HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-8, Page 8i • • 8 Txuasa4,T, Jaly 8, 1897. Clearing Sale! OF ALL SUMMER GCODS • We don't intend to carry over any line of Summer Goods into the Fall, and have started this SALE while you still need Summer Wear. Now is your chance to get a'eupply for the rest of the season at prices that speak for themselves. COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS A few Ladies' Capes and Jackets left, and to clear them out quick we offer them at 25 per cent. off o -dr Low Cash Price. Ladies' Black Lustre Skirts regular $3.75, Clearing Sale Price $250 Range of Organdie Muslines in all the new designs, regular 15c, Sale Price llc. Range of Colored Spot Muslins, also Organdies, rag. 20c, Sale Price 15c. See Our Table of 5c Prints —Reg. 10c line ; if you want a Wrapper. Waist, or Dress, see this line. Nice Summer Dress Goods, double width 40 in., 10c. Light Colored Fancy Dress (foods, reg. 50c for 25c Black Grenadine 40 in wide, for 15c, worth 25c Nay and Brown Moireen Skirting worth 60c for 35c Bloats. Waists worth $1.25, for $1.00 Shirting worth 10c, for 8: TWEEDS, TWEEDS—See them for 25c, worth 50c Wide Cream and Butter Colored Laces for lOc, worth 15c MILLINERY.....MILLINEBY 25 -PE R 4EF o - o h Prices. - If. yon want your -Hat fetrimme 3.3 new—Hat, nor Children's Millinery, this is the best offer ever given you 25 PER CENT OFF ALL MILLINERY llfills ill Parasols, ladies' ¥os, otc. Range Veilings, plain and black, and black with col- ored spots, only 5c a yd. Visit us soon, as the choice of these bargains will be picked up at once. CASH. AND ONE PRIM ONLY! SMITH BROS. & CO. McLEAN'$ BLOCK_ Y �' -- We will keret. open till eight o'oloek every evenia1 to Rive Farmers et G•de. riob . chanoe to trade in the cool of the evening. rgwsTor�sorAw to aa Ministers of Customs_ -tad in- land o land Revenue 'respectively. Hon. Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia, has returned to his dem partental duties irrr� 'ts,...r months incapacitated a• the outcome of a railway accident. / TER LABOR WORLD. Between twenty and thirty . Printers were discharged from the I'riuting Hereto at Ottawa. A very extensive strike is in progress in the district of Iluvinagi' Province of j;�alnaut Belgium. At_ twelve thousandminerr are out � • Two hundred and fifty thlousand Am- erican coal miners were called oat on strike on "Sunday to enforee what iss known as the Columbus scale of wage. The Niagara Falls. N.Y., Common ('onneil has notified the Gorge Road Company that its franchise will be nul- lified and its traeks tarn up unless it im- mediately discharges all its Candies eraployes. Important Events In Few Words For Busy Readers Me firer weirs ..oe.atnge s••eefdty estpaled aipd that tats ala.ey ase AAeative lisps ler ere ttead rs of eetetapse-A Saha Rosea fiUrg.lI B'ar.awaehea gatermaties. • POL1TICa-InPMel AL. It is understood that Mr. Laboachere will make an individual report on the Transvaal raid, strongly censuring Mr. Cecil Rhodes, but admitting that the conduct of Mr. Josepb Chamberlain hue been perfectly stratghtturwanl. Sir Michael Hicks -Beads &ad Mr. NOoschep have urged the colonies to con- tribute to the •dppoit of the Impe•rietl say. . Pr,tuier !teed of New South Wales. however, takes the posiIi ,n that the greatest gift the colonises Auld give to the empire was tbe develoterent of their own rewturtrs. avatxttaa. The Allins' steamship firm has bests transformed Into a limited liability com- pany, registered in London. ,It has been reported that the Ameri- oaa bleyde pool has bees broken up, and a big ent in the price of wheels is ex- pected. Oreamerdai Warm ii- Ai 'United Mattes for the week ended Priday am - anted to 241` ea against 2137 for the corresponding- week fast year. It is reported that the Man Jaron mine, belonging to weiltby Fepaalah resident• Af Keiko, is about to be solei to the kdth•cbltds fee one million dalare in Edd• TRE ORAL). Mr. Stephen J. King. PostaMoe In- spectnr of fit John, N.H., is dead. The oldest person in Ottawa, Kr. Joseph Dubois, one hundred and eine years of age. 1s dead. He was born at Pt St. Charles, sane. Mr. W. G. Murdoch. the well-known Ter•ooto barrister, died at (Irate Hnapt• fel. He bad been ill tor only a couple et days. Oring to the tact that he bad received an injury i• the eye • few Mays bdwe, while engaged 1a a friendty fencing boat, at Inquest was ordered. Mose evideeee was takes, sad the in- , h rnut wa• then adjourned until Weds -- dap first. POLITII*-(;AN ADI AN. Mir Loafs Ds 1,a has ense to zoagland tr hslip Sr WY lanrlw to dbeaas the rwi tiliiiwith the is ssrisi aa- erNiroath al m r w •ws na • POMMY PERSONAL. The Gov. rnor-General has left Ottawa for Caae*pedla. The colonial Premiere will visit Mr. Gladstone at Hawarden au July 10 by Invitatldn. Q'rtnce Bismark's health is so good that be declines-tofollow the advice of his physicians to take the waters of (lastein. There 1. no truth in the report that the Queen has beeome blind. Her eye- sight b no more detective than might be expected at her advanced age. Mhos Helen Hay, who. es the danghtet of the American Ambassador to the Court of Iii Jamar bee altvadi woe distingahebod social suce..s, has now made her debut as a poetesn. CRiME AND CRIMIaAt.R. Two abandoned *tante aero foetid cu Parkdale doorways on $.day. Detective Charles Mahoney, who was &hot at Itelle River • few weeks age while attempting to arrest the Chatham burglars, bad another experieaee in Window while &rresdn( an et-concrlct newel, /Deward Walsh. Wane► and at him, bat the ballet only eased the oe- cev's leg. Two young begs, Wm. O'Neill, aged 111, gad John McWilHaoy aged 11, earl of mapsetable parents lit Ottawa. _Imre •rreet evl by the poile. sof 11sMt They pleaded guilt of Ivo themes el bac-- glary, and O 'Neill wen aPeaaseeld to five years In the Reformmerive et Pcese- tangulabese and lifeWilliasse to flee years in the Klmgetoe PeaNentlarp. TR It RAIL110ADa, A number of new erelantasaree sod rnadmaater, have bees appointed co We Grand Truak Rehm, lo take charge of Mr. lieorg. MeL. AMawalnis wows ddtrtriet peasasgar faireyr the P. moat la THE $IQNA_it K__OODERICH 014.3A RIO. HURON'S GREATEST STORE CREAT SPECIAL SALE 1 OF BLACK, WHITE and DREAM Dress G9ods Ribbons Laces 200 pieces Pine Organdies, Muslims and American Zepyhers. Only -.25c for a Blouse Pattern. R. B.. SMITH C. W. ANDREWS, Manager. rSummer Suits and some are not Suits 11. seamy a Cede Hilts tnrttuutruv can be bought from any reliable dealer in Canada whose desire 1e_ to give their customers the l;eet :- Value for their money -Their - workmanship is all guaranteed to the fullest extent, and a gua- rantee certificate is in the pocket of each garment. Their Bicycle Suits and Spring Overcoats are all Waterproofed by the Rigby Process --Cool, Porous and yet Waterproof. COLBORNE BRo. BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : Colored Dress Goods —LESS THAN WHOLESALE- PRIG'Ts Shirt Waists ... . AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, Prints 12ic for lOc, 12c for 9c, and lOc for 8c. Carpets•The Largest, Bert and Cheapest $tock • in town In Brua�els,Axminstere,Tape4. tries, 3 -ply All -wools, 2 -ply Ali -wools, Unions and Heaps. Twine and Japanese Mattings. Oil Mills in three qualties direct faom the mill in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, and 8-4 widths. The balance of our stock at Rock-Botton Prices b lb 'COZ�ORrT-= =ROM PER J_ H- OOLBORIJIC, The Great Carpet Warehouse of the County The Niagara Falls, N.Y., aldl!rmen have -notified the Niagara Falls Street ltnilway Companythat the • mast cense employ eploy Canaians or give up their trauchiee- — -_. The Xhffster of Railways bas given notice to the O.P.R. that the arratrge- nlent by which it woo the Itrtereoionial from $1. John to Halifax will terativate in a year. The G.T.R. and the C.F.R. have met the Canadian Wbeelwen's Association part way by making sut.t:tutinl redne- tious in the rates at which they will carry bicycles in the future. POLITICA-roR61Cx. It is rumored that the Boer Govern- ment is engineering a syndicate to ae quire I►elagoa Bay for the purpose of handing it over to Germany. The. Germa'► Cabinet crisis continua, and Baron von Bulow is spoken of as the ``probable sneeesaor to the I'rince Hoben- 1 obe• as Imperial Chancelor. k semi-oelciad report from llerffn meta that--• the negotiations between Masse end Tntkey may be ordered to be cot)rlmied in three weeks' time. Senor $agasta. the Spanish Liberal lender, reels he believes that Senor Ca - 'novas delCnstillo, the Premier. will .not reeigu until the 'Macedon in Cuba is ow bad tont it wiM be impossible to/needy it. The United States Senate .Committ MI Saturday agreed, to the sections o the 'rariff bill previa* foe the free ad mission of !gnawer rut in the Province of New Rrunsw-ick when owned by Am erican citizens and cat by American DIAMOND JPRILEF renots. Vie Jubileetnnctiens have ended. and Lotldon is dotdug its holiday gs-rh. Senator McLaren prerecord each min- ister of Perth with a cheoue for E100 as a Jabilce gift. The Canadian. contingent of (Okuda! teeeoe Bret London cm 1RSrnal rata-tet- aunu on their way home. • The Prince of Wales *tweeted the •ro- lo.laJ troupe at Buckingham Palnee on Saturday, sad conferred a medal cum- n,•mnrative of the Jubilee on each man p t event. •. iMmintioa Day celebr dame through - Milt C•aseda ewe mit on as lance a stole ex penal. the reason twang that so gnu •h attention had been given to ewtabratln;r Ga the usm Gausses'. Diaond5.1 hike last week that Metal menu was exhausted - When the Diamond Jabitee was ee.l••- bratnl at lit. Stephen, N. B.. lest week a ekfwehment of American troops joined in the parade, 1 now the'eoeal dt$ ian rolern here applied for 'r• rr.iseion to in the, Fourth of July celebration at COWS. Just acria, the bnnadany. rola near or wen. •„ A pes•imistSe view of the negotiations for peace between Turkey and Greets• is taken in Attires. and even the re- sumption of ilities m the near fu• torr is reg& as po,rsihle. , • an There has bevery aerions riotitte among the M.i snIm.ne of Calcutta di - retied attained the Europeans. British ops trobad to he elillsd out to disperse the pooh Many of the natives were ,killed and wounded.andWhile the riots in aabout Calcutta hate bees supprwwa'd a very unroof', prevails. 'rhe native press is maiming bitter and unfounded diaries. s1ainat With*oficials.asd ratline upon the Mohammedansth throughout e coontry to re-enact the mew*ne the Iodises mutiny. smile, Co ts elle Testees of the a Trir:tsan Brothers foe the Ste. Jean Baptiste Echoed have failed. and lay teadoe:s well be et aged. The fealnwahip in Christian arehae-• logy in 18117.0t4. offered by the :lmeri- ese School for classical 'endless in Rome ti has been awarded to Clare+e L. Mea- der. in,trnctnr in Latin in the I'niver. sky of Michigan. Dr. McAfee of Columbus. 0.. whoaminor Mr. McKinley's xtor when tee President as Governor of Ohio. Is c'a being talked of for the vanev in tie- Metropolitan he Metropolitan Methewi.r• liet Bnotvil f bureh M the where thPre indent attends. t A*C ALTI ZS. flit deaths took pias" fermi heat In Chicago on Sunday. Ismer James of Watford was drown- ed.at Putt Prank. Mr. Wm. E. Whaley. a farmer of � Meraea Township. was struck by light - g and killed. A young lad named McKenzie of Dun- dee died recently from rabies'. and Isis' brother. who wa bx the same dug. has trots to the Pasteur Institute w• in NeYork. of FARMERS, ATTENTION 1 The west Jabilee nerfrw et trends talk place at Atdewwhot (n the presets(e of the Quern. The weather was gab* did, the atiendaner• was esertuoes, and the review was most aaemenfak, la the hearth past the cobsd•I trooms had t ik, lead. and were heeded by Lorditeb- e of Kandahex at the head of the Gaaedtan $ouseed Price. TICE RZLiO101/O WORLD. The R. Atha Wates (iaa Mac - large) le ebre d the boeowry degree of D.D. from Yeae. Aa kmpnerw service, wets )teed op Threaday ereitfMer at Aeptoinib t Ab bey' .10 neaamoeea with the i..eshetb C7naf e*veen a feats* et white Wes a penoseake e d hkihnee t! !rY AMeosai • It,L asasemeed that the aev. D►.T.I- ma11r at WeahingInn has waived so =area ea his .J•ser& tar Ibe daft Dear Ina atealaaiwat ea the sass daces► W the albeade ee hs basal ISM Stip sax* - We 11sessi she Caron •seasrai. Dutasl HE/ILOCK BARK WANTED At • d)ERiCH TANNERY. We pay the Hlibest Priam. Spot Caah. W. 1. & A. SMITH. OIJRJFIOUR I ares agent fee OGILViE& cele- brated treads of BREAB, PASTRY and GENERAL PURPOSE FLOURS. Hs enr. you get OG I LV I E S' A. H. MAUGER HARBOR MILLS. • . The Kensington Funiture Co. Limited. bate made arrangements with J. BROPHEY & SON, of Weet-.t. to carry • full Ilse of their geode The public cosset Furniture at Factory Prices- bout rices bout him. teed by debg so keep their mosey in Isms, eel have • good olu.oe of getting a*cnee e R beet by eupseetleg Haws Mani goods of the Oomptay's malls are gaily gasraatsed by them. Wall Paper Before you begin your Spring House cleaning, call and see our stook of Wall Paper. betook "flats Shades ���� Latest Latest Designs. Suitable for Libraries, 'Halls, Parlors, Dining -Rooms, Kitchens, etc., with Borders and Ceilings to match. from se up. All new. This season's goods, only. All good* marked in plain p,,UM GEO. WATSON abllloS.,<lo�a I Any one can use . Paintthat is properly prepared and use it in the right place. The dltiicuity u that moot people do not know the difference between good paint and poor paint, not the proper place to use even a good paint. AL mints are not alike. One may be good for odtdodr ore, and not kr indoor ass one may give a bright, glossy finish, another an al finials that can be washed. It is knowing what to use, and where to use it, tket makes . .. paintings suctxas,_. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. Amur iAIIT is made for touching up the little things about the house. It gives an oil finish. It can be washed -so it is suited for shelves, cupboards, etc. Our booklet "Palet Points," coven the ground. It tells what you need to know about gond oe bad paint. It tells what to use fora boggy, what for a bath tub, for iron bedstead, for a house, for • Anne, for a bench It is a practical book for the home. It is free to any address. Send for it to -day. For booklet address, to St. Antoine St. MortreaL THE SHERIII-IILUIIS CO. CLeretAA0 CHICAGO Ifs YORK IOWA AL Q?: -i11111,11111111111 e. A retreating chin is alwa s bad ; Selwws His Lordship -Yon know. Min Dollar, lack of resolution. our people Dame over with tie Qs titterer. Ver}' tightly cloned lips are nsu►lly totted ( Fur Amerloan-Indeed ! I diva they la secretive ebarsotsr,. hada smooth pias e." _Special- -- Jubilee BarKairts Refrigerators Large Size. 410. • snap Oil Stoves SLV= FLAW. all *sea Gasoline Stoves 1. 2.1 t Burners. Tamdem Stoves Lawn Mowers Daisy ;11. HARPER & LEE. BINDER... ,..TWINE. Now is the time to order your BINDER TWIN* as it won't cost. you any more to order earl, and it gives, nsan idea of the gdant- ity required. As usual, we have the LOWEST PRIORS sad BEST BRANDS an the market. e DAVISON 8c 00. Yet YID Toot M ImWUE SENSE are fsvori and HURON BICYCLER tea whseeeric wi n are sold. Ask anyone who rides +a COMMON Sawn or HURON and they will recommend it. Our Sulky Wheels are also favorites with horsemen and others. Alt kinds of repairing done at the foundry. Henderson Bicycle Co. (ltd.) GODERICH. Summer Goods • ..atCost! AT W ORRELL'S. ' HOW IS THE TIME TO GET REFRIGATORS GASOLINE and • OIL STOVES WBOLF.3ALS PRICES as WORSELL'S We have a breed new stock of Granite Preserving Kettles and Pots which I aft milling vary oMap, 0111 and re than. WOR8IOLL Iii PaelieY Miert ase risese a