HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-15, Page 1WO*,
rum.. SIGN AL
previootal pewee whicile hod 0111110Mn•
TE zom.d.A.raw CON. 3C-Crig,01•1" C:101:71s1"1"ir
IMedd, teas had tne trout of his tietablleh•
meat sad premises palsied, the work being
I goal a ambition, presto W hotbed it .
The saloon the drunkard factory. them to mike snootier step tower& tailir one y Pertist William Oiveas,
I Es
whieh adds very mach to the progressiee
Od MOOD Oi our v ii -
la. It is setareating to knows, however. that lags. M. is a bustler and is, we are
-- the tempereoes senttineet is steadily ea the Pleased to state, dotes • large business te
Toe devil %ogles whim the est calLe for increaser in Outatio at least. Those ere the olothleg wade.
whiskey hewer hammed please by owe -half in tbe 12‘h. -The 18th has own* and passed to
--- provisos than there were 20 yew ege. II- fIll up the rewords 01 old Fattier tiros.
moo die that distills:4o and breweries though the populateeen ihmeased during that Quo.* a another of tho brethren of Dungan -
sir liV e.
- period. In this Oily 21 years ego there
were 114 tavern and 148 shop liosnoss in ea Doc L. 0. L. No. 324, took In the Auburn
Milehriation sod as weird with slight scoop -
The saloon dem he the broad way dowe to esteem, whereas today we have 111 in all. Woos.' the .1.2th brought. ram and cooler
tlis depths. esemnitneenta tor drunketineee shim ever bo-
la dee progiem last year there were fewer weather. We presume that those rbo
were desirous to have warns weather and
The homes 'yobbos given liberty to y oung am% aod Lbw* were fifty per coat. more were grumbling, had their timbre to the full
am todrick. isleasitinents in the State of Moine soder oomplemeot and prou•bly a little more se.
ETON VOW in • partair ta Ste• booms 'ye- Goingr on addles °apnea is yes within flight seems ses al all writhe. FrOM OUP OWII 00IPPOOptthliMenta tullouroluosta aPiou
/bore ie liaterwiattem More That Came. ne
resod laywaere Ithie-lews sif the
toasty anotelly thenolied
toe The ininal.
The Papal Delegate*0 acme ea Me Stand
dinesties-thew this germs view the
imperial - Tete Mew
Temperame iorthreassesi.
()TTA NV A, July 1 . -The fare well
of Mgr. Del Val to Lb. Catholic* of the'
Dominion, oontatned in his reowitly pub-
lished letter to Archbishop Leonora', of St.
Bosibarm, rings with no aidgertaffi sound is
respect to the final disposal ot the solsool
eontroverey aod all it. attatedont irritatioss.
People aurally throughout the °wintry
hail this foth•runner of the ultimata
thnounoment from the Holy Sao with
satisfaction. Coming as it dose at • time
what there seemed to be • desire manliest -
ed on the port ot some et the Catholio
clergy to agitate afresh the sohool issue, it
well be sompted with • feeling of great re•
Lf to ail, mays eh. sztressista, that the
Drilegaui has deameded that all agoation
shall mem. A feet daV • ago across the river
in the city of Hail, the Roy. Feller
Thereon preaahed eo violoat • sermon three, I
was befointed hy one of the oongregation,
that many of his hearers were highly in -
&guest at tne seuttmente b• es's exprm-
solo to, and numbers left the church durtnp
the &diger/. of disoouree. In Preach -
mg to the St. Jens .13epalate Wictety, he
-Xis best tomprehriee workers you have
L4 the opportunity to rev
11"hwono boohriedressig"domd ttb:sylm..m.Penorr:: Catholics for the roults not onty of the
Pl!dr nosey Provincial elections but of the pre-
-- pied wriakUndeL • elate Federal electioos as well, sod decker.
kA 11 the
flp*abibitory law in 1896 than thwe wore
0 Loomed to sell ' theold ale* rend *WA
.___ lis Dalian° under ids hoopoe law. It hea
ern to deetroy. lien 000tendod diet well anforoed li
- ars better than week prohibition. A.°77.
young man, you will never lo • dreskard
if yea refuse the first drink. . WEDS A CANADIAN BRIDE.
0 God is not nsooked; whatsoever • man *Westing Ceremony at the Ilifilikr
-- -
th that shell he also reap."
GLiereioa-Ms.caas- Wedding belle have
, March tandes,
if so eell other 10411165 sone whiskey 'tome- loon raging very frequently in Landes
ma ell' sell your ism whiskey. crops
lately sad the eir was filled with gilled echoes
The distiller has ;•;;.b &ad tour, Lod the of there again this afternoon when in the
drunkard rides • Patrol wegoo. Memorial Church at balf past two o'clock
Miss Lea& Crseswell Kamm daugheer of
ono is very greet dewed your own son the late fidr. htaoars, barrister. ot Joderieh,
if you Homes • hotel to make drunkards
pay become • drunkard. waa worried to Winton) Anderson Glieseiw.
• promioent lawyer of Rowooke, Vulva*
Aloohol is the forerenser of the foulest and theatre • small and (islet wedding it
melon of the berestiebarsoters on record. WOO au excemdingly pretty one, tor if spring
deeds the vilest oremioaL and is the 0...m•
and autumn are the eiriewone most !evocable
" lama's thief sod is to glorify God." and for each so event yet midsummer with its
an individual Makes Meat his ohMfead wealth of fragraot flowers, sod the appro-
11 beve nothing AA* 1091.1atextaanta. prime light. dainty style of the wedding
gowns Lgtves pleat). of opportunity for the
displal of artistilitasto ale tietimertoosteem
blooding rif bright 001001
The floret deowstions in the churon were
lavish and beautiful ; by the praoeful
rangement of an sliandaeoe of flowers ased
planta the ohanool head undergoes
traneforseattoo. Handsome palion.
orionoa poppies. the rauitiow-ausil swoop
peas, and lovely anima tilossethe lend
changed its ••thm religious" ens late a
more !Wire and fitting ooe. The onenseiliy
was performed by the Very Rev. the Dean
of Huron, misted by the Re%. J. W. Teo
Eyck. Mr. Glasgow's geoomemen were
Edward W. Koherteon sod W. C. Stepheo-
son, both ot Roanoke, while the bride. who
came up the aisle on the arm of Judge Wit..
liam Elliot. was attended hy her motor. Mine
Mary Mtwara. sod Mies Annie Elliot as
brideeznaids. She wore • very atylish sad
thooming reoeption ocetum• of white sils,
with short skirt, the bode*. trimmed with
orange blossoms and having • yoke and
sleeve', of chiffon, sad a largo white chiffon
hat, trimmed with white ostrich tips. sod •
large bouquet of white roses The brides-
maids' dresses were dainty organdie mu-
lles. Mir' Mary Mmera's was • pink
dowered pattern over pink, with trimmings
of pink ribbons and • black het with pink
ribbons and flowers Miss Annie Elliot's
was a striped ergeadt• aad • black hat
trimmed with purple flowers; both carried
louse bunches of .west peas. Elliott Fraser
aided as umber. J. W. Fetherston presided
most soosptably at the organ and gave te
Id. occasion the charm of nit -mile mine.
Aspens the yenta were : Mrs. Mann;
Miss Elliot, lira Charles Deleon (Tomato).
Mrs. James Frasier, Mrs. Richardson. Mies
Ethel Rfotiardsoo, Mao. Flo:seem Fraser.
T Sexes Wile'. Mies Rubio Michis.
Miss Nolo Mitobie, 11r. and Mrs. Maxwell
D. Fraser, AIMS Jens% Tilly, Mrs. Goo.
Brown. Miss Lisa Elliot, Boma B. Elliot.
Mrs. Morroreiff. Mr. sad Mrs John Lehatt,
Miss Dalton (Toreato), the Mimes Belderia,
Intik Leonard. V. F. Creep.. .
After the nreesemy i rennin was held
Mr. aed Mrs. Glasgow lett by the -4:30 ease
bend train, aad many end Saone are the
good wishes thet follow them to thin home
hi far away fussy southern Viroinis
The maoy iriend• of Mr. Forby will bie
pleased to Worn that he has so far r000verd
auto be able to be up.
Mr. mid Mrs. Newell have been ts God.-
rioh the paat week owieg to Woe death of
Mr. Newell's lathier, whir* coc urred on
Tuesday. They have the eympeally of the
oeseentadVi is twit sad bereavement.
rintraY, July 13.
volunteers hare returned from Lon -
MONDAY, Jilly 12.
Jas. Linklator is building • stone totioda-
Sou and • shed for manors at his ham
Every...04y is burly, and the ruing fellow
oan only see him girl !Saturday mobs Sun-
day night watts are macelled pro tem.
Doriag this week D. liaolaren, of Salt.
ford, with his far•tarried moving apparels*.
will hoist the barn of James Chishohn at
this lake upwards and roll it at • betakes of
tea feet on to • atone fousedatiou Weedy
Illrootad. This will be QUAID gia event in the
building Gra 012...1' d&Y* Th born was
built in 1886 hi Wm. We any
natio* more am& weak.
liar Wave -Daring the last eight Or
TAO days the hottest way* of warm weathet
that has b••• for many years pest, prevail-
ed, the tewister registered oo Fisaday.
July 4th, in the shade 93' and is the *nu
about 112'. Many of tive oldeet settlers
prowinnoe to hew, been the hotdost tor
maoy years. Oo Moodily we werd favored
with qatte • heavy rain for shout ten hone
wbh hamithe deeired ellect of 000ltog the
atmosphere, as oleo saturating the parched
A sexton ono got drunk os oeinnionion
wise. it was sot the sew fruit of tho vino
shish .or SlinOur mod *bee et thanes -
ever he instituted the Lord's SePPer.
Is leaving an laborites*5 to your ohildren
tor their •wis welfare. future &ad peewit,
sod for the welfor• of posterity, do not
muse them to inherit am appetite fee intoxi-
Brandy mum has often around • dor-
mant but itrong ieherited &poems for stint -
(dents, sod so has h000 responsible for a lost
soul. a wrsoked °sweeter, and tor all the
fearful oeroage which follow in thou train.
Wine, rum, ruin has loon the ;mouton tie
st any who have disobeyed the aoripte re
injession. • "-kook set opoo the wine when
it is red, whes it elvish Its 'polo? is
Um coo: at last it bitesit like a serpent aed
e nniretb like an odder."
11 the members of the Christisa Church
were true to their pleas le MK so take
Rio.. their master emil Lord. the? uunla
do the things this Hs- WI said, and we
would hers oe seed fer itemperasoe so-
cieties. We would boys prohibition.
Why do persona object to 'iodise the
%mown°s pings it they do not visit to
drink intoxioatiag liven Puy will not
reins to nes a mese of their own making
°ad 10 sir " I promise to pay for vales re-
011iVed, co." Asd yet is sos prowl...wry
ooto ea muoh • pledge as the promise in the
lubotreoce Pledge sever to driek that that
will mike oae drink.
• meneersie inspeale.
ed ton French ( shading
sateen of titer clergy. gni were guilty and
would be punished. He eves went to for
as to attempt to our up racial prejudice by
deolarleg that Sir Richard Cartwright,
Dalton tocearthy and Premier Oreeneray
were all °emotions, for the purpose of m-
anly &belabour the French language in
the °wintry. Speeches mach aa this can do
nu good in any °ans. but now the respite
has oome. The Apostolio Delegate in his
letter layi dowu the duty of all Catholim
to abated° sobriety from all agitation, to
forest all airtime and resentments and to
respond all discussion. There is no doubt
that this toinnotion will be imphoitly
observed The peaceful settlement of the
matter alone the lines of the Premier's
cemodiatoro policy seems to he plaliely in.
dioatod in tire valedictory of the- Apostolic
Detente. It is @irritant and pointed in
It. weer Nat its author does not regard
with favor • revival of the eobool .411.
ties. It will be sposived by the Frew%
laity *Oa • feeling of relief and satisfaction
thist tletit_d_banthing cieestios will, et last,
h.quisity Y.moved from the arena ef now
%rover,/ ita public ocomera. This is what
easy removably lie inferred from the toss
of tee Deiegate's elronter. The publics deeds
of 8ir Wilfrid will be owespioneas period*
in our netional history, brightening the way
me beacons of safety and poscietulnem-
stepping stones upon wnioh oar Canadian
affairs bave been raised to the Imperiel
plows By Mame sot in thee paving the
way tor the removal, in a posoeful sad oaf'.
°dietary spirtt, of thia v• tious matter,
especially when it is ooestaered how that
statue bad been toyed with by Sir Camila(
Tappet and hie mileage's, ..til it partook
oi • thornier thrISSNSS, to the ostuotry's
pens and welfare. Ms abound the Premier
ass lithe foresstib sismeneen of the age.
- --
Is erne et the honed berm just pan is
witioh men, as a general rale. udoe'rered
A lie was referees& and enuaneut h.
wes not at remb own is the ober
should bare WNW tie MO • Flu" dir
from temptatins. He enjoyed all tkp ser-
vice" tit the seasteary, excopeing tint in
which the Master bad said " Drink ye all
of it " That with whin hie bretieres had
filled the oup, was to him like bugling Goals
which he oould not tithe is his then mid
sot bullied. no be sway bream
the oommunios table, bet ha wet uallbroull''
ly racked with qesseismisos throes Mu astiff
Is the matter.
After some nadir devoted coiN end
" Come with on. Suety he this bbiu°, 7"
ars sate," He west bat the *100644 Mg".
roused all his appetite. Be left Ile biter
sod started for the deer. Han brirrairee
Overtook his • "James." the said: "
um too groin " I an gehig to geb •
drink '' he exolahmed.
It !
COMING AND 004111Ci.
Mrs Heorley. of Detroit, is teem
firo.d Campaign bib es for B413
R. A. lakeogoke, Cosmos\ set is "Irn
SS Saturday.
Masitossio, 'el Week* wee Is 0"Fil
thie week.
•1 M. Best, barrister. Seliforibi V" I.
lawn on Teasley.
Gerdes Hostiseses, Tens* was 12
twin km port week.
Mr. .ud u. ohs. L4•41%
010*,, Park Hens.
Slifer Demobs*, el thosiderd, was
town Ian Thendery.
&tit Rik, et Dein*. * v0"wells"
the parental nod.
Wr. sod Mrs. Mitheal Deny. 41 011uiFii•
IIR5 Henna is tiews.
Theo zeduift bit alows, wad* the
loon, fawn last Iffltet".
le the Gwent y wins
F. Hoiniented. of Realordt.
• 8.. Speen sad AM. el ClosiPho
We *bin al theca been
Mr. sad am S. Wliess el beds% viand
Oesierki the peat Otht-
▪ iinshae. .4 14.4 York. le sPowibfl
a h•1140.7 Rum *Otis .14 haver
(1' Q. lifteeth, gips looltalt Mostretl,
84sWard, some floodhy lo 414110.
R.sy. Jos. T. 146 On* 0114 Imar•
Near limed. 111., at. 4ratrilill
kim mid Wm Wetle SNP. "
wed' be the Us& isti114.0 TI"
lbw Neil °waft eel Mir
AW. ere
Via 011•11 (Mak fir
*kw ihmaks, hese
be keep as owl as pemthie, we dad rosily of
oar Tsai fries* adollisk es the dissomforte
of Iltat time. by allowiss thumeolvos to
fume over the noeptnee by the Premier
.06 ble *mileages. Sir Lade Davies. ot their
Lerida distiastions. It is *11 kaowe
tbse mother of 4these egotism's.' opened the
titles remind, sad that, on • former oo-
oasis', the Presstee bad cleansed a similar
besot. Whom it is understood that Her
Majesty ha expressed • desire for him to
agent the proffsred honors, it is diffieult
ceminve any mune to. be adopeed other
than niquiesooros. Had he &gain &ones&
Id. Tory prose would have deaminoed Das
ovidegpe ot dislnalty to British histitotione
aad Ink ot agonies to the Quest Lineal
'priociipise are askulabed to lead those who
protege themselves to he demeeratio is their
views ; gad if it bad hoes proper er reline
am the mot of the Premier to Wass to take
miss himself the title offered by kb See-
ersiga. it would. denoting, have been es
pleasing so Sir Wilfrid le agnate the
gondolas of the old Lineal 10.1 00 wh
Le prawn be belong. by se li=wtataeZ
wadi ao .lar. wens el his
Bet it is tee man le upset ths Tory
Eissi=sambrartte Premise Bit
pose They have lee Ws sod se vigeress-
ir dammoseg Liberates' sob*, whfis per
elaistiog ober owe pressen' loyalty,
tett they lave non to reeard es as ahem
toost, awl as raves no right t.4* or
*Ube pretties .1 the limptre.
cricawm. plaespl es the pages el
ear Worry its reset4 ba respess
to est ember awl le reollfoit le sot win
enspadble trte tisk beer fay heli01111.
WNW's, tor implowes. the isslealerlell led
stleoltet kg Q•Ne's nosossaballin
se Meetteg 1610, amid lone the abbe*
sokokok igareeelaytheTerg hada% le
whisk essmossiers Wipe
iFee:tem. 11 these people wool& "sly
eget soolborsoie rand St the
dames ewe nesidi Mesh .11*10
el their posieles.
It is phiselog is sets thee soder the mew
to rabbit from as et
onsiosy, July 13.
Mr. .1olismois ei Csotheroosi et. spew. Sun-
day at C. Stawart's.
Rev. Piing go« to Toronto thie week Sig.
Weisel the oonveotieo.
Ittre. John Taylor and son, and Miss J.
ate linnet are waiting Mrs. John Duatow.
Thos. Sheppord wits able lo go to church
for the first time es Sundt), after his se-
vere injury.
Row. Pripg preached to the members of
the Orange order on Sunday evening, there
was • good oongreeratioo prawns
The twelfth of Irelaod has nome and gone,
and Tones, middle aged wad old adorned
themselves in their beet end wended their
way to the ever -loyal village of Auburn,
keeping step to the stirring strains of the
fife and dram They all resumed sober sod
in rood order.and that is as it should be,but
the beet part ot the day weia the hour it
rained. which has become an occurreom 0.0
be looked for.
TIJILSDAr, July 13
Oar reeve has at Clinton • new road
grading machine for 13ayfield.
lt is expected every day to earth. in1.
provamenta on the harbor ocorneemeted.
A Bret or sionipany lo about to tooseoute
natant, striae id eto., on • large enle.
_ Our hotola_mostithWAli 000uPlud by tour-
ists for the remoser arisliss, and campers
sei all over.
Mies Whiddoo, orgenbit of the Presby-
terian church, reoeived s'well filled puree
on the 2od inst.
The formation of • company to erect a
taros mower hotel is now on the tapas.
Plenty of capital can easily be had,
The weather on Monday last was all that
maid be wished : flue deoorations, flood
&robes, large crowds, sad great speaking.
Five lodges were present. The following
were the speakers A. M. Todd. Ward's
--Reeve :Boren Boon Graham..
litioxprir, July 12.
Miss May MeQuarrie. ot Bay City. is
visitiog her sister, Mrs. Lamm.
HUMPS F11.0111 MIS WAILS. -Geo. Jardiag.
John Omit:nog ad M. J. Tobin, the letter
Dow a oorporal, arrived home on F iday
last. The lads speak ot the remelt hest and
their expense*, with it, target shooting at
the butte and other evente while en temp in
Fos His /torus', Homostr.-Otte former
young townsman, James L. Tahiti. at The
Free l'ress staff. London. is op esse mire to
enjoy our lake breezes and see Windstives.
Re wheeled the duitanoe tranionime in
woven hours under the hot sun eltrilettirday.
Dnring his sojourn is expiated thts3eti
will have several of lois former Aso' metes
es hoi scholars to town from hist the an et
propelling the silent sased.
Two Durranos litassos.-A sum*
which hoe been about here and killed over
100 chioks within the haat two tnouthe, was
unemares distarbed by • trio of blys In
etrawberry hid What* It had goes to rest
till nightfall. The boys in • few short
miaow" promptly despatched ot., aad are
receiving niany th•oks tor their valorous
deed from the guidwires. In • hay field
near the Rob Roy corner, the pitch tork of
one of the hay toilers oame 10 oontaot with
• large weasel nearly • foot in length under
a hay °oak wbere it had gone to rest from
the heat, and ended its career nearly as
quickly sa it had dispatched • numerous
torte of fowl in that oommunitv.
PRY &Viet tO th• 011.0111thP TOWM
They are Pleased With Their fieespteeni
and diedarien !teener,. sued imaltly
-Arab Nero b *ad
the tramentittee.
THE Cartoons hod atuong her par
"wagers Thureday ale member, of the Ohio
Press Association and thus families. and
when the vessel touobed her dock Mayor
Shannon, 'several members of Wee consemi, a
few *imminent oitizem and toe editors of
Id. local *pogo stopped ou board to wet-
oome them to Goderich.
When oo board the delegation fouled the
morning meal jaet being served, henoo there
woo • 000siderable weit before the part y
oould be got together sad plamed in the car-
riages waltuirt to tak• theni around the
However, as everything must have an
wed, ao load the breakfaat, end then the ex
Gerdes Party this owning.
Hay has yielded abeadoody.
Plums will sees to os the market.
The coupe up this way went
The k et the nether wee eieroiltd on
Tin sewer works onetritotors are still on
the eq earn
Rev. Mark Turnbull preaelted in Walker-
ton es Sunday.
The run on Seeley igas jest • ter dress-
ing for ths dust.
R. MeLen shinned g carload of tattle to
Moskva' es Monday.
Bt. George's Gond Aonnal Garden Party
tbis &Berson GS 5.50.
Gargles Party at Moe reekisnes el Mi. end
Mrs. R. W. Logan to sight. •
Tin press at the hung es Saturday
morals. was • reality.
The Kimehigtee Fernienre honey is obill
@Myrna so an parte el ',nein
ileawburies bon at *terries aro go-
sontisq:24:74: Cbarter No.
tag asi vises will Doss imps,
3011.ff M. slat 4111Sile.
The fibratiord fire wfil minden
an exesethes be so Bonn* Yea.
The toys wbo wen with Otter Illehoes
at the Lesdas smug men beta* a
and time.
D. ILmsedy. el lltodlosks 8 1Lestoody,
wa. a bodiless WO Owe. 0.• 01110!
The Zara Obierve mays thst Oensel
Wok VW ay l'hoe/ gni bolt teo mom&
pewee is geolorioh.
vise Is St. Genes , Is seessers
Rev. T. ltolgoonereembeemi ear
ler ohs RUM Memo
Dell forge the astreel genies party of
et. lisorge's Osild slet resigems of
alit lira 11.. W. 'WWI. Oetilentret, 15.
wane Orme Rem, was nag bp mere
blob ewe ts fiteasish Comillisuy do
ran posroktbawygpilhe noel mo es mewl
day at the Lesiois seisetear maw
lerberre setilieas empitor WA shoo
al thio ikas. 3 item, ilea 11. Ilairolt
Asp /Pei ta* tbs enr shoo ann.
, *Me *moo -41. W. 80***blel•
Wavle Inns law, whist% tee jest ems* Is-
e spentles. the Me al prohibits's again.
WWI* Sawa to ihilleidosto has bese rains
Ms 11 roe. It is salsolatel tin Usk will
wtokik peohibibaelie
="isportari rotd =Y..=
bdi Ib• Mao
past weer
TOWiriar, July 13.
Mies Lisa Manor is visiting her anon is
Will Grey asd Walter liaolLidna el
Winona open Friday in the village.
Miss Tenn, Tbompoom oi Brengel' wee
vidtliso Mies Aggie Herben, last week.
Mrs. looter sad Mr*. Wm. Dissent of
thiaabani were Thalia, hi tows Sat Yriday.
Iwo TRW:ening blacitticen.-ThM
. oa oar popular friend. Oiso Burrows, of
Sheppardeou, with his partner, Wm. Stow.
art, will undertake two beets; George hay-
ing • sew SOparbier 11110d LIND traotioa meas.
and will work down thia way. lr im bis
thirty-00°0nd year's experienos. Hie staff
will lie Jooeph Thomson, of Comtnetsialot.,
who has Mill sensfe_es loan of tumbling
the sheaves lilt* the mrshibeiJohn
Ryan. Win. Stewart Will mks the upper
route with • portable engine and the mach-
o! lase year. amass the hones. Stewart
will have Wenn* steed to take a run to
ne iiiTy es the business of the firm,
and not me --other matters. His staff to not
yet formed. Prospects of fall wheat tbresib-
tog ere good.
oarsioniste were oomfortably snood in the
vehicles and the drive begun. In the
were twenty-two OfirtiOffell, and as nearly
every onie bad a driver versed to the buttery
of tioderich, the visitors were well posted
on the interesting poulta of the town.
The journey oompleted. all made for the
harbor, and the ladies end gentlemen who
hart been our guests tor an hour were was
on board again.
Amour the visitors were many prominent
n eon from the Buckeye State, and these 100 -
defied the hearty thanks of Ohio's newspaper
roes to the* gestiameo who beciestrgamired
the err' on shore. • trip that had been to
them a pieemot surprise, for they hod so far
saw nothing to *quiet the beauty of the
" City on UN BAIL" The boat then loft
Maid iravin__ handkerchiefs _ Many
ltdwis Bailey, benne ef Renville OP
ansoding him bonder. wider the parental
A large noinhor of people Groat to Brus-
sels last illooday to &seed the Orangs cele-
Mime Itai• Geed, MIN Missals Ross, sad
Charlie Rees of Wining.. attended the Et
B. peal* in Inwevale lest,Friday.
Mien Bellanyse el &afore'. who hes
been visitiag isi anti armed illeivele foe
the pert two weeks has returned home.
Messrs W. R. Hans Meetly
and Miens Bird, M es. and Ruby
De wrote en the primary essaalbatoos to
Wingloun Ian week.
CAPTUILID CUM. -A circle of
friends here extend their beet whitlow to
Henry Cootrbe. of the Forest City, ma his
marriage is London cm the 7th hest For
eeversl years he luis passed hie summer
vacation amongst us. This year. however,
his holidays will be more plesaant. The fol.
lowiog from the Pres Press of the Sth *011
La of Intarest.1...
Snore= 8 --jawefut
meriting St. Paal's cathedral was the mese
of quiet but pretty wedding. that ot Henry
B. Coombs, of the Free Press advertising
department. sad Miss Lizzie Johnsen,
ybengeet daughter of R. Jobason a Cal -
°ago, and who for sometime basil:en as the
tesoihng • staff ot tbe oixv schools. Rev.
Came ,Dann, vicar of thil oathedral. per-
formed the osthniony. whioh was witnessed
by only the rel•tives and oleos friends of
the partim. The bride was very boom-
iagly attired In • brown travelling coatusio,
and the wee easithed by her sister, Miss
Evelyn Johan's. Truth dreamer aided as
groomsmen. Al W. the corentosiy Mr. sod
hire. Coombt proceeded to the M. C. R.
statiou. where they took train to Detrojt
amid the Marty good wiebn of aseembied
Mende. The bride was the sisipiest ef
many baschnne preleste. amen them •
beastifal 6 o'clock tea sterol°, from the
teachers of Reetioryat. wheel. The staff ot
tho Ern Press iota ociagratellatisir the
sewly•weided simple no in wishing them
easy years et bappions."
cheers. _ '
Tbe regspe of the visitor/ was a tensi-
ty sot *4 will reesond to the mews's
°radii. kr the ionrsais they nprnented
will hameniney good words of the visit. and
pidlinreeque town '' will be mentioned
to maoy as article.
As tar se °oust be learned, the following
ladies and gentlemen compoied the exour•
sion party:
Joo. M. Werner sod wife, Daily Gazette,
Chino:atm ; Mr. Myers, wife sod nephew.
Daily Advertuier, Tiffin; L.. Hirsh. super-
visor politic printing, wife and laughter
ktr. Cooks, wile lead 4aughus7 Express,
Columbus : J. P. Locke, wife and daughter,
and Mrs. Konp. Tiffio ; Mr.
meater, wife and two ohildren, Advertised.
Lima; Mrs. Garrieen,Idn. Pother and
Benswell, Clipper, Limo; Mr. aad Misr'
Haring. Mr. sad tin. Fisher, Stu.'
Marion; Mr. IN Walt. ode and daughter,
Record, Fostoria; Mr. Soon and. wife.
Democrat, Setedruiky ; Mr. Of:hilt/re. and
wife, Express, Dayton . Mr. Kennedy, wife
anti tyro demobs/era. Journal, Fremont
W. S. W now and wits, Repuhliesm. Be.
von : Medlars Bennis and Grown Daily
NeWe, Fremont; tar. tethan, Repabileas,
Urns Sandusky ; iin, Indeguedess.
Einiore ; Mr. lisOmaken, Daily Endlinellr.
Bellfontain• ; Mr. Crane, Kopublioas.,Bea-
too ; Senator J, Zimmerman and dainghter.
Republioan, Upper Seadusky ; F. E. 11.1 -
camp, Indepeodent, Elmore; J. 0. Kinder
and sister, Daily Engineer, Bellfontathe
Mr. and Mrs. Hornaday sod J. A. Knight..
Republiows, Canto.; H. C. Thompson and
daughter, Gazette. Delaware; Ed. Archer,
state Journal, Columbus ; lir. Cusio, Re•
publioan. upper Syadusky ; Mr. Sutphen,
Times, Carry; Mr. Roebuck, Republioan.
Wapakometa ; Mr. Blessing. Doily Index,
lioseris-Tho meal wpm ta Doomprose
ter fail RONAL hi 114 SO sees et e. -wars.
, wipe win ~On sr-
eme goo advenhdrth awl JP.
work, ook k mor stye resolves Tar
TITIPDAT, 3.17 7.3.
Is seseoquosee ot ths sapiess ran es
blesdag the stops ere Melds' set imbibe
Mt the satikeestos .1 .11 esesstseL
Puns AIWAY...-16/16. Paths' letropIt:af
80. eogoesiss. Vein Wetness\
the hie lest mash after a skeet id= Ile
wile highly sessoteli by all who him
ta his \hod. genthmegy as& sawn ahem
Ctsurzro. -Rev. ashore laklmbo. 10.
estemsat poste st Inktite skoreh,
belly me siss**4 loggheet tpwo mein es
an noes& srbarirgra mom*
this thee lase yen. Ws, also( with=
ammessme boss wish the wow. fileattwot
wed loaf • piesesst ties.
ANdino.-:4% await \hip brie knee el
mossIbere .1 01. Treasons isesity, hobo or
=dby soloy ot friewee. sel•-
io 11116 havistLa gases at Pert
Albin lobes thoy esteysi thesomitos ha-
mombel)._Thon *sr • very tier assmatil•
.45 .4 heales from various pekes.
\wok ste pegehmelerblee obi
Salisatehru.4 wife Wog-
bete. Columbus ; G. W. maysisio ear
Add, Reoord, Hoer London; Iles. 8. M.
MoMillan. Deily Democrat, Springfield;
W. R. lisCerd, Daily Crisis, Liverpool;
Goseral .1. 0. Amos end wit., Daily News,
Sidney; H. C. Glenn, Republican, NAin
Wert Meson. Mellerray, Rogers and
Timmerman's, Republioan. Anglaws : Mr.
Mane, wife and darghter, Engineer. Cleve-
land ; M. Hirsh and wife, Express, Colas -
were .by the past week.
Baxter has good boats ter hire.
Penh wore
wares spelL
Captain Baxter did ommidorable *0-
the pen week.
Unleedieg end
and f3aturday,
The, sehociser Kolfagif had a now ph put
in bogies Sanitise
The Caftans^ made her natal
mot on the bite during the
was warm work Triday
ednsediiy moraine.
milDttelmer'S missists.the barrens is Robisees's 400)1 0*
The Miry S. Gorden with • oarin of
Mies Deyie. of tbe Goduieh 04.0.5 Co., lumbar wiflulta ist barbor es lthsiay.
ham ogessnod frets • visit to relatives in De Tbe renew Menage Masi ea Monday
troth feg Joboston's Harbor to lead lather.
luiti week Rev. Jan A. Moderns visited The sahrosse Taunt laretight 4300.000 fen
sTietivivertea. . to °Moine at the marriage of his of lumber treat Bern Ray Mill brulb fdr Dy.
Miss Jackass, Miss Gladetne sad Wm Tim mesas bergs Jessie mai is pert 7.1.
(11.47. Doil, el Tornio, wen is tone IS lay sad fienseisy ead Wit for the Brno
Friday. 4 porbsellb illemday.
a,/ eitactioneumb opium. Jassim. Asibrinadew wileite, V.£140.. eaThe 1 sosobad.s. in Lompon'oadoundeok
. yesterday assephe en. bar resors trip.
ta:iireareJa:;:podoit. .asdievniNt Mew ItTlesaseltay, yet :ass.. town, Timmasymi _ _Iiia, cheiumajmo wpm aresebodesid iserartehli
P watwuresks. Dad a istsk load for W. her
likrAlask Oralge, 01 Cleurialad sod iika The oisitet tattitissistots ofisteg:
binkrito ArroartellIA•tit,
Jowls Caster of Detroit, aro visite' lbs. oraos ou
7 "="
Oak* Willem erne WO ter PI fines es y beim &-
lbw we will MSS this wens wave and Wiwi by Imo epeatur.
stint llst don't 800i lb* barrow* la The eshosser 'Nemo tram TobtersifroT
sessmer noolorwear at itobtoemes IN* 100 ends of lona tee *to lbtolerieli
limier T. Weirs. D. Jointers' aml Rees Ted ok, sag moo 1.5001 1,,,,A,,,, fer the
Roane wheats\ to Kiseartliss es Matioriny Orgois Qs. arrived is pose ea flarmies.
evens* asli wheeled it hone too tellatrims 0. min sa4 assymy laba barna ta
Islitiores the timber beim et the batheisb= ern
hot wave is notiag; riencig, kw, atirdimize mad Ibll
ths )elis " two goes* • age, te
is! wousidlow litit6 fir ber* ths pier we omm0e4 al I. On wale eon
Is not possum Ws. sal IlabOrday Pt • It will ikons by en
Rises Abe to Alto bosh lab Wore stieentilt. Imp boorgetele hoe
Wetriellgorm *Wad P" bollittd 411 that the mismallon who 'nog gnaw* the
'Mt"' IleAlli12118411. 46F IS. *a* be4 the wars works elb wWl '11.111411111:X
4. ma ea the tomes Iltilatis. wk.