HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-22, Page 5T$vltaDAT, icily 22, 1897. TU ii 44 *. ( DEM ONTARIO. 1 \sm .�...+a s��.���ry�.��`N; trig:ARTSGREL N Mlesed Mw;M quie p i t whisk u shows. Tb. dtdenees in pilus el the Or..1 et the Oro thee not beemme sae is • the ether. lest lessen ETRE. M1ND1NG4JP SME!faetorise hotter gala), !e Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready • Made Clothing and Men's Furnishings. ...... j50; .......450 200 100 150 iiia... 50 pr..... 45c for the lest Two Weete We Will Salt Fane Drees Houde at Hall Price to Clear fes delude• white leers r a geed dewed r Wawa at the pry$ Mon PVT ON ♦ BTU. -It oft, bnpM 'that the road steer the sidewalk ea t • square, lever fete • drophof wand from oi0a . siuk- y ler, bailee' the los vehicles. to is trim the driver meat wise hht drive e up and 0 let the *t flew, : would b. ee bt do .molls it la moo mad °weir& The betterwfrightened awar soma' all aatmal'nlon the rig. eertMside sad l at lul abs d awe, by the °wipers. Welk should d moved y W. (,. T. U. -The next regal.( masted of the We .oda Cbi Odes TeMewnew Ueioe will he held in the Te e•Oe Hall tomorrow (Tribe ) .t 3 0. •. A Imre at - madame* is eerse.tly rattisted•ee the Colon most..mplete tb!. appointment of saper- ioteodeets to some extremely tmporwar limes of troth. Notably d'ywwi.hod hp owo k the flow!r waistine d..rt+t department, .mead sailors sed the railwyy orad the elm tie medal 00.1.st department Curlew Bell depertloea0 will each r.gaire a sunerinteodeot. All are oordialiv turned. A New Mita.. -Leet week Bcohaaaw & Rl•yoes ancepte'l • °entrant to build • grist mil,, neer the 0. T. R track for Ntoholes District of Waterloo. The mill will he • fifty band one, with a stone basement and all tart latest improvemeata. A. S. y' tat of town wiil build and put in the bider. and the 51111 maohtoery will .madewafis Stratford. The building and p exempt from taxes under • t ylaw passed some time sines, and the propruater haa ask- ueet ill prob- ablyfor free wean, eiI ably ►s Rraated. A Bio ExclluSION.` Thee • oar onon from Hemel' and stations attended, Lo moms mid on Taed•y was largely forty. hundred person at lwvidl tong the ry Soon after arrival seal bo Park w►., .u•ds and flee nitd-Way taken of by theywbo brought basket& with them. After diem.( the amoa.me0ts com- menced : roma on the Park, flewu the �11 iso, surf bathing and sliding beteg the promineet oafs. Alter • loss day's stay in town the excursionist. left for bouts highly pleased at their emit to the °misty town. Vierrlao yin 01.t How i m. Mr ling chuogil rch tiers), 001 et Stmaosl�. 0a., D,nrcb is We ir*bfurY is home no • visit after an olesaw e1 some Arial years to the sissy Smith Mr. Mac- ri1llvy was graduated is the Presbyterian Theolegieal Seminary ari tlembtia. `S.CC o in the slaw of 1896. Hsi .the hatless'. 18 v`• Gospel misistry he Presbyte re Celle - ton, .t 1893 y 8oN taut S.C.; thereafter he wadi ordained b tM iwoPreAare of rmigee0d � charge •s Mt. two jean aa. he d took rmdaate t, arse*, Oa. • and took • post-e senses at that greet Preat ywrtsa school, Davidson College,. North Carolina. Mr. Maegtllier• will spend bis vacation hawse,. his tether's home here and that of hie sister- in-law. in Toronto. . ..... 250 150 Oa to S1.00 3c 5c 50 cel from uta +g6d for 100 Ladies' White Belts 5c, regular I8c. Ladies' Cotton Vesta 3c without sleeves Ladies Cotton Vests 4c with } sleeves. Men's Cotton Hose 5c per pair. reguletl0c.-- Men's Unlaun{lered Shirts 30c.. frit liOe. Men's Gold Shirts Tec, TeOir 11.25. Men's Ready-Ysde Suits only 92.25, tippler 14.50. Men's Ready *te Suits only $4.00, regular 17.00. Men's Rea -lade Suite only $5.00, regular 18.00. /Ian's Ready -Made Bicycle &ts 12.75, regular $5.50. Boys' Redly -Made Suiti il¢c u INSECT POWDER b ELIBORE FL it A•Ttni'S 201 LL Limp JUICE ROOT BEER ItUipe W ARIKNTED BEST QUALITY GINGER : BEER : EXTRACT W. C. GOODE CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK. PURE PARIS .GREEN AN D e •N OW IS THE • for the del. 1 which meet reit ILL. ef C. fume Ctimet." 0. July _These are Special Bargains tully 20 per cent. less than Whole- sale Prices. Remember t,bis Baia will' continue until the whole stock is disposed of. - , mast with g. Taro foe ri true," Matt sniped these be beeemeets decibels from n be present edy broke the f Lint week by ▪ endenritring s black berme. FRESH HELLEBORE AT • DUNHAM'S DRUG STORE. w 1[farrlsure Liosneea• LANE. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE . Liesmaw. Oodectob• Oat doll) TO ADVBRTI8ERB. Notion of changes must be left at this OftIce not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes molt be 1`ft not later than Mon day noon. Cranial Advertisements accepted no to noon Wednesday of each week. Per S. J. REID (Administrator), DIED. people of Goderioh sod vicinity will have to 113X:X-In procure reds at about half their real vein. Maw 4rititig tig„ sok perisively las for 30 day. only 'TO. ow 1114,r141011111 wawa the Italians will be sold at • misdeed* • intantum. in She highest bidder. (Store furniture 6.- litist ▪ stem Everybody sheltie' attend f HE TALK OF TILE TOWN *is "Paralle"•dt drY tswja "le. Et' a - TWIT TIARR011 WORKS. -Flans fourteen men aro DoW employed ea die Inaba works, r Milt the Relportelledi NOteibOOk !all, a Oa riontrsator sage, Mali oan Le put • ien at present. The difficulty is.that there if not 'Man to put Om 'notarial dog ont from the breakwater pier, acid to move a If You've sae ta a' Ter COMMA. IMOD h we to give the required room tie seat it t • Cklial'a Ammo. Te Tokio' Sots% aft' 10611 OLD .IABLE. )N HAND 5. J. Pridtam bas a choke seararteleut wortnes for the preeest and oolong mean. C.n is and see his select stock and leave yoer Al an artist. Mallows Lesds tbe row in welt- ers untario ; in (sof. so perfect a hle style the• the foronto payees tiett his work their illuttrated *Guiana of Ontario. A \ • Mitre, fiAillt or BALI. -The Point E mad It.se Bail Club will play here es Aug- Nowrawisfgs., -There was • mat - lug of directors of the North Western oe Saturday, to ommi.ler matters in otonection wit h he Iteptember show. A Nice Rani -The ;sin on If (today was pared, 64 is may epetv thrY *ere atria* 'up for the mint of mega ure. Tut KNITTING FACTOR/1.-Th* Keating Co. snipped awe 6,600 pairs et oedel aver - ion Ism weak sad is preparing te ship • hill twice as lags. rr Cash. farket Scales. =I Store • would take the whole sum the Ooetraotor recasts, for the job. da whore the boating facilities are so good es those et Goderioh. When the wind is down. the broad lake lie for the boating party, and when the waves ars troubled outside the inner hat h2r ir safely protected The boating wet vioe provided by Gant Bax- ter ia eine of the best that oan be had. rod those of our residents who go through the sesame without availing tamarind of the opportunities thue afforded, do not know teat life is worth living. rnblle Mottos. W ANTED -I CAN PAY TEN DOL Ian weekly 0 her t oe �igood came.Mimetic and teat. lo tea Oat. cauls. T. H, LIN800 Toros N OTICE TO MAGISTRATE". I have noeied theOnt•ti° Statute.. 60 Vic.. .117 ad ass ls 0dtbosee duly to ute them te auegl„teand oaltf]ed w re- mit,* o.lve tame. Those wutled wall please rake males thereat. IIIA LEWIS, Clerk of the emus for Haas- Ood.rtoh. July 11. 1807. A PPEAL FRAM THE COURT OF RE- VIbION or THY TOW N utW OODI1ttCH rafts notice teat Ha Honor Judge Masee... osager lodge of Chamb he In Huron. hold • court in n} the court Houma. Ooderlch. on Monday. the86th of July. 117, at 11 o'clock to h: foreseen, the tadd he 00? DOM sf Revision. appeal W 1. ][1'I'Clial. rA of & July 35. 11-1 Town Clark. July eS. 1807. reputation as the plea. where the most magnifioent eusseta can be sees, and the setting of Um sus the past week upheld its nerind they rivalled thope of sunny Dal, in --- - - Frain ths Harbor Park the NOL100 to Credttore. scene any seeming the Oast week was -======- ralebvir °mild be more veriegated or be -1-'1 -- formed of prettier colors. The better way lo fhr molter of the voloie of Wia"M Beefier perhaps. to vbs. • Codortch sunset. is from i" """a4wel• the bottom of the. park •teps. and then when old Sol has appareotly sank into Lek. Huron, a hurried climb ce the park will again bring him to view, rhos trivia the observer two glorious sunsets In one sU, who has recontly been appointed to the eseddeled of the SeAvetiou Army in Western Oasis, will visit Gederich on Monday, AM, Aar. mid has held Some very im. from the Atiatie ap the to this prosiness highly reitallooldvd. It 'aoSOMI111111 all frtoode-iwill wyeapathisere et the Army will avail themselves of this opportunity ot bearing bun. For Sala r form maim, blocult nirchfses and other realm- 1841 on/oriel Artist. Hot sail cold baths on premise*. Sea- leg.atiaropeeing 40t1•15(7 other require - carefully attended to. and none but corn - t bands employed, willituns' old stand, it1.1$ new block. next door to British Ex - Hotel 98-M T1l1E SPRING X TONIC. Then an sissy good wee. but none guile ma good as our IRON TONIC l3ITCE1~.s. The Beeson for Colds is not over yet. We expect 10 sill more 'CB I E Y PtJ'7! cDN I0. doting M•ncH and APRIL fain ]n oil the rest of the Winter. J..E. DAVISM i . 1'Hall. Awents Wanted. e travelling Otatlite. GRAND THUS K. MAJLint.11. Mixed 111.10 a.m. Matl and Xxprese Li p.m., Mall and lisprOwl. - 10.S0 Vol. Men lad Express Mall and Express ' 7.15 si.en non WANTED -MRN AND WOMEN WHO can work hard talking and writing el: ban • day. for •.s ata• s • week and will be eonto nt with 's-. dollars wetkly.-Addrma. NEW 1DSAti Co.. 71;ed1j.1 Hulloing. TOaate. Out. Idles Solitinti on real. Beet His ..ry of th• queen and Victorian Published; 1 he only uteedien work accepted by Her Ma'am,. unpreiedented-kaock the bottom out of all retard,. Osonsesses soca-Wog the mooef • Es fed uw• girls sell it fool, Big commw eau or strelaMt weekly velar, atter trial trip. WAN ilLII-lndoetrious persons ot saber sex with good ohereoter mid common Reboot education, obtstn employment for %Ws tbonthe to thus community. • this cro•nty. Canadian stood AGEATS ruare.nteed to live. Perinea- . poeitloc. whole or part t.me. Lion Terms. Yon can make ten &Mama, weak or better with bs for every wool yoU wore. No experience sscsiscy. J. foam meat &e ton For nate or To Rent. ATALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ✓ ...Porta Lot 9, Conoonasei C. Ooderich 'Iberta.histelnino 1 1-5 scree of land. Thorn is awe/taloa the prooerir awe& 1i11"7 brim' dwelling. with kitchen attaam. and with collar aim the whole house. This is • really drat eines ism end witi be wild au ressoahio Dated dth 1017. 29 -If VOR SALE -THE MUNRO WA ELL - Mg knows as 1/Innres 'Howl. situated sew the O. T. R. track os the Harlan Road. For particulars thew J MU ri RA), black smith- Olio Stratford end Gott.riou Play ball 00 ths Aericelturel pall next Saturday, NusitINO His Foot' -Manager Satmdme, • ..he Galeria Organ Co.. got • nail in hoe toot the r Mier doe and on a resale hes been DlitatIff th• Minted 11X4 MIST 11$1108. A MODIZL Rem. J. Le Gar. • Chteago. wilt deity." hie popular law lif a "mitt& "A Mnigel Wife," la the Victoria S. fret Chorea. twit Ilualay swains. aillY 27 h. at Rp'olsoa Goierieli Sp. in tswo es Tuesday with. Dome fine *arias. sod with his meet tore- " O,Ottght preasted • basket ot tits delicious fruit W the mama.. ochre' of Vieteria street will held their ea - day aftersees. The first esawyetwe 1is.351CM RIC! nuokl pippin 6$ Mesimeamg Perk eget Twat- esdeemies teaks this eating wee et greet FEIN? pREsERyING pleasure to the raindrop. friends an requested to use their beet TRY TOR MOW& - Art old 11111111ffillilt le $ that lis is not troubled with sleepless - r OK 01‘. TO tUCNT-FOR SALE' A: or to rent, the dwelling as Nelson-mt. at present oocupted by F. etitiereth. It contains ..• toome. including drawing room. dining room. pruior and kitchen, and has a library. • number of closets, remitter and • good cellar There is half an acre of land **eternity Skated with shrubs and fruit 'ewes, and an exoellent lawn. Apply to Ir. EMEIrTIL on the pre - mass. 10-1m °Ow, le hereby Myatt. pursuant to chanter and pin farm on a good Thad within al rtek• • left town to toke part is rho &Mee& Teureament In the first drew dm rink skipped by Wm. Lame dropped end. tut the we skipped by Dr. Sbnaness wee* forward. Yesterday peornieg play was re- sumed. dm Mayor', tisk plavieg againet Leaden. At the wed nf the game. Laudon was declared Yleterinue by one ohm,. Metre. ftheasse's rink e-enta•ted of A. Farrow, N. Hunter ad R. W. Logue. Claim Soto -Neiman Coonolly has mild the firm Leif of Ju'y doom frets the Elesuarbill. Tic Jar lb.. whieh is Use high. VIM SALTWORD. -Between 3 • a. and 4 •..n. Tuesday. Ooldtherpe's blacksmith shop was di•otwered to bp. oe Are end when discovered it had snob commuted of the building that it wee impossible to save it. Alt hands were therefore emcloved in mov- ing turnittire sad stock from the attached store and dwelling, but before much pro- gress had beeo tiled' the lames reached is and it wee 1$00P OMNI mem of Bre. Oe the outbreak ot the tire the alarm up town was mow and thongh the neuritis was drawn out and the horses WKS harnessed ne move was made fer the village aortas the river. the %We issiwirtives-gosairrioa-bact amt. bap obtained from the mayor. The fire burnt itself out, the taisekeenith drop •ed atom tieing levelied to the ground and had tt not boon for Om rein of the day P$417i81111. if! should hove had to reoord muoh greater ineurages on the more mid the blacksmith shop, dry mode. groceries and fanfare amounts to !.1,200. a sem that will sei pay hell the las. 24 110 o ams God deers of f the Revised Statutes ot Ontario and miles of latch+. The lot is No. 67, Maltand mon. "mine op 'wive a 75 acres. ft yields annuolly from 80 to 100 riding acts. that 611 creditors and other onsciessien, EloderIch too nehip. and oontaine liam Henderson. late of tbe Township oy barrels of Whiter apples, awl is a good crabs ertch. in lite County of Huron, •eoman, I ferr0,.the 111ad being • No. 1 clay loom. There is • No. frame house on the lot, • ttood barn sod. who died on or about the 10th day with stone stables underneath. and it is well ewers Barrow It Prondfoot. of tho T•••wo of watered la every field. A WV, portion of the J ana, 1897. ote required to deliver to! Oat • wit and tis 1897 yet sal tb wh Pa ot Gelded's It'll:us rem 97.-11e• Custom.' return.; for the port nf Goderleh, which lealsties' the °Menet. of Clinton., Kis. ourdiee. Sabana and Wieglians, for the yea sadist Jae 30.1.1897. show that% free geode vainest et $146.123, and dutiable VW. Gag ba $02,679, were entered for esistocata tine. gad thia. the duty attested wee 1111,. 439,01. The valve of roods enmity(' dup. tor the awe paha' weir $600,1403, of labials $462.647. *es to the DOHA Wes. sea the Mdeam 11138.236'. be tits limited States sad other eseritries. th• greater patios seise te our neighbors mow Ma Bee. The exports be Gees. Britten were predate of the foveae, $6600. agitate wed their tworlas$203.000. feetures. 550,147. The esport• to the Motherked wen 'hipped pertly me the Bt. Lawns.", and tartly by irsy the States, mi. ware filmset sq sell y divided between the tire metes. The mtletwe shot, that the efitywirle. the peat twelve 'soothe is eossid- erably is *Kase ef that of the erosions year. erleh.soltcitore for J Benson Whitely, E0rehes0 motley mar FORIlan on mortgage. ror terns, ate. apply to THOS. BURNS. Cm - and James 11cMfIlas. that assontors of estate of the paid dooessed. statements In low P. O.. er to .W. W. FARMAN. Clinton. ties giving their n•mrs and addresses. h full portion ier• and proof. of their clalme Me nature of the beautify (If soy) held by run, on or bears the 1st e•yr of hleptember. , at er which paid date tbe said smecatOrs 11 proemoi to diStribote the swots of the d dianeed anonym, the parties entitled meta. having regard only to the °alma of lob OW said executors, shall then have Me. sad the said executors wilt not he We tor the meets so distributed. or any rt thereof to any porsOn or verges* whose olaroshall not bars bees receiv ed at tile time said distrIbutiom. shipment of eels or bad drealtd, sud that he believes them blessinga hive bees kis aliases Mr `1"74 toys fee hie Blowal. is whose*. As many ef reedme men be trainload with one er both el Mare amplatets we advise thou.*, My the old ase'r resipe. (Ivan :garden party last Irak mine boys Jelnoed eveg Om fame seti sr./. wawa (.1 nally red eater *dad A ssetissimi awed tere of the Melee nada will It" thief se he hybaes is time to wee the WI thiovisit Shea seen at lastest every arty of • like mama "5 bluer/4r trt efflenlwer=4111:: Aartesthwat Tat 101 Tvererr et Pro "'"Il• There win be • linty treah.11 , match sad a series of Mayel• nose. se tel. lows : wow nedem, Italie Now. The else I.. ghat t bead usitillg. Pedlar frwrilisiv" *in b. gives blear. 'WA/1MM watt la the 011 orewir Inquest oewaditys. yint all rewrap. an. owe ad respere- e a rihmen Abe JUR I IV NW' litt end POWDER and LIQUID, A. in N THE SURROGATE cOURT OF THE COUNTY Or HURON. the data& of rhotatte Whittaker. late et the eiliage al Yore Albert. fa te. co.tv of Maros, deoeaseet. pos=spas Herded Statutes of Osbert°, UK dee. AL all perenes heels( mil eg demands against the estate of the Whittaker. who Med oe or about ViliZdog et October. A. D. ISM, at the raid i Pert Albert. ere required,oe or be. fain II5 Illth day of Amur. A. D. sir, ts 99441 POstallnitiaid, or delivered to Philln new. i, mg: ;own et dadaists, Belkaser tor • etateassa la wringer of their diem age Maw% dr= mattes the saran et marttles memo tad &damsels esid fell tty diddled* snow of the mkt de tegigenil.F to th• aloha of which &Mb. parties called thereto, rAdmisidestor will not he liable fee the emote. or any pert diireee. te any petals se perseme of whose slaloms sodos &all sot hairs been received Pitlier BOLT. we tor Adonsistniter. Dated. Ilth July, A.D. 111•7. PT THE WEEKLY MARK11.1. REPORT. This POWDER and LI. QITIIIr has been sold by this store for over 30 year* ; what more can be said in favor of it. irliseristir. par eon I II Loll MPtittoen.: Cab -- MOM 1 16 as II 5 Sole agents The 1113i111 Trottini Stallion VOR SALE -LOTS 6-9 AND 70 ▪ Hutchinson', Survey. in the Town of D▪ ated tth September. ism. Aegis to CAMERON. HOLT k HOLUM. Hoderieh 96-11 WOODLAWN Will be Kept for Service during this Season at my Premises Con. 6, Colborne Township. FARM Fcift SALE OR RENT -FOR sale or to rent.an_gragept 100 acre farm. being lot It. con. 3rd. W It is about 11 *Iles from [once from Lucknow TLe farm le bt good ed. 141itlattleay lased bearing orc esely_ purchaser. Tie es es the memo dur from Dungannon. e.athe buildings Is is well water - try to sei ITALCABLE TOW N PROPERTY FOR late A. Moolhorasett the rivet end lake f seettpled lid the Ofte of the most valuable glatregresi parties 'stove South sweet immediately &Mottling itteltrr- ft The tweetorey frame dwelling isk Jim:damage Hoed. at preseet occluded by Mr. Andrew Waddell. S. The dwell's( house end adiehduff wroonde near the O. 'f. R. station. tormerly mamitted %t00%lase Judie Teens. sod twine of sert resetsable. an. QALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROP - M. Deldistees, the fellewisg rid said farms is well head. ad is • Mae imitivonow sea have else Intl watered, lave era' , barna, sag ads he geed bearing mealtime; we wiell sate Med es mad rends. and aro in own inspect 'will ealletellearred ter sale 'at the deeirelde Woodlawn le ore of the very Lest bred and hest felted s'aillons in Gotario et Itaa proved himself a good etre. He le by Ridge- ln. Ma dam was Elder Downie, by Alamo, 1* II years old, record, 2.34. Alaimo, by Almont. No. 31, by Alexand 'a A Walsh. asoat- number ot /torso with records better Man TAO!. hie email ead Woodlawri'm dem was equally well bred in speed prodnoins Item there in no reason why Wondiawn'e oolts Mho oot develoo lets equally fast horteR X To home a bal. 118. payable Feb. 1st. leeerld Mares must he returner Olatilf111. As or their 1,111 be charted Woo will be hip 14 vneixon- whether to foal or bible few not. llitifinos g Me mares and not re- iturniug them regular -iv to the borer will he . use risk of onsets of mares ANDREW A. YOUNG. Curlew P.0 NEUBUT11 LADIES COLLEGE roll 0sella will bed* au Wed. wipe. uso, roar Otedeatiou Courees.also Cowin moral FEES, Board, etc., led licademie Shahs 1273. per yaw for ceiseder widows . E.N. EINILIN11114. Poo. to U tad 'seditious see harp Uto vailemdigned. or J. M. Mt TOUR DEALER TOO RICE'S PURE SILT 1111BT FOR TABLE AND DAIRY. The Borth AstrAertai2mbesedeal Oe., Ltd PL•III1113 `MILL Dated at • too Adastaistratem. ZWEIdabX) T31=13 Terspermairetin /we OA we awe is OP 1111eilemell resale Ir IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT Wait Top SAM MAL -OR YOU ascoL "111 MUTOIWIEJAPALAII liparrip TO 1117Y-• HODS& AP. e• nig Oka g age NOW illiaeldain Sown --ordernsbillistto= gnaw wort cm sgerteozb....es Tut= 0. sows sal NNW MAINIIIIIINIRISS Tetsperessr I40. ItiNINIILD •