The Signal, 1897-7-22, Page 6TatuasDAT, Jiltt..2, ,.ti4807, Aiwa Yrs aVE, S4 y++.'• THE 4A>.�.4441)..ERIC A-. SCENE IN A COURT ROOM. Polloomq,n rand Prtsonor Fight Elie tater seas fife inter el tae /eraser. bat ass Mee laid Op ever Slam as • Smelt - Fie Ttesbcr aaoalina basses. Kincardine Review. AN exciting event which stay yet end fatally h•ppeaed at • m gisteab's route here on Friday afternoon les'. Cape. Babb sad Lawyer Danosy were hero prosecuting people who had taken drift timber off the beach. David Leith@ ad was one of thea os, formates. Hv wall brought here from David Henderson's tars oo • warrant by Cosstable Huffman. He said he would not ettie with his prosecutors and that if nom. mined he would not give ball. The trial Itegan and, of coarse, ended to a commit- ment. Magistrate Barker we willing to wept bad, but Leithead would give non. and inl- and would not let his father or any other poison go his bail. A000rdinpiy, Constable Pratt prooeeded to take Leithead into the lock ap but met a man who was more than his matob. Leithead k000kad him down and In • moment pandemonium reneged in the. Chamber. There were only Magistrate • Beerier, Constable Pratt, Capt. Babb, Law- yer Daoc.y sod Leithead in the oourtroom. 'Gown Clerk Seoagall was in an adjoining !zoom but the door between the two rooms was looked. Whoa the row started Lawyer D•noey locked the door opeoing to the street e as to bar out the crowd that gath- ur,d. Chief Huffman was in hie own (mr. tors when he Mand the dtatut haooe. He ran out aid Mr. Sooagall told him he had better go Into the council chamber ea there Wee • row in then. The Chief was admit- ted. and when he went in Leithead bad Pratt on the floor. Mapiatrste Barker had • their up in his hands. (Sinned the people outside s.v he struck Y.Iit$uad with thi chair, bat Hr. Huffman thinks beheld It af, only io,*if-deleoo.) Leithead when taken off amid roe would go io with Huffman but not with Pratt. Mr. Huffman than asked Prate to lit him go hut Pratt would not. Mr. Daneev- thse -urged Pratt to -let go, whlob be did, but only for • mom' it. Hs Bath, nod with • pair of handcuffs with w kith -1lwas going to strike Leithead on the head. t you strike ban,' Dried Mr Danoey. --wlll�' _aktnled the .enr*ged.maatehie. _ ; 5 c' You'll go to peniteatiary it you do," u:d the Lawyer, sod with that M shovel Pratt away-watil teapot him outsider a door and than oloeed the door o0 him. With Pratt out of the way, Leithead went into the all with Constable Huffman. but by this time the violence of hie agitation was telling on him. He asked that • pailful of water t. broaght him, and when he got it he took off leis shirt and began batbtnm his body. is a short time. however, he sank on the floor of the Dell and began shrieking and mooting as if in great distreee. Doctors Walden and MoCnmmon were Not for. They took him out and laid him oo a table in the Donnell ob•mber aid administered morphine. He was then taken to the Welker house` where he lay all night in a feverish state"et hy- steria. In the morning it *ail reported that • he ooald not live, bat boiwss taken to Ida brother's farm in Heron. He says that he was kicked on the hack. On ha left arm are multi which Dr. MoCrimmon soya were made by teeth. Leithe•d is • vary power. fel mat and his bysterioel shrieks and moths were pitiful to hear. This was the rather travio ending of a series of prosecutions conducted by Capt. Babb and has solicitor, L. E. Deuce,. of . Goderion. About • dozen mat, 'owe from the country aid ems from the town, bed to "meat" rather profusely last week. They were charged with taking branded timber off the beach. Nearly ell of them "settled", but it is hard to asoertets the details of the "settlements". One farmer in Helton paid 160, after beating the proe.ohtore down from $100. The ethers! minion is that; Capt. Babb went out of town last week with • well-filled pooket-boob, and that very little of that need find its way to the eFs- ' era of the stolen loge. Some teople believe that he has no authority st all to collect monies for such timber. He, however, oes- -'—wiweed-ltagfetrtlude is uoqueettonahle, Loth I.y written lustre's - tions from Amerlo•h lumber firms sad re. erupts for money paid them ly kis. Iib view of the eenerel skepticism about Capt. B•bb'e authority, the defendant', should have clubbed together for purposes of de- fence and let the hither omart. decide. Naturally enough, Capt. Babb was more aazleus for a settlement than her was for further trial, and some of those charged made the most of his dodo" to effect • sem- many •ettletnent flat that will not settle the question. Here are logs strewn along the shore and the owners make ;to attempt to recover them. They my It would not pay to gather them, and neither it would. Yet whso a an takes up oo• of glom, along onuses a man from Godettob sod by threat- ening to prosecute him he mat►ages to off • "settlement", and sometimes be settle@ i =nob more thea the value of the timber. I seems bo no that lose whloh bays Isle en the be•oh for one year ought to he oonaldet- .d abandoned. Then is no ream' why the government should pro*ot atom while they .r ret. If the owners wish to oollmot them or dispose et the= they sae surely de a aside of tinily, mouths. 1.07.111 ON t'lil Mar. Leitbad stall inerts that Coestshlo Pratt kloked him on the beltk and abet Mr. Bar. ker k1 him with the .hair, Mr. Barker was oma by the Review on Monday, and he said that M did not kit him will' the obair, but that he used it is intimidate* Leithead fate releasing his bold or Pratt, They say that Mr. Pratt has beach tim- ber eat ap la fele own wood.) aril. hat it le altogether Moly Mist he got apt. B•hb's setherity before asking the timber. Last reports means the 'male. tiler Lslslsad Ie le • esaelw 000ditdgb. Them who hair* 1MW.sd well say that be hes • very vts4al temper and that he is gine a Oaetram Hader Wye belief that he was ho•xiag, ilesetabl• Nett got Co.M•ble Armetrsag te keep i elsheed seder srr'vefllauoe *I'M at Ms Walker Hotte.. Pratt bad soother lab ``try wp 1a Rennes awash* 80 ts.a- tflwRennes mow Mist fibers was os bee:ha ateat ft Se Iwg ae Lobbied bed Pres duo there was as everwhdmtag ambition M the part et the 4~4 maid* to est iota the sham- bsr. Mat least says roe .t fbs .rewd. . Nee by*, Reviw es M.sd•y, Yr. Ritr. Icor said be 1. o..vtnsed that ()apt A.tis ealiwl=to pat a step to It.el ssmllog A ow smoke/ a Wee M three mid • 10010081 Aleaaw r r -.sI m west fret Mash* Welimmlay. land Esse is asst la a dangerous egad ttea He .offered t« hswserbgw eed is easy weak. d NEWSPAPER STORIES. The Seim Frees The Aadleses, FOC • whole long weary hoar se had held forth os hie firstly' rued, esossdly. and .1 - bait' sad therefore.. sad goals,/ she seamed wad be "mobilised.-- " Syn the otbea hand—what'" And wroth • clear, mall voice replied 'Emmen" be knew that the greatest effort of his life had 'truck • shag. let flap. Aged H•abaed— You ore going to ruin me with your .ztravag•oo.. You den's need that cape any more then a at needs How otter have I told you never to bey anything booth,* It is oh.ap' Pease Wit. •with an air of one who has rot the batter of cite ameaseot)—Kat it was sot chap ; It cat 10 guthae.—Lood.a Fun. e•e of Ile rr.cealea. A good story is told of • dootor who wee out bis sae night, when be was approached by -a fess pad- "• themes your money," said the martin - der. The doctor turned round toward the tramp and in an offended tone exclaimed— " What are you doing over hen' Ge o0 the other side of the street ; I'm workbag this side myself •" The tramp bogged pardos for the breach of etiquette and vanished. Belevue., It was in the smoking -room of en AIIao- tio steamer that • worthy Teuton was talk- ing about weather foreowte. " Look here," he said, "I tell you vat it Is, you better don't take no stock to dem setter predictions ; dry ain't te1l no potter as I ah." "But, my der air," said a person sear by, " they tor.toid the storm which we have just onooantered " " Volt. dat t.h so," said the Teuton. "8aI 1 ell yon vat ti-. dat storm wou'd bat 'jest de ae a it it had not Leen prodlots .' n.Ew...rte Mos 10 to. poor to furaklb the isms AnnieI ol/etvty N 1 .sold !et it dose by my reg - with • boil, m the retries shoals eh* e•t1 M she farm heads, all unlet wink' aapett1M• uervise whit • A.R. rat leek Bay. Now see. As time mea won sot hired le Salt lomtdlaads the 1 we sb.rebes are bleb by the terra. *bey, had ai$etetive, airtight headed sidebv tee I arewle over the sok: ib• a• ly a they bead - bout lot boot bead - u.eeate. and t In • bat of ben •v - send der tog ogee be• oily the Ip - to peso es ly o0• Wes did' os,• kis os Id Be- be oe- be his her er me toy; a; the 5.2anti sheet• la- bia: 7 r ed 36 .d • I. t w • Y f • • .n 7 •t t ibises: the rook/ Oae of them has • tsar work. Thew apipMltNae were Why wombed es • .Wl higher reek. The ap is barrel sad pool Rothe Whir,einemother, ewe'. bell einem hem • tall spar. sad side wits the thee /se. Twq.ostbe le nag n by chleft limbs[ • ladder- rook frees.. the is leabout forty b The deg -•ledge is also the reveler method so ambit. Mel eshedhag poked thaw of whiter tray.iliag over the tresso be of and made the fellowy a imaer•ad• as 11IN.. fedlaad; only is is drawn by New- result'. w.► I espy from ay note b leendland dome instead of by tam half- "1 Aad that windfall apples. takes from melesb Keine atotgrele upon which the gram ground, and apparently all sound met of Labrador have to rely. the time of packing, haws rotted sear third within tee mouths tem the tis. rre were balled, while those carefully pinked trona the ties hawe rotted a one torti.th. Oa February 10, sootier el thea sorted wi.dhlbt averaged a e Balt sed to the barrel, while the packed of the maw variety. Red R un g ovt about a couple of quarte of to ooh to the barrel. lbe doll•resd-,fes tona aroma from thin Iavebt.ot a that the W sorted wlidteare • pretty ticklish sortas en investment, sad that in samosa w apples are lamp and labor es high as of • yew", y., 11 is decidedly cheaper, to ell this quality of fruit directly to the of mill rather thee he at toe own of gather it together, and wahine two *ireful sore of it, 10 have a third rot a your bands fore marketing : for the rotting is not se muoh direct lose, but also involves ti lose of much me in overhauling and wns lag the sound trait that remai, a as make at decently presentable. Now a remark or two on the quite general of hand•pioklnv the fruit then dropping it lothim.te•d of careful basket..n laying it in the basket. I bed reoUy onam ion to exine two large tote of • which had been gathered by the two dl eat method.. Each lot was kepi the way in large bins and in 0.11are. I. the irefully handled I oonld hardly tad att date Feuruary 24 a rotten apple; indeed looking oaretully over • ear/both amt. won make several barrel*. I saw bet • single oiled fruit, while in the 1o5 pioked by t droopier promos, from one-fifth to 0 quarter of the fruit was unsound. In t first inetanoo the owner had gatbe .d apples with his own hands, sad in the otn teehad been boy. employed. Cowed now the loge which is the result of ,*rel handling of the trait. Ona man boasted me that be had peeked twenty barrels • da I felt that I ooald not afford to employ hi another oould plat with oar. from 'whit ten barrels per day. Apples pioked by first man womb! have met the drr.oyy ab 1717 maw cents, • a• &HHi by aeon el el 7 emote as die tar rel for pit/kills.' Now let es or der the direct, and yet jest se real met. At t samosa para of the r Beldwiao' are oeoap wo$2 upward per barrel Aseumin oe that the oamiesely pioked fruities ens fifth by ruttier, end the carefully gather fruit then the lo.. on the is ciente per barrel more than on that pick by the careful mai; and adding this indir got to the direct coot of h.. work, him fruit pinking has trimlya et toe 45 ante •',erre e careful the work of this man hoe oat o bot 17 menta. Tb. remark of the '.1.. m made last fell, that the meths of the appl crop in the 11000012 of unprecedented pleat would u;tlmately be found in the pooket, o the careful picker, is abundantly demon oo .totted by the comparative odition ot tb holt in the o.ILn of husdr.de of farm at this date. We cannot afford to emplo three careless fast pickers. W • would mak mor, money in the god by hiring them a 56 • day to leave the anoles alone and a roast turkey sad plum pudding at our ex pease. Savartaa auperetttaaa. A large proportion of the Bavarian peas- •otry, aulortag•tely, entertain t saper- stitioaotioa that fire kindled � as HOW slag is not to be extiagulshed. W row each so sooident hippos. they aro diooearajed, and du scarcely anything to check the pro- gress of the flames. A funeral must never pass through a tilted field, not even In Winer, though it might 000sider•bly shorten the way. The peasant to (ally persuaded that • Bald through which • fumes' ken passed boomase barren. Except oo extraordinary 000srioa., see fooerale are allowed ea Monday. and Fridays. A peasant who is in search of • wit' goes. except ou Thursday or Suoday, into the house where he expects to make his obomoe. The bride and bridegroom are not to rave their hare hand to anybody on the day of their marriage except to each other at'the altar, .otherwise they are threatened with poverty during the whole course of their unioo It is ale • very 144 .igO it, when the bride returns' from ohurot, oils finds any l dy op, the threshold of bet door. When • young girl finds a leaf of trefoil divided into tour instead of three parts, it is a sign that she will be married within • year ; at all .recti, she carefully preserves fiats lar till her widding-ttey. Oa Christmas eve the countrymen are •o- oustomed to rr.gnrnt'y drive out in sledges. They think that this will cause their heap to be mon abuodab'eud higher. They de not fail to visit the ale -house, and to oriak heartily the sem evening ; klieg eowvheoed Met 1144 as • way to make them look well till the following Christmas. They destroy oricketa by fire, being pomaded that too,* which escape will destroy their biose aid clothes. When • peasant loses hie way in the wood MU. UI.eaated. after anemic he avniaa stilet soy person An English travelleri• YaNMM ' i- a ow him the way, being 000vinoed that in -_-- say euetr.ow., theerii err* of the forest would cause hem to plunge said -deeper tato it. recesses vat youths who were discussing the latitude of some town and had found t►alapa►ves un- able to agree whether latitude wee rec st- • od myth amt heath or the r>(tfi� er «.t • 4Wr'a Camomile Lew irwn+wtett. and ll .J Winnipeg 7These who held the/ The Hem Aeolis+ U. Blair moved the orthodox opinion were m • mime�r fl v of one. the!" of want of *enfldeses which defeated The Englishman was appealed to, and cif course Bided with the minority ; but he thus taken a good deal aback when *neat them mid— " Well, now opinion is tonally divided,eo we can't settle it, after all," what 1s the awn. Professor Rudolph, in • lengthy paper on the'ae,py, : " It is a molten or white hot mw, equaling in bulk 1,260,000 worlds like eau ems, lava, a surrooadmg ocean of gas on 6n, 60,000 miles deep, tontines of flame darting upwards mon than 50,000miles. vol- canic forma that burl into the solar atm.y where luminous matter to the heivbt ct 160,• 000 miles, drawing to itself a1! the worlds belonging to our family of plaoeta,and bold- ing them all in their proper places ; attract - Inv with 'soh superior force the millioo■ of o lid strayla.ess that are wandering in the fathomless •Itym that they rush helplesely- towards him, and tall into his Eery embrace. And thus be continues hie sublime and rest- less tharoh through his mirhty Orbit, having • period of more than 18,000,000 year*. The Peet Ieatl.y.l.s.4 Scare teat Ever Lived. Hayti has the honor of producing the greatest negro known to history, namely, Tonaiaat l'Ouverture, tie mai who made self-government perible to the island. His grandfather was an African prince, but Toutesiant was born' a day. end grew up almost devoid of ednoation. Vet Bach was his genius and capacity for admintetrattee, he gradually brought the supreme power in- to his hands. drove out the Spaniard'', the Frenoh sad eon —. was tree y seised by General Clare and anstgned to a dungeon ty Na• pole'. Bl1al, a negro, was the Soil muezzin. The mat accomplished negro scholar is the world se Edward Wilmot Ryden --sib of tM most profound thickets rh the negro oe has yet produoed. Ha Lthp author of a work entitled " Chrietianity, Is- lam sad the negro race." In 1886, Clement Farret Moro., another diatinguiahed negro was chosen, over all hie white oompetiror., orator on oleo. -day ae Harvard UOlvenit '. war's Answer. ' Children," said the little oma' ta•ober, ," whet does sympathy- mese t 1 west to talk about it a little, aa&mast know first 4f you an tell what the word mew." Amy raised her hand. "It Is Nell** Che mise as soother pores fmle," she laid. " A very toed answer,' said Miss Ray. " The word really weans • to 1..I wits.' If one U sorry and another feels eorry with him, as if it wee hie own sorrow as well as his triesd'e, that is sympathy." Thee elf wont ea with her talk. Next day at kisderr•rten, little Milt* stayed indoors while the tusk played, at the ogee. Behy-brothel was so si.k, Malls bad ne heart for play. Amy ria, ie, and saw Mi111. st tae win- dow looking sad. • ad wondered yew site arable wee. "I must find out, se that I on feel with ler, Maly," she thought ; and oemteg t softy, ti•oall : Pen sorry, toe, If yes ars. What is the matter. Millis r Thea Millie te11 ler trouble, arse Amy was eo tovtai and sorry that eeKte;ow the trees*. grew Utter fes. the sweet eyes. • Mthy. Amy's V.wer om busday wait pod, but her litek.deed es Monday wee hates. �L la 'dater Leases: Is amply hese, oat from Ilse rest of she world. 'Oce "ketai- ttok," or dog-eledes, malt, rosetee seas to Mr. Hanington's Government in 1883. end be •uooeeded him as Premier. Mr. Blear bad sat in the previous Legislature u a repre- sentative of the maul v of York, and bad horn chosen -to tad the Opposition, which wd not at that time • very strong body. The defeat of the Government was soured in 1883 by a vii}- narrow majority, and when he became Premier hie oppooenta pre- dicted, with great 000tidenoe, that'hI. Gov- ernment would not last long. No one then believed that the Government which Mr. Blair formed was destined to live for more than thirteen years. Yet ep It wee ; Mr. Blair held the prem enhlp of the provisos longer than any. nl hie predeoeeeon, and be left the Government at • time when it was eeronger in the Legislator. and 10 the 0111110 - try than it bad ever been before, Mr. Blair is now Minister of Railways and Camila in the Dominion Government, and the people of Canada are likely to have many opportunities of estimating has as a leader in • larger Geld than that he oo- cepied 'when merely • provinoial premier. This makes it unnecessary to say much in regard to hie abilities, for. like all great leaders, his grasp of a political attuatidn in- creases at every fresh demand that is made upon him. As Premier et New Brunswick he wed a real leader, and hu war the guiding mind whtoh dominated and denoted every movement. To keep t government together for so lnnv a term ot yarn without the aid ot party discipline was surely a task of no commod magnitude, but to so manage it that its strength beams greater in soh o sooeseive Legislature was the highest test of politial alrlity. Th. aobtev.m.nt stand. to the oredrt of Mr. Blair. It was Mr Bair'' treat enooees as leader of a peetr • ' • &oma Xis. Gm eo s•k him to boeeme a member of the new Govetwawtt of Ganda, Up to the present time Mr. Blair's work at Ottawa leu been mainly that of • bard -worked had of a great department, but already his great shility is beginning to ire r.00gatsed by those who have bees watching hiss oloeely. and should he remain in public Iib there is o position in the Goueronwnt which he may not tops to attain. Mr. Blair Mao **anent speaker and • man of etriklrg ap- pe•ranoe, and although prematurely grey is still In the full visor of his pawns. No oar as doubt that bis o+reer a. a C•biset Min- ister of Cared,* will he brilliant and 01100•••• tel. Contrasted with some of them who hove 000apfed similar pretties' in the Gov- dment, Mr. Blair mast appear a rant in - end. -Duly Canadian Mag•sln.. hew we roes 'pyla. There are three ways of mooring the sp- p1e orop; by "baking the trait from the tem, by 'rithering it by hand and then dioppi.g the apples into the hake, whish may beaming en the ladder two or three feel be- low oar ie•ob, and the third way ot gather - tag ihs fruit by band and arefolly laymg .sett apple is the basket. The tremendous crop of lest .,*dee. says Air. Gregory, at- ede the opportunity to test the moment - Sive Diorite of *soh of them three pleas whet tarried oat ea a large meals. The art. mese of thea who practised tbe first sassed plan was than the apple" were N *sty, spd eomesoeestly °heap. the is would set goy a broad-pisit them. • od the "baking if ilea ad op the mewed ere, et gram RI►4iet heisted Wm tress 're0M breis bon a am•li per oat, of the frig/ As Mk.at `otos". which dwdaded w we anon abetso. a my, mtosedisg cwt, as mare to teM •hm a ells el dile erase se d algae- R�rrisg w9 the trwiti sit as amines mMer ibs trees was est .11y gathered up the eine•southerly ettiiaase Irate r the sad fid beers we bops heed mama. I Kaye the P�Nt up my "maw sew. sortie raise, to see Mit tri the trek softs ease. " Rave tried others, but hke Ayer's best" ha the statement made over sled over again ty those who testify to the benefit derived from the use of Aver's larsaparilia. Li.eam never had a grater enemy than this power- ful bloodpurifier. it makes the weak stro%g. HOT CORN. The thing that goes thorned the parte- pings grain geta the worst of it. if hasty le only skin -dap, what beauti- ful creatures the thinooeres and eleph•n- must be ' Language is the amber le which a too. send precious thoughts hove been safely Im- bedded and preserved. Mee of genius are often dull in socl. • se earth, is Daly • smote.—Loagfelbw- "I think our oharsh will last a rad many years yet,'' aid • waggish demes a his minister. "1 tee the sleepers w very sound." It was in the Congregational Conseil The brother was up for es•miauoe peter to ordlsatioa, "Whet 1e year weakest point'" was solemnly asked. ' "A.li my wife," was the prompt reply. That brother has been ordained. The wotdertal oontradertloie of the human /team aro never seen N ole.rly a. when, after • long and arduous obese, we reach and atop i.he flyierf, trtals.d-for Beal; and immediately throw it dawn as worth- less, becalms, forsooth I pommeled. A basting. man wished 8asday would come twice • week. es I. mold mama oborob oftener. He takes is a mossy begus ten met piece" 1a six days that bis mane - nee will net permit him to Est thea •Y in be oestfib.ties hoz darts, yea Seedy. et Als renevisd g utla u s was gnat booting I were • 5dbR ham. " I1 hare," said • Qtalest who was Preatat. "I wmtI4 take enmeat la a oleos when I skeeld bemire e1 poi hasp dp- tnr bed by thea from ate OrAJ ams to the last et Dsseubu,'' WIly *ha.. Jammer you go r 'Kate thy study.• The Rehab have won 87pet o"ae. of tbm battles tb.y hays fought. A Ruses as rays signature s1 Christie/hoe semg al- ways dud a buyer as 1.000 Tit e midre be Mposeee harms .'hurt addr asa, aneMos w she eaupwaes bridge. A shims! paper estimation bigot 11,000, wee* ef tweets is amsoitlp diaries raw la British dI.penearla Is WW be news te wast' psis to hew teas the elephoses et the Leafiest /m. sera MAO horidist 3114,0.. t • /katI� , iia. 4.g holiday wwm.mrawdlr � fes Thi Mersvlsn misnoserim a► the Siktas filly laid" is beskess, mid that times were The /vis audio/ seises IS *0 alder M villages farther north emever Most .artfully em toe piles. At Amowero ma/u1 Ia�onwmes, of dale* haat •wiener is veli ate, -few 4N isms Lm them pilon were sorted ever. Eased esti Woks mtht amilih. d"Ne. bleif whit* makers within a hesdnd alas or ell fee Mall Mid *Weed ftelt beimm married te Yat, Taylor tad Davila el the atheieas. 8emN'Esos firs She eider mill. mod toes amperes iy mimed reads Mespty, ) WTI B Wa the f• wireiekmm by • metre ssowzMte esu piss Y rtrrala Them *wool. was pre�eS. =mob dans; mem be ..bt•im•d. Tee She telwue- M Wlies the rata, seed eared hem iii" et Tb. ale• eery •d We lt•kims *Nee dit a &o w dile to thi sped, where the hist atmj �~ °• aided h e t of Aiwa be rhe t wins, sad r SM beta twwftdlb sgai- 1 R Ado was *aided epi a Ito puss frees the preveleEsti mnmim..e lvelweaes M'"''sl"y eS Seams shwa is the M..'� tl. moo ipooi • h>w_ Idtliheesa wow we saone� tt 1. , U" flue// et r11 Waal *WOW" eft titins ` R.I.Ila01b rel. hs—.iwilMw areal �'` y,•'""` r te • s rt... "s '"�a!l2edb tate whOtt e r t! waswil )/SAS., h tabra1.e, Ihis tele./ wif w one► was ksei.plskm/ r se phase ~ ' set►.Iib 4 .11 UNTOLD MISERY RHEUMATISM C. B. Zing, Water /fasj, Hiss., cared by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, 1 at cred untold misery from attyata/ I tried every known reemosty, eoasultt t the beet physi- cians, netted fiGt.princs, Ar::, three Unica, spending 51000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtain onty tentpO-cry relief. My teak was wasted away t.. twat 1 welghed only ninety-three pounds,: ay left anssad eg wen drawn out of akape. the tessilse • befog twisted up In knots. I unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only bobble about by usltig a cane. I had no appetite. and was assured, by the doctor, that I could not tire. The pains• at times, were so awful, that I eou}d procure relief only by means of hypodermic Injec- tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged 1n clay, 1n bdpbur, to prailtices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trylac ?verythlog, and suffering the most awe, tortures, I been to -Cie .tyer's Sarsaparil... Inside of two months, I was able to wtl. without a cane. In three months, my Ilett began to surer /ten. end in the coarse of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased w 16R pounds, and I am avow able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." AYER'S to lily loth s Fair Sarsaparilla. 's PfLINI-Mv.-itenruteL. • "T biers sites " said • wesid-he wig to en a Hamot df. ••wbv, u a din - ser. Oke goose i. shear *ted beton the clereyaan.' "Thai tees jade wry case when I sew von Owed babas _me." the divas quietly remarked. A correspondent of the Welshman, speaking of eeaau.,oal themes for the pulpit, tells of • minister tekinft tor few subject, •'Thought• suggested ty the ap- peoriaes of a reporter to the home of prayer counting the co0gregatioe." CAPTLE RHOS. Plumbers Steam -Fitters T' ' m bths HAMILTON -ST t Gociexich. Cakes, ries, Tarts. Ready for the Rush. Cali et D. CANTSL0Ir'$, the leading bakery, for your Party Cake"- and Puff Paste Tarte, Oyster Patties, Mince Pie., Short Bread. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. Orders !eft by ten in the morning will be Inade and delivered the same day. Wedding Cake.—Ornamenting and decorating of the latest designs with a fancy a4—tient of Wedning Cake Ornament". Almond leing l; specialty Ceza.telox. A rich but parsimoaleui old Renames', on thing taken tp task for his uacharitable- nem, said, "True, I don't Five mach; but if Toa enly ksew how it hurts me when I give anything, you wouldn't.wooder. A.-Mc%INNON, COIINTY IANAGER FROST & WO011 CO. will handle and keep in stook Frost and Wood's Bindirs, Mowers, Rakes and Pbw., Sylvester Drills, Mann Giant Disc *ad Cattle*. ton. Chatham R-agons, Wettl•nfer Pea Harvester, Baggies, Certs, Scotilers, Harrows, Churns, Washing Machines. Examine our Binders Ons canvas, steel table,aimpleat knotter, durahle, easiest running and beet -bal- anced machine on the -market. If you use one, your horse's neck will not need bath• ing doring.and after harvest. Compare it with others. Our 97 Mower to • beauty, having severs] sew and import- ant features—greater width of tread, new foot lift, scissor out, adjneable cutter bar, and roller bearings. Seri them before gin- inr year eider. The Q1d Reliable Tier Ra tti'uD t&efdG, hboriR hit w . si keiteel axles, perfect radios damp, a"ppil_ma//id "batt 000settioa with long sad sAmksbly ad - jawed Neth. In Plows - our customers is Goderiah and Colborne township" cheerfully acknowledge their su- periority over other limes of plows, being very light of draft, easy to operate, dotag splendid work. Drills In our MONITER DRILLS we have. without fear of 000tradiction, Sha iiowest, most oompaot, best a►Ianoed sad most per Needy controlled and therm to perfectas of .ay !hill on the market. Cultivators The splendid reception give. the MANN GIANT CULTIVATOR. SEEDIER „and DISC by the farmers of Huroo prove with - est a doubt what we slum for them, the hist is Canada. Before yea bay a Pea Harvester all and see the WETTLA1JY HAR- VESTER, winner of diplomas as World's Fath Farmers and Teamsters do yea want the WAGGON that competed with and defeated the best Waggons in Cas - ads and the United States, winning • geld medal and diploma at World's Fair. alms medal at Lades, Rog., sad IndMeria( Hi- bibi•tos. Termite' If you do, bey Site caw CHATHAM. equipped with Van Al- len'' patens giant malleable eras. 8iarpesa'a malleable adjustable stakes, bee white eek boae.dried wheels ; battery or maple axles. Don't let a dealer encumber yea with as old•timer before awing oar Wagons. We handle the bat assorted line of Imploaosh in tits county sot being restriot.d to dal with •y ose firm, nos are we representatives of any sembme. Our machines are w111 on Baser. and we all them upon their merits. Got our primes. sxamyta oat ma- chin•", ongaire of the bat and most progressive farmers who are .sine them, and be guided by your owe judgement sod their sunrises*. REPAIRS OF ALLKINDS`t" •0th meohts.. Pouts for all Plows furnished mod sem to any part of the County, wben Oast a000septsales older. 4P we' 26o : other repairs fa properties. BINDER TWINE oteeper them ever, 11ntas see the oar maples. A. MoKIISNO�T, HAMILToNaT. 1897 LAWN MOWERS andLatest Lo ett Po sible Price. Bed ��W READY -MIXED PAITS made of Pure Lead lid Oils and Odors W$ITE LEAD llepbant Brand White Lead. Boit fa the Market. R. W. McK1NZIE OP THE LOW PRICED AND VP-TD<D,&Tr H&RDWd,SB $TbRE Ask per Ilkusitst Ow iltrYll Tonle,Vtit,A 1 dja:Renteihr . .... Vitali mod •�'!"SIt'�l� 1 slut blue Ttouiis ► ramewtanar rr 1. R. w