesoe
Winding -up file -Feet. Jae. A. Reid
Huron's Greatest Store -R. B. Bdith
A Cierpmsa'a Lib -Fulford & Co
Silver Plating-Heedenon Bioyole Co...
kaa Pil.- Jes. Wilson . .... ........
A Pgjy of Pants- sborey.
&alight Soap-LtvR Bros
Taodemenul Prinoiple-(iso. Price...,
The Cash Baat~rttipith Brea. & Co
Manitoba Phar -D. e•antelon
Aaotion fiale-Ther. t;aodry
Locale -Jas. RehMoon
CIo111dea with a Raft 01' LOCO.
SikOr1A• apes tie limo,* Panic Stricken
leealmZ.rs Raab Irons diets. Berths
.•....t`•-. Lives Lost-Mtery et the
■11a1akt Disaster.
14.11111iNIA, July 29th. -The steamer
Umbria, when wine dutaooe up
Lake Huron last night turned back for Sar-
nia on •000uot of the tete and the homy
1 era. A few miles off Gratiot lighthouse she
itln into a broken raft of logs. Her paddles
were broken and a cylinder head blew out.
She slowly drifted ashore about three miles
H. I. Strang B. A. ie in the ',loess t'it y.
Mos Bates of Chinago was in town last
L H t)loksen of E:e:ee was is town this
W. 13. Howell of Waterloo to visitioa to
- teema..
lien Murray, of 1),troit, is vilitibg in
Mia Florenoe Alpe is tneittce in Port
G. P. 'Emerson wheeled to Kincardine eo
Harry Persooe rataro Stratford on
B. Davis if Centralia w. GoiSiIh
Geo. IBellet y of Kincardine was m taws
last week.
F. 11. Howard of Exeter was to Ged.rieb
en 8eeisy.
D. Murray arrived home from Cleveland
oc Saturday.
S. Perry of Kisoardine visited Godericb
Int Thursday.
Mie. Gettig" of (hicegmsUiselm iartieds.
ricer Thursday. - - • -
Mase Ethel Ce•ig left yaeterdey on & visit
to Port Heron.
Mr area Mrs. Tow. McKer.rte spent Sun
day 'a Listen.
Moa. Ora Wilkinson bee patented from
the I; ossa City.
Mrs E. C. Coleman, of Seefortb, was to
[oar, this week.
lir. A. J. Johnston of Toronto was in
town this week.
Y .. Maims" Payne is spending two-
week. in Detroit.
T P Merritt, returned home by the Car-
son& on Saturday.
Fred Bropbey retnraed from a visit to
Introit on Setnrday.
Rev, A Meldrum, wife and childreo, are
rooter the old town.
W. 1) Fate, and H. Doherty, of Clinton,
.pen' Sunday in tows.
Mrs Tanner and childreu of Toronto arc
metier at the old home.
Mrs Calcium and her-daugbterin•l.w.
are visitiag ta.IAoksew.
Freak Wright. of Stretford, .peat Sot.
day at his hoes in tows.
Wm. UcArtber, of Dungannon, was in
the Co. town on Tuesday.
Misses Edith and Emily* Reid are visit -
a the Mime % ilklns.e;
Jake MoDermos►e of Toronto, was visiting
brands to tows this went.
F. U. Mann, of St. Past, Then., le rude
isetold friends in Goderieb.
Harry Edwards, of the garniture factory,
is viatica! at his home in London.
Silas Kate Wearies i. visiting Mr and
- 1drt. Jso. Straiton at St. George.
Her). Reid left for home yesterday 111111Th
beg visit at the tangly residence.
J. Williams, J. Cattle, A. Melvoe sod,
Oliver Rhynas spent Sunday in Se ford.
U.B. Smltk ex • M. PP. for East York. was
lbs guest of hie nephews, the Smit Seas.
James Kyle. .t Tomato, formerly of
Goderloh, s speeding a few days in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heaton returned
from their visit t• the Motherland an Mon-
Mrs. Rutledge woo called awa last week
a a telegram stating. that bar father was
Mee Unit Twitchell is visitld Mies
Meek, Young, God.deh.-Chows Newe•
Jodie Doyle is nab of hewn, holding DI -
'Woe Conn in the .os hesetarn part of the
Meaty. ,
' Bir Annie Merrily, of Detroit, Mich..
es. sed
on Saturday pa a visit to her parent'
Harry Terser hes returned from • three
masks' riot to Sarnia and other points os
the River.
Geo. Wilson, advertiaisa manager of the
Tereere Glebe, wife and family, are at the
Pont Farm.
Alex. Mef,eed, formerly se Teal STOICAL
'ttg• Me t,keu a petition ea the std of tete
Michell Reee derv,
b 'see Janis Craig* and Nell if eRw ale
K614 b 811th_ w rindtiv, via nay.
Mid sed Brumfield -
Mao Chidlow end Wm. MtkMssa. of the
dr.itcrs t . are apeeed 4� tbetr beU-
kain V YIO••rdtn•.
gnat their
• Mr. Stewart.
et CUstw, agd Rsv.
Me, Moir and Mrs. Blair. of Brwo.Mid, are
Ms ream of C. 81m..a. at. David et.
Wardell Cox wog is is ty *Farb Les•'s
eea Monday, *mg* • littd
eg°1 re est the at;tii 1p twelves.
Ml•s Alice Ratio, whit bad less visiting
kat lariats is isms for tM met menti re•
'1"•I( to her IMO* a Were. Mese.. aD
Clothe B.ithgeir, M. 1) , et ChissM
'sibm nt►Uvei ie tiis�tfskNt dJ. urrrllg fib.
1i1b weak.
A1t AA.It tr..,A._... •
Wlnwie Y M iBindle.. an
"'Or NMI* with Memo Gree•
J a
1 (,lamha& of the Windom, Detre .ad "m OYER THE HURON RACr
The GAOL from th Local M111.
Line west .Rrouod in the St. Clair River
opposite 111. Clair city dean' • thick feet ea
she morning ot July t11. She was lesaad
down. She bad been drifting bemuse of
Mack weather, but started her engines to
get oat of the way of • berg* bound up.
gibe was released by the wreobiag tag Sagt-
saw without bootleg suffered any denims.
Some of the passengers from the C.imbrta
were aboard. The C•annona paused up on
Semi-annual report on the oonditioo and
standing of the tioderiob public oohed" was
read and adopted et the regular board meet -
lag on lientery *•ciliate.
------ Mennear, Aug. 2, 1887.
To the Cheraw' and Memberni of the Oodo-
rleb Public echoed Hoard.
GgeeLirge,-In a000rdance with the
regaintions of the Fdsoetiun Uepertrnont, 1
north of Bowie, on th. C•n.dt•n shure. Her keys' alto honor to report upon your schools
passengers, numbering the foUowln particulars :og about 100, mostly 1. The St. David's Ward aohool needs
from Baited State ports, were all safely some repairing. The e•ve•troughtn* is in
leaded and the crew are also seta The poor condition. The walls appear to be
Cambria is expected to to • total Iwo. The epre•ding, and the openings for ventilation
passengers from the wanted steamer vete •r* ools notteas proinprrlyYery
faproo:ed, The other'
schir temndltion
taken to the Motet Northern m Saturn.
Tao hotel is completely blocked up with
what luggage has so ter been saved, and the
pe ssegere are crowding around the wet sod
d•maaed baggage as fast as it arrovsu and
identifying their own property. -
sTokY err THa sittils.
The following story of the wreak is from
• orolyd of pesssagers : When we lett Sar•
that pirrilrilies overheard to say to Capt
Hill that he bad better wait morning
before venturing out into the eke, but
the oaptatn started op her trip. On reaob-
lag rhe lake the blunt commenced to roll
t heavily, bet the saimetsTmaed ea. Oe tate
way up the lake a raft ot loge were passed
to safety. After going eb;nt ten miles oat
into the lee, the captain changed his mind.
turned the toot eroatd, and started beck
reword Sarnia. By this time meet of the
passeogers had turned in and only • few were
oo deck. Sttortty alter 1 o'clock the boat
.truck • drift of logs and a hole was made
in her bow, the logs olmgiog to ihe boat,
and completely enveloping her.
AT rex )(MCI 011 T111 evoke.
•' la attempting to bath out of the logs
the steamer's whorl became broken. sad the
veeoelwas eht• the mercy of the
wiod.eaad waves. The .Dock of striking
the logs aroused the poueogen, who roiled
from Moir staterooms in their meta cilethee,
and tor a few minutes it seemed as though •
n•oio would moue, but a -me of the
ooOlsr heads prevailed upon the more mom
strikes, and order was restored, mid she
pas•esq.rs ore persuaded to return to t he
at•teroome and dress themselves. Thr they
did, and put their baggage in order to be
tekua out as soon as occasion offered. 7;he
vessel then commenced to drift towards the
Canadian shore. Toe tog. clung to the boat
end'keet up. mutant tbumpiog and pound•
og nm thaboat'e nd.s. This was kept up
for shout • half hour, when suddenly the
vowel .truck something, ,topped short and
leaned over on one aide, with the waves
breaking over her.
1.1014111 l:O OCT.
" To make matters worse the .training of
the vessel when she "truck burst • steam
legs leading to the electric light dynamo,
sod the electric lights went out, leaving the
.bgkt...1f__.Atter _ d*rkoens. -.. The pasaeogera
then tAe•me panicotnkea in earnest, as the
water was breaking over the vowel and the
eemping steam was thought by many to be
the sound of water pouring into the boat.
The captain ordered the passengers to doe
the life -preservers Giving them emnethin,
to de eased their minds, and • panic was
again averted. At this time not one of the
psssoogers was aware thee the but wee on
she math in about eight or ten feat of wa.
ter, sod within 200 lest of perfect safety
teed dry laod, Everything was enveloped
in Egypte darkness.
FAI.tZNO[aw [Aerial).
"Tbe loge still kept poaeding at the ves-
ssl's sides as if they were hound to stave
than in. This state of affairs was kept up
for about two hours, the captain Mosier
to launch any home until daybreak. As
won se it eommeso.d to tet light the work
of tranaferrbR the peasenmrs 19 the shore
was oommenoed, and when the first lied
reached the shore in safety a shout of joy
went up both from the shore sod those re-
maining on the hoot. It was but a short
time until all the paseengeup were taken to
the bomb, and then the biyLaae with takes
Large gu•abbies et the oargo and parte
of the rabies are being oast op by the hie
sena Tbs septals of the Cambria says the
raft towed by the Vigilant, into which the
steamer ram last Dight, lied no lights w it,
sad be maid not res it until the host had
ran Is among the logs. The wrecking tug
$Dglo•w left Detroit this afternoon for the
some of the wreck with three pumps and a
Ira an interview later with lifthager
Brown he said the steamer was net fa-
inted as moth as many mime mammies
the maties Of tete damage
itelwarks and machinery, *le le the le&
•r with h*, and se Friday Iasi he math
ed to have her ni Ittg on TN.Ddsy nttzt.
CA1!ADtitr rim%.Nna7a.
The I►llewing is the Het of (lasadbms
paseat n aboard : T. Deltas. Ashfield ;
F. J. Hunt sold wits, Rev. Y. McKay.
T. P. Murray and Dag Murray. (
William Dordre dad Joie Oats. Barrio
Jobe Armssirtmfb 1)•eUtagttrrad : $..Dail
Bowes sad Albert F5wlw. Pert Arthur ;
H. B. Nettie. Ds•Nss t W. 8oiulaad
d wife. Loudon 1 LDssstb Byres mid
Mn. Goethe Myren, 0elsw't.r ; Eddie
flas� � + rdies t em Dimer sad
tielaiDh River I O. W. 11115. Ow Boxed:
res.1.--81- /leek X10! t Samar
MIs 1117hK.r, Wallowa, mid Him GalileeliraCope.UsatsfWtt ai sad hire. Team, 8sad-
Lwd. 7►w/R�
Tat *%I .staaaga to the ill.tsted j them over.4tow"
A Weekly pagan ea Casty sews /erten
op to salt iverybedy - rob .a'd
Feint Waved sed Condensed
Frees livery •.ribs.
()LI N TON : S. 8. Cooper has the con-
tract ter • two-story addit os to the Ootarto
et parsonage.
Shovel" ; Tbools fleshes Is surging a
brokw Anger. Nod Sweee haw how he got
iflosvle : Chri"tepber Thoroton has a
two-year-old Jersey IOW that produces eight
pounds of batter per weak. -
Zariob ; Last 'Tuesday Mr. McRae, of
IdcKillop: and lime Sera Rondo!, of thq
place, were ratted in marriage.
Seaforth : Mrs Sara Bell MoLean, of this
town, has pard her final examination at
the Toronto Normal School as a kiodergar•
ten thrower.
2. The seating is good In sit t be rooms- H4116'1' Petwr liewthouut• of the i
The black -hoards are Dow exteseive and' line, Hallett, has an apple tree m his
•utmtantt►L Several ot them have ban chard which is loaded with trait and bice
patpted green. which has made them much "me at the same time
easier on the children's eyes. The mating S.sfortb : Jas. Archibald whipped a car
and ventilation ars not up -b -date, but are load of horses to Montreal on Saturday. OD
much better than some suppose them to be. the same day George Turnbull shipped some
With proper Management the rooms can be fib. horses to Glasgow•
kept st • suitable temperature and wily
synod with plenty of fresh air. In winter
ID. caster am, :tut' a difficulty in the ward
rcbools, as the freezing frequently baste the
3. The whool grounds at the Cestral
school aro kept in s nesewd tidy condition.
At the Ward schools they are badly neglect••
ed, .ed at present ere ornamented with bur-
docks end other unsightly weeds. The
keeping of the grounds and outbuildings in
proper,aDsdition should be part of eaoh
caretaker'. duties.
4. The general standing of the schools is
moot eatidootory. 41 the e'emtYt,one
whirr► I made arise ibg term Dome pupils
did Meth better than others, and I believe',
this wM found to be the case at the promo -'i
Noa,exnrinations Some subjects omits not
es well done as ethers, and where II'foaled
this I requested the teacher to pave special
oars and attention to that subject. Puente
would assist the teachers greatly by eeeieg
that their children are punctual and regular
in their •ttendatuop. No small matter
should bs allowed to k'-ep a could from
school or cause him to be late.
The discipline in all the diviuioss ap-
peared to be very .atisfs,tory. I Relieve
every teacher hap striven to do what is hest
for rho pupils. Soma teachers am swede
the attention of their pupils more tally and
wily thap other., and therefore get better
resp tee.
The gaeral program of the different
climes has been . ary grutifyinv. I have
been especially plowed with the steady im-
provement in the writing and drawing. I
am sure that all will agree with me le 1,0')
we that the exhibit of writing and drawing
made by the Go.larioh pupils at this G. N.
Exhibition last year eras • onalit to both
teaobers end pupils. I expect that the die
play of 1897 will surpass that of 1896
bpelling in some classes. rereading in
others. and arithmetic in 'ethers require
.pseie! attention se they aro not up to the
standard A. the *where know where
them subject. are Low, I expect there will
1.. ea improvement derieg the next year.
Takes •s s whole the work of oar wheels i.
Marl dens.
All the teachers ars expsrlenesd and have
received • Normal School treialeg. $doh
one bee done earnest and faithful work dur-
ing the past term.
The caretaker of the Coated wheel has
done els work well. He bas not on'y heat
everything ie food order% bat has done
muoh to make the ol•es•roo>p look brighter
sod to make the premiss". coedit to the
The members of the &heel Based de-
serve the thanks of the parents red pupil.
tor the titre and attention they lave ne
freely gives is order to keep their pabko
schools in .nob • high "tato of e>aowey.
Your oheftiest servant,
J. Etats Tor. Inegeotor.
Ise more worrier teas the Pahtae are
Aware tet-elerveas Rxtast,s.eei the Fac
*seer Osteons..
There 10 more worry eonneotod with the
routine life of the avenge obrgyms tithe
moat people imagine. Hes duties aresnniti-
tttrio.., and it is little wonder that be fro.
queetly [aeon's. the victim of nervous ex-
banstios, inseam* eta Ie this condi'
Dr. Williams' Ptak P'Ilr set mesa opeedifty
npooi the Thermos systems shag any other
medicine. and promptly messes the asst te
• normal .tate of health Acv. W4taarko,
a rising young Methodist mulish.matioaed
at Orono Oat"says --"I have derived gee.
hewer from the use of Dr. Williams' Plsk
Pills. I found that when 1 attempted te
study 1 would become drowsy and wild net
apply myself to my work. My di/cooties
was very bad. and my nervous system emu -
ed bo be oat et gear. At Orr•I aid bun
little attention Ie the master, bot fogad my-
yself gsowis4 warm. At the yea I wog
.t Fere Stewart. Oat. and woe
N the bits. d e Merebeepet. who
edified mi to try Dr. W1111aa.' Vlak Ptlb.
I doeMed so to do, sad 16•ska se Mu media
ole.. I ams yak. reald id t• geed health.
Vector sheet dre**.Uirws I feet N tip duty
a say • geed ward lot fir. WIlillems' Rink
Dr. Williams' Plat Pula este by gulag be
the reel et the dWan a They mew mid
►still op the blood, teed etr.sgtlln the
ester., that dri.lsi *..sffresthe ve-
lm. Aveld mN ba
eery la a
��nymak. Dr.
W ?Island tot Phis
Mrs. S•klm-'I road s patagrte>lia 1a the
paper whish said • Wows wet mote bidet*
.6..s. pat w a'bas'e hit Melt fee Dasa% pee
Walt that M r moos i.a. M am& Allot
�.. C•• ik. ; ..:.ir'iDi is ea - mom tlha
"Ther start to toy rise tlketimmaa was
and. Were memo% ad W Woe Wars
Rev. Hodgen, and Mrs. Hodgen*, of See -
forth,_ •ttereneti the IeosinOtk.Hume tread
smeekeementory tronads here lest Thursday
attorneys.- News !bard.
LuridN-•w dray. ego T. Kibler's six-
year-old v.;t v..4yt.f with a bieyele
whet, it fell. "L ease manner be got his
arm matted up aim bed one of his wri•ta
Bayfield : Mr. Fiaber was re-engaged 00
Wednesday night for 1898 at • salary of
1400. This will give ,.neral satisfaction to
the section, am Mt. Fisher Is well liked as a
: The home of Thos. 1i55ss tpY
the some of • happy wedding the other af-
ternoon, when his mooed daughter Mies
M•bel.erse wedded to E. Laird Williamsoa,
of To:onto.
Clinton : • Mr. Laurence, who recently
hurt his band •t a machine in the Organ
Factory, got,srue%k io the lam by • piece
of board tills week, which hes intently dis-
figured him.
Wingbam : D. C. Maara, as one tints
puhlbb.r of 14s TViogham , died at
Milverton oa8tr6d.y at the • 41 yearn
He was formerly • teacher, and high
in his prot.aetoa.
Sumrnerhille L Hardy, of Ere
,i►butlding the bridge at Tipl•dy'., h
•beat completed. It is • piens of g
work, and being • county bridge it i.senile
what, longer than the old one.
Seeforth : A. M. Woodley. of this town.
who had been attending the Hamilton busi-
ness college, has secured • positipa as assist-
ant book•keepor in the r.ig dry goods house
of 'phos. C. Watkins, of Hamilton.
Citroen: Mus Minnie Ker, daughter of
Harry Ker, wok the highest number ret
marks in the East Huron inspectorate, 619,
at the motet entrance examination. This
1s pretty good for a thirteen -year-old girl.
Tuckerw.nitb : Alexander Lawrence has
been appointed • sub collector of customs at
Greta, flan., b the Dominion Government.
Mr. L.wrenos is an old Toekersmitb man,
iter- rad teetr r veshdetar-et--Min Rtadr
1 years.
Bluev•le : The King family have pl•c.d e
vary handsome mentunent in the oemt ter y
to the memory of their father, the late
Duncan King, sod their anole, the late John
King. The mouument is of a brown Peter-
head granite.
Summerbill : Mr. Kitty bas bash suffer -
Ing for scope time front nervous prostration.
He had also • IiW. threat ditfioulty, for
wbioh he underwent an operation : hie
treads will be pleased to know he L ooneid-
e rsbly better.
Clinton : Oa Tuesday while • youth
oared Tebbust was leading • hone along
the street, the animal in play struck out
e.sd kinked him on the free. He dropped
uaoonsciens, and when picked up It was
Mend that his ob.ek boss was broken.
Londe.boro : Arthuf Woodman has been
ooefned to the house for over • week with
Is1•mm•tfon of the kris; he is improving
Am misty little. W. Woodiness has hese laid
uo tor s while at les brother's house. po
Mr. Woolman has • hospital on • small
Seeforth : W. R. Wilson' and bride, of
Kalamazoo, Mteh., visited ruMNvee in town
this week. Mr. Wilton ill an aid Me•forbh
boy who has dose remarklhly well for him-
eelf in the world of mmmeroa, se he is now
mss•Rer of • large dep•rsswetal stare in
Bltsvle : While .fide` down to tea •t
Philip Thomas' last Friday memos Mies
Mabel Oliver eooldentally removed the sup-
port .f he leaf of the table and • tea pet
upon ita hot onntente over her. He gide
was welded badly but she was taken home
and 1s new imar.vlsg'Moety.
Hallett : The voters' list for this town-
ship, for 1$8'1. a•etalns • heel of 1033
naw, et whish 800 are waled to vote at
mengelped s.d lsgielab.ve elaesi•e•, 154 et
ten ttidmsistpal •1•etiotts, sad 1f0 at legisla-
MVIII Maas only. The qualified jurors en
**Iles aro 611. On the Het are 66 wid-
ows sad 198 worn.
Wrnw•or Jobs Mail most with a bad
s•afd•Ot • listen tout Wroz-
etie last Tl y • . A violent eer
ams est yelping tadat wt. Hooey'shers. amebaethe sauna be sky
i*te the ditch. ■ the rut e.4 throw-
ing Mr. Homy oat. Rs r.pialved severe la -
ferias shoat W 51s4,
Seare4 a Ward wren resdvd bate es
Thsssdi.y crosoisw by p.dasy 8.s that his
brother-r•M, Jamie L,sw a•.idlsg to the
weirs moms, was dad, 1ADy obs Rot s
loilar deed bee dim geesviseh ssiy5. a8
trace wall, •msememe4 w Aft* meet
itiew rain ontenmea arsaa reser tun* 1111-1M.
OW trans t. ass* the bite, Mow
Lohdasa•r.1 firs IMO weth .1. a.sN,
while se Ile way w % 'e s lrM d
numbs., got his hand severely hurt. He had
a seat fixed cu top of the load, made by •
Am* placed .ander a 'Wog hoer 1. Tbu
p ere dipped, skewing the board le fate en d
threw ban brta.cu it.. eor.as ate the ...v t
Hilt., 1. oat very meth 011 the upper ■.,1
lowor,ttldc.. It ,. a n y•tety how h • g ••,
oat an *nth • maned, or nu a there lute uu
boar• hruteo.
(,9teten : Tne remriue of the late Crier.
W. rriteu.., eh.. died et Ret Portego, ..e,-
delayed o•,ng to 1115 u;uee.. Ut .110 of the
loot ions who was r., a•. Uea.pany n. -.n down;
they erased at 1Viugh.ur VI, •'.1'.R ton
late for the ...11th recoil ••u 1t e L kJ.
and •ere brought here by oestveyiSOe,t»+..w
interred from the re.ld.a s of Job Loup -r
on suoday.
R.v6eld : le the rienrne .,t the Fannon«
ano l'ubiao School Leeson ex•mtuatteiclthe
Bey,leld school has rA•le It . , uri.tid snow-
ing. and great credit Ir i • 1eu'..4 .u, the
pup le and their teacher.. A ills, was ot•
ten 1 for the oereli1„t., whoahnel4 nh'ait
the Iugheet porranree• th either ttem,ns
1100. • it 1t.. E.elyn `3..;.h, •i.u.nt.r of
Fthr4wpa ter rector u. Triuiry otntroh, won
the honer. '
11L:Kiilop: Thus. Love. of the lltb°ow.
McKillop, die! on Sunday Mr. Leve
he. haw in for ghost two years, beteg a
vimits of diebster. He was a comparative.
young man, being only 49 years of age.
• was the second son d the late George
Love; of Tookersmttk. lie was bxv in
Stratford, but his parents camp to tucker -
smith nearly 47 years ago. He had been •
reuideot of Tuc&ersmaIh tor about 29 yeah.
He leaves • widow and • family of three
eons and four daughters to mourn the loss of
au ateotionate hurl.snd and ever thought.
fol JZtltnt.
There 1s .Nerd 1.r Praised Narsee ea Iloilo
aides et die Ocean,
By the English mail just in, Dome inter -
manse details arta avait•Ws of the varies&
' ebonies for the riok end helpless that are
w neer and dear to the heart of the Queen.
Prom%those it would appear that hand la
hand with the greet hospitals, the tounda-
tion stones of which have recently Leen lead
_by the Priam of Wales and other members
of the reifolag family, u e wide exteaiiou
of the cottage ho.pttal system ana trained
strung for the sick who are unable to go to
.the regular hospital*. In Scotland and
$eglead, the past month, several of these
cottage Doeptteil sod teemed nura1n pro -
Ode have token permanent shape. ; Theo
objects are much the Name ae those of the
Victorian Order of Nurses m Canada.
Great Britain, the Mune of hospitals for the
✓ ick, is thickly studded with towns and
cedes. Nearly every considerable centre of
populat►ou has rte hospital with full comple-
ment of trained nurse", yet fresh efforts ere
cenrtmntl; tieing pat teeth to supplement
the work et the hospital. by worrying help to
he very dwelling al the soflerars. Tome
have read the pamphlet explaining the
for the Victorian order of Naos"
a will renumber the interesting
to the British system referred to.
rules of the British Notion
rstned Durres mike regular
k in their respective dr -
e reason or other,caonot
Is to be nursed. Of
erne num her. Etch
turut.iawl with a
or a rick noon.
es buten skilled
•1, the rela-
ely!or the sut-
ures), and
t at -
trtetr who,
be moved t
suoh caves, th
o ur.* le, when
bac mu'rinine re
Every patient rte.
moo as the oiratlaieo
tives are instructed ho
tater until the heat 0
suppliee are left with tit
Not only are the wants e
'wa.led-io.paoasptly.aa i
ohj•,ot leeebna'are quickly let
f*at lies, and thus a general koo
methods of relieving the sickµ■ thes
of Allied medioel •ttendanos and
nursing ls gradually disseminated amoeg the
people : merely • prtosless boon. English
nurses ander this system often pay • dozen
totwormy nursing visits per day. "Such
devoted women," to quote from the p•mph•
let referred to, "go into houses where there
1. Do comfort for the sick. sad where the
shadow ot death name to rest all tun moon."
Little children are born into the worid,
with no welcome to worm end dainty
clothes awaiting 'hem The nude" may
curry a mothers' hog. with necessary gar -
menta. That some organta.tian similar to
the above, which the Viotorlan ORler of
Narita propeees to supply, is badly needed
in Canada, is osrt•tn.
The letters of Dr. A Fleming in the Bran-
don, Man. San, and that of Dr. O. C. Ed -
weeds in the Ote•w& Citizen, which hove
been widely quoted by the press of Canada
giving their personal experienos in sparsely
mated districts are cenolu.ive on Min point.
Bat not less important than the views of
medical taw in various parts ot tho ooa0try
are these ot the National Connell of Women
of Canada. brawn from all motions of the
country, r.preeeeting every oleos of the in-
telligent population, ezperienoed among the
suffering in town end country settled and
aneettled seotione .like, tae women oempo.-
int Aim Connell know better than any other
the real need 04 the Bok and helpless
amount w. At Weir annual meshing in
1896 they adevt.I the followingre.olution.
• "TSM is view elf the emff.neg endured by
wearers and oblides in the North Weise
Territories and its outlying distrtms of Can•
Mkt, from want of proper mediae] aid, the
National Conseil of Women of Ces•da, Be-
are lib respeetfally ask the lominlos Gev.
aromaet. and the Produced Government, to
take the matter lab 'Mir serums oewid.r•
.then. and to take step to remedy the pre-
emie .tate of things, and that Connells be
regne.ted to anuses goose praotiwl ethane
whereby medical aid and nsr.iag may be
wooded to those dislriot. where .00h it
weeded, whiob wheats will he submitted to
the Executive Committee of this Conned be-
fore ° *sot to the Premier, the Mhsister
of bhe IO1Her, mid tae Premier, of the Pro-
Thus We Bad la both hemispheres, the re-
magdelse of a Welts duty of leaders mad
warkttfis wake. M. people, alit* 1a Greet
8r1$sis and (heads Ib ie rather mar to
le esestp•tialg the devel'Drnw.N le ate.
proposed faited•the of the
Vi imise Order f Name e h Gamete bet
* nos tfko week will nam more he le tall
.t Mt* will lave s iMoetealty of
WWIwith what stay prove to he ew�the
moo b ( wh.Ltk* kited
A Rapid Ran to the Doak
Tea cars assaaked-Freight Considerably
Bensagsd-Over tux Thowsd
Dollars Werth of Tro-
pes ty. Deser.yed.
ti IIORTLY after noon on Monday,
' while the hande at toe etaaoa were makiug
rep the next out gulag lraiu they ran eleven
oars into lite *witch that leads to the harbor
end with such egp fill totes tIIM ad o•, Yoe
on to the down grade ; card ea the bagine
wee not attached the overlapping car drew
the others from the leve aori'tbe long hoe
was soon out of tient. lit ilea lite rnnawe y
oars tied reached the b-idg.. that crosses 111•
Groot Truck they ha,l ett..ru.l s high rate
of speed, sad as th. y emceed the harbor s.. w
mill they were going it seventy miles an
hour.. As there were nu tsars on the track
the I =loot under the elevator and the
leading car or•.hect into the baser.
The report of the meeting was like the
.orad of • fired Dannon, sod those neer
at head as they heard It saw the bol oar
leave the wheels and 8y- in the air over
twenty Leet high and tinnily settle near
Lee's warehouse over one hundred feet from
where it first book to digit. The wheels
tried t, catch the oar but before they had
,teethed. the spot where a reeled t earn-
e d to the right and took • bath in the har-
After the first oar had passed along there
was such a cloud of dust that it was impoe-
e ib:e to note exactly what ;ripened to the
ut,... re. When the dust had settled it was
seen • colt of the eleven ears at1 but one were -
minus trucks, badly mixed up and
nooapts.I n space equal to five oars in
length and three to width. Onetox oar had
tanned South sod get clear of the line of
travel while • flat oar had turned to the
nght mid got otl*5Ly oleic on that side.
Ono oar loaded with organs, furniture end
salt was found to have halt a fiat oar mixed
up with its freight, and the end one, loaded
with oats, was found to be the only one
that stood oo wheels.
The axles and wheels of Dino Dare were
seen all in • lump just West of where the
buffer was fined and so intermingled were
they these they looked like an old Iron heao
at the G. T. R. yard, Stratford. Malty of
the wheel* were but little injured though
others were separated front the axles end •
number ot the Letter were very much best.
It in said that six thousand dollars will
oover the lose, and if the loss makes the G,
T. K. authorities keep the .witch 1eadt04
to the huller looked at all times except
when trains are passing up or down that
branch it will not be • dear lesson.
The switch mentioned has always Leen •
menace to those engaged at tho harbor and
that there was no lose of life was an accident
of time, tor had auoh s runaway occurred
my time but during Iho dinner hour Godo -
an would be now montomg the lose of
many of beer eons.
Al 3:30 the wreaking train arrived from
Stretford and was soon at work removing
the debris and ny Tuesday evening it was
all cleared away.
Thera are xriany statements to otroulation
as to the cause of the mishap, but the one
riven above will be found the correct one.
There is one noticeable point and that is
that the train shunted was • long ose,pieven
oars in Length, mach longer than Ihoyanau•
Sir,--twdled ibuntiog iiad it seems
probable that the engine ran it as ter back
se it usually did shorter ones thus seadin
the end oar on to the down grade.
The crew et the wrecking train worked
hard, sad after gathering up the
frusmants of the tuwwsy trent left for
(tratford shortly before 8 r r. on Tuesday
The work was performed with cnnridur•l,le
skill and the men worked night mod bey un-
til the job was throagb,ls the meson the de-
bris was all 'imbued up on Tuesday.
A Day's Moat for • Chanes to Zara a:rend,
It was nearing noon, sod I was very
hungry. The question of esrnipg a m• el
wee no longer an interesting speculation 1 tie
• presume necessity. I turned •11 my ate
tension to that. A large gateway loading
into • oemetery abreacted me. Several rag-
ged, tow -beaded children were playing
about the lodge. One of them told me
that his father was inside, and he indtc•ted
the general direction of the tombstones. I
found the dealer sweating in • halt-8biand
grave, and intently offered my kelp as •
means of earning my dinner. The grave-
digger was an Irubtsan. He Issued at ease
upon his spade, and soberly looked me ever,
and then declined my offer. He was polite,
but not at all oommuniostive, teal he met
my seventies with the one remark that hie
"old women'' was not at home.
A little farther on, I saw three women is
pursuit of • hen. I ••terly volunteered my
help, and imbed for a dinner la payment.
They gait the chase and .food 000treattng
me with seldom fades. while I elegsently
pleaded a yre•dlnees to help them. Moth -
mg in the situation seemed to strike them
es strange or irregular, but they teethed up
o* lb with amort, grave speech, until 1 ked
bee teeth's wt something mommetotss, and I
moosptad Moir rofeml with • mem of re-
At later tit the ontallirtte of the village of
Watson I toned a mea mowing hie lawn,
and he wse willing to give me • dlnowt for
sting boa work. My Awl messes to
an odd lob wee a splendid .M.•lw.
urged the mower over the lawn with e
vigor that surprised me, and the dinner
whist' I ata ha the dim earner .f en lmsan-
slat. 511.b.s was a liberal rerun ter the
All that beg summer •ftataoe* I trent
itis henna to home, asking .ab.xipti.ss
far the m•gantsw The rook w•s14 have
bees easier upon toy Mahone, but 1 wee
sager to dissever sees ready way ef app.
pAmellini ds pie. Net even the loafers .s
Aosta*. were a the ham ludNaed s. share
*air s.s asy with the. At n1 511th I
14 •stsef:: a t : so tomb eilier-
ter the tight M shag pl or r em& hare.
--yaw "Tbs Werner., by Walter A.
rite! 11 Fithian Number (Anima)