HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-15, Page 6. ,r ,.aY'tZP t a
e ?rUkJDAT, rfly 15 18977
FIwm our Owls Cot rompolideAN
Than Y Iniersetataen tiere Then Cantg be
fieri,& Aaywbsre tjw-1Mws se She
eauste gedaRs ate ris4
Ar The Mg•ttal
ToaenAT, July 13.
The 12th of July oelebrtttloo mai* off
very suomesfully. °
This will hs, no doubt, a very dhooaesld
season in the line of summer ytutors. •
bine the warm w..Ib•r has set in .am -
mar rugate are arriving daily, and applies-
tione aro pouring is from intending Dampers
and oottager..
Tossztr, Jane 26.
Cola me Coauoil met in the township
hall, all the members htog present. The
minutes of the previous meeting were read
.ad signed. The following a000ants were
ordered to be paid :
Wm McPhee, repairing orossway, $2 ;
Joseph MaCeno, gravelling. $19 50 ; Wm.
Bode, $25 : Samuel Morris. imputing, $2 ;
Beth Fisher, grsvelling;116 90 : Stratagem
ln,peotfaa. 11 25 ; Wu Boats. repairing
road, $1 25; Edward M11Laa. mitt ng SHO,
$6; James Fugal, grsv.Uia4. 115 40; Sam
Allen, inspecting, 112: Albert Mugford, ion
apeotiug, $4; Charles Treble. 'ravelling,
$30.70: Edward Orirg, gravel, $1Q ; Wm
Allen, advert, $1.25; Wm. Fowler, gravel.
Hag' $12.21; John Treble, team on grovel
sus day, 52.50: Robert M•Milllein, team on
gravel ;toe day, 12 50; Frank McIntyre,
team on gravel one day, $2 50 ; Joshua Al-
len, gradis.g and cutting hill. $24 75 ;
John Stevens. matins, duob, $3 20; James
Flnkar, er•v.ling, $20 26; James Mitchell,
main' bill. $2 50; F1!ffi- Symitgton,inspaot•
Ing, $1.50 ; James Mitchell, road week,
$2 50; H. Chisholm, ioxp•oting, 81.75; Jas.
Mitchell, two sheep killed by don, $4.00 ;
Jas. Chisholm, road work, $6 00; Jas. Hor-
ton, graveling, $1 50; Stephen Foley, bury-
uryOng dog, 25e ; James Chisholm, berylrlg
thew, 50o; John Barker, onlvsss on bound•
try. JiaJahn Clark. reentsantetelv.vt, 11 ;
Harry Tew.ley, team on gravel two days,
J.l a Barker, team on grudge ',yea days
17.50: Joan Barker, runtime grader ten
days, 115 ; John Barker, road work, 15 ;
Wm. Btraurbsn. hutment for Senmiller
bridge, 125; Hatay Farber, running grader
eve days, $7 50; Thos. Gledhill, Dula tor
bridge at Beautifier, $1,33; John Mugford,
lnsptoting, $3; Biotech, advertising Court of
Rarities. 11 95; Cush Cathie, for gravel
Coattail then adjourneyed to meet again
ea Jalv 14th at 6 r. m.
F. W. a .dCDoesoo.
• Tve!Dif. Jane 26.
Council toot Jane 26th, numbers all prett-
iest Minutes of last .swing were read
mad approved. Cheques were word to the
following :
James Alton, geoid, $160: Jas. Ed.
ward.. gravel, $2.88; Rioberd 8awoby,
'-1ep•irmg hill, oon. 9, • $1 89; Odfry Hall,
immuring culvert and hill, 8. R. 9 and 10,
$7; James Lethead, gravelling on D. L.
son 13, $10, and for gravelling on D.L.,
$15 ; Rod Campbell, ioapeouns 81.50 ; Jao.
Morri.oa, fnepeottng. 11 60; Robt. F. An'
drown, gravelling oon 12, 515 70: Chas. W.
Rft3hI tnspointe., $1; Rabt- ltee -ufs
drain, $1; A. Mullin, gravel, 11 92; Wm.
Henderson, gravel, $5 20; John Murdock,
$19.86; D. H. Alton, grovel, $10 64 ; D. Ave -
new, inspecting, 94o; John 8 0 Reilly,
atoning spproanhes and plaokinw bridge,
8 R. 6 and 9, $4 36 . Joseph O'Laughlin,
ditch on oon 9, $2; W ilium Quigley, repair-
ing eor•per. 75o; Robert F. Adrews, gnv-
el mg, oon 10, $9 80 ; ITh• s. Johnston, re•
pairing two culvert, oon 2, 8. R 9 and 10,
$5 Wm. Vrooman, repatriate culvert S. B.,
$1; Mat Farris. gravel, $10 86; F. MoDon•
aid, gravel, $11.28; ;Mat Russell, repairing
• "1alrert, eon. 4.11; A. DreaDey,grading and
Iapairing culvert, 8 R.. 7 and 9, 110; Tim -
• y MoCarthy, und.rdiains 8 R, 3 and 4,
; Pat Sherwood, underdrain oon 6, 13 ;
k. o1s ring as t_l:.roaardill.
tabard Johnston, three pipes .Drone
roadway, 12 81 ; R. J. Durnia, damage to
buggy and banes caused by dilutive cal -
vert, 53; K. A. C•rrioh, repairing bridge at
Kiotatl, part pay, $50; ;Wm. Coates, con-
veying Annie Fault from Clinton station to
Howse ot Refuge, $1; W. ii. Wilson, plank
514 17; John Webster, gravelling, 111.42
on out 12; Jneeph Hackett, superintending,
$2; D. MoDoeald, gravelling on oon 14,
01; P. M. Sutherland, repairing scraper,
1; Jam.. D. Drennan, grading on R. 8, 6
and 7, $31.60; Miohael Courtney, ahovelhnr
gravel. $1 60; Wm. 8. Joboetoo, gravel,
$3 60; Edward Johnston, gravelling, 8. R
6 and oon 12, $15 34 ; Charles A Ritchie,
grerellini 9 K. 9 and 10, oon 14, $11.74 1
John Jaml..on, lumber $5; John Ltn.an,
v ivd, 510; James Johnston, nnderdraio,
$4; Archibald MoIot re, uoderdrain lake
read, 54 ; Donald F.rguecn, shovelling
gravel, 11; Robt He:Weren't, intimating, $1:
bomo.l Smelts, gravel, $7 50. The *ono
ail adjourned to meet again on the lith day
of August. Wu. Srovuna.STOW
Norma -The isnot agency In Dnngfnnon
for Tun Bwi,AL is at the oMoe of J. G. Ward,
J.P.. 000veya•osr, to., wbo will remise or
dere for subscriptions. advertising and Job
work, and 1s authorised to give receipts for
amounts paid tor the sam..
ToITnav, Joly 6
Smoot HOLIDATA -Owing to the holi-
days having oommeawd our pedagogues ani
their pupil. are Dew at liberty to imply
lhemselyss aeoordttg to their various in
Tho Mb.. Lily and May Mallough, of
W. Superior City, d•aghtire of B. Mallongh
format of DDaga non, arrived here on
Moiday last, en • vlstt to their greed
father, Squire Mallmgh.
Coon AND Whin. --Taxmen bore
abstain aro, le •.aergb oe of pro.poete at
thsdott hay Md Iail whom ono., in good
spirit& The weather is vory warm, We
wore favored with • allgkt shower of Mos -
day whish was welosmed by all and attmdry.
12TH Jute' COLZNaATioN.-Tae brethren
et L.O. L of Duugaa•ee, Nolo, Whores,
OodMich town and otber platen ass he held
forth the •nasal °sabred.' l the 18th at
Manohoster. A largo gathering
Mod, weather paranoid. Thaw earth of
here go to Bromsls,
Suet -Ove powder wed was we .tad MN
d ad shoe muga al, T. W. L', Il.. is Mod ls
Mk prologs of ter we Mb width le owe*
1y rMa,
insed her 0 W. Tmwof O.do•
Gish Irl le of ter Orman* mala Maur
Wtf. Qatwfold hosalnotho whisk via so a y1Qs atf the sons
Ot ow urn Ootwd T. las %1sad
ohs hats bus vwting Isswther ted msa-
b.bw,Mmr. , sod MWm. >_ _ , a5 A.
m• for Same abs. Arrived hems last week
weoempatad by bar sot Milked, wheat.
b w thong OMNI Watt fall. the isa!y Mioyed
the wish very mock. On beteg asked how
she liked that dlstrtes, .taeed shat it was
tale is some respects, bot the preferred
eagtason as h.tag a bettor looality w r••
MLA.L0 STILL Aae0ND.-Jae. Raw sod
.*a Witham are laid by with mossierWit
ars pleased to be able to state that, through
good tore std skillful medical atieadenes,
they are on the way to r000very Mss.
Thomas Aadenen, .ot Ashd, who he.
beet very ill, is, et are pleated to Isere,
Dloely tsoovering. We trust and bops the
sourrabla lady may matinee to improve.
COMING AYD GoiNo.-Mrs. McNally and
two daughter, are viaiting her pareota. Mr.
and Mrs. :nowt, near Port AlbertMee
Myrtha Pentland, of Lucknow, la visiting
relatives and renewing former acquaint.
•noes O L Anderson. wife and family,
of Luoknw, are visiting relatives here ....
Mrs. Allen, of Clfatoa, was during Iasi week
the guest of her .on, Thomas G. Allen, the
popular prinelpal of Dungannon poblio
aobool Rev. F Swann and family left
here last week for Ripley, Rev. L Hutton,
with bas family, arrived here last week and
oommenoed his s.rvioe of ministerial duties
on Sabbath last, very aooeptably.
1 oar* not to gaze at the years oomiog on,
Thick mantled in miss and with d• nets
Bat would rather .tray back to the days
that are gone,
Along the green lane' of the past -
Aerate the 000l meadows of memory, where
The birds ever sing, and the wild waters
And the laughter of children is bort• on
the air, -- -_--_
And love shines over it t:1.
The painter may pioture the future in dyes
That rival the row and tbo rainbow, ao l
It may leave him at Tut tut a gu•rdoo of
And • hope that it failed to fulfil!;
The poet may sing of the.pleadors supreme,
Of the opulent Wes, far -Doming end vast -
I gne.tioo hits. dot, yet I oak but to dream
Oa the old gnat hills el the path.
The past is myown-tier• is gothiw an•
In all its wide range, and my title is
dear --
While the future, at best, is a face on the
That fades as my fest draw*th neer;
Than give ms the blossoms, the bi am.l
the bowers,
And every loved swots where ly seal
dingethfour,- -_
Like an evergreen ivy that mantles the
tow sr•
And teed' on the deers of the put.
When on a Icor iouroey Mir Henry Irving
takes with him his ops toe. It u • tine
Chows variety. •
Th• Queen Snotty geaataioe there
physicians whom so's duty is M stand the
U ltimata of the suff.riag mod dl.tress.fl
The Duke of Aberoorn is the oo'y paw.
with the exoeptfen of Lord fiarulam, who
..joys distiuot peerages in the three king-
& ma.
The widowed gain of Naples la the only
tamale knight of the R.ssiao Order of Ss.
ileorge, an honor oonforced solely for gal-
lantry under fire.
The Emptees of Austria has the [neat
head of b•ir,of any Royal lady in Europe.
Every day it 11 brushed through, while •
special lotion is empl. yed Seven brushes
are used ooe atter the other and the opera-
tion take, two hours.
To make your business pay, good health
is a prime factor. To tenure good health,
the blood should be kept pure and vigorous
by the use of Ayer's 8.reapartha. When
the vital fluid is Impure end sluggish. there
rat be neither health, ttreagtb, nor •m.
The Princes of Wales has taken to baying
his prepared speeches written by a typist
aaa•LL ahs*te ottopes,
• blot one hundred noels, from which be
Royal Highness reads at•very rapid mu -
too fast, in foot, for asy.teaograpbor so-
osrately to record.
Theodor Mommsen, 1llr"famous Gonna
historian, who will be eiak'y next year, be-
lieves that the pursuit of literature, portico.
laxly the atoly of 11.tory, contributes to
longevity. He thinks that Leopold von
Rank.. who died in his ninefy•8r.t year,
attained the ge age of the bistoriar.
The nominal head of the Swiss Geese's -
meant it somewhat of an anomaly. As as
offici.l be hae no ex -officio rank in the army;
cannot 'roam • vete or pardon a oriminat
He has no offices in his gift and raver
ohooa.. hie asaoolatea in the Federal Cowl -
oil A. ea isdividual be cannot dealer.
war or determine the floanoial policy of his
Roan Bonheur, though she is past
..vmty, spends • long and busy day oe her
ewL Photography is her only rerr •tion,
Hem atelier is so orowded with artietac
treasures as to be, is an admirer'. phrase,
rune • " private Louvre." It 000n•iaa
Many complete sod Inoomplete works of her
brush, some ot whloh are said to be u good
as the prodnetions of her earlier year,.
The late Jay (held had his faolte but he
n ever forgot a Ideal. He was ono., while
• young man, taken ill in • New Jersey
town and as old lady there nursed him
through his illness. He neves forgot it, al-
ways inquired after his benefactress. and
nn every moieties reminded her substantial-
ly of her kindness. Ogee ebe made up her
mind to visit • daughter in • distant west-
ern town, A few days hefor• the day Gtr
polatod .he wee surprised M gni an ewe
tope entailing wows all the way Won and
took. Rho never found out bans Mr. Omld
learned ot her faugdad trip.
The Q.eea takes great waren le the
family histories and the ls.idals it ties
caroms of liter mase dMus«.ebd eabjests
and Ma • inderf.l mt y fns soseNral
tagaia Moly Amor aw lrait-d. ae bi
hew got at bar eine by the hadljerattra
is whish bar royal set e.r hos
the Mani .f bat readmit ffw
alms netes l bar m.tp.y tiso
good work done by ter soldiers.
ddeny, diplomatists. patldes. end weal.
theopisto of ha kiagdass habit alma
has efts, welded Owed We .1191
Went hr .oma vacant office or argent•
meat. Ani if .s Lasa tines say pri
"tease has 'award to goodies the
dam d the Royal Owlet. the Qom
ways 1440 .hl. oe give ,entuleele fewestsi
for bit .pinions. A dMMaglhdb.I Sal
won sees gwady strait i.y ►oa ahinttoi►
geals/wt with the mime lsr,ear el b
mlwary farm .l or thaws. M..Ms,yy1
begs. mean, that APIway Mot I de 1" nod ibiil. ai►. e1
The Queen .sg.d as4 tiegtee.iat *ID
The youg weasel' who takes mento les-
sons end prattles+ stales had aaaomosed to
her friesds that she was going asap.
„ Isn't 11 a rather sudden ieterminatea"
" Ys.. It's the looter'. orders." •
"• Why. you don't look • bit ill."
" Ob, I'm perleetly well. Awtla is the
see who M ilk'
Exp*riemod -" I Orel Dow quits e•Nalled
tats there is so We so happy as • a*st'rted
' And how loos have you 1,300 married!"
"Since lee Wdnesday." •
A rejeo'd manuscript to the recoil of the
Lteru y goo. •
Too Cheap.-" ReaI1y," said Mrs. ds
Snoddts, "is. very dieweesiog to ors how
oem01012 things are getting."
•• Yes," replied her husband ; "luxuries
are • wood deal °he•per than they wets."
•• It's positively shameful. Why. It'.
getting w that anybody can afford • dia.
mond robbery now. •-d.ys "
"• Your daughter, air, is an •opal."
"• Mabbe ; but after you've limo married
swells you'll Sod she wants considerably
more clothes than angels ars eooustomed so
He -I am really surprised at Dr. Whits.
Atter beigg our fami'y doctor for years, and
treating me for all aorta of thing, and tc
think of all the money wive paid bum,
She --What has h. done
He -lie wouldn't pass me foe the lilt M-
atranos oompa.y ! --
" Mary," said the sick moo to hie wife
when the doctor had prtnoanced it• mos of
small pc x. " if any of my creditors call.
tell them I am at fast in • position to give
them something."
Caller -What is the matter with Fido,
that you are watohing him so closely!
Cbarbe-Mamma said that your hat was
enough to make • doe laugh, and I wanted
see him do it.
her hasbshd t
-Mary ito )-Gedtge. V -I alc
promise ire one thing.
(;eorpF-What is it, Hued?
Mary -That you marry Emm• Wilkie,,
George Why, Mary, 1 thought yen bat-
ed her.
Mary—I do, George ; I want to get even
with her.
Robbins -Now that to-ciergli has made
• success of his bnaioest I supports he will
Bobbins -I didn't I now he was in bust -
n es..
Robbica-Yes. He mai a it his toilettes
to fled • r.ch girl and metre her,and he has
Schoolmaster -Now, Smithson, we have
retreating monarchs of the world ; which
ruler inspires you with the most respect
and fear !
Smithson (thinking of hot koackles, still
ware) -The one on your desk, air.
Old Gentleman gnat West) -Yes you can
bave my daughter, hat I ought to tall yea
that she won't hays a penny until I am
Mr. Hiram Woodruff (polling out bis
six -shooter) -Wall, I guess she won't have
to watt long.
Fent Meeteiww-Way on earth did yen
say that Miss Squawkers voice should be
cultivated abroadShe positively het no
♦egos, and von ought to know it, living as
yon do next door to her.
Second Muaioian-Tl•L'e why I advt.ed
her to go abroad.
A steely blue eye in alba the sign of a
mef011ees dupositian.
Mrs. Muohblest-I feel uneasy. Baby
bas not cried all day.
Mr. Muohblos!-S ao I. It will probably
ory all night.
"Ah, W eiggie, have you been weeding
abont. the °streges in Armenia!"
liar bay. haste ailed I +w-ao Ass.
Mowed that I am going to give up me
Torkish cigewettes."
"Daddy,uid Johnnie after deep thonght,
"suppose I should knook this jnr off the
table and eatoh it-tbeo I wouldn't catch It
would I!"
"N -n -no, I sopppose not." his Lather
slowly assented.
" Bat," 000tinaed Johnnie, still toying
with the jag, " if I were to k000k it off and
not ostoh it, then 1 would e.toh it, wouldm'
Yea," was the unhesitating reply.
KZ. Mtn mus ate rvr01D ref YBiAaa,
AND eipgarngiTtD whit MART MIDI-
(NitM ssroaa YIPPING • ODU.
!rota the Btsakvills iasordet.
Perhaps o• pettier plow l• to M .stn is
O.t•rio than that of N•wmrn's apple lock
ea the Rideau Canal. At thin status for a
quarter of • oratory resided Mr. Peter
Millar, who dories that period soled is the'
cap•atwy of locktwa, aad was perhaps the
best known sten on the saMi. Mr. Millar
1. sew • raddled of iternotitvths, having
Mired trots won Ufa Lo • oorresposd-
at .f The Recorder b* relas.d the follow -
hg =poison : " Ivor many years i woo
troubled with • 1•mo book, which gars me
greet pals at timq. .ad woad me math
logs N .leap. 1 tried different kinds of
het fr trod little w no raid. The
Sprlsg 1895 I was •esistmg at g ttisg
out iso we day whim I felt som.thimg .nap
.r give way In my bask, and it was some
See been I .Weld et3•alghtse myself np.
I arm mese* so had that whet I laid down
I was usable to fits without as.Mbsaos, and
1 folly made op wry sled that I had Mesa
• throne Wealth. sod taro exported to taw
a well It day .gala, A rumple of weirs after
my hark had almost manly gun ent I saw
•e arta.+ is • paper that Dr. WlpWal'
Flak Pitis had cured • wren troubled elm-
, and 1 list w$tatieyt wt for .M Ws -
t hex a bed Riess. Slate I had
Sealed the Mg I Mead my ht.k woo
.rm.whMtwrwger... I pronged On hese
mern std by f4 Nms thin waw'. awl I
towed mv...f esesploWly send. ice. I
took the last has I have waw ►•d a wife se
gartl.bo l I•msn..s, .d toy bl ib hos
Moo far Meta taw N bag bars fee yens.
T. , Di. U ' the
..k for De. Irl Ptah
sal moor pick ethered imitatkust
now IMms ars ■nee.
Bactrian, 1, the wwkhog power.mpt.yed
pow to rho making of dress pia& Fire hu.•
drod pins aro made every minute, and not
only mad* batplaitwm
ed is routs the paper.
It is interesting to nob the process of p`•
waking, and way W.adenbed whop oar
can see the maobtrf*ry. hat perhaps difficult
to describe olearly without using technical
First oar' Doti*•s the long *oils of white
Lou rs.ti g.erose the ceiling, sad in one
oorper of the room some strange *mall
wheels and *omothfng like • letter pees&
with the three little shining yellow•Idus
eters of electricity. A little to the right is
• slender trough leadim' late • square box-
like he ldr. Buono Shams two objee4s is on
iron reel about fir. fast Eve boobs. high,
looklag mock like thou wooden clothes awls
that oily parsons w in their small yards to
dry clothes oa.
Stu d og in 1. out of this machinery ono
sass • loot* ail of white p%h•wir• on rte
tup of tis* reel, bold la place ty pegs. The
wire rams down into • Utile groove between
two strew-hke holden where the blue stars
are shining. As it rune dawn the 'die' holds
it long enough to pees out the wire fate the
shappe} of the pin's bend., had thea the wit e
runesunder the knife which cuts off jest Ike
right Isegtb for the pin.. Tho.• bite of
wire runs down another groove into a flat
plots • toot in diameter, where they ars
caught between little spokes, and as they
revolve to this grooved plat* their points
are made snap and smooth. he friotaoo
t. so wrest that • shower of yellow -blue
sparks is all the time flying from the revoiv-
ioi plate.
Vt: b.. ib* pin points are out the pins fall
into an inclined plan* which is sided to keep
the pins from epithet/ out. From this plane
they fall Into • abort barrel-.bapd affair
with wide grooves on the inside. This le
oontinoal'y revolving, and as toe pint 11
Into thew grooves t1Ny drop down int,•
like teeth arranged at intervals In • strip of
iron. From this strip, or rod • pietas scads
them into the paper to the reviler rows
with whaoh you are familiar. The vapor
passes on • roller. and when several yards
are than tilled the y are cut I y hand into the
proper lengths. Blocs pins aro tinned alter
they are m*d..t-Child'* Paper.
A fay Whhcb ass 11• stems.
15. oity of B.rlds,-t a ospit•l of Prussia,
where the poor are mid to be better housed
than in any other grant city in the world, is
really without dam.. Tb.n ars districts
in the East and North of Berlin where the
poor live,` though is nothing 1 ke the muter)
n od equator Lound in most other large
*tiles. The strsets,which are •II asphalted,
ars kept remarkably Olean end there are
n one of those Darrow, dark alleys and
court. whaoh form the slum district. in
other p1..... The Japaeee Feast that
some of their cities onetain 0e slum•, and
point to Kyoto, for over 1,000 years the
capital of Japan, as • model oity where
slums are mnknnwa. Sebastopol *flays the
unique distinction in Russia of tot having •
single peeper or mendicant within its wells.
supplying all waaac
The Peddler -1 have the most excellent
silver polish.
The lady of the Howie -Don't need it.
I havvn'got any .liver.
"Well, then. it wail: take grease spota out
of wall paper."
"Haven't got any well paper."
"Then it will renew the curl in feathers."
"Haven't gut any feathers."
„ Well, then, tt will make oil p*inttogs
look like new."
"Haven't got any n 1 pafatltt/a"
"Well, then, a little *Aso iwter.aliy will
mak. you u fool it yea had a1 terns tabu.
Goody: -Londe• Aaww'.
As the rens......
Pat-- How mony sihsmps does thottake!
Clerk -What's in it, lead !
Pat -Vows good .fiver dollars tor the
folks over tie Say, begot).
Clerk -Why don't you send paper money!
Phis will be lost oat of the envelops before
it reaches its destination.
Pat-Begorre, it's hard to satisfy yea.
Look at that sign-" Poet No Bills."
go many tam.. in the coarse of • mat's
life be site down and plans • oamyatgg.tad
farrow all hu plans at the first steed of
ifs IRgli is p atteei7t Ii ogle I»iaoN to
has tried imp•tiesw and found that it, fail-
Editor -I really cameo" .erupt this poem.
Mr. Penholder ; It is simply nmesnse and
the 'Oleos is not origiaat"
Poet -Well, yen deet and to talk.
Your ob•rvatios is sot original. either.
Lott of edtters bats made the same remark
to me already."
" Do you in a** return from ybur
Yu; it is all retor*sd."
Hushsnd-I we you've given Mary •
month's optics.
Wife -How do you know •
Hunhand -I oan easily tell by the way
sae's begun smashing tbtngn.
"Aro Choy psreonial hloomers !" he asked
of the pretty florist as be selected some
!townie, plants.
' Sir." oho mid indignantly, " this is no
bio ole *hop."
And 11 took him aeme time to explain
After Acute Hronahltls
AYER'S Chery
"Three months ago, I took a yin
lent cold which resulted in an attack
of acute bronchitis. I put myself
(ander medical treatment, 'Mat the
end of two months was no better.
I found it very difficult to preach,
and concluded to try Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. The belt bottle gave me
great relief ; the second, which I am
now takinc, has relieved me almost
entirely of all unpleasant symptoms,
and I feel sure that one or two bot-
tles more will shiest a permanent
en re. To all minister, Buffering from
t hrnat trouble-. I recommend A vet's
Cherry Peetornl."-E M. Boast. LET,
D. D.. Dist. Secretary. Am. Bapt.
Publication Society, Petersburg, Va.
Ayer's._ Cherry__P.ct al
Torket 1• bore) -1 MU you, you ['leas,
that tooth was • terror ! The dent -t says
to me, ha says : Now, Mr. $'erber, yea'es-
got lose of nerve, and oon stand pain es w.0
as anyone, bat you'll have to Cabals gas for
ihie tooth And 1 took tie gas ! Yes,
after 000eider•ble thouebt, I decided to
take gas, wad —"
An Auditor -Yes, Torker,aed now you're
getting rid of it, aren't your
A mien Doted for his dignity Dever forgets
himself, even if he tails to remember otter
Steam -Fitters
Cakes, Pies, T
Ready for the Rush.
Cali at D. CairrawN'a, the leading
bakery, for your .arty Cakes and
Puff Paste Tarte, Oyster Patties,.
Minos Pies, Short Bread. All kinds
of Oakes kept on hand. Orders left
by ten in the morning will be made
and delivered the same day.
Wedding Cake. -Ornamenting and
decorating of the latest designs whit
a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake
Alwond king a i selialty
. CQ.x .te1C
Teacher-Wbtl i. • vyawym !
Bright Boy -It's a word yea o.n or
C:of another ase, whoa yen don't k
to spell ter *thew ow.
• is
n ew '
" Fader,' said M. see, junior, to hie Dar'
est, wbo was about es Manisa him, " 1
wield hat you ?mustier dot when you hits
m1.. hated mit dot at'ok you wean eat mite
trousers absmo[al 1 I saL soon rants.nod
sr pair • dao rill be de flttb Boutin' you hat
Rived oto dl. week. Fader, for de mho of
de moulds. paws I "
Mr. Hoses pawed. __ __ --,
In the •amoasesmests of aorrlages la
8p•in, tit* ageg at the emtnetlag parties
as always gine.
Not eag door • Hata to the Qewn•Re-
gmt a Span took tiro liberty of askag tor
• row as • m*smto from a rage that stood
near. • Oertainly," replied Merit Christ-
ine. and was jest about to maw ram herself
whoa, ghee* round the'room, .M we
seethe' Mtn filled with dower. Cees g
set to the wooed u•oo ache took alms rue.
foam N std banded thea to bar vkt»or,esy-
Thies Seers sal from my own
Irmo, waasno timed Magid+ 11r-
gruat, 20 roars oC fiat. ot rte4 te
s'omtlatt .ufeids to V10411% Ptiei,•taat-
fp amity mstaiia the wall
A. •afrt•urwsl bond wave moot bite
detado dO tnwds nip. tier- t ries+ dli wed
igm ddryi.gslros at dilliteese To dot Ottnott
ley • waw e[ al e• Ilk the
Mik atf M CeliO si eispiel *gnat
"]eg fit:w waa
, et
iM. OWNS .t shed ft..
4011011111116 MUM .wawa%
Witt i mentift tisp in 0*51 I'm se- Weare Meow Yseets,
Rakes mid Plows, Sylvester Drills, Mara dirt Dins tad Cultiva-
tors, Canham Wagons, Weakish," Pea Earrost.r, Bagga.., Carta,
Snufflers, Harrows, Charas, Wsnkiwi ba.Naer.
Examine our Binders
One oaavaesevtwl s•bls,stmpleat keener,
most dur•ble..easiet rotting and best -hal.
wood machine on the mark•►. If yen use
m.,our bores's neck will not seed barb•
Mg g &ariag and aftor harvest. Compare it
with others.
• Our 97 Mower
Is t beauty, h.vieg'•viral new and import -
oat festarw-greeter width of tread, new
fest lift, scissor eat, adjustable ratter bar,
amt-vo8sriroarisdn. 9sr than before trio.
taw your order.
The Old Reliable Tiger Rake
L np•to-dote, having high wheels, wlld.t..1
axles, porton nibs* dump splendid shaft
oma*OHos with long and admirably ad-
justed tooth. Ia
our °ostomen In Gdareb and Colborne
townships obe.rtally acknowledge their su-
periority over other Ibse of plows, Ming
very light of draft, way to operate, doing
spleedul work.
In our MONITER DRILLS we have,
without bar of osetradiotioo, he new
most compact. but balanced tad "'most
featly ooatrolld and nearest to poise
of any 1ht on the market.
The splsadid roceptioa gives ter MANN
DISC by tar tamers of Hares prove with-
out • deebt what we o1a1m for them, the
bast la Cozad*. Before you buy •
Pea Harvester
°all and nos ter WETTLAUFER HAR-
VESTER, obese of diploma at World'',
Farmers and Teamsters
do you wast the WAGGON that mei
with asd defeated the Mot Waggons la Caa•
oda and the United Stn/... wind., • gold
modal and diOuna at W.Ad's Fair, else
medal as Las/as 101%, tad Iadta.rial F.1-
bibition, Tomato i If you da, bay the
now CHATHAM. equipped with Vag Al-
lan'. wont giant malleable arena, eimpsoa'I
mo)iwble adjustable stakes. MP whim oak
bas-drw whelk ; Wokery or maul. azlea
Dea't lot a dealer •nodmter yen with ea
.lid -timer Mian swag ow Wag..&
We handle the beet assorted line of Ia I.iuwete b tat wuty got being restricted to
deal with an? one firm, nor are we repreasbtstives d any somNns. Our mtehiaa arm
built on Honor, •td we will them upon their merits. OM ear prices. esamtso eat ms-
chibas, enquire of the best and moot progressive farmers who ars wine them, and be
guided by your oars judgment and their erpeeeoes.
REPAIRS OF All KINDS tnr any maohio*. Pafnts for all Plows furnished tad teat
to any part of rho ()stag. wham Owl' a000mpanies order.
Plowshares 25o : other repairs iu proportion. BINDER TWINE *Mapsr than ever.
Call mad tee oat samples.
Latest Improved Make. Bent qualit
and Lowest Possible Price.
made of Pure Lead and Oils and Colon
Elephant Brand White Lead. But
the Market.
TI SU OS. Ilkiiiitetss the hafts of elle Lbw sad b
"AO Ire Awad laillosesakesUma emir eft Female
alai tame 0111naeie. rev= soar dawdling to
r fists mews calasa a7.hoer* a ais
S ldu,r.— ".'A{u r.&sYa , t .iia I x YiiY.• Y . ..'::i s M r 'Pi,.'. lt••,'._