The Signal, 1897-7-1, Page 51 )N. Arable (Willie )sly to- t. The Linable, o whioh . Spald- ir many iota, on I : W• ble en• ing the In our hugs tor If, and massed maiden was the :kioson, in the of Dr. re, her but she pati• os (mid all hearty Liven to religion to her Won to devoted D mOan e helots tofit to trvty. • oeth all rlaoe on Trinity imooar.g the deep children sly bs- W ing- Bank of the de- 1u.sral. od oeuu- will goo is tubers *roam, M pots - mold be m of the alto sore whioh I icing " Ills until rest, and ooldaess, it the ta- m a fail - 3017 on by ' have .11lw. II Mens WINDING -UP SALE. Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing and Men's Furnishings. ESTATE JAMES A. REID Business shrewdness, eful buying for Cash and hon sell- ing has made this store a cess the past eighteen years a ' our sale is drawing a great crowd d o economical buyers who where to get a superior class of goods at prices that are beyond the whisper of competition or comparison. COMPARE PRICES, CONSIDER TRE SAVING --, TI „SIGNAL : GODB}t ICH ONTARIO. _ "skiing and crashed through. Headlong it dashed to the edge of the w e ter some twenty-five feet below, t•ktng strat wean, 000upente and @notate also'. Jas. Reflltrell sod eon were deviser ahead es hat as possible to clear the way and wit- neeed the o•lamtty. They hurriedly rue to the renew and did evointhine poeett►le 1q look atter the tainted. The threw were all badly bruited and oat, but from oreasnt w- oman the most serious results ware that Mrs. Nott's thigh bone was ro th. side C 's elbow pet out of *int. of Mies Ora1R'e few severely braised. TM hone floundered into the river sod was drowned. Ito bask was bream la ewe places. The ria was pot es badly smashed as might b• expected, one bind wheel only beteg wrenched from the hub, the reeds be- ing broken and sone of the inns bent. The •ooideot was a frightful one, end all remark with wonderment how anyone ooald eaeaps alive, lint Provfdww favored them. The Meek Sillier which gave way was of pine. there being • large knot where it broke. This 1. • seven reminder that bridges of this kind should have nothtrap bat iron or per- fectly sound timber.-New.•Reoord. And come to the busiest spot in 'tow. F Befl closes at h o'fi evening except Satnrasys -Est. JAMES A. REID Per S. J. RETIE toe)• BOHHN. SHANNON --Te the ,ts of .J. It. a a daugnithter. 7N 3' b r. end Mrs Wea Manley, June arren Thamown a slighter. MARRIED. • McEVOT-WILSON-At St. Luke's church Aohbenham. Peterbore'. June lar& by he.. Herbert Symonds M. A.. Dermot Mc- Evoy to Jennie. daughter of the late Wm- Wasps. m.WILos. of Go.4erlab. LONG brtd mesWb..A ►a.eaeetMm Jane th. by Rev. R. Henderson. of ♦uban, John D. Looss of Whgham. to Miss Ida Sallow,. of Oderieh• DIED. Mc1ULLAN - 1n O.dwteh. ]1 Bet rd hen Seth. lllI, MOW= M aged Jeers. M. N IOL -1a Pert flares, an ren ?..eNelt aged 77 years The funeral will take plan from OW 0.1.1L station. slier the arrival of the 11 af. Mahn on Friday. July led. to Maitland.eliaMseT• OL13N-1n Colborne, on Tuesday. Jose Mtb. Janet Stnoaan, wife of Ale Glen - aged 41 years. The taner•1 will take place from the resi- dence of nor hatband. 1 it 5. oars. 9. 'Colborne. 0o Thursday. July let. at 1 o'clock p.m.. to Col borne cemetery. fHE TALK OF THE TOWN. BEES laity! fosse Bedding id to ATB TY. tin en y8, of Mr. Will of the 'tt o iniinnated r dark ; sttend- on sale, fig let P Tee P,1I. Is, 10o ; From the Re 1f You've sole la a' Ike Mee. T Pak ie tent It t a Cheers Amuse ?e Taklie boles. an' nab 1M'11 Prone tt.'_/nrws. mush to their own smasemeot, epperently, though to the newly wedded it most be s great nuisance, besides being a gross insult. It is time such conduct was stopped, for be aides beiag uogsatlemenly, it keeps many wedding prtiee troth vtetttng t.oderiob, and thea tames the town in • pecuniary sense. The man le Is eased indeed who has one of Prtdham'e sitter sults to wear at the nese on the Fina As • reminder of the Diamond Jubilee sed the ano'versary of Confederation in Ilei, get photoed br Bellows of DOminlOn Day. Bowls -stn interesting game of bowls was pleyd on the bowling green, West-st., en Saturday between the following aides. The gene ended in favor of Dr. J. R. Shan- on's team with a more of 19 to 12. Sheriff Reynolds A. McD. Allan, Goo. Elliott Jno. Galt D. C. Strachan A Farrow Dr. Shannon Wm. Lane A Nes DLPa&TVRI. The Kensington Feralture Oo , Limited, have mads arrange- ments with J. Bropbey & Son. Wrot- e., to oarry • fall 1.. of their goods. Tb° e. --.plc oss iWa fornitare from ht at too - tory prices. sad sod deb* keep their money in town, Myo • good ohsoce of setting Some of it bask b supporting home manufacture. All Reedited iM Usemeuy's make are fully wernnted by thea. A SISSIES 'x Tutt B*D -Oa Tandem even- ing ot last week the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Toll, in East Wwanwh, was one of flannelMntivtty. 1ars. Toll went to the bedroom to prepare the bed tor retiring. sod while In the sot of raising one of the pillows. her hand tonohed something oold and slimy. Ste gave a portent and rushed from the room. Toll procured a lame and went to investigate the trouble. To his surprise at the head of the bid was a shake cooly (soiled:aid spperentl) **Jayne • snug berth. lis .tsot1y cu •etiok knock` aom0*a IMMO maks three feet long. How the '! to get into the boom sad-tB•a is ewe w"'raom sed afterwards an to the had r>rf9►aut Ming noticed is • mys- tery. It meld not get t° the bedroom with- out first erSMhe the room occupied by Mr and Mn Tell all evening. Another theory is that it may have crawled up the side of the hones and through the bedroom window whish had been epee during the day. It took Mrs. Toll several days to recover tram the flight reod'ed. W 'armee-Cox. -A quiet bat very •knotty event took plan at the residence of Samuel Cox, St. Patrick's street on Wednesday. be- ing IM morr of hie youngest daughter, MatildeA.. to W. P. Westaby, of Blyth, formerly of tk• big mill here. The bride COMING AND GOING - Mrs. A. M. Roes is visiting in (own. Miss Charles. ll. A., left for home on Sat- urday. Chas. Crofts, of London, @peat Sunday in Goderfoh. Lorne Whyte, of Blyth, Well la town o0 Saturday. Miss Lizzie Robertson is home for the enamor holiday.. M. Monier, of Crediton, visited the Co. town ea Saturday. Thos. Gundry is the otlioara' mw caterer for the 33rd to London. Exeter Times : Jobs Crooke, of gods - rich, spent Soddy in town. Mr. and Mrs. !folksy, of Orangeville, have Dome to reside in boa. Exeter Times : George Willie visittod friends in Goderioh last we.k. Mies McLellan 1eft, this week for Strat- ford to spend the holiday term. Sesforth Ron : Mn. Pennington, of Gode- riob, spent Jubilee Day in town. Seafortd San : Stuart Straitoo, of .Gode- Hob. spent Jubilee Day it town. - Mrs. Chas. E Crabb has left town le join her husband near Denver, Colorado. Se•forth Sun : Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Leas, of liederieb. were in Utes Jubilee Day- Kwv. Ih. re bas returned from Dan- ville, N.Y., somewhat improved in health. Mr.. Ba@well, of 3oderioh, orient Jubilee Day with Mrs. Muldrew, of Egmoodville. 8. E. Hiok, of Petrie, stent Sunday and Monday visiting relatives in town and tows - ship. Seafortb Sun . Charlie Chrystal, of Goiedoh, .pent • fiw days in town tbb week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. of St. Louts,our first wormer visitot;,eeturnd home on Sat- urday. TOVESDAY, July 1, 1897. PARTS GREEN IIILY AfrE its ALL RINDS AT Holts AGAIN. -Rev. J. A. Anderson. B A.• r.torned from WIaolpeg last week and coadooted the settle•• of his obarch en Sunday. Tim Saunas -The Hamilton -at. breach was joined to the Square bran& on Satur- day, thus nearly oompleting the north half of the town. r • Tilts AID Tx. HMI -The Godertoh Amateur Dnmatlo Co. will stay Time sad the Hoar in the village of Auburn oa the evening on July nth. Ctl]TOx ve. GODwA ol--The bowling olnba *Minton and Godseoh will play their annual gems on the skating rink lawn, Wen - .t, today, Dostlaloo Uy. AT OTINTON -On Sundae a camber et the (*embers of Manned Lodge drove 10 Clinton and fumed with their brethren ot that burg to attaining Melee Sorriest. MlxlSer000 Piga.-The 000teacton. Moen. MoLtrea & Ooldtber7e, hews base pushing tib work ea the tow pier, and have now about one bnsgrsd feet of to batik - SILVttt. tlp*N AIM) OOPPISi'-motet' INS ROT POW DER HELIBORE LIME JUICE ROOT BEER WARRANTED BEST QUALITY GINGER, : BEER : EXTRACT W. C. GOOD BEDFORD BLOCK. PURE PARIS GREEN AN D FRESH HELLEBORE AT DUNHA i'S *DRUG STORE. THE WEEKLY MARKtf REPORT. UM:Milled. July 1. OWL ot; to 00 2 011 to 2 Os 2 tS to a It 11 u0 toll 00 12 00 toll 020to0 035at 7 50 to s, u 13 to 0 u 10 to 0 11 0 tto0 9 300 to350 00to500 0 40 to 0 50 0 50 to 073 4 00 to 50 600to5en 0 09 to 0 10 0 10 to 0 14 0 I0 to 0 U ran wheat (old) stottr. family. per cwt Flour. patent. per cwt Bran,* ton. Shorts. a ton Oats. 0 buck Peas, 0 bush. cid Hay, Ston ...-- Potatoes,'bosh Butter. fresh moochedi dot.... Wood Hides Pelts Lamb -Skins ow D eressed Hose M i soon• ............_..ININ- Ham. per 1►„ ................».. Chess. oar Ib.......... Teacher We ated HER WANTED -MALE or FEF• protestant. haldtorled'sr -Or'd clave oertldoata wanted for S. S. No. 17, Ash- field• for the coming term. Applications with testimonials, statingsalary expected will be received up to July 16 J wcWHINEY, ey.. Dungan fAualo. Mrs. (Rev.) Ito Gear. of Chlosgo, is visit- ing her mother and sister. Mrs. and Miss Fisher. Mw A. Winoifrde Ball, of Crediton pnbllo school, is in town tor the summer vacation. was hsadooi sly attired in white Lanedowte silk sad carried a bouquet et white room, sod the bridesmaid. Mtas Priem of Peter- crepes,t borough, was attired in whits crepes, ilk nod °tarried a bouquet et yellow rosea. Little Irma Cox, of Wtmbletnn..Nertb Dakota. shoe of the bride. acted sail maid of hector. Geo. M. Cox, of Tileenbarf, brother of the bride, o ports o .dfb Rev. Joe The'..ttget byRev. 1 B Wellwto. of Edge, t.aekoow, oeoain of the bride. At 12 *Woe the Waists eat down to s most temp** wedding breakfast, and On happy mope left on the 2:30 train for the wt said showers ot rise and the best wishes of their namet•on• friends. The bride wore s nasa- lise dress of brown covert suiting. The Freeent s were mealy and samara's, mem/ them • set of silver tea forks from the Ladies' Aid Soolety, of North -et. Methodist obereh. Of whish Me was ..ormery these from a enamors were.t*a. N.1).1Cox. wife if e anMinim Lathers. of Detroit : Albert Cox. of Sault st• Marie, red J. L. Armstrong. et Tasisietre. t ACCIDENT ---Oss of the sent weapon whish has ever esepwed b settee took plane .n Setw lacy abet - mon. Tke resort wee quietly pulse Met Mrs. Robert Craig sad O•etbier sad Mrs. James Nott..( the London. Road. bad *ea by solidest in • rmamsy thrown oyes the Leads* brides. The parties wore Ott the h'r'1e'"+i•MPleteriset tlii Meese tem M se t»s NUM se Ore a ear*. All Whew et r.0 the se Mrs. Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lee. retorted to her home in Nevada last week. Mr. ani Mrs.' R. Ball land two children, of Hallett, wen holidaying in town the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Moore. of Chicago. who were visitthg Mr. and Mrs. On. Cox, re- torted home 5.4_ws k. Rev. J. H. sal Mrs. Young left for their home in Choioastti on Saturday after a two we in visit to Oodertoh. S.forth San : Mies Olive W ilsoo has re- turned Mme from Goderich where she ,peat the past three months. Mn. R. Rutledge, of New York, arrived in God.rlch ten week on s visit to her rela- East-.t. 4'0 aria/ Holmes wheeled to the county on Friday evening to an bow we were g things for Dominloo Day. Mrs. Dr. Clark and little daughter Retta left town, per eft. Cambria, on • six weeks' visit to relatives at Windsor and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Pollock sad child 4.W5.4 week .fee their. h.aas_.in_London. They were ocooMpanted by Mrs. J. Ad - diem. liOe. Taylor toad hole children, of Pick- ford, Miob., ere ripendlog • few days at Mr old home, "The Maples." residence of John Salkeld. , The Misses Dopagh will spend their vaca- tion at Nashville, Tenn., with thetr aunt, Mr.. toy. !by will leave for the South this month. W. A. Wtlktbsoa. of Minneapolis. Who was os s iiteinest trip to Buffalo East week, MOPS a tett days at the parental residence, Elgin -os., d• the return journey. J. DMson, of Colborne. who was a dele- gate to Presbyterian Assembly in Win- nipeg, regrned lgat Thuroday. The retitle. was apes!' in 'lowing terms of the oonn try west 0f Wintipeg, std says that oh. growing sopa are ltagnieoeat, NiI$S ANNA L: SHAW, TEACHER alt Mono and Tbeory--exlicnad ((*roar Lgta sad Wellesley Streets. nodenal S7 - platin* -All kinds of silver, brae, topper% woo or ental onesete5M. bond l$.trarents, bh. hot. . ri ei t!M- M be 48d 1 s Heede•e•e DblyoM at reasonable posse. A. F. sad A. M. --R. W.. fink R. RaA cliff• attended the taawel of the late J. H. Fiala* in Onelph net week eel le resant•- Y e T Mankind ledge Wo. 3I. A F. dad A. qts immolate, *aws Am• M old &Mese,w M oe seitt.d to Mother Zook with Mamie hones. I er m, re Lwow Ths QmetwIT w• ficfai Board of the Wenhetsa es. Metitad- ist Nmrnh, Leaden, L esteeded • sour hoes levitatioe be the Rm.= E- Ado. Pm * Ob Nooks M. .her'. lied. this • a lOoMme ye the mdof Pie aw;gNed the a lt. w the sailer et *IVO 71 WO demise --Frig tie aalr► pull. Mottos. SEWER CONNECTIONS - MESSRS. Humber & Causer aro prepared to con- nect dwellings and private drains with the new Newer. Prices on application. HUM- BER& CACSEY, TO ADVERTI6ERe. Ntotioe of changes mast be left at this Moe not later than Saturday Loom. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisement& accepted no to noon Wednesday of each week. WANTE 1 D -I CAN PAY TEN DOL - Lan weekly to a lady of mature age. re- nnetneat and tact. to Spend her time in • good cases. T. 11, LINSCO ET, Toronto, Ont. 0i the MI . Melee Mr. 11@10. sJ4 .JBand a hi sills as Ms his dntw•lo.law, Mies Sarah Maess.Ite i.waltd. vAs .w•pgnena to tenk leaped freak kis Moe wWM w secs the remowso. item • . was swotted la the** * OeA- The Wbbeis semis her dm sell e erhalte Hai eaw►w+ wMa •2014.914107. at ilio w -e1 5.4. sepaht ea bee Thu Wise held se OM p k• the Ale t ea a bur pelma. drv7lyeg isle ream hossidiare ram tM bias we:• a* LIN re •fithabit d aah•t, f1.lins MM Ye ea tM hal 1feeNI * IOM s1 gent hewn sad ant hi slMwOitM b tteensilla hood's mesahem ism*see Perelt week- e. Dymeat *aglow. pretty good meed staff Masse drfi D. Metre* is patting • new leg to Ogil- vies' Menden The Herber mill is salting into the i•at raft in god idyls. The gove neem dook is now patty well se*rded wtblumber. Oaetesisbt Monson ase hilt at *Mae at the east odd at the breakwater. Base SIN a tittle more oe the bite the plat few dap, ooasega.ntly some dement baskets smell made. The eeatreoter for tip braaktsster is so- lar on trim the job, but has ealy a small rens at Work int yes. The throe embed esh000er (lark You'll arrived la port this week with 300,000 tet ei /amber Irma Thesoaloa for N, Dynast. A sinner a1 Mee )tedtord. caught eve bees in a 'beet the osSaturday. the larger moe of the gw netts weights* two posed. Mae .ErM New world ft M to Melt • trmen teem the batinse bss.s to the Hera* Mel, es thee lar..skit i}.dis *Pm. wad .r we testa. bae% The toe erns* oohed et vert o• S5twedbn laabttJ.s Wiei/4se who bad}fWsd sand bar leer t. Memor- ise tb*BOR AND RIVER. were meek pretty freely the pass For ISM* or To Rent. FOR SALES -HOUSE AND LOT ON West-st. Al I have decided to give UP kwhich is in gooders loffer repairthe for sale. St•blee m .t new. For particulars ripply to MB& McKINNON, Westet. 1\OW IS THE TIME Think of a SPRING x TONIC. There are many good ones, but •o0. quite 'so rood to our IRON TONIC nlrrERs. The 8e..oa fox Colds he not over yet. We expect to e11 more CHERRY Pt7L1•ECDIsT • during1t MI. ACH a. and Are than In all the rest of the WInter. DWELLINGFUR SALE -THE BRICK veneered dwelling, oorner Vlotorie and 8t. David's streets, containing double parlor. djplti4lzoom. kitchen. pantry and summer kitchen. four bed -roams, sewtx•t cem• room. cellar, etc. The house is heated with a furnace. and has other modern improvements. For terms. etc., apply to R. t' HAYS. bards ter. GodedOS. VOR SALE QK TO RENT -FOR SALE A' or to rent, the dwelling on Nelson -at. at Present occupied by T emeeth. It contains 16 remise, i.elading drawwg room. dining room, parlor and kitchen, and has • library. a number of closets, pantries and a good cellar There is halt an acre attend maternity planted with shrubs and fruit trees. and anexcellent lawn. Appy to F. S ERTH, on the pre me mi• rT, pR BALI! -THE MUNRO DW.LL- i' ing known es Munro's 'Hotel. situated near the O. T. R. track on the Huron Rota, For particulars apply to JAS. MUNRO, black- smith jjOR SA LF A VALUABLE FRUIT 1 and grain farm on a good road within alt mile* of Clinton. The lot 1s No. 67, Maitland cooceselon, Ooderlch ton nabip, and contalos 75 acres. Ittelda annually from 6D to -1, barrels of Winter apples, and is • good grain farm, the land being • No. 1 clay loam. There s a No. 1 frame house OD the lot, a gt od ban with atone stables underneath, and It is well watered in every field, A large portion of the purchase money mar remain on mortgage. For terms, etc., apply to THS. BURNS. Car- low P. 0., at to W. W. ton. 8ALlt-_LOTH 69 AND 70 C' Bntehfnsoo Barosy to the Town of Odedch, upon which L erected • nloe dwell ing tones. Dated 4th September. 11K& . Apply to CAMERON. HOLT s: HOLMES. Ooderloh. I6-tf J. E. DAVIS, Phm. B. Medical Hall. WE. THE UN,DEBs1feNED DRY i Goods merchants of the town of Clods - rich, hereby agree to closet our respective places of business at the hour of six o'clock, p.m. each erwsknoisnoopt Saturdays and eve- nirge betose pelts, Militant during the mouths of July and Amnia at W p•aa-1l A. Oodariob, June OWL >Il Jas. Robinson r =slate Jae. A. /fold' I S. T. Acheson\ W: AtshmR oi. Sea. A. Munro Ceiba's* Bros. 1i. B. Smith, per C, W. Andrews, manager 'WE WILL PAY WEKKLY SALARIES of from 610.00 to s. 3.00 according to abillt for canvassers on "Queen Vlotoria: Her Life and deign,' after a trial month on our big commission. The Diamond Jubilee Is bonmtne this wonderful volume. keeping all hsnda working early sad lste. The onlyCan- adian work scented by Her Majesty and en- dorsed by the Royal faintly. A beautiful big boos at s .Mall price. arry your applica- tion. THE BRADULY -GARItXTSON CO., L't'd. Toronto, Ont. Laundry LAgosd laundry work done at moderate rater apply to MRS. PRICE, Stanley -et , nese Beloher'a t.kery. mkt Agents Wantepd• AGENTS "The Beet Papain Life of Her Maje.ty- I have ever aeon," writes Lord Lorna about " Queen Vetoer." sale* unprecedented. Easy to make five dollars daily. Bg oommiesion. Outfit free to conveners. THE BRADLYY-aARRETSON CO. Toronto. WANTED -Men and women who oso work hard teltiov and writing six hours daily, for six dal, s week, and will be acetone with ten dollars weekly. Addree•. NEW 11)4A8 CO.. Brantford, Oot, WANTZD-Industrious persons of either sex with good character and common school eduction, oau obtain employment for two months in this community. S. M. FRY, Toronto, Ont. AI FOR SALE OR RENT -FOR L R1 -sale or to rent.an excellent 100 acre farm. being lot 14, oon. Srd, West Wawanoeb. It L about 11 miles from Gdericb, the same die - mace from Lncknow and 3 from Dungannon. The farm inand from* is beingf'irrsd t class. nditia It is well warn, the e. ed. The soil 1. • way loam and there is a fair eked bearing orchard, £Cas terms to an earl combiner. For particulars apply to A. DUNKELD, Dungannon. 27 tl WE WAIT AGENTS to handle e.tabhrhed trade; this county. Canadian stock guaranteed to live. Perman- ent position, whole or part time. Liberal terms. You can make ten dollars • week or better with us for every week you work. No experience aeoe•Mry. MOWN 8Ii0TEZ*8 O03LPANT. Continental Nurseries, TOIRONTO.ONT 1-301 "VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY FOR 4ALE-The brick residence overlooking like formerly occupied by Lha ism cnirrottertwetatuesry- One of the most vaiueble and desirable pro- perties Lanier'. 2. The twomorey frame dwelling house on 8•tntb street immedlstely adjoining the Brit - tab Exchange Hotel at present mounted by BoardlnR• Mr. Andrew Waddell. 3, The dwelling horse and adioining grounds near the O. T. R. station, fotm•rty occupied by the late Judge Toms. Prices sad terve or payment les•tnable, ap- ply to GARROW & P70-0 MIROi DD7( Moh. BOARDERS WANTED - PAM PRE - oared to a000mmdate a number of boardeen. Hones cenveolent to station sod Square. Rates reasonable. MRS. ROBERT- SON, 71 E.@tet. 23-11 '[ZOARDERS .t ANThD -- HAVINO 1L leaabd the premises on south -et., next British Exchange Hotel. I am- prepared to ao oommodate • number of boarder', either roomers or both table and room Rates rea- nable. MRS. WERRY. I2 •o 1 hlorrta4'e Ltisenass. WLANK, ISSUER 01 MARRIAGE • Liminess. (*dada, Ott. 1643.1) The Well goon Trotting Stallloi FARM FOR SALE. I am testruoted to offer for sale one of the best 100 sore ferny* In the County of Huron situated within 7 miles of Ooderlop. The form ban net • foot of waste land 9n it and the soil la • doh olay loam free front all ob oe:tem weed e. The buildings aro fl-st-class, connoting of a frame boons with atone toaadatlon and cellar, kittihsa, wood all nomas y outbulld titatl A.uthei and cedar barn, 30 ell testees• of orchard. ma farm for the past twelve years, within a mile of poet-oece, 5eat new board fano* and rsu balanus b - ssatdd Malls pOly •DaaQ ogle noes now on the property. Pries NAPA For term* sued farther partioolars apply to LOFTUS E. DANCZY. Mur 1. 1w7. Ooderlob, Ont. GENERAL SERVANT - Vf ones reqntred. Amply to MRS. N- DER80N, ss. the Kum, Godetlob, mkt WANTED IMMEDIATELY -A NURSE • seri. Apply *Mrs. Dudley Holmes. It. Wanted. WANTED -0008, 8 CENTS CASH ; tab batter 13 oats ; rad hen, we pay Jost what we advertise. tboAtb sterns are atr- oNaMd 0. Ns.. oentrery. 1 Dbaallyt buteter, egos and wool atgh..e primp.p.E. G, Wingham. For (Bala FOIL SALE --A LIGHT WAGON,PLAT- form moles. blaeatt obis.• sa other bakery fixtures. JAMES WATTBO Wit Tonsoiial Artist WOODLAWN Will be Kept for Service during this Season at my Premises Con. 6, Colborne Township. Tenders Wanted. 'RITZILY, TONSORIAL ARTIIiT. IT . sad ., bate, se arw eilwelee. - Mitt °ti 5 M'MrM air min te ASK YOUR DEALER FOR 3ioe's Pure Balt BEST FOR TABLE AND p&1RV. 1' Woodlawn la one of the very tel bred and best ratted stallions In Ontario a fad has Proved himself a good sire. He Is by Ridge- wood No. MI ,ft. by It edyk'. !iamb rton an O. 14. Hie dam was Eider Downie, by Alamo, 569. 4 years old, record. 2.154. _ 01 ,¢1.0. by Almont. No. 33, by Alexander's Abd•lah. Ridgewood. the sire of Woodlawn, has a number of hones with records bettor San l:14 34lJL 1p.d sa WoodLwn's dam wan equally wcrell bred 1n ioeea' 1d00u stns there Is no reason why Woodlae 8 s Dolts should not develop Into equally fast Wises. Good nature pro, ided at rea•oneble rate - TERMS -To Insure a foal. $8. payable Feb. lot. 1890, Insured mare. must be returned rogalarlt taint o the bone or they will be charged full fn.nrante. Persons disposing of their mares before foaling time will be be Id respon- sib1e for insurance moneywnether in foal or n ot. Persons trying their mares and an re- torninott them regularly to the bores will be charged tall lnsuraace price. All accidents • the ret of owners of mares. ANDREW A. YOUNG. Carlow P.0 Cs. EALBD ImtDERS ADDREESSED TO 17 WM and endorsed '• Tonder so tDominion Bui o b mull Theew- esu be sees •sed roams a teed - i1 seessealrs infer - where r- nalise g sd *ids the •sa .e erepanied by an toffee per Aewt, of K Mhl o'+l ew Pad Wer11h e w ted if the /•r U 4141"I neo Cg or, fair wW s 0etz "'uesMa. .e toy wnl not se bolas se seers • is P. 1.eserster,. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL - AND - SASa, DOOR 1141) ULIND "ACTOR". that Imp MIMI rtaaltl to l notwt tbs gabiM 11I elf as tgatassaa g7 nw notwl M au rsiNw at waritts, . diadem be with • t. simpatitlee jig Te• farnt•rtng et bulging material. such as shingles sad hue*, a e metAlty B. 8MEETH 0 derle8qalt 4th 1M7 T 'W 1 aim W°itileeok Telfa with • e e''. ss. eye ebbe mwsans 6 testi la WIC 1!s.► r to eDrrr` i l Traveling Ganes. GRAN ie TRU Its RAILWAY. anatvs, ixed Mail d Express Mixed Mall and Ex press.... _ Han )ad HammDaRAag *Mead Express »Mi Zed - 10.60 a.m. 1.16 p.m. 7.40 p.m. 10.64 pre. 7.16 am 2. S3m.to 1.391 cum New Maohine soups. NEN MACHINE SHOPS -ALL KUNDE at Repels Week dam at Prime. Farming its te ler w1127. r wsamseatadn asllwM0155geloiw dMreev, J. sA='!'sit 1RiT1rtApd u IT zs NOT WHAT YOU YARN BIM WitAT TOU axes. Bursa :velum. TH= HURON AND RI'ne0 WAN INV E.TM1NaT O( MPANT ises -lamest Oaaisaa Q Hiv*i am t. Vega. iiii 4411414= ellY . ApplInalteae shots ar Milt hare. p•a7 • Memo aro hooted ea Bsa woM ea.rNd..t).w Hous. Bq •aro M IIMAoo s. fie )