HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-22, Page 1,�.,,.. .... .;111.1 `?,!Ill .. naso.----., ,:s.eru...:it.. . t, ►s 'RICES s. t Stock ',Tapes. I -wools, otha in he. 1 of orf•ns (lay, and me, ham., nista for IN LES Gey a ION it. Geo Ind >ar Is est l IHILVS ittuW% THE NE SF. _P3]2); OF 1-7Ct7RO1•T OOLTNTY. FI FTIETIYEAR.-163 NEW ADVERTIfiMENT$-JULY 2Z TOWN Page. chtliMg-Sherocy Bows maraa of miens --E. N. Lewis. Oast of Appel -W. 1pltobel1... Ws Set the Poos--Goch F. YmrrM.... 4 Ryer, . Dry • Bergen Day-8min Bros. e a Co Sale of 1'•laabls Farm -Garton & Pros& 6 foot tweets Wasted-llndlsy t,arreteon Co6 A Pioneer's Story -Pafford it Co 6 Ben to Footwear -lice. 2 A 1 Goode -Wm. Sharman. jr 3 g pnnth Leda' Cdlsge•--Rev. E. N b;ogUeh 5 Notice to Ce.dltor•--Ostrow & Prssd- toot 6 6 6 HARBOR AND RIVER. Tb• Cambria made her used call. Sonday ..d yesterday. Cars lie being Iosded with wheat at the 0. T. R elevator daily. Our fishermen bays been tanning their as the past two wake. The steamer Caroms was in port on Sstard.y sad yesterday. Th. Gederioh Lumber Co. is making • hole in its last raft ot Loge. The schooner You'll sailed for the Georgian Bey on Thursday. Captain W tggiet its takes out several siding parties Sitpast tea day.. The emergent owmtebtas tap ad boat. are Dor nuking • fortune thins day.. A three and a ball pound base was caught on the Maitland lash week. It was • b.ant . The docks an get* 1 se wowdd wtW Iamher that time b Wily' neon to untied s vessel. The new leg tot the Ogilvie 51ti1 was plated on the /toad at week sad ie sow ready to: hoisting. If toe dust Owes/ the d.°k free. was %raped up it would be • blender to three who gaps that way. The *almoner Todman was tied up in her berth the oset week, a sure etre that boil/bus are • that. eoaroe or ruling very low. Among there paddling in the barber on Saturda} w• noticed our old townsman R. P. Wilkin.on. He looked game at horns in . winos. V_ DULL&It v WILL. t'AY 10R TH E SIGNAL Fos Olii Setae. y_ GOLIERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY JULY 22, 1897. D. MoGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. - - .� miss eras s►ogid keep resit sate. as » I N :-FAR AWAY REGIONS. COUNCIL MEETING. THE DISTRI��c Iaosdwt and demea.or inebl•K He .l's .DotltOPH Difer-Who is Right NEWS OF =jta M nuter of last Meeting. A ismf I.adan-rhe Mellitus Magee has 11a. ether Agace-The Tommie Tai, sal eimraatse Ce. hirer ie Miaow ear siski s /ands. LOCAL NEWS iN BRIEF. 'i es, you oan bake • dip new. 11.30 shirt waists for 45o. st Rebis.oe'r. We can now walk the plaak se the lake. 36o. and 26e. dress goods at Robleses'. for 150. Try -t5. Bedford Berber S5 . 5... or haircut. Then was early Gage's ea Sunday. Don't ass the hesitates •t Eribinsoa'. M1d-8onar lisle. Lest week rain seemed sear nasal times het it psssatt se hy. White pairings 111.50. 12.00, kr 96o. at Rebinsea's. Raspberry gatherers cosy be sera leaving tensa seely every ineraine. Fes shdes pewee .t fair prises go to Sturdy Hass.. a the Square. I''rd.la& III lift a tHlt '1'ke statim seat Thareday evssbg. FRIDAY, July 16th. The regular mwtiog of the town 000noil was held this evening. Pressed, Mayor Sh.naosmresidisg,deputy reeve. i.nd. deputy reeve. Coanaillotg, Goode, Colwell, llweedis, Nairn. Martin. Pridham, Dunlop, N iobolaou, Cantelon. Crairie. Minutes of Iasi regular mestina read, ap- proved. and signed. The Treasurer's statement for June Was presented as follows, and referred to Fin - adds Committee. areal I"tro. Bslsacs from May. .... ......1 2370 58 BIW payable, renewal .. ..... 5000 00 0 Beak Interest 0 Lioness . ... ..... Electric Light rates ..... .. . Eleotrio Light Installation. .... Water rates Maitland cemetery Justice'. tines 'urian, Qpi5s1-N I-.--• thadries °mammies at Sr. Total c\PINDIT".x3 811k payable. renewal Debenture interest........ .... Bank talarest .. , . Maitland Cemetery Fire Dspartmeet Relict Public Works Writer Work. Pumping Station Electric Light. •••. Special Grants Citiseeti Claimants Sewers 708 57 341 83 103 50 321 63 17 50 100 2000 00 112 65 $18706 5000 00 130 00 67 38 29 13 82 06 5704 368 41 1151 78 740 94 37 96 100 00 8836 8.51 12 5 86 22 96 45 06 402 44 34.1 21 14h5 40 .*drag the payment of the following-**- miaow was *dolmen. 12 13 Stearns Manufacturing.to.... 11 J H Worrell • 6 00 From our own The Star - 7 lb Jae. Baster 3p 7b Questa City O11 Co. 660 TRI StWNAL 6 50 A. Daviaoo & Co Moved by W. C. Goode wooded by C. A. Nairn, that the Public Works Coq.atM's re0oastder the mutter of the bathing house, sad that the oommtttee hays power te sot. Carried. • Tb. Coanoil thee adjourned. COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE EXAMS. C. C. ad O. Expenses Prislag sad Adyertisiae Watering Streets Pablid Schools Salaries Balance The fallowing are the mark. obtsioed by the pupils of the two divislone of Form 1 .5 the Jute terminmp examinations : DIVISION A. Vesta Watson 82 peruse Paul 'lnrsboli 8 75 .. Olive Bahasa Florio°. Turner..., 74 " 1Peoffny Holt 72 •• Ethel Williams 69 Edith Purser 66 '• Un Stewart 64 •. Reuben Snell 62 •• Alio. Crsigje 67" Caste Csie 57 .. William 4IoCreath 67 '• Minnie Keefe 56 „ J. P. Brows .. 52 •• Wilfred McLean. . •48 Albert Carey .... . • .. 46 •. Kuyvett Natt.l.. . .46 " Jean Dickson... 44 " Aonie Mollw•ia 43 •• JeosMillie 42 ••••• Annieie MoDell - .......... ' - DMISIOS Harold Maw& ' 79 per meat Jam.. Total 110987 06 A oomaasio•ties was read from D. F. H•mlink tattier the member of the omen oil to be wisest at e spinier of Messes. tang Park on Monday, 19th inst., and on u.otion of C. A. Nairn and Jno. Craigia it was vreed that as miry members as possibly could, should attend. A communication was reed from W. S. Dinoiok on behalf ot the Toronto Trust and Guar•ntea Company, drawing stteotioo to the facilities ot the said Company to handle Sinking Funds, and asking that the Co. ba furnished with the amount of sinking funds on band, the .mount appropriated se- minally, and the total &mount to be raised on ourrent debentures. On motion of Pridbem and Dunlop the oommunio•tioO was referred to Finance Committe to report at next meet- ing of Council. and that the agent ofthe Company be notified to attend the said iftioWfai seal a someuniostion Mot the e pub ot lie wheel board would r.q $5900,00 for the entreat year, and Jas. A. sealer..► for lbs Separate Sobel board asked for 1460 00 for the same period. Roth oommunic•ttone were wt to Flamm Com- mittee. Mown Humber & Oausey. sewer amass. ten, by letter, asked the Conseil rte pay 90 per oat of the estimate ed week dens, in faqir", and ame half of the 20 per dens re - Wad es the work already ooaapletd. Meved.Adeputy neve Tampa pervaded hy e.ssolller Geode, Utah the wriest be net granted. as it would leareMs tha lbMliey of Me Ones. M e carried. The*owas Warred tepulie Werk* Committee to report : T Meyer mad Connell of the tdww of Gernaanso.-H•vfagsees by the report of the last mes_tiag et ell 15.4 ea offer bad boss made to lass the gigolo of the yy new osoupid by Maks Platt mad C:leintk. aid beim a treat prattles@ ea weigh to establish an uptown .., 1 beam Mate that I am prepared to roma Fo* lissaliaal said skilled work she B.d- 1ad.Bg1hsr Shop is sot m be beams. Come l i. s. Surf -bathing in Goderieb is equal, if net superior, te that at say other .rade ea this cantina*. M;menee's livery wheels were all at of his sight cm Saturday eight and on ether scoedons. Alex. S•eadaw te adding • storey to the back armies of his dereilimg, .ed i• other• wise inviable It. The sewer euNg•oten had • difficult fob booms *4 end Kimgetos streets. se the soil would eel had. Deal fnraae tart the G. T. R. fin brie ode aid Meade. it Stratford, pin -ab a Godsrlab se 8MLLJ. What's the matter with tie busbies house ' Why. it's all right sad ready fee hundreds el seri balbwa Mime Ourres's Beaday •ohosl .lass et she North Sweet MSahedMehareh. plaiekd 10 the Harbor -Peek the pees week. hilted by the bad. tsps Nolan sad McKenzie are eseide/ est, then stns. be itig °rope of arab W d Uedcrb5. '00 ay . b.i .1 Reeds Pei* Belt as a pillow. bus it .in we berme "a Wks d suit.'Ask yews moose ter 1e end kfye Is trial. Will Um gtatWsa who Prorogued tar• rug the his media lssese+e• se Mai the del- ea ee Gey be is511ssua et eaoe. Then will bee' samba reel* ed the Patrlarshe of wires Ilsommtpmeat es Mew day evening. the 96th feet., wba Miry member is ezpsssed to be prey e• Twaty new slasm•se ill the bet Sboyiioi Bashi mid Lembo 1 (?..S we M the elet of N a cher Hedised Berms hep. C. H. (36wee15. o/wrislar. Ram bur" Elebm* [Wheel bed Me "meal p'..ie 'tandem •f5eseem• e1 1fl.s6wtnag Then was a Mels et• teaches. the oes•ia wee a }wogs ewN for the peeis. y Sperms Ethel Farrow Rete Elliott Loris Sutberlsed James Morris May Tighe.. • Witham Elliott May Newton Estella Aobesee Coral Vivian Jethro Knights Edith Aobe.oe Evalyn Craigia Mary McDonald ............. George Salkeld Barry Wiggine.- Elie* Tye Sibyl Koox Edmund Campion Leverets Feaga idesie MoL.aa Frederick Munro Edith Millioa Frame Johsltou ...a,, Eta Hood 4= Reggie H.rrilos . , .. 45 Art bur Carrie 40 Mary Prins ...,.,.i.t... Ethel Shames 78 "-- 68'46.1 f - 66 " -- 61414 61 '' - 69 67 .. 57 " 67 " 56 66 " 64 55 .. ,,. UU 64 .. 52 " 52 .. 51 " 550 .. 47 Ipaid • high tribute to Her Majesty Qaeea Viowrie, amt only as Queen of the British Correspondents bonito. we alas y • model woman. There Se tiaNrm•ttea Hre That Calmat w /*sad Aafwben i1M-news et the team, Nebalb aspersed ler The Signal. LEEBURN• MONDAY, Jelly 19. Mw Sarah Foley is home from ahs Forest City on • visit to her parents. ANciioaon WILL -The baro et James Chisholm', as the Lake, spokes of by us last week wee by D. MoL.rea's moving appara- tus lifted up nicely and conveyed a distance of 85 ft. to it. new site on a stow tounda• cion. With the exo.Dtion of five men 1)anid's staff did the work without any aid. Mn. Rye, of CIutoe, mother of Mise Carrie Rye, well.ksown hers. paeeed for- ward t. &nether rest on the 11th inst., re- latives from this place attending the towel Tuesday of last week. A relative at t5. P,rkdale cation by obsaos met her son JoLu who was answer. of hi. mother'. death. H. was in time to ohang. for Clin- ton and see his mother's remains .t the cemetery 1,3for. being lowered to the grave. • 43 .. .. " WI MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. irol..o.Ns • CAOG.ow, July 14. Colborne council met a the township ball, members all prosaic. Minutes of the pre- vious meeting read and signed. The follow- ing aoeounts wan paid : Fletcher Gilden. gravelling. $16.26 ; Wm. Aekwith, inspect- ing, 11.25 ; Wes. A•kwltb, building threw raves, 16; Chs, es Treble, gr•vellina. $28.15; George Bou, i.us,.chsg, 12.75; J. Barker, grsysilieq, 1139.86; Albert Gold- eittwptg ttrtpeetiew flit Wer Plate. lagan. ing. $1.50i John Barker, running grader, $6.75; Wesley Pubes, gravelling, 173; Wm. Colusoo, isspeoting. $1: name P•safsg- tan, lunpettes", 61; Thomas Pennt.rtes. ousting hill. 66; .Joseph, Haigh, inspsetiag, 11 : Waa. Collates, work with grader, $6: Wet. Fisher. work with grader, $3.76; Em- anuel Mitsbeil. work with gt'sder. 13 75; Heery Fisher. running brad.*, $2.96. W e•- leyFfikat, °ash paid d the toweship for a of grader. 11; timeline McManus, b.iidiag • oolvert. $18.50 ; H•wiltes MOMaes, graatM1101. $95 25 ; Richard Fulf°rd.inseeet- 66 ; Samuel Jams. 11 26; 4Wp s. ia/sMa/• $1; FFemme. gravelltleg. red. Williams, a r., diflaiag ditah. M; Wm. Wal- ters, repalrtee read, *3 t leers Mollissos, setting ante is c.a.Mry. 51. The Clerk was lustrested to Ratify Cbs.. MoPhes to move his fosse or fumes from tia the psbMe bieheray. £djear.sd te meat again es Friday the 271h of August .t 2 o'olo•k p.m. F. W. MoDo..vS, Clerk. COOING AND GOING. -Master Wm. UMW - ford returned home fait week after having • good time visit log at the reeideooe of Mn. Law, our genial county Mork Stobie. (nos MoM•tb) of de•fortb, and eon. aro visaing rolotitee ben Are Ju. Curwiu le on • visaing tour to revesan easi f Ovieds at Stratford and other notate bore hire. John Gey, M Gad dangb- ter returned home after having • pleasant visit to trieods at Ripley, County ot Brute. Mn. Armstrong aid abild r.turnd home last week after a two weeks' visit to relatives and friends at Cha bas. tour Miss an Laura Bridges 1 a friends at Brussels Charles in Yrin Nevins. who has eituatiou se principal .Albert, Saekatohewan, is visiting rotative. and reoswiaJ former acquaintances. H. is loud in his praises of that •eotion d the Dominion• He looks hale, chin y and vig circus. and as if the country sod dooms agreed with him Miss Magri." McKay is vuittne relatives at Blyti. _Miss Mountioy left here reoeatly for her home in London, BENMILLER• • 1urSDAY, July 20. Mies Maggie Olws:t is visiting friends in Byfield. Mr. Hargraves leave for his borne w London this week. - Mn. Herr, from .Oid. lit Aiiiiting her dater, Mn. Heddle. Mrs. Dtmda, of Ustowela0 •t her mother and other friends. Rev. Mr. Oliv.nt and nes gerbert re- turned home from Toronto. - Jae. Morrish has returned to Detroit atter .pearling a week at borne. Mr. Chas. Stewart, wife and family, of Lucknow, spent Sunday at BenmlUer. Mr. Jae. Stewart, Mrs. Stewart .nd their eon left for their -some ii Kansas City after .pending two months .t the old home. DUNLOP MOSDAT. sly 19. Mr. Wm. Philips visited sr this week. Nellie Oke is enjoying her school vacs. 5100 with relatives Dear $aumiller. Norman Macleod. from near Amberly, has oome hers to reside for • time. Mn. Edward Morris aid Miss E. Allen wen at Bayfield Monday of lam week. Mr. and Mn. Jas..Tobin soioyed a pleas- ant visit to Port Albert tbls week with their "on John. Tb. Laird of lasedowne farm has pur- chased • new hinder to eommenoe the grain Ii•rvest of 1897. Trsnsiest visitors this week , Mies Jose. Hogan, of Carlow ; Wm. Murray, Mrs. Cerro'. of Godenob. Toe latter being the guest of Mn. D. Cumming. pe IOU Welt pr. rider the iseaaMaans yea will dept the equal mares sad offer the property by reader, so that all who wont, may have a fate ehssse of dWea ns same. A me•s.de.ties frost County Clerk Lasa, Mame thee the tows tea aoesaced gt sluff. t Csasty rate was seat to Hesse. - Imatber Us. &MMIMS that the water oasis be extended. we thee • hydras ebbs be plead war the old salt Meek. as a pro- weaar to the Os.piey' hirer sewed at that prat I the cast,rr- aeek Id referred te Water sad et A ereetweleatlee war read freer the Cite beet! 05stst4MN erre free water far a 'reposed grbt MU, rad se weeks of Nairn coed Omits. be ,weir Light Iraq referred le WCeemittee with pewee W A prates tires read hese M. O. 011111111111111, The atreiia ezaailatieshate haw read sad the resell east Vire D. t+er+a.h The moose .f tee set" natal ase wdl b• pebYshed ea wee es they are a perwed. Meager*: At lb. Imo. mrodooli ae •e the Ostaaenten of Mote. TsM"'•Mw lbert. ADeb* deter of Yeet. W. D. �b .1 sbh Wewa. piiii4 bee Gaal armieMi e Mns u a anion' mem rho resolved a A. 1'. C. M. d� Sulde le : $'. IeJbIu. et Wftlarw e r at peewee NM* be "MINI. of wellreiesdela Mete It le tee ware OW, INS bOdeeim iifh Mb le her COMING AND GOING - Mise Cavan of Stratford M visiting in Sown. H. J. McManus, of Portland, Oregon, is In town. Mr.. Bedford will spend the summer in Dakota. 11. Rumford, ot Seatorth, spent Sundav in town. b:. Latimer, of Seefortbs VM_$_lnh Lite week. W. Forbes, ot Strst1ord. Sunder*.0 Goderioh Orn FAs.wxas LSAD. -During last week W. F. Young was in S. -forth where be sold one of his working name. aged 5 and 6 years, for three hundred .nd twenty dollars to ooe ot ,he loo.l dealers in that progressive town. It is • good trios to get in this time ot depression in equine stook. Mr. Young, as in the past, is ever up and doing te advaneS Huron .tock and take the bet -to- Otitg*ie. -'floe team -tipped the beam at 3390 lbs. To help with the hay harvest W. F. Young has purchased a bey loader, which slakes fest in use on farms ten this action. W. F. h.m regraded his entree's from th Main road to his residaoe and m.maoth berm, and intends in the seer future to ergot . sew gate. of over Oxtails feet in length, eo the binder can pas through to his t.rm opposite. He also Maeda to stop building barbed wire (moss, as he madders them dangerous to his snook. Beemdeld : Dude! Harris bad the mis- fortune of Whig • V•1.0b!. oow the other day. The Least setert..•telp broke its lr/, and, .oa.egsantiy, had te be killed. Wtatrp • What sleet have proved to be a treses ..►loan aeoidat happened to F. Merrts.u. while oe his way te town no Tbsi 4.y last. H. was driving • spirited hens whita it b.oame (designed at a lead of «1010 .54 ma .wry, breakinigg the baggy. Luckily. Mr. Merriam sapid with a i..w be* sad .kick es the leg. Hl.e.11 : A sunrise party cote reeetly isteewtoreemoeiee of Wee. Oufry s residea's. ip of Hay. awl prober ht. daught- er. Mary. wk. le well erre• air.. sail who has sampled the peolibe of rgiebe fee e wer years le the MethsdM burgh .t ?..reale. with . poneselnelloweao. resew - pealed ler s wry ft** Mao" le re - monies of her otrvIees. M.P. midst Meal the seem be srttesded to Mos 014. as e• prow•$ eb,�segl reser roes woo in. ie elheshe med thee batll•Me•, sod ef /etre* r��wt The r w. u .sand wait sl Trate Warr. were bad aro re. emMiser .t eesomsee farted m Pewee Oem*Mtee. The TaMle Warne Oeirednue ".ked for prim t. rob da t..isw ee theweed work ea& yolltmilliss sh Mr erre wader �.000ri4 es�owooSira el the 1Sa y rem ee j 04f Caron*" *Wei the sepmtremt ei Wm the wMshwa'ls Medi had lute trawl _ 8101. Oeuredlesei eipe4 re m- Miss Ella Fisher W balm visiting is the Queen City. Mier Majort„SI Detroit, arrived in town on Wedwed.y. Miss Cor. Hyslop, of Buffalo. M visiting relatives to town. J. Galt left for the Coast on a business trip Mond•v lest. Miss Addie Chilton left town last week on • visit to Barrie. Mie. Annie Rookie, of Stratford. u visit. ing Miss Nina Ronson. J. E. Andrews, of Kansas City, Mo., was in town last week. J. E. Andrew., from Ohio, is visiting .t Mn. Stewart., Benmiller. F. H. Spence of the Inland Revenue Dept., Guelph, is in town. Mr. aid Mn. 9. J. Reid were visiting in W ingh.m the past week. Miss . Oillie Baker, of Stratford, is the guest of tn. Misses Colborne. Alex. McDonald is spending his holidays .t the old home near l,00khal.h. The rleMrtaa Order .f hooses sedere"d- Tee geeesstt7 far Seek Marr a. Thein 1. the llerthwaet- a airman rash. 'THE press of Canada is digCiz*guuh- tor its tartness. Is has given promin- eso5 to the attitude of • number of medical moo of Winnipeg in regard to the proposal to .apply trained nuraw in tar away dia. ;riots when skilled nursing is at present not to had. It will no doubt give equal pro- :nine/um to • atatemeut on the other side of the subject published by Dr. A. Fleming in the Brandon, Man.e Run. Dr. Fleming alter calling attention to the proposed system of nursing, the attitude of the medlo►l men of Winnipeg, the oldena ot the Winnipeg hospital and the benefits hos- pitals miler on suffering humanity who are conveniently us.r,0onttaces. "But in rur- al distriote. away out where many of tae settlers live, in Manitoba and the Terri- tories, time and di"anoe are important fns• tors in the ow ; n acute oases in oatric t the praouos end in ooutwiow diseases, s oonditlon of the patient or the safety of the publio forbid their law ocarted b eawmu around ofor oeasayd.A dls` taoQe opoe.sity is oared tortla_vr seer their homes - or tonere mime unwell." Dr. Fleming pro- c eed. . base -.- ,,It has sated a5 ensegmmsnt •gslnst the nurses "Mame the* ase nurses will not be sufficiently trained. Why .o' What prevents their proper training' Two or three years .r. Latter than one year. One year is better tltas nous.' As • esker of t.ot anthemnt training fs one of ahs p•faw most strongly instated is inesan.otion with the proposed Order. In 000leion 1)r. Fleming says, " I would advise the people of the West, I think it in their own inter- ests. to vigorously support the movement for the establishing of • nurse's Order,wbich .111 bring help right into their homes in rims of trouble." Another medical statement which will probably attraot wide etteotion is that of Dr. U. C. Edward., published in the Ottawa Citizen. Dr. Edward. says, "Io dealing with this question, permit as to site that I speak from knowledge derived from the best .oaross, namely, experience. I lived in the QuADpeble district of the N. W. T. for eight years, i. e. from 1882 to 1890, sod know well what I am talking about. During my medical pr•otioe then time and agsin I would have weloomsd most gladly such • valuable helper as the Victorian Order pro- pose to supply. 1 had to pidgin major operations. as amputation of when the only available assistant I Gould get was my wife. Do you not suppose that 1 would under .uoh oironmatanose have valued and warmly •pp-eoiatd the .ervioes that out only oome from s nurse trained under modern methods' Furthermore. •I am oon.otoas of the painful fact that lives were sacrificed when ignoraaos and tnoomipetevcy were the unfortunate oharaot4ri.tl0.of tholes who were demanded to do the duty of the nurse during the forced .beano. of the ebysiotan." As regards the names them - seine Dr. Edwards says the idea of the Ceeneil, -who- flat took es the question of naming in outlying distriots, Was "Th.t the Sind of nurse sat to do such work should Lea matured and experienced woman, possibly • woman who bad had maternal ezparian°. and who would taus be better able to take charge of • horse dnrlapv the possible enforoed oonfinement te • Walt bed of the settler's wife." He 000tiamne, "I am well aware that there are ees'tafa 'seditious of life in the territories which • bsalutely preolnde seeding t nurse t9 • house al all. For example. two young men are living alone, "batching it," as they mil if. They are living in • small hones, !seethe may oma. or poesibly two room. is is Ne Gana should be asked to take charge Gad n ares a ossa of sickness seder such circum- stances. But I have advocated end reeom- mesdd that there shall be at varions points small cottage hospitals. Now, saia/ ppe ea of the young mea I have ;delved te be attacked by typhoid fever or W stet with as seeldeet. the donee gees hist and Mam- mas, t5. oases Then is mobilo/ to pewees slob a ante being mord is tram • radius of from wry 51. 50 mils to be waters hospi- tal, and be *mod for and nursed is the most atiehoSory manner beth to the pottiest miff to the oe ,feet sad manatees of the aures. Were I living a the territories I would meddle myself doubly egai to dal with Wanes. er c'stdent u said swell emelt of the kind of sum that Her E sal esey peep•ses to .ad. For era I heartily win the sebum" lid .ped. area it it be a5 the oaten only dsse lar • mill way. There is the avag elsesese of god is it time will enable it is grow." br. Ed- ward prsesede to say that Her Ezeefleney •rd trees workingfher " Intend that a etw, My like Ycwiw er Oradell. or 1.dise Head. er Regina, or 8alteente.Wl kayo ora er Mitt geed mess ooapaxaMvdy settled in. 0011110 geed baste. sod that wham ne.ainr *wands k 5hese ekU!•d' Tremas �elpers .hell los •vdlablo b de what is, atter a11. twtr'illbs art rte week see5wsry te being a ate .f elek.... to •.ar5stfel ;tees that ism i0Wlissetly do the duties of the agree. 'Thee* Mame coed sway sag is d.e thee all baud .tall setage hegilel.. sad staga fallow that hem left lm Hasten Oar.da, or terms the soma, heats and ell that Is asladed a that woad, ems dad Is the bear of oases that kind .i. MGM= whish Is at .rob a time bsasele ap- peedbgi " "1 Vatter) to .y " ard.tee the donor " that the moiled sees who en itwmpeonikes e.ead he Mwill la wdums 6f tee��le�aee w Alh the X b above refire M MM Mes..ad the Terrieleise. le west ase bewNMe4 thee theOrder le Weeded he stearto.Sw- Wim le that pert sit the Diedie. Phe . ever bda set web/ et M be 1 set ppGuewvdr 55. Order to sealed titers 11 hopes te he heed w werb. a wary revues d O.wd.. DUNOANNON. !krona -The local .saw IPormspeen ter Tan iismem, is at the a •t J. G. ward. ll Aare P.. � es adaome •s�i Job- ,week. ob- ' for a &t• au heland d for lbs gam* ill she � TtnrmAr, July 20. ttramm Noise. -Rev. R J. Trireme.. et Be•.tford, w111.00dork Divine Sweeps o0 Sunday overdue art is the Methodist amok. He it • see of oar venial and ow. arable towm5r , Richard Tinhorns. Hayaro.-The f•vurtloM wether for se- g urhg Ike b•i mop, whish tor premasssd to be a very heavy and •b5edsat sate. is oaesgaenos of the broken w••ahsr ss Ma- ny Let, nese somewhat Int.Rapted. It maid appear. se n has raised ea Moed.y two or three these 1. •*osseine*, that Me. - day is sew the day of the week its rale. thus ole IrtivfN0 MAaa-Hstud Dual., ss-reove et Y►ime sid, remedy a ro•. ©rlving ere t Banes. Mt. Bas. b.t•l.k'spsr. coi,ster ilks Mediums sass of me hun- dred lied Shy dollar. Mr. B. Is sew the erre of .'geed driver. It pan to err peed sleek. whether herr er eerie. 11r. G. W Hill the ante of the ewe said. He takes erre pride la keep* mad havi.s feed hear. . teem. Stevens .nd d•ugh•er left this week for home on wheels via London. Mies Middleton. B A., of Dallas, Texas, in visiting her aunt Mrs. Holt. Mn. Jane McManus. of Cbill000tbe, Mo., arrived in Ooderich on Saturday. Mies and Master Davidson. of Elora, see visiting their .ant Mn. Campaigne. Stn. Corking, of Detroit. 11 visiting her parson, Mr. •adt Mrs. 9 Ferguson. Wm. E. Saver's, of Oaten", is on hie annual visit to relatives in Ooderiob. Walla*. Vivian, of Kalamazoo, Mich.. is Brie[ hallday tons et the old hese. J. S. Morris, of Wanpear, e town visiting hie ester Mrs. M. Swysse.. INh. R. J. Whitely of Leoksew ti• cling Mr..sd Mtn. J. C. Martin tgN� Harry Parsons, of the Rank of (rerie'ee. Stratford, is in town sanding his Ileilday.. Mn. Mies and David Fortes of Toronto, are the guest* of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mar. tin. Mn. Cook, Princess street, ie visions friends and relatives in Oedertob.-Newn- Reoord. Mrs. H. Morrisoo and son Lester were tqe guests of Mr. and Mn. St. Geo, Price We week. Mies Hattie Andrew., who Beaede.. Man., ie home for Peaferth t D. D. Wilms, Ate week ship- ped a or of bleb erne se Tr.U, •Symms ramp h *Wish Oda rest�ti.. pd. There Mews be he event/ up le Mat ut ustry sew jredrete, bet the gra. oadaolr a the Mal is the terribly btgh 10.4555 rate. The bribe este. ea Mir *lead summated te flvl buidrg4 del' Mess es berme hoer red 4,. erre per dos. .e�A/Stw�gl1ad bled ......tor wson g d efts seri e. V eight =were. week. Wath ajr Mee C. P. H. .Iihow !lobe Heed Peer hese, nese Mesa wed lipid 1emslly b the Mm.s wi 5. w• MIM Weer* waver Ohs bell. fM Sts sere/. Hie ire eau wee brier • two phew. end Whack bees elb800 dr5 4e.re ales le5iwhda. 11r. Melba wee yews of sok died leans s wi4.w sed two Mass He rte as sit sad re.wud mega 114 011 .i'MMsrt. er/ lit 51. is e INreeennee.--0a Meade/ the rasa*Nls M the bee Marla Durab, of at. Heins, were iseee0ud a Ibese .mss ()asstery, Noise _sitar thither by • carts member el see - re rrR Made" bleeds Gad sennher d whieweee.g=1.111111:1 trbeneydvM�Reims obsequies. The borer 36 yew •f mew He haves to rem his meld= departure a widow ere He Gl hes. The ase et loth woo ea area et bier raneen i50 b. kvol the .tlgwrkrd a lee ad bb..s v t aff • belted 5mhead 5aa lather. O nies Xortie.•-11rea1M emir to the Aura help .f Mee im0dey wee Mob the *wet arms. .811111= ► y Mme penia. Xis nmehe fluerrwthe ere& be 5.eebelesee 108 wdmDp.. bit, _ e"be4Mn*e4 (lana. se the seldomI1 Tbras The We. u 54t 'lal[ gi des jtlw Omar, w1 -4 yaoeele.• towhee near the Hammer Mies Cerro Cook left them week to reams her 'oldie's at the Orchard Homes Asylum, HaaUtse. 51... 1. W. Keruagoan, of Detroit. M vMn and mother, Mr. and HaokaMp Harold Turner, of the SIGNAL staff. Is pstslig In . two weeks' holiday in Sandia and esi/bborbed. Oliver Rhyme and Dan McIver wheal., to 11.'sesedies, and came back by toe Owebe f eh inedaf. • Judge F. W. Johnston sad family et SaoIb 1141. Maris, arrived in tows last week a • low wsskt's wish. Mimes 1 555 ad Id. Weak hay,t return- ed M ilMlthrd after a p5.•a.t tt+i. weeks vials he sabers. be were. Jobs Alesadsr, er Hestina, who was a taw. Mfr ter brie this week well • • with Gebbeleb. A tweNei • half eery btl5k burared dwelling la beteg emoted ea the ems0sr el wards. sol Brlweel• sixwte. behriee Hie.. rt Co. were wel '-'- a w huadr.ia.d any eh* yesterday he shipment Wes to 4 reef Behan. Mea idwrd JssMe.. see Meenhouse, of Pismasiag. 1f . M vidMag relatives 5.d ttimwde is end armed aeaesl.b W. S. Dlrtreb, regnM0Ulrg The Trusts .ad (lmerur,wti t)emp..y. of Tocnotoo. we. to Wows the pea week es a Wiese@ vtelt. Mas. gad the Mimes ldaalb Zn sad OM, 0..511, el Pre*, were the were el the edy'e brother. Thee. Tilt. She teed wadi. Il P. WUkiws, .ef Mb.ugelb. la at Mee eta here. heron arrive a teem a Thureirp. A. P. will eby le sews t. • t riolgllt. 3. J. *, Illeepeee.d Whiaeker.5. e finer suis t .i e5. OWhgiate %Nauta =tone*Waripewe reare. 15*se. Use.igg 10 Iowa Mamie peel ownup*