HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-7-1, Page 7iths
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!at in
ly fair .
Reeked iu the *radio of the deep,
Old copar's work wee dem ;
0o hollow roods to hi. poet &beep.
DC hargo,p►/atar,oharg. ! Oo, 8W1.y, ea !
Tiers try • gonad of revelry by night,
o„ Linden, whoa the sum sow low ;
A rota replied, far top the height,
Tea pike from little *eras grow,
gut, It a little rata should my, [me
I hove not loved the world, nor the world
go! ..11 it -day ;
Woodmas, spare that tre•
My boars leaps up with joy to see
A primrose by the water's brim
ssobeus. b. did olimb that tree i
1.w of our youth meld earl with him.
db. Myer of Ajax was for light,
T. Iltht that never was ea esu or .bore
Podding and beef make Britons firht ;
Never more
Hader • spreading ehestout tree,
hears together est
Iliad my Annabel lose
A man's • man for o' that.
gyuth oru.b'd to earth shall rise attain,
And mate its sweeties. on the desert air:
jo thunder, lightning or in rain,
None but the brave deserve the fair.
Tell tee sot in mournful number*.
The child is y dem,flie still in slumber,
ther of the alkn ;
me n osmium who believe they can.
A change came o'er the spirit of my dream ;
Whatever 1s, is right,
Aad things are tot what they seem
Ily nanve !sad geed -night
Tighe taring In the Weary.
" They're dohs' the 000e•rndest thiage o0
this model stock farm be over saw "
" What is ore•tim are they dots' now!"
"Why, the dunned fools have rigged up
corset' oaten barrel staves, land op their
rows and are tryin' to maks 'em rive too-
deoned milk 1•'
gee Alternative.
When • boy is interested in what be is
saving it is hard for him to think how g
lays it.
"New. Tommy, said the eoboolawtress,
out saidda's thy " Willie doge it ;" that
ifiNWille AUL wWie lid •bout it," said
11•Mi s Wes•.
There was a bodies of the peso* is a
!Southwesters tows who was apt to ooefose
lug words in • maaow that need M excite
merriment in the osart-room.
Oa one ooeam.a • awe who was • aotor-
lees thief of live stook was brou*bt before
this inetios for trial, wad In spite of coo.
vioing proofs sealant him pleaded " not
guilty " lin wddd an atesyeration of kis
ia0oee0os on all previous oer.sMle.1,
" Come, Nei. said the jointers, 'kakis,
he bead gravely, " It won't do to deny it.
Yoe know you stole hot* op in oar n.ighbor•
hood when you were only • boy for I woe
an memory to it. •
Itearlastm(bo'. mmrdoas.
Otis day, • Quaker mot • friend who
seemed in trouhle.
"Friend, what ails thee !r
"Ah, 'mead, ay sew haemthih/lpilld
t<,t married."
"Oh "' said. the first Qsak.r, "don't you
trouble your bead about hiss."
Dot the other did not seem as though he
could be consoled ter the loss of 1hs sow.
At length the 6r.t, in big efforts to or.. -
eels hie friend, aid -
"Well, if 14 were my son, l shouldn't
bother about him."
"No," mid the other. with • twinkle to
11 nye, " 1 M wows thy son, wither
shesld 1."
troth, at Vienna from $b tort to rosods•
mea. ?scrutinise gel from $226 to 5966 •
year at Vienna, from $230 to $300 se Ams-
.mdom, from $200 to 113300 at Brussels where
i.t•etiven may rtes le $480. The Tarkl.h
policemoo ret $b • week and the native
pollmmes of Calcutta got from $4 to $4.60
• month. '
A comae 11ee*ehma0.
Lord Justice Clark Beazfeld, of Scot-
land, was • man of few words and seroog
bu.laese habits- In noorsios his mooed
wile. his procedure wysotirely illustrative
of the peculiarities of his obarsoter. Cs11-
ine oo the lady, he said to her, without pre-
Ilmin•ry remark :
" Liute, I am looking out for • wife, and
I thought you just the person tk•t would
suit me. Lot ms have year answer, ' Yes
or No,' the more •ad ase emir about it."
The lady, the next day, replied ie the af-
Perhaps he repeutd his pitianoy : for
*ties • butler gave warning, es .000008 of
Mn Braytleld's sooldiog propensities, the
judge replied : " Lord, moo. ye've little to
sompl•i0 0' ; ye may be thankful ye're no
married to hoe."
Net seg Ike Mew
Bet Majmty M gMMs amt from the
we•kwees with* Rola may people M sit
down in the theirs width have Is flaw gees
b► immortal uLrt.TMlr'eraaserss.
Once she salted the tlerpbyry hall *t
in old anion Sole Fowey, is Coro-
w•Il, asd makes • record of the fest 1a her
je01011. What she loss retard, however,
was that whoa *be entered Pl.ss the was
foviied to Ute • attain chair and was told
it wag 1 chair that had nom been 000a0ied
by Omen E 1, x.berb.
"• In that odes I will not sit 10 is," replied
her Majesty, Wdeoi4edly, and .be at mos
moues te R*rWa.
A good story is told of an eminent artist
who died not los. beak. A young moa
called at his studio one day and asked bins
to gine some lessons in painting.
"What can you do ?" tithed the veteran
"Oh, 1
but 1
the reply
•'If that's so," remarked the painter
solemnly, "I thisk we can easily nuke •
bart•io. I rind that 1 man begin • posture
without any trouble; but it is • dreadful
task to finish it satisfactorily. Now. it
you'll teach roe how to finish my pictures,
I'll teach you bow to begin yours."
Then the old gestlem•n west back to
work.. and the young artist went away to
think over the prepedwes. But be didn't
o•n floes a landscape first rate,
know how to begin one," was
And mise wasn't tztravatat.
One ot the exhibits is • suit for divon•
tried u Baltimore, in wbiob, •moos other
thio**, the wife was charged with reckless
extraveganoe. bad thea item. as • ample
of one week'* es [tares by the woman
J0. tie cogs : . 3900' �oitona $50
chewing gam sod wham". $24; brushes and
*tan. $10; oologae, $9 75; toe 'roam, $7.75:
oysters. $10; and oigarette., 11.75. The
judge decoded that till *ort et taint was •
Wide too much to ask any man to submit
to, and helped, rather more than anything
else, to mamma the jury to give to the
man separation he 'eked for. Yet the de -
?vadat calmly alerted that there wet not
$ pwrebass made io that list bat was abso-
lutely essential to her oomfort. This smile-
less young woman positively prided herself
on the feet that *threesomes was one sin
of which e1e wine absolutely guiltiest.
Tho ase wl'.h the b•rbd•wir' heard
tsokad 'bo.gbttelly ever a spoonful of veg-
etable soap.
"I have .once{--"
Evidently Ms mind ws/ r>♦ppheg with
same weichty prohiem, for he eoSMsued to
bold the spoon poised in tnid•ur.
"--.het to tvoabtoua times it is the
yeas. to mserled men who are west sal-
ine. to go forth *ed facie the /nos of tb*f
team v "
Th., man with the rending ohtn *wished
"--.1st mould wren kaow what war is."
Tskin, advantage of the loll is tie oes-
venatton, • spider on IM trey took to the
kitchen hurried misty soros& the table.
That Altered the Ilam,
Of the late Treats Senator Renaud; tk�
Keleieche Y,.itung tells the following idea-'
dote :
When Renaud first came as saa•tor 1st'
Pana Prem hie home Is the Pyrenees he se.
need • ronin .t it hotel and paid • month's
Nut -me bwwdred Shy trance --1a *d-
edvanoe. The proprietor asked Iia it he
weold have a retelps.
"It 10 not seaway," espial Roasdd.
"Gad 1.a witssegel the p*ymwt"
"f)r yen believe In O..I !" gnawed the
"b1mt.nordly," replied Neal, "dal
Sou !"
"Not I, mos.leor."
" said the ..eater, •'I. that owe
N1 ew salts me out m rattles r
Net be be nought.
The result of oder Wards tel.-ssaewr-
settee with people who do not understand
thorn are often ln,hable. • In Boston there
is • llay td'litee'ary ..MreMens shy talks
eves with her serrate In • sett of literary
way. The other day an Irish servant girl
employed in this lady's bona eatesed a
neighboring groeor'e shop and asked :
"Do ye kap* aanv-an0v delu►-twhat
in the world is it, awwyhow'--&nay delth-
triti*a is 1t, sow' Do ye eels anny of
that !"
"Amy what'" exolaimed the grooer.
"Atony deliberation, I .•y."
"No, we don't."
"ltore's the pity. thin. Sore, my-misfil-
rers told me to wash the cu;. -glass dishes
lid delibsratioe, and thin she went away
and Muer a dbrop of the ebtoof I toiod
in the hoose Y'
Irby thhe i eared.
A lady who had mashed the time ot Iite
when she berm to resat every birthday as
• personal affront was shading a sewing.
Miele at the parsonage one day when the
cry west up that there was a moose io the
room. Every lady in the room, exceptaag
one, Sod sore•ming. She remind in bus
chair, as pale as death.
Karim the *stwsr..tke pastor, who was
1. 11. shyly. owe ls ls ins what was the
"It's • m -m 01.a.e t" the pale lady
"Lideed ! And why didn't you ran
with the rest Y' Aren't yea amid of
miss !"
"I am mortally afraid of them !'
"Thou why, please, did you stay in the
roost '"
,. I was in hopes." the lady faltered,
" that I might be soared out of • year's
growth !"
Mr. MoOrsior ewothMg�ly• mealy estobleig
the pistol end wrest tt it with • quick
swat est of the man's bead. •' Coaa,.ass,
•n' I'll show ye where they'll tette oats o'
vs. Haab 1 Dina ye try to MOO or send,
shoot ye ! Byte way. y's mlgbt as
*ell put up ver hands. an' just walk abed
o' me. That's it. Trudge swi , non."
Aad .o Mr. McGregor marched his taws
to the city prisms and handed bine over to
Captain 1)ouglae.
It wudoa be • bad idea to pot him in •
straight -jacket," he ..id serenely to the ole
Goer. " There'. little doot has ib. buddy's
Asa he resumed his homeward walk.
Mutt t. Tears acre.
A philosopher has said that tree *duos-
oles to boys is to " tesoh them what they
ought to know when they beooms men."
1. To be true and to be genuine. No
education ie worth anything that does not
tooled* this.
2. To be pure in thought, language and
lite --pure in mind and in body.
3. To be unseltisb. To care for the feel-
ing* wed cessforts of other*. To be gener-
ous, noble and manly. This will inolods •
venatae revereuoo for 11e Ned and for
th iugy sawed.
4. To be *elf.reliant and m!t hetptu!,even
from ohlldhood To be industrious sIw*yo,
iod self supporting at the earliest proper
.ge. Teach them that all honest work is
hateable, that an idle lite of dependesm
on other* is disgr•osfal.
When • boy has learned them four
things, when he has made these 'deal • pa: t
ot his being -however poor or however Toth
-be has learned the moth important things
he ought z• ksow when be becomes • man.
w+g.. de.rq.s_ raAt.Ip.a
Lesdes polies ...Buses se imeadeeim
ate ilei from 18.60 to $111111 'with awl as -
"461•0 eaup,t fire i6
st proiesto II h.
Dwb1111 fl<s *Wm .*. balla *deg lege. Is
0 olf the kM1DN1 gag dee a mmeMbie is
16/0706'111, pa fes • agNat>f��I..p
"10t '5Msl..r.r fitter
.5 so
a ywr.
Is The Droll et Waft,
A Lady who was slowing in the nursery
daring the themes of the nuree,w a aroused
one night by • loud clattering and Meatier
.f °rookery tee the adjoining room. no
wast to see writ 1► was, and es p shisg
epee the door wee alarmed by sewing • large
*0Mr-101 advancing towards her in • heti-
metal position. a few inches above the
Bair as if somas* had it on a long •tieb.00-
o elowelly kaeoking it violently on the
Rushing to her husband's room, the told
blot that • burglar or lunette load got in and
wee behaving in an sztriotdhary maser
sad ema411ag .11 the thump.
Armed with the poke he went to *D-
ernier the invades. It was • pet daeb-
aaed, *be, to ttryi.g 'M dank est of the
jag had jammed hie heal io n and wee
sMezed this dos', le efforts Meko Jed get It and pelta
-Bae in Talh L the 1ag bed le be broken to
release him.
remittent SaestIon.
Uld Aunt Dinah was a oolored woman,
who had • remarkably strong v°ios, and
would sine ..d cry " glory " with snob vig-
or se to be hearo above all the reel of the
oon`reg.tioo, but .he was ot an unpleasant-
ly „saving disposition
It was the custom at the missionary
meetioge ot the church .he attended to take
top • ooll.oties during the rigging of the
hymn. "F1, abroad, thou mighty gospel 1"
in the millet of which Aunt Dinah always
threw boos her head, °load her eyes, sod
sang sway at the top et her loop till the
plate had passed her by.
--Tru=-ediwllft, who was • tate of plan
.p•eeb, observed this habit of the old wo-
man'., and ear. evening when he came to
her .eat, he .topped short .nd surveying
her rapt oeustemwsos, said bluntly :
" Look a bosh, yo' Aunt Dina ! What's
de good ob yo' • stalfa' aa' a-singtn,' • fly
abroad, thou mighty g*Lp1.'s1 yo' dose' gib
not$o to make her 'fill*
lee weeder Is Lesko& WW1.
Manifold are the delights and humors of
.hoppiop. All women know town, and all
the fanny mewepaper meo make their little,
jokes •boat them. Hera in en anecdote
that is sow beta* told.
Two young women were threading cher'
way *lowly among the gorgeously dressed
dummies of • large drapery establi.br'eoc,
*themes here and there to inspect linings
and prim marks. Nothing seemed to strike
tbeiV (they very math, t111 one of them
eenrbt sight of a black serge just in front of
1 herr, Maria," she orehlo ed, in 1 tom
of triumph: "that's what I want. See how
that umbrella skirt bang. ! Bee hew chit
out este la the ►sok ! The frock makes
eves the ley figure dnttnguished. If it's
silk .N sd, and doesn't oast too much, I
shall have it."
As the "poke elle advnsd and laid in-
quiring wads epos the frock. Then she
fell beck,witb • 11111, pry The supposed
dummy was another customer, who tared
and facer bot.
Mkt. fetters.
A000rdiiq to the late Robert L,ui• Stev-
easee, the prison mahhein.d by the Frenoh
resideste a0 one of the Month Sea islands
where the Fronds are masters, is • pendia
for .ffesderm teslas► the law.
Oa vetting We institution, Mr. Steven-
son was surprised to find no prisoners there,
and his oompest**, • resident on the bland.
inquired when they were. The jailer. m-
erit* seidieylrf,.. iMv. *'opiied---
" To -day Is the festival, and I hays allow-
ed libels all to ge beating."
Presently they came to the quarters foe
women, likewise deserted.
"• Have them 1004 women gone too!"
said the residess-
Aad the jailsr replied : " I believe they
beve goat gea.wban le paw a vital."
To ooesplees the story of convict life on
this blvd, it remains to be added that the
prisoners dans a ..bry as regularly as the
Freak Pro.1lest. Ten eons • day is their
hire, .sd' tile, as Mr. Steveseea wrote,
" They hays mesa, food, clothes, and
shelter ad, I was about tome their liber.
ACool lot.
Mr.. M.Ormer, a Soot who residue M San-
trssable*, is said by an .i -.p to be one
el tie mut argumentative .t saes, •al oma
.f the esla.el. telly me menden wo be
w.s1v.s.r d0* home be was adenoma by •
sea who .ayisaissd kis wards with a
l'brow top year heads'"
•• Why ?tasked Mr. McOr.gor, behnly.
" Throw flies sop t"
8N up your
" toad. f" i.shd e.the feet.
Pest ►le "will yea 40
:ti' i -
.. TIM ` Mid Yr. 11
" If yes me show me am mesas why
should psi up mm hods. I'H se ay bet
whit I wap; bet yew mar amain wad be re
Vsglnkotien for *MAwt. to d. le *teord a MA
.s, why *Amid y"e, • mmal5M stamper,
tall d1. at the tae.' the 15".510' le • radio
1M+eit ta altine j w�wwg �!yg� g�
rOhatria- head at I" *Jeff tk:
gekbr" ttear, lros most be set e'
gin but. 1118 tee, poor heilip,"
•- T1gVNeDAY, July 1, 1897.
e p.oss Oho, wens foaa3 lost es yea tee
The waters tripper hereupon turned to
aa* et hi. oompanines with • most ioord-
.lama shake of the bead, and assured biro is
An .edible whisper--
" 'Airy, be may ear what he hikes, bot he'll
hewer make ms believe as 'ha ever dug
sop ready-made pose oot o' the groond '•'
Reworded At LOW.
I■ • Western paper, under the beading
"Situations Wasted," appeared the tallow•
leg •dvatioomnwt, which shows tali fair de-
gree the versatility and modesty of our Am•
triose printer :
WOted.-BitwWoa by • Presto:el
Printer. who M oompetent to take °huge of
any department in a printing .ed publish.,
log house. Would scams • prefassor.bip m
any of the &oa t:maes. Has so objection to
teach er0•ment•1 painting and peam•aebip,
geometry, trigonometry, and many outer
.Otemoes. Hea had some ezperienoe as • lay
preacher. Weald have no objections to
form a small 011111111 of young ladies and
gentlemea to instruct them In the higher
br•0obes. To destist or obiropodlet he
would be invaluable; or he would oheegful-
Ij,rsooept • position se bass or tenor singer
in . oboir."
Remarkable as it may seem, this aver.
Calmest appeared day after day, indicating
that the gifted printer was still without •
eitsatioe. At lost their appeared this ad.
dtoiou to the notice :
P. 8. Wall •oo.pt an offer to mw and
split wood at less than the usual rates."
The advertisement was not inserted again
so that the readers of the paper were left to
Inter that at last the versatile printer's so-
gatremente bad met with appreciation.
fired Beek.
That M. de B1owtK, tbe')1mee Parte oor-
r..pesde•t, has • geed smoke of himself i.
gpaeraily *sderst'e d, sod • capital story is
held width fully .osfirete tote M1Ui.
(lei mop eeoasion whim h.J,went to the
Frank Y.rsign OMNI, 11;1 ilho Demme, the
MiaisteK bed teat tib temper at au inter-
view with the !falba Ambassador, which
bad al twmbemod.
••W.A, Duke, what b the owe l" berm
The Dabs, whin was only leakieg for as
mit:bares est, molted roughly-
}, my deer fellow, it l.n's my basi-
mew to de year o•rrstpeodene.."
Abram got sem elm. Stoppts. end-
depy. N esplbd--
"Ties, cin, and it's a very toed thing for
my modem Net it'. sot year bodam"a."
The Dake astptad for a moataet or two
sag trials Nat attitude to .muse, bat se
the leases* jhtarsellet parted towards him,
him hast info s laugh. seri Rottbg top, mem
fawned mid said to Blewitt ---
"OK. me year head tad make pate.
Yee how 1 wombed sever N get asmsyad
with psi
!ens Word.
When little Maud began to go to sobool
she was the naughtiest of sonoltre. Site
wee naughty in so reckless a way that
Hilda, her slater, two years older than she,
beo•au heartily ashamed of her. Maud oc-
casionally talked .loud in class ; she trade
such absurd faces that eves the teacher was
forced to smile, and she oberished so hearty
• love for rooms that It was difmlt to ta-
dnos her to come in whoa the quarter. hour
was over.
As she was • very little girl mil gaits as-
uq d to rules or punishments no very severe
measures were taken with her. Bob Hilda
had •t loth bore* •4.060.asdd. ^ -
" Matsms," she said gas day whim she
cams borne, with Lan is her oyes, "may
not Maud give up going to school till she
knows bow to behave better'"
" But I lope she will learn by going,"
mid her mother. " We must Yaws psebnoe,
you know.'
"Bat, mamma, •be does things that we
last awful, and everybody knows she is my
aster, wad 1 'an' so ..homed !"
•• Well, Hilda, I think we must keep ow
doipg oar best and just help her to be good."
"Oh, I'd do that." said Hilda, two tare
steeling down her cheeks. " Pm not tired
et Maud nor her naughtiness. bat, mamma,
1 ' am' tired ot being so • oonsploaatd' by
her !'.
Tee iftaek se Mena%
A dost Mine thane a party M emerstilitine
free the West .f Noshed sew Wig sus.
d►bad ivs. the 1llemiaR►ata Mamma hp se
WIMP. vita *dpi dasl way of the eanieai-
Ora will 1t awtehts, la .at al the fleem
millad .at to Ib.h shermm 1.. eine
besslb*l snags yeses. all of *MMA, be is -
famed whims *SW bola deur Op at mortals
acerb 0s.ava8Maa.
(Iq id the party whited the weirdo with
Wpealan spoeleasteet.
«r, r
^rt. 558 et the mused r
msupo skis oar hose
d.t il OM1 bile M .i1 w
died with ballots, ea reoslvanr eaves is bb 1
body, while he himself was untouched.
On another 000•eloa • live shell dropped
into • siege battery, •sd buried Calf in the
ground. laet•utly every man fell on hie
face with oast.zospUo•. "Lie down, you
fool 1" by called out to him.
Quietly taupe a cigar from his mouth, he
"I ant not goloe to put myself out for-."
At that e•o*ens the .bell exploded, carry-
ing away a piece from his tr00*o1M. He
o•lmly pouted to his lege to finish his sent -
emoting. birtilipe,ot fatalism mentioned
was that .1" *Moa who quietly stood to
the middle of the street to light bus pipe
wises is was being swept from end to and
by ••hail of ballets.
"Haven't I told you," he explained, "that
if I am to be shot I shall be shot, *bather I
at under cover or not."
is Needed PraeUee.
The well-known Ubausoey Depew spoke
one evening during an election oampa1Qa at
• oertaln town in the interior of New York
State. The next day the ohetrm•a ot the
looel oommittao took him out in his car-
riage for • ride about the place. Tbev had
reached the suburbs and were admiring the
scenery, when • man, ,wearing • blue shirt
and o•rrying . long tibio on hu shoulder,
approached from where be had been pilot.
Mg an oz team along the middle of the ro•c'
and said :
• You're the man that made the r.ttlin'
speech up at the hall last night. I guess Y'
Mr. Depew modestly admitted that be
h ad indulged In some talk at the time and
plane epsotffed.
"Don't you have what you aid writ out!
Lest ■ U Caste.
One sf the grs•tost calamities which can
1.4.11 • Hinder) is when he scoldeatally
kill. • cow. Snob • mbfortnse remrttly be-
tel a man of the Ahir or cow herd oast. at
Fyr.bid. Hs was o•rryisg a young Dalt on
MN shoulders, which, baying fallen down,
broke IM neck and died. The Brah•a ten.
mooed him to the *overeat form of Hindu°
.xoommaaiostion tor six mouths. They
further told the AM: that he could not have
oommitted • g.mter sin.
Dunog the period of eroommuatnstion the
Abir was ordered to lead a life of mendtoan-
oy, and with • repo round hie $eck *ad a
portion of the calfs tail oo hie shoulders he
was to perform pilgrimage to different Hin-
deo shrines. The members of bin family
were forbidden to supply him with either
shelter or food.
The Abir has returned to his village, but,
until the porifiosttoo o.remenies are over,
he most live in • temporary grwss-tbatohsd
hones. It now remains for • moo of the
Bedwes east., which is one of the Iowest
sod most degraded, to parity him. A bar•
bet, after shaving the delinquent, and pm -
tag the nails o0 his heads, will make over
the hair and sails to the Badman*, who
-wilLbeen ..them.aad ales est Litt tp.*At .bl!t.-,
After title. the Ahlr will take a plunge in-
to the river Satin and come ant purMed.
Bot hie troubles will not then be ended.
Not till be has fasted fifty Brahmans and.
age hundred .f hie brethree, will herbs re-
admitted into oast.-feliow.bip.
A story which et owe of bow much see
gouge work may be to * dealer Is the super-
natural, is related by • histories of the reign
of this French king Louis XL An enrol..
ger had gained eonsid.r*ble celebrity, par-
ticularly .t the kin 'u wart. After the
masa of estrolegrre of all tis he had
dem. • groat deal of clever gtasdne. Dad
thasks to this ad to some leaky ooisciden.
on. mittens otiis predtotiose had been ful-
filled. 10 happened that he 'predicted C10
death et * lady of tie toots *1811-, debt
dam and os the eighth day oh* died.
Tab created • .eetatb. and the king
was enes p.vstitloenough to believe that the
.warble. was • matter et the bleak art. He
cent ter him pr.vionely h•vieg erd.red some
of het attesdaate te threw the astrologer
out d the window.
' Yon who Drawn to be so skilful, sad to
foretell the tato et every ea, tell ate the
date of your tiers death," said Lo01a, bland -
Lsekily for hiosself, the "magWas"
gns.ed that the king had some direful plan
wed life readiness at playjng apes esperstit-
lob ad wsdality stood him to rood "toad.
He •sawered promptly '• Three days before
your majesty.'
it le ph...is..s to tame that the Foch
Ai mos dew the al()Nst Ntr the reader
et bongos/pm to be throw* ash of Use win-
dow, •Od 14 may be hoped that that perms -
age esu se badly seared that he adapted •
teas perils.. and more respelatils occu-
wont es the man.
' No," replied the aster.
" Yon don't mean to say that you made
all that top as you went along 8"
„ Yes.'
"Jest bopped right up there, took •
elms of water out of the pitcher, bit the
table • whack, and waded in without think-
ing nor 'maltose !"
Well, I suppose you might put it that
• Well, that bate met you'll exou1e ass
for stopping you ; but what I wanted to my
was that your crumb 000vinood me, though
I knowed all the time th*t it was the /milk-
iest lie that ever was told. I made up my
rind to vote your ticket ; but I'd • been
willing to bet • peek o' red apples that no
man could steed up and tell em melt • lot
o' ouovinoing lies without having 'em writ
out ! You mast • had an awful lot o' pnc-
Uoo 1" •
ff•i vro et tAre 111111th la Any 0.
--Undoubtedly the most .xlr•ordin*ry
township is England is that of Skidd•w, in
0.aberbod. It containt but one house,
the °coupler of whioh is unable to exeroise
the Briton's privilege of voting because
their is no overseer to prepare • voters' list
and no ohuroh or other plain of worship or
assembly on which to publish one.
The most remote village in England i.
that of Farley-cum-Pitton. This truly rur-
al spot is thirty miles and • half from the
nearest railway station. A. a wettest to
this may be mentioned the hamlet of Y.tred
about ten miles from C.rdiff. This tiny
settlement possesses two important main
roads, two railways and two large rivers.
A very unique feature is exolnsively
claimed by Trimley, • small -village in Suf-
folk. In the one ohorobyrd of the pariah
two ohorohm are to be men. Service is eon-
auoted three times • week in each of them
Iobarobes at tin same hoar.
Tie„ai.pieF well in Esglaad t. found .t
H*mllto., hs Hampshire. It stretches 360
feet below the surface of the earth. About
half way down this well abaft 15 • subway,
three miles ie. Mrgth, *hick leads to the
On the top of the parish ebaroh tower is
Ricknolles. Bomersetebtre, 11 * yew tree,
now five lege bleb, and still growth' in •
bard) rumble*. It u,ener•lly believed that
the tree owa Ms origin to • seed dropped
by • bird.
Perh•oe *ask sp8ndijlly decorated
obureh in abet klsurlote le that of Whitley
Court, Wore.stsrabin. It is estirety oe0•
sweated of white marble. the pews are
chastely caned and the pulpit is of gamine
Cass's, esu hLe. tidily . paneled with- pre.
Moue stases.
On the village green .t Meriden, in War.
wickebire, there is • large stone woes which
Is supposed to mark the mutest point of
lasakthg at Mask.
A woo koewa soldier -writer de*.rtbes tall
•a bMeetin( bosh N wai1M.ralm sums
Mstsasn M the -pet of Mullis. "What
win be, will be. If I shell be 81st, I shall
be AMt." is the tbeifv thee %Ula M. sad
ea more frusta see mmeaslsae by their sea-
aaalrMd iltrter sad metes. % they dams
osomooll Meek ting aim-
(Me .f the mast ieteraMeg swap. of
Moto d.. ieiati.a gemmed M the Iadfw.
Matins% + SS mss were .sated is the
tape •tos MOR when the ss
• hien Le Ione the i"tlt.t A'
weNa1M metes ailed' be Ills Mea the
olio tib sins N aerie lake wl.1ls n
l'ihd 1$LlsUN of tY Ike QMii kis head
be isiggp. At obs &albs its. two
ase flan to *lot dd+iut wore rid -
The Bladder
Cheat NT
During the Year 1897.
For fall particulars see adverti,lment., or apply to
LEYEI BROS., Leo., 43 loon Ir., T$BOIIT%
I was tronbt ifor three years
with iaiantti n of the blad-
der, the neck of ' hich was near-
ly closed up. Doctdrs and medi-
cines gave nie no relief until I
tried Dodd'b Kidney Pills. Seven
boxes comOtetely cared me. I
work Ea Tuckett's tobacco fac-
tory, andallmy fel w-employEs
know of my disease and can
testi* to my wooderfol core.
154 Peter St., amilton.
Dodd's Kidney Pills
Always ern Bladdbe TrouMss.
JAW= H; Situps President,
Jaw Carew., Vim. President,
D. B. (J u.alt.rrn. Soorst•zy,
P. M. haus. Managing Direotor,
H�dD OFFICE, St. T1 ,nam, that.
Lowest Rates. 11p to da'e Policy contracts
'Energetic, reliable local agents wanted. Ad
the e secretary. 1Rim
Bucheuaos & Rhyllas
Dmsbr. is all kind. of
And ballast's material a4 every deet.rlpta0.
School Furniture a Specialty.
Sewerr and
Culvert Pi
Mao ah
„ItwteLSEIDH Wt. SI..
wow,* aroma TONONTG
If you have not given
ue a tt, for GRROCBR-
IES, do soon end
test the quality of our
ail our s.
Although in &wines. but
a few Months we have ad-
ded largely to otos rade by
fair dealing and keeping
only A 1 Goods.
A large end choice auort-
»sent of CHINAWARE,
0. C. WH TEL Y,
Sr Lean's Block.
2111 001.7 A.mOLIMILT 11LIARLx rRIIAkA•
?TOMS OW *00 ItABza'r.
Raa..wt Pow sod
Gourmetsad to ours
A moo ears d
.. rdime o
31185*,'*, ate.. etc,
M Neater ,t 1.td ens Weis
kid is Oeil riot coaly by 1r.L Dunk*