HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-15, Page 5J • 75e ▪ 450 20e ▪ 100 15c 5c • 25c :. 45. • . 25. • 15e x1.0(1 _ • • • 6• asi kW- 10s /. whom 1HaIrs eal and i and denying noway Cab has dostry. lk pre- ly tr.= of the let that Is exec . There sat will Russian 13. are 0511 ie Rog - ILD ami taw es It is Getters - la, and r plain. ply sick Mn' (e - i gladly 4, (nick -croon ry to hove red aa - Iter TF story Of h Yhdia tyranny offering sad be. peter - of. the 'argue°. sy's es- t steam r thrice I ba.l s Ie. It t the •a Sieve duet, esu. 1E8 Laity! .Nem Sea' OM mill :s' ER le Cof with I roes alas re firth rot st9NAL; - DEHICH ONTARIO...y.. L pAERSI pARISC- REEN F ♦ L L KINDS INSECT POWDER LIME JUICE HELIBORE ROOT BEER TnuasDAY, July 16, 1P97. 5 by the Guthrie/It Amateere. TM assalesse of the . owners prsaraad settee wed U P ALE! l .ti ►he rg preses{ DI G I n had • fair •u mash where them state a a crowded beak it MAW 1M7 • Wald have beer Mite, petroawd bad W MPS been tore wets two parties, one pseh- ithe oe.ol and home talent, the other Iti t a'• Time sad the Hoar." Daring the da l there wee as boar's redo. whioh wee rre1..,a.d by everyone, trench it mast be admitted 11. was he 500a000swmoda fee might l» •xpeO msele was aril) mtbulect. and me snap party Mese ()Aerials mimed the village ready for a meal. bat they did cot oboists ass till arum arable the City o. the Hill. utta 0I TBI t ttt?Tsaa2 L'1.OTtS.-A retest visitor truss Scotland is swiss the Head- ship, Advertiser as . 0ouat ot hls trip to the New land. His letter published a July let oondlades es follows : " We lac Niagara Niagara bad all no wopda" Gods - runs, sod arrived late at Dish% at runs. and, atter • Mx mile drive fogad oar - *Ives as Becmdlsr, one of the prettied spots in e11 C•aada." The °occlusion of the letter leads to the belief that the Deis one►• mu./estlea will rotor to old Berea, amid should i1 do so we shall note It 1.es futon isms. ' 11TaawtgneY Tr•.. -The strewbeny tea held at the resides°, of Mr. Hick, Heron Bold, os Tweedsy mewing was a greed .000ss they ry wry Om of those pleae- •ot teas for which the Idiom of this enmity ars noted, was served on the lava. Alter solver • splendid program wee give°, Ow follow'ns ladies sod gentlemen taking taming pert : Revs. Edge and Leggier. Campbell, Hopping, Misses Hillier. lima, ler. Fisher, Proem, Cooly and lir.. Whitely. A leasee orowd was prettiest; • number of anon• people taking advantage Staple ant- Fancy Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing and Men's Furnishings. For the Next Tom Vete 11 TM Bell Fancy Dress Goods at Half Price to Clear ! Leldies' White Belts 5e, regular 18c. Ladies Cotton Veete '3c without sibeves Ladies' Qptton Vests 4c with sleeves. Men's Cotton Hose 5e per pair, regular 10c. Men's Unlaundered Shirts 30c, regular 50c, Men's Cold Shirts 75c, regular 11.25. Men's Ready -Made Suits only 12.25, regular 13.50. Men's Ready -Made Suits only $4.00, regular $7.00. Men's Ready -Made Suits only 15.00, regular 18.Q0. Men's Ready -Made Bicycle Suits 12.75, reirdat $5.50. Boys' Ready -Made Suits from 75c up. • These are Special Bargains Cully 20 per cent. less than Whole - ale Priest • Remember this- Sale will continue -until the wbOle s-toc disposed of: 1. Blet_SAMEIB A FID Per S. J. REID {Admiuiatrator). -__ _ MARRIED. CLA14GAW-11ACAKA-O5 the 0th felt -.mist tee Memorial church, Leedom sr as ve"y !t •. 'T TDeesom E7sb. Jean Cogswell. e ll. ammeter of toe Ise Jobs (near•. bar- rister of levo► Vie. seerses Vla"Iala.Oly PATO "Timmer eh. home of t- At B tsbrys. to N idrday. Jrly 7th• br her brother aav. Jas. L Aadeeaon. B. A Goderto4 assist- ed by Revs A. Tolmle. H. MoQuerri• awl J. Fttsgs i.k. It. A.. Magee E . doubter Or Rev. Jena Audentoe. to Jobs Puttee. sq.. 'riv.tea. OLEO. X aLCOMM01,3,e1a ri,derieh. on Thursday. J1119 stat etlasd Y•toowaaa, la hie Mb malt. HIE TALK OF THE Clark, R. 8 N. G. ; Il Ca,atelea,LS.N.G.; J. Heil, R. S. 8- ; Vi. D. Melees, L. e1.8. : V. (l•Gbh' R. 8. V. w t Greed Lodge. V. .: R.pr..•mi W. F. Creek J. M. Proadfoet. 'los STAND Ptts.-The iron work oofdthe stead pipe was finished on Tweeds), all that had thew to I.o dose to complete Hum- or er Bros_ oo•trsot wee its painting tvimoge •sI of the eoaffeld. The new structure will for the future F., our prpmtoent land- ! mark, sad its prominence would be greatly tteb•soed if an Mecum het could be pieced es Its top. THxv WHEELED IT. -Geo. StiTeo, of the Sank of Comoteroe, Guelph. ammitipathati by fed. daughter Frani', ►meed is tetra es Saturday on • week's net to the old home. Mr. Suver sod daughter wkestsd lemmas Gd 11 ' two sacs lemmas eo Ced••hb. miles. vis Palmerston and BtalW.., left their home last Wsdseedny ren mnbea wheels.1he ss journey iLooudon sad ether b.trouts will be ma southern burghs._ s Gatti will GARDE• Passel.- 4se.e of the ole•seat evening Mbeeled one from Goderiob. Tut W itin"S v FAIR,-BsaeMrty Browne' of Laodoo s great and popa41e Fahr, reports some teeters@ for the 11397 eabtbitlba- Sept 9 to 18-wbtob ars enooangiag. The directors have decoded to remove the swim, into new quarters this year and ararlawe • building erspefeet r end36 fest .it .s wide: in this wry they purpopro •ec•mmod•tia Deccao! y for the reospaon 1 • very Much larger entry than redoes. ss provistena have lima made tar tis e0e3&Ir1 of stockmen and tests friends.. .. of formerly mourned ,y the W. C. T. U. Lae hems Ws•d alitW to the south of the mato retraces to the cattle and Mem -bedding, beteg altered mo as to provide • lee** hall. oomforaby seated, to be used as • pleas of pubiie comfort and meeta°ge Of the ',Tacitv t*14ns daring with stoves reom the fate, aima to prepare tdud lir themselves and •ntm•lm, this preventing the danger arising from the nee of those small ocal oil stoves, rte., to or owe the stock buildings. There u also • atom, house from whlob will be sold all kids of animal food at the lowest prime. Sy the prise list jest rsoetv.d 613.prolamine the tomato mash tie .aa as last exoeptios of improving the hackney bons oNnas, adding • clue for manorial purpose teams ; and to the poultry • class for hall bid fowls, the u,1I*g teat for the farm, sod tour new varieties of pheamants. All applications for Prue oma, programmes sad lima map of Wasters Oates, will be ap- pr.ulatsd and filled with pleasure. WARRANTED BEST QUALITY GINGER : : EXTRACT W. Ce . 0 O O D E ODIUM )JDIORD BLOCK. PURE PARIS GREEN AN D RE FSH HELLEBORE AT DUNHAM'S DRUG STORE. m ai freer incnmine t°, at the earliest pow,ble date. He thee spoke, to the boys is Par- ticular, waning them, in the name of the Holy See, against sestet societies which had been 000demned by the °harsh, and even against those reg•rdd as doubtful, end advised themm , when ntemtg platit swarth" soy society. to seek the advice ot their pastor heifer* tektite the steep. He m m spoke also at tae length on temperance, upholding total rbsttwaca. not only *5 • precaution against the evils attending the olio of intoxicating drink, hot also .. • om penitential ace, in omemoratioo ot the great thirst of Christ os the arms. He ad- ministered .the tarsi abstinence pledge to all the boys under 21, whiob holds 10 fords till their majority.. The ceremonies of the 1.11 day ended wshe Ilimiediotlo*. E_ THE New ERA. -'rune tan ruse se° • thin, stooped,, c.ltcaes te looking .o, who bows had boemployed oa the Hamilton Times, mine te Uliot.or with the lnte1Mun of .l•rt• lne a newspaper. Nealy everybody he en- countered put mkt water ea the proposed lllamall,venInre.-kbe vge semall, 10 bad had papers shoruy }before, both were is the r Ntnpwy,r graveyead, there seethed to be ao prospect of another eumeodin*, and, ail - way, the prsepseWve pui,lianer welted .0 mush hke • psS,teat In the taw. wages of au Durable .11meo4, %bat n • halt -serious, ball -Jocular way, people advised bum to pre- pare for hie grave. He dtd not hoed thus advise .rtuua,l . H. bad • family to sup- port; he bed lou or pluck and grit. even if oe bad not much of tee " wherewith " that oontrebetes materially to shoos, and he concluded that he wu.ld go ahead. He wee able to pull orf bis oat and go to work; he maid set rap odtwrtala oat of his own head wtthont the tabu. of writing them, and dis- cuss at the NUN UMW .11 the mtrte•eies of tree trade, or the oomptsx phases of cur- rency. The tact tat be had mover weighed 125 pomade fa hie life, that bis puree dud hot Beat et, "wad -ebse M weiai-dyapwtta1ea-. decoy, only seamed to nerve hem to msrgy, and os the Oh of July. 1865, the New Kra made its bow 10 the public. it bee vire tu•lly kept bowleg ever nape. It hes ubantied ...moors .verel woes, has expel.. i anoed the vImtestted.s tammea to meet n empapers, but Gull keeps moving forward, rod deuces itself that 1t hen • rood ctiestal of readers who are kssuly nauseated la um lushly desacs. It. prseent proprietor help- ed in getting out the Wet battiiL.r. And the many ofd friends of E. Holmes, its fouad- er,wlll le pleased to keuw that he hasn't yet gone to his grave, tleueeh many of hu earl- ier a,.d mor. robust friends have, and .1 - though now in his 74th year, 13.. about as soave sad omelette ae ever, jos. M load of analog banal gasettona as was his west when a readopt of this town, and has svwy proems tadiaut.o of living lot • number of years. Vies ort' ---err -&‘a maestros 41hea•. i -..1 the fret and meaty officials cf the Manty of Huron held is the library io the Court Howe, ism 8th Jdy. 1897, Judge Maroon in the Sive the Apnea Gerdes Poly to -day, If You've Mete tt a' Tom 011111114 d tads Tburred•y.J sly IL By the kind permission Te of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Logan it will be Its tat tat • AMOCO Amos Mrl/ hed a the b..uUf 1l lawn of the late rest- Taatn• Frame Mame l' - fare .fidemo of Mrs. R. B. Smitb, Colborne et. Tb. eronode will be iltumt°atd with Chinese tenures after dark; the town band will he is .1srd1ac•; (they work will he on safe, and refreshments. locludin" foe cream. will he obtainable. Tee will be sorted from 5:30 to 7 P.M. AduiIwiOn to de, 10c ; tickets tor tea, 15o. limes Now b d e 9 dwtune Is a ami UM* Natn» It at her best. p5•11o.t she mustier del Oa short natio* Bassa.4 r Mess as idol wllfatM fad ani are °e h V properly eat end pMMOt1y Mom agelsst W •tnse/ieelo *images. W AMill i's COM srrrtt.-The Warden's °enmities met yesterday, at the call of tom Warden, to dream nutters In conneetiOS with the reeeat .00idvnt •4 the county lrtdve near Clinton. IT Witt. Bs A Bttt Orta. -John ,David• sea, Iota 3 and 4, ow.. 3, t;ulbert's. out fall whew. Tassdsy, July 13; be repo -u the crop . bee 00..ad ..yi ass general thing fall 1.h...1, tell L, a r..ud naso all over. A Pitman's FIJIID.-Last week Tog 8tirist 3.. by death ae advertiser and .ab- emil,er who w,s pe.etaality isle.il, for on or betas the commeceemees of every goartsr the lady w. uld .al) at the *Hos .t.4 pay for both •o,eribieseeat wed Sweet la advance nrxtati tlg TttcttsDAT.-O° lhtirsdaY the re,ns,o. of the late Jao. Newell. who died on tie 6 h inst., teed 68 years sod 9 scathe, we,. interred is Mait.•od Come- la so, • ... and a dramatic per• tety io presence of a large Dumber of rola. I genal tales* appeared.tdv.s sed blend.' Rev Jwspb Edge c""formen1e "Tia and the Hour."r•pres•st- ducted usrviee at the beam' and at tae gray• Hs Was RltuussD.-h,dwsrol gtiTdoai wbo was treat op from Exeter rsosotly on • charge of 1.aslting his wite mid was re• Wised charged the et r@ diesPolies Magbtrat• Seeger ase..esu with assaulting • °mutable in the smoothen of hie duty. It sops.red trom the evide0A that the constable, thinking Headman was wring to again assault his wife apprehended him sod 1s the struggle got • blew wbfoh he said Headman i.8toted with a knife. The use was oo.stderahly mixed •ed after leo- tart's, both .0.54eblet and defendant the P. M. dismissed she Maar. TAN 18T11. -Os Moeda, the local Or•eg.- mes mss s1FJy le the day and drove to em- bers tor 1ae..Be•1 celebration. There waa ed as maty friends Cleo attended.s geed tersest ofd. Gederieh bad • large deu.•tiee. At the swainplass there _ 40y.. he ousel and spohes sad the pr...is d se posed off without slitter. iyr there was • eeeeen in witted' TO ADVERTISERS. Notioe of changes mast be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be lett not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements aooepted no to noon Wednesday of each week. 2121111E - TO His sowed by E Cempioo, Q. C., see- , ndsi by P. Holt, that • rerolutian of this meetm¢ be parsed sod transmitted to Mrs. Maloommon, expressing the deep sod Moore symo.tby felt by all those present at the meeting towards Mrs. Maloerpmn and the family in their bereavement by the death of Sutherland Maloomson. Esq . member of this Bar and Muter of rho High Coast of Justice of Oetario. (St`edl JAxss Missoa, chairman. C. 4 L& 11a, eewet•ry of meetiog. Oita 45.a LietermEllsal,eth MoConsell, wire of 0 C. Robertson for many years • reeideet of tled.neh. died fa Cuwege oe in y &h. seed 54 yaw.. Tb. deeersed lad y wt. web blows fu Grr.leneh .ed loft many trends whin she ttrried fur C&INee, all of whom will r.rratfsl'v hear of bey decease. A SAD 8ntAtx.•--deet se the deyehsso$ lett behind la London to nook YR es Bel wee thimble( the work, Qo.rt.raaet Beo stopped iota • hole ane twisted ►is fest, the result Was a }tad ankle sprats.. He was caused IeOS eosin ea a steetehar, and fro•e it by the mono 0envey.sme. and is asw dolor veil. Ors. Boss TS 34., ..OB Friday Ns. 1 Company H the Baru &team retuned from Ihel sd.e chap. Captain D. H.lstwe in some sd. The ecce. them& mnak ms' bunted. looked all site better fit eke WIN Meet of the womb's* 05* • sesseistt their frieds with ertraeldhatr taop stories Tessterr-,i.ort.-Tris mese framed. sf b^01 %ltso the verbal. d Miss MarryR.Jet tee Alfred T.Lhastti wb1A t0N plus se Iie.a- eegne eft Menitey Mar. Ret. Jobe i. Air• man sflialmise. Tb. hanpi Myth Yn boss at hereto tkeiyltrlide ill*" Pi1224su'• Amt."' Horse reed, des. July 19111. avert LLstl to e9 A• the lest regular reeetleg of , gw"lfe. 62. 1. 0. 0 F.. ate. H, b. Gime% D D. U M. i..talle* t M fabulist aims tar 00 tore pry A A Maims, •1. . It. V • D Sings'-: . f$J .s.11 >Itf• ^jt 3u1s i*Our{tyW.3. thotAra s.'L P..1. 0 R. +X. Fresh shipment of THE WEEKLY MARKT For (sale or To Rent. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Part of Lot 9, Conoesslon C. Ooderich Town. oontalntng 3 1-5 scree of land. There Is situated on the property a good 1 story beteg dwelling. with kitchen attao1e6 and with cellar under the whole house. This is • really East claw Mao, and wilt be mold oana•.onei+blp terms. For p•itlenlare apply to PHILW HOLT. Barrister. Ooderich. t9 tr Dated 6th July, 1897. FOR BALE,-TH1410UNRO DW ELL - Ing known as Munro's "Hotel. situated near the 0. T. R. track on tie Huron Read, For periled -ars apply to JAB. MUNRO, black- Z 0R SALE OR TO RENT -FOR HALR 1` or to tent, the dwelling on Nttl•cn-it. at Present oocupld by F (meeth. It contains 3p rooms. Including drawing room. dining rdopl, parlor and kitchen, and hat • library. • number of closets, pantries and • good cellar Then to halt an acre of load tastefully planted with shrubs and fruit trims. and an exoelient .. 11 in toll OO I lawn. ADp3y'.to F. 811tERTIL on the pre - Mutts, o ton 32 M tole de tutees. 030to021 --- eQeas w hush 015 to A 38 1POR SALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT Pedro, •yash................-7 50 to i 50 and n farm on a good road within sle Po Hay. M ton 0 13 to 0 40 miles ofClinton. 'rhe lot is No. 67, Maitland Butter, Wheals. . n 10 to • 21 oono5esion. Ooderich township. sad contains Hatter • 8 to 0 9 75 •area. It 'teldo annually from 80 to 100 Soars. ed e°p•ek-. Ems"'» 100 3O F 9Q sof Winter apples, and is w good grpin R ee. 6 Ni to 7 ermTTi iih being a No. 1 clay loam. Thbre 9 >r I a No 1 frame house tm the 1 t. • ¢cod barn eduoation, can obtain employment for two .5ontbs in thio 8 morFR1. Toronto. Oat. a handle establunerd trade: this conaV. Canadian stook guaranteed t0 live. Penguin. ant poelt/oe, whole or part time. Liberal Lerma. Yen can made Len dol tare • week or beth" with us for every week you week. No e xprvewriee nTce necessary. COMPANY. Nuisance, TORuNTO, ONT 1-3m Mall d Express DDEPART.u7.15 a.m' Midland Espeoes w^r"""2.30 LS et t WAFTED-Iednstrioas perste. of either sex with good obsraowr sad common _thea) WE WAFT AGEIIS REPORT• raveling aside. GRAN le THUMB RAILWAY. •haute. Mixed Mail and E1Orore d Mail and Expeew 10.59 a.m. 1.26 p m. 7.40 p.m. 10.6e p.m. e NOW IS Tag AIME To Think ..m SPRING X TONIC. There are messy good one*, uour sone yulio to good IRON TONIC HITTERS. The Beams rot Colds is not over yet. We expect to en more CIRERR ' p L1dONIO. during MAtp'k sad Aran. than lD all the rest of the Winter. J. E., DAVIS Pim. B. Medical Hall. Agents Wanted. AGENTS y Th. Beni Popular Life of Her Majesty I have ever seen," writes Lord Lome, about " Queen Victoria" salmi unprecedented. Easy to maks five dollars duly. Big oommiee►or. Ontfit free to canvasses. THE BRADLEY-0AItRETSON CO.Toronto. WASTED -glen trod women who can work hard talkie, •ad wnttug ate hours daily, for Mix dale • week, Mad will be oosteal with NEW IDEAS 00.. Brantford, Ont. WODI tar. Jsty 11. 114'7. Fall Wheat (old) 91191•164 now. family. perewt 9 M to 9 N Floor, patent. per Oat 1 II t0 1 IS Pratt. a ton td M Pelts .. 1 Dressed ins are Renes............- ......, 130 to 0 10 purchase money may remain me mortit Ram. per 1b.• e, to 0 It 1 For terms, etc., apply to THOS. BURNS. Car- t -Weems. oar lb. ~ u 0 to 0 11 ,low P. 0., or to W. W . FARRAN. Olsten. 0mte • o 0 110 m 0 M with stone stables underneath, sod It is well 4 M le 0 001 watered in every field. A large portio', of the Pubis Notice. AIdgRIO AN FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER and LIQUID. This POWDER and LI- QUID bas been sold by this store for over 30 years ; what 'snore can be said in favor of it. 11 131.6 - - fbe• aid SLOO Sole agent PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, WANTED --I CAN PAY TEN DOL - inn weekly to s lady 01dature rn• glad good re- finement •ad tart. to spend cense. T. if, LiNSCOTT Toronto. Out. BOPDAY AT ST. Parch'• -Oa Sandy 1•.1 tom. thin y•tuar mem beta of bt. Peter'* Muth reOSive.* the s.or•msnte of fist C,gal- muafN anal (A•lltmewo• A4i7.30 a. m. Wee candidates assembled at the ..&.silt kt.se and m•rehsd w the oharotr. when lour Mw was celebrated by Rev. Father West, who, at the 0000lt 51sa..dmiel.tered the former solemn rite. Tb, altar ells Prettily decorated with Bowers, and the stags, wbo numbered mite 18 of the raim- ent., more vola end floral wreaths, .rad tke musks was rendered still more eelsea• hy to M.n3fnl meso of the semis greyed by Mr. Fowler. The 6ss4.0.Usn s.rviaes look piss at 4 1i m., IIdMp•- aor, awdste4 hy Rev. 7•tbell lP t tows. std Dwkaue, of Ash4!1 The o.adldatee were treese t/aa weMved First 0.0.00100, with MO Walston of e>owe,5 . duets sings.. Prier.be to dmf.• RICE'S PURE SILT Mterfag *►e ater•0esq the Battey p♦ji.e•• .4 ma.etrdli•/m M a rather Masse ib do BUT FOR TABLE AND DAIRY. k.atitia is 011tlettae datum*. led wllb IM esesptMs of sae w tors wild segment Ewa Time North •_,',,,r"_ al 0.., Ltd sewed the motto see eras eeet•wrd by `ifi.•eummits. sppeareme..nd .a.. et tar eta.9.a. QODM3Hza]ec3 b?A'I'_ all ttli', aembei owe erideste of ewe. fel scalding. end .MMM deli owns. to quay.., ".ss 1. the Look " Mist they e ase tees t&wessady tide t+tA•tM+« el Ow eds.. aue.11eu .M d&e asp the were ten*. TM bebep.ssuMd until essidel wise the en itassM -. mad preamble s. Malabo* tM .rtems.f of ispeailes.f &earls, *trim whii the Osaka eau "0.w. Moly oke.1v"r stn en Weida" tut*. Jeep Mad We. DeyIe .N.i es Lewy tis fieweay th. e• • win t* wises ses to w Idint .rad el fru Ar. tin d *sir ineeldeld .rt.ukI, . IUtII • this «tA Ni d9•.9 IS Use e1Q.1 For Bale. FOR SALE -A LIGHT WAOON.YLAT• form scales, Newts mealtimes and other bakery fixtures. JAMES WATSON, Mont- Tonsorla1 Artist. '"L'OR SALE -LOTS , 69 AND 70 1F Hstchlnsee's Survey in the Town of Ooderich. npo• which U erected • aloe dwell- tsg house. Dated Rh Seotembex,1 .applyy to CAME.RONOOL k HOLMES, oh. 86-11 JFRITZELY. TONSORIAL ARTIST, . Hot and cold bathe on premises. ttle•- foamtng,,hampeei•g and every other rputre- •m.at easefully attended to and none but cam. Went head, employed, Williams' eldetawd. McLean's new block. sett door to British Ex obaege Hotel 9241 Mottos to Creditors. ATE I THE COUNTY OOr HURON.OLRT OF Jathe sofPor! ,Inthe Conrail/ he raiser of t of Maros, decease. Pursuant to the Revised Satntes of Ontario. 1ffH., Caa9, 110, See. :le. all pushes having any the ostata of the . sid• mThemes Whittakeraga.iMee aid on or about the list day of October. A. D.1094, at the .c village of id Albert. ars required es or bee tore the 10th day of 4. A. D.10116 mad by poet, prepaid. or delivered to Philip Halt. of the Town of Oodeetob. Sollei4or ter Administrator. u' writhe, u their name ed addressee fall psrtk tan of their claims sad demaads, duly vatl- 554, wed stetter the bettors et the securities 1 held by them. Atter said lam maim ad•te the staid Adie rester will pra- te distribute the Mesta of the nth de easedat.die e parties entitled thereto, laving mard only to tis Claims et which settles 1 have been reesrved. ad the said AdminlstratOr will not be lesbie ter the said •seek es any part Merest to any person ow peewee of whose claims Betio. shall bays been reeelyd PHILIP HOLT. Soltelror for Administ„tor. Dated, Sib July. A. D. 1117. The Well Dom Troitioa Stain FARM FOR SALE OR RENT -FOR Bale or to renr.an eearllest 100 sere farm, bathe lot le, son. 3rd, West Wwanosb. It had •bout 11 m11ee from Ooderioh, the same 101 tater from Lucknow and 3 from Dungeon Tho farm U In gad °outliner, the butldln and fancies being firm elem. It is well water. -ed. entre "B-te •e'ai•loama*Q-.1Lerein a1alr.y shied bearing orchard. easy terms to an early Vuroh$ser. For oartlonl r amply to A. DUNEELD, Dungannon. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY POR SALE -The brisk resi4ence overlookleS the river and lake formerly occupied by Moe late A. M•eDermett esp., Master to Ch$aeer'y One of the molt valuable and desirable pro - puttee inttoThe wjnn ._ _on BeLgt street immdlatelye adjo me the Brit- ish Etches"• Hotel at present occupied by Mr. Andrew Wadi& . 1. The dwe111s* house and adlolnlna grounds Dear the 0T. R. station. formerly ooeopled by the late Judge Toms. Prices sod tenni et Vermont re*st*able, ap- ply to BARROW 11 PROM/FOOT 70tt Bobottme. Ooderich. ASS YOUR DEALER FOR Laundry W OO ,0 t _fit W N Will be Hept for Service during this Season at my Premises Con. 8, Colborne Township. sen is one of thvery best bred and Red ..,Noss In Ontario • id ham hlmeelr a good etre. He is bl ltidge No. 103%8. by rt edyk's Haunt) rtonlan w o. 10. Me dam was Eider Downie, by Mania. 350, 4 mems old, reoord. 2.34. Alamo, by 2c1te ovt: ietel ay -_,..- Ridgewood. the sin et Woodlswn. bis • number of horses with records better than 2:10 to his credit and se Woodlaws'tr dam was equally well bred in sped prodncing ll5e0 there la no reason why Woodlawn'e colo •bold not develop lute equally feet bottom. Ood teaenre provided at reasonable rate . T[tKMB-To insure a foal. $8, payable Feb. 1d. 18101. In.ured mares must be retuned regularly to the boxes or they will be charted full insurance. Persons disposing et their mares before foaling time will be he Id respon- sible for insurance mosey whether In foal or not. Penrose trytog their mares and not re - grains them regularly to the horse will be tharged tall insurance prime. 4.11 a rofdonis e the risk of owners of mires. a ANDREW A. YOUNG. Carlow P.0 LAUNDRY -ANY ONE REQUIRING I Solid laundry work does rats. arils 4o MRS. PRICE, Staaleye - oaar Belcher s bakery. Toluols 200. - ' t#ODMICI . Hoarding. T 0ARDERS WANTED -I AM PRE - • pared to a000mtaod$te • number of boarders. Hose convenleat to .eselee Mad 9 raw Raw reasonable. MRS. ROBERT- SBUtie , 72 Eu.tmt. 1541 BOARDERS w ANTILD =- HAVING leased the 95014..' on Boothia.. next 8rlttA Isobel* Hotel. 1 am prepared to ao- edtf mediate • number et boarders, either roomers or beth table and room Rates rem sosmbls. MRI. MERRY. i1 F. SMEETR'S PLANING MILL WE. DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. PI eau *320 4.151 Musca ,...r. J m K arslt1st . Iftatrrtafte Licenses. VLANE. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE . Lissom. Geoderlei. flat *Wit Tenders Wanted. MENDERS wANTEP - TENDERS //slssswit be roestieso tep e .basisr i * J y stub. Mrs bee M from WILLIAM 301(1111. It ",tart'. Mee Wsated. • WANTED-ZOOG. 8 CENTS OAaH see Immo *wits; and WM& yyy w.1+.ti1,u. 40 WS 1. INION, SS Now Msehino Snow. IW *MEill$M -ALL 1uniiE se -- •Otis M two set. ftcM/ryo. aes.ew 181111 IRMO 1ef ia fdW7 a = moil ow IL flassiessa 1,101 nee 'Mama= -- rte_ It ami I1 If1 NOT WHAT YOU EARNU ' MUT 10U LATS. 11.41118 YOU Qalf LOAM MYAICY Iflfaf oma mdse.. ...r1 sn