HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-8, Page 6.,asanu s:+y r . - r, - . d`i'ne-se
e 'jilvaacA?, July 8, 1897.
' Ain,+'.....
For Over Third Yon!
"flyer's Cathartic P111. for over thirty
years have kept are In good health,
never having had • sick day 1n all that
time. Before I was twenty I 'offered
almost continual! --as • result of con-
stipation -from dyspepsia, beedaskes,
neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive
diseases. When 1 became ooavinced
that eine-tenths of my troubles were
' • esuepd by cooetipation, I began the use
U1 Ayir's Pills, with the most satisfao.
tory results, never having a single
• attack that did not readily yield to this
ratnedy. My wife, who had been an
iovalld for years, also began to lace
yer'c Pi1L, and her health was quickly
restored. With my children I had no-
ticed that nearly all tht tr ailments were
preceded by constipation,' and 'I soon
had the pleasure of knowing that with
el:lldren u with parents, Ayer's Pills,
• 1f taken in season, avert all danger of
alckncrs."-11. WtrrTgszar, Byron, Ill.
Highest Honors at World Fair:
A;er's Suup3::".'.4 S1'cegtbsw tie Syskilt,
She has a kiad of • sort of a way.''
A sort of a kink of a manner,
A kiwi of • Beet of an every day,-
ay,Yet • pooty way has Hannah,
-The way the tangoes sad_aes•ss
An' shakes her bangles out,
While her mouth pate on • tompermlae
Betwixt • smile at.' • pout '
No other girl I'd drubber have,
No other gtrl I'd drutber,
On amount an' because er things er this
sort -
Au' one thing an' another.
Sbe has • sort of a kind of a way.
A sort of a kind of • manner,
Alton of • way that you can't say,
But • war you oan feel, has Haooab.
An' her laugh is so sweet an' b.r eyes
is so bright,
A' her ways an' her talk so cute,
An' she has snob a way you (an't say,
Bot • kind of a way to suit.
I h•1•'t got no flower leaguer) to tell,
Bat she beats every girl-sv'ry other,
0a account and because sr things er
this sort,
An' the th:nr an' another.
-Sam Walter Foes.
raid K A Wren' an.
The manager of • well-known brewery,
remarkable for his severity and love of
showing bl% authority to the employees of
the firm, noticed one day, whilst going his
usual rounds in the brewery yard, a big fel-
M+r iswates Montt ea ess-ef therailway-
e” sidings.
Appro.obin• him, be inquired whet be
was earning • week, and, on borne told 20s
the manager gave bim • sovereign, at the
same time tsleing him to clear our, as thew
said not afford to pay tor Idleoses.
Next day he saw the tallow again in the
acme place. Very angrily he said te him :-
" I thought I dismissed you yesterday."
The manager's chagrin and sureties may
be imagined wben the fellow told him that
be was employed by the railway oompany.
laying Ilan Grasps sit • a4ww.
" Dr. Agnew'. Cure for the Heart bas
dews so much tor me that I feel I owe it to
sufreringnemanity to give this testimony.
Fobear. I had smothering spells, pains In
my left side, sad swelled ankles. When
I took the first dose of Dr. Agnew'. Heart
Oen, my friends thought 1 wee dying. 1t
gave me almost instant relkl.aad sig bottles
entirely cured me. "•-Mr$. T. L. Lumsden,
Boranten, Ps. Sold b► J. IL Devi..
A trading paper tell, the fanning story.
Aa American to England. who bad bought
• rib. of shoes of • tasblosabls dealer, car
rind them bath coos witha protest
" Look here I" be said, "I've had these
. hese enly two weeks, yet they are Dem.
ploWy out of shape, end the leather is giv•
way t, Iwo places."
The shoprn= leeks* Id 1b shoe o tgs
" Deer ms s I deer awl " is said. "yon
have km walking is these ahem ! "
" ist is them! What .Ise should I
4'. 4 Wem ! " .
' s it sir 1 Our sones an made eat,
fee earrkee pkple, sir 1 "
Asa be bowed the American oat el the
/bop. ,
t.- nanny creditable.
Orildi of her tweety-dig• retell et
aIMMM as Am.sieaa girl moseeded Is
afire sakwnwo way in literally Writing her
body Ione • human as•die vasa, far. ores
after the extrsoten duns' the prat sores
7safs et eight handfed dandle.. the shin
mask to be provided rllb • fair steak.
Now did they w there ? Net by •wallow.
tag. se the demon mart that nobody scold
swallow se many •ad 1w., Nei by uMekfng
them WI* her bed,. as swgs.bed by the
sosdtees t ter, as she eaye. M It Nitdy, .s-
10, she W bad se rafter .rareeitllag pal
la their erbaeM•s ? Haw key get then re -
7 alleles s'est . bthat thev.were there
Ihr err ea hybind* er unwind tram Mere le
The hest Ibis boom a.NNnw tiifil
Int M a adtes bon wawa*
.made Hy Dr. irii.r..a.4 tr
e:peour� of tarty w, • (kw►: a t
of bre bash.e diameter being need- The
rwdtograpa showed dt.Maotly several e..
black hoes balkanise the Peelle* of the
needles, .ad in lees than dines minutes the
deesuee had eatrauted doe, winch Iron
their .ppeareaoe Muse have twee embedded
in the Masse for .Done trine.
Subsequent radiographs of the rest of the
body showed similar black tines in vartoes
p$rta of the metas body where needles were
The fhLLtemsa ratter.
The managers of the Foil'. Court Fsbi-
bitten. London, •noounoed remelt, that
they would present • gold watch to the per.
son who proved to be the millionth visitor.
Many were drawn by the golden b.lt,aad it
was the great topic of oenversaUes at all
the eniranoes. Mon than one mama tickets
holder is suspected of having gooe out ez-
prsasly to oome is again to the hopes that
he might by chance be the fortunate hull.
vtdu•l. It was just tan minutes to four on •
recent Moodsy as the millionth visitor--•
young man la • straw bat --went throb
"Your name and address, phase," said 11
B. Chapman, la bb politest tone ; bgjl '
as was too startled to reply, and • young
lady with him was equally perplexed. Hall-
•-dosso words sufficed to explain the myst-
ery, and the man was escorted to • convent -
me tread stead, mad there formally receiv-
ed the prise.
- Tr tli r 11nup.
AfGraad Leland. on the Sacramento River,
Cal., as airship is now building with gasoline
as motto& po weir, the propelling and steering
to be does by strong aluminum propellers.
The ship will be 125 feet long. and the oar
will be 47i feet tram top of the cylinder.
The width will �-_!veto tip to
of the propeller,
The machine oosalets of as,lliptioal, gas -
tilled ovhoder, with two proeellers. The oy
Hader is made non collapsable with oyo!s
tubing running lenthwise with 1t, and no•
derne•tb it u a small compensative cylinder
into which the hydrogen gas escapes whim
the gas expands, and returns .gate into the
cylinder when the machine near. the Garth.
Tb• promoters expect to make • trial trip
the. month. They will sail over California.
If the machine is a emcees they propose to
oro.. the cootioeot is it. As no gas is lost
they wig not have to stop to generate this
---_ radia.
Terrible repsrta ars ooming in tram As-
sam. Indha. At tlbftongb everything has
been levelled to the ground. An inspeotot
of prisons has been killed, and there have
been any deaths is the p.bllo Disse, is
the military lines and in the bazar.
The dB records have been buried at
Gaabati, where the reads are now crowed
by wide chasms. The rsilro.d has vani.h•
ed to that vicinity, and at Goldp.ra • tidal
wave has destroyed the bazar
and all the other building..
the surrounding country u oovered wit
fissures, which .re sporting mad and .and
Numbers of buildings have been destroyed
R Dhabri, where the river bank has.ubsid-
ed, flooding the ronatry and rhtaloi the
crops. Then has been bels hyo} Itis at
Goalpars and Dhubri.
Several of the shaken di.triots have not
been heard from, but molted road. have
been broken up by fissure., bridges have
been destroyed and the telegraph lines have
been broken down •!moat throughout i.
The reports that all the budding' at Shil.
lough have been destroyed .re confirmed.
Mr. MoCabe, the British deputy oommi.•
'loner, was killed by • falling house. and
the British ladies and children ars safferule
ibuneely from exposure. The towns of
Sylbet and Cherrapo j were levelled to the
',round. .ad the whole village subsided,
The lessee are so great that it is feared •
severe scarcity of food is inevitable in sev-
eni districts.
dee Len. de We Live T
The chief actuary of • big life insurance
oomph oy gives it that commercial travellers
and •genta live longer than in any oilher
kinds( business, notwitatandine the kala
..archslush- attend t rallportatioa . by mall
and water. Next to them oome dentists,
teachers, and professors, locloding music
After them in lo.gavity are hatters,
of rgydien, and mtesionartee. The last
may occasionally furaab food for the larder
a untutored mirages, hot they are • &st-
ruts risk, nevertheless, Next Dome banker
and capitalists, wbo..em to live jut • tries
longer than butohers end market mei.
Lawyers and jewellers follow, and they
are succeeded on the list by merchants, ysd-
Mare, mtlkmea and pawnbrokers. Then
owns gardeners, laboren,olvil eogioeen and
conveners. Perhaps the treatment which
canvassers are apt to receive in the ordinary
coarse it their business is apt to shorten
01 mune, newspaper men don't live m
'nag as any of the people above meotlaped.
Even bookkeepers and bank osabien,as well
as artiste and arohiteots, are ahead of them.
They come in Tater with the printers, phys-
icians and gentleman? who are not engaged
in any active employment
Then fellow the .potheoaries sad photo-
graphers, and after them rs order bakers,
cigar makers, estate ,testa, army oflint's
and soldiers, publicans, sallow sad naval *t-
eems. Shortest lived ot all seem to be the
•ootiobmn, boarding -hoose keepers, barbers
and drivers.
• Pottle Travertar.
A pale little lad In • wslt-bnund Irate
glanced wistfully upward • ahs usher. •
mother add her merry Aintree were teNtag
lunch. The tsars gathered la b11 by
though be tried to keep them bash. A p.••
sager tame sad stood beside him.
" What's the trouble?" tae asked. Have
yew no laird t "
' Yes, I have • little lett, sed I'm mot se
'whit Abel l is ft then ! Tell me; perhaps j.
tial ttstp ryes."
" IY. -dl's se le.sly. toed there's auk*
1st et Meat ever Akers, •bre,-meed
base fat their mother."
Ti. yeses seas (leased ton /b0 blame Mild
as the he) a brat • Ab." he said mkt.
"sod yore have lag! Sonia,"
" TO. tad r. gelag te my realm bon
I've sever sees i p. A kind lady. the dee-
Ise's wW, ',Worn up my iamb. Mew tb4
card te my dm tell m" te show it
tea No laleaale. Siea the ear Med eltq weak he
ss tied to met has t dtda'1 tied N 11" say-
aynae yet. Tee may wad ft it yea ilka"
Ti. yeses mea Merl Ilia mad ad read
the same .ad address et the bed/. 'dew
dem W ward:
• Awl d►o.".ver shall elk &lab skip
nae et tinge little seas, a aid weer tap
w tin maim et • diseiplaa 'lig p, j ttt1��
ps�y M nidall la Re Om Wit bon. trios ."
The pada bilodki WI lied blain. Ms
w515ad res Moat IMs a ono mi
i! Its. !lib mill 6W OWL, aid
mode his way to the mother and her mead -
diad presently title Giorgi, felt • pa(rof
loving arum about bum sod • wouan'i vote.,
ball sobbtor, ualliag bias • poor. dear little
allow, berated him to Duma with bar to Mr
o►ildrso. And her the rest of that jou:my,
at least, motherless George had no look „t
sae• tiHlaes A tense.
Farmer T—, • aarel.M, easy -aging mea
bought a headstone new banned, for • few
neer ks it looked taw; bug be took so oars of
it, saver Daoe wiped or cleaned it, and the
result was that to the course of a year oron,
ander the antico of duo, tato and dot, it
b«eme to look decidedly shabby and worn
Oae day be met Fernier M—, • fellow.
Leadsmen, and with • Olean, black barnm
oa his bores,
•• He'll you swap harness'" mid Fee.
or T—.
Farmer led-- looked at the grimy, than.
by harmer on ban neighbor's horse, and r.
plied, " Free dollars to boot."
"It's • trade ! " Farmer T—aid. S.
the barks changed bands.
But Earner T— treated the second
harness no better then the drat, and as it
was ea old one, it soon looked disreputable.
Atter come months be again met Farmer
til- -, with a new harness on his bores,
•• 1 say, how'll ye trade M asked.
" dame's Defers-Ibve dollars to boot,'
Tanner M—asawarad.
'fine bargain ram made, epd the hareem
mato changed hands. " Ffy the way," said
Farmer M--, as he was driving sir,
"you've got the same Wefts now that yea
had in the tint p'acs "
You don't say so I'' Farmer .x-
ol•imed, with ebagri., "Then it ookeas
,f I'd paid ten dollar' to have it cleaned."
' usb w,'' said the other, laughing.
}•-boi,s that the lemon did Fanner
T tee dation worth of good.
!m saperbesese. -
••it ain't no alga of bravery ter abuse
rouses over • big fence or irons t'othor side
ot • fiver," said the oapi$uu, tilting the
keg oo which be was iettiog eo that his book
nticat rest again.t the fish bone. Ha osm-
ps',toosat by mending the rats. ,.New,
wb•a I was quite • lad," be went o.."1 bad
as experience, that showed what naommmeet
poor policy it is to be fancy--.vab.sit • die-
tetics." _
" How was that V
"• Wel!, I wseamptsin On one of the Liali
Hueco otewaet.es mid brag young sad Nbs
abbe sea -mewl, -I e'i. tbialLI Ithirrt#g
pretty much the whole el t1
Oa day we was laying at • the wharf
loadior the freight oo, and I saw • little
man walking up and down, waiting to se
aboard. He woe s pompous -looking iadf-
vidoal, and followtog and bunging ea
to his speech were two or three men that
seen.01 to cons der what he said as go) lea
"I kept thinking that I wished it would
mime time to start when be was away ap
'other end if the wharf, and sore sough,
inet as bs roe • couple of hoedred feet off.
it was time to rail oot.
"1 palled the whistle and waited toll
time, but he turned round mighty medicate
awl came towards the plan k Tee mea
ocmrneooed to haul in, sad we fell beak
rom the wharf. 'Ilion be broke into a ran
ni waved bus hat and aborted.
" When we were atom ot everything
haflored back, '• Hurry up, little chap, or
You'll have te walk 1" and • lot of such
talk, when I rot a signal trent the captain-,
who wan atnortide to pat back, and finding
a.rmethine oou•ual was ap, t was oompet-
led to
The sea lowered the plank, and the
little mos -watbd e, bused aria marched
light opine plink boast• sad passed me
his sand.
" He wee ahs owner of the whole lies o
boats. and he goys, very low and kind
speaking oL walking, perhaps you had
better go whore sow betore they draw til►
plank in. We •ba'n'e need you this trip.' "
" What did you do!"
• I)or . Why, Iwe t
of mums, •
sad the
..00nd mate took the boat up. The matter
was fixed up, but when I maks • joke Dow
h take oars it's one that ain't Doming home
to roost"
Divines all meet on • oowummon level) and
ars of ods .mord in proclaiming the beat-
ing powers of Or. Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder -It relieves is thirty minutes.
" 11 hen I know •oythiog is worthy of •
recommendation 1 000sider it my daty to
toll 11," Rev. James Murdock, of Harris-
burg, li. , goys this of Dr. Agnew's C•tarrb•
al Powder atter hsvigg beets cured of • very
maligtmas form of catarrh He is not tis
only great divine on this sentiment who
could, mar) who has, preached Iitti. •ermoo-
'atm on the wooderfut Duren .footed by this
tared remedy. What moue are mon fa-
miliar to Oanadiaos than the Right Rev. A.
Sweetm•n, Lord Bishop of Toronto, and
Dr. Langtry, of the Church of England :
the Rev. Mnngro Fraser, ot Knox Presby•
torten chetah. Hamilton, or the noted
Msthodts prsshs•triveller, W. H. With-
row, ot Torooto? All thew men have
proven what is claimed for Dr. Agnew's Ca-
tarrhal Powder, and Wave gives their ani-
ma testimosy to it. Sold by J. E. D.rM.
The drink bill at most Ludas Aaepltale
1. mach lees then it used to he. At Guy's
for instance, the sum yearly expended on
alcoholic liquors for the patients M et the
este or 9a, • bed. la 1116'4 It was no les.
thaw £3 iia.
A11 eke tailing Yr. Geo. C. Ward M Cared
by .last be=es of Dedd'. Hider PO.
Port hope(Ibeelal) Jely IS. -Ns cast of
Me hey from *snout' Illoess that hes ever
eaesrrvd is this eom.m.ity bas ,steed 'se
r 5 talk as that of our enema Mark
ttM.a. iii. George C. Ward,Ilegi*.r e1 the
Cesaty. reeidhg ben. Feu n lag time it
has be.a well karma to bon fatheads 1.1.54.
titan he was • great roarer imp kiddy
4lea!'der. Bat ter the poet year he owe
teem a■d all efforts w i!sKa& II..Wa•rth
Ten whhest avail- He le www nand, e. be
tiff I by untag eight bsaaa et Dead'. =id.
sayP11M mad Mas 'miles ave, he was la li
thea 1,000 people sera •• Ueelep4 le
iI•by tatteaert•h Mg. •a8 thee 104.1
aseaf gu are outdebated .11400,000.
Titt ems Sala ..d deliea1e ahaersnsrsm
1pMag.3ste reale lsvallds later to Itis,
they simild take Ayer,. Elemap•riita 11s
other vole themes et wholesome Med mad
*st les@ samsMw WhatWed.bed M aWed
dip Nt0.,.4.m.. pd rad
ee.a.dwlN oil lah. td Also
tie�Itlde :6M4 ab.
o 1 eeok. +.t r
he bili 4 4 bob be we *, .o
h4'►es to lo.. ram, is *odd buse new
taw 444.4 few I h•eellter sonstbl $Li es
wore of ton Advaatag.• humane* by tats
Am bid.ltfo es.
Ambldextfous meu and women, or
those who c.0 use either right of
left halide with .equal facility, are nett
nearly so frequently met with as might
at first r ruppxsed; in tact, they ore
quite rare. Thus double faculty is, pow -
ever. ouch nater frequently spot with
among butt:bens and sailors than in any
other walks of lite. Luft -banded butch•
ere are monotone, as a walk through
any of our large market houses will
quickly deutunrtrstw, but it le a very
•nterestiug study to watch one of them
who will nut, p, saw and handle his
meats without once changing it from
ewe ride W the other on the block or
changing his own position.
10 view of the many advantages Aee-
riapd from the ability to use both hands
equally well, mini people bare often ex -
premed surprise at the action of edu-
catioosl authorities in insisting on the
nage at only the t ha
4to an equal sklllinstead in the
other. , They aU stick W the right -
banded •Mea, however, and an pld Mite
dent of Frankfurt, noted for his ambi-
deztronseem, is "till mourning the logs
of a prize at school through the use
sae hie left hand in writing, although he
was equally skiltfnl as n penman with
hie right.
The benefits der iced from the use of
both hands err excellently illustrated
in the experience of two carpenters who
lived in Wrattktord *one years aro.
Their names were (`naw and Walton,
and the former war right•habtltd, the
latter lei• -handed. As one wan ab;o
very tall and the other very short, tin ty
tuule a rations maple. Mut they always
worked together laying floors and pui-
tiiur tip joiners' work in buildings.
They creed tale }boobs of this Chari