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4-. 'i'lR$fisDAl!, Jsly 15. 1897.
r _. -.wr. sr .aRye. .. _. L.
Wheels at the rapes won
Ist at Clinton, June find
lit and 2nd, Goderich, July let
21ate,2nd,3rd,Bayfield, July 1L'tli
Try them and see ; they
coat a little more money
to purchase a wheel, some
sundries or have your
wheel repaired
It might pay you to Bee
�11t iquI,
sir IP. 11.
Terse of 11sr•sel1slest
naw month, In advenoe
'three months,
tet: "
use Year.
. ••,
1 1
the people." Apply that to your represent-
ative in parliament on all 000asium.
POLITIU WOO') warp a truly hoeaor-
able man, but it plays the deuce with the
other fellow..
M Tut politician believes that politica is
& thing of compromises instated of • fight to a
timet fur prinuiplos:
' Weser in doubt, if you are s practical
politician, look around and nee If you have
a relative out cd • job.
so A user= may sot in • crooked man-
ner, but the ouustituattta are not bound to
endorse a the crookedness.
meat We have proved that tine
again ; and what we have not per-
mitted to exist in a personal sense we
shall not. tolerate in others. But,
say some, you are the party organ
and you should stand by those who
hold position in the party whether
they be right or wrong. The simple
answer to that is that neither Tits
Sweat, nor its editor will do anything
of the kind. We know as much of
the political history of this oountry u
any politician in Western Ontario,
and we know that Liberaliam has
always claimed to be govern9d by
Igf— A PARLIAMENT/2Y representative ,right and honesty ; and when any
shouhl stand fent-square to all the winds man or class of men professing to be
that Mow, on all occasion. • Liberals prove false to their profes-
sr A :mouse politician is like a dyittgicons and band themselves to dishonor
Pian in that the closer he gets to the end
the more anxious is he to stay.
ST Sona politicians don't know they
have pawed the crows) of the hill until they
begin to toboggaaslide down.
Ifs Toa utter fellows .r. store ohm
wroeg ,than the • men whom you support..
'Von'E swear toast, every time- ' The bulwark of the Liberal party
in the pant has been the integrity of
Its t;otif politicians would have yet be -
its leaders and the outspoken honesty
lieve they were Royal Bengal tigers, when
in reality they ire iinij singed cats. hof its press We are pleased to know
•that the integrity of the great leaden
ttr ALL grades and conditions of men get of the party is still unimpaired,
into plrMsl&ent--good, bad and indifferent. although here and there amongst
The good are not too numerous, as a rule.
'teaser lower down lapses may have
emee sate.. or Mae have teen injail who ought to occurred ; and the honest of the
Legal and other caecal advert! M. 100- IS y
r•r line for Orin insertion. and 3 Dents per line ' have been in parliament, end many a man p is stall be and barter as the fol -
for eachs.b.equent insertion. Measured by, y
has been in parliament who ought to have hoeing from The Montreal Herold,
the leading English-speaking Liberal
the cause they represent, and give the
he to the' leaders of the party) we
shall denounce them until they seer
driven outside the party breastworks.
That is our policy, and we have nail-
ed it to the mut.
• •
a nonpareil some.
liaalneea cards of slat lines and under, 16 per
y tear.
Aovrtimin-nta of Lost. Found Swayed
Aos uaatlo\' sant. situations „anted .•d
FleetnessC' oee %anted sot :monis e
see congas t• Il
111111•011 as ka per month.
Farms been in jail.
HONEnTr1i'Z'FIE11 T?oC10Y• USW spaper - Quebee, gees far to
run on R.a10. not to ptOYe '
atiertE • 1ifwe. et tar first month, eco. perf :, , $� two of ld po$itdcaT _ r, rum±, -d is not what the Liberal party hal
•-qurut month, Meager 194%-s. in prop'
Int mesial settee, the ohleet of which is to friends have approached Tits Sweat. Its fear. The party's present position` in
yrow.et the psosSlary heoedt -of say aae11-
e".1. al or .atnpanl, to be o3wifdered qa ati•
•oireene••ntaaa'zeroed so•+•trAlnetl.
l.eoal nettoestn nonpareil t» one Gent Der lest we might say or do something
w .r A; so notices less t han Rio.
Local notices in ordinary reading type two
ounrs per word. No notion for lees than 60o.
Nutfees for churches and other religious and
benevolent Iuse tatiocs half rats
during the past week or two, fearful the country is secure so long as there are
enough of outspoken members of the party,
whether in .Parliament or nut of it. No
long as party leader are human, the sort
of dumb accord which sono politicises
would welcome is in reality the source of
party disintegration and, possibly, disgrace.
The life blood of a vigorous, vitifying,
party must ever he the body of unselfish,
puidic-spirited sentiment which it embraces.
Not such independence Si • fence -sitting
politician or newspaper pales shout ;—that
is not the independence which makes poli-
tics better and keeps politicians nearer the
line of public interest; nor is it the more
oouregeo s. But what ie wanted by the
'public -and by the Menest politician, if he
.)tate grasped the tote amens of political suit -
"cess, --is the frank outspokenness of those
men within the party who, from a sense of
duty, incur personal discomforts and die -
advantages, and oft -times the odium of
their party associates. The influence of
these m.'n ars( newspapers is the more nee-
ful to the public,.s-it is to the parte abo-
Fuse it works within the party. It
works effectivelle-- and practically. Your
mugwump, - imattshTisd independent has
,sandy mom aims t in practical politics
- ------ - --- -----
than that evangelist would lave who
preached his gospel from a drifting balloon.
Moreover. it may he as well to remember
that a political hatter will have no party to
lead jawt at the moment that he has silenced
those men, or papers, which with no other
interest in view than to follow mound pub -
lie opinion, criticise and, at times, condemn
Anbecrlher who felt* receive THE 8'ON.L
revnlsrly by mall. will a oiler a tarot by ac-
quainting us of the fact at as early an date as
P.aglstew's R.etM,
J. C. Lw Tomato of Underlet, Mag been ap
!Rolm I.•,.'el Travelling Agent for the town•
1.1;4 et Ouderlob. Colborne, Ashfield and Wa
Loral postmaster over the district are also
5eape.wared to r.A vs wibscrtptiona to Tea
03 All communications muse be addressed
telephone Call*/ (loderlob Oat
, inimical to the welfare of the party at
the prebent juncture. They are afraid
that because THE SIGNAL has no use
f,)r scaly politicians the party may be
injured, and they would prefer that
nothing should be said that " the
other fellows " could twist to the
party disadvantage at a future time.
To all of which we may say that the
course that is being pursued by Tag
Stove:. is the only honest path to 'al-
low. It is the comer that would be
endorsed by the honest and upright
Premier of the Dominion, were he on
the itro'ind at the present time. It is
the course that was mapped out by
the Liberal Convention at Ottawa in
or STAND by your memher only when he 1893, when the gospel was preached
• L the plandering of the peblie
by parliamentarians for personal gain;
•Of -the TtI,PPEAS,
the Bownta, the Levantine, CARONI,
and the unehin host that followed in
their wake, was denounced as a crime
against the people ; when public of-
fice was declared to be a public trust,
and not a private snap ; and when
Liberalism was proclaimed to be in
the interest of government for the
e, of the . o . le, and • tbs
ple. Tx* Stout stood by that policy
in the past, (telae( bj ite'a�, Iind
it will be foiled standing by it in the
future. Oar motto is " Measures, not
Men," end we shall riot swerve one
iota from the line we have drawn be-
tween Right and Wrong, although
the party may have to be purged of a
number of those who are not in accord
ith the true principles of Liberalism.
f *
Have you ever noticed how care
fully the Apple -packers do their work
in the fall, and that every precaution
is taken that not a solitary rotten
apple is allowed to go into the pack-
age 1—in fact it is not net -emery that
the apple be rotted, as the 'lightellt
blemish will oonsign it to the outer
heap. It is the same with infected
cattle, ow human beings suffering with
infectious disease ; isolation is neces-
sary that the di.ea•e may not spread.
And it should be the same way with
the politician who is not in harmony
with the grand Reform principles that
have been handed down from BALD-
wlx and LAFOIITAIN*, and Bsow,s
and DORlox, and Msexr.Nzie and
and MOWAT, and toe good men and
true who support them today. There
are " rotten apple" politicians in the
Liberal ranks today, and Tas SIGNAL
Will not shut It. eyes to the fact any
More than it did wben the raacalities
of the old Tory Government were de-
nounced in these columns in the
eighteen years of corruption which
preceded June 23rd, 1896.
is right.
so THE way of the practical politician is
N Ix politio.a Uve dog is better thane'
seal lion.
ter ..Teats is nothing so met ea $ mean
W Dreier help the captain to scuttle the
party ship.
Iger Semen in polities often gives a man
a .welled head. -
OUR pa y isn s ways - t, nor is
your member infallible.
sr lx politioe-When you draw.thesworn
throw away the scabbard.
sr AN honest constituency can elwaya
• ebeck • dishonest member. -
Iii f,yLiran, of G•th, has .uooews,re, but
they are Coo-LIAte, of Gate
sr Jinni drove furiously, but he didn't
lead the prgresmion always.
or Ir is fortunate for the country whip
good men pre in the majority:
Tin principles of right are eternal, but
the politician's crooked work is infernal.
sr Ir the people are straight they will
soon bring a crooked politician to his senses.
Itis Ev*Rvoxs on the other side is not
decorated with hoof., horns and a spiked
Ir THE wicked flee when none purihieth.
And it's the same with the scalawag politi
Its A Hatt who is a pnlywng at Ottawa
o(tab tries "to appear like a whale when at
ALvnovon the member may he warp
.d, the oon.titnenoy may be as straight as a
sr TAKEN all jp all, the devil's litter le
light, so far w parliaments norm
MI Sows pnlitieiane rue as e•rtnk.d u a
dog's hind leg. But there smothers who
are not.
sI Neva, lie down and hare your throat
when the other fellow is sharpening his
snicker .nee.
SW Tog engird nld rhym.ter had the
practical palitieian in mind when he wrote t
" Vtiven the Awe was Birk, the devil a saint
week, hos
When the 411 it wee well, the devil • saint
wee ha."
sr Amato Beales wrote, " While we
rim ad Saw the ting. well not tape
politician'* family. Then is no anal
ogy hareem the two cases, and Tin
Siosise's login doesn't limp.
THE death of 8uen eLAxD MAtcoi-
sox, Deputy Master in Chancery,
onuses a reams" in the position and
there is some.. speculation as to what'
shall be done in the way of tilling it.
Our own opinion i1 that it should not
be filled at all, but that the duties
should be performed by the local
Judges for the fees connected there-
with. For years past a salary was
paid for the performance of the duties,
amounting to some $1,250 per annum,
the Government reoeiving all fees, but
as the work of the office was tight—
not amounting of late years to more
than an hour a week, the fees gradu-
ally fell off to soma $250s year, and
as a result the Local Government hale
to implement what they received in'
fees by an additional $1.000 in order
to pay the holder of the offiee his
salary of $I,250.
Since the lingering illness of Mr.
MALcoiisoN the duties have been per-
formed by ono of the Judges, and if a
saving of $1,000 or $800 or even $500
a year can be effected, and the work
as well attended to, we fail to Ise why
the Province should- not be spared
that amount. There is too much clr-
cumlpcotion and cost about these
catchpenny legal jobs, and if the
Government could see its way clear
to abolish all et them where they nes
out of pocket in' the maintenanoi, s
thine -would be done. -
—Sir WILFRID lawman will leave
the Old Land es X19, and will
be welcomed back to Casale by all
true Canadians. During his stay in
Britain he has done more to bring
Canada before the eyes of the people
there than all the High Commission-
ers and emigration agents since Con-
—The rumor dist J. V. ELLIs, M.
P. for SL John, N. B., was to be ap-
pointed to a $2,200 position in that
city is contradicted. Mr. ELLis is
editor and proprietor of the St. John
Telegraph, and having opposed the
policy of members of Parliament Loin -
mating themselves or their relatives
to fat Government jobs, stands firm
to his former professions.
—List week was a neer: her and if
Snows " had been within easy Mob
ire all would bale been willing toem-
brace the fair dame, even if the risk
would have been ours of being "frozen
out " afterward. But the hot spell
was wanted to bring about the ripen-
ing process, and now that the brassi-
ness has departed from the sky and a
more moderate temperature exists we
tett ptenved Lust nu? toe an Deet(
• • •
our friends noted have no fear of
defection en the part of Tits Mum.
or its editor. O.r Libei'aliiln is not a
thing et barter or of sale, of hies( e
c r trade, or ier preens' ate.
e •• epang, p
ring abonIit There is no paltering
—no fear of telling the truth. There
are men in the party who should be
shown the door, and it is the duty of
the honest men ihside to tell them
they are not wanted and that the
party would be well rid of them.
There is no room in the Reform party
for "political cracksmen." They must
either become honest or get out.
To the Editor Ot TRs SMNAL
Sit, --Hors& nods, and 1 see that even
I yon make $ " break " oocesionslly, else why
would von approve of Hon. amour) Mir•
roe's father being made Lieut..Governor of
the Nnrthwo.t, and disapprove of Mr.
CAweiurr'e eon -in -haw being aPpliented post.
master at (k,derich 1 The logic' that is goad
for one is good for the other. Nsio
NONSENSE! And Nano knows
he's talking nonsense. Tea o3loiAt
doesn't advocate the appointment of
Mr. Sirrox because he ,is CLIFFORD
StP'Totr'a father, but because years be-
fore the son Dame to the front the
father wu a " well-known, old-time
Northwest Legislator " and would
therefore be a better man to oonipy
the position of Listtt-Governor of the
Tsrritones than feather_#eights like
Mammas and PArneRsox, or any
other played -out political hack frotn
East ern Canada.
Mr. Sirroe's flame is written large
on the pages of the bi.tory of the
Northwest, whereas Mr. CArtRON's
son -in -lad's name was never written
on anything of greater importance
than a school register, and he would
not now be mentioned in connection
with the patnr.aterahip ef Goderich
or any other pgljtion in ebe gift of
the present Goversasent were it nos
Ile an ae idssI el marriage into a
cast in a pleasant place and in a
favored land.
SHAW.—On Wednesday 4 last week
Mtge Anna Shaw died very ly at the
residence of bee sister, Mrs. ron, Elgin
ave. The lady, though not an aid raideit,
having moved to town but a few seem oleos,
was widely and favorably known, her pro-
feesioi, that of mesio teaches. h,r aottvity
in ohuroh meteors and her wUtiogness to
assist soy and every muse for the •,vsaoa-
meat of the people haviog made her a hos%
of Mends. Her death is .opposed to bays
been missed by the •zoes.ire heat. se on the
Saturday previous she made her coal week-
ly visna to her pupils in Saltier*, sad
tbesgh ea the return feelior eon.ewb•t
enema, she nevertheless cn.tinaed her
Mittel motel stricken down. Her Mimes
wee but of few boon duration, and at its
oommeneenteet hoth deceased and her rola
Was eoSNdered is the offset Of the heat,
'Iamb Weald moo pus away. Mtge Shaw
woe • pastern woman, being al eeerptie
Sleeker is tit George's Sunday seho.l, and
doing •11 Misr else undertook with • ther-
oogheOM that sot only did her oredit, but
was an example worthy of imitation. She
wee also extremely 'seeress, for *Looe her
decrease the writer has beard of ZOOM wholly
she quietly aided the old end helpless.
The latsrmen% rook place is Maitland
C,eaetery on Thursday from St. Oprpe's
ohneeb, the rector hetes the efBahslar
elarrymee and ;Sheriff R. y•ehle, P. H.�ift,,
Jo. M. Rbkphard, Wm Ler, D. J. Mattel
sal R. C. Hays the pal hearers.
MALI OV8O}-Sutherl. ad Melamine,
M..Ia la Cbanoery for Hurts, did early
an Thursday morning afters towg Iileus.
'fim d.os sed gestleman ratfersd frees
oempli.attnn of eieeese•.. Inas trouble haling
to Wiwip•I ass. cad thoagh ev.rylbiag
was dee., lseMedlttg • Wlat is rejoarb le
flesh► mid • few weeks In • reroute hospi-
tsJ W offset • ears,, is was of no avail end
EMg heath toot hip.
The deceased was one of the hast knows
mos is Rums, .e before aerating to (lode -
rich he preened his profession r Clinton,
and file with hie tatg reetd.ae. (a bows,
the pat few yeam of which at lead Muter
of it,. Risk (Cert et Justice made hem se-
qwe+d wit h the poet withls its herders.
Mr. iMalkeman wee of a Misery. geem es
dlepeaition. his.. hie Merida*, wee meth
talent, and ease whoa dines had h'seme
deep mated he was trill the geed, the Mod-
er Marled e diseeie " ef the aye whys
health permitted hhn to sake his plea. Is
the -erielnit 1.fd, the em migeg rink ee es thehearth* gram
Rbb Misery reed mended will be rwws-
bMed tee foamy a dry 1m his kWly be -
:•'ii a�LFl`wgt'y r .elk
Mid -Summer Sale
Prints 8c and 10c for
Linen Goods 10o for
Fiannellettes for
. 5o
Her.( -Stitched H'd'k'f.522c,.., 7 for..
11 11 ..13c, for ...
Men's H'd'k'fs 8c for
Children. H'd'k'fs, per dozen ...
Shirt Waist. $1.00 for 450
Shirt Waist% 75o for .. 45o
Ladies' Vests 2;c to 50c
Ladies' Vesta 20o 3 for 25c
Pillow Cotton 46 inch 18c, for .. 12c
Pillow Cotton 48 inch 25; for .. 17c
Towels 24' by 42 Melo 12o
Tortellini", per yard
Skirt Lining 10c for
Fancy Ribbon 20c for lfic
See our Shirtiug for tic and 10c
Table Linen 35c for
Table Linen 50c for
Table Napkins 75o for 50c
Table Napkins 81.00 for . _ .... , 150
Trilby Corsets $1.00 for 75e
Summer Cornets 75a for 41c
Sailor Hatt 40.: for . ,
Sailor Hats 15c tor
Dress Goods 25c for
Check Muslin 8o ter
Flannelette Shirts 50o for
Summer Shirts and Drawers.... 450
Men's Hose 10c for 50
Men's Braces 40c for .... 250
Men's Braces 25c for 15c
Overall froms 25c to $100
See our Cotton for
See ow Cotton for
Whits Cotton 1 yd wide
Anyone buying a panel forgo p'
jgrik 5 spools of good Tbreod-fcir 1,00
quests, for there was no man In Godeorich
more ch■rissabls, will mar be a reoord of hie
goodnea. -
Seths leomeoo was horn i. IMO
and when di thimich entered MacK.loan'e
law eflisAlltillheelltes from wkletis palmed
bL examisalbs as solicitor and barrister,
and was esti(I to the tar of Ontario.
The Naomi took place from his late reel.
deuce, this town, on Friday atteraooe re
St. George's March, thane to the Wally
plot in Maitland osmetery. The rector at
St. George's, Rev. Mark Turnbull. conduct -
ea s.reMs at tate °e ret' ash sa the wawa,
esti the paU bearers were Jade. Hoyt*,
Seaetff Reynolds, I. T. (farrow, Q C., M.
PP., D. Mollarld, clerk of the Surroaat.
Court, M. G. irron and 1) C. Strachan.
A. the mournful procmmioe loft the hoose
the hall .1 yt. (i.orpe's tolled maul the
Gasket wag planed in front et its altar. and
as the bearer pawed with it from the moo -
)wry its solemn music told that another
well-known citizen had departed.
There were a large °umber of old friends
at the funeral, the bar of the noun' y attend•
tag in a body, the county o6ci.l. also and
there woe a large tnrnoat of the bus ball
club. The moos of Sootland were present
••d maroh•d ea a society, the members
wearing their bonnets, and to our mind no
mate fitting tribute could be paid to die
oeae.d's memory, for he *wry loved all
that pertained to the dhRioouve dress of
the inhabitants of the land .t the Mather.
The ooflo was covered with beautiful
floral emblems placed thereon by rel&Nvse
404 felsede •.d rifaL4 the.. gifts of sat.,e
were lovely to leek at and sweet with per
firn•.they did sot take away the mdse.. of
the noosetes.fer b church when " Th Will
hs Dose '' aha DMbetisblr e- s..by us.
ehoir, there were many tete bedewed
and the tiers were seed at IM dmMh-
Satherlasd Ma sem son.
Address sad Preeesletties..
A meeting of the Kong's D+aitliters was
held at the hoose of Mrs. Denary on the
000a.ioo of her retiring.
After address and reorientation a eery
pleasant eooial evening was spent when re-
fresbmsats were served.
-rummer - -
DEAR Serrano—It is with much regret
that we have learned of your purpose to re-
sits from the presidency of our nimbi. whioh
yes baa. ee him held with credit to your-
.lt and with profit to the oaass so dear
t. our heart•. We have sot been aoudad
ful of tee 'steam interest and untiring de-
votion with which you have alw•y• strives
to dieoharre the duties of your (Ace, even
great at the coat of persona world'..
To us your presence has ever hoes an in-
spiration and your self-esoritloine nal m
stlaulatiag example as is ear gee,.
Master's name we have eadeavnred to do
oar work of love and mercy. We tberet•,n
avail ourselves of she opportunity whin►
this 000safoa affords to express oar appreol'
at'oe of the valuable services which you
have thus tendered to God and to human.
illy, mad to center upon you a small ta.Rlble
token of melees and goodwill.
Be kind esoegb to soespt at our kande
tibia address with the •mempenying pit-..,
whish we sisomely trust will give you as
emelt Messer' te reestva Mop doss to a bo
Be assured, dear toter. that ear deepest
sympathy is with you in your troubles. sad
ear meet earnest prayers are offend for
your best and hiebest good. Amid, while
year ralestos to no es provides% of ear m-
oiety sods with this overdue. we r joie. la
the moment et having your sentineled co-
operation and help, as a private samhee as
'east. for many years se erase
The members of fess Wflliag Heart Circle
of King's Deagbkra
To the K.anbste of the wilting Hest Died,
.1 Maga D•ualt.ra
I hug is thank yen meet nisam.Iy fee
year ettawdlaoty hied .ted tee daMarl.r.d-
dress pnusmd tense ♦sp.a the este ima.f
rev r.Mnsisl frets the Fraud of ••'rhe
W'Ui.g Roast Chola ef Katy Daughter."
I tear yes have s neffe rstd a wristsai the peat, bat I era tidy me t�1 what-
.var week I w...kl., is w_ y email way, te
p.rferm, was a Miser of ler.; and whatever
dimes' I was enabled 1e relieve, I win
amply r.Lsld thirster, be the kwwl.itge.
sh.t i was dei.g setae little geed te these
While I seise Leser se .0.e limiter. my
interest a the " Girth" alkali sorer seam
while I lin, mad tq WO sent. mal teas.
Masa to bs .acted te Wenner the 'sew se
deer to the hearts el ea .f ra
Mete Moakley yea fee yore meeedieg
Idealises bo me derby the wh.ls purled w7
rig semi et sewI bay te rentals, r,,, eta.
eerily yss». Mast ifleva y.
otair Isms nos AVMS' a.
,rates r oeapglm are 6Ngsag Was.. and
tae .arisen le Seriatim.
London, July 8:—The Daily Muirs
torreatwnee•st at tit. Petenburftvsys:
"The harvest pto.p.tts is Cdptral :tad
South ituseia are getting *brae nod
worse. Continuous rains are destroytne
the bay crates. white the eee.•ptionany
poor bhee�t� i• Podonen !Podolia, has
prac r} std the .agar iudsstp.
The epees ja some _yr the Baltic pro-
vinces Mae have .ttsered heavily Crus
salami- eat- a Ogniacant alga or the
gravity of the situation le the fact tbat
an unusually severe censrossbip is exer-
xeccised over the ne as concerning It. There
is every likelihood that the present will
be one of the darken yews In Russian
alearrLrrsa ro t:Jt yjaLL
Ry.wa, the dgttste M•tateee, segs t
Tftap Ab.a 7edld again.
Lendan, July 7.—Ilyndmaq the Eng-
lish lMocielist leader, publishes an az.
tick in Justice, the Socialist
the auhject of the Indian 33ee
full of nccusatious against
meat, is insulting to. the mad
concludes with: Nott/ let as plain-
ly, as Ksglishmen wbo are utterly Oct
of tlib infamous wrgftg and ribber. Is•-
iig done in our name, woo would Elul
vitiates the vitialtried and hanged, froth
Lord George Hamilton Ithe Secretary
of Orate for India+ upwards, who heti
created the famine and murdered na-
tbi o -
by to- roiliiypt that if ever
ten justrh.d in Elbe Wean, of
the vivid it is justified in Rr$4* Thda
to -day. No more. intolerable etre
ever crushed sad • rofaed a Minna(
neoPre.` •
. .e
Paris,off "1 =t VM read be-
foiF the Aladalaff it litrleaees Yester-
day, recording Um perheeets of. the•
French aeronaut-Si.atin. at Canape -
es, in emulation ofProf. Langley's ex-
iwriiner M p Potomac Bay with a *team
dpo,g stase0lsr.
M. Tattn's machine was meat thrice
as heavy u Pror. Langley's Yid Mei a
double (Mitered of a single propeller. It
attained a .j13Fd Of 18 entree per wr-
end, as against Langley's 10; hut the
IengL o tl wan, r••tr iM1
*1 as _sig T7 Ts ro kflomet
Benmiller Nursery
Tb. Rosiness heretetdre carried on by
the I.te Joh. St'wart at the shore
5+51«1 Nn'.. -y, Vlltare of Heamlll.r,
will M carried on ors metal by We eons
and 01111ILRY TBZIS
Bvergreeh Trees a Specialty!
The steak is oemplMM. ash muset115
prrehssea will One R M Sher ads ant
sags tea amen . hem as mmg sbemM layAwaFiine Assortment of Hot-Honss
Plants, Hanging Baskett, )tau Bedding
Plants in Beeson.
(Judaea W Yell premptly attneasi se
I vi
awn ter ('O tt VIEIr esiP
bested broadest IIlEd0, pique sail
*S5* ;a,soOGILVIE&
The Kensieiton Faniture Co.
Llueltyd, hare made sgtyeom.nt. wish
artwat.s. *nom a 1.11 Ileo of OW geed,
T$.a elite ossse
Parttime• at Factory Prices
teas Sea. e d i, ayleila
..�ie•1er- lh.ai a stun arts 4 -a b inter. • srppirri�
DehM Inv— It's • ford yew Gia w lo
pleas of ernNer ase, wird yes den's leen sltmrt = D remosemsers mate ass'tear
hew to spa go ether era