HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-24, Page 3yvau-tisittir-of ��r• 00 41t only fol. those 'ho' hsre aonsilmptipn or ho have inherited a ten- kkncy to it.' - Almost its ` featelt use. is for those whose condition is 40. im- paired u not to be dile to get the good they should out of their or • say food; In Dimly eYery case with these, _Emulsion of Cud- liverOil bringsback appetite, stimulates dignand restores color and plumpness, controls the diseases of thin- ness. Book about it, free, sorts. sad rn, err, at all druggists. THE SIGNA.I : 6ODERICH ONTARIO. "asseRsi' "ig Tlie ttt� itiRSTON When the DIsN tgW fflies-the bloom falls dreary r • Aad love to the habil of the wisdom et home -- Tim light of tag love of myAe•rta• Oh through the lonely heart there rims A Dots w straege, sod yet well known ; Oh from the past swill ntemoryrbrag1 Ty.eghts which were mute and ant mdse owe- • From monotones meadows sounds the call Which led ms to lpastures Fail Aad .boss through11e y Of tamp that were or mmgot Wave baso. Trait happiness if understood Consist. 4001 is doing good A raindrop tell from the is o the day was en sky And a gray bird eras nigh. The crystal drop wee lost in the rain - By an arrow's thrust the bt, t was Hain. si:OTT • *uW KE, a.'ur,u., one DentlStrV adNICHOLSON, L.D.S. �— 111 Rom. opposite the Peet Moe Geld rlWoR. CrowneBridge sadWort a lipeofatty. id Tsars Sxpei nes. LM. MABB UU DH .K . L.D.S..-DEN• , TAL SUFatil)N.-1.0• st and Preserve rd oof the o•tnr•I tfor an denial• • 9 otalty . Omc• } ever James Rabbis P 1 dryee de store. cor we of w•M M. ass__ T ef x. TURN : JLL, D.D 8., LD.&.- . Dolts' Mara eo.&ol•ted with I. Disco. of Meats el �Go i.oand porne- Wal• artificial tooth sweated on gold or •Inm- foam *sees. special attention Riv tothe in ,rsosr�•tiro of th0..tu•1 WAIL MOO 1loLoan's sew *look. eal illedleal. ���TT elk A. THReIkkaws OMSON. t r'ty mowed by D, say es eeweet. Tdghe.S 4S. DR. L HUNTS& PHYSIaN. BUR - rem, lie. osIer••Srn•• street. MO rims dance latelyecu iSA �] . _ _bCU r4 Iv* rale from resideses. 1ov'p 1gtiportant Events In few Words For BUOY Readers She used we ds riaA toes Oar remotions*ala m•r-A ss*Msa it nT'- FOLITl06-11. YBi IA L. Advice* nom Constantinople sate that Sir Philip Currie, the Bridals Ambassa- dor, bas served notice on the Sultan that Great lidtain will ander no dreamscap- es! syoment to the retrocession ot Thee- AW c train oo the Toronto, eraiesJ & YAW conveyed s party tx italista from Toronto to Owea Sound. 1' . 1.2 miles, in 2 hours aid 35 min- utes, making tie tartest time ever made ou that railroad. easy ALT'S•• A teardrop fell from • heart's o srfiow And • maiden's soar w . fed sad low ; Yue the one rhe deemed K awn true d steam Peeved false W dreg NEWSPAPER STORIES. Compiled Ateseeetye ewe ansa •• rd hie note to Spain presenting the ulti- matum of the ,United Nines.-ou the (Ratan gwwttoi. Irhe suuiallega.`at hOt has lust control n fagotmei • b� o 't fret om can et the lires"t[1tn 4rerost citizens, anti that .he has tailed to com- ply with her treaty soft RE:, tits t. •t/1. ■.w Sl. anew. A little girl, six years uld, was on • visit to her grandfather, who wags New England divine, celebrated for hie logtoel powers. " Ooly %Irak, g & idp&. what Uncle Rob rya" dare.. What dor he say. my „Why. be says the moos et made of mem cheese. It isn't as supposeyoufind oat for Well. obtld, yourself." , " Haw I. .dpnd me what it says., Get year bleleand �• •• Where shall 1 bogie . ' " Begin sr the beginning. The child sat down to reed the Blb:•. he Balms schapter of Genets, andot more thou half :had read shoat the creation of the stars end the ani - mole, she came tack to her grandfather. bur aro alt bright with the gzasames% of die• NR•ry-- •• l`•� d groodokIS isn't . he QO* sok tib ...111dpiereima gay perinea. — - yslal. I * t O. CAILZRON, BARRISTER. 11 M. cum ceava••eor. O Cabanaee-oof- > gum and 8L Andrew 77-17 ERNEST BEATON = BARRISTER, gg�slleiter Solari --'aloha Aohssos's Kiosk. wait fflseeK _ fw•lt... Ts • TuuesPar, Jane 24, 189x. 3 . PERFECTLY SATISFIED Thia_allielho story wh.nvet It is beak -red by inany good iadtlre mn7 let ,tare at tigAtiht to that artiste *.'t to ca fur here veal repeats the ruined A cable despatchyhas already pss•t"l that buels�b at � Brinell. ' raw entertained to Thebe Yet it �e-,u-llenetxl W4Jk'' li ll be that tely recalled from Cuba. will he expedition los being fitted oat to An r punitld► the turbukot natives who ta•ac eronsly atkacked • British sth force n he Toehi Valley, on the tier. Engager William is X17 pressing w1i not be satin Isis nava, scheme, d n l g L.. un esuntil the French and Il•u- equal f„oting,.wdth tbe elan nooks. Herr Hauser, the invt•utor of the wt41- known rifle bearing his mamt•• has sub• niitttrd to the German liar Oohs aiyt new ntechariien that is appYcahle to p ls and earbiews- gimta rill that • A dt•speach from ked mtiWll body of Brit.itd and native troops ,. n the northern frontier were attacked Its a large torn wowse 4'natives. Two Imperial troops _- o,f7u'ers were killed. f the 4Rth High- lander G. Strwart, won the Emir'* lander of Toronto, r. baloeet, at the t., mpPtitrein. bayr•s►5t ant et I*ling- ton. Jf on rdvetMing all comers. regu- lars and retorter*. pvCLASSITIsD. The ham liven 'birth to a daughter, ias o t w ei•Ib trbdeclared that the bonic plague eneti in Jeddah. Mani- toba ��xtsc sin WlndLodge hat tuba i to A. nceMit ell of Winnipeg. won Mr. 8. M til a $ I)11 teuowali9 at the Johns I1 pkin' Bal University, Recent via Vancouver, B.C.. say that the tataitlies fro n famine and plague in China are appalling. Cal A.n rthqu*b. *bock w t nt in which numwrecked un anter b toil caused wrecked man? buildings soEe lose i+mmen. oRogers. the American oat*' man, ham accepted the challenge of Ed- ward Darman of Toronto for a rice fog =1000 a side. Judge McDougal has dimsasre the 9etition Tamale the Toale opponeeta of Eaaday 8' a gemming mad scrutiny °tthe vote SUMO' 0- , ie Montreal City Hall and its con- tests were �paf, 404• costsYin coninectloffs to n with ahar�ebolies* Mr. Wm. Howlett of Pickering hl dead, u the result of injuries sustained by coUldiug with a horse and cart wbik rid - Mg his bicycle. Mr. W. 11. Burkmanager of the 41- N. W.telegraph (lance at Ingersoll. aspb stated by the gar in Isis bed which he neglected to taro off. PURELY YUBAONAL• granted Lady Charles Ross has err granted a divorce from tier husband. Henry Itosa. and the counter -suit kits been distutsaed• understood T'hu Csar sad Czartt> ted troiecause their se bechild greatly ids also daughter. She *.coed child Is a a i will be named Tatiana. The Earl of Itauturll, Governor-Gen- eral of t the gems by the Allan line ateit timsh ip =ran which arrived at •Monett *L Ile will make s tour of Caoeda pro- ceeding to New Zealand. ICR, 801. E cal[Plodit Q -o• >a�eT totter. Swart. An O�ss ant Ksdl•el Square. podermh. M u JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 80- oedel k. Oat. Uoibr. eommtidoao. •10, M edsriw isaa' otmoe• : ear. Himlltm •sd tt tlwsa. 1 OFTIIS IL DANCEY, BARRISTER, 1- &shelter, (esveyOsr, to.. M• Nat lemma mtgs. Bertots one: tmtoss Cdbors, Hetet. Soa d& Os'' '-""tl N. LEWIS BARRISTER. PR04 .11:4.1rezi tiiirlitlab• Comte el Orris R0. HATH B &REINTER, SOLICIT al`'lariat rases hawse& 100- A situs well-keel/0 London mealier Dever prepares bis esrmooe tor the Sunday aattl late in the weak. Oa Saturday sight he shut himeelt up in kb study, chose his text, sad Mean :o work out kis ideas. Bet Ws wheels of thought drove so slowly- t • of Pewotitesee suede sands Mewe •t asps anor GARRow �spr�*Pya�oo��,,; slob J T titrrow 4a+ •••"7"112. O. OstfMe ' la - ei Sorsa••• 00 ASCE& J a WARD, � �. • send rioter*. A CA5. IiOH, ROLM*- u be ,trove i. vein. The memo° would OOre l)..p•tnag ot spoors that night he retired, Wet coo •wakesiag be was mistreat. ed with the awful Mete of affairs, the gray,' it y of which only mss alba have bad a sim- ilar expatiates can realise. ♦ three hoar Cinrob service was -trod_ . had his text, it was true, not a H a hue of thought was b n ot . shadow et extremity he appealed sight. Teel is his ek y to hu clever wife to help him out.. •• Well, dear, whet is T - ked. and so sooner had he dose H• told hoe. ed without a moment's hesitation thew sb• pat the clear' be- forehto put the ondllwhole Land so Dorn clearly tore tlmtifleetly, eooul J, speak shroarb • .r time o• could bet, nottlsdtg Ins tongue. *ON amazement. he exeiaipoed :- '• Why, you've kit it exsotly ! Where did vete get it' " the truth of the matter � thewifeat e,sap in bed is tie wbo • middle of the night. and went through whole of it )omresli to your sleep.' URINE AND catealmtALs. nate An attempt was made to arse hie President 1 aure at Paris ces. A Dow►h�i/n`e .yeragi his ex- ploded to the to his carriage. pinned dpor to the Minis ttgtg ` Mgt The report Junes l sh0W* for the year a 1.2 ` num- berincrease of 6 1.3 per eetiL tit ber of peniteutrary con ts. sen-! At Chatham p o Char penitentiary for �life an Char- les tenW W. to for twenty years fur h'� brag John M nnetes store and Gtr shooting Det ve M•honl sat Be11t• River. assamanisom • sed re- whim ves at Marmations. demodtlims sr edam Madam. gar souse. emit sr We- 80841114 er r.•41i t . w Mann of JaMt••. the bistato fmAi ISli m fee •r 1. ant Wank adratga Oat. 3111-tf Sahli MC MO TO LOAN. - S80.000 00 Privet Fonda to lead at ei per mat. am eo1EL sHNB� • Wink. psS »I Colliers* os od•r egraf PRIVATE WI4DB- L drone Ot *malaise moory ea hstde•s farm ssoartty win do seat tj ler WM. tlf OP ate to J. A. McD sAAR. Room« Free- d RaMinas. Trois.. C &EAGER. CONWHYANCINO AND A11 RW1Ali... p'�,e� men naagriteleekri storage of lac ' covenna kis anew/rule/Ma. Ti* ,Supreme Court at Be gin& 10* the ( the protest fagainst Must r rDavii s - T members of the Quebiec Thr following *looted _by acclama- tion Messrs. Marchand tion ens Saturday: : utrtieun. Parent, Let'hene, li+,bideauz: lnitbe 1ominiou Senate the bill cnm- peIling railways to bicycles as and baggage was read a second time, referred to the Railway Committee, t00 the understanding that in reading bill a second time the Senate -flea -est caseating to the principle. .CEYLON TEA barn been intr'odncd'. Lead Packets, at 26, 40cc, hoc, & tf40., per lb's THE DEAD. The Rev. James Greener, a superanna- a'ted Methodist minister, died at Lind- say. Ont., ed 88. s Canon aleck, late of St. Ge'Orytton. Cathedral,, Kingston, and uncle of H William rte died- a his home in Winnipeg of St Iter. trammel Mason'. rector Stmon'• Church. ltontr'e *1, T Tforonto, died of Mr. John M. Malmsey at the age of 711 years• ear of Mr. Nicholas Awre7, regiat Wentirorth Coent7 died last week at bb residence In East Hamiltons d u On, was •16 years of rage, r brio Commissioner at the World's_ in Chicago, and wits appointed registrar of Wentworth two years ago. EU*INSag. s of the Sues Canal Goomsay bare derided to erect -statue to tbe memory et the Leo the engineer er et the �t at a M• anitoba and the Northwest will re- airith the I= and are not- in Tympam7 with Ootazio br'ethre'n- commence- ment Cain minima kms been held- life Wilfrid Lander and Mr. A• S. Hardy weep among those on whom the honorary degree of LLD. was c mess**. The Hawaiian Goneerament bee refused to renew the oontmmealon to Z. S. 8p*Id- ing piece to for 1Pl i ,ilitin. end a cable from hSss- ian�bt the Aa wwilma !elands , tmay Kf�is t a link in the Canadian-Australianmaaam- ureasee e% esh* M•rtti'sfleawb, 0odnloh. M MONEY TO LEND OIt MORTGAGE pr .��emtstls. LO,ee0. 1111A1saR, oi71e• *Mentz 1Vrtlst reek, wawa& an as.. trimmer• advertisement rr 4J •p Tbs tollowimg t daily : " peered ekMed•�xperienced edge -trimmer ; east work and good wags to sal *:poet F J T NATIIIL, 1'�, AND eons work'oa.-AvolT, are Brown. e;o. The following day an applicant tor the t to an appearance at Mr. BtuDon D• The candidate's R•.eral )3rovrn'r offices. make -op had • deoidly rustic 8 - 1• Visit, my mase' said the employer of labor. "yea knew ecmetbieg about edge- trtme•ing. I suppose V' dud the natio : I meths 1 en:" us.i 1't • doe• *>s ' aw twenty ears" this WWeell, when osm you start 1" _ ..Any time, fir. Fa re sad teen 'so at the hotel yo.dea And away Its west. ew _ am ganonses• pair ofe returned ia a f abeam, a large ordeal'. bothlether aterobig obbo t stared and mid • ' You've made • slight mistake. ma 1 want • man lite ma trim beet osg pardon badges." " Ds.p it all. err Y •.snit wailed pp the lore's swathe, ef o add Bu 1 S. We say traded te sound Bat thee*. we was .*ter ear b's wbw I was s Md, or I wonld.'t have some a this fesei'a erred r' sawiawarsdeiweft• By ands e1 OW s&4111Rl mss' venae and F As Good us Is the friend that vstands a07 is is a emergency. Tbe Great Emergency Remedy of the best known people in the land Many to its efficiency. It promptly cures Toothache and all pain. Quickly allays rola nation. Wberever tie skin is cat, brwsedM will do, inflammed or dimmed to any form •' Qeitkc1N its wonderful work. Dr. E. B. Ibbotson, Major Royal Scots, Moat ret end Coal - Team in 1894, writes : " ' Qiticketilw' k a treasure, daat eoi Biak7 does jest what you••y for it; when it is known every household have it. It is worth its weight in gold to parents, who shoulp it in the house for emergencies such as toothache, burns, �' etc. New Millinery ][IMM OAMSROI'a edema to announce that ate ]vas wowed the Nemec affects m Millis - my for this seasons trade, including All the New Shapes In Fancy Straws. All the New Shades In Green ; Also, thlk gal! mail enstomers fes Bey ;-ytla • Um"' t"11 T ftaeth _Y coa I r y.ve the oorroct *tyles fiR�j,g Not Life like.--tdsnager-Mt. 1)m Sews. you premiums the word, •diet them to a Dossier.' with too much passion- You shout them out as though Hamlet resile meant them didn't be' Aotor- W dt. Md&ne5er-Of course not. Hamlet end Opbelis were not harried. Oficial statistics show a deficit ot a million marks on the Baltic Canal daring the year. I in the Vat._ Suites duringoutpu of e•{1 - was 190,650, - kWdarint he year 1i�M� ,kion tons. veined at $1911 hibi.6).». In the United Si aa increase of nearly ti peer there has in the nent- toi acreage of all the States, but the cotton markt 1* weaker. Bomuth- South- ern cotton mills are limiting production. for Sone woollen mitis are arranging large sutpbt, and have purchased beav- TLe boot and shoe industry is ac- tive. c- t ve. and oi'ilers are growing apace. The commercial failures for the past week ia-lie...-United ..�a tes Homier 262. sal with 248 Cor fS(r tveremp°*d•e of Last year. THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. Te Tb* ferias -Them are severali formed hods w`� the public may be • oompm.7 hen come to Da sad or that* newspaper has been suspended. For simplicity ssthte notice of so editor inity, however, • the sr erns* in the fir West, when be toned that los .test came the publication of his " Big there T..utl•r." hu editorial, nein** Anyone who pawed would bare observed bold alp on the door,bearing be• .oription : " Big Creek Tootles Batted.'' MSS CAME ON --- - yamUton•et. tiederiel. AT MUNRO's E%TSA VALUE in Nottingham and SINUS � ate' Curtains, 3, and 4 yard long, o,New and Elegant NNW& Swiss, Spot, Spray-- MUSLINS---A large range to.choose from. Art M rRrssepe r e High Art,Crepep Reversible Cretonnes nit&befor - tierres, etc. INSPECTION KINDLY SOLICITED A. MUNRO, Draper • iii -oar mONE7 TO LIND.- • RGI b.• Mlle rat D mma nese ee . AMPW SAflaow • R AAD° n1 • aw er' wdy to sit t1s •serwwer ad goer hers Naar•• West l lob Mama • sa.ane_.1gt8eedst� mad_ p asi Mie. d the Mw��Q� — Besbahleer lu aws& (101:1111t1011gloom goer.i tato rfi M! slam LBOUilg 1f1Oiiw�sl1 mDal, Treaty Illestreted ta ligartgrowerfle. Paiute, tree er e0' 10361 Alma am ins esemMmned btbr.rt0i bawl. iR. �hI JL, , . S. 1s011i>K!, "metas. "*deme We•Tt tree• The Lutheran Synod of Canada u meeting at Waterloo. The Manitoba Methndiet Oonteren':e opeoed at Portage La Prairie. Rey. Dr. Stove of ShelbourUe was e4ect411 president o[ the Toronto °dist Conteaenoe•Rev. Dr. George of BL Loud, Mo., has been principal the Cou eesMio.Utel- Tbe Robinson Chureh,tasned u. "P� o[ tire anier, PlLt tm Fates*,"Rev. Jn a Oalnaboroagh. has been formally spend• 'Ilse fourteenth annaai Cert II Units e International Railway been weird in Clifton Springs. N.Y. Almost tuber on the fits* d the TAS QUEEN'S DA erne rwututitali. The new Queen's* ford will he opened on Jubilee Day. Among the honors Premier Sander will receive while In England is from t of the honorary degree of Canptrridge University. it is Mated ltagt--'the Queen wax w, mtreh affected recently- by the mingling of "The Wearing of the Green" :,t Windsor Cue*. that *he wept. Lt is said that the Queen intends to confer an honorary Gra nil Orem nC the Order of the death on M. Hnuotunx, the French Mlinietrr of Fortdgn Affairs. The ntltrinl proirmat ..f the jubilee Ore e•eeet,m, as pnbUwh,til. bee giver, umbrage to the i.lberais owing to the otter Rh - armee of nroRnbtion of the civil and in- dustrial side of the QQQneen'1 teitn• The llMonist Prenikra and their 4sdh•e. iwcludirre Mr. and Mrs. Laurier. were the ornate 'rn Patesday 'resin[ at the Liverpool Chamber of Cermeree surae given a very emdtu iNRli TOLPCI eta --trotter en . groat adroitness. Yr. Billings had lived te the •e• Of 49 without bumming a beserion. MO in an aeen&rded moment the discipline et a ideli ase availed bum sothl.g. It was • swe,li* that he swelled Mao•I48. garden with 1[fd't' I• Meows* • ands dace ee • prism ►•.0b. •.1 Mr. ori ly old : " See west ire Within their seat d Mabare 10. lounge apple ire 1'' But Killings,.emm• I late Lagoa into Mow, rambled on : I yeti like to w the little birds ants r " Ob. Mr. Minot, how yew de talk 1- " Really, Ilia Mo0i*dy 1-" ~ t" " Why. •- Me •• e. BI111s5a1" a Xs but rally, Mink Mme a' , ira►b eer70Ob 0 R88l suit NW fib bAft kis•eW loins* we¢alole-maal__011. Mr. 1LU Who r I -" Oh -p NTe sal w�t I me 7 I-I--wwn•, j�!�! • nos �'�; -Vleweu •• WW. wwle111.1-" t. lmopes, I emelt be wade M . emu, H ys• van, b ow ie ter dee AwaM• " 8.4 bare, 14ba " " Hash, deallls..*.erne• a wedge Arad whoa their hest sed beet's••' moor Mem kW/WO banked sed mid, wife JOS113101, - ASL tlsteADO- wtthap••s•�N r� "Q3S' �i1a as ranee Or 000 earn, P. ewt.W ens Lseuetwar , tuvirsosaillifolito sr, r...ti,+=rs n�. feesseersdd4' LANGUAGE OF GIFTS. A valise -Please travel A bouquet --Try to imitaite tors• A ue ddli(-ieQtsete is•e:eerable A piece of jewelry -You are painfully pl•ia. A ohalr-Yea sheen Ire, at home mors thea yea do. • A oat gds•. 1011 4 tlllak Ton know a good Ming when vee we it. A purse --Better Dere should be taken of what Utile mosey yea have. A book of poems -Your nature Mende sadly ie seed of sotti.ie%, sawn A emokidr•)&.ket-Yoar akth•e dreadfully of mimeo°. A fountain -pen -Yon should saltiest* $ spirit of Christianity - A 'nate-paper basket -You obeli *rum sway more of your work. A book of prey -I wish to pet you M some freebie. Yon will tate this out •ad dust it whenever I am announced la Gall. - Peak. The erasion et Tessa . This &mmbn$ story was told me moms time ape by a friend of mise elm bad a mambo of Zulus boys workdsp is Natal at the time the transit 01 Veen* teak Maas sone eases t Ahreeme WIN N Awl lie riseveleAsecb to woof MOM/ ICI Dorado, or Madrid. ►nsow.oes that ueyotettlneg foresd Untied stat s between Spain a haw( rewe5ed an advanced Awe. It la stated in Madrid that Senor Oaao- tea dei Castni* baa re.srvod the 'a ort to promote **other Cabinet rang should ,irom.arawat Make it sdvl Qle Dor the dkcie1.5n SeaMalleyy tariff 1111 In the United Shisi Cageoh (LTt*hl off net a new agsead- „�. an erom ntt lab t+asal se m�_l▪ ittnjeredncta- n the Visited rat.* Senate Maori the Meitigleaelon rrfethe WW1 dhu'ums not ▪ if s.tatipat seas esteems tm natianaltsiag the look. A brie time before the pl•set aegt••S' l rah• sane edge, he sidled lib. bays toroth iall, , a vyam .eb aninber of Merles of esesee & pima. be •eked them to look at eke ran and me I they o•uld ewe anything. •.d. of ooerse, the* meld sem Italy a eery Masa "New.” he said, " in &beef an how's time the Quota et Faglw.d r mind ie e N saa*o.-ball up to the res wad will Se go W year work, mid 1 will let you Maim ?hen &h• Aro if off." Off they weed MT treed waited quietly tin Mow the planet fairly on the sal wbe. be ,wind *ma .11 ma. Up Meth tdsm sinew to their sink ONE of worse, test/ saw Veins. wleb they tfhowgin wee the eiemea•b ii. The Quiet of Sanusi Maim fid be lbw to ea the meet 11esdsst*1 warty ea earth. sed the aefewishssAt 111104.1011101141111 Dan he Wowta.d$Sd the. lsas.ar ' TO ansaDants Boots that are: Boots Shoes that are Shoes 1 l of Itch mthe ee be a, arta waniding tate Pred- awn in and forage •edeas to prattle!. ile Ilktlsisrl tis dr* Mi.. i e are sold by Wu. SHAaxUl1, JR„ who has one of the Largest Stocks west of Toronto The goods on tho shelves ate from the best manufacturers on the Continent, and include THE SLATER SHOE one of the easiest -fitting, best-madeand P fworn by man Mince the day when the , MONK ST. CRISPIN I1*VENTII ; BOOTH All goods sold are seleetat h the . greatest cat*, and OUR 11010,112Mos of IZLTHZII AND .WORKMANSHIP i,*LBL.=s Us To 011000.1't** RIGHT SORT T Ordered work i by. y and repairs neatly executed. - • . . MaLS,A1 t. a; OODERICH. t