HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-22, Page 8w EVER r. DAY A SIG . • ... • . BARGAIN DAA' For the remainder of July we will continue to ofer all linos of SUMMER 000DS At Prices that aro Regardless of Profit, for they must go now. LADIES' CAPES AND JACKETS, regular 50c., for 25c. LIGHT COLORED DRESS GOODS FOR SUMMER, regular 50c., for 25c. TABLE OF ORGANDIE MUSLINS at llc. A few left of our 5e. RRINTB, just HALF PRICE. A full range of LACES, RIBBONS, VEILINGS; LADIES' VESTS, and ail Small Wares. 25 PER CENT OFF -ALL MILLINERY CASH AND ONE PRICE (JNLY ' ' SMITH BROS. & CO MOLE .N'S BLOCK. '.T. r r tor commencing May smarmy a feat re - PRAYER AT SUNRISE. named winmg;aireant F'uMolatroa.e match came the flag drill and parade of - ei�Nations, ream- . ep- w•nted by 100 lads andlases, nudes the direction of Major Tbompson. Business and Speechmaking it was a very pretty aooue and one amen - During the Da long to be membered, as each amen- Duringy - gent passed, the band playing the 'te- tanal air of tbe ..,entry, represented as follows `Maple Leaf,' Canada: "Brit- • •aatWar'. Creat e:ataartaas - tmsestsg iih Grenadiers," England: " Ynnkeve 1Non!k•," United State.: -Bonnie Lrnu- •tsbt at tiblblUsaj rare- - Urate- oleo,- Scotland; "Erin Go Bragh " Ire meat latrine -•nae �wesek lea•t♦s0 land: and Men of Ilnrkch." Males. • Have Meal, g•Jgs� =fel+ rl.it to aleNanadellowed a novel Might t I tW visitors, being the paras • part (Itasca easy. the grand stead of nix members of the 4800 Reteament, in fall Highland cos - Toronto, July 16. tume, playing Scotch aim on the bag - The inaugural meetiuss of -the Epworth pipes. They played well and were ea- -League at Ussery Hall yerrterday was caroled 'Merril mealtime.. a br,thent. sue(m, The delegates were t On account of tphe utter imoseibility highly -elated with their "reception. Tbe of the vast throng hearing- what wav weaken. of the day -acquitted themselves wild. the spi'i'ehes were ver- short. notev The enthusiasm iuspired b telt - ThtOI wap obtatijous; egrncvt' and • --- "-_'" !s►v Datura Cheeses, widespreadaualbijerfiect of tbe inaugural Ottawa, .inly 14. -In addition to tbe meeting was to put the delegates in good ""iffiry et'inres nlrwa*iy mentioned trim for the work of the mo.yeation. It LI.at-Col. Gordon, D.O,C" Frderictou, was evident from the proceedings et goes to Montreal is puce at Lieut. -Cal. lllamsey• lien -that the Epworth League . -...,paw..: .ttiIlor le.y is ttansfet-,.d sad such ilke organisation. wield no et• form the position of Brigade Mnjor at ma • i e erncw even upon the pohUeaI Montreal to the D.O.C. at Rt. Jnhn'i: onset use of the day: A faking refer Lieut. -Col. - Buchan succeeds Lieut. -Col. ecce made by wee of the speakers to D'Orsonnens in command of the depot thepr y o.ed arbitration treaty between ratM_ St. Johns: Major Young leaves St. (heat Britain and the united States Johns and gas to Toronto: Lieut. -Cyd. brought the delegates to their feet, Ana goes tu___Etederictuta showed in a most dramatic. way that It nay-ut:- the Methodist Church of the two coiih- tries had the settling- of the attest/on k would not be long before the prophmad arbitration become an actnailty. As it I. the Epworth League and its dater •eligkous organtsatioys are bound to have • beneficial inatieuce in the matn- tAnlanee of mute and good trill. between ` 'two great fanlike of the British• Kane Isar resp,lr. The welcome meeting is Massey Hail London. July 16,-A despst.-h from was attended by between 5000 aad Oixel� Sydney, N.S.*.. says that Frnu't But- delegatee, and was uece.eifnl In everyv ler, the Australian built maturer, was respect. Only deiegntes were admitted op ---rd- 2.15 o'clock, and they .o .com- et ��Iryat tilled the big hall that when the public rushed in M batmdreite y bad to he contest with hack seat. in the top gallery and .tending room. The en(hiisiasm of the delegates broke oat before the proceedings opened. A Bamber of good. old Methodistns were pang in a most hearty anti -spirited manner. Then came a llagR incident A party of ontheamats marched • ipto and across the hap raillery. carrying the BR - doh and American lags. Imamdiatdy the huge smembkge 'rose, waved thousands of handkerchietit and sang :'Marching Through lieorgfa,s. which was followed by "ted Save' the Queen-- Tbe Hagar were hun ray •. reale". for91- Inc a rirnitlnut euthk.tn f the interna- tional and peaceful character of the convention. More hymn ehngting_ ttritow- ed and Anxrican patriotism and ea- thastamm again broke out In the den- ies of "My Country 'Tis oat Thep" Lads Peru arlra.ea. London, JnIy 1J. -Lady Selina Scott, mother-in-law of Kuri John Francis Russell, who In .lannnty last was men- tenced to eight months imprisonment for criminalty libelling bin, was reke ue n1 iii.=arming from Holloway Jail. a executed yestardu,J He r'»i(ursed t• having committed four mordera, • ltovxn I,y eir.arrrube .ire neeleaso ('.bales t• ("makers.. .. Louden, July 8,-Thta everting at the Hotel "'evil, toe eorlwuluem terwpuny gave a bouquet to the Cutout"' ale -infers and their wives. ;Sir Wilfrid Laurier alai Lily Laurier mar on the right awl heft respectively of the master us. Wee company, and covers were laid for 300 gue.t m. Mr. Chamberlain, toasting "The Brit - hat Empire," said the Jubdte j,iimpiety• of the army and navy were u gtfarnnite Wrttrwr mend her all in their defence. 1 f by lei ether ties, be continual. the colonies were bound to Greta Britain byi- tude for having aruoraed them t -toe goveerltment. He pointed out the deli- cacy and fragilit1 of the links binding the colonies to England. and added: "l:i their Interest.. everything 1. being dour to bind the colonies to that England an. to which they beknug: and we hope sown to wltne.s the federutlou of Australasia, which, of -necessity, most be followed by the federation of the South African ca- nter.. which in tern wnnld lend to the fesleretkun of the nritbb Empire." • Mr. Chamberlai continuing. said: "1 'relieve, however, that i express the feeling of thome 11 qualified to ripe -- gent the self-governing colonies when 1 *ay they art' of the opinion that any change In the political relation.' between England and her colonies would be a matter of mach rant immobility and ereeplettit . and Involve such grhit con- .titntional ehaagrw, that it ought at all times to be approached with delicacy and reserve. It world be retarded teth- er than hastened by any attempt to press It to i premature conclusion. We hope tit the colonists will tttke hack this memoir from the bottom of all F:ngll.b hearts. We are pranged at new sacrifice to maintain 'newt their interests and honor and our own and believe that wally of the Empire la the test guaranine of tie integrity of the lCmd re.' Sir Wllerid fanner, replying, mkt " iMr. Chamberlain bag opened up the subject wbieh, more than May other, is engaging tbe ntt'entten of the It M of a character 'that most .demand the attention of thinking men. One thing la certain, the colonies .hoiW either draw more elorly together in the Empire or shook' sa arwtt. Tpr deci- sion the chole., domot lie altogether in the dot. mot months of the colonies. bet rather In the months of the people of the, Motherhood. When (Moeda bag ler ■tree th path** .Me will satisfy barMit Imperial r paesentatioa. It this is thought to be • dreamy thea It is a Mosta that shoatsappeal 'to e0 Med especially to all women."' tae Nsthrr Tour i1, The Epworth Leaguers y bad • a dry after their own heart. 'had they snug "Early in the morale oar ming shall rise to 'Muer," and quite • *umber of them fulfilled this promise to the astonishment of than who were un- initiated. ikon after day broke yotathful tntinaista-eistns as well as brethren -hied them to the Armouries, and the big hall resounded with heti chant and palm and invocations on tbe day's pee t'erdiaga. Then the bugles .enacted and, ander the escoet of the Torosto•tfet diet Cyclists' Amos, Srped 'br o ear hi the moray to k Park. Hite in Nature' C i•id tbe ftwgrraatt foliage and the ima-barbed scene, the voice of prayer arose aubelaakng theema- ttaa of tbe tilde ml maniac minder w ent to the metes on tbe way to their day'. toil. Bet then was praise as web as reayer, and the tweet, nide familiar itraina of "Wbat • Friend We Have le hens," "Stand Up, Steel Up." "Jewel.oover of My Soul" and"Meet Be the Tie." arose on the morning air and who ed tbrou'gh the woodland glade*. "Testi- tionke," nil to the same effect, were deem by speakers front all quarters of Moreearn and let ma hope', that' biome Inge mo�entiful than hope were rife. Toronto. July 111. The Epworth League convention, which closed •last night, has been very smecewfal. Although falling far short of the numbers promised, many Moe - sands. representing each of the three great bioibodi.t branches on this C - dueut, met in Toronto andowhow goodly it le *for brethren t�ed dwe4l to - t ether -if but for four day. -in peace aad malty. Saturday was a great day, full of In- terest and variety. Over 11)00 promos were parent at the sunrise prayer meet- ing Is Reservoir Park, most et whom h'ad foregathered at the Armouries and joined In the bicycle p nepa bon, 1 he service was crrnducted by Rev. J. W. Nielatyre of Prnvldenee, It. 1. This service, whirs was over by 7 o'eleek, heads the revel am the most an(gne Io the history or Toronto's churches. Although atreogement* h:t.l been mate for the mating of 15,0110 penpal.,, Melod- ies the grand .stand and Ow laws as font, of toe Epworth l.eeatrw gatbsie- �at the Exhibiting grounds nn Sat- j aaftrrnnon, the Otovldee time quite ate for the Immense crowd that *reseed as eseed the gru.aads. it Is safe to • net�+sa mitheriag Peer tepk Plain ywNYa aeadnee if. w grand ./o~, great waa the interest shown by . kir vieeitott ta when.• an eshibitisa at s the Canalise $atte Mal gp.r of Meeam that loot bsrfre this time amsoagd 1 15. RepsdA/sa 1 mavhaw London. July 8. -The morning papers enmmeet upon the most strtldng rapture of alio Board of Trade rater whlc► shove • reduction of fj.4TU in ebbe extort . and attribute this. Min- k. at tbe ship - i gouda to iadfa. China. sad South ♦names. Tea h.e*re a Mere Mee. Landon. Jelly 11.-4t 1. aneonsced that tb. An l ypthtn • t.dition Is (o- hp Iwesreard by 10.000 Ma. The ex►itmita will capons Om.Iseam& re - Barrett Be+�ehr 1C1-fii.•a ppprapp othe+ eltteeei, N part of tae frle.a will Wham* abalall the Kbair•lt . shin K the Erna WON: :" GORERICIMWIA tiff8 TOPICS OF A rnr 004 Important' Events Indrow Words For duly Readers asemelsd ,fast tat tans masap • d A.eromily Yaps ares 1 . Weaeesa War Mawr -A Melba laser's talessa•ei as +swans abed a.Isys..w.. VOLITKC$--111riKtAL. The Wuman 134Rrage bill waa with - drawu from the Huu.e of ('otrmuus, as there was no dtspusitiou on the pert et the lfouee to pas. the m eaeur•. DISOWN Ilia. Johu Oke, aged 10 years, and b'rd Marrow, aged 11, were drowned whipe bathing iu Taoky's pond Wear Oshawa. Morrow lust bip lite in an attempt to save his companion, wbo could not swim. mu ICI Dia. Laura MMerkioa, aged 20of iStruttord, ccmunitted suicide by swaliowiug a doge of parks green. Version Hutton. an Englishman em- oloyed by a farmer near Branteor*, rat his threat with a racer% tie was tabun to tie hospital and will prubabtt' ir- corer. THY WIRY ItY(•O1cu. Thirty-five homes were burned to death in a tire at the Temple livery stubles at Ilan ilton, Neveux, Clinton & Baxter'+ hardwwre store and a number 01 adjutnuu, I:uai- atee .' tabluubruentr at Windsor wore burned. The ken is over 670.000. The naptha springs of Baku, en ha- portuut seaport ut Roraima "Transcauca- sia. are un bre, and -knmener quantities of the crude oil have been destroyed. 1'Hi DYAD. Mr. Was. Bppck, stove manufacturer, died whilst atteuding Bufa.0 Bill's Wilt] West Show at Brantford. Intelligence has been received le Otta- wa of the death of beat. -Col. Chamber- lain. for•mer's, Queen's printer, at Lake - tick]. at the age of 70. Major 1'erley, who had been superb). tending the erection of the Canadian pa- vilion at Bilk• camp, died on Thursany night of bronchium. The deceased, who wpm born iu St. Julia, N.B., waa til ;tare of mite. entitle AND C111Y$1AL.A. Wm. F'iuglnud of Carydcn is in liap- alilitiaall WI a chaege of stabbing David Catarina in the lung. The body of nu Indian woman was found near 1Comonton. She bad been strangled by tying her Bair about her neck. Mr. Dilk,n, a Hamiltoh botelkeeper, caught a bdrglar in kis bedroom, and atter eompelliug the man to disgorge.** him go. Lata Sense Seemetber-ie-iswaet Earl Rutt, mmell, who in January last wale sentenced tot months' imprisonment tar criminally I belting bit, ham been re- leased from Holloway jail. Charlet Dreher of 8t. I cxtas, Mo, tinge years ago was .sentenced to he hanger! for munlerlag his sweetheart, but was sent to an Marine upturn. Now an ahen- int hap damtove•rel that by r.•nxev.ng a growth of bone he can make the guru lane, and coneeytaently eligible for the gaAowm. EWA MEN OI WAR. Acting on the advice of ('nptain-lieu- eral We -ter, the Queen -Regent of Spain has pawned a number or Cuban tumor - gent chiefs. The Rideau ranges, where the D. B. A. match wit! be shot this fall, are 1a a negkrteel state, It is au rank with weeds that wben the ritltmeu are tying duwu they t•annot stn the targets. interne excitement was created in fia- vann by the anu,et of eighty rich Spanish merchants and bankers in that city for selling nierrhandi., and medicine,. to tie• Cuban insurgents- Dipbmnter circles nee .ignifcanc,• +n Japan 'conferring the Chrysanthemum on King Alfoue° and the extraordinary honor with which the Japanese Ambas- sador -e■ received by the Spanish Court, law k Pemba, the 'Turkish Forearm]Hoist r, hag informed the Ambassadors that the 8nttan has agreed to the prin- ciple of the demands of the powers, and woe prepared to accept their views on the peace conditions, rt)L ITICx-.CAN AMAX. Mr. W. J. Kennedy; Liberal, was elect- ed to the SianitobaLegislative Assembly for Item nis. Prince Edward Island Provincial nominations have taken,J pry m Mr. John Idacdoinald Gordo. of Otte - we, inspector of Dominion Laced Agen- cies, brie been snpernnnustecl. He bap held the /xntion for 2^ yearn. The Liberals pmpoate to give a public reeeptkrn to Sir Wilfrkl Laurier on heg return from Europe. One proposal is totender the Pennons r non-political �a& . - Mr. 1. I. Hatt, ta.P.P., was again nominated by the Liberals of North Wertw-orth as their representative in the Legislative Assembly. He defeated Mr. A. F. Pirie of The Dundas Benneer, who ran against him in the Convention. e• Mr. V. Mclnns.f Candia., Immlgrn- tkm Agent an the Western States, sent a special train witk immigrants from YkYigan to the Northwest. They go to the Prince Albert district, and are iwlndlipally Germano. The John Watson Manufacturing Co„ Limited, of Ayr, has been incorporated. Trade return show a large increase in both exports and Imports for the year ended Jane $0. - The •ilominaos Cnrnmereial Traveler,.' Aseoeiaation bas been granted • Ded•etion of twenty per tent, foe its members by - the new American Utte, the St. Iawrence Steamboat Company. It M reported at Halifax that the Bri tl.h Admiralty hare rejected the type of Cproposed fast by refers n Tate & Coe for rales, and that the eoetract OM bare to be m- ama. . According - According to the eowmereMal reports tram the United Staten trade has been daring the past week more thea eite*U, dull, even few this always dull season of the year. The gene..' dspee.sloa ls also 'steadied by the coatmia•sh' strike, and the aembar of *ea "oaf" le larger than last week. The commercial failures.. to the United State• far the week just lndsd atnonnt to WIA, as eompsred with 4110 for the eorre•po titer week if last year. POLITICA-.mtuKtrle, ri..gt mea Britain was hem la Brandon to will Mor the Q•Mdoo of Iii-mstaNntl. kis prob- able that as iota ruational centerwtw wit he heij oboe* to tie rutted States. The wieldy Laudon prase takes visa ea t '. the IWISe view; d BeMlos Wier - maws �aswwt the taco to Rad ealsrd it .a ;apt sospoakiun- Thu t���ltay.jt�•s MaiaaM V tint* strozall do ta&Mioa'nhs all that wion ere worth wit's. TAIWAN' pas *onto. The HaaWt Yo1111i >'s uakru of America v. •dMlied Bu ake as abets. next of tlaestieg. The ),•e[ur (b t,t'n ion clos- ed fn idar wheu a cumber d attwrded berrwell meetings were gibe city- sissy of the city to shifts, "mewed be dele- gates to T Ahuawi' cukny In e,k•�brated •tie auuivaraary u1 the fall of the Berths. The tier. Abbe Colin, in his address altar meas, caus- ed Mown• surmise by his thanking God for 1t.publican France. Oowmaader &molt -Tucker of the Sal - ration Army k onii.ttut a tour of the We Spates for the purpose ref me• esti areas of land on .which to locate pour pouple from the o.vererowded sec-titros of the east. and metric them to turn a livelihood. The delegates to the Epworth League conventions, of whom there were about 20,04* were formally welcomed at two great mass ute tions fa Toronto by Pre- mierk�• Mayotte Pigmies and other The prupo.itioa is confer upon the Ar-hbisbop of Canterbury 7b ended status as bead of at' branches of the Episcopal Church in all parts at the world. which is one of the twat inter- esting putsrtfons before ' the Lambe* conference, will come to a. the proposition is oplan�ed�Itl rican and scene of the ooloaaai bdaheps. r t; Kai a' rYKtrut AL. News fruit 14mnoo sums that Prof. Andre started on ituuday afternuun tw his tradition voyage to the North !vote•. Queen's Univiceeaity, kaltameton, will confer the degree of LL.D. apse tsar Wilfrid Laurier m' Oct. 10 (Univer- sity dee). Tbe 1'riuce of Wake es will be Pn0dta t of the Royal (3onrmisw,ns iuving charge of the British aseit of the Paris Ex- pusition. Senior Gowan of Barrie ban for- warded an additional eattribatiuu of f5U0 for the endowment of the Sir Jobn �l5llanion.4 chair of politica/ science in Queen's. Ubiversity, Kingston. bmpera Wlafu-1. greatly disidetned with abs decision of the Court of Arta ttw.taile keit deadest -Isis brutes -is -law of the rtint of awcemmiou to the regency of Lipye-i)etmuki. 'Phe - has gone to Oaborue Hower. Isle of Watht, .,u -h n, the re. lief of the royal fancily, who fear that idle �a been doing too much for her Prince Eul WLa, eepeein t T� news sr -Meta; wie is at event, is 1 the United States M said to to follow- ed eoestantly by *melamine, who are in- stigated by the Careen Prorrsdre turfy to take his its. Mr. J. P. Hamilton, the lay reader City murdted er. was b� by Man the SAlmericaLan deteetrea i• Pembroke jail Merl broom. - ably discharged on that omeer'a testi- mony that be wets not tate men wanted. Sara; Bernbardt fooled the municipal auths rlties /tt Porteanuntb. They made elaborate ereparati,YM to give lea a reertotn)n, hut after they has sas,snbkd in their robes at alae Town Hall rte tra- redienne d1eoveitd akar she did not heal strung eooags to climb the steps. 1'reCt.Atnl rl aD. • Winnipeg's sttatta'r flat opened Mon day. Tat • Grand Trunk Railway has de eided utrou a new regulation uniform or its train crews. The librarians of the ,world, rang. are holding a conference in Lon don under the presidency of Sir John Lubbock. Plentiful rains are reported tircwt ut the northtwest proviseee oat Ind. Dud the (ioveenment wW ebortly red the ex tout of the mike works - It is expected that between 1300 4(M► dek.atca will attend the annus ins. of the British lfedfal A.socie- io• in Montreal next hm�,t,onth. Sir Blundell Maple t opt srb.sribed wo minion and a halt .khat, to the etersen fast Atlantic s,ht••mr,as at first -ported: but will apeierw'rite that ,pant if the whole capita of tlip new ity is ooderweit- rnr liar. J. 8. Larke, Comedian Trade Cnm- ioaer In A.oatraMa, points out that ear million Mabel. of wheat, or its. aivaiemai is- li as.--sr}If- ash"Tb" rry the anspitytoe of the tiiund coon- nent throneh .taattl next harvest. iAs hundred J to celebrate la- the princess tbat wanes have mode ming the Queen's tin. A novel im- ams of the eatertainenent was that each 7 was peivike ed to invite s &Min - 'se abed man. A despatch frown Montreal tastes that third case of eunatlpoi Its been dla- eared to that city: the patient haying been taken to the hospital eight ram the publi. but newsc itbad patient. who is a °thee of yeas, fharbooneou, one of .he first patient+, is in a critical coodi- on. tbe oiled States ()Neem n§ 4,aaivais Visbe the wst�Iakte. with terwaT whom* el a' re rimed ted. They point ont three routes, wo of whlt•h art practicable, and rnr inmsihle, hut they do not think that the vantaama te,.be derived from tlae on- riakinr wee arch as to commend it ss Federal Oovernmedt peokeot. t a 1 meet P ams. armoa wipe ft M ca d t lad a eo as o t hr ti IT art. rnr 4 de a ai111 tart and 1 It nes CAiUALTtR•. John Careen of Brockville fall off a earner and was drowned. Jobn Barber died at Komoka frau allowing it dose of ^Pari. green, Mn► klryedale ut Arnprior was kIUeel being tbrown out o f per carnage. Mr. bkiwani JI,Kpn.. tried to. ret off moving street ear fn hi attea3 and Peed fatal injuries. bough -lir thermometer did not rice t week is London aipve 75, the h,•a, very oppressive. and there were veal cants of sunstroke, Graph McKay. son or Mr. Wallowa Kay of tbe Towashtn of D. voile s almo.t totally Ipla'a lysed sit d 'TM t ee a arida' of t�ptntng• 'N-:ebr.tln*t the fall of the Bad - la Sohtaer Park. Mootasakee near of owns* were wougdeo� by a 'oak- dischargeol into the Ar 8-ssci-old ons ollf 'ilia John Her war run ewer by a Michigan trn1 Main at Nlaasrw WO! yd w � Ser was of as vtod Ross the body. Mar •d Ge*Eahspv•ssa tit e - red. At (Inelpb trite baildid a lett damageand at Berlin many cellars err hooded. Y. 8 fitMhonae at Imelda* was wo- ad for a e041011, or %iltaasd t mean, not to aa carve rad tb• keeper, Maslen Dannst, �J rtetn ennatroke. Revert* from Khnl my the esral Bkreetwans sat !K food as A. moult rat .n a� the OP Bern slam, Troop. rase) Thee* it little. 'ape et vine the eta _yeer 91,111. Jobe ratILLintnerlaid mad *ha *ovum r till+ 1t by a ear Ian wee see J Me wa ter et Mr. William Is. Sewell of Ohio is Pre- sident Mrllanley's nominee for the Am- erican Consulate In Toronto. Fgbt out of the 148 Socialists in the Gorman Reichstag are servitor( terms of imprisonment for tie o[ehce of Imo tna- United States Secretary Sherman hug w teen ltutt�ioar r Aabaniadnr Mao addlh 1' bt of the elf delay in die Press tlio nshiesrttf en ef n ea t� �IMIIAI ...it taLmmtious _l�re►n�Ataw .1 lhlh�j?er� pssDrv~irr Assetwt ♦ qes -ro•t elelf the in A to with ante.. w lift Meetfon t �."" ie i (brae: • d.• • COLBOR.NE EROS, BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING LUES : Colored Dress Goods —LEMS THAN WHOLESALE PRIM; Shirt Waists AT �MANUFAOTURERS' PRICES. Prints 12}c for lOc, 12c for 9c, anti lOc for 8c. Carpets • The Largest, Best and Cheapest Stook t• • in town 1n Brusaels,Axwimters,Tapes- Unions and Hemp.. Twine and nJa 3-ply All-wools, Ma °OIs, ! ply il ___ three quokka direct flow the mill in 4-4, 5-4, ti -4,a and 8-4Owidtt`h . The balance of our stock at Rock-Botton Prices. 002 -BORN= 3312ZOS_ PSDB .7. 33. OOI BOR.L'THL The Great Catpd Warehouse of the Cos*aty eat A LITTLE PAINT ' y will�make pas old farts like •ew, well painted they will Lit twice as farm aimc as if nd snob �.' they were serer toadied abet they left the hoop. THE SNERWIH-WILL/ANS iA/NTS we made for every purpose. A paint for bosses, another for floors, another Inchorns, Kill ain tfot for karnitace and decorative work. A paint for /J 1 Inc shelwes, Inc en_pboarda, fat farm too, Inc bath tabs -each exactly suited Inc the intended and nothing else. A paint Hast ii recommended as good for u prob- e ably good for nothing.No two to be painted are exactly alie. Upon one you may desire • gloayvarnish surface, epee another an oil finish that can be washed. e TIE SNERWIN-WILLJAIS SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT b note for Boon, and floors only. It dries quickly. It u made to torah ea, and to stead oa Oar booklet. "POW tells many valasbk things abort good pit ad bed paint, how to t and what to paint. Send to -day Inc a free nam s pootal will do. Fog booklet, address t e St' Antoine St. , Mnstrwal. ti✓1 11I1111y THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. CLEVELAND oNlcAeo NEM VDU ItON1NEAL 11111441! The asboonsr M. 1.. Besot left Friday ter The organ factory shipped a leUl of erases the Griad.toa• se lord lumber for Detroit. w Aberdeen, SaoeMad, on Tugelay. Mad with It were imind.d a case of sire.., hams, aad fin different kende of meals Inc porridge. Whale the tie lake water keeps its pre- sent temperature everybody should take • dip. Special Jubilee Bargains! Refrigerators Largs lase, ilk . snap Oil Stoves • - `-7!L} 'I TL1�E. illi[ Gasoline Stoves 1, r, E, 1 Burners. Tamaem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daily Ohurns Nes. II. 3.1 ( KARP'ER & LEE. BINDER... ...TWINE. Now is the ties to order year BINDER TWINE. as it won't coat you any more N ardor owl, and it gives as, an idea of the gaant- Ity required. As usual, we havetiie LOWEST 1'RICF mod MT BRANDS ea the market DAVISON & CO ►.-_ _ .e r_ .4114.41#- f_ e TME ONTO -GATE WNW COMMON SENSE .., HURON BICYCLES ars ,favorites wherever they are sold. A•k anyone wbo rides a Common Swa or Hylton and .they will recommend it. Oar Silky Wheels are also favorites with horsemen and others. All kinds of repairing done at the foundry, Hendon .Bicycle Oa (11) GODSRIOEL Summer Goods •..atCoft! AT WORRELL'S, NOW 18 THE TIME TO OET REFRIGATORS GASOLINE and OIL STOVES WHOLESALE MOM a. WOEBIIL'S We have a bread new etaok d. Graniti Preserving Kettles and Pots l T>. very Pell sod WORSSILL rip. ?rent».► Son 0611 Wnns& fifili 1• 1