HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-8, Page 1SLw. EFRONIANa 11 yea wags w Al Five Oeail Cigar, smoke MAY TQE UEEN MUiTtaOTMmili .,Y SSD DOCS & OOODN$DY ERUCH. Ale ' FIFTIETH YEAR. -1629 ONE DOLLAR WILL ('AY Loft THE SIGNAL Fos ON! TSS - THE L3EIAI)ING NE'WSPAP ` OF HVRON OOUN'TY- - G O1)ERICH ' ONTARIO, CANADA THIIRSDAY JULY �+t _ 1897. D. McGILLICIIDDY, EDITOR. HARBOR AND RIVER. lite yeomen b•0gbl m • nay of lots last week. Tbe Bohr. Toddies cleared toe the North 1 Its • Frtd•y. Tse Kafue. o•rgo of lumber was for Si. Joseph. (;smmerobl flaking is not over protltable these days. The tug patsy was gathering lop •lost se shore left week. The steamer Gamma made this port on DOMINION DAY l s:► . bet up trip en Friday. TM 6 . T. 11. elevator held 75,000 bush- els what ea Tuesday. Saturday and Somd•y the month of the was crowded with bothers. Csl.bratlon In Oodsrieh• tmajallerat Weather - Many yulsers-e. acre et tuns at nett -seal Trois Gag and ■..alma and ryty- teehies Galore. DOMINION Day, 1897, opened with Canada summer weaklier. Old Sol ruing shortly atter four brilliantly, and sever allowing • cloud to gm between him• Per 16,000 DeebW ot• wheat were plied in soft nasi Godetaoh throughout the day. The tare et the elevator o. Monday and Toss- town hese only moderately deoor•ted, flags def• being booted .t the public odious and .t • The Bohr. Clara YouUl ssile lon Thurs- umber for few stores and private defoliants, and the any night tot (i.ieScars mid Stripes at the United States Den- teis pott. salute. Quite a Dasher of bests left harbor the ms week foe MemaMume Perk sad the Regarding the deoor.tioa, • gentlemen t Farm. from so suras town remarked, "lou PoinJas. Bays sad his ass had • warm job on might have put up i few arches, as you ,ytmdoy and Mend•y .bovelltdt "rim" en have cedar enough along the banks to make the at. Aadrsw. • thousand.'' to answer in the remark w* 1'M sle•ses St. Asdr*we arrived at the took the gentleman in charge, end when we G.T. look en Friday from Port Arthur with reaoheo the bead of West street. asked him 38000 bnsheis of went. The sols. M. L. Break arrived from the to look down, and then. taoing the square, Georgian Bev en S►t.rd•y with 300.000 feet ad, " Look at that," sad token he had fully of lumber for lyttiest peeped the bounty ot the picture, we en - The steam barge St. Andrew left for Tol. gutted it he thought an em •r b do oo Tuesday to lead noel for Lake Sup- !would be an improvement oo nature. Our error, and will MIS. load wheat at Fort visitor 1s reply said •' No, it would not, the William for liederion libel* mese u an .rob, end you do well in The tug Sis Gan trom the fishieg'Ziaaele i.ttme your •tailors see your town in its teed in time for Captain D. McKay ted natural beauty, though I did not look .t it crew to spend Dominion Day at home. Sbs I left for bar Georgian Bay •t.t.lon on last Friday. r teat way when 1 tnt.poke. The beneficent efeota of the shower on Tuesday was felt by everyone, es the roads, e ground beta, variously estimated flout two THE BROOKLYN BRIDGE to four tbo.s•ad. Tins does nes meso that that number was tee total of thew in town, for the park sod harbor piers during Ihe ifs mftnwoos had as lent as nosey more Moaned from N. Y. City We have -already noted the disappointatest about the absent steamer, but oompWats about tbe abwooe of • bslhi.r house were beard everywhere. The Ant number on the bill as the Agri - eskers' Park was the ball ruse between Clinks and Uodericb, sad is was witnessed with snob interest until the first heat of the 2 40 trot was swrted. Both teams played • good game. though from wesid first iviwas c.oeioaw 111.1 she hose teem At the led of the seventh Lanier there was sen mash excitement on the trottingmar wk thea the umpire, P. M•loomson, ended the game by awarding tt,w (loderieh, tike some thou standing, Ooderibb, 20 ; Clin- ton, 9 Notwithstanding .11 that w ens, the nomas said ` rause dot drawing people the only draw• mattes claim that they 1 nog °•td. and their contention moms to have bees the mitt one. In support of this theory it is shown that the oowmtttee paid all prize mosey and bill. precasted. and that there is • neat little b•luooe. and added to this is the feat that over one thousand person./at for over five hours oo the grand stand idtbe broiling sun to see them. Tbe race. were as follows : FIRST RACE. Pirko and harbor w.1t1 wetrsott to the feta • e Sandy afternoon the steamer ('••m• mad there was to duet. Me made up the oobes •° °Om• As is usual oo •11 holidays, there were Tedgot • tie t te the ad taneens Sim away bo•tieg sod ti.hing parties, and iu • Zed p•rings ttdw eat sad ts.t t ed, ernsod t few tnstaaoes antlers made big striate. hese sen,„ tee • bow lite who the Baro There Wu oowtderable disappointment as gune cross Dd the yawl Harker end. . at the goo-appesranos of the simmer Car- ie swans across the channel. mal. As the loam- mons, u many of the visitors journeyed to Car- tons .r tying up the .Iwisi hsKpierstafte. Dederick for the purpose of .0)071n1 • lake wither it pr, entered bet .04 time pion tri and t.be disappointment was increased with a fair Awes of m 10 p •oa the mous bf he tent that the lake was u smooth u • seeing there was rpm to Was berth, Dame oo, but we the Kelfege seared ins Cambria. sheet of glom. that vessel as above mentioned blocked the , There was • very large attendance of paeuve, ad both vwt.et, came together vultors, Clinton p.rtioularly smdiog op • NOS some tom, the bowsprit entering the Inti. Dumber. Many thought there would bows beam • timfore cabin of the boats. It took sere larger number present, but it mast be re- ad to clear the beats ., scheat bole were membered that only a week before tiers tad up l was ewe tint the n the schwas,. hod • was Jubilee Day. sod two outings in tea sty bole c her whin sad on the port side bee c hent le afforded by everybody. between decks room was o break two tees days Day really begin on Widnes - wide b.I the from ens dock to the esker. OW fu u vuitore were ooaoeroed, for Widnes - sad that the eeheseet Weald want •sew byythe evening train on that day a large j,V. sad bowsprit. COMING AND GOING. Miss B. Belk is as bens ler the betide, taste-- - - Mlm Mead Sart is vhdtiag tare. A. McLeod, of Lucknow, was is town oa Fnday. Jas. Clark returned to town for tee Perot .f July. Ml.. Freaks left this week for her home, Maple. Cat. oeunoillors were duly mowed be to. latter, Miss Emily Bsoh•san is home for the pieced in oarrtogee,s ptOOiSsioo formed,and, beide; term. led by the bud, m•robed to the Scours Among the visitors were many with huge lunch baskst., and • visit to the harbor park .ad the banks adjeosot at the coon tour showed that their contents were heart - somber arrived. Fatly on the First, Oor- Aiiges beau to sob town from oetghboring barge and townships, and by soon Gedericb .watt pretty well crowded with vebieles. s ipiobl train arrived eke T ahem tea with 400 ex'rursionuts, the 11 added one hsadred to the nester. sod the 1:30 •Mo oortribated its share. In the easier sons buodreds of vehicles added to the thecae. The new town bud (which, by -the -bye, played remarkably well) and the town oou- oil met the special train, and the venial 2:40 Trot or Paas. -Puree $200. 123 1. Texas Minnie, b.m.-. C. R. Pollok - leaky. Mitobell, (C. R. Pollok- 1 1 1 woekv)... 2. Allan Luis. acv.A. M. Pony. God - *rich, IW.Je,ski•at.. •.•.. 2 3 4 3. Zild•, b.ge., J. A, Adams, Kio• v rdtsee--(W. Burnside i -r 3 6 2 4. Scabbard; b.b., John Beacom, 5 2 Goderiob, (J. Bemoan) 5. Virginia, brio.. Ben. Allen, God - •. 5 meth. ( Farr) 6. Tuna Fresti,b.m.•Geo. Whitelaw, 6 4 ' Stratford. (3. Ande•eeos) Time -2:34}; 2:341 ; 2:33}. Mope D RACE. itiil� YR AIL P* 6900.- 1 2 3 1. Pddy R.. be.g.. Mrs. J. Roach. 1 1 1 Stratford. (J. Re•ok) 2. Robert M.. he., J. W. Smith. 3 3 2 Goderiob. (J. Jobnetoo ) 3. Rodney, ►lege. E. Rosenberry, b 2 3 Zurich, (E. Rosenberry) Time -2:274; 2:251: 2:22f. bels Rook left yeetorday oa • whit to Parry Sosed. Harry Gnus.„ of Cktow°, was In tows tie prat weak. lbs wa•ia.tJt�,' the past weak. Mr. and Mrs. (George Pouter bave:WSW ed from Buffalo. Mi. Williams returned to awn tad weeft to spend the yao•tioa. MUM Annie Campbell, of *oder* well home on Demists Day. J. T. Abbess. lett on Towday fee Malin tot. 00 • basins visa. 1, Pastae MN on Monday to join his father's boas'V (Ansae. Mrs. Bei h sod oluldrea. of Terooto, an summarise is Godson. Mr. and Mrs. W. liywar. of Detroit. ars Yentaa/ he Oider eh. Miss Del Rebbess left as Friday for • visit to r iWyes Ii Toronto. Mfu Veen Myers et Montreal 1. vidUpm tow Mawr Mrs. K. W. Loges. W m. Yoanrblatt started for Masilsb• on Tuesday on • pee.piotiag toot. C. M. Whitneyt forth spout •few days the past weak & la Godsends. Mrs. Gee. Seymour, e1 New York. ie Visit. bit her broths., D. Q. Streams. John Riley. e1 Basshims, wee the nasi a Mi.. Mary Farr ea DssWes Day. Mrs. Wm (la.ptill resumed isat week from a visit to erisads in Sent rah. Mrs. Reeser massed led weak fres • vuit to friends is the AmbNU.s OW. Mn. and Madill MsKee Merriam hay. returned to (Meek* for the soarer. The Mimes Ina lard Ethel Wim, of Skaterd, are ambles Weir seam A.T. 11 Ito Valetta Bases, el Grand Beed. to •Id (. ,Ueglate .*asst, wan in Own the peal week. Tbe Mester. la ahmis ii Mlseasd fees Teveee " Bstsrily. h a very tow "U.4* h..Ub. MirrNua Misses Lillie aril MabelU. of Cleve- land, art vwlbsg M bhe tltid)y rgeide•mo• ita.t-•t. Ytne !lkshoe .1 the. galas wheel date loft town tab week es • visit to relatives is Mather. i). R. 'Camady. E C.gsr mod A. W. Tedd wore iog..g ear Adam from Climbs ss the Fina. Miss Jessie INImetass. gular2 11111 aPla teesii�y ameeh..MWef y 40144. 1b ily emioyed. • �J•the petntil the bowling °tub had an Inetasting game, Tti'oiva ilia mbow tis Aske. sod at the same time here were wahine seems oebtmste Shortly attar eleven the llamas oematesoSd em the Square. sad this part et the prorrato flaw • large crowd .ad afforded taste amnusemwt. Messrs. Kees, C. A. Nara. Lase, A. M.D. Allan awl others bad the ibialiagement of this part of the doe's pro- s S4ogs, and did tbds work wen. The ta- lewMg .re the winners . 6 'i 5 The Sash trail Tunable at the Srldae- Terrib/e UarIy-Sar/Y - Wks& tial be gees. •e/mate mid imam- ate-• CpIudld View. A Writ/anted Um einem.. AT six - clock in the evening the traffic on Bridge is at its height. The rogieSeing homeward to Brooklyn owls frau awryadroit : across the City Hall Park there awes • blank mw from Broad- way, winding through the patches of grates. The crowd swarms into the station by • doz- en eatranoes, fills up the calories sod ohokep up the stairways, .taaaa in long HMO (more the ticket hors, surging, dessely pecked, towards the oars. Up to the platform you .re carried. where • anis n always was - tog. If you gee fairly into the human cur- rent that flows toward each gate, you may be borne through the door, and have .t THIRD RACL Ransug Race, 5-8 Mile -Parse $200. 3 1. Tan Hill, 11.11., D, McKinnon. 1 4.1 Stratford, (W. ,Dougb*$1 2. Norio". b.m.. J. S. Dosobse, 4 1 2 Swats, (R. Smith) Wyatt, 3. Billy Diamopt, 'Ng,. J. y 2 3 i3ederiah, (4. Wyatt) 4. Splint, b.g., 14. Thomism, Gods3 2 rich. (F. Mott) Time -1:03; 1:04j; 17061. least a scramble for • seat. if you mine the current you will:•wl • yard or two to the left or rtgbt and your train will go out -without you. Then the guards will bundle you along to the other sod of the platform, sod another train moves in. Tots wait ayes you s chance to get opposite s door. The guard pulls the door open be- fore the train has stopped, and you are ear- ned is with the form and uniokneseof• Yale erne weds. The peoplestruggle madly. but good -naturally, for seat, and seem really to enjoy beteg buffetted. lo • few eeooed@ the oar 1/If611sd. and the guard, gathering in an armful of lumen beings, forces them ialo •bS 511101)orowtled car the train starts. The people bead en straps, swaying to and fro. Tired -Wary gtrts, teeth vee ►sed-' en the strap and the other one bolding an open novel, swing, heedless of the orowd ; youngsters with the b.*eb•11 extra" jostle you ; puffy old mem/rumble about the leek of •eooamodatioa. and women shoppers, fearless at • berretta counter rush, but timid' on • Mridge oar, eagerly w•toh for the sad of the short but manta/ journey. You cannot see much of the bridge itself H you ride. Through the windows a mile et iron beams and girders flit by, and through them peeps ships' pennants and tugs and patohes of wateit rsitle by like the views from a oinematograph. If you are on the platform of • oar and look back you will see another crowded train glom behind. Aortas, through the ironwork, will pees le number of trema going to New York. near iyempty, tor few Brooklynitee live to N York. Above, between the snake, tY� promenade is crowded with hurrying -agsl{ Y.rk a oldest l.adm rks, the new St. Pears I NEWS OF THE. DISTRICT. Bonding has noisy storeys whose windows Ian above the obarob s weathervane. Thele two latter buildinge typify the growth and developestet of the Republic. Tool `b` of th is butlt in the simple and pleasing y colonist days, while opposite, all the soleoo0 et modern Amerioaa handing and theorist- . lea is brought into taw. In the oburrobitlee whose greenness a n inteded y o p•vemente of the surrounding streets, are the graves of Charlotte Temple and Mont - some y. while outside the iron fens paves the throng, the meodhoante, the rush of • icity that was not thought of In their time. One should look at the promenaders on the Imdme also, They are as varied in oolor sod types as can 1,, found anywhere. Groups of bright -colored ltaliaoo and Jews from the Saes side struggle senors, awkward, bat interesting. smelting short pipes, with naps and warts. and smart men•o'-war's men from the Navy Yard. are part of • pleasant soca.. Tired Shortly after nisi Messrs. Humber and McKay iommenoed the fireworks display, and by the lir" the se000d rocket soared skyward there were five thousand people o0 the Square sed adjacent streets and build- ings. There were also, untortm•ely for Woe wbo had ohiidn• in charge, • large &amber of them with hones attached that would sot stand tire, sad the pines/lag of the fractious animals amused 'many y home with their children. As is mud with Goderioh whet? fireworks are theeo.cludinr item,the awes were -Aeolian and the num- ber seemed anlimttw , sad as the managers fired them is • systematic manses. the ef- fect wee hoe. d - With the sxe*ption of two boggles md- ism. therm was so •oeidest throughout tlli day, and •ltiaugh the miasma down heated iwgse awe sotar-amsoald.h•, Iseiresd, suffered from its power. $.fore closing the report of theo day, we feel that the manses ot Mayor 8hoonat, Tra.srer Herten, Remo Preuelloot, A. M.D. Alba and Dr. Clark, V. ff.. uncoil the any who sided is walng it a susses. w should be mentioned, 'from ao time it wits prep.wd to hold • irbbrstloo, anal our video's had lett oe, they were ever the alert la we all thises bakeshop to the od*bnties dose, sad dose in good pIO Y s. 6.ad ander, 60 yards -1, H. Bel - Diet ; 2, yrs gwaffield : 4, MaDosdd ; 4, Ben MoCrwth. 10 years sod ruder. 100 yards' _1 1, - M- o ises : 2, Edwards : 3. Smits Robert- son. 1. Jso. Nichol. 16 and soder, 100 vards- soa ;'2. Harry Roberts..: 3, 8•m Deeper ; 4, B. Maras. ram -1• 1b Tian and ander, 3 levied Draper and Edwards i 2. 80oebobtots and YoLau i 3, Roberts's awl Martin. 1&rds- 1b years sod wader, 1. Norman Baker ; 2, Jots Hillier : 3. Jao. 31ohelee. ; 4, Jobs MoLra. Coder 15 yuan. manioc Nab jusp-l• Bare Mortis : 2, Stewart lose ; 3. 4d. 1.41- Cooley. e•l e• Coder 15 years numb(hop, step nod lase- 1. Thee. Hdeloy : 2. Goo.111o0aWdk; 3, Bert Martis ; 4, Jam Kosx. Stesdias long iasp-1. S. Drsa r : 2. W Edwards t 3, T. Hieby ; 4, Bert fin. Stlek wine -1. Pers Martin; 2, Ed. Mo- resby ; 3. Ja.. Kan ; 4. S. Draper. Oats arced the Sgaaro-l. Geo. M.0.1- 01 Jas. Mases t 3. Burt Feder, • elo nes, i mile-W. ite Johnsen ; IClain 4 s17. 101• phell 2, V. dloray ; 3, hews Old use's..•... -1. Jas. Knox; 2. Ws: Sisk. ; 3, Rabb. Armstrong. Mos. W. J. Unit and was l>hir� het week oat • vial M Mamas h titan.. end Lake CAA Mist see b lades. .4 Tweets,. '111x+ sawed "dell* Meat. tN111 trinfi __u,!- d Flom our own Corrs.pondentel There Y rafermuUse Sere That CLaset he P.sod Anywhere lilac -Hews of the 0...t7 Specially imported far The pineal. HAYFIELD BLOWS." Ti's.'iDAY, July 6. Strawberries are a geed crop in the vtatn- ity. The mwioal sound o(.tb. mowing meohine irtonm more heard. A Dumber of our young men ave off to London with the volunteers. Ed. Rutledge, of the St. Thoma Journal, women of the slum., vette .pale hahtee. aro was in town the first of the week. airing; this u tbetr bet lamithing platy Thirty persons wrote at the recent High C. H. Sobool Entrance and Public School Leaving e=anausa Low. PROMOTION EXAMS. Resales of the Mldaammer ix•se IMISEOss 1■ the Gedeelth r abut tt0idilto Names are given in order of emit Mt far se totals are 0000erned bat thoes marked wit/ • star have failed by • tow marks in one eupjeot sad bare been reoommended fete promotion : . •r. ANDREW'S 4ARD. From J ardor to Senior Division-Delphine Nairn, May Cornell, Kate MoGilliouddv, Outsets Campbell, Colin Maolvor, Effie Sutherland, '.3ors L.wsoo. From Seater Division to Central -Alice Moldill•n, Alden Young, Willie McLean, Roy Taompson, Andrew !fair, Anson Hortoo, Reuben Sellars, Maggie McNivins, Henry Vile*. Soule Grierson As the train runs dose toward the Brooklyn end the anemia let the cable go. sod the train ooaste down the inoli.e for • few e:oitisg.000nds, to gather headway to cowry tt &roast the level carte into the .e• - Nos Your train (eco along one side of the pl•tform,felbwedJorty five seconds Ater by the train behind, to the other side. The people aro jumping off while the oars are .till is motion. sod the retards are yelling, "Step lively '" Before yen are oat of the building, the train you tome by u running, wmpt into the yard to roe book 0* the New York week If boa wish te nee the view from the Bridis •t le best, walk out on the promis- ed. just Wore sundown. and watch the lea sea hahud.tha.blab bttil4ialti,of New York. The Brooklyn view ie not so lmtiriiifsl._'„ YT. DAVID'S WARD. From tattier to Senior Daisioo-Lillie MoVimr, Jessie Johnston, Wirvev Beattie. Gram Hoggartb, Ethel Eiorearth, Harry Craig, Susie R tattle, Mario. Fraser, Arabia •tit(iantvsay, Garda. From Senior Division to Central- Mande this ted hour oftorrowshrytuvwiheearaese Knight, Emacs Y mumDertie Carrell, Gram sympathy of •1l. The funeral, weloh took lihyaOW and Jceha• Thom++ itqual), Eva place on July 1.1 to the Colborne oemetery, Allan, Dottie Murray. 11.rry Carey. Goo- wee largely attended and was • fitting Hntohiseon. May Duff. tribute of re.peot to the memory of the de - sr. PATRD'K'S WARD parted. From Junior to Senior Division-t.reoie Martin. Esta Sault', Miry Polley, Ceoil Parr, John Worrell, Carrie Copp. Yawn Boil, Gladys Platt, Frank Caff, Helen Shep- hard. From S*nlor Divtdoh tO Central-Leo Elliott, Katie Straiton, Lottie RobinM. P. Lone, Lydia Book, Lulu Smith, Mabel Aobesoa, Inas Sale. CENTRAL SCHOOL. From Sector Seodod to Junior Third - Reggie Tye, Pearl Tretbeway, Flossie Neftel, Arthur MoLtan, Dollie McLean, Boogie Elliott, Maggie Proudfoot, Alma Dsnoey, Muriel Tweedy. Annie Dowdier and Kole Payne (equal). Thins Lewitt, Hert.riSmith ia� Eleanor WOWS= Pearl Evans, Fred Sturdy and Aasie Stoddart (equal), Pearl Craig, May McLean. Nellie Marwick. Arden Aitken, Harry Welsh, Cecil Carrie, Delano Dickson, Cortie Morrow, Pearl Hillier, Roy Bisset, Agnes Molver• Lorne Algae, Maggie Sutherland. Rose Carey. Fred Watson, Kenny Stows. From Junior Third to Middle read - Edna Straiton, Leonard Cnff, Welter Kimbell, Charlie Ifyslop, P.rov EIgge, Reggie Smith, Ralph Sheppard, Pear Coots and Alan °arrow (equal), Bettie Robertson, Willie (.lover, Dorothy Edge and Alio* Derrick (egnsl), Stewart Murray, •Arthur Wade, Matteis Nivens, *Grow Talc, Mins Mair and Willie Knox, (equal), a-�a4•ol�ttb, D a 1 i I: From Middle Third to Senior Tbird- M•ry Rothwell, Harold Taylor, Kale Mo - Donald, tirade Dyke, Spector Oast, Jessie V. ells, Emma Aobeeno. Charles Smith. Wilber Guest, lath Violeta, tells CIMS, Bessie Priemoosbe, Ee.ie Smith. Roy McGlyatont sad Philip Mitobell (equal). Kate MoIesr, Grace Robertson, Harold 'I'tohborns, Jumbo Asdnwe, Colin Campbell. Jack Lswresea. Charlie S.ladss, Albert Alas. Albin Dyke, Lily Kirkbride, Howard Roberteoo.8ldwy Belabor, John M°K.y, 'Prod Oreie. Robert Cr•gie, Frank Donn. •Gpbs Fisher. ' From Senior Third to Junior Fourth - Ernest Jordan, Harry Cuff, •Lean Shar- ma.. Andrew Stokes. 'Cora C1aff, Lily Webster, 'Tent/ Aitken, Margie Murray. Douala McNivin, •Roby McLean. Flossie MaChn bl Ens Yule, Lily Dunlop, Walker Murray. Eddie Crag, RedmondMcDonald, 'Graham Robiw.on. Marjorie Carrow. 'Clarence Rhyo., • Maria Mo- Sw*on,.Wri•y McLean, 'Charlie Blank. From Jellies Fourth to Sestet )oarth- Mabd Stromg. Marion Glover, Eva Dunlop, •tress Aobesoo, Alias Natal. Wilfred Wil- liams. Bertha Mt111... Lotto Morrow, Olive Beam. Melvis Penai5Hoa,Irlee 'os. Mesas, Yarrow, Tees. Sheppard, .Tesie (U06140. Doty Renews, •Bolsi. Smith, Jobs Hillier. lea Nivea'. *Pearl Swell, Jobs Doff. 'My Halo, 'Harvey Gives. 'Willie Mogen'', 'Mortis Inas. The seam& pupils in Janhr Fourth sad Senior Third. are expected dining holidays to prepare ase es ei•tt•iastioo, to be hold .s the op.dag et lest term, en the wbjeot la wbieh they have failed. 8. P, Matte, e C. E- L. U. QUEER INCIDENT. -At the burial ot an old resident, • map rushed from the sorrow- ing crowd. jumped into the unfinished grave and vtgorou.ly tramped the earth. He wOW s °loreyroan ; it was his mother-in-law's funeral. CARLOW TIIESDAY. July 5. p plh�«fll a Alex. Glen, who pawed death 1w away her resideaoe on Monday, Jane 29th, there is removed from our midst one of the most highly esteemed ladies of our community. Her tome wilt long be remembered and fondly oberuhed not only by her own family and relatives but by the community. De- ceased was the youngest daughter of Mr, and Mr.. Janet Straohan, of Aaltford, and wee born in lrnsrkshire, Sootl•nd, on May 20th, 1856, and was oonsequently in her 41st year. She oame to Canada with her p.reote in 1.364. She wee • member of the Presbyterian oburoh. Deceased leaves • husband and eight obildren to mourn the toes of • devoted wile and mother, and in LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Hee, Lt'. warm. The tows looks beautiful. Business was toomlag on Saturday. Fee thew days • nits Madness is an toe badness. Strawberries are sow *heap esesgb be ma K preserve. " Sea" Primo the shoemaa's s4. es pass 2. Sem.thiar new. The warehouse tt sari tae.ble ea She •srNora etrps iitrsmeel were net regaled es Friday, S•tsrdiy er Bewley. The G. T. R. s0a pea .,ver one hundred fall ene the gall weal. Memo will soon be lee et water N the esm.eey for epA•ktlag. Sturdy Bras. r.g.in6 two hams to dr Bvte.go.de the past week. The ee111Msasu NOM M 1116en1 essaNer ably aewedys e a NOW plass. Regalia tits **. .1 Huron deed" A.F. mad A.M.. K. b3. Tp.i y e,061. D. MiOss bSk has ,.MM tis) dweilhr new bobs ameba by J. A, W INi•.ih W NM a be bee Most M eat .nor wages= Ngo lis IIMb Vase 000 4sy0 The 000400 Order el oMMIs bund. Swiss's ball r1�eS, At the Collegiate 1 pepiia wrote - en• Immo poses 104 tflta1Men es M1M1e sisal 1.11.1• notal. 6 years sod soder, 80 ynvds -1, Gladys Plats s 2, Adelaide Nara t 3. M. Carlotta 4, 8years sed soder-lt_Sem, Neta ; 2 Jaw* pvssdf.et t ie Thews t 4. UMW 10 ed trd1r-- Mamie Pfltod- ieet t 2, Asa. Downy!: b. If.NS Grilses; 4. Ethel PAM. 14 •r 1601165 Desk f 4. Mad& "IMO ) , p 1beJ1Wb 1 listssassiiik l ' Melgli.. end Semis SAslo•ethe s 2, Thum Lewitt : 3, Tilly 1Nrti1� 1 4 Emily Ahu•b• See roes wteh sMior-1, x.S1 M•=*J t A Len Mahe t 3, (Sante Wits : 4, Ii Alba the omen teal the bad poomiall e Up Sem Park Row the Bridds otret.bee like a lane between the baildtage, thrash the priatise-kouas motion and ever Fraaklis Square. Toes you leave the masonry and get out or Ms Bridge proper. The four , goblin riee from their bed d sillies. bleeder sad graceful, to the top of the New York sower. The Bridge, from the •noher•ge to the Ares tower, reaches over the tsptssots of the eoeetiae ship. sod they seas wily • hew Name from the road - trey. At the New York tower • snlesdid vte.r is is had et the two alb•. Away to ebb north the housetops Mets\ until the base of the olty hides them. tip frum the street demos a °�. loom Itis East SMA Woks • level df o mod .is/y bst4lalMe emeakt as We Wildbeesee !tat silos B..sdw5 pt6 Mak A, yen ens follow the Mies el tbre by 'the ridge et bPYdb�'>rat them, WINN11wi Les el the Maness Sgware ss wOti. sad tall a is sau ar- sevtlle. Ute la golden figure of the Disaster above the grimy roofs. up taws the two sharp marble obs. s rmrodsd by the hotels that twsod Central Pork - Ws New York l. dowatews part the mow matins. D.wa at yew fed South eMesb rams slims the water Crest Is the SN1stq. wttb • AO et ameba This sine* 1s ens petereMww 0 the grays .tan .Id W. $.l. seaport. The 0Wfig* have thw kir► reef s of early days ; the mend • era hoe see yet reached this that- wmrbflrrw. 1 Ise ea air that masks .t the Iles and of ibm days et the Teakss slipper will swiss S w matAmilidessal 1100 tmttd ttftfl-fldlbwter Wire. )1ampmeal Ns, le, L• O. 0.F. wit .set la flossier •urfss std M..das mpg** gryseal iNelOMMr M Wild • i•ris W1 - eat Luis bhe tat .1U as friligbasiaad has • rise illuse ..drier ./• vies sept 10 S li is Is that aha Grl,M. en 7•40- ▪ i sad the woe► beimenat the caber NE sad the bi bsbhisi bas were nab he b Sias Teo 4•16 h""fb' fon ' riblessito . ssi k p• des be ow Lobe DUNLOP. MONDAY, July 6. Miss Grew Lawson visited Guelph on Monday of lost week. Mine Salkeld ot the Bayfield road taught school bare on Monday of last week. Wm. Jonee jr., is learning the art of war at the ramp at London with the Goderioh company . A jobtls picture of the Queen has been placed an the sohool whioh Mooed on Weds nesday lest for the summer holidays of 1897. Tu.ANSILNT V /Srroo.. -LOWS weak Arthur Mason, Agnes MaoT•vieb. and Roby Maws eremith, Mr. and Mrs, R lflrliug tt 0oderich Township, John Gentles ot Ktao•rdine, Andrew MoAlllster of tielfut, were visitors here. Jose's Manna was up from th -1 Bison oity for • tr•nsieut visit seem( relsttvss and meeting unawares tole old oomrsde H. G. Horton now of Toronto. Both talking of their old ttcbooldaye in the seat of learning m Goderioh, and so tar neither h•rsheen o•ptured by cupids Crow. LEEBURN• MONDAY, July 5. Geo. Fulford gave Blyth a flying vett lest weak. Herbert Taylor visited relatives in Hol- ists this weak. ten r o odorio 1I'ylltttag • _. her grasdpan5M. Mr. and Mrs. Huth Chis- holm. Geo. Clone's of Hamilton to here on . visit, and will see many of his former school meta ot No. 9 Colborne. Jas. Sallows who ham been in Manitoba for some time is visiting his parents and relottvee during he sohool Yawata'. Itr. and Mrs. Mosier from sear fitnt;ford enjoyed • ple•a•st 'Sit of several days the gusty of their los J. Mosier. During their stay they saw nosey points of interest here tied about Goderiob, and were nitwit pleeeed with the terming oo0ntry in this motion. j geartt .1 a mil. .t Im�ptd, over • few ries Basks esr• 0.10 asset p••IMt•ss4 bh• droop of forsv that meek the goe• el Brw•d- goateeardsg Num the mmmsquarese square r w1 the Praises E:ehamef•. as the Bat ten. sad - tat. •1+!n so as twont7- JtAMleg Sbl Peas ISMYaie(ie ea arab, a mid* end Mani, that giisrlswas is heerthisrhAt 1614416.. with Isms ad Mtrers aired wpys,een swwds1 bff.Msr ib • mai essees.sd aha efiAewMs Asses is eilitbse. WA their eat in: s • straw aimNosier it tifmy, fesal 610 e.ds.li11y p10stengu•. ibes.,Sfe Yews std ssioi cubo Mgt ttlle5* bs 4i'I4 U1 ssUmspeisail 1 . 0610001110 se .. r*. jsl.uea, ti -1. • dress ally. MM 4010900 via bh. 0.00. "bile ens iir .tits? ysllge •habeas post to Neer Irsel _ ms~rsit M t sisissi Alm P .1 *sae Wm. Ltsk1•ter from near Stratford visit- ed here Iasi week. speeding several days .rising relatives and friends. Takla, a trip to the lake with lilting rod he had gates mut. ems with • fall *stab of Soh from its bine eaten. H. G. Horton • terser well knows MUi- sea, sad sow et the Queen City, was amours d oo • transient obit. This time Ise o•me by the iron berms mstmd of .stag pedal mottos. He 000eiders 01d Sol'. nye rather too powerful for • journey 0u the sil- ent steed. The IsU•wing are the topics for the diff fewest yew pepie's soeietles whioh sled dories wast week e Ne tboh Nelbodiet .h.rdh ILL .f C.L. roolay Wished •a 8 delook. Oe July 9fk. • slwtwary lttaesYm sendnosed by Mimeo C. 'Bbalwa sad >< pb.pbalt. 011 owl lyda MNi ega.oS.0.sh Kam Y.P.S.O.B., 'wee with *0. smputatsNimg 1• Tamperers ma .=ly. tToole for 14 ios+giilae10600 � iMwaAl11 1/ 00b11 vf+Ok�aw r1 rhwm- adb I M," by 'vlr�beramat..cis�aM� sd.ttaL L hof 0. J* er 9 'lb Paul and lob seta Aber ties.." by task Hal, All .e..wdla US,10100 to abtea.et Owes *Midi esu bold la the bgemmtbs .ftmrltot. M«rh01b tee. War trio. is Ss repass This it,m from The Mail and Empire re- fers se a former well knows oitisen of Oode- riek : Bi verto..Jaly 1,--A pretty wedding was easmis.denterday afternoon at half - past six en fhb lawn at " Riverview," Beav- ertailthe resides** of G. F. Bos, when Ms r daughter, Anse Katherina, woe elated is the holy beads of m•trtagpy M Archi- bald Petrie Slo eeigktt. of Haoevillo, son of Rev. James Sieveebl s. The bride was at- tired in white silk trtmtt.ed with loos and Adios. with veil awl ,..m. blossomy. 80. aloe waw a hosanna pearl pie. the aft of *hi groom. The krkl.sr alt. were Mimeo Marten sad Ruth Robinson. and Wes Bert - ie Brae. of Tweeds. swam ei the bride; and Mks Jonas Yaephww..4 Ottawa. 'limy were white mains wart pink, hies, mesa. and widos. The ewssony wss per- fogne4 by the Rev. R. N. Grant, easieIed by Moe Rev. M. N. Botham. sad Rev. J. R. The preeeste Itembeteg • headiness. •oeag *me .ad . sehthoo dal apse. Afar a ro- of " Riverview " the happy well. 1rN N the evonMi train tee their bene is Hmisso is said showun of ria and 1 . t s.d wishes M nosey friends. The 13th edeas el bhe Med vivo woo heisted ea Tway. ilii 161h will be plasma lo p•eiMen today, sod the Yet N is sopust• ed will be Sia en Mewing, and the *We omit. loth les mosepate..1 rind*, tad ices the aadbid eeetpldswd„y