HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-24, Page 5•r• N. ...1.01•10 1 CS 11; 11111111111111111111111111111111.11111 . • • NDING-UP SALE. -- staple and Fancy Dry Goods, .Made Clothing and en's Furnishings. • THE- SIGiAL : GODSICH ONTARIO'. - the grnernareas was "Mak J Sellivoa• tits Canadian See. The bode is • chamois* young lady of gooey engsging violates which have always been appreenited in her ohuroh work and io society. Ur.Melateek is one of the oity's solid inane beetases men who bas in • 14 years' reeidenos ID this catty risen to • high place in tee estunattoo of business men. ler. and Mrs McIntosh lob at 11 o'olook VeeterdsY focruic4 fit • 1g". ding trip through the suit aud to Kr, Me - leash's old 1101110 t Goderioh, Oat. O their return they will be at home to their friends ati,,throir resideem on Ridge street east. -Soolagiocest. Times Rw Days -lbth animal C. W. A. ohampioriallip most. duly 1, 2, 3. List of ; • AtiATZVI. l•mil• movies ..................... 3 prises 1 -mile open . • ............ ....... 3 • handicap .................. 4 " {mills open . .................... 3 " imtlle champicioship gold medal 1-tolle obampionehip ohamptooship 2•Inde tandem champ . ... 2 gold medals 3.mile W. G. & P. trophy Mem nos 100 -mile motary woad raoe rionnutiosal.. ESTATE JAMES A. REID Business shrewdness, careful Wing for Cash and honest sell- ing has miule this store a succe the past eighteen yeare and our sale is drawing a greitt-Orowd---0. economical buyers- who know where to get a superior class o goods atprices,. that are beyQnd the whisper of competition or comparison COMPARE PRICES, CONSIDER TEE SAVING THURSDAY. JUAN 24, 1027. MOW HOME LOOKS: tliVati =k irtIhrtihfaraiture i CLIMAX FURNITURE 1- mile open - - $75 $40 $20 -24nile hendicap...,_, ...100 40 25 10 meth, 2.30 Glam. • - •.. 30 20 10 - Intl* oyes . • ... ..... 35 15 10 - t- -mile championship ........ ...gold medal mile champlonthip. ......... '• 5.mile champlooship ........... 2.11. tandem ohampiesiehm .2 gold modals ••3•11ilee " hiinctioao at two miles for pro- basionsIs $700, $125. f75, $50, $30, $20. fifty entries to fill. J. F. Cairns, secretary, Chatham. A Jt'('. WEDDING -On Wanseday,16th ion at 8 P.n. a happy evens transpired at the resideuca,e2 Mrs. Isabella Andrews, Goderich. when her daughter, Harsh E , WSJ united in marriage to Joh. T. Thomp- son, a gentleman well and tavorsbly knows io town. About forty•five guests were es- menbled from Duluth, Mictedgen, Hallett. Dungannoa, Colborne, Wawanosh and Goderion Ths cor.monv v.s nerterowd bV R.'. W. Godwin, Pastor of V ietorinst Methodist okurch. the happy couple standieg in frost of a pyramid ot beautiful flowers 'the bride wits beentifulle attired PorisH Hirighteas teem up like new COAT' PIPES WITH BEATEDIALL before putting sera -prevents rust DISINVECTANTS We 041) Supply .11 kW& Aid come-tothe busiest spet-iii-lown. Ren;einfiir Saturdays: and Stomach Bitters I lieseafrets Blood Mediciae -• 1 good Swink omit store clones at 6 o'clock every evenins. excelit Est. JAMES A. REID J., REID (Administrator). BOHN. 7.•YLOR-Neer Doolop. on June 15th, the wife of W. Z. Taylor of a daughter. MARRIED. 7HOMPRON - ANDREWS -la Godettch, on the 16th. at the reetdenos of the bride's mother. by Ker. w. Godwin. Joni E. her list/mere. If Mops is Tuoniestet. of °oder lob • to serial E. &i- fall skis will flnd her classes here greatly in. riiCRIA)W-3TIRLING-In Leeburn. 00 1110 Was re Doss wlTH EVIL INTENT. -On rich. Hugh Thurlow to ARUes Burnes I T••••11•Y braes plate that tacks the door lock of the afternoon of last week the large 16th Jame. by Rev. M. McKay. of Gods , latch in position o &OMB of MOM herITIAO•. trimmed with ohiffees and oream ribbon and • beware of onset WORM gad lillim of the valley. The dation of Bridesmaid were pertormed by Mae Mary Strong, who wore a dross of ernes orepestrimmad with cream Woe and was !adorned Mite a bconst oi roses. Tb large number of beautiful and woeful pre- sents VITO practical exoreasioo to the en teem in which the bride is held. James Andrews. brother of the brid•, acted aa groomsman. An exciellent supper conalud• ed this islareeting ocoasioo. Horee or Rumor NoTte. -ew Mamba gre-arldIdog *tart wak. 'The latast arriv• FRESII rLowKt and GIARDBX" '.• s • BUDS MOTH CAMPHOR FOR FURS Reiter than the old way. 10o, bores and 1/10. IAOUSEHOL.D AMMONIA, PrantrottjttrpkrilfigE.s.&" 8% rr'4 lardie DY Toile up your whpraellwOlakN DwierilthT1OPI;S'IlTng 10.0WI) W 'C. GOODE, CHEMIST BEDFORD BLOCK PURE PARIS GREEN AND FREfili HELLEBORE LT 'DUNHAM'S DRUG &Tom aan. NI emall.M, • N0W TIME To Taink of a SPRING TONIC. There are maay good ones, but none quite in" good as ear • IRON TONIC BITTERS. • The eetioal fee Golds 111 _ not over yut. We expect to ell more C FELIC Ft Ft T -T I..x•rozrZCI. during si•Nes and APRIL than in all thes �O( the Winter. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. THE PRINCE OF WALES AT SHORT RALOIR. -George W. Smalley will oontribute an article on "The Personal Side of the Prints ot Wales" to the July Ladies' Home Jour - i&1. It is said that Mr. Smalley gives a uniquely tateresting, olose ,visw of the Price*, touchier in detail upon his great personal popularity to England, and the rations therefore, his love. of sports, hue pastimes, his social duties and diversions, and showier him as an affoottocate Son, a devoted husband. a levies limber sad brother. McKillop : Wm. Rae, • former teaches in section No. 9, MoKillop, has successfully Passed his s000nd year's examioation at To- ronto U aivereity._ carts& sad oonsistod of PkYatcal culture ale ere Peter Jor an, from Seafortli, Arthur es ant of be oh p. ti. ng eft and ile ted ted ear and he ook• alp movementa, drills, moitetions, tableaux and wonao„ frcre, Goderioh Jim ; Ellen strand evening woe Muis by from %Ingham, makica total of 74 in Faber's first appearance before a desforth matoo in the Howie at preaent; mat rantomimes. Fridsy audience, and her mihrotions were well ren- and 22 females. The mess eleettion ward dared, end reosived hearty applause from ege ow full tl at they ars oorripelled to p THE WEEKL.FermaillARK&T REPO eeesstoa. June 9, 1167.1 Fall Wheat mid) 0 07 to 0 e lour. Madly. per 1 00 to 3 00 !1011r, 901101. per I ZS to 1 00 95 Brae 111 t'312 • liS 00 Id Ori 20 3e 10 8 50 00 50 75 50 ILO 10 14 11 to ah• some of the stroniser men to sleep is tli hospital ward. Jae. Ray, jr.. from Wawa nosh, dangerowdy ill, with no hopes raooeery. The following remarks of th Rural Dean Hedging, of Seatorth, are to found in the visitors' book - " I have visit the Rouse t for the first time. Loll wee mo Pleased with its clean and comfortable a menace I hate visited other snob ins mations, and in once have I seen everythi in molt perfect order. The inmates all a sear to be very nippy and to bes treat with kindness by Mr. and filre. French their assistant.'" A few days minne wh the members of the County Cooped vias the Hones, Dr. iRelline of Exeter. sta that it the oouree of his professional oar be had visited a good many hospitals charitable ipstittitious, hut In none bad ever found the inners mors carefully 04 after or the premises more scrupoloa oleo°. drew.. named. daughter of David Et • DIED. HEVDERSON-In Uditich. on Thtuadae. June Din Jape. atm o WIDiam Header see. aged 46 years and 8 months. HAMILTON -At Cornwall. us ituudae. tart Leh lust:. Henri• 8. Dietitian. wife of C. .1.11.amiltos, M. u. 0, is ft le .11 11IETILK-01 THOWN. VOthS RepOPter'S Notebook elimers see la a' Ti, Coals. 1 rode Ottli it 1 • Odor's Amens le 'Mtn' Wattes. an* faith She'll resat It...*-Ssres. pont ethos and k..pI was taken off, six large soreers that held it having been unscrewed. So ter tbe person who removed the plate bag not bees dia. (fevered. though it was done la the middle of Use day. FLowsm se p Id 17 etc. -A intoosestul floral entertainment was held in Viotoriaet church last Friday eviiniog. The church beastliest was beautifully deoorated with flowers and plants lad crowded With. intar- , ested spectators. The chairmen of the 1 floral committee, Jacob Milers, presided and presented an excellent program omelet- ing of songs and music by Misses Swattield, Hillier. Bell, Johnnie, Hale, Henning and James ; reeding. by Mies M. Rusk 1 recita- tions by Misses C. Vivian, C. Fisher, M Wet hereld and M. Godwin and .0 ,44!," be Rev. %V. Godwin. Ar a memorial al the day est a diamond 111tiles Photo by Sallow, "Wit i needite. AJPI1ertregUre brethren attn= I's oadge who white glove, Would+it. not be more select to bas ef Pridharn s sults under the hadco Assco. Exec sews. -TM annual .1007 54011 to Guelph, and Guelph tam will be oft Monde), June 213th. ONTARIO PROHIBITION CoNVENTION. -The Ontario Province Prohibition oonvention will he hold in the FIortioultural begining on Tuesday. Jody 13th at 9 a.m. and closing at noon on the 14112- WiLi. THEY ENJOY 12. --The minds on the old fountains will be allowed to spend the Summer gazing down at the empty teeing and oar feminine residents and Sum- mer tourists will still wade ankle de•p in and to rot to the bathing house. ORATE OW ax OLD RRal DENT. -.1 Fullay._wikii for so many years was insuarer of the Be of !footrest is this town. 4111"1 in the masts' hospital. Guelph oa last Moe day miming, aged efi years, after an Blame of twiny weeks' thirstiest. OBITIIART.-Jawa Wilson, wife of Wm. Hendereon• died on Thursday after .o ill- ness of three days duration, sited 46 years, mudh !enacted by relativa and friends Doommd though of • retiring disposition wan widely known and her usexpeoted and isionsaLeudden death was • sorrowful 'cu- prite to her many lilliffas.--Tere-einidesa of tender years are Mit to mourn the low of • fond mother. Mr. Henderson and family have the sympathy of • tares °trots of friends and acquaintances to their bereave. meat. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from the reeidenoe 6? deceaseds mother, Mrs. D. Wilson, Britannia road, and was litraely attended. TO ADVERTIBEREI. Notice of changes must be left at Wm Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for change(' mast be left not tater than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted uri to noon Wednesday of each week. Shank . Ma • • iee,,•••••••••••••=..... Peas. 0 boolt.....saws .......• III. 2 tote Oats. • be& Old Hay. • tog ......... ............ 110 to Potelose. 111:1311 • . • ..... ............ 13 to Dotter.....rearrer.••••..- 9 40 7 W Kenitra& SSW** a $611•••••• 00 to Hides, •••• *Aw•e... 0010 40 to pelta . 61 u; ( a 50 to Bawil.flarn. ose th._, ....... 10 to cheese. itsw wi:.• • ...... .....• 0 .114• It to 'reicher Wanted No WONDER BRE MAPI TRIIRLIO).-Do you keep a sow If eo, whim Medics her tomb, just drop in a handful of Rioe's Pure Sett -Then yeah the cow -she will he tinkled into new life and won't do • thing but wall her tall all day long me 6 " thank•tou " for the taaty meal. 3 onu.itt ileloaLS.-At ski -Oloreire'e Sun. day oohed en Sunday • mitesing each mem- ber of the isfent oleos wait prawmtsd trios • Pretty Jubilee medal with ribbon tot at - mobile, to the person. They were the eift. 01 • sistribiir of the ohnroh, having been paced la the beads of tit. rector fog distil - 11051.0. OONVICTID -The Ingeinit chats ''••• Mein before *hs P. M. on Saturday, and oe th0 ottactinsioe of the eeideuni. Mc- Donald,•jr.. was foetid realty hut remanded for three weeks for Miletieles, With the ea- derstandIng that if the ebaia Is restored within that time, no prwebtatiez win be awarded. ROORIOAKIZATION OF W. C. T. U• -Miss Fiala:. of %Vihanti:ft, oounty president of Vr,C.T. U., lad raised in a must fullest and aflititent manner • number of liaise who were assembled in the temperance hall for the Dunmire of reorganizra a local W.C. T.U. After devotional 'torah's., Mrs. J.C. Bogie was «looted searetary pro. tem., and the business of reorganisetion berme. The following officers were elected : President. 14re. ; recardida morstary, Mrs. J. C. Boatel oorresoonding teretary, Mile Le Teazel: Mrs. Holland. The fleet regular roosting will be bold to. morrow (Friday) Is the teniperanoe hall at 3 o's'ook. All talsreerd in the cause 01 prohibition an oordially invited to be pies. .nt. 'bombers and ail contemplating join- ing the Union are speoally requested en be ormena be the FOrwrintandaste of depart- ments will be epee:septa and other bushings of Imporhasee will be brought before tlie meeliag. BICYCLE fiToLt N.-Seeforth Bryon On Monday merging lest, whso Altman Mustard, who resides on the London near here, got up and went to look tor bicycle where be venally kept it, he fo it was cot there. He supposed, hose that some member Of the Dimity had to it and that it would be all right and thou no more of the matter until he MUDS la in the evening. He then found that it been 'Rolm. He always kept It in the w shed 'Alumina th• house, and it was t wsn he telft1101111-Penthry night, T of a bioyole,•aloo. were visible going on the road from his DISCO. On Su 1110F0i0O. when be wont out, he fon Young fella* of tbe tramp order 'Bain lumber pile in his barn yard. On asked how he omits there. the fellow that he had come to the village late th effete night, learnieg that Mr. Id wanted to hire e man, and u the t were all in bed whim he alive& he lodging to the h mow in the bars. Mustard fay -tied Elm in to breaklai gave him • good ,viers meal. Is him into the hones. they passed throu wood shed whet.. tbs wheel was. an Mustard now retpeMbere that the eyed it oloselv, sithonsh 11. di think anything of the ocerorresoe time. Mr. Moaned has no donbt n the ungraterial feliger loitered ahem phioe all day Sunday and fepairi his k to him be stealieg his blonde on night, and trade eolith with it a. the initiated. It is a "Peet" wheel, end rood as new. having otily been in nse ef het ventoe. The reseal will. no ride it lot a while eon possibly. long this, he has sold It Parties having .honM be earidni that they are safely at citify. they are %ore easily melon horse and not Do midis trsoed the shove *as th tert, 14r. Mostard era. fatted by ConetahleGilleepke Bares latch, livery in that t hem left there by the thief to 'urea ten repaieed. While t being dime hi borrowed on 1 d has %Owl to rode tor: der Road his nod TAW, ken ght ottie had ood- here/ tanks. 11011th nday nd a la 000 being said • pre. ustard amity took Mr. t and taking gh the d Mr. tallow d erot at the ow but t' the Indians Sunday tracks is sa a pert Maw doubt, -.•-• - Infers blueish. housed than • Since MISItetalge Lieenseis. LANE. ISSUER OF -MARRIAGE . Limoges. Goderich, Out. %d-1) For Bade or To Rent. BALE -MOUSE AND LOT ON Weet-st. As I bare decided tope up boarders I offer the Sbov• Is In &Id repair for sale. te el inom new. paramours *pew McKINNON, Weetat. ktf J. E. DAVIS, Phro. B. Medical Hall. Agents Wented. AGENTS -Ms Best Popular Life of Her Majesty haws ever seen," writes Lord Lome, about " Queen Victoria." sales unprecedented. Remy to make five dollars daily. Big. commissioa. Outfit free to canvassers. THt BRADLKY-GARRETBON CO.Totontet. WANTED --Men and women who 01111 work hard talking and writing six hours daily, for mix days • week, and will be mama% with tea dollars weekly. Address. NNW IDICA8 00., Brantford, Ont. W4N1ED-Industrions person' ot either sex with good obaracter and oommen.11111111 ; • 005. obtain employeseat ee bee VOR SALE OR TO RENT -FOR SALE 1: or to vent, the dwelling on Nelsonet. at present occupied by Ir. eln3eeth. It *petals' 13 TOMO. induding drasetnir Morn. dining room, parlor and kitchen, and has a library• a number of alemets, pantries and zii.Tod oelDer There 1. 11,11 an acre of laud met y planted with shrubs and fruit trees. and an exoellent lawn. Apptg to 1'. BMIATEL on the pt.' .1.10. 10 -lin -- -- -.---- - rrEACHER WANTED -MALE or FE. A mala. protestant. holdine Ind or 3rd Mese certificate tweeted. for ft ti. No. 17. Ash- field, for the coming term. Applications with testimonias, stating eatery expected will be received up to July 16- JAB. 111cWHINZY, secy. Dungannon. P. 0. 2721 "VOR SALE -THE MUNRO DWELL - IC Inc known a Munro's 'Hotel situated near the 0. T. R. track oa the Heron Rose, For particulars apply to J Ali. MUNRO, black- smith. "VOR SALE --A VALUABLE FRUIT 1 and "rade farm on a good road withiti six miles of Clinton. The lot is No. 67. Maitland C000011111O00. Goderich township. and contains 75 acres. it yteids annually from 80 to 100 barrels of Winter apples. and ta a good grain farm, the land being a No. 1 else loom. There is $ No. 1 flISIDO hOUIDO on the lot, a good barn with stone *tables underneath, and A is well watered in every field. A largo oonio0 of the purchase+ money may remain on mortal/4e. !Pr terms, etc-. spiny to TH04. BURNS, Car- low P.O., or to W. w. FARRAN. tlinton. 1 ACET - this count/ Canadian • guarantee to live. Penner time. Liberal terms. roll S ent position. whole or can make t en dollars a week or better. with o • for e1e17 week eou work. No expel fence no .essary. 3119.01:472; 82,07/131313 002CP.Itirr. Continent al Nuroonos. TORONTO, ONT 1-3m VOR SALK.- LOTS tt9 AND '70 1 Smelliness's Survey in the Town of Tin Well Known Dalin_ Stallion • MItisse. Onderich uses which is erected a nice dwell MISS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER I i" of Music and Theory-experienont paw sin gegier,.lege. Comer Mirka tad Wellesley Streets, model at ly to BOLT & HOLMES. ri eh 6-tf FARM FOR SALE OR RENT -FOR et Miss. C. J. Rainureif.-Cora wall. Get., June 21.-11.0. Marainas, wife of Dr. J. C. Hamiltea. estmeyor, died ea three o'slook es Seeder witring aftw • short Meese. Aa eperaesse weir werferosa oe Friday hut abs trades& weakse.pd. The doesso'nd was • illamediter iif Dui eat Dr Dielnness. A (tool CALL. -41111 Rabat Hindanitia i5 morywlhe fres *Um* frook the systirn. the remit * UWE *II" a buggy. while ea a slats ts les ( rave The arehlest wee essitle Ittf • 1404 1 wore easel is warriairs by R40. . J. - et the (tangents elation hate • down rut. I," sell, at St. Mary's Aerie al 6 eskisit ss. \ at the time et the iriebett It In! am" 'Ara., amebic. Ter twiddles *Si • very that Mrs Reedemis• wee viniewille Ifermi. 1.1.6 0.0. oily e ire intislage triendewerm nisei 'Ai& has h• * T braithfeek Web wee arced iit the554 THS Na•riowAi, Mint.- The oational meet at Chatham this year promises 1,6 be the peer of all Gnaw ehampionship gatherings, and the people of the Mettle City am mailing extensive erraaremento for the wsoorninodation of their maw. At Pectinaular Peek an additional 300 feet of grand stand and bliaubers being *rooed, and this. together with what 1. already thorn, should be ample. The Irma te already in first -ohm *hap.. and with orimmodinne quarters fee 300 racing rasa the rimier part et ths mime should be fully up to the mark TM track le a half mils wig, pevbsotly safe pig very fast, and It is almost • oartaletry digs all previous ohasepiortship marks will go try the board. The mask last year held th• Oasadise 25 mile onsimMitive re- m& egg wag the sopa. of several very fest remora trials last fell 'The manage. nietio at* &emotes& that Does of the de- tails me seitteasry by • propervIcasetted mI'. ars asenste. wet g haul to get awaytelse • bee lbs bias pemibie 'baps. Caurall Sferenix mks J. osseball sad Altizemilsr Moisten Pu- NotIoe. - - 711611t CONNECTIONS - MESSRS. Humber & Causer are prepared to eon. newt dwellings aad private drains with the new sewer. Prose on soplaatioo. MUM - HER & CM:AIRY. WANTED -1 CAN PAY TEN DOL - tars weekly to • lady of nature age. re- finement and tact. to spend her time In a good MON. T. H. LINSCO fT. Toronto, Ont, WE WILL PAY WEEKLY SALARIES of li•orn *lose to *10.2o according to to( oanvessere on ••Q6oen Victoria : Lrrt ltelgeftwftereesetaianonth our big commission. 'pis Diamond J ubilee booming this wonderful volume. keeping all hands working early and late. The only Can- adian work accepted by Her Majesty and en. domed by the Royal family. A beautiful big hook ata small pricer. Hurry your amdlos- rion. THE BRADLEY-OARRETRON• CO., Lid. Toronto. Ont. sale or to reet.as trreelient too are farm, being lot 14, oon. Srd; West Wawanam. it is about V miles from Goderich, the same dis- tance from Lucknow and 3 from Dungannon. The 1.1132 In in good oonditior, the buildings aid fP110194 being first cleat. It is well water- ed. The soil ti a eay loam and there 1s fair d ead Deering orchard, Keay terms to an early purchaser. For particulars apply t.o A. DUNICIILD, 27-tt Lstrndry. Aulquive.-ANY ONE REQUIRING LJ Wed islander work done at moderate rates. apply tb MRS. PMCK, Btanleyet. sear Belcher. eskers. s-tt Tonsorial Artist. TRATZgLY, TONSORIAL ARTIST, . Rot and cold baths on prowl/se. Ilea- toanting.shampoolog and (1V107 other requir ment oaretally attended to, and none bed oom- peteet hands employed. Williams' old sla0101.005 *�W ng, blook• next door to Britlah abeam* 010561 �.1f "VALUABLE TOW ei PROPERTY l'OR ✓ 8 &LE -The brick residence overlooking the riVer sad lake forroprly occupied by the late A. Macllermett seq.. Master in enamor, Ore of the meet valueble and desirable pro- portiee in town. ..2...ntgatro-storey frame dwelling house on lob Fachange Hotel, at present occeigille South "Ttennedsentir ortiotalaat Mr. Andrew WaddelL 3. The deintling house and adioining grounds near the O. T. it. station. FOTINOWIF occupied by the lats Judge Toms. 1)rioes and tanne of Payment retainable, ap- ply to GARBOW & PRODIITOOT 704f Sobettora Goderich. FARM FOR SicLE. . IV RSV Id altriNE SHOPS --A LL KIND 1-1 of toper Work dotie at neasailahe i•rioes. Farming hneleesents for sale. Mach Mei. new and second hand, bought and sold. Engines and Boilers for wris. Staad-Bates Streets. J. BAXTIR RUSOIMA14.Tratartif W4 wagon oboe, career VictorMand Dscre 's wheel Arooldi own. It have • lie work • of the in IS, se firm whes s that while Mr. Iliatard ba. got his bicycle back, AO* & *eft are mit one. • 0 11.. U. 1Pligb ale tbdi topics for thee (111-• dettitillIeZigellitelen whine meet 1 Nerthat If chetah K L of rift., rrolay wised, st n'olodk. On Joss Z. decides ef sasses. the Kretetimidtardi T.P.S C.E.. meek trite Meg III Tesepseatio. Vistadkaliwt (March ILL. of C. Itlttba) weds* its 8 o'cilook. ggs seggiglig ta.it.sd to attiwill times , eels& laid la th• bassawats . Members hien weir seddallei 11111 Invited to be present, sail VII be terfredle tranciaid. Colfclutv --Seefrorth 0.. . illasses* wows* *A the asesetway awl aline bit of MVP Flaw, 44' •••• nateriainssent • • it - -" sWs Imam*. Ube 11•Anteir the hottgee surinte. al v. • MAR.. wm,AmmAmal WOODLAWN Will be Kept for Service during this Season at iny Premises Con. 6, Colborne Township. I am instructed to offer far sale ooe of the bast 100 sore taros is the °cunt, of Huron situated within 7 miles et Doderion The farm has not foot of waste iand on It and the soil le a rah olar loom free from all olinernoue weens The boneless are first-class, consisting of • frame Acmes wen' stone foundation end cellar. idtcheo. wood•hpd end all necessary outbuild- ings. A traniailara, ef1.3e. and oedar been, 130. all in good repair. There are two sores et oroh ard . The term bee bean in great for the poet twelve years, and is siteetdd within • Mile of pees -office. school and clutroh. It le humid:Wan Almost new board fence monad the fhoill and side. and the bedew°, by mile. A spring creek and wells supply 'Wand ascot of water. No encumbrances now on the nroserti- Price VOW. Ter terrus and further particulars apply to WITU8 IL DANCKY. Mar. I. MOT. Godericb. Ont. WI SIRS RL RSsiDENCE AND terounda for edie In Godsrich.-Mrs. Ole. Cox offers (0r.'1• the homestead of the tate Oro. ()ox. situated Pearly opposite the Collegiate I itate, ea Britannia Road. Tbe groan f ntin on terms is st. len Matosial and are wail Peat ami I4f tree, Grapes some 14 vane- ° oontainIntehotee Apple, 004 .U'txft' f 11 tads a lame !awe and a variety of shrabbery. The Hones is a two-etary frarriN on stone foundation. wood stone caller with concrete dem and ls fitted with mite& shutter", seism windows aan doors. ft owitalns wirier. Bitting room. dirieferoem. 6 Troice opetairs and 2 down). kitemen. alla, . gantry. eta. wood aad coal a ed. stable and other out- buildings. .Abundanoe of hard and son water 6106 W641=tr Services The please is incze: bettor Math, (D rto0 f07 005C V1111141 mid ow tonne, -For nimbi partionlare =Tr trIARR. 0390. 00X. ea th, premises. pinatov Witter T 05 SAAR, 13'07 TTOU KASS* TOO RIM - - Ten IffatfftWorprreni LOAN 01.111PANT Botivirroinielt and Mimeo Direarfeuspound every ste =WI at Mee weit 'not. siestrim. on AVOW Ms to tagaase9mlied& -ThWeeltese will fiat Ole sae ••• Woodlawn is one of the very beet bred sad beet gaited stallions in Ontario a id has proved ittmscif a good sire. He 10 by Ridge- wood No. 1Q38. by etyadya'a liamb rtoniaa 10. 14' His dam was Elder Ix, wnie, 117 Alamo, 359. years old, record. 2.34. Alaroo by Aimont. No. 13, by Alexander's Abdslah. Ridgewood. the etre of Woodawn, has • number of bones with reccatds better than Yates to hie credit and as Woodlawo's dam was emia •asaill-kuatLinaneetelPrP4p#Og lines there is no roesonliT/Wimeitit- should not develop tato eqa•liv fast bettle•, Oood Paetttre Dro%ided at retainable rate . TIMMS-To Insure • foal. $8, payable 1st, 1898. Insured mares moot bo rst regrilAtly to the horse or they will be c full insurance. Persons disposing of their mere" before foaling time will bo he ld respon- sible for insurance money whether in foal or noit. Persons trying their mimes and not re- trirein theme regularly to the horse will be obarsed full Insuranoe price. All accidents a tne risk of owners of mares. ANDRZW A. YOUNO. Carlo" P.0 1011r-- WWI " Wantod. WANTED -00 (100.) 110. CASH fee saelea fresh easter. We are now hurt*, rose. batter and wool,.ffigliest prime ease or trade. O. R. MIDIO. w MOMS. /es dew day. ea Ye brew. Stilin, sin. Sam Riraesdy wore etiot...eselizel sell vet ratewaseeds: 1111'=essba46= gl ems three ptesille. net n • ged-diedl* 11, seisibt nee BoardinOt• OARDIRS WANTED -1 AM PRE- % accommoilate • number ot 05. Woes convenient to cation end Reiss reisouabia. MRS. HORNRT ./111111041. DOARDItS8 tot rarreD - HAVING vrirdItralkaftse WOW, i asp tea oramisits_ or Sott- alt. sent etnemcdste a number or bee7Aire7Stir reiher both ble end ream. Rate* re:agn= 11M. ta0 SVETAIS LANZ MILL RUL boOSLif LUtI norm'. 1 Istetts"=tet•se ramie arts= JUBILEE DAY 65.+:4.1410":42 cartz,== trills"1"Tegil. 1=tass=sbsd4l itil $ejna. - 6111116nPaskt atom 7' "MM. I TUZSDA.Y. JUNE find. 1697. bebop the day appointed es • general holiday throughout Her Majesty's Dominions, a Grand Promenade Concert undo, the rand immesh ip of W. A.. curs'. will be given IN THE RINK WEI9T-ST. 000111111311. BY A Chorus of Sixty Yoke* amehtted The Harmony Orchestra 'The program will costaln the latest and best jubilee Choruses and Part Songs. dolor, 1)110(10, eta Doors open at 130 ; to commence it P.n. Adaallastee Mc children soder it, It or farther partIonlare elm program. se ar• loge os 8*15 mois beede,-"ww. soollica 20R4.011 itiMaape S. 116,6091241. PHRENOLINE . . . • the sew 811.005$51ft POO BROWN'S BALA141 FOR COLDS. •• b2,1.100'S IRON WILLS, 25a • box emoramm...•••••• • PiPrelarletillea tareelr /IT ins 1 W LoN's PRSSCRIPTION STORE. agir giseep beak If geode are sot se rept