HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-15, Page 3(tion
h of tee
r health
'us, was
e ta. trod
at °suet
gbt front
to two
and my
ie when
best of
Ibute to
my chil-
e to -day
hay too
seer al
. A4la.
t. Values
e at the
sect Troy
r. Ac.
b. Valves,
as sad le.
a Lowes
r and H.
1 Co.
Ile Bag-
lold Ef•
PI of
-„ilv- _'•r- THE B A 's - GODERICII ONTARIO.
Which' would you rather
trust? An old, true friend of
twenty years, or a stranger i
You ma have little health
left. Will you risk it with
,l stranger ? If you have a
cough, are losing flesh, if
weak and pale, if consump-
tion stares you in the face,
lcan on Scott's Emulsion.
It has been a friend to thou-
sands for more than twenty
years. They trust it and
you can trust it.
Let us send you a book
telling you all about it.
Free for the asking.
SGOTT a wwN& a.t svWm (Mu
" What makes you buy that brand of soap."
T &eked • wawa shrewd ;
•sups."Some others hove far larger sups."
Their names I hers reviewed.
" W hat maks@ you boy that oertsin brood'"
The woman looked surprised.
And thus she auswered my demand--
•• Bases We advertised 1"
•' W k y'did yes .hoose that ribbed' tsar'"
I asked a little Miss ;
The storekeeper hes others there. -
Why did you ask tor this!'
She used at me with pitying ores.
My maw she °iodmaed,
Than answered very Wrap' y, " why.
Because it's advertised !"
M• MP:t
Rotting t:Um P OMoe
(cold Filling, CrownsBridge sadWork a Specialty.
M Years Export bee.
M. MABEE. LD.D.S. TAL iltalte1WN.-L•tot and approved
methods for au dental operetlona. Presorts
lea of the teeth a p .laity . Otero
our Jamas slVtar� de store, oor-
aer or West Skies be
t)M. THEN 1 ILL, D. D A., L b.8.-
. D.ntal Sartooa. (Lately associated
with Dr. Dlzoa. of Meslrast soli and pores -
Isla, artificial teeth esei an geld oren ties
l um-
lntm beam, ot the .lav teeth. Oslos in
oleas9 saw block. 1011.tt
" What makes you always buy tbat line!"
I salted • buelsos friend ;
" It's quite • tavorita of mine.
But -why select this brand
He looked astosisbed, and my aim
H. bad not reooraisod,
But still be answered jnet is same
" Donna* i•'. advert/so; !"
And so you'll and wbers'er you go,
soh peons buy,
Tho goods that have the greatest show
And on whiob folks rely
Are thou made knows tiro' printers'
And it may be surmied
Ons merit la, the people think,
•' Beano it's advertised C'
-Printers' joie.
WA. THOMSON. M. D.. epCCu�
at Rt
by Dv. Cam yMin* a_..
fns. Oda -Moos atame:xtuamd.
duce lately ocemelad by Dr. �asdl Nub
gals from reeldetws. Telephone
Willows at ail Mae ea • oasis
yaks -
ran Oat .very Ela■. pegseestM the
real lo -
let vita
etimet d • as. • n. gives to a wow. She
should .at teepees from him toe meek
sae no right Maas M ask of kiss per-
osiso oo to lead • logy life herself. end to
give up all her days Lad yews to vale axed
idle thoughts. Whoa ties wife owe Make
her hunbaad's keine eomise a joy. Yin bowie
.ayiag • plsaaan sod a delimits. sad km
kowtow borne • sorrow, then, and thea easy
OM she *spa a great deal from lis."
A /asp lased.
Some lreaobmis wan boasting of their
"affairs of loser,"ew►o teas ot them de
eland that he had Isaiored apes en some -
oat the meat dresdfal fete 'test • duellist
had ever met
" How was it !' asked se everybody- is
" I roat • hotel. and I shaggut th.at ged to *0 s-
self • total stranger -
was a looin. master."
One or the other of us,' he deplored la
arta! wrath, " will sot go out of this roots
alive !"
"610 tet it b.," I shouted is response; and
thea I rushee out of the room, lopped the
door behind ma and left him then to die '
A Trick lit The Trade.
First Paris •rant-Vy yea put Lot in zer
Second artist -Bet is for • marine pic-
ture. 1 make ze paint salt; ren when re
A.a loew put zair 8.gers to mit lips L7
soy, " Fet is weeder/tut ! Ve almost taste
wash of se oats." UM:ay boy.
Lairl i.
111M, atm, vgaaer, mss, Oftles-car•
> ztiton- ed St. .k.dawwwta.dpsi.l> use
Belletter. Neter, iitMa Aohee
.last. West 1140144,
tenor. Noted,... Moe aver Medical
- -gait. Square. sed
bettor. oammis,leasr. eatacc,, Mossy to
M.a. Onus : cot. Hamutoa and!!t. Andrew's
Streets. Oodertsh, tat leer
8.21.145'.0o netts mos•
a. May
•o tan at .I5$ sats
redo, Whoa Woad. sederiot. Ont.
�. e
.-t801121ar t• Maritimes Courts o< Ogri
• dOalbar.. kcal
A Crewing gamic.
1f you want something pretty for the
ebildren to look at buy • cheap ebonite,
damp it, sprinkle lax, mustard or giro
teed on it, an•sag string b.og it by g
may wiedow. Is • taw days you will
bane TNpatifal mess ersw ksU• Kap the
swage wary wit, itMTMaW1M-
ginala die- poli It uN at�try it sgsia.
seems the Msaa•
Onus. at Balmoral, the Queen went out
alone visiting. She sawed • °ottate and
found an old man bedrlddes sod all .lone.
, Have 7,•a no one to keep you oompany !'
said her nosiest y. " Nap ma's= ; they as
alt gang to ate the Qwam-" 8211 took •
Bible end read to bim, awl o leaving gave
him some money, say:w t "ill your folks.
esus, tbat while they WON to see the
Queen, the Queen has MIS leress you
R. ORK. to. OHAYSise
Bei. NNert21'm. SOLICIT -
Masa. Moe. Private rade to bad at
:cosset rates of interest.
giro. 3 T.
AsseraszLeilosore. tied*,
'lAME1t1N, HOLT & P. �HOLM S.
k. Barristers, Bowmen la .dist
iioderlch. M. O. Omagh40. i PP•
riadi.y Holmes.
noasa Mar
medlar to
Dun of
DI v idol
. to.. mad eao>•hotea for Mktg and re
ot •aaa.:. s w
err spasms dee era-
Court ed Junto*. the
earls. or la any Donors
c avb� ID truaraotices c•retal$
tad promptly 'wasted. besidemoe tP.
• ddref-Dtaoaanes Oat.
TeuaeuAr, July 15, 1897. 3
your del entest P.rhsp• he Mk sad per
hese 7*
Mp+Melt WallraMpesail)the remark of
a to ea des'e
deed t u the stun it has Seves y i. your
wst do ham majesties
owe nand.
Pas os your bet, leave your tam Wr at
home, go down and woke • frl.sdly oall.
Be osghborly, frank. epos. Tell him the
truth, sad sale for soul frankness from bum
Nine hawked sad.taety-niae Mae out of
• thoosasd the whole matter will be ex-
plained'and strsi[btwed out is A min-
utes, sod yon will part as pereassi frlu.n
ether than as paces! and beasts* ens -
miss. Yoe will both. tool base, )
live side by side is b•rmosy. Ties earth will l
be brighter, the sunshine awes, yoor ow
art lighted and mankind take es • mora
friendly asps*. Don't get we'd •ad rush to
your desk sad ad • noorohi.g letter . be a
San ands Christian sad go yourself.
• Talk is over.
Net to ate roams
When one ottl the reckless less umw of few chyme
times appeared to
sines, the judge stopped bin howl in about
this maw : ' 1 hive ben amazed at the
kazoo attempt of this prisoner to rob the
mo who trusted him. A man's credit
should be as dear to him as his 000ntry and
his Gd. I will floe this fellow 111.000--"
" All r:,hI, I've got it in my pooket•"
said the prisoner's lawyer. And the judge
repeated slowly :
"One akouaand dollars and two years in
the p.aitentiary. have you pot that lee%
in your pooket, Mr. Attorney !"-Chicago
Tina. Herald.
Meares. !leer '• MardoM.
One day, a Quaker mot • friend who
seemed in trouble. -
Friend, what ails than !"
.. Ab, friend, my son bas rue away and
got married.
' Oh !" said the first Quaker, " don't you
troahla your head about him."
But the other did not seem as though he
ooald be oon.oled for the low of his nos.
At length the first, in his efforts to eon
sole hiu friend, .aid ,. 1 shouldn't
Well, tt se heebeeedeestkillge,Neff * OM
a s. 'abet with a twl'skle in
his ere, "If be were thy moo, neither
should I.''
rias.'. gree sense•
Shades of Joh. Walt y and John Calvin
diked us ! What woald those great good
ems Mve thought had they seen what I did
in a fasbtooable Madison avenue cnsreh is
New York the other Sunday morning-•
pew holder 1,randi.hioo bey kedslk- daring
aweless, and taking snap shote of the alter,
Rowes, aurplioed obotr and the clergyman
m the most telling attitudes. The ante.
snob fiend is not "in it' with Gila monster.
-Philadelphia Press.
anew what It was.
Loam AAA Insuranas'
-een rt
Piya% Psasle •a 1»r
▪ 91 M.0. O If Soma's
.e.0.1ite cellists*
ttroaa of *Maio, may 1n first -ohs.
farm .eosrtlr eau de se at t► per O•mt. br 1140-
plyingt J. A. MCDONAOH. Room
em -
bold t:Selama. Toronto.
. lasaranea olio~ oppsdy Martb S Rotel.
NotesOA IMO Mena
"UM. appeals Martin's !total, sed.
T{ J. T. Il ATrEL, TIRE, Lari AND
e n lowest
"sae Q[aes--Oar red $ Mi1 m. Ded-
MONEY TO... 111111 .-' & eeaalm.J
lows* rates es �4oleto tas,l5s1o. Apptr
i -s
T1 "s
t I, Q>LBBRRA lane
[atter•. We.
Hes is an editor who has • notioib'y odd
way of opening the eyes of sleepy subscrib-
Have you ever hand of the three-hand<dw
man, the oao who had a right band, • left
hood and • little behind hand ' The editor
of the sea has the wanes of a hew three -
handed people on his subscription Wt. It
is the I stand -head fellows that are 10
arrears who are asked to notice the addrseg
label os their papers and remit the amount
dos without further del.y. -Ingersoll Sun.
Persons who patronize papers should pe y
promptly, for the paouniory prospeote of
the press possess • p.oullar prosperity. If
the printer is patd promptly, rood hie pocket
book kept plethoric by prompt paying pat.
room, then putteth he his pen to the paper
is pease; hat parr o -spin are more pointed;
he paiateth his plotter's of pawing events
in more pleasant °olon. and thus the per-
usal of his paper beoometh of mon pleasure
to the people. Paste this piece of proverb-
ial philosophy in some plates where all per-
sons can perosive it. -Manitoulin Exposi-
The oompceitorm ran out of " p'." or else
this editor would have continued indefinite-
A man once asked an editor : " Can you
tell me what sort of weather to expect this
month ! The editor saroastioally replied
"• It ia my belief that the weather WI
mouth will be very mach like your soh
Lion bill " The man wondered for se Dour
what th. editor was driving. at, whim &t
last he happeod to -111. of the word "nn -
witted." How is it with you
The doctor once took • tippling Sootoh•
man te teak, and gr&phicelly described for
his bseedt the effects of over-indalISsoo,
. k el s -i-Aysiost pale a
fere after drinkiag-tee oohing brow. the
parched tbrost• the trembling w
Whereupon Sandy interrupted, him with
"Geis yet han', doctor, man t Y. de•
reribe the sea'attonm sae well that I thlak
11'. eo Bret time you've hoes foe' ysresl'."
A Standing Often
■H Gratitude.
A gentlaneaa who had sent an Irishman •
little mosey to enable him to emigrate to
AmerM. giMivd the following lases
whiob is sert•inly gratefal, though psealiorr
Roamed Sir. -God bless you aul%.iIs 1
you kayo sent me. It I gees on I'll resseet
Ina* book; bot 411 dies plate God I
you i• the Upturn fields and pay year hon•
or there tint, any way, you ever have the
pryers of your humble servant,
MleHaIL Malgx.
P. A -le there any one here that has
ever deo. azy:biog to offend or injure you
that your honor would like something to be
dooe to! I'd like to do some thing for
your b000r before I goo, to 'bow bow
thankttal I am.
There la • singular .tory told of the yw'm
pr.daetiw of Aetna ,'v the artists of
Paris, doubtless by way of satire of the way
is whiob metas pastes poll the wool over
the eyes of the public.
One artist, it is said, has covered • can-
-with anthing wee er but • think
olood of black paint, to wTiish o t1'ih
whatever is distinguishable. and he pro
osimams to exhibit the under 121i• title :
" Night attack of negro* on our black
troops b Dahomey !"
nimbuses .f the Wertz.
The population of the fin "oontieente of
the earth, se satlmi ted by M. Emilie Le-
arner, la as follows :
RNI . o w
n Mosey to Lead es 1
was, at tN 1'w.N r&to of iabredp_
ey w.y to fats flee itoerwwer. omw-
ad dear Ira Stare. Waw "'•
Meenanfasa' InRfltliLM.
s RTMean ANDr�a�w""''
Y 1
ah� Ua�is. d)�•%sp.1tflea thee, M..al 'ne yto to s.tt.
ABOIIT l00/ *01.14 IN LIBRARY.
North America
Oasts 38,000.000
Booth Amato% 54,000.000
'Matte Te A Node WIN.
I want a death certificate ! " said an ex-
cited tselivldual, rushleg i.to the health
office yesterday after.eo.. Ha rot itsad
was asked for the oartomary dollar. .
" Watt's that ?" he untamed, looklee
e.v r d,'saiMammary dtty amts."
tehdtog kat baad.Couldn't take apans7
Well. here's the dollar." declared the
ea- "1 v aide t have had her die for
eve. She was a model wife."
Wiest O. C.0Ma's M..
A ret d*mt std sate el 14 Brr Amaral
'rhos is a pertain solicitor very popular,
very rood-o•Iured, and with as keen a sense
of humour as any of his confreres. He is
always ready to help younger and les ex=
pertsased members of hat profusion with
Sivtae and ,MMelssease; ash; knowing this,
A splendid Ceylon blel:nd tea at 25, 40, 50 and 60c.
ltti n4Ittral flavor retained in sealed lead packages. For sale bars,
there and everywhere.
M Aimest-meshed las.
An smusist eau ot absentmindedness
was experimen by a young south eider the
other evening. The young man is 'anally
s bright nature, bat gr ammo time past
hie triode have bees sMella that he does
lana peoollar thing'. .11bilesa 640 he was
at • reception, and a few Minutes before
closing time he went to tat omit box and
' scared his hat mid coat- Tbss he walked
o n stain to the denoted door and pinked
up another oast and walked home with it
on his arm. Arriving at his horns. he found
that be had one oast on and another oil his
arm. The next day he found the owner of
the extra .tint, and mutual explenetio..
followed and all was well- Bot that has
been eclipsed by bis latest exploits. He
had finished hip toilete,aod started for the
street- As soon as he made L•la appearsooa
be wee greeted with smiles from everybody
who saw him. He walked down street and
could not imagine what made the passersby
' mile at bim. Finally he reached the res-
taurant where he take@ his meats, and then
he realized that he was oarrying something
to his band. He looked at it and toaod
that be had carried the lighted lamp from
hie voam-_ es4- lead walked several Mods
&log the aegis street with it in bis hest.
Another rasa M cited. .MiMd.i- 1216
o we young dean. Ali We saga .thaw M
M employed he has omission to ess4MOMy
sal{g at the telephone. One dMl1, 1u was
reading a book an big room yuan alarm
oloek r'og In the adjoining r'eee. The ab-
sentminded youth got no and eommeoo.d
to yell " Hello ! Hello "' and when the oc-
cupant of the other room ioquired as to the
ogees of the yelling the young man said in
a .heepiab manner, " Oh, I thought it was
the telephone rinptng."
itasre & un* stun lois( solicitor whom
be bad often befriend0d, to lay before him
the outline of a case, to tell him ot the
coarse he had pursued is the interests of
his shiest, and to heel his protessional opin
ion about some di®oalt point.
It was promptly given, when suddenly a
spasm of recollection shot over the good -
matured features of our friend.
" May I know yt.or client's name!' he
, Most esrtaloly.; it is Mr. So -end -So."
" Bless m. !" -id Mr. Mentor, ■trne-
liag beta.' his strong maof tan and
his oossaiumssas of the postaem of tba
brt•glio. " ween for the defendant in this
matter 1 '
I adin! D15Zy, B*.r'MY mass.. is remMNIMt
_�t1aly Nal tr s of kis
'toiliTIMMP it most .M el ilia bel+ w�'ba
aortal& tildes et paella estsrlsia-
er" tree lett
to ;ser&gsias mom `aaabip resnvsd bI
. 11.3M11. IL EA Lib*MM4
Sollib t1111a
l�HOI1ul MOR!, ATIOPlo
_ al -
*seed tem
rat ty
.ToRI! O L. sI Y . 'L`'''am
wtnrr&a •gree AINOW carr. Page eggerg that
4 idwaas 10 y a dt+►eeaMt.0
In the rising Lt0M watering -Mao* of
8- land has bNa selling freely. sad the
house and estate mess have doss • brisk
business. Oee of Mese matlems bee be
his employ a young Elsa Mks den his bot
for hie employers both d.101 mai after of -
Sae hours.
Oo. evader, I/M .oath; wills M • little
party, his Meads asked ides is , mad
being qultS ilademl, he oweilmaM5, ging
Mg Own aaoempanatmsnt. TM was
How Sweet HoEl.," as/ he star is
w.lt-3n fast resolving a hearty dialers. to
with be respead d by stopping Met la the
outs* et the rocs sad saying. to Ohs great
amicableness% of the easpaor-
" I an triad you like the moan. It le a
beautiful .mag end • beautiful them.. Thom
Is s. 0{ng Ilk. hewed, .ad I should like to
remark here they d you the &snow 4 O
friends wish for a hem.,
them by easy Mealmantm. I.bell b. plowed
te stow yea the property at any tine.."
et Me
moil ea* sempsey id toend add M a ret
we've hssrol s.sagb it what
yes .as New
tj anis. miles wan yes „s a'4
gs,t end ruWray ' trs the de it mysgely with
yew. "I iaa'tfalliedy oty meets* wads hors e
glad to Med you're the am to de 11"
Aal she Mae pais the seen smell teen
of M*gbtet teem the party.
...Why didn't you keep to
your own side of the road
You Blooming Idiot:'
wag, parts It tarr my Sauk b ..neves
u m u case
bare= el " Qa;ckcuru ' m my
ase Me.te.s before we et troy. Yee sever saw any-
lor.tda4, .sal � swami aaaw•T it d .u�laWs4 4. -we i es • bruise 1• any
HENRY !Ewes, L.D.S., Quebec. writes :
"One of my children sprained her ankle, which
became much swollen and discoloured. Some •Qulckcure'
was spread on linen, and applied ; the pain ceased at once, the
Melling was gone the next day, and on the fourth day she walked
to school as usuaL I have also proved It to be a wonderful remedy
for cuts and bruises.
c T O
Tits Tillable se • I coat Wife..
h Deters @reenlist else Ile yowl ere.
sou boo • *IA it upas fres seer Wiest
t..esrewee risad f1/1a, awe Lath
Assemen, midis Is Ow Jess Lamar Ube
Jaoraal .1 " What M Uri* few Teems
Ilea: " M -vea.la lib tt-^
s melte Mai No far to bar. be feseles oho le
• W t► WA le s
e d.i siplbateN��r imam Mass& e•aMlal Weiss.
sada. • the dells +ala Over tmWng bat
eTi whipeg��,Mr y if Misr
beN1BI.04. Alto-
ki eatlf boom
Vessel Supplies a Specialty.
EXTRA VALUE in Nottingham and Swiss Nett
Curtains, 3; and 4 yards long, New and Elegant Designs.
Swiss, Spot, Spray and Sprig.
MUSLINS---A large range to choose from.
Art Muslins, Art Sateen Draperies, Crepe Cretonnes,
High Art, Crepe Reversible Cretonnes suitabe for Por-
tierree, etc.
A. MYIUNRO, Draper
Wanted to Brief.
The New York Sea reports • " weatt„aW'
Prbeb'ytwrtaw wrinletei} as giwlag antra �
a000unt of his fist marriage oetremony. The
groom, • friend of the minister, was a young
newspaper mgt. Om the afternoon of the
wedding day he palled apes the ol.rymeas.
" I ,appose it dose pot eMka my ..
to you what Corm you tier tib
said. " Not the slirht.st." asrrtl%11
Well," said the prospective bidiab e's,
I para looked over m number of servIaas,
end have picked .ut the Datoh Rafeeaed
bemuse it M the shortest. But ems that
is mash toe bag. You pre•ebers omit be
ex ted to ks.ow 'arab* about boiling
things down. I have brought you a IJutob
Reformed prayer -book. and you will w
that 1 have ttmo ked sat .11 that I think is
With that, says the minister, he left em,
"Mar lady err tat snow..'
Mr. Laurier quoted from ' Our lady of
the 8sow. ' fa his Liverpool .peek the outer
day. sad extolled tie.ppontemes sad troth
ot tt. US:
trtsr ani I la w .ether'. hottere
iMrese v ay owe.
He N 1.110 b appy aWivs of the pods. to
M desisted them lines tie portray with
similar these the tad.dyisg realms of
C0.ees ttatieaal Anftgtk sal wawa spoon with
peibleal let. After w,ti.' . Mads Oassate*e Premier et
the ertelekers >tew elted is Owedm by the
thisipstiler ef Oasis le • O1rr Lade of the
fjlset/ll.' ' $mr►hrrlasdtete Mr. [natters
weed for tbei. eittivb 0.. " rob." ►o
said, " abet would Ossa& M wiliest her
maw t II use et Mr et
treasures• *11 Rent Neiag
would Way suis* bet the lis are. me
meet et the we.MAsl WSW et war them
Lads awl the ealmbidty N ear oilman* we
ewe to tide same wisest 'Wee. Oar wow
is sib Os1.kfti tor.
]. 11 c.0.Jr.
folk ft Over.
I base lesee'i ..wile] MINA hs the swami
et •haus barman Weed WU twee a pose
say Where be laws.
inn VW aunt Ohba I r.e fussed raft
►a r'adasad hate me sedges of w4dem tft
Wel weeds. Talk lb twat.
It 1�
bedews away try b
the bsl
set alibi bibs Abet.
el tat
ttr•bals ib a ellY•iir Wo ear r1
MOM esea.
gw elaeWM telt yes shot Bork, down
*. t1M1k hes said et hese .emesilhgp s.
They have never been known
to fail
and I opened the book as the marriage
osremesmy. H was a network of bleak
Liam. That Fonar ism, so used to eatkbg ■■ t
espy, hate aN0 &fly edited the carriage m.r. yBoots ' A T /'1 D Boos
thee, nod had knook0A eat
heist least two-thirds of 1t.
It aiaek
d me at lest to see a prayer
book so mutilated. hat 1. the ovate fol,
towed Dopy lite a faithful oemposttor, sed Shoes that are S h o e
the whole o.remmy did not take men than
Arse a'lsstas. He wee delighted. but Ne
bride had • little boa t. Ptak with ase.
She had had • hated M lbs editing. I he-
apss, for Is the premise M " lova, bear
and ably," the weed '.bemark- i
eel out. ISM Is the fxeatemest el the me -
Mint I Ids ft h.
De yea know. the etergyne•s o.atisued,
pat yeas( man taught me a Mem .bout
odes geroome ht)1Mr pied membra ow-
tlgsnese. I bought the beadsmen ooa I
esu! 5sd..ad earned it with sae, 511.d
est and ready. Wits I headed It to him
be l..kd et tt and alga.
•' Nes.sese." said he tet de yea %blah
ra as art eters t " and be tare a blank 1..1
from a heel au saw
prise tabic, sad anon
Tit than uhi..s,065es MO hit et I telMltg��
bleed. es Tesesi.y. the Ills 6y et Marsh.
IIQQ, I rifted Jobe Swab sod Abigail
Jaw to the Meda of si eriMkay.'•
I closed it, eel the Med was Ikea.
1f yes wadi bees ea .besdasee drt Neb.
Weiif wwM hare • Wass meat%
tai int111Mmm
wt k&.. ter
plat beat M Wed sad glial. dal yes
Amid bays ho estora.
11N UMI/ /q/pl Vire.Aye% Rohr a
411111011 SWAMI Theme spade • gorse
&i1 at Ids Hien 1a testreass abroad sober
i'fleHart&t a• met 01*$l t b Ids suite*
O. .talie wpm is the esmagrsa 1i .«IM.
vogiois muatlim he visas •red t..kos*Ns
dwell row* hat onsetha.sbt
are mold by WM. SHAaMAN, JR„ who has
one of the Largest Stocks west ref Toronto
The goods on the shelves are from the
best manufacturers on the Continent, and
one of the easiest -fitting. best -made and �
longest-wearin pieces of footwear worn -;:-• =-" _
by man since the day when the
All goods sold are selected with the
Lgreatest care, and OUR KNowtzDoh OF
Ordered work a specialty, and repairs
neatly executed.
• 3 . 121 11 t M 1.401 •1 •i i `S R x.
1feL1f.AN'S BLOCm, QO1 CH.