HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-24, Page 4•.r,, THE SIGNAL-CYODER.10111161(Plikit16.4. In. the FREEMASONRY persist in its reported threat to THE DIAMOND JUBILEE CYCLEDOM 'E. 8C D. Cleveland Bicycles are recognized as topnotchers. WHY BE SMALL FRY when for a little more toothy you calf feel eats, and enjoy to lis tulles* ex- tent the pleast1re* of wheeling. 1f you rent • wheel, give the CLEVELAND CYCLE LIVERY • Irbil, or. if you wish to paroles°, call l• and have • chat with w. You get the benefit of our long experience ftw. GEO. F. EMERSON Cleveland Cycle Livery. Oooerlch•ed Clinton cifxgual, re ' Mauve= EVERY THIIRSDA? MORNING 111f teYQ.LCEMT Terme •7 somiertrItee One month, 1. advance $ 7 Three mouth39 ., RI: " Else year. Advertising mates. f[rggo�l end other casual advertisements, 100 re lige for Anmite lneertton. and 3 ite per line for each subsequent insertion. Measured by • g0ntereii Made. Business cards of els lines and under, $5 per year. advettls eV ot Loot, Found n R ns'(ituations ened awl Ch w Wanted not soeeding tl tinea waver,. $1 per Month* e p rHouse, iters, SI fn ordC t month. 600. perdub syguenttmmonth. Lamer al,,as.tint4proportion Igsg promote t) a pecuniary be set -01 say vldual a oompany, to he a neldeeed an 64. Vertfaameet end deemed socordtLocal notices in nontype oal7. sited,o notices lew than-10c,on* oast per • Local notices to ordinary reading two oeari per word, No notice for less thea bee. Notices for °bnrches Arid other religious and benevolent institutions nit fie Merl bee who felt tosort V•-TaaJtlasan regularly by mail. will c .neer a favor by ac- quainting nn of the fact at a. oarly an date as poral the r.Wlsher's Settee. pp ntad�LocalTr' e Travelling Attestfortheetotown- ships of Ooderich. Colborne. AabOald and Wa Local w Local potmuten over the district are also eulpb.'end to reo.. vs .ubseeiptlooa t4 Tea !Slott At All cowmunlo•tlons must be addre.Md D MCOILLiOUDDT, THa hies Telephone Call fe Dodo/Joh Ont. fiQDERIC I. THURSDAY. JUNE 11. 1817. FROM THE QUEEN. THE following cablegram was re- ceived by His Excellency the Gover- ner -General on Jubilee Gay - Juke 22 7397. Government House, Ottawa, Ont. To His Hon°► the Lieutenant Governor, Toronto. Ont. " Rideau Hall, Ottawa, 6:30 a. M , hast greetings, I have lustroom ved the following; ' Bnoktogbam Prater. Lindon, 22nd, the Governor-General of Canada, Ottawa, 11:7 A.Y„ ' From my heart 1 thank my beloved people, may God bleu, them.' " (signed) •• VICTORIA. R, and I." The following is a copy of the reply sent to the Queen. To the Queen. London. Ottawa. Monday. 6:12 A d , 11:12 A.N., Oreenwlob, "The Queen's most gracious __fid-teeliewwmeseeate-t iecroetrtent shell immediately be made known to your Majesty'. people throoghost the Dominion and will stir afresh hearts already full on this niemonble day. W e offer the glad tet• bete of loyal devotion sad of affeotionate homage ' God `lave and Bless the Queen."' (Signed) Aslan*tlr. Ooveroor•Geeerai. lengthen out the session the birds of peerage may Wive 10 return and NNW piece the work for which tbiitsl care to receive full pay. The place et eyery aosiber skald be in parliament dur'i*R the sestions,_�� —Now ie the season of H• avens to sae that the voters' list iii your par- ticular locality is in good shape. The next Local election will be fought out on the Bata of this year, and every Liberal shook! see to it that no naws is left off in his district. Get in your work on the lists of 1897. 01 Our Queen and Emprtess• 1ndIa's+ It may not be generally known, but it is an absolutely undeniable fact that Sir JOHN CARLING is the only Conservative statesman who has been appointed to the DEERAGE this year. And it didn't require " a long pull and a strong pull " to do it, either. —And now our Canadian Premier is the Hight Honorable Sir \Vir.rRID L.{VRlsx, G. C. N. G. It looks queer in print, awl particularly so when we remember what a good, straight, square, honest democratic representa- tive Mr. LAURIgR- really is. To use his own wor•dr, " I am a democrat to the hilt." —The majority of the members of the Senate have not yet discovered that the people of this country want it to be governed in accordance with the wishes of their duly elected repre- sentatives. If they continue in ill doing, tbey will be rudely awakened from Heti aeries &billion one of these days... —If *fie Senators attempt to carry out their threat to burke legislation we will apply to the Right Honorable Sir WILritID LAUSISa to aploint us to tilt; Senate an we may have an op- peetweteleer.-reforteingthatti611y. We are eligible for the position, as an es- teemed contemporary recently remark- ed that we were almost too good to live. as 03.10. serval- rubric Sebes% Pupils Celebeasa It - aeeadng ss Casson rreeWstu the nate sad • rosrlesse s:eacert Rads 11. The ceisbrat(oa of tier Illales tr's Da- mmed Jubilee oommened4 is-Oedertoh oa Standby afternoon with the attends -Doe of Sons of England, Sons of Scotland, Frei• masons, Oddfellows, Orangemeo, Ancient Foresters, Canadian Foresters, Home Circles, United Workmen, Template of Temperance, Cno.ttp Friends, Arwnumites sod Woodmen or the Wort at Divtce service in St. George's obaroh. About 2:30 p m. the sooieties marched to the court boom square, and at 3.15 march- ed in fours to the church, which was nicely decorated with flowers and Begs. The officers of the Bow of England wore their official collars, all others in the pre- cession • jubilee badge. The Asa of Soot - Land, however, wore bonnets, a feature that did not lessen the appearance of the united brethren. As the orders marched from the square they were met by No 1 Company of the 33rd Battallioo, under command of Captain Holmes, which sated Se a guard of honor. Arriving at North street the societies were halted, formed into line, opened out, and entered the church in reverse order, the Sone ot Finland oocupying the pleoe of honor by being the Brat order to owes through the ranks. Shortly after the church was packed. the service commenced by singing the hymn. "Ail People that on Earth Do Dwell." and then the service as outlined by the Arohbuhnp of Canterbury and the llishop of Huron followed. The preacher, Rev. Mark Turnbull, oboes for his text, " The memory of the jest is blessed," and from thew w•rdatpnaobed an exo.11eot sermon. The Rev. gentle• man's discourse was most etteotively Retest- ed to, and ao it treated et Her Mbajeesy`• Ione and Lisped reign, and was loyal to the con. it must have stirred the patriotic are in the breast of every son and daaghtet' Of Britain present. The service was 1.11 aboral and the oboirsang the musical past of the servioe exceedingly well. During • portion of the service Jas. Thomas assisted with the cornet, and during the offertory unmake. Cleft' tog Me. Tholes played the- •• Lost Chord," and played it admirably. It is said by some that the singing of " God Save the Queen " eau 3 minutes late in startler, end if it wee It was time well lost, for we ebonld not liked to have missed the briniest eulogists of our Queen with which Mr. Turnbull oouoloded bis sermon. At the cine of the eervtoe the societies marched hack to their several lodge teethe. Long before the bony of parade, the square had many visitors, and by the time ttt*t•.t division reached the rendezvous there could not have been lope than 1500 people present; and when the march to chards commenced the number had in.weased eon. etder•bly. On the return to their lodge rooms the brethren had even more auditors. All the divisions as they marched along were tee subject of favorable oomment, but our boys in red were evidently most to favor with the fair tier. The Ooderich company turned out thirty strong, looked remark• ably neat, and marched very well indeed for --the short time the men have been at drill. In addition to the oaptain, Lieut. Chisholm. Surgeon -Major }Dames and Pay- master Jordan minded with No. 1, and Quartermaster Beck, also in uniform, paraded with the brethren —The way in which Sir RICHARD CARTWRIGHT has co.h,thicteid the public bueiness etf this countrf since the de- parture of the Premier proves con- clusively that an adept in parliament- ary practice is still at the helm. There is no sounder stateaman, or better political tactician le Canada, than Sir RICHARD CARTIVRiGHT, and friend and opponent now al.ke acknowledge that —Up to the premank the Poottuast- er General has taken no action in re- ference to the Goderich Poet Office investigation findings. Of late the laliors involved in three sittings of the Hottefi each thy, together with the multifarious duties connected with the Post Otfi-:e department`have been of so arduotts a character, that little or no time has been left to Hon. Mr. MoLoce to attend tO ex- treinerigs work. We aro satisfied, n asal ea holideya, dee °rankers were early to the field, and held the tors t+hroughoat the day. Shortly after eight, people beget te travel toward• the O.T.R depot, and by 9 A.m., the doe for startles the special. at least 200 excutdontete were re the care, all of wham wen for Clinton. Pionio parties were on the move early, sad many suoh lett town for Beswiller. the Point Farm and they gooks on IiWtland'. bloke. Thera was Oes to Mene•etung Park, • vary lame one, and these present at the new summer recon speak is the highest terms of the good time ,peat ea the pretty ground.. The plow* to town, mottos up by the United Workmen sal held In the Har - bee Park, was, as is usual with any function under their auspices, smoothest 01 wares, as is usual with all holidays, there were mita, anglers—too say to *emirs large baskets. Haitian rid calling was ebjoyert by lovers of the water. sad though the limpid stream w•e not over warm, a large Dumber of boys enlo,sd a trim. Carriages wars well io evidence, but the cysts ruled the road, as they were seen on roads leading from town all through the morning, and all over tt.e town throughout the day. Ia the evening the 0000ert in the skating rink drew a good audience, while the boo - Bre of t he Sons of Sootloud &hearted • big crowd. The 0000ert was in ever, way a . snow., the arrangement being perteot, the singing of the choruses and the solos very good and tb• orchestra excellent. The num- ber of the program, as may easily he imag- iced. ail breathed love for the 314 Flag, and many times during the evening ch. audience showed that it wee io sympathy with the singers and the sentiment of the song. Spot* prevents os noting oath number, but we osnnot end the notice of the jubilee ooswrt without saying that Mr. Oafs deserves the thanks of our people for the inception of and the perfect manner fa which it was pro- moted to the public. .o.,. DIAMOND JUBILEE rho paella and teachers ot the Public' Schools celebrated the Jubilee in a manner that reit iated great oredit on all oorscierned. The tesithers devoted the dinner hour to the decoration ot the rooms aged, and the tiled WON a brilliant one, the walla being testefully dressed with flags and portrait., while immense toque+ were pleoetitievern frgem 'The ward. schools thoh had so excellent progrein and in each in- stance it was oarried tittough without a In the Central the following program was presented, the spembee beino to Ave minutes : ()peeing address, Meyer J. R. Shannoo readings, own composition. Miss Montgomery and A. Nasal ; recita- tions, Mime C. Fisher, Gram Dyke, Irene Acheson, M. Rothwell and Percy Edge ; reeding', Misses Eva Godwin, Nide Brown. Bessie Smith. Edna Straltoo and K. Mc- Iver ; speeches. the chairman, Revs. lid. Turnbull, .1. Mgt, W. Godwin, °batman of the Board Jas. Buchsosn. trustees Mo - Lean and Ball and Jae. Mitchell, and inter- spersed were • number ot patriotic moors given by the pupils. The recitations and readings were pertinent to the °cession as also were the rpeeehes. Perhaps the most &ageing feature of the afternoon was the enthusiastic applause that followed the *tiding ot each number, thus showing that the pupils not *sly en- joyed the promodinge but felt impelled to show it in a most efnphatio manaor. Whoa • few numbers had been given MI pupae stepped forward and stood ta front of some covered portraits, then Ernest Stewart, Doty Sallow., Lay Webster, Della Cluff, Therm Lewitt sad Franck. Arm• strong unveiled the portraits of Queen Vic. toria that hart reoeetly been platted 40 *eon room of the Pabiio *shoot As the covering,' qt the *twee fell the aaeisnoe roes and '00ed Bev* the Queen was. given right heartily be three hundred youth's:LI velem. The program in the building ended with the " Maple leaf for Ever," and at its oon• elusion the debaters adjourned to the play ground tor a little fon mail refreshments teathere. assisted by same ef the smiler maple and two or three trustees commenced serving the teii. sad es there were plenty et nukes,. fruit, mody and °their appetites, de. li soles, this gigot was a hearty ens and meth sejereit The washer, was proposed the, to (nou- rish. salvia and patriciate celebration of the Jubilee deserve the thanks ot ear loyal eitisene for it was • encore inevery way aed of neeseeley intuit have impressed the mons wkh their duty to God, the Qessol. tier montry mei their psreeta. The enveUing sif the portraits ef the Q1040114 14•6 • meat pleasant fesetion and the presentee el Mayer Shannon OA chairman a pleading leredmit ef the day, a der that will be rensesithreti by the bundrein of /eye end girls presoak in the years to andielia U144 as, as bbe Ceases). Tfit DAT. SNAP SHOTe. —This. is Jubilee week, and the editor is away from -home jubilating, Queen Victoria, greetiag— Here's to msny happy returns ei the —ALMIGHTY Voice is dead, but Nicnotas FLOOD DAVIN'S ornate oratory still awakens the echoes in the House ot COMWOns. --Now is the time to strengthen all the fences connected with Provincial politic% or there may be strargs animal in our political pasture 6014 next season. --Square the decks now for a fit and proper celebration of Dotninion Day. That is the most important an- niversary, NO far LE OSTIA& concern- ed, and every Canadian should do hit best to make it the gala day of the as settled it 'must be in. the note future. right and equity will be the nwlerlying principles that will guide the deci•ion of the Hon. Mr. MULOOK. --If we are in good health aod spirits sixty pears from the -22nd inst., blessed with her usual robustness of habit, we'll have another jubilee eh the °cotillion. —Considerable Absentia faetion is ent- reated in Ottawa at the manner in which a number al members skipped born the Capital butt week. leaving • osTleted House to oarry on the pae- ilaraensary work. Should the Sera* or erne WRit 0017,11111Y 1WArr lex-Memin Littnintallont Woes Set Want en Washington. June 17.—In an inter- view to -day ex -Queen Lilinokalani said of the proposed treaty between the Unit- ed States and Hawaii: "Fifteen hundred people are giving away my country. The people of my country do not want to be annexed, to the United State& Nor do the people of the United States want annexation. It is the work of 1500 peo- ple, mostly Americans, who have set- tled in Hawaii. Of this ntimber them who are not native-born Americans are of American parentage. None or nry people welttithe Wanda annexed. The population or the Wend is 109,000. Of tide number 40,000 are native M- eridians. The rest aro Americans, Ger- mans, Portuguese, Japanese. Chinese, English and a smell proportion from who are responsible for what wait done yesterday are running the anti% tbe "There Is no provision made in this treaty tor me. In the lIkrrison treat, I was allowed V20,000 per 'year, but that treaty never webt into effect. 1 have never received one dollar from the fink- ed States. No one looked.a.fter my in- terests in the prfparation of this treaty. Yet my people. Who form an large & pert of the population of the island, would Want justice done me." Pkrmonth, June 17.—Risthop Willis of Hobehilu has Just arrived here from Bewail_ In an irmerview he is eneted as saying that the feeling in the Winds is modest the United States and poetry Is favor of British annexation. But, he sews, Great Brttain •has held &root, a/ - aweigh p third of the capital of the Coun- try is British. 5 Onatinstrag, tamp Willie remarked that he newish that if Greet Britain would not tate the enontry, the next beet retiree was foy .Tapen to reinstate annexation ot the islands by the United States. the Rishop said that Om was only adviered in order to priljtirts.ne, se America d not "est the ishiwthi, "beeline& the law of o af leg there is filo doubt' that Japan WW enterer her claims la alma, is Whim f'd TIT her massarr prowl" aro SOO CODERICH = BARGAIN = CENTRE, We always have and always willgive the most for the money. We do not buy a lot of worthless trash just to see how low we can quote prices in the newspaper, but everlastingly urge obr might to sell reliable, satisfactory Merchandise at lower primethan elsewh(are. Facto are what count—not promises. Compare our 4 44 4 4 Table Linen in price and quality Table Napkins " White Shirts Ladies Vests Shirt Waists Corsets Flannellettes Cottons Hosiery Prints Dress Glook. Sailor Hate Laces 44 N 4 4 is a se 4 4 .4 4 a Results are the strongest tonins JAMES ROBINSON. COR SQUARE AND WEST -ST. CLINTON i 'LLO1(EATION The celebration of the Diamond Jubilee commenced in Clinton by the firing of am. non at early dawn, !.,(lowed by • fen de joie by the gun club of that burg. Shortly afterwards the rsoepM.s osssitt•e was es % e terse es- !MUM VOA wiring *Ess an dfreetisab' and u 9.30. ail the shear , sane*_ 1.1:-..** Macias to re- itii glee Nwe isikoilloee and visitors teem trederteh on the arrive of the special train. The members of the Godenoh council and ether invited geese were led dire -t to sarriages in waiting, anti when all were .eat - they were drives to the trotted, to take Dire io the pubiio procession. Shortly after ten the line was formed and the march oom- mewd--Zioneam• a -►ens hewof carriages 000taining the visiting oounoillon, other in. wised guests and the committee, thee ceme two battalions of the boys' brigade number- ing •bout 200, looking exoeedingly smart end trim. find wlarohing w well as many Volunteer Rseimeota. A. may be erpeet-_ ed the clever little soldiers ware loudly ohee•ed all along the fins of march. A nio, iv arranged royal owrrlage next appeared. its 000upaau being • good looking repre- sentat•ne of the Queen, two handsome and well dressed eosida of honor and tour pretty little pages. The oarriage was drawn by four hors mob of whom was led by • mil- itary attendant, and the wall arranged, and brightly onnoatved idea we. loudly °heored. The British Egnpire, • number of pretty' girls representing ita different parte wee fol- lowed by • very pretty concert Britain is 1857, represented by • girl ander a (annoy surrounded by flags rep:•esentine the differ- ent parts of the Empire. The Ferris wheel a good Ides was next, it was fitted with tour mete which revolved. three being mem- pied by osrtoaturee of men. while on the other 10 said, " giri' get on." The elite of Clinton was then on • rough dray. and re - promoted a H,akeayrise reader. reciting Shakespeare to an old man and three buy.. Carson City.' prize fight. and the 49th Irub Highlanders in Kilts, were next in order, and then a single sshisl revolving en its hub and oarrying two boys appeared. Irish vs. Seotot, plying boll a well got up Dork- ing ,rooster, a rig trade out ot • barrel by passing an axle tbrot(gh eaeh end, wee 161- lowed by the Sone n ogiaad in full regalia. .4 girl in • pretty loo nq.hoe(we wont ment- ion the size) riding on a bioyols was followed by r►on.eat•tives of the leading ooentri•e of 1111931M.149. PO 311bfsjs..._-.They, Iwasaki i mQ amost creditably dressed, sad rs- Temillay mowed seepieithaly. the gen shwirbeg hese kr amasser troloweitor. ted lig Weather hely pleasingly wareper. AI le A PECULIAR CASE. The Ketene toil Farnihre Co, Ltd. g U DISTRESSING RESULTS FOL- LOWING VACCINATION A TOONO DAUGHTER. OF DAVID 1/0HA1DT, Or 7110375, TRS VICTIM—HAS SUTV01ED THE 11ORT INT1Nfl1 AOO.NT—DOCTORS TAILED TO HELP HFL mita. Australia. Atrio1. India and the West Indies. and following them was a long line la the bicycle new three Goderith boys brought away 'Drives. they were, A McIver 1st, and latittotrao 2od in the one mile nom, with the %item 2 14, and E Belches 2aid in the rawe for iele under sixteen. In the afternoon t greatest intersfst WWI shown in the galne et ball between the Oriente. of Loudon. sad Goderieh, whith atter an exordient ambit ended a• folio : London 0015 21)04-12 Dr. Shaw, umpire. There were also tudp of war. a number of other overlie, sod thi boys brigade at drill, the last named sttreptisg much favorable °moment and evoking ocimederable ohm.- ing. The fire "mike dllePiett, that nonoludend the day's bill of fere, wm • splendid one end well espeld these visitors who voltaic; for the last train. The tows wes dmorated,In boner of tho doe from the 'summate nee ot Sage ths, embellishments were moat eterathive; go where yeti might la the town of Clinton on Jubilee Day the flier that hes braved the battle sad the broke ow thousand -years was idways evideses Streamers were detietell evert the tdwn, the weed vrelentee being fah vastly reed thereon. though slang the more pulite strelllai they renewal, bore baseriptions referrino te the Queen arid her sel/iv their deselftwii, Clinton viewed from sot tette of the tennhass looked brilliant, mid it is but fair tof that the large number of well d , geed looking we - men were • alter e addition to the piotoreeque town, tad that the whets d▪ en. its part te benrwthe the grades* spool la &littlish history, atifl the world's greatest From the Femme biewe-Psoord. Near%y etery'r»r.00 in this section is na- y ttaiated with Mr. David MaHardy, the popular leader of St. Andrew's church choir Fergus. Our reporter called upon Mr. Mo - Hardy at his home in Upper Nichol recent- ly. and from him and bis estimable wife a tale of terrible suffering wee *totted, suffer. ing that has hrouibt a eedi eioeplionafly etroog sad healthy °bald to the verge of the grave. The subject of the sketch, Lena Mo._ H.rdy, i* tourtesa -news- of •ge, end here - w{A—It'i"'obv�ed on as usual by ►b sees oovsalcn. ARE IN WANT OF DRY ELM, +BASS- WOOD, BLACK ASH. FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN s - l sneer FOR SAWMILL _ - r tachange for �- The guidon, hsethefees ferried se by the 1 Jima etewart at the above VUlawaiel APPLE, PEAR, PLUM and CHERRY TREES Evergreen Trees a Specialty! me stock IS vomplete. end intending purchasers will Hod It to their advent. ewe to mircharf horse 'trews trees A Pine lurortment of Hot -Hoose Phints, Hanging Baskets, and Bedding Plants in Beason. Orders by Moll promptly stteeded to JOHN STEWART ESTATE kiENMILLER NURSERY. stitotion appeared to be ootnpletely under- mined. end her en -petits had orensiethly fail- ed. The last doctor °sited in gave some °ring, hut it did not give the patient any benent. Nine each rathertngs have appear- ed sines thet time, Lot each broke aod die - appeared of les own aocord, only however, ito be followed by another. The child be- came very puny. and little or no food would remain oti her stomach. At night she would fairly wave with he pain in her arm aod back, aad consequently het trouble was sr- gravatod by a loss of sleep. Sbe had the beet ot attendance bet to no avail, and she was slowly bat surely *whin Friends ad- vised • treatment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis and as • lest resent they were tried. T° .6° surPriet noth.sarsste_amilsieas... Lina began to improve soon after beginning the ow of the pills. Her soprano returned, she became stronger and her genersi health much improved. Thai wins have net yet lett her back Mid arm, but her constitatiott beiog re very much improved under the treatment with pt. Williems' Pink Pills oars. Mr. and Mrs. Mollortly thenk Pink Pin. tor the present imptatved rendition of their ohild, as they have dote her more good this the score' of bottles of deetor's medicine which she took. Dr. William's' Pink Pills are • blood builder end nerve reefers,. They supply the blood with heti?. end health -giving pre- lewitlpe. thus drivine dime,* from the er- ten. • There ere numerous pink colored im- itations. against width the public is warned. The genuine Pink Pills oan be had only in bathe the wrapper arouse which bean the full trade mark. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Reims all others. Mese et 1141•edre Oterha. Ths look of thotaeo, as wad Alpe, 'Threadneedle them% employe useely 1,100 elerrk*. The Meal slumber of the hash's elflefh1s 1,31:10. the yearly Wailes e leeitellbe he $1,30Ct000. The total new me • haat Wei *eV& 4•068111, j,7 IA. basks t maw" asestme Cakes, Pies, Tarts. Ready for the Rush. bakery, for your Forty Cakee and Puff Paste Tarts, Oyster Patties, Minos Pies, Short &seed. All kinds of Cakes kept on hand. 011itito left by ten in the morning be made and delivered the same daW: Wedding Cake. --Ornamenting and decorating of the late* designs with a fancy assortment of Wedding Cake fill Cilppilptibppisini It is the Neateet, Latest aad neediest Rotivenir 'mist issued of et PORTIM8 wito tale the exefash,e foe County. Leave your orders et owe, ap a 'limited number of novice (beyond thdroe ordered) be printed mice ?ER COPY. -25411. J. 4/1, go; antholised eget arikesu two% will so - weeds tif 94) ea . The Lee- fait atk vat ter Way tisaaselisea PtaM:11 110611V011*