HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-22, Page 3esu THE 1PT RAMILY QICINE N Xis *Mr Ka,trs Verde of Praia, item a New !irk Lady for AYER'S PILLS "I would like to atld my testimony to tag, et -Obs a who have used Aser's Ute, tad to say than I have taken them r Maly years, tied always derived the Inst results from their use. For [turn. th and liver troubles, and for the ' headache caused by these der.,.... eats, yer's Pills cannot be eq a:eJ• 'hen my friends ask me whet Is the is remedy tot disorders of the atom, gib. 117 er, or bowels, my Invariable ewer 11, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea. in, they will break ups cold, prevent grippe, check fever, and regulate the geetive organs. They are soy to ke, and are, tndeed, the beat s11•1011e/ ,rally medicine I have ever knows.".. n. MAT JOHNSON, J68 Rider Amu% ew York City. 1YER'S PILLS Dist Wooten at world's Fair. pi's Swiegrtlli Cum d MMd Slurdtrlr lees V All Streak were the size OM' the sever prove • piying redrew Ir TW EN 1 Y -SEVEN YEARS DUI� BAKINC 1N' POWDER THECOOICSBESTfRIEND u�oco s�� a uM�o�. 307• e a m Lanounc, meat. Now Good, and Beet Valuea in the Tailoring line at the old-establisbed and reliable Wert -at Emporium. Satisfac- tien gnat gritted in Quality Stile and Price. UGH DUNLOP OODERIOB � OHRYST Ilona urs* O1rpd.t 1 Blast inihssarer of all [fad. se BOILIERS, Doke Stacks, Salt Yana, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc.. id Dealer in- Esgines, Machinery Costrgs. ke. All eines of Pipes sod Pipe Fittisgs, Iasi sad Water Gasses. Glebe Valves, yak Vara. Inspiratory, Bloaters sad la- gage aAin Constantly on Band at Lew. gess. A epeeist Ilse of Steel Water and Hoe esig6 for um of farmers and other.. 5.,alrl0, promptly attended to A. S. a3ZYa'rAI.. P. O Hot W. eoderfen. artago & Fuel Co. are prepared to handle Bag - go Frei ht and Household Ef- CtY with Dispstoh fit reasonable 'tee. Dealers in all 'grades of lARD ,OFT coAL and Smithin* Coal Food and 3 It to suit en/dowers and delis red with promptness. Order fru sited- TaNplioaie elf Vaeit ire Co. D.0 +*cae It Purr, lisaarsr. SI(INAL ra1GIaEBICi,... 44 mu as flood w Am as $COft'SAl o.e T I[ •�bnueittin„ PI You hear ft in nine out Hu pf ten drug' . The b is the reluctant tes- timony of 40,000 druggists .. L tEmulsion is the hat Scott's of world. And WI ills kind all others try to A f rangup to, the kind for yew to buy? MI Tw,,• diet, 50 ea. and $1.00. '1 I Dentistry 7 M NICHOLSON. LuS. 011911011. Str DJ.L. Rooms opposite ptbb. Past (Moe toff Pill ng, <'wwgsBridge Wort • aceoialty. - O Years Ifxmerl sea M. MABEE. D.D.:t , L.D.d.,-DEN• LI. TAL OUP•* ON. -Latest sod approved Preserve Shod" for all distal opera ..City fes of the miters( toothOases irer sir of Nest Seem es Robin' he &team. ds stotegi or TY. TURN t JLL, D.D.S., LD.S.- er . Dental 8.x 10a. itetely •soo.tsud .Ith Dr. Duos. of Motive* I. Qeld mad peros- M. ertlflolai teeth mounted on add or alsm- sea tests. *penal stt.atlom given to the ho innervation of the natural teeth. fSo oe In mi Itci eaa'I new book. t n[sdloal. i. A. THOMSON. Il. D , C. M y Dr, c.s iv elle or'ess i..�thm. Te Dhooe tmern occupied LB. HUNTZR. PHYSICIAN, SCR �,r�tea t]»o-Iteess street. the reel- •s Dr. Macau high- Wee Weir Lh *all. free reWesee. Teleph elle I. u e. 1,( O. CAMERON. BABRISTETa;. i n DL , Icor, Cs.vy$cer. to Oros -sot. Dr &. Utoo sad Ot. Adrewets., app. t ease/me Odd r RbtEST HEATON - BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Pubib. Acchson's sit bleak. West Street CAMP1ON,Q.C.. BARRISTER, 80L- k Li. tenor. Notary. a,o. Moe over Medical 01 DM. %ogre. Uodeetsb. ''s�Lfs O JOHNO'I'ON. BARRISTER, liO- ale IWtK, etralseloner. etc. MOM to N aOakes: pry. milcop awl et. A.driw's e Mesttreat..' Ont, tet to 1 OFTUS E. DANOZY, BARRISTER, tt L. aohottor. ()seesaws', he., etc. ilortal k sloth at lowest rotes. IUorto*'s Block. Ge- ment Colborne Hotel, Dederick. Ont. net-tf is N. LKKWIS, BARRISTER, PKUU• k of t� o 1'ti.-$s0t,Colboene howl. P0. RAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT- , OR, _he. pe.. Nardest.. neat door tatIAL Mae. Private reads to limed at kwset ratan of Interest (I LRI'.OW & PII.OUDTQOT, BAR- b .T news.Lttea0e� t r& Rode. o rich. J T. O.rrww. P.O.. W. Prost/toot. e C11ME1LQN, HOLT & HOLMES, et Cbamoory, &0. Bsrrister,...BotiMtors la tederlch. M. O. Cameron. 40.: P- Holt Dalley Dame. • t O. WARD. OONYNYADIOIiK 3 oildw lidjt- r 1 1 W c5 , sad � p 'siring re00gt eM eaw•si . o es..laor�•• �• Mee Is too& ds,ewlliesa sg mlsma the ! mules Is the tK is e0a1� Ossrt of ger , a.•.a�F1 I)Ir:ales Crowd. wlw.sa•tt••• on Cru .O.i _ L•oa and the rjUiti - e MON$Y . - 111 Priv,* Vials to 1 if ars rat. d- et 1sally. M. a. CAMERON Horse's Meet. emote Colborne Heed Malarial. aoI+t PRIVATE FUNDS - PERSONS Da- droo 01 obtaining mosey on dtst•eless farm seotwtte ora de a�io at pi per oast. b7 •p• plying to J. A. Mc1Jt)N1DR. Room lite fres bold Detaisb. Toronto.___ CaEAGER, CONNEYANCINo ND . In.at•..a. olio& .ppodts Mti•'• Hotel. aoe.rloh . MONEY TO LEND ON MORTGGAGpE t elAOiaa Mgatiti oses n'iesMfdetel' efegs 'tet, Ni J. T. 1fa. rrizi, B• saddens ,iu, LOB AND wok: se rata Come -air. l(esi et. sad sewsradMix . MONZY ri a L*ID.-A L A A t3 I u.an110 01 PttAM geg tq OARROw t . ,,,r R LITTZ, ,,.1111. ,a4d i[ess�t Sant at !DS IONDOIL er way to Oat a • •d door Nee terser,. leo �'�e�.,_ _......-._.,..____.=-------------..e MsIMIMMIea1' Iaaittissa. 410D111tIOH 111111011%0542 t "Com,w. Mil; ea em two a oussn fres i to a ta..l hBOUT 9000 VOL'S • Laurie DaiiVr Wee.),' sea setts, t rise At 0j..,tiee !oe ttMesiyed 1p Choroid. n.1a Jammu • a.oo 0" teeth e' NM 1*. A �tHO11ti; (1v1fn1t . u dIsiMa 1S LIFE WORTH. LIVING. life worth lIvtpd''" is the modern uery. • Dicot it in an may, poem and play. Dboagk 'esteem s ere all den and though the skies were •lw•ys dos ovoid tappoo the sus were e idaT. ledge, oy pessimists' .e.uned distress life Ie aot to speed oar den repining. I answer, •' Yea" life worth lista* r Will, just toot emend you- ✓ does thte world spp•ar • prisoe• all! the Creator in • dungeon bouod you! 0th astute weer a visage to repel' trees, the fields, the flowers and tae rem- elt their hoeey likely to distress! life worth livbg !' Bah ! shake elf the "sheds." And sumer, •' Yes P' isms...d labored M•r.17 with the voters M resist the eOd,gsshnas.t es thele M*hta' Bat is tbo mutes el the vote n ammo se' .awry to have • divisive of the belly. All fon the trails west w e.s side of the ram. all eppoeed, to is. odor. 71s Mama the of aleobefie desks W lel1 its meek. ea tlr too* of the vi*See, sad the proud tit ••- oemhled ea one side of the toes hoses to in- sist esu than mgeiemafy toddy w•wotse peony as 1t might have bees. T. Ne s u r. prise of wary o.e. tbs is SOUS old seller. atter • moment's be.titetloa, d.iterSNly west t• the t/mper•uw aide. Ig for psavishoesv and fn:tful croaking. re on .11 f•mttled p.uimiste• soy I. o'd m.ke us think vile weeds were ever ehokbg he flowers of Pest• se'er decay. life worth living!" out op the Baffle. tion. blot of the poor who face West's storm and street- ve to help them -then to this coward_ quest on Y .091 answer ' • Yr." and Love -that, .t. T. U. DEPARTMENT. ' Whet are you over bore for!' the sates. lehed people parse to gsestloo. You ds.'t bslosg here. That's your side over there.' The old mac touted around with dilgast, sad retorted • You don't suppose I'm robs over then is ' bat orowd ot red noses. do you!' Curiously ~ugh, • look at the eneaney •asemblage of his customers had appalled him." • Is a tastily, disseminative review of the life of Rev. D J. M•odonoel, late pastor of S1. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Toronto, the "Glebe," referring to his attitudes' the tempersnoe questing, takes tocsin= to eapbasise the imperta•oe of the legislate/I reform proposed Ly the Prohibitionists. It says: ... " The . p.m*eg a Mr. 1lmsdonnell upon the tlempra0oe question is fully dealt with. There are two theories of social reform. Th. inn is • reg. ,rate the individual': the.B- ooed is ' regenerate hie environment.' To the first of these (lir. Msodonnell gave hi. adher.noe. And in ..his somewhat melded view of the ogee was probably the head and of Breht- eMored toof him ote• h that truth mists not in a middle ground between two opposites. es. 1. two oppostea It 1e • a take to the. two odtto.ptloos of reform to ares. Th.e• are both right and loth aes110ary. Without iwaividoal reRsssrut- ae the world ops never 1,e saved. Bet the sew moo baa • right. to new oonditioos, fav- orable to the growth d the new life. A re- formed drunkard may stand with an open saloon at ever y or.rnr. But It would be better for him and better for the state to al- low the moral energyhehatexpend to brier re- sisting this perpetualtemptation in positive work for the good of eooie,y at lame. A gentleman may be • gentleman anywhere, but he will find it easier in .lean surrounding'. A brute will turn any envir• oomeot into • sty. So, instead of di•orciag or •ntavonizieg thee theories of eooiel re- forms. it seems absolutely reamers,' that they he brought -into the fullest oak- i1nt- ion in practice." • 'l he woo an'sMUM is man's.sehoty FM ✓ ink together, dwarted or Godlike, hood free.'' -Alfred 'fear yens. Itt the Pr*.ona Of the b11 paupers in the New Yemkeeer- nee. net one wave as •"11611301: and 407 gri- tted that their poverty was dos to Intem- p.rssee Iden beautiful characters are disfigured the training The proh•b Dries of wise trsleis. sod wholesome surroundings are al. weya infinite. hater not into the path ot the winked, d go not in the was of evil men. Keep y heart with all diligence; for out 0114 e the tssues.tlifa Th. apathy. indifference, timidity sod aI fear of the mare of those who t,.lieve e liquor busmen ought to cease puts ekes on the wheels of ptfvresa - L.oen■irig the dealer gives hem the legal 114 sed the personal power to make u•kerd. of our sons, sod worthless vsg•- m&s of the only material we hare toe tut - e leader. in the Church and State. Don't worry *bent the future ger try to u where you ciente in in the Apoo•lyp's. rild 7001 bones to live in and not to be eked at from the outside. Drees for com. rt wet for fashion; sat to live, doo't testi' •t.-Remondino Thu oonetry is p•yiug oat •n amazing mount of moot v in order to keep lie saloon- eepere in I,n.ho•se. It would be much he•per to pe0uoo every one of them and I educate their children and prepare hem for something Letter. It 1e human nod graceful to have women eo••eihle to women in the station house, capital, poor hoses and insane asylum. lie seer, humanity and totepce amour in de- fending that this natural right of misers all be respected.-Attio• Advocate. THE $AOE. (A reply to KIpUu(s "Vatop7r."1 ' A e there was and Ie It Ills prayer 1 tut 7 7•• resat,' rare. with se th blips see said adder hal.{ The sages' tk0 t one lull w talc ifttven u y0• and 1). Oh, the 11te we thtied the love we gest Aug the work .or • manly soul. Belong to a woman gcud aid puce, white time linage ou, while *moue reel. Ind human hearts older'. Life ie not worth living to New York t y. The other day • Wan boarding a mile - oar slipped and tell. and the driver ot a rewery wagon &whine past the ear ran ver the mac. The brewery driver whtp- .d up and escaped. The man died in the wspital, leaving six motherless children. A sage there was, and his life he street three as you sad ') lu the ensile of love with a heart contest. Vt'Ith the 3that 07 and carr at God had spm Where duty anted 'twee then he went (levee as you and Il) Oh, O' the so work that loveved ones has plain Aud the heart ut the sage grows 70007 with tke age virgin si•� Of Aud• the w wife ca s pure as au understand. -,John N. Pollan, San Pram -iso. Belleau. SIXTH SENSE.FOR ALL. A PIONEER'S STORY. P'0U.nwIN0 AN ArrArc on LeGIMPIa EJ Srrrza.0 DAY AND NIGHT FOS POOR Y EA1tr-A WILL KNOWN CLisaYaafa EN Domes HER STATICHTN7e. •-- From The Record. Windsor. Ont. Among the residents of Kingsville. Ont., none is bald in higher esteem than Mr. Jae. Lovelace, who is known not only la town, hot to mealy throughewt Esser county. When • correspondent of tom Record collet upon him and asked him to verify certain statements as to his core treat a painful Moral courage is the only bravery on vhio1 humanity may count for any real ,lesetng. While it nerves roan to duty, it roots cut sl his heart hate. revenge and all had pas- ies,. making him wise amid excitement mlQworrnptie•• Cl_w^rna-ekiw: io•Y jut Aesuranee That Anybody Cas Do the Occult who rimer*. Journalist- ti.eo.0William T. �genera.' student of 5.11 that is odd, uow auttouutq that he one received by the menu/ of autematii to filtr. from a very well knuwe eV the information that 'girth ng p rue pilledhas what to pilled other words, we are dl metliutne, eau. Wiry W the general supposition, even autsalo[tg the advanced dies iples of spirit - The messagemraRe of communication is . given to the world through kiditor Stead. wtho, ter the time being. is under the el chilthe o"Julia." Iter may have brown tie, "]feta tier years. been moment at is sb f Use occult are add students amdng the sdr regarded as absolutely true. That is why Mr. Steed ttl lays so much importance upou them. 1t is for thea reason tie holds that the communication between the inhab:tants of the world anti those who have pawed away tum ba mach more free it 00*31 motile will hart It that way. In the tt more Julia guy "Heist I have to ten you ie that all those who really wish to have the' sixty Dense. or whatever you iiia? chotrie to tern. it, st, developed that they urn at will become sensibly or to their senses cognizant of the reality of the exieteuce of the beings who eneosnp•re theta about. can acquire the gift 0r face ty it they will but adapt themselves to the laws of the region into whicthey � rit the to penetrate. It. is a petro ty -seweereal 11011.0 num- fur ie It ottly human. illany animals have the open eye. They see when their owners ire bind. Hut you vas err it you choose. It rests with yourselves. "There le Ao short teat to the sixth genre. There mai be something like it hi me•emerisan aril hypootirn. but thAt le wit at edit what I mean What is pore Able le far ewer ' child- of ; be- come what you call normally -d oo Anyone -that Is, for Anyone to powwow - eek of the power of setting and hear- ing as plainly- ar -he sees and bear & e mierial things. t1e invisible forma a roomer that snrroand him. lhat ought to bo 'Tbe power is under coutroL' Th will be only harm done if you do a shut at will time clairvoyant rye. Imagine• the mischief that would happen 0 when life and death hung on the absolute eYrta.entra- tion of all facaltieu ou the subject im- mediately before yon. if. at tihe supreme troment you were to ere the whole phau- tair-magoria o1 borderland Passe Ivetw•,•a you and the point of exelua•ive interest. If you cannot control your sixth ruse you had better not acquire it. It. is truck better to do without it than to be Controlled by it 'You sthowkl have the sense at Rlm- nland „Alien you need it. as you have your CrOscope or your telescope. But, better have neither if you are to be conlpulsnrily doomed at other will than yours to interrupt the work of life by la spectacle of the isfiniteely little or dee infinitely remote. Man shook' Dewar• be, master or his senses. especially- of the .ixth Dens as it Alettitlle 1. ' her tattler statements to Mr. Site .t mike' gore ou to say that the inve*tigat•'r mast always be wimple and not be eennetantly thinking of hitboelf. In other wont*. self-cottaci0ueaa'ss must be avoided. or it will pity havoc with the chance,' of merest Ail nne'e men- tal faculties are needed- Everything mast be examined and te*ted without prejudice and without r.artlality. Noth- int� can be achieved without time and putietlCe. The 6ret th , to ire date to aee the gni ieTh 1' still and to wait. When finite audit passive. clow your eyes and think of the one whore you wish to we. If it is a friend still alive in the body it will that you not tit the me 1.' sh.eaibee although passive and When you hate two spirits in'Meord. both seeking rise same thing. Vise difficulties are leen. But you must belagreed in heart and soul. If you could keep the concentrated quiet attention for a longer period than tie minute, without beeoming tired. tiled you had better do so. At no time. how- ever. force yourself. for a strata mesas failure. If to this way. "Julia" declaim. ode succeeds in acquiring success. It is ■e- utdred • forever. There will be so more pgrt$ng between the one who ham gained ls nbjeet. and the .Dirk world. The greatest dancer is that the sixth sense y, control the individual Inrtcced of g in itself exattmlied.-New York eraltL, malady after several years ot suferiog, he eh•ertully did see. Mr. Lovelace said :- Four year ago I had a bad attack of Is grippe, which lett me with r severe pato in the pit of my.tomwh Afterspay house- hold remedies and getting no relief, I oon• suited • doctor, bot atter • lone treatment which did net help me, I became discourag- ed and concluded there was 0o relief tor me. Night and day tor four years 'hat pain never left me. At times it woe so bad that I had to give up work. I had fro- g aeatty'tead ot Dr. Willtsms' Piek Pills Lod perhaps es Dinah out of curiosity tie with any hope that they would help me, I bought a box. I followed the dlreotiona carefully, .ad by the time the bqx was finished 1 was surprised to find that I was getting relief. 1 oould ant understand how after .11 the medicine I had previously tried bad failed, chie one box of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pill. should help me. I now cheerfully continued' their nee and by the time I lad taken five boxes every trace of the pais bad left mo and I felt .. well •' Tlty," sid James R�elleeLoowel• l ie chat twenty," Words, that 6e gives himself for • principle. tneasy, all things else, are oompantively •soy to give away: fiat wises m makes • gift of by deity life and erectioe, it is plain that rte truth, whatever it may Its, has taker peeseasio0 of him." Stroh men in - throes 111. " After an. experieses of font curs in the =Stony," says the Rev. J. C. `tbaekel• ford, " I oa0 say, without lesit•41on. that the use of iotoziostioe drinks has bees the greatest obsthole to nay swears is Gospellug the preseh- e met with. There mast be• resod for this, which (limeade the meet borstal ooasideratten. The Gos- pel of Christ to the 'power of God ante nai- veties' trawl .11 sin. and there is so mama why ft should he lees sIeetive u d.Uverb 1I NM from the nit of dronken0ese than from •11 Ohm sins." . leakier " m eetniscaly Veam*deme • TauismaT, July i2, 1897. 3 That time -worn wo i as oyer I hod done in my 111.. day I' am as wand as s dollar and believe there is no moa of toy age In Essex county who can stand a herder day's work. Rev. R. D. Fl.rringteo, ilaptlst minister :l 7Ci.Jimd; .Mak James Lovelace for the poet thirty years. I believe the above stat:emente made by hint to be strictly true. I might also say [bet I have been greatly heoefltted myselt ty the are of Dr. Williams' Pink Piths. "BEST" most faithfully describes "LUDELLA" C EY LO'N TEA It le at once pure and economical in use. Black or Mixed. It is said that ninety-five per oust. of ve- *1 b. ssisat e.. is delirium trees• cow. MN 04 wok* efk worms. in our f rm of •a- Ober. Dr. hest ieveettgatisa gh. 'skies" y Dthe avis wards of tempore HMpital with the .pthallo est*. mid bet br'bsgbt oat sumr btsfeetiag meted the wegy a* el the dzMee oases w the reties ware fund b he •assr*al. LnasA154 of limine pato e.d alone/4 viethle, as is *air didimary earthier.. ♦11010t b -whit we - pod blood. TI. Bleed vessels of the re- tina, .11.1 ere se mall sod semi•V1slp0r *Via that they are met prejw„a 1*- aim* bib • proada- lsM SO they rof � preledM Wm** field se vision, mea their ms1sm/lM. Susie holt 1M• immure et ummkes. d e • red to es mad p em y1 +�� wlfmt- senMy. eT ,mels, 0 ' i.L :IIs - Keeler 5.1 use r w se: rrttt::rlc o.tarns H a»t•H. AnM,asipa415*'�►stpl. 1.*OMree. V �-wr�>saraSl�.alZ.�w�'ire an •serlfk Tip - Whets the ostrich is septated, He knows his mishap Mesas may a feather In •.melody's oap. A SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT. Ur. T. Hasleburst, of Brantford, tees • Spe- otflo Remedy with Great Eftot. Brantford, July 19- Interest,been re- vived bore, through the,liahlish.ddeep•toh• es about the refloat mos in Ottays, is the eztrsordinary rdoovery from dtrhab= of Mr. 1. Rasleburet, an esters ed resident of the town. This gentleman metered very savere- ly from 510 eomplaine,-losisg &great deal of weight, and trying • number of remedial whitest sooes.s. At lest whew corn lately ram dews. be determined to try D•dd'• Kidney Poly and In au lnoeedibly short time reeovered hl. health and strewth. He attributed his resevery entirely tithe me ed t1ee valuable remedy. awl ham moss• ✓ ended it in several sews with marked sue - COIL ickcurc • uuuUW.AJ Is the quickest remedy ever known to care [turns, Braises, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Boils, Sprains, Strains, etc. The many well known people, of high standing id the community, who have spoken and written of the merit% of Quifkcure, show that itis an honest remedy of great efficacy. Note the testimonials in this issue. • o �' O . . STURDY BROS. FOR . 1 -NE GROCERIES Vessel Su pplies-a Specials.` . - STURDY BROS. OG FAMILY GRa.ar-THS r ptreas AT MUNRO'S' EXTRA VALE in Nottingham and Swiss Nett Curtains, 3y and 4 yards long, Iew and Elegant Designs. Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig. MUSLINS---A large range to choosefrom. Art Muslins, Art Sateen Draperies, Crepe Cretonnes, High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes suitabe for Por- tierres, etc. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED A. 1YIIINRO, Draper Household Necessities THE it -EDDY Parlor • • • MATCHES They have_ never been known to fail-- "Ab.!" .aid lite. Sb.sgheld, as .►u sod ser husband eat la the treat row at the charity-eesee1t. "SN Waft -there is • woman playing is that efe►estra. I told you we were gradual- ly gesthhg' oar rights new," "Think eel" repliedMr. Strosgmind with arsaudible ebeekl. "I den's That woman is *vier Um wend f.Cdie. my deer." atwsUua ea fpm OW. MM. Dmsbllse. /Mom l semis' • time w withal M. sad Naw wise bus Leake me will. be walled at sbefr owe w,it�t%j�ot� The Lnwkl'. 'J0.rmd reason w lrafdw5 w kt • striking marwse. brow I egg the eilaosi new i1 M the Writ .t wished met " As.I4 gaObits him ups Ia teal. is • Kese•ha Aka. fig mob ties a quarter of s esstwti. Iter to Male so awdote K • bamboo drat wit. dimes Aram• Iigow de•tsr le the days trim tperybslS 1 ft' The lna peraregkei- IA** •f W .Meted tie manias .f amese Brom mad ei hog* the ismer it be or Olds* Obi *rasa t•M sew • who i. tIM tmdlt lrtelke. aim rib O&M M wit eery ttainismt 1r hlis . ccoi lis. te d waMiii hi W for • Less 1Wt. • This Whole Colima Would .ot U..dln the N N the Mose Premi.es%Hta- lotette, of Parliswst and Pro• fo.d.L os.h ever thio UesIMe.1 w1. Halla bow Oared et cot rr b M Dr. Aa - as.'. OsiarisMl Powder -It Gives Relief Is 10 W.mts.. Veltmele .f '..fund.,' knee hese written .f 111 eee.Nve powers. erl Mae ag- maab dy. .arlM•n0 ins the be - . N u_T . maid he tilt td- creat H naw Tmeer* M Its [hook 1t41My to ovary li.1'.d oare the whet Ds arses'. CatenW Praire wilt dee the digitest odd lav l e had..04 mei.11e twat atib- beea ODM o a15l1'k. "Zs *Mb is %O�M • limioser." solo orb eros r.wd N M tlM ~ I li fi M�ab�y�wM.�y *Naito «Zitrog *Oaf , sal go imt �w�• twete v i - ed ei«si, mitres Said 11 J. IL Dos'W self-EAewtedae. 'The tT1P restart why we know our - *elves so little lies in the dimctt*ty •• find in standing at a proper distance from nt of of so thaurselves, in n the ng dright the etails point ainy help rather titan hide the general effect We must kvtvn to look at 0wrselVPn se - chilly end ttbbotli'*lly If we wisb t* have an extra Wet, of our radii worth. old to look at our life ea a whole. or at least as erne complete period et life 0 we wish to know what we are end what we are art. T1i sot whit* erawla to and fro over n fate. the d perches( eppoosa the forehead of a males. togcb Phect hitt do not ere them, for tthnee7 never embrace the whole at a slalom. Amit. rank. A pretty aneederte 1 relatwi of • child wL f pertuetR1 by the dis- t-ovary is- est keg ao had sat traps to eau* blade. �M lied as to wh:lt awe hadt tris she replied: eateY iidf �� np� might not " ••Aa7M(slt Blas''' "Yee," file mid. "I then preyed that God would provost the birds fettles into the traps. and,' am It to illustrate Ow deserts, of faith end works, "I went acid kicked fire traps all to piereeJ,'- Hoombold Worts. Perversity In tai.. wa*otaa.e.. "Slatchee aro a trulemsee say, you At them." How do vain make that nut? "Weil, it you take only owe to light 404.gum with. it Ievarlably gore mt.", "Tool" "Aad it you take two yns anew* Wire >r carry the minter cert hark." • way Telegraph Telephone --Tiger . • • i a.art.ra,•.• 1 f BOOTS AND SHeES Including the SLATER arid all other A !goods SHARMAN'S Our Goods tett the best that can be ohtaed, and are mold at Rock bottom Pricer,. 'Hundreds of pictures leave our store weekly. They are the prettiest On earth, as noting tun rompers with a handsome woman in a pretty, neatly -made, fashionable pair of shoes, and we only sell snob as biomes the sweetest of picture& . SaIL&AN'a w,001[, GODBRIOIC.