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The Signal, 1897-7-1, Page 2
Tsvasn£T, July 1, 1197. - se ?w THE- SIGMA: GORE RICH• _ ONTA R1 Stylish ahOeS Seasonable Sturdy • . Serviceable FOR ALL WEARER 1 Our stock of Footwear is In Drat condition. Tell lines, complete range of sizes, all the fashionable effects ChM d .y people take to. Price, are Right : our business sagacity is too sharp to have them othe: wise. You'll pay more else- where, and not fare nearly as well in regard to Quality and Style. That's our plea for your patronage. PRICE, THE SHOEMAN Sucoessor ta 11. B. POLLOCK. P.S.—Rap•iriag neatly and promptly attended to. JULIET, THE ORPHAN. - NT £IIT LNDOLTS. "WELL, Juliet, what are you cal- culating to do 1" said Mrs. Murdright. " It's time to make up your mind about something, you know," briskly observed Miss Juniata Jessup. Joliet May lifted lier heavy head, and looked at them with vague sur- prise. " Do ?" she repeated. " what's there to do 1 I don't know what you all mean." She was a dark, large -eyed girl with cheeks as pale as a calla loaf,a Spanish luxuriance of jet b ack hair, and a Might figui whioh seemed to be bound by nae weight of her deep mourning. Mrs. Murdright was a tail, u att:aline woman, with iron -gray hair and square chin. Miss Jessup wore spectacles, and moved around to an active, ier•ky way, like an extra - large -sized canary bird " It's a week tomorrow since your pa was buried," addtd Mrs. Mur - Juliet winced. " Yet," she said, " I know it. 06, papa ! P•P• !„ There, the o" said Mias deposit ain't both, let him put in an appear- s& ppearu the young orphan hid her face in encs and say what he has done with her Bands, " don't give way. It's un - never would have eluded so unguard- edly to the age and experieuce of the sprightly spinster. Mise Jessup bridled. " I really do not know that I have anythiug to say," said she. " As Mrs. Murdright remark,, people mut rig,;,,, pect to work in this world.' But Miss Jessup studiously banished from her recollection the fact that, when she had tint set up dressmaking for herself, Squire May tied generous- ly lent her money for her lease, furni- tur., stock and fixtures. Hehad never claimed a cent -of interest ; he had never so much as hinted at the pay- ooasuA of his loan, and she had_ tat en equally silent. And it is to be pre- sumed that she had quite forgotten the who's circumstance, when she added, with some little vindictiveness : "And, to my mind, It would have been a deal wiser if your papa had looked a little more closely to his money, inettal of lending it to neer- do wets like Chauncy Graham to -squander." •-'ielgestsin Chauncey' was al wayptgood And kind !" cried Juliet coloring up. " He would have paid papa if ho could. And it is mean end dishonorable of you to sat such things as these, Juni ata Jessup "' - " Hoity-toity !" cried Miss Jessup. " Mean ! Dishonorable' Well, if he christlan, and it's uncomfortable, t And it's high time," steadily ob- served Mrs. Murdright, " that you look matters in the face, Juliet May, You've got your living to earn, sad—" "lit I thought I wee to live with you," said poor Juliet, who was as ig- norant in the ways of the world as a six-month old infant. " You are my mother's atster, Aunt Murdright, " That is hardly a reason why I shgtld undertake to support eyery relative I have got in the world," raid Mrs. Murdright sourly. " You aren't a child, Juliet. You were eighteen last mSith, and there's many a girl of your age earns her own living and lay, by a handsome sum besides. And k's doe an the first ot June, arid I need every room I have to let to summer - boarders." it And 4keee-4 ereeossea,� mented Miss Juniata, skillfully seizing tbe opportunity to strike it when Mrs. Murdright paused for lack of breath, " why you bbould sit with folded hands while your tomtit Artemisia works in tbe skirtactory and Louisa Lucy goes out to tailoring." Juliet sat looking from one to the other while her heart seemed to stand still within her. At the Grange she had always lived in luxury. She had been the darling arid idolized child of a doting father. She bad never paused to consider the question of mere money. that money." As Mr. Graham was at that. mo- ment supposed to be in Australia, en- gaged to the management of a mam- moth sheep farm, this was perhaps an unreasonable demand. But, to Miss Jessup's infinite ainazeuient, and, per- haps to her discomfiture as well, the front door was pushed open at that juncture, and a bronzed, bearded ap parition, in a suit of some foreign style and cut, stalked in. "Is this Mrs. Moses Mardright's house 1'• said he. " Can any one tell ma if Miss Juliet May is here?' Mrs. Murdrlght started. Mus des - sap seemed equally amazed ; but, with a dry, Juliet May sprang to her feet. - " Chaunoy !" she cried. "-It is my cousin Chauncey !" • 1 am Chauncey Graham," said the young man. " I only arriv,d in the port of New York last evening It all seems so strange to me to herr my cousin, qu re ' a , —that Joliet is without a home !" He stood in surprise, scarcely able to recognize in this tall, Andalusiin- faced girl, the chubby -faced' little playfellow of former years. But when she flung herself so confidingly into his arms, he held her with a tender and chivalric embrace. 'bit, Chauncey, I am so glad that you have come," she sobbed. "Oh, I was so lonely and forsaken. No one has seemed to care for me, lino* paps died — no one offered me a • crape -veiled hat and ink -black draperies folded seroos her slender shoulders. "You're not going away so soon, Juliet, my darling ?" "Chauncey e.g.-that his mother expecte us by the Vary fleet brain." said Jtsiiet, upon whoast pale cheek a new color had kindled. "And we have no. time to loge." "And," simpered Miss Jessup, who was hurriedly donning an ex- tremely youthful Gainsborough hat with rosebuds and daisies wreath- ed around its brim. "I have vol- unteered to secnmpany dear Juliet. Really, I have grown too fond of her to allow her to ali,p away from uio like thin" Mr. Murdright made a grimace. "The scheming old cat," she thought. "She actually thinks she is going to lure Chauncey Graham into marriage. "Well. I never did see such idiotic folly." But she said nothing of this as she kissed Juliet good-bye with as effusiveness which surprised the young girl. "Farewell, nay darling," she said, almost tragically. "And remember that if ever you need a home, my heart and' hearth are equally open to t ou." "Why didn't she say so before r Juliet asked herself, vaguely amazed at what seemed to her Such a surprising inconsistency. "Why did she talk ad disagreeably about my being a burden, and earning my own living ? And why is Juniata Jessup coming back with us, without ever being invited i Poor little Juliet ! She had yet much to learn of the Ins and outs of this world; Miss Jessup's stay in New York, however, was not prolonged, She came back the Bail:,, day, very ill satisfied with her visit. "Things are quite Changed since I was a girl," said. she. "There's Juliet engaged to Chauncey Gra- ham alretldy—or as good as engag- ed—a mere chit like that, with—iso knowledge nor experience of so- ciety. And Mrs Graham taking on airs like the Queen, and telling me, up and down, that she didn't care for my company. Me. Her own cousin twice removed. Ansi Juliet parting from me like a clam, neser even -kissing me nor telling me she hoped to see me again." "Hun1ph !" said Mrs. Murdright. "That's generally the way rich peo- ple behave. But I almost wish, Juniata, we hadn't been gtite so ort with the child." "Yes," said Miss Juniata; "but who was to supposee that dile was -to be an heiress after al; ?" All good and lovely slings seemed tom hor^e • "I will," said Chauncey, qutetly assemble around her by magic. Every- one bad spoken tenderly to her; ani isow—and now— " Wbat am I to do, Aunt Mur- dright r she faltered. " Is all my money spent r " Tour motet' !" hysterically echoed Miss Jessup. " Poor child ! You hain't got none. It's all gone in rash specu- lations and mad inventions." "Juniata speaks only the truth," .Aid Mrs. Murdright, stiffly, as Juliets eyes soight hers, as if to ask corrobor- ation of bite little old maid's unfeeling words, " You're as good as a beggar, sod Am must begin to oonsider in ebriets' earnest what you are to do for your bread. I can't undertake to sup - *you " mist put her little cold hand in a pslstetleelly pleading way on Mrs. Murdright's. " Aunt," said she. " oouldn't I May here 1 Couldn't 1 make myself useful to you Mn. Murdright shrnggad her shoul- on- d " I'm very sorry," said she, " but I doe's require anyone to play the piano, and sit around the house in pictur risque prsitions, and be waited on. You haven't been brought up as my Mils are, Juliet May I" Juliet recoiled se if a serpent had slang her ; she tt rued. to miss Jessup " Oonaln Juniata," she said. " you, boo, are my relative 1 Aid me I Advise fllss ! Yoe have age and experieooe—I am like a lost child in this RTeal,cruel, gaining world 1" Verily, Juliet May was bid a novice AO esovsstiola11i1 1410111 or else "There, there, little one, don't fret. It is all smooth sailing now. The mosey which your father lent me has born fruit, seventy times seven, and it ii yours now.' Mrs. Murdright here recovered her- self so far as to extend a flab -like hand to Mr Graham; Mia Jessup pressed easterly forward. "My dear Joliet," she said with a little acidity, you are steel a mere beby. Don't you see that Tour cousin isn't at alt the proper person to take charge of you r' "Why not 1" said Chauncey Gra- ham. " It seems to me that I am the very one. And my mother is in New York waiting to extend a moth- er's tender Dare to Juliet." "At all eveeti, my dear," said Miss Jessup, "don't cling to your cousin as if he were a floating ,Dar and you a drowning mariner ! Do sit down ! Deer eouajt Chauncey, with a smile which displayed every one of her fate, teeth to the very beat advantage. " This is such a't agreeable surprise. We have thought and talked of yon se much." Whi!e Mn. Murdright haatene4•to prepare what she called •'a little re- fre•ihrnent," for this rels/ive who seemed en mach nearer and dearer since he had Borne back home with plenty of money. "I wish now," she mattered, that we hadn't been quite so Amp with Juliet. She mem a 'filly ehild, no doubt, but if she is goinglebstioli atgsin—Eh ? What ?" to her niece who sow presented homed with a HOT CORN. Miss Fitz—Very, well. Isbell sun you for breach of promise." Jack Iaabm—(Io •head—I'll tau you for slander for ayinp 1 proposed to you " • Father—That eat made an awful noire on the book fence last might."e Arnold—Yee. sir. I anon that since he e tc the canary he thinks he ern sang." Scientific Mamma : " Do not dance all .rya .agsato•v...dsa.-_ Rttpembel r►..t ti+a dances of to overarm ball Dover a total do- wns of nine miles." Practical D.tuater : " Oh, but • rot is serried most of the way, mamma." Mia Sharpe : " I oslebrate my twisty. fourth birthday to -morrow." Mies Oldeg.: " Indeed-; Asp ito't it elsgabie? So de I i11im Sharpe : ' 01, hails tbrate mine far the first time ! " • Ia the early days of the Volunteer move- ment. when offloers were lam conversant with their dotiee than they are now, • colo- nel get hi. men roto hopeless 000fu.loo in Fleet Street by giving oostradfotory words f oowmand. "Right wheel—left wheel !" he shouted. "Oh, haof it all, turn up Fetter Lane ! " • Soboolmarm (with ominoos look in her rot;" What made you so Ism, Robert vs Robert : "Been Sghtio'." Seheolmerm (advanoieg furiously): "Yup have, eh T' Robert : "Yee. ma'am. A boy red yer inn nail se borne -made sin, es' I her vivo it to him." Sehe.lm•sm: "Weil, Bobby, dear, ail have to porde• yrita tide tine; but ooetnl year temper the beat von can." Swell (to omnibus drives)! "Why didn't you pet • clan oollar on this morning, Jess' "Well, year mother •io't sent 'came my washing yet; sheer. late this week. Toll her if It occurs •gen I'll have to send them somewhere .le.." At • laahlonable weddies • little while ago, after the deportees of the happy pair, • dear little out. whom papa and mamma were among the resets, asked with a child's delightful tnquieitivenass, " \inlay do they threw ibises et aka pretty lady Is the ear- ner, arrho v' For luck," replied one of the brides- teiefb. "And why." eontineed the chili, "doesn't she threw them bed' '" "Oh," said the young lady, "that would be rude." ''Nn, it wouldn't," persisted the child, to the delteht of her doting p.rente; " me deer " No dorlitia," card • mother to • d.k sli. " the eleoter says I moetn't read to Teo a "Ts..., stomata," Nagged the little seta, • weve't yen plass. read to yourself eat lead Towner t "liars vna foams mit Ise OW. ilSlee el teeter yea r Ali.. • Ya l says 1t � tele *Les taint►, - sathMl!! 1.mit r1 mere tints 1 smile -CRISP ABD CASUAL Nat lipidere Kase ..bt eyrie, althuoab sumo .penes hav• uuiy *Jr. Nearly forty per omit. ei the population of Satierta and Reeaiu exiles. Charitable legacies MA gifts le Sn.lesd lest year amounted to A5,000,000- Tr.e Ueivenity of Caloutta is said to be the largest dnoauunal uorporarioe in the world. It examines mere tem 10,000 Ma - dept.' annually. It m eastomsry fur MirP.Tiwoses work - mea to wear on their cape sad books Aneo►ip- tior►s surto, their bummer and toe uames of their empl'yera. There is • shellfish in the Modlterranee• which produces a wood quality of silk. Fab- rics have been maeulaotyred front its, bas wily es curiosities. Cyclometer* are in use on public oarriag-s in Berlin. Leipsio aid Dresden. '1•b.y record the exact number of mitre travelled. sod the lintel fare data by the 0000panta. The banana is aid to be the most prolifio of all food products. 1w ^g forty lour times more proasotles thou ebtetoes and one bun dred and thirty -tis times more than wisest. A well-known halloo/set, who has made several .xooedi.Rly lofty bottom. asoeoutt carries with him • cylinder of compressed oxygen, titled with • tube for breathing. Whenever he exiiertenoes diwomfurt un ao- oonst of the rerifie4 atmosphere, a few whiffs from the oylind•a.at&os to rectors him. Mint medical men consider that a cold bath every morning is apt to do more harm than good to soy but persons of a very vig- orous cowtitotios. The sensible thing to do 1s to see that the temperature ot die water if oold ,►arer is not less than that QQt tbe air. A daily both ie moot healthful, Ant it should not be on cold es to giv. • .hock to the system. 1* the Now York State reformatory a now nee has' beep discovered for the bicycle. The captain of the watch m.kes hill rounds wit)iin the prison oesp-v :be...A the main corridors on s eyole. The dietange is over half • mile. Ru vistas are swat and notes lou, and he is thus .sled to keep his stria - ordinates of the alert at all boss d the dap and Witt. Within the pica tosser- years a ash testi very beeatifel stone has been lotroduoed is Jewellery. It ie the .tees garnet, which V !:,and in the Ural Mountains. An expert thee desorib t 1-"` It varies in oolarfrom Yellowish itrma to an',tense emerald, and has such • powu of n fleottng light that it shows • distinct fire like the oismood or zircon, and in the evenipr has almost the app.sreaos .f • groan d iamood. •' The only place to tele world where violin y be said. to osoau.*t- than industry is atarkneukircbei. in Saxony. with its eam.repu surrounding villages. Then are altogether about 15.000 people is this district engaged exclusively as the was- uflature of violins. The inhabitants, from the small boy and .til to tis wrinkled,grey• haired veteran and aged grandmotbor, are all constantly employed making some part or other of this mI.toal instrument. Slog is • word origianlly borrowed from the gipsv tongue, where is is used for the ,cont Image/woof that race. In its gener- ally accepted signification it denotes • bar• temple style ot conversational Language or- iginally found only among the vulgar, bot now employed by all &tunes. It is by mo mace of rsoeot date. being well known in the ctunio ages .f 'Grieco and Rome, numer- ous instances occurring in the writings of Arlstophaa s, Terenos sod Martial. Ther, is s gnus .1 islsotla to :he south of New Zralnod called *b. Sisters, or Seven 'sisters, welsh are repskd to be asbjeot to- a Qt•ctioally constant rainfall. Th. same` may be sold of the islands and maia land of Tiers del Toegn, meta. for the difference that two rain often takrethe form of sleet and ow. Oa s 11N tannins round the world from four to eight or nine degree. thore ore potohes ever whioh rain Isidore copse, to lall. This is palled the " bone of constant precipitsaoo," but et he .am. time then are ..veral localitissalon_ it with very little rainfall. The popular idea that the age of • hoes; con wsys bs told by Iesk.ing r.eth." says•l• veterinary ,cage,,, "1. at no•his entirely _.Jit.c tyasighth stir /M- in e M.bns .o mon new teeth. act that the tooth method ie timeless for telling 'be age of • horse which to more than sight years old. As moo w • eel of teeth. le complete, how. sear, • wrinkle basis. to appear on the tip- per .due of Lite leaver eyelid, and • new wrinkle is added each year, Io that to get at the age of • Mese ever eight years old, yon wrest firers the kith plea the wrinkles" A SPECIFIC Li Grippe, for Colds, Com AND LUNO TROUSLU. AYER'S PECTORAL "Two years ego, 1 had the grippe, - St it Ids me with a eosgk whish gave — a e no rest night or day. My family Physician prescribed for me, changing the :medicine as often' w he found the 1 had taken were not helping me, but, in Otte of his attendants, I goo no bettes. -)dully, my husband,—read- Ing one day of a gentleman who bad had the grippe and was cured by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,—procnrd, for me, a bottle of this medicine, and before I had taken half of ft,i was cured. I have used the Pectoral for my children and in my family, whenever we have needed tt, and bare found it • spectfis for colds, (-might!, and lung troubles."— Emmy. Woon, North St., Elkton, Md. Irs Ayer's Cherry Pectora Wittiest Netters ai�oillesll k. Ours lbs Syllsaula Ames Ireen* The es;off VON pariCit a healthy mesa or Meer limit! so be 75 taps • Waste. w\ Nov. W"itosooMiCk, i Vow Dt i* If you de, go to the O4 ]dans Market and you will (lad eat WE LEAD IN CHOICE MEATS tee m .eUaty the most fastidious Wks. Onr our prom enit everybody. We have every thing in the Meat line. Fresh Meats • Spiced Meats Cooked Meslti Curet•. Meats Brooked Meats Prepared Meats. and every klad of 8auteigs made. Fee oor Sg.efal 1.des. It you have mot yet been to the City Ment Market, do not fail to tail and give our epeeist 1mUudav display your Mimeo - o. ANDREWS BROS. as 00. GOD*1OI Summer is here. 0o a prepared to meet it with a good Hat or Cap when it comes, Ws have put in stook all the Latent Styles of Spring .- HATS which fort uality and price annot be equalled. In stook are numerous at eortments of the latest in GLOVES COLLARS, SHIRTS. HOSIERY, !SU PS ONZOKWEAR Qlri$'X $ & Co. Th. reliakle 1J;ss sad Furnishing Lmporiav II III©! OAIII. • always on hand. The -i Bast . sad only Seraton Cosi- is -this market. Hard, Soft and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on *be-mark'e#vtwlee;- so • OW you are sure of Good or Eti►ET Alma • 1897:... Announcements HELPLESS FOR SIX MONTI . RhwtsaNam'Held Him is Chains—Suffered Unsold Torture—The Great South Ameri- co. Rheumatic Care Waved War and Wes • Complete Victory—Relief is • Few Heats. " I have bier /peat .offeror from Theo. ,natter. I was e.mpletely hotplate for over .Ix mootbs. I trifid all kinds of remedies bat got se relief. Having notated strop. testimonials published) of the mires effeoted by South Amerism* !Chromatic Cure I obs tallied • bottle of it, and received relief frotq a lrem tike ,Tet dose, and in an in- describably abort time I was entirely treed (rem q` /offerings." Jams* R. Cole, Al - meets, Ont. Sold by J. E. Davie. A tale It tela of de old Londoner who, when reesetly visiting So.-ttlan4 remarked— How them Sects de ape os—why, they eves play golf bee." Mr. Parma—Yes - kap ah awful disaster ea your read yesterday." Gears] Manager—Awful! Two sae three ootohes. destroyed 1" , .. Bleed anci5eae, ihesgb gradual, are radi- cal in their Orem. Ayer'. Sarsaparilla is iateadd ass medial.. only and not • stim- ulant, melte* or bsveraoe. Immediate re.' snits mar sot always tallow its use : but after • reasonable time permanent benefit le aortae. to be vitalised. • IOW Pe iridin. w dM and ls"y go lr 81*. wide sM re.. �i to brew what e Mr. Dat RsA..—We1I, feet nee dila., I saved you tram dying an old maid." Tke tetlawlag bill wee redestly pressatd by • vellertaaey surgeon --To eerie, year perky Nor died yesterday, NI ISE Mrs. (ir111--Oh, dear, I've mond to .his baby fps an Mut and eke, hasn't stepped f 111�.{DSItt—Sr,bahly obit hes bee. wahine be 1110." er " Ott of Ng dale ke:ta.t." yeti will Mot w Irrrassetly say, se st the .ea - my. eau. twariarafc IeirdNIM b. as • onto Likiiholpse1 Ayeree nth eon t1rNy�«u. its Msite mad es A. S. OHRIFTTAL, e .... B.m,MR Oargstaf t Meth. a NIntak urtge[ MI blade sl Td0Ii_RB. Smoke Stacks, Salt Yass, Shote IoM Works, etc., etc., And Dealer la— hams-, Maokfae.y polus, ke, All sista of Pips sad Pipe Tinthans, Steens aid Water °sures, Globe VWv,s, Obeok Valves, Iospiretors, Mertens sod Ia- li tors Constantly as Haid at Lowest A spate' 11ae of Steel Water sad Bee Troughs for am of farsasrs sad ethers. R.'paerlse s•omediy atenadaa ie. - eJL. S. CHIliiiINAL. nat. P. O. Sox IN. cnida., Cartage Et Fuel Co. hr flirepared to handle Bag- gage Freight end Househdd Ef- fects with Dispatch at reasonable elites. Dealers in:all tirades of . HARD SOFT OAL and Smithing Coal Wood. andKindling cut to suit customers and Jelly eyed with peomptnese. Order" so- licited. Telephone Ell ter -di P. , CO. is. ... De Q 6ttseaiia. H#lte'' Seoretary New Goods and Beat Valves in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable Weet-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP Canadian Pacific Telegraph Pa's. .Comoetition. �It r sttssi.smM sa ao�utla w saylssoylDltaws set ts kirisss'ie 4t uneelta��-� =sew amass gewe r —oestamie Nt =mule Tinware . tiraithovaro. . olist° -t . f sans,•>. ., M•ih: • are nesgiaeay to tnankmd, thee ew seek melee e6 ars they to past--watn*n t As they ars so neoes- eery yarn iestrild sets that what Xis tCd ars goes , thee saving la arra and health. Tinware aft - GnielMwMrs boughs Mm se M sleets weld, and " the latest inventions are aiwap added le coir stook a better ,,issuer. IMMO be taaad in Oasada. Val ss F$ CCS�inr+ oom lata iNse' et Rai 4I slid ]l mos it til.' Ottfauatty.