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res ••
2 THeetiveY, JnIT 8, 1697:'
*Meg the taehiosable Dolor at pre•wt is Footwear, we
have several. nice lines to this pretty sheds for both
Lediei sod Ueetlomen's wear. W. would be very much
pleated i. have yea tall .pd see them. whether you buy
or not.
A Ute of ladies' Cbeeolote Color C Btoyole
Loggia's, ('heel r 90o, quality ; for quick riling at 650
Pot pair.
)t'e pay good attention to Repair Work.. _
tluoo.eeor to H. B. PQI.JtQQ[.
NEWS OF THE DISTRICT:, Ideating the two days' Mork for the Queen is
L tbtesath sed of our burg, in Doe of the
meadows, a crane sitting on a nest was da -
From ourown Cormaspondents
There 1. I.f.,.,. lea 'Stere That Casae/ M►
Wound Anywhere Else -News of the
tensity Specially a.p.rted
r.r The Sipe'
IIoxDAT, June ''8.
Vtatnyo -R. Parrish is visiting at the
old home, Lahgaide, OM.
Veil etlee .-Mn. W. T. Johnston and
family are visiting frauds at Linwood, Oat
A number ot oor young men are off on the
F ori Institute •xcuretoo to Guelph
liodel Farm.,
Measles are raging in this vicinitf, but so
far oo deaths %,ere captured. althoagn • few
have been ver , eiok.
RETURNED Hoir.-Mn. T. Dougherty
and family, who have been visiting hu
p•renta for the put few-Je nitit.aays_q� as
to tbeir hone* is Alpaca, Maar.'
ANNry•RSART SLRVICE.-Court Lanes, I.
O. F. held their aaaiversary service is Lases
Pre.byterien oharoh on Sunday, Jane 20th.
Rev. S. M. WbdJ oo.duoted the services
and delivered a very abie sad appropriate
bermen for the oesseirr. - rc
W� T,iwAt:i sue 29.
The yolantesrs of this piece left by early
train ee Dioad•y tor London. under oom-
stand of Capt. Carrick
G. Founoe, oar hardware merchant, has
removed to Ripley, where he proposes car-
rying on the same line of business. We
wish George snootier.
Mr. Parks, formerly of Hensel, has open.
ed out en entangles stock of hardware in
all it. different Iles in the Troy block, and
seems to be doing well.
Our town seems to be booming. A great
many improvements have been made in the
way of requiring sidewalks, transforming
old houses tato new ones, and erecting new
C. tool, of our villagee has purchased
from F Qneea, of Ashfield, the trotting
Dolt k wo u " Grey Flyer." 8otw of the
Tenn dies of this M.Mo, will be potting
est . _/Famoy was the &M.
Mies Maggie Startle met with whet might
have beet a very series' aootdent last Fri-
tltt]. W pilo pa her wry 10 Wt.gbam when
about a mile away from, Whlteohnrcb, the
bona took fright .t a roti lying in the em-
ir, of the road and wheeled suddenly, asp -
sizing the buggy and theowie* the 000u•r
pants out and running at full speed b.ok to
this place when he was ought by • young
lady. The top and bot of the buggy was •.
total wreck. Miss Martin was badly shaken
up and her hese badly bruised.
'1Ug9DAt, June 29.
8. E. Hick, of Paris, spent Sunday soder
the w•asat•i deed, _. _ __ . __. _ ..
The Holmesville abuse factory la workiyg
to 10 hill capacity at preient.
Mts. Elliott, of B•yfleld, L visit,' •t
the home of Simon MoCnll•gh.
Mr. Taman has another bile -of briok
burnt and ready for use this week.
Statute labor on the difIereot beaks
throaghut the towc.hip • tie Qompleted lasts
Mita Bertha Andrew, left on Thareday
last for Toronto hospital to study for •
Quite • number from the community took
in the excursion to the Experimental Farm
o, Monday.
PARTY. -Oat Monday strewing last a num-
ber of Invited guests spent a very plowman
evening at the home of 8. MoCoH•gh. A
,amber of interestieg games and dancing
were indulged in ttll the wee erns' boon ar
rived, and •11 returned home well pseud
with their evening'. amusement.
Pulite -A very pinup afternoon was
spent by the people of 8 8. No. 1 and their
guests from other parte of the township and
from Ooderioh on Friday last at the Polley
farm, it befog their animal school pionie
Although the weather was rsh.r 000l for
aemfort, the young people kept warm by
oleyine base and foot bell and swinping,and
after dispensing with the on good
,hinge with whioh the tables there well sup -
'plied, the board of trustees superintended •
number of moss for whit valuable prizes
Were Woo. In spite of the 000l weather
all «sioyed themselves.
were iM
Meitner, June 28.
Arthur Ftitord opened the haying season
Of 181177 on Saterday melraiag put with his
mower, doing the fiat mOethg.
(lois an exit et ger esseseen'y. Me sad
*tout, with their wires, Widnes and sweet-
hearts wen no the model farm exeaMw to
°selph ue Monday last.
tirv,c■ horns -Weds/Way of NY
Mei rte Woman's Aetlliary Mission Se.
Seer w111 be addr.esed byMrs. CoffnCeasp-
bell and Mies Pettey, of Godetidb,h.
wort of this societyfar last year. Than
day evening a see ice of the managers end
ethers to aweidee the question of boleleg a
strawberry mead,
$tatat labor ter 1897 use dose hire Nat
week by the heats of le 8b•w a.d M. Oar.
soy. Beth hqms freer ebe neweltrent the
eid MI wt, .'m.P by Posse�nigh wt Jesse owedea., et Malt-
asea. The shov ls% wbtle milk* he the
Inger Mille ��t th omelet elate ar wick
devises tit b b. et she Mallibmd * siker N .r
d rem . AR NOW b malitinfaig
uoverd by some youthful nimrods, who
made a charge tor the nest to secure the
eggs for their coll.ntione. The beak of the
angry bird, however. proved too•hee"y •
hill to ooltrat, and duper.ed the lads who
retuned later fully retaforoed with • Roo
and • water spaniel to secure the eggs if
possible, and just u they were ready for
action the tanner arrived on the spot and
cancelled proceedings with orders not to
molest :be bird to its oaarter* for the fu-
MONDAY, June 28.
Among those who have gone to learn the
art of war at the volunteer oamp at the
Forest City ie Goderich company, areJohn
Cummings. Geo. Jardine and M. J. Tobin,
the two former are going tor the first time.
Angus Finlayson. • termer resident dar-
ing put summer, igrmoog ne again now on
the stag o1 Murray Bros., stone maeooa,
(;oderioh, who this week are building •
stone oellar at the Lan•dowoe Farm. Sino*
hu advent here he has not so man/ letters
eat write ifrj.: H. -r peaMrpat
ofioe, but not the burn.
machine purohased by the townshiplast
year was secured by pathm•.tere N.
Shaw and Robt. Quoid for the stataterlabor
on the former beat and was tested on Wed-
nesday, A. William.' teem be:nq hitched to
the machine. Geo. Fultord'e th• centre and
3.-ilhaw'., the head teem, heeding, 7'ber
clear volae of John Seeker directed the has
me., while his hands ably handled the lever
and brakes. to the many turns of the long
string rat hones in line mg both sides of the
road for • quarter of • mile from the *shoal
southward; not a mix took plane •11 day.
The next day Nightingale st. was grad.l
westward, directed by J. Barker, atter a
deep oonooitation with the mayor and path -
master R. Quaid, the driven of the teams
being Robert Fulford and Albert Qeutd.
Thi. task was neatly done. Though all the
oittzeta of our burg are not in harmony
with the present Government, they have
no objection to • fort and naval school with
another harbor on Lake Heron at the toot
of Ntrhtingat-st. in the near future.
hteaa, whioh were well reostv.d. There
war also • oohs by Miss Hiles, two iaetn-
meetal duets by Misses Crasser and Rues Ile
Miss Aatustine sod Mr. Halliday. short
address by Rev. J W Prins, reottarin..o by
Wawa MoUenoell. Minigno. Pearl Ibis,
Unify Rowes and Mater Rddie Sower..
ell et whom deserve epseul mention. A
awry enjoyable time wee spent by all pros -
NEt1 B1tUlf$Wi.S VIBW0IT.
KNO' HO.. 'HE FUCYD ,teet'RK.
from the Freder'ctoa gleaner.
Mise elm• Millar, of Upper Southamp-
ton. N B , is a daughter of Mr. Ezra Mil
lar. a wealthy and infiseet,tsl farmer. and
the young lady is a general t•vorite smoog
• wide chole of acgaaintenea. who have
had occasion to oontrrstel•te her epnn her
complete restoration to health, ter s se-
vore and trying illness 1Phert correct -
pendent of the Gleaner oalled upon her. and
nquested that the facts might he given tor
publicity, nevertheless gave her convent in
the hope teat her . ererieaoe might urove
benelioi•l to some of the many young girl/
whose oondttioo of health is very similar to
what Mr's eau previous to her cure. Mia.
Millar stated thar. when her ills..*
began bar mother was unable to
look after the affairs of the heuso-
hold •ud the duties largely devolved upoo
her. She felt herself growing weak aid
wetly tired. bat felt that she mast keep up.
She says : " Notwithstanding my efforu I
blued myself growing worse and worse.
My appetite failed, my complexion be-
came sallow •lad mal eyes sunken in
my head. I was tronhled with dirt need,
shortness of hreath, and palpitation of the
heart, until at times I thought I would .i4 t-
totate. 1 was •Imnst constantly trolahlid
with a pain in the side and • ••vere head-
aohe When I went upstairs I was oblired
to rest Life had boo nealmoet a harden,
and at put I was toroed to give up and keelf
my bejj.tdty fri *see d••iwsaoine maw
ona.netption end ens remedy after another
was tried with no b.nelidiel results until I
was indeed to give Dr. Williams Pink
Pills e tria'. to ler. than three week. I
was able to leave my boded go about the
house, end the ose rat the Pink Pills a few
weeks ldMQeroompletely restored my health
and •tr.eigth'aud drove aw.y all symptoms
and pains whioh had nude my life miserable
I fool that in bringing this matter before
the poblie 1 am hut doing Nmpie ja.uoe to
eaferin* humanito, and I hope that those
afflicted as 1 was will give Ur. Williams'
Pink Pills • fair trial. I might al.n sod
that other members of our family have wed
Pink Pills with equally rood results.
What Dr. Williams' Polk Pills have dooe
for Mill Mill•r,Shey will do for thousands
of otter young girls throughout the pout•
try whose condition is similar. They re-
store th• glow of health to pate and .allnw
oheeks, correct functional derangem.hte
and create • feeling nf new lite and .o.rry.
The genuine Pink Pill. are sold only in
poxes, the wrapper around whioh hears the
full trade mark, " Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.
for Pale People Refuse all piak colored
imitatiooe and ether medicines said to be
LMJNGANNON. i " jest a. good."
No'nca-Tb. loud ageaoy to Dungannon
tor Toe lttoirlL is at the omoe ot J. O. Ward,
.I.Y oonveyano.r. k.., wbo will reoely. et -
dere tor eub.orlptioo., advertising sad job -
work, and is authorized To give receipts for
amounts paid tot the same
TnwtD v, June 29.
Cootso AND GOING.-Wifum Mottle, of
foro.to, was in one villyb last week.
• number of farmers anet bth.rs in this vtoin-
ity left hen on Monday oat the exotk.ioo to
the model farm.
Jana -al. -The jubilee of -$fit Majesty
Quell Victdyia's sixty yell, reign war
loir•Ily osiebr•ted by maty of our bitizens
•ocordint to their variUU, pr.dtleotions and
L'TIRMENT -Oa Monday Ute remains of
Walter Treleaven, .r., of Laokaow, were
Inter*din Ijongnnnoa eon:Mery___ Tea be-
reaved have the sympathy of the aomman-
ity. The are ot the deceased was 72 years,
1 month and 26 days.
Wswots i -During monday night we had
a shower of rain, wbieh was, in ooeseglaeooe
ql ooatiesed drougbt for some time, duly
appreoiated by all a.d sundry. However,
to it was very slight, some more ram would
be a benefit to the growing crops.
DsL.a&Tte -The following member of
the E. L. won appointed as dslegatee to at•
teed the International Convention to be
held at Toronto : G. Stothen, W. L Hiles,
S. Pentland, and Misses Maud and Trios
Milligan and Ana's Treleaven.
Sumo* or COOKritt.oitn -On Setturday
last rte maniacal fathers of West Wawa -
nosh held a session In the town hall, •11 the
member present, neve R. Lookhart in the
obair. Atter the ennaotien of the bust -
nese which waw hr.aght before the oonact ,
it war decided to meet again on Mondair,
the Lod day of August. The venerable ex -
roue, Chu. (Arvin, was present.
emin,tion of Ratranoe and P. 8. Least
candidates oommenoed bet ea Menden
There were 35 eaadait.a--17 for Entrant.
and 18 fee Leaving. R. E. crown and
Woods are oonduoting the stamtae,cione a1
Dnngeneon. (fir popular ptvseireal, T. G.
Allo, is presidia* over the eIamlutione at
CoxvALgweva SLOWLY -We are pleased
to be ibis to state that Mrs. Wilson, ar., of
West Weeniest, wbo was serbwllinjured'
by an aenidwt, M Redwine noontime ...
Mrs. T. Anderson, of Al uleId, who was
very weak derive the tatter part of last
week, is, we are plead to state, a tittle im-
proved in health. The venerable lady's
*amorous friends treat and hope that she
will be restored to her former state of elite
and health.
OOM;No AND Gotuo.-Mrs Armstrong,
wife of Rene T. L. Artn.tro.g, and son left
her. on W.deseday es lath weak no • etern-
ise tour to Athens art Clothes. We wish
them s peasant visit sad .at. Weare
Mies Maid Milligan, toemerly of West
Waveasesh sed new of M1.ae•ota dab, t1.
8., is w an extended vial to re! .Elves bon,
1loo e.e.wiog former ululation'. Mies
M. I. ennead I. the teething professes.
She that .he likes her sew lowilion.
W. whet ar a ptrawit end enjoyable AK
LAwr. Soup - -The lairs omelet, whish
.p. held Nadir the sapless of the Re L es
1'►AMiay of lam week, was, is pals of A.
Wrest and $messiest. • treed deem. The
aiteedaes, abloom% net se larpe ad anelit-
panel, war fair. Ti. stnlleet program tee
the eeetU.a ma welleme� mit1 t Ma -
massed ssbe.d to by •n *peek-
by tins nalgYse eight AMU mi
Ir is estimated that 3,000 marriages are
daily performed throughout the world.
Japan had only ods newspapertweety-
6.. yeas •gp. Now it has twp thousand.
Over 800 criminals have been exeout.d is
England once the acoe..ion•of Queen Vic -
The annual nroduot of paper Dollars
amounts to 15.000,000 per year, one Arm
turning out 15,000 pair day.
Darling the. twenty-three years that the
W hate Star stainer Gernanio has Mea +o
active temente, she has run 1,7000,000stlt-
stemiles. _-
The prioe of platinum has iooreased five
times daring repeat years, sad the metal, it
is espeotbd,will aeon Le more ex pensive than
gold. This 111 doe to the increased demand
for eleetrial purposes.
The mania for manufacturing everything
mot of paper dl.. not luau. Gloves, hand-
kerchiefs, Wes, in taut. the whole stook -In•
trade of the average hosier, are now betas
koitfed from paper yarns.
Io oopsequenos of the union of the West
and South Caned Preebyrerian congregat-
ions in Dene, the ohorob orthe former was
se longer required by the 000gre/atlou. It
hes hs.ti put up to pabito oompetitio., uta
k.00k.d down at £170. It poet £2,000 to
crest seveote.foar rota ago.
The sink ohildreo of Londe* benefitted by
• berthilletv present made to little Primes Ed-
ward of cote. This was s sum of £1.400,
with whioh the mot in the Victoria Hospital
for Children has ben* .'dewed Ia,perpet-
laity. A few more Rdyal birthday exeunt.
of ibis eaten would be ex..ile.t•
The latent *teravgeeoe In Chant mat-
ters . reported (rote a New York village.
The women of the Presbyterian starch
there pledged tbeeaseelvea to rain money to
supply the &mob with pews. Otter meth•
ode proving slow. they went into the streets
ea bootblacks aad *mud a handsome sum,
am .
--the tee pries 'shared beteg •
J. H. Raper tee tweet, years bas been of-
f•feri g a sovaraigq to any person who *veld
Mit him of a magistrate who voted for a
sew helm* met Ser to Ma own nrideeos.
Within the IMS Leath thea have basal tour
viegilesetts Oil **a Muea
lh, to South Wales,
MINIM the .dlte.e tamed, and ette soy_
metes bas base banded one to the pewees
wbo made the discovery.
• It M set gimetally issue tb.t the breeze
arias Mood been the MSS entries a doable
debt to pay. 1,1 ideation try Wag ootw of
the realm, they will serve i weights and
meteaw. A roe, Maas shirt of an svelre
dabeie nano, the haltpeagy esiefyfib, and
farthing one teeth TM., it pry and a
halipsaay, or a halfp.any std Wes teeth -
Inge. mak• half an oases. Moemver, ts. tile -
meter of the halfway M stately as Me&
it 1. • sig* fart yet the right fwd,
*bleb M more ses.ibls to the Math than the
Mt. Is lees ..a.ihis thee doe orates the
Alma et et sell. It you pbape balk heads
t heisit atee.aaty tate two Web of water of
eners. ehe lift expatiates
the MitM&gim mammies et bat. and sale will
'ha*p.a Etas if tM lhrme.Ater show tat
the mita i. the MA howl M la reality a trifle
odder *Man the wear is the right ma TM
reveres happens le the Are ef pew.ab the
Ai • mese smelts, Ad Isle -ant) mad what-
ukbsY woks* b wee meat she* ern
ware themes* in the trade when • read-
v $.tog middleman e•roed £8 or 110 • week
without doing anything tor it, wbo the
men who did tee work earned perhaps 16'.
or lees. It barn lately hareems koewo that
a firm 1e the City paid 24. a donee for the
malting of oriekeit-halls. whioh would take •
man two boon tied* belt to do, to use of the
best p•vieg *hope la Loudon the men sere -
tad shout 16i. • week, rod in that wont
shape the men lied to lave oa about • vn.rt-
er of that.
A enrious •tory oomes horn Berlin. A lieu-
tenant of a Rides numbest made • bet about
six moots ago that he would trade i young
ox withal six TOW h,.n that it would °hey
the weed of e.mrnaad l kit a caaalry itorar..
The trial took pieta reoeatly on the dell
rr000d of the Ublan barracks to .the
Iovalideastr•ese. It used at Bret •e though
theotioer would win hie bet. The ox trotted,
'slipped right, gel'oped left, and did every-
thing perfectly, till tt orate to the vaulting,
la this the animal tailed, and the ofiioer lost
hie bet. He was congratulated, however, en
his porse%*nnos end .uooeta in teaming e0
uopromisiog an animal.
Dr Aghew's etn'wsai Corea
Salt Rheum, Enema, 'I Iter, Barber'. 1 ch,
and all like ace diseases and eruption- 1.
gives relief in aday. Its oaths are Imine.; its
failure, ars few. Years nf teetmg,and prow•
dally in favor of suffering humanity. Good
for Boby'mSkin, good ter young, mudJle aged
or old folks. 35oente.
Solefby J. E. Davie_
" I cannot undersrsnd zi lenewtQ.q'k'emit'
the despairing Freuchman. " I I'.rn h. e
to pronounce the word ' hydro//phobia," and
eh 1 learn that the doetoreetdteumes pio-
uouoce it ' fetal '
lo fututefsyeare, when amorous youths,
Desire • hasty marriage,
They will not 8y ou steed, or bikes
But take dad's horselesa carriage
!lire Grampe-1)d you advertise for poor
dear little F,do!
Mr. Grumps -Yes.
Did,you rive a tail .description of him
And did you say our address was on hie
silver collar.
- - And dedeese eller ale ward !
._Zees. - ----
What did you eller !
I said that if the Ander would tsars the
collar he miens keep lbs dog.
Theo bit. (i. °anew it. t
High w the mut .1 thee *pica a sow
wuu stands with Ma harut.
Figures of sculptured broth* they appear
uu the gannet skyline;
Low is the soot lar the west, bet • manna/
shimmer of aeullght
tiprtaklrs alth dust of gold the rlcb brown
earth of the furruwa.
Motu acid neon had 1 watched bpm patient-
ly suldinpp the plowshare,
Ntrain ug wo ache and nerve as he urged his
testa to their labors;
Once when a cuckoo sang he laughed and
jingled lilamoney;
Otter' "lbw a bicycle pseud, like * Grab
on the dusty hl way,
Turued with a look of 5ury; Dieu cracked
bot whip at the'homes,
Musket •vert --the heaven* -above and tee
hedggerrows around hlw;
Silver chiming' of alkyl/irks.. fluting of
thrushes ud Maekbt.de
Canopied earth with delight, curtained ger
chambers with eweetnes
Mingled with other notes was the voice art
uu emuelous starling.
Palo iia the joy of hid heart the pluwntaa
whistled a chorus.
Whereto I fashioned a song in prates or
plowing and reaping;
"Hall to the plow and the uses! Hail to
the Lord of the plowshare!,
Hall to the tamer of earth! Hall to the
builders art Hume!
Huntsmen rat old were our area or herli.-
men seeking for posture,
Hither and thlther they tared to and tea
In the laud;
Never the summer found them where the
winter had left thew.
Hardly their tents were pitched ore, street
once moor they were naw,
But with the w there came an end of
their p1U ui wand'bnggee.�
For with the plow there Cade Tearing of
forret and ten;
?Cottage and hamlet and vllltigi arose for
fixed habitations.
Binding with the siredo of love man to the
piles ot his birth.
There they had played as chlldr'u, then
they had courted ■ad wedded;
Dent was each well-known Geld, dear each
funIlliar tree,
There were the graves of their fathers,
There should their own receive them,
Back to the earth they loved, when they
might till it no mum."
Thus I feigned him to sing; bat he Intent
on bis labor,
Wasted no word un song, nor spoke except
to his horses.
Now at the elute• of the day be stands erect
on the uplaud,
hfedeiel against the sky, a figure of labor
Over the subject earth, and lana the litho]
he has conquered.
AU the fair hillside la ribbed with his long,
straight ftreows;
start. shall It break Into green, plereed by
a million corn shoots;
*owl too soon! shall It wave with tun
-2 sMra ripe Ls the reaping.
! trot the day was hard and
L weary with tolling,
Mtels been Is glad and the saint with
Y 1131 rejoices.
-B. H. LAW, in The Spectator.
Cavendish- W lust t•baoo.rgpoa smoking
now !
('edgewood-Otkter fellow's.`
Hue►tand-I see you've give& Mary •
month's sotioe.
Woe- How de yes knew
Rumbaed -I can airily tell by the way
she's begun .making things,
"Are the pee-Meleel bloomers!' he asked
.,( the. pretty florwif se he selected .on.
8,wering plants
" Sir." she said ijdligbantly. •' this m no
bioyole shop."
And it took him some Un a to explain
•• Fader," said Steve, lusher, to his par-
ent, who was &boot tpp ohaeuee him, " 1
voeid lief yqo re bar dot when you hi a
me so hard rlit dot kook yon veers out iaio.
treaters shameful ! I Nell soon vents anod-
er p.ir • die wilt dik 0tth leggin' yon kit
'reed me di. vee Fuser, Pk de eke of
de mooteb,
Mr. Moses pa
Few hold their ground eat
•ucee.efuily a. AyerfCQerry Pectora'. Der-
ive thepset fifty tta•s, it has been the the
moot popular of ooubtlonreI and the de,u•uei
ter it today is 414ter than ever before.
Promit to oor arias* to core.
T!e rime? or now.
Beat ale wed Iltr4 made in 1727, hot
the career nf'BurtenIts a tows of world-
wide reputation 4W not begin till 'tier
lia Iwtey1839, the _ yeaS ij RrMch the Midland
Burton's great
ducwd cepitatimp to invest in brewh er.
It im not �aPy known that India
c'�lbd bemuse it was
or ptnai1y solei with a view to
the climate of Inde e.. The
drenenwtanee. 1 plsieb the beverage
wpe Gest mkt nsrie d are very
strange. A v containing a number
of Bus' hese hetet., for the east was
wrecked in the c"eaned, fist the greeter
part at the cert was saved. Among
otter INI4•Pre MP nreterwiiten sold the
Muret of ale lea Dogs nor tow hev-
.'ne woo weately eaisefl 6y the Tpnn-
rk,nere wbo happened, to drink it, and L
the tonne M n time • Iqwong
up dia Tale Ly�h� Ppm*. for
oto eommemicatioa
the other
hoiweva�r, been
J?nt_lrLera. pre-
was e preemie Lord
father woo test In-
Yoking of Townes Depeade Upon Trivial
Great et**. says The Chaalauqu•in,
are seldom pn',eninent for any particu-
lar ftneeot manufacture. Their indas-
triee are too large and ejiverei&ed for
sty one of theto show narked ea-
pertoiity over ail the root- Now and then
a great iaduetry of soiree city is taken
from lt. WLeu ships were mark of wood
Landon was the great shipbuilding cen-
tre of the world. Then iron ships carne
Mtn tine Ind jnadon .has lost her ahip-
bnikliug trade, which has bean trans-
ferred to the Clyde, the Tyne and the
Wear, right at the metres car iron and
coal supplies.
The great yeomenin which meet ocean
commerce is now carried have severely
afected the interests of soma. porta.
Cities that ogre were seaports are now
inland eel far as any greet amount of
Mean traffic is concerned. The largest once whip• of commerce cobld e sail up
Mend Avon to end and the Severn to
(B mett7. The flat abip. that
note egret' -tom e.tt�aot renes these
pine. butt are compelled to atop At
Avonmouth and Cardiff. Cargoes were
ftrrmerly_ landed as tar op the Thames
aw Iwrndon bridge, but Ointment nose
have to stop at eke darks, emote mitis
below that point Bremen was once
one of e wre
orbd'. gatest conencrcj:il
rine*, but her water ferret is now too
shallow for dreyea. * marls, and ger
port le at Bremerhaven. weeral milesbelow. Hamburg, aceett,Yelc to ell
ele4a of vesicle. thous* 6O miles from
the a.. bee reaped the benefit of ,TCre-
m.-a'. mt.fertnntfe�,, which, however,* bay
rod deprived thMsiatter city eat a large
tarrying' trade.
The making of a town or city maty
sometimes depend upon tautswans at
Prat a t,dvi.1 n,.tr. _ ..
inn is con8,ed to towns catrn' the
streams Mae
mirth/early free been en -
purities. e waters are better than
cohere for .ilk dyeing, see this }tart grieve
Leek. England, its pre-eie(msmew, for its
widen are intoner the hest for dyeing
purposes in ieurrg*. Borttoo-on-Tyne le
tamers* for Its ales. Its superior water
por bewaring purpose,. L its sole ad -
Me Shred In ane way
TWe.aope A $Mp ep, ladies
and heats, aid
�v the planet Man.
ltd ! Th ilii aline it round
nne peweeand•sinoneht
WW the baM•
headed gent please irtep " away from the
trout of `a tneeressentl-Tit-Bits.
7M treelbea 71rrs1. _
New Yosk, Jene 11-A eommitt a of
the (kiDt•stlprw attockatien, appointed
last night te fnertm the Brotherhood of
Tanen today that -the aesoeletion would
piglet the agreement of the rl
in a body, met Leader ilspognte u1 and
the IleseentS. Bland of this teams this
morning triol hitt the pnpoaitkon before
Rcbeeeed 1 and board declined to ac•
mpt rt pwotw�t ti, although tke,eom
atte a hQortd 11Pw *Mate tie seemyitv ter
41000 in cath. Atter a trhort fntervar
the apMtttittttupw, of the Contrariety' Arse
elation deretdwl that M was twit Tor the
member to sago ilia' brotherhood rgwe-
140t��Lt niesktadtvlda� die HWM/ may,
will flue agrw'm fit•
tw �nE�r age Moodily. anal gif. tete towe
quilled esetaatty. UM action suck,the
crest werise, which ha* renitee M a
rem i1ese "hems for the BrotbrrMaod of
tum. Auk Maire Poss.rl,L
*rslM'e Athens t say:Io.taa. -TM Deily
Tele -
It M tetweeteee
1' that the puree
cruNrem and t31 Porte have accepted
asotertt irel
hMabg tbrkq elti
.4*'�Iark ir.• •"elletheareereepeaewoet
lien Nay
('bromate* h.s abantloura
centtha the oticy powersp to ar
'Merges.. 14aah- as eotlba
The Perk, 1411.
Onryat en his "Crudities." 1811, re-
treat, that in hie travels in Italy he
Mond that forts were thee uadd at
nasi. "Peer which, with their knife.
which they hold 1n sae brad, they rut
the merge out of the climb, they fasten
the fork, which they ked in their other
hand. upon the same dish, an that what -
obeyer he be that sitting in the company
of any Mime at matte. Ahead anod-
e -lordly touch the dtoh of meat a with kit
augers, thorn which all at the ttshlie doe
este he will give ooeanon of offense auto
the entapat y as 'harbor tiancgreesed the
bawls of rood stannerw,: and he wide!
'Herreopwwn, i- myself thought good to
imitate the Italian !extern by this forked
t ottinar of meats, sot only while I WAS
in Italy. Mit Alen b (Ieseaeey, and often-
tame- ii England, hese 1 ramp 1t°mw:
being once quipped for that frequemt
t mein of my forte by a retttin lcnniwd
gentlemen. a familiar friend M mine.
Mr. Iwwrenee Whitaker. who in hM
merry humor, thwarted not to call me
Fnrcilps,' only Mr tieing a fork,• et
fr.'ding,rbut for no other cents. -Good
Iw. te►anMt Ne neo. ■ Racket.
The likitlnr-Who wee that men mak-
ing rush a Packre in there, a e l it tke while
The Ceerb-Ori, that wise the fellow
who Metered benne let night. The fore-
mgot an makeetthe sate ot his
"Gas I+'i
tnee•:v--Yonkers 1sb.am we
IP -I-4- laelii.b War.Ilpe.
ask as old and nb-
hipe: The
takl 1'etwnee.
the iron Iia Ir
cemab., the, lie " ted Cas,
Ida. est threw Iff-Plieteeld torped., bot..
1 t?Mj ease e/a..
"I dlde t know year folks took the
111044,, Woo hem takin' it g,*
stare the Peelers mond .way."
"DM roe sahamite for it then?"
"*art. ttas'htn Peahen tugs* to atop
Re' Clo
eCho ehend Fain Neel,
teeeaheet of wreathes es swarm*.
teener., hese le -The Prime of Views Aa addition Err 11,Of1(100p . jou will
• Peet horn Some rebleed s pewee be m"adP to t
_ 4
d' pasha IPSO gems11Bollisaill re ! 0�>� t*1
.ed lsos' a -; ,•._.t. ars. thrid to45:44'
.:'Pea -.
Sy the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
A. I was troubled for years wttb a
sore on my knee. which reveal
physicians, who treated me, called 8•
caner, assuring me that not j ,
could be done to lave my lifif.-21
• last resort, I was indteped to try -
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, atter take
bag • number of bottles, the song
began to disappear alta Say general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en-
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood -purifier, and, ie
deed, it seems ns trough I could not
keep bnuse without it." -Mrs. E. et.
FIRLDe, Bloomfield, Ia.
The Only World's Fir Ssrsliprklse
Regulate the fir.
Is the actesseem .W of marriages a.
epos, the ages stoke oestraotaag anum
ate always Nivea.
o flNir Qhs
%ores etW\ng, x\CC
Four D\nnetr
It you de, go to the City Meat Market
sad you will tate that
We oar satisfy the most fesudiat tastes, Oar
our prices suit everybody. We heist every
thlag In tee Meat line.
Fresh Meats
Spiced Meats
Cooked Meats
Curet' Meati
Smoked Meats
Prepared Meats.
and every kind of gangs made. See oar
8tetd•1 Lines. If you have sot yet been to
the Coy Meet Market, de not tail to call and
glue our special eatnrday display your 11110th -
SttMN,r OArMgot! Block,
soanutaoturee eke Mads of
Smoke Stacks, Balt Pans, Sheet Irma
Works, ate., etc.,
And Dealer In -
Engines, Machinery Ca.ttnp, to.
All sizes .t Pipes and Fire sheikeillie
Steam and Water Genre., (jie
'Cheek Valves,1aepiratora, Marten art L-
icense Constantly on Rand se Lowest
A special line of Steal Water and Hog
Troughs for use of farmers slid other.
Repftring prompt dad to
A.. 5. OsiZ'OTAL.
tiehly P. A lox el. elederi•t.
Cartage & Fuel 'Co.
are,prepared to bundle Bag-
gage Freight and Household Ef-
facts with Dispatch at reasonable
rate*. Dealers in:all model of
son -
and Smitaing Coed ,
Wool .aad Kindling
cnt to snit cpa•,omere ane dada
ered with womptnem. Older,uo-
Qt F. Co.
_ b. C Icer,