HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-8, Page 5IrS11112APAY, July 8, 1897. + TRE. WINDING -UP SALE1 n ine Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing and Men's Furnishings. ... . 756_ ..... 75e ..... ..... 20g • • • 10g ..... 15c ..... 5c ..... 25g re • • • . 45g for the lext Two Weeks We Will Bell Fancy Dress Goods at Half Price to Clear ! - -- 1 hall 111 od for 106 ad stakes a the. Li4ag to 0010.41__ • little itL- er *mora- le Woman 11 be held in Ilmermoos dingle ii-Tbe r. Jsly 6. was duly .stand of • pretty root of the as Rosanna, itrimooy to dad. no Pwformed Nrsatford, erd Ly Rev. sod pastor brideemaid )11/m/Sonom, lem rottotolg witalle The groom Treleaven. was faste- ners, and mats, etc., net, with hot °graph,' o mits, wars ,tographar, sots given otitul and ; esteem O MEW of sod too, ot 1000 0! W. _ , sod Mime were visite ig the past Ladies' White Belts 5e, regular 18c. Ladies' Cotton Vests 3c without sleeves Ladies: Cotton Vests 4c with sleeves. Men's Cotton Hoso 5c per pair, regular 10c. Men's Unlaundered SWOPS 30o, regular 50c. Illeds Cold Shirts 75c, regular $1.25. Men's Ready -Mode Suits only $2.25, regular $4.50. Men's Ready-MSuits only $4.00, regular $7.00. Men's Ready-Madi Suits only $5.00, regular WOO. Men's Ready -Made Bicycle Suita $2.74-eegtalar $5 50. B4.,' Ready -Made Suits from 75c up. The Mese waa'preetily dethretad with Julie lighten, and when die happy pair steed lie - tore the Rev. R. Winderwma of Author' to W itte their treat Nish to the yaw they ▪ tis group • oborming one. 1s bride was gowthd tO brown hthriesto. trimmed with white silk end &earl orthathesthe bridesmaid, Klee Add Morrie wee bead. e melt, attired, sad J T.dU supported IM groom. After ae appetteine wedding breakfast, ci)• cooly wedded left at 230 cm • bridal trio that will inolude missy Carted - Mr. and Mrs. John 1). Long who left Wes with the nasal oallitthes, take with them the best wishes of their large carol* of friends. Tits 0OD1011011 SOOT Zellt.-Tbe Ueda doh Souvenir Wood the path weak by Al Publisher Mr. Alexaoder of TOEMMte4 without • doubi the bass ever issued of the tows, lad • copy should ha is the thuds of orrery resideut, acid every resident's Mead. The views show the 'months work of Bel- lows. and the skill of a first clam eapaver, while the printing keeps pthe with the times. SHAMP•DICKINsON Norvismi•-•• H. S. Shamp, of this place, and Mum Eva Dsokin- soli, Of Cornwall. Canada, were married in San tranome the early part of last vieek, sad arrived hers, wkirs they will reside. go Wednesday 'ermine's load. They Wive segaged root" and taken op their reeidenge in the Hamilton Hotel. Mr. Shrimp has been with se but • abort time, having come here trout Colusa to teas °begs* of the Biggs creamery, but he bas roads many friends in this community, and being & 113011 ot 0014101, o hole- mauled nature, is 1th sd by an w ho know biro. W. welcome Mre. Shamp 1. our midst, sod truft that the newly married couple may le blessed with the lost that lite affords." Toe sloth, °lipped from the Bigp Notes, Butte Co., Cal.. Will be nt la. tercet to many ot our readers, as tile bride was well known here and is • sister of lira 8. MeV. Lloyd and E. L. Dlokinsou, B. A., of Wuigham. ScHOOL BOARD, -The school board toot on Mooday evening. members all present, the chairman Jas. Booboos& sear. presiding. Minutes of laat meeting read and confirmed. The principals report shoetree an average attendance for Jams of 539, (282 boys and 257 eat) was reed and filed. The report recommended that all the rooms in the Coo- tral and Ware aohoole be kalsomined dur- ing the holidays, and tha recommendation was ordered to be oarried out under direct- ion of the Contingent Committee. Appli• Cations were read trom Mien Rusk tor the ,position of Assistant in oonneotion Wth the gods) sohoot ;rock. sod Miso Idionirrlomw bell for the Fall term. Oa motion the ladies were appointed to the positions held by them in 1896 The caretaker applied for an increase ot salary rod the matter was referred to a future meeting. to allow a special oommittse to bring up • report of the douse per:itEt la the position. The fol. tearing acooun were read and ordered -10 be paid. ' Brea. $17.00; Geo Porter, $9.90; J. F. B&W'. 75o1a. The question of the expenditures for the year was brought before th• board by the Sthretary and after Kane discussion a resolnSon to aek the council 1.0 oollect $5200 tor Public, school purpose, was passed. The baud then ad- journed. pARIS GREEN FLY pAPERS • LL KINDS INSECT POWDER HELIBORE LIME JUICE ROOT BEER WARRANTED BEST QUALITY GINGER : BEER EXTRACT W. C. GOODE CREMI.ST BEDFORD BLOM- These are Special BargLins iully 20 per cent. less 'thail Whole- sale Pried& Remember this Sale will continue until the wholi stock is - ai•poied of: • • list. JAilE13 8. 3.--itnia(Agheitdutniatr). SOWN. The prosecution the conducted by E. N WIGLE.-At Man- os Jose 20th tee nisei Rev. R. M. Wiste. of • ow. DIED. Otederich. on Monday. July 5t1, 1257 Josens WIlliams, aged fre yam,. months and 6 days. NE-1•1t1.L.- la tioderick on Toseday, July et. ler7. John Newell. aged 51 years- 9 months sad 4 days. The t 'mend will take place from his lata res.dence Beacom street. off Mocks street. es Friday. Jule 9th. at 18)p to Maitland °meter. Fries& sad aNnaletdoes firs respect Mile requested to atrend. • HIE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Reporte Notehooli 1 on by above ,is rod hi 'REV cialty I tegtog death - me la OtAIOnett Bedding led ti r. rY If teu'r• Med Is a' Ifer Cleft. 8 twd• 1. test its • mild*. somas T. Takla' list«, sae faith aril reams It."-Saree. Lewis, and W. Proudfoot conducted the case for the defendants. After the defend - sate were discharged • warrant was sworn out &pleat Mrs. MoIlroy for d'art' Pos- session of property bllorrging to the Jet - top estate. and the ease will be heard in Bith on Friday by the P.M. AN EMILY DEATH. -The following trom • Torouto raper refers to • lady who left Goderith ooly • few weeks since: Toronto Jaactioa. July 5 -The funeral of Mrs. H. E. Snell took plaoe Wroxster this sem. Inc the rename beiog oonyeyed by train to the C.P. R. depot there. Deceased was 29 years of ago and died at her husband's resi- dence bare et 2 P.m. yesterday STRATFODDSG. T. It FIEI HEN:A.DIE - Th. G. T. K. fire brigade at Stratiord at • moist meeting decided to hold the annual .onLino at Goderich, us Saturday July 24*.h., on which 000sation • special will be run at • very low fare. Although the picnic win be under the atispioes of the bn- gado. outsider., may join in. henoe it will he a fine opportunity tor • cheap trip to our pretty town. PURE PARIS GREEN AN D FRESH HELTABORE AT DUNHAM'S DRUG STORE. IT W A1.1Te THE CILIDLE,-lt is oortainly many years sinoe Omitted had the honor ot baying a baby born to ire Mayor nod klayorsee-if ever mud an event °warred. 0 The men who were cool and comfortable la the Old Land and in plates of promin- the past week. It le aintost needless to lisf. wore suits made by rridhain. There were lodges inside and outside of Fodor. s winiow all this oast week, aad maw who could /meek said "couldn't 2.5 2.66151.' Efirretlier whir ettotaierdesdriookedir: -- - ST. GROItHele GCILD.-Trill Malden party advertued tor this theaing pootpthed` tul farther muck THEY WILL PLAT BALL -On the day of Ib. Ytratiord fire brirad• elIotind00, the 24th, • poked team from Stratford and the Hurons will play bad ball. Thar WILL Go TO Al" -L.O. L., 182,•Goderich. meet ever ball og the *orator of Joh- I2th, .t7 110 mil at 3 4 NI sharp will leave for Mandoster to mos to Canada • ohild oomiug into the world to auspiolously would be considered luckyfor. though not born with • aiivvr spoon in it* month. the little darling would firw -dart atter birth- be -rooked to airman • silver cradle. THE WEEKLY MARKt 1' REPORT. - woousuari. Jule 7. owl Fall Wheat Midi 0 116 to 0 05 Flour. family. per ows. 2 00 to 2 00 Mar, patent, per owt 2 25 to 2 35 Bran.. ton- ..... ....... ....... - It On ton 00 aorta, p100 -...- 12 00 toll Ito Data. • bed • - • • - .............- .. 0 20 to 91 Peas. • bed... - 0 35 to 3E Old Hay. • ton-......;,- 50 to 50 Potatoes. %bush 15 to 10 Butter. .... .... 10 to 11 Lora fresh impacted• dos.. • . • 8 to 9 Wood.. ..... -..- ...... -..-.... 0010 50 laldee.• i • 47e...• • ...• • + •.• . • .....** •... .. oti to 700 Pelts 70 to 0 10 Lamb -skins 2.5 to 0 30 Dressed Hare - tiO to 5 Ott Ba0011. 1••• • ••••• .....••••••••••• 09 te 0 le 10 to 0 14 ('heese. ose lb-. ...... 11 to 0 11 DEATH or JOSEPH WILLIAM, -EArly 011 Monday moraine Joseph Williams died rather suddealy at his reaidenoe, St Goorge's Crescent. The news of his de•th was a great surprise. th the gentleman was nen around ea Saturdayand no one had beard that he was ill. All Sunday Mr. Williams was kept *kora by the heat, but he appeared in bis usual health. He re- tired to rest at the usual hour, and died e irolt 1.30 A.M. The late .icweeph Williams had not been hale and strong for some time, at he suffered frorn o complication of dis- eases, and more than once in the past few years he hes bees near unto death/ and hut • few weeke-gilitili when attending the fun oral of the late Mies Lee he had • serious attack that caused him to fthl to the ground unoonecions. The funeral took place from his hoe residence yesterday afternoon and was birgely attended. Our old citizen was born is Bollytore, County Kildare, Ireland, in 1819 and oame to Huron Co. in 1848, where, with the moeption of • taw years spent ta Ottord (Itilunty be resided ever since. Until rethotly be eras exteosivsly en- gaged in the lumber bushiest., troiug both • manufacturer, and a dealer in the maculae. turgid artiole, and for several years he had • large stake to the salt produotioes of Masao, aorl in-aseseal-well.knaws lake Yee - this. Mr. Williams woe • man of consider O 1.11 intallsotual ability, and iming a great reader he was versed in all q,nestioes per- tainine to the bettering of humanity. In Ib. 'rah question he took • deep interest, his oympothiee allot ye anal integ to the Home Role side. For tome time he hod Assn • msmhw ot the Cellegiate Inetitute hoard. e nd was at the time of death and several years before, It. honored obairmam, and as • tribute to his impartiolity as chairman of the }laird and his worth as • citizen. the members followed his remotes to their Let resting plaoa, Maitland Carlota: y. GENTLEMEN OF THE LEAGrE -A very Profitable mosetoinment wae given in the Victoria Street church loth Friday mooing under the auspices of the gentlemen of the Epworth League. Two exoellsot addresses no religious themes by Bort. Thompson aod E Armstrong. reediege by Wrri. .1 toles and ll rank Hale. • 5010 2.3' the same gentleman, 'and several hymns, ia the singing of whfrh all joined heartily. made up • program met celebrate therale of the Boyne. woo to be forgotten. Rev. W. Godwin fiAC LT. - &We Whit• of Cne olbor, wall . us oregided. op before mut p m. for semaitio, his wife on WILL RE-v1EIT GODEEIcH -The yacht the moraine a ths 2ad. He was bound Verona, GI the Detroit Yeah' Club, manned Ind psy es. &ad 110SMI amoou•ang to 218 30 C'tr ei the Striate. will be kits .boob the THE EXAMS.-rhel WHOM', 011gantkiv`...A- ,..... 14.h. Wet. Ltat moos the company aboard the VIMM110 GIME a very pleasant Dane in 1E.,:otertneiseeedtbe mostletiett,16,51.10uda usodri'"00•1•7 Goriariek, . sari in expectation ot a similar amok' Dipko, jai, Enh.. as the same power, lida moon, they ore bringing her Places mod tonn III. and form IV. yeeter- hIrs mei mem The hoer .ni be mooned day monism at Gederieh. by Cabo. Webber, Joseph Pratt..? . J. Hen. Walter, Norooll, B. A. Pamons, and KNOX Cornea. -Tie outside itelMlithi- - goo gator, than5.1018threeK ins° xi deb. narer°6 heart: an mp rti al 7b 5°°Ind t lb • • dbl.• Er PLIZADZD ()CHAT. -24,1 minim N, rooman HIRED 4 over in too ourotoo. of $50 koop t.no ponce bo • jolly denpany ot young moo from tha TO ADVERTISERS. Notioe of changes must be left at thb Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day nom. Casual Advertisements accepted un to noon Wednesday of each week. T•11.Cher W21.11tdid - rilEACHESoailLANTED-M A - • or K- A male. pooteetant, holding 10E-er-lird <oath certificate wanted tar S. S. No. 17. Aide field. for the editing term. Applibadde with testimonials. statloir salary expected will be received up to July lit JAS. lOrWRINRY, secy.. Dumdum. P. O. 1711 Publle Retie*. WANTED -I CAN PAY TEN DOL - lame weekly le • lady of mature Age, re- finement arid tact. to armed her time In • good cause. T. H. LINSOO IT. Toronto. Ont. A ravollSg Oulu.. IS THE TIME To Think of a SPRING TONIC. There are many good oath but none quite so good es our IRON TONIC .BITTERS. The Beads for Colds is uot over yet. We expect to ell more Cia IC FtlicE" pEJL.M0N ICL during II•RCH and APRIL Than in tali the rag of the Winter. J. E. DAVIS, Plum. B. , Medical HAIL GRAN hi TRUNK itAILWAY. Mixed Reiland grime's Mixed Mall and Express.... - Dordre. Mail md Express. Mail aad Express - Maid ............ Laundry. r AUNDRY-ANY ONE REQUIRING 1-1 good laundry work done at moderate rates- apply to MRS. PRICE, Stanieyet , near Beicher's oakery. Ze-tt be etit the P.M. loot week ots • charge The gelleriss are all tilaco1. and a Trey of Iris. ft. rag at Mioltthl Ceraey, sod re. utth, enlitch fr"1 WI. imilD" "glad lb". fliitroositia wait Intent to do toodily barm hearing domain. After de Mimi' bad Dm partly heard 1 t story mat is withia via* and *INF i reamed was aside to Monday, wham tbe ORDER AFTHIMED.-Ales. Shaw, Q C.. onno eras proodited with. The evidences sPoeared for the COEDIT of Bruce, J. T. moron on Monday 01141 not support the set- C•certow Q.C.. watts, ar000d as appeal frogs i4,04 part of the dares. and the defendast order against the Ca of Brim fer theme- tawfod pithy of ha,i„, tb• tempos in pea- k. .1ohn's Induetriiil sellool. Toreoto. F'. M. ethical with intent. Vrootoon wbo a a eit- Port ot a boy send Gee. g. Lumen in the staattb. orrd.raffer beeline eireurseete misruled piwirea twist oadatita Udaitt•hde oupoState. Gado, tranaueieederdaradt. sato as waintimidad IIMEtecoe, with Oa watillialthd- Fort IltAtotaltr. -Huge Temple was he. Ina that ba aisonld Imre Camila at ease. fore the misty loath cat Tuesday. Maned mid that ta tee await of hia Millar to 4. 10. with oommittinu • tutelary in Greditom. he would be bronobt op for the thstasth of He pleaded not guilty% sleeted to bs tried at the work . toe Deoembi( *we ww• ••14•••••1 stow Ur Fos TRIAL -R. J. B. Delo** 0ade(feb:modilaelesaft.$5°:,61111:0 _ISA:belisarsdeselif.asorets: 6,16:r Pirsowlia.reisrty Owiluibarmivelv"14 4141"14:611.1"Pplacil...11411. simit" a i.Mil ler Blom Ledge No. Atter the iiimi had ham before mart satm e2. I 0 0.F.. the fallawirgi hivtLira wars One tt wow adjoarmd Ma Idimastoritiat Ma oioct,t1 to ofiloo for Ma soma, tom : Blot ow, was omeitidad sad the damidast limp ,„07. Rise. N.0.1 a) Rolm" V.G. ; 1M. J. mittad to Me Dressebior amaiima. Way re. 'divot. reociao. ; 1. J. T. Navel, risr• lamed sr bail ui the atmatiwo. Daiwa ti mot.: C. A. Nara. tram. appears borrowed the hone &qv* te as b* FUVW vwg MmoommeAwm.,_-aittio gumw., Mum, sad am roturuhip ter gime dirs. of cAntiff. wills% is visisima besinter. igis. be woe mooed te Cedarville. Kish. from F. Noma,/ Wassrloo serest. The lady which 1104111 ka ir" Wen", Donk 61 Tbill. Gamer, 'tee tie bola Asa *Sim Mimi The flr• hit/fide bad • oil on Teseday aftermath sod ea& a quick torsont. There was no firs, the eell bMnit weds et tie re- quest of ths ingsrethe inspector. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Boarding. ILO a.m. 1.50 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 10.50 p.m. 7.15010 2.30 p.m 3.3N n.m For IraCe or To.iftent. , ATALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. ✓ P101 01 Lot L Concession C. Ooderich Tow.. oontaining 3,1-5 sores of land. There is 'Rooted OD the property • good la story briox dwelling, with kitchen attadod, and with caller under the -whole house. lids le • really first clad pied sad will be sold os reasonable lams. Toe pai Ocular. apply to PHILIP HOLT, Barrister, Ooderich. Dated 6tli July. 1897. alttf "%WARDERS WANTED - 1 AM PRE - F, pared to accommodate • number of boarders. House convenient to station and square. Rates reasonable. MRS. ROBERT - SUN, 72 Eaatot. 2341 HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT - A hope, with nine rooms. pantry. Mta. good (Allan recently renovatod. situated on Elt. Davide street in rear of Knit- ting Factory. Wild, be rented for 917 per moith, A opl for particulars to WILLIAM HOLLAND. street. 29-11 flItOARDERS A ANThD - HAVING .1.1 leased the proteges on Southet_ next British Exchange Hotel, I am prepared 10 00 conomod•te • number ot boardere, either taroomers or both table and room. I tea res- i eatable. MRS. WERRY. 22 Marriage Lb:sense& I MMUS. Wanted. AGENTS ".4he Beet Popular Life of Her Majesty I hove ever seen," write, Lord Lome, about " Queen Victoria." sales unprecedented. Easy to make five dollars daily. Big commission. Outfit free to canvassers. THE BRADLEY GARRET/8CW CO. Toronto. WANTED -Men and women who oth work hard talkbig and wilting six hours daily, for six dots • week, sod will be oontent with ten dollars weekly. Address, NEW IDEAS CO., Brantford, 0•1, WAN TED--/oduthrious perilous ot either sex with good oh•ractar rind oOmmon sahool educatiotronger-obeatheseplepreaut for two months in this oommunity. S. M. FRY. Totont1.0et. WE WILT AGERTS VOR SALE -THIS MUNRo DWELL- ing known as Ronnie 'Hotel. situated n ear the 0. T. R. track on the Huron Road. For partionlare apply to J AB. MUNRO, black- smith. VOR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT ON Westat. As I have &voided to give up keentner boarders I offer the above property white is in wood repair for sale. Stable al cruet new. For particulras apply 10 MRS. McKINNON. Wester. 111* to handle establiened trade: this county. Canadian stock guaranteed to live. Perman- ent position. whole or part tate. Libelist terms. You can make tett dollars • week or better With as !or every week you work. Neexperi1ssergegt•~7. Cos2=2/01811.US OOMPA.NY. INersertos, TORONTO, ONT 1.410 DWELLING FOR SALE -THE BRICK verneered dwelUng corner victoria ited St. David's streets, ovntaini^g double parlor. dining -room. kitchen. pantry and enamor kitchen. four bod•roome, sewing roombath roomostler, etc. The house le heated with • funiaoe and has other modern improvemeats. Tie Well Known Trottial Stallion LAN}. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE It CHAYS, barris Liomma. Goderloh. Out. W43-1) tor. omdorioh. For tangos. etc., apply to . 8821 HILWILIOMS 1,110111.11t... GENERAL SERVANT REFER - emcee required. Apply to MRS. AN- DERSON, at the 1111010. Goderich, 29.1t WANTED I M M EDI AT ELY- A NURSIS ode. Apply to Mrs. Dudley Holmar. It. W antad. ANTED--EOGS. 8 CENTS CAnil ; TV tub butter 13 mute : and here. we P07 jun what we advertise. though stories are cir- culated to the contrary, I buy butter, eggs Auld wool highest pricey. slash or trade. O. IL HMG. Whigham. For Bale 1510R SALE -A LIGHT WAGON.PLAT- 1' form scales. biscuit wahines sad other bakery fixtures. J A MIS W A TOON. Mont- real-st. 2S-tf Tonsorial Artist 'POE SALE OR Tit RENT -FOR MALE or to rent, the dwellfbir on Nelson st. at oreosot occupied by F, gmeeth. It contains 15 rooms. including drawing room. dining room. parlor and kitchen, and hail. library a number ot closets, pentrive and a rood cellar There la halt an acre of land tastetulLY Planted with shrubs and fruit trees, and an exoeltept lawn. App:,/ to Ir. SMEILTH, on the "- miens. 10-1m VOR SALE -A VALUABLE FRUIT it'-weid-avern-earatrowitoottArsad.ealthia toilcief CIO:dom. 'The lot le No. 67, Maitland oenoeselon. Ooderich township. and contains 75 acres. It yields annually trom 00 to 100 barrets a Wider smoke, and is • good stein farm, the land being • bio. 1 clay loam. There le a No. I frame hones on the lot. I abed barn with stone stables nuderneath, and it is well teetered In every field. A large porgies of the purchase money may remain on mortmore. For terms, etc_ apply to THOS. BURNS. Car low P. 0., or to W. W. TARRAN. Clinton. T FRiTZELY. TONSORIAL ARTIST, . Rot and cold baths on pregabsea Sew foasoing.shampoottig and every maw. require - meat oarefully attended to. and ewe but oom- potion hoods employed. William? de stand. MeLean's new block, next door to Rabb Ex- change Hotel 10-t1 Rice's Pure peat BEsT FOR TABLE AND DAIRY. 0111 epold searothe le Geemrielb. awl Thp "oast "Ili had se afterwards Willie Mou riss60161 " siabous Detlis. god the** "ell 161 timrSI totems ea this OcAehmet. si•te• Motharland is time far tbe Ohlitateam Im- tivitiaa. Teat Write Duclutiema.- 'Pm 660+116 *f ase swims Mr. J.4010 &IA Bra. /troy, at Myth. was before lb* P.M. 1:1=b61117.4sd et the Nokia WM Uwe eforalimeralekt p52111 11111 Ma abaft of the epee are preponted to kw be he beatrahly acquitted. 11. W.' Web so alike ke_fil fifths Mime sal dip fowled IV FaSIP Tendons Wanted. riummus WANTED - TENDERS A wilt he rewired op go dotnrear. Jell 17th, for refloortag school No. 1. Colborne. Penton - lam oar b• had from WILLIAM JONIMI. ass rotary, Nth P.O. ft ft 0 BALED TENDERS ADDREE8SED TO IJ tha synod, sad inteleceed - TAT tor S °tarter the Desiales lags. retaived at this itsonsil Time. .1 as ot spud th Jetta 1 tater. mele ea *Mb the 001 II HI:patsy a sessems whys sailed fad le Oesdilete tie keletnerat"rlilii ti:14111t0Plita.m„.7.1"`m...,%w de knee* IR de SVC Nouse to creditors. VOR SALE -LOTS 69 AND 70 Hutehlneon's Survey in the Town of Goderloh. upon which is erected *nice dwell- ing hoed. Dated 412. Remember, 1105. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & HOLMES. Goderich. 0041 11ARM FOB. SALE OR RENT -FOR I: wale or to rent.weaswelleat 100 erre farm, being lot la, eon. ard. W Wawantieb. It Is . the gams dur &ern Dungannon. . the buildings It is well water - &ad there la • Lair Wine 10 110 &VW/ to A. - TR THE SURROGATE COURT OF 1 TRY COUNTY 01? HURON. In de estate of Thomas- tthittaker, late of the • !was. Port Albert. la Ike COmmfy of Iferon, deceased. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1660. (7101. 110, Sm. S. all fiellielif having any gamma or dariands easiest the estate of Ole /OA Thomas Whittaker. wife del en ot about de Mader 01 0.102.01. A. UMW at the mid village of Pori Albert. aro rapairadois er be - tem tho linh day Ammo. A. D. 1007, te Shitsapses:rt, prepaid. tor illellyerod to Plet110 lb* Tows at , Solicitor for 01161.111.1" retesseisu=dooladazililligawrildneuelapartimittlr.groueeribi men ttai�sr will pro - wit to Ad 06 48l IS asessim satiiiderjoe. having ar bin to obit el whiro or set wet !AIRS le int :11.1..tor %mho Ca ham reedit Mi. *Woe not p. SOLI. or Tor savoloterator. O 1 06664ar.6661616/ 66 es NIS Da=aing Irk &Iwo Mat. AMR. Val;617/*Wv Ma. Stiltilskilan ih• weirmilen WW1 elrian ('10154.212. Jab% DA MDII,Igiiitymost. 1741 VALUABLE TOW* PROPERTY /OR the 'ter an -d lake foriaZrocerligrtr• One of the meet valsstilif Sad desieritttirtr los a. IllsoDormett moi„ to pordeu ia tetra. L twoossrey frame s..nalvie. My adiouri t- isk at pressat by Mr. L and wiloining frielmmde DIMIN. ig=sr. formerly ocidnod Wilts Pried s OE Ilianment remit liable. th- eir to W & PROI1DFOOT tedf . Soitattere. Godeolob. WOODLAWN Will be Kept for Service durirtg this Season at my Premises Con. 6, Colborne Township. • Woodlawn le the of the very beet bred and best ratted Manton* in Ontario • id beg proved himself • good sire. He Is belt= Tr11 No, 10313 by tigyastelyk'e Holub et 3.-Hladifin aid 1 TTPSWEIF:12FE1111100: 3.10, 4 years old, record. 1.24. Alan)°, by Almont. No. 33. by A lessoder's Abdalah. Ridgewood, the sire of Woodlawn, has • number of horses with reoorde bettor than 2:80 to hie credit and aro Woottlawn's dam was equally well bred in speed prodnoinst lines there is no reads why Woodlawn'e colts should not develop into equally fest home, Good pketure Provided at reasonable rot.. TERMS -To insure a fuel. SR. payable Feb. 1806. Insured mares must he retwiloc frifle to the bone or they will be charged ezeurenoo. Persons dleriming of thelr mares before foaling time will be he Id respon- sible for ineuranee money whether In foal or not. Peregeos trying their mere. and not nrizthem rbgelarly to the horse win be e% re- tke. insurtheo price. All atebssato tit& of owners of mares- • ANDREW .A. YOUNG. Corlow P.0 FARM FOR SALE. -- I am instrooted to throe for sate one of Dui ben 100 &eve farms in the County of Huron alteded width 7 miles of Oedortol. The farrnlyeedebee aot • foot of weed lead ea it •ore Aill• is • deb elay loam tem bets all buildisos are firet-olam, thirelletly• rt * trams home with smith twiMatis• aniesitri,.,. I ILI2.81,2.40 =Wrs, 62 vs Txriaz, barn. ft :IL%good nosalr. 1 . ere two sarebet stairs. The fares hos beelthe Itee tbe "set &weir* yams. aad winds a mils tif pailtinare. to�t wad rhe woo hoard' Miele tweak and walla motrilyilrml- lig tramoss .050 se' el erdeeng. Pr& teem* wad St • WU 1. MI. L F. SMEETII'S PLASTICS MILL SASS. DOOS FACTORY, OM lateria the Idle Via wl 711 ridded.* to dam at wit a a Prom" lam !SSW ataShins Shoes. cesselam %Ws ti Drippirtris = WM8 boor Sir. *AM. Ans. asi Th eassioraEoismo9 eft=n; -A f begirt nal= it Or oet"Ielrilleg T. G. OAND•11941116 b•••••••• ILY PAO* or• aware round. im106617 PD m petothethighwin. Taassatasimerms- -*fry OregiOrs ebas211111AVII wig -sows MY MINA It IS NOT MCAT MEAT YOU DAVI. IMAZIS YOUU. YOU SASS, 11171) 7*1 56 NIMI.WST88;711CitrArceir eft turabbied him= 1 A Joint Witosiss -A vett away Ile&56 kose,".=Ilre'm • 1. Seestiskthermem • 're S.