HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-24, Page 2.k = a Jim* !11 1-1W1— mmmti Stylish �'h�gzs seasonable Sturdy Serviceable FOR ALL WEARERS Our stock of Footwear is in t[ o;al'tondition. FVii lines, complete range of sizes, all the fashionable Ada that dressy people take to. Prices are Right : our business sagacity too sharp to have them otherwise. You'll pay more else- where, and not fare nearly* well Ili regard tO Qiiitlity and Style. That's our plea ?or your petilonage. PRICE, THE SHOEMAN illetnesantr M S. S. POLLOCK. P.8—Rapairieg seat!, and promptly atfssilsd M-'^ wwu�uuuuuuuuw+uu+ sweetheart I neer may know, Never may I see ; White is the blossom snow, Green is the les ; Still the etreare store of you. All the wood riots of yes— Sweetheart, 0 eweethsa•t mine, When oast you be ! True love 1 neer may meet All the world throne's. Dim is the dawn, and sweet, Dien is the dew. Lades, U lost and dear ! Come—for your Imre is here, Here s0 the hazel wood Waiting for you. IN HIS TRUE COLORS. AY ALT RANDOLPH. "A SUiSCRIPTION?„ said Dr. Angell, !, a frank face all smiles, "pray wi. : in, ladies, I aro delighted that my poor, lathe bachelor'. den of an offiee is so highly honored ' Yee, as I often say, charity is one of the few ---hreuries in which we straggling pro- _ fessional men can afford to indulge. Pray be seated by the window, Mia Wallis—take the sofa, Mrs. Est- eoart i -- It was all very well foe Dr. Angell eril ii a poor,�I the bache- lor's den." Bot no one else would flaws reeitltred to affix any such no, sose.la/lire to it The Boor wgis • covered wfth a tiny patterned Persian carpet ; the . windows were draped with Japanese chintz, all gleaming with' golden bees and butterflies on a ground of crimson ; the bookcase and secretary of inlaid walunt, were crest, ed with albaster atatuttes and expen- sive bronze triukete, and a painted china jardiniere near the sunshine was filled with freshly cut hot -house roses and ferns. Lucy Estcourt look. ed around with glistening eyes ; she liked pretty things and the exquisite- ly ordered place gratified her senses as one of Palmer's marbles or Ghurch's gout bsve drone, And Blanche Wallis secretly vowed within herself to have just such a " love of a jardiniere " in her own boudoir before she was twenty-four hours older. " Yes," said Mrs. Estcourt, w ho was the spokeswoman, a young widow. " We are collecting funds for a home for Indigent Widows Squire Allan has promised us ilia old store house by the pine glen, free of all neat or charge and our idea is now to furnish it and engage a .iatron • without loss of time. Only think of how much good we can 5 acciiiiVITAI it tr r natlllsids: " iiiid fa—nig Dr. Angell, with kindling eyes. " Yes," said the pretty widow. ad- justing the links of her jet chain. "I think it la a capital plan myself .' And if you gentlemen will help us with a little ready money, we ladies will un- dertake to furnish linen, china and housekeeping wares !" Dr. Angell smiled. " Dear ladles," said he, " I shall not attempt to disguise from you the fact that I am poor ! But, as I said before, charity is the 'one extrava ganoe in which I delight to delight myself. Pray allow me g" And taking a ten dollar bill from one of the drawers of the inlaid lecre- tairie be laid it in Mrs. E.toourt's hand. " I only wish it were more," said he, with a graceful deprecatory mo- tion, as she made haste to thank him. " bat 1 hope you will accept it in the spirit in which it is given." " Oh, Doctor," smiled the eonng widow, " if every gentlemen in Silver Falls will Rive me lie much we shall be able to open the home at once !" And as the two ladies walked away their conyersat on naturally turned on the gentleman whose elegant galls sanctum they had just kilt. " There, Lucy," raid Mus Wallis, triumphantly, " what did i tell you 1 Don't he look exactly like papa's pic- ture iatare of St John: with that noble foreb.sad and the wavy. brown hair brushed so artlaticafy away from it r "Yes," said Mn. Eotr+onrt ; "and bow beautifully he expressed himself about the lar.ry of giving ! I do like a man to use esiect language instead Of plunging into all manner of slang, hke poor cousin Jack !" " And his velvet smoking -cap tae- eelleel with Reid." added Blanche, en- thusiastically. " Did you see it on its peg 1 And the carved Swiss glove bo: en the mantle t ,Aad the 'tweet ¶'erkieh chibonk, with its enameled end amber nwitith-piens ; And, oh. -Lucy. theperfectly.fitt4wg boots that • lid" he wore !" - " My bear Blanche, what nonsense you are talking'" said Mrs. Estcourt, with the superior smile which be- couiee a married woman, and one who was full eighteen months older than her companion. But, for all that, the pretty widow thought a good deal about Dr. Angell and his deep -blue eyes and St John forebead._;s_sbe sat at her needlework that afternoca. " Jack," she said to the much en- during cousin who had been hopeless- ly in love with her ever since she was a school girl in a sun -bonnet and bronzed kid boots," why don't you ask Dr. Angell to join your boating club?" " Because he's such a confounded humbug !" said Jack Warren,anipping away at the bit of paper with the widow's scissors. " Do put those scissors down,Jeck!" said Lacy, a little impatiently. " A —humbug ' Dr. Angell 1" " A menhir deed -beat," nodded Jack. "Good-lookj,ng, but shallae— imo bat false." "Jack !" " Weil, it's trae,'reaiid Mr. Warren, emphatically. ' HOW do you know r .t ._,thi. inflow's look4_to be sure." "Naar, Jack," said Mee. Ertroourt, dashing up to the roots of her golden hair, " that is all jealoosy ' Nothing in the world but jealousy.'-._ "Jme►--ws-you ckootte to-itivelt said Jack, serenely. " It don't matter a pin to me, either wry. Only mark my words Lucy, the Silver Fall., people will find him out after a while." " Find him out r " Exactly," nodded Jack. " He's running old Dr. Jennings out of pole - tine now. People prefer has soft voice and wavy yellow hair to the old fel- low's brusque ways and rusty wig. But there'll be an end to his popularity one of these days." -Ele gave me .a ten -dollar -bill for the Indigent Widows' Home !" cried Mrs. Estcourt, indignantly. Jack only whistled. " He's a hum- bug, for all that," said he. Poor Jack ' He was no reader of feminine character, else he would never have fanned the flame of his pretty cousin's evanescent fancy with the gales of opposition. He would have agreed with her, in toto ; he would have loaded the young doctor with praises and echoed every word of commendation that she spoke. But Jack Warren, h+►Sl.,_aL aya.._binndered. tairougl the world and he was true to his character in this instance. " His frumy forehead and yellow hair and soft voice don't make Angel Gabriel of Him," said Jack : "and so you'll find out." And Lucy Estcourt was so nettled that she rose up and whisked out of the room, work basket and all. It was the afternoon of the next day that the took it into her capri= cious little head to visit a favorite old pensioneer : an ancient., toothless crone, who lived in a tenement house in the very dingiest part of the town of Silver Falls, and who was destined to occupy one of the rooms of the Home for Indigent Widows, when that beatific vision became a cer- tainty. " Well, M*. Midgeston, and how are you 1" said Mrs. Estcourt, rustl- ing softly into the room, a radiant ap- parition of smiles and golden hair and attar roses. Mrs. Midgeton dropped her knit- ting and turned a man -like pair of silver spectacles toward the new- " Worried, Mrs. Midgeteonl" "with the scolding, Cleary, and the confusion next door, with s partition between, decry, as is no thicker thew a sheet of paper. Listen yourself, sweetheart, and you'll hear." Lucy F,dtoonrt listened and became aware of a vague confusion of voices. " Bat what to it, Mrs. Midgetaon !" said she, half alarmed. " it's poor Liafe Curry, dear, u is dying sit oonanmptioo. And she ain't been eble to pity her doctor's bill, as how should she, poor thine? and the doctor, he's a taking away of her sew- ing machine by main forret, the only thing that stood between her and starvation " -Th. old wrtltoi !" Cried eat M*. The ewb..t 11fe am"' - IC obhates • - TSE SIGNAL:, G 1DERICH ONTA$I . ing. theingh—IPEke Smow.', gap 'moles. " r Hut it ain't D ' Janutein ohlldie. It's—" „Hugh !" Lucy held up her finger with aft wtborative air, far at teat inatcnt the voice of Dr. Angell himself was dis- tinctly beard, utteriug the words : " There's no use whimpering or making a scene 'Yeti ow me forty dollars and I will be p�id. You Haven't got the money t _6; well ; I can Neil the machine. And• as for starving, I should starve if everybody swindle d me out of my bill as you h ' ve done. lore, carouse, take this thing down -stain." " Doctur ! Doctor !" pleaded a faint voice. "Pray don't take my daughter's only bread,winoer away from us ! Have a little compassion and wait until we are able to pay you. "And that wig: be when t" inter- rupted the doctor with a coarse laugh. Cartruan, do you bear ? Take it away at once before these women have a chance to make any more scenes." At that moment Lucy Estcourt opened the door of Mrs. Curry's apartment and stood there like a beautiful avenging angel " Gartman," said she to the sympa- thetic Irishman who stood vacillating in the middle of the room, " put the machine back into ita place. Hera Dr. Angell is the forty dollars owed you by thas poor lava id. Take it, and enjoy it if you can. And berg, also," as the apostolic -looking young physician cowered beneath the indig- nant fire of her eyes. "is the donation t ou yesterday Rave us for the indigent widow.' home. we want no donauoos unless they are given in a aptrtt of true charity." And without waitingafidfil ;k! Elizabetha tearful thin***!Y, Dr. AnguI?-relay apologies she stall( back to NM Midget/ion'. salsl4 .oNliag Bide main sad began to lip. And this- ineident- was VrrAthaa- eaus Angell's death-blow.socially and profs rsioaally speaking in the town of Silver Falls. At the quarter's end he took dowc his sign and left gm place to Dr. Jennings and his rusty Ae for bawds Josh, Lacy uses) so sweetly gracious to him during the next few days that be actually took comrade to ask her if the would have _And lie weer asteiF. ton bis life illiim when sheseid : ions to A lbAIN LtIiS I ii_ LAMMM. p•or.n% Wilson i1gr11-lmast en • Seeroely • day passes then wit es we hear et • fin in whish ooe or mere p11110. bans perished, end the 'terrible wteatropbe is Pore to riga fresh i0 our anode. We aro apt to think that those who die thea eater terribly before death wines to their relief, ...ad the s,seatlossi details published 1s the duly press orgradaly do **shim( to weeks' this tmpreeuo•. Yet we are told by • wrttnr to the Hospital (Ilse 16) that death (rept On 1. usually pai.lem, and is oommw- ly dew Dot to divot barmier but to raise. 'too He says : " Them who lose their liven is oonthgrsttems do sot sy any •teoos al- ways motet petyelesl psis.- is msey mese. acs douht, .harp terror N the efts ,bine of whroh the violist is onawteas, sad in many mon, stream, w it may poem, oonaoiouweee oteys •o pert, lite ceasing psialeoely and without • etragtis In great 000fisara- tinne pave ere produced which, hers moob the same effect (as chloroform or.imilar ma• aesthetics) 00d it a a tent that 'boos who loge their lives is .•.eh oatsetropbes a oos• midombl• portion pas. )sin death without easy *videos* of having wlfsrsd. This result is produced esp•osally whoa a fire has smouldered, when the acorn of sir has at Ent bees toselfiuttot to omuse complete oombusteoe, and Then that deadly gap, oar- bonto oxide. hoe sent its victims tato lethal 'leap before the aotwl Ames had ° reaobed them. Of these, however, who have eri• deed♦ suavely(' and., fought, and whom,' °barred 00room:ere afterwards loured in at- titudes segti•enve of vsnteot efforts made in ertterretteg to escape. It .suet not be lm.. dosd that they have of n.oe*sity boon burned alive and have diad in the (hooey whish such eoarsrnnns are poputsrty tmugined to er• press Death front agony is really dente from shock, a condition in which the holy is limp mid helpl. ; wbereea'in Beeth from siQ.:a etiou straggling may gooneven at'w 0ewroi00100ss hes passed, and the strained attired, of the onres. may be expredlve only of s final paroxysmal effort suds is a state of entire ..00imesessees " TEN THOUSAND were ressr'meted is Alborg Well. 1aSd.*: All ID eserrsue •maalla: r sdo•, June 14 —The Maesnto meeting Royal Albert Had this atter000a, in Mmmemoratioa of the Quire's Diamond Jubilee, -less • notable function. The hall was paoksd by over 10,000 Mamma is ger- seem ersteem regalia. Tb. Prince of Wale. and Ike Duke of Coiitispght arrived at 4 o'clock, preeaded M wumpeters, sounding fanfares. The greed efficient lied the aisle to the dais. The Prince of Wale., as Gsaad Master of Koalaod, followed by a imposing staff. composed of .rand sffioun moved, jo til iousd of fee m•jestio ^music, to -lam threw, when, surrounded by • briniest phalanx of officers, he was received and greeted in the %seal form of salutation rMetved for his high station. The Prises then addressed the audieeoe •std aanouood that the ad. mimeo tees for the eereriooy 0sso0ohd to 11.:1, half of which would 0o to the Prince of Wal.. Hospital fund and the ether bait to different Masonic (Menthe. The Dake of Cognaoght moved an address to the Queen ib behalt of the Maroon, sad it wee serried with loud •ppl•s.e, after whish the wbol. ewemhlage )oto.d in singing the No. Coast Anthem to the s000mpsnimeat of the VICTORIA THE GREAT, The dew was on the moraine laws, The roam bloomed. she woods were .rens, When forth Otero came. as fresh se dews. A sudden with majestic mien. They girt a orowo about her brow, They placed • weptro in hon hand, Aod loud rang oat a nation's vow, "Clod guard the lady of the laud." Aad bus the meeker saps oeeaagala tee's nose blow, Aged round her throes bet people pour. Recalling sixty years are. And all the goodly days between, Glory sad sorrow, love sad pain. The wifely mother, widowed Queen, The loftiest, .. the longest, rai.u. She shared her snbj.ote' bane and bliss. Welcomed the wise, the base withstood, And taught by her cl.ar life it is The greatest greatness to be good. lilt, while for pease she wrought sad preyed, She bore the trident, wore the helm, Lad, Mistress of the Main, she made An Empire of her island realm. So, gathering now, from sear and tar, From rule wberoa 0e'er sem the day, From Soatbern Cross and Northern Stu, Her people lift their hearts and pray : L'ioger sod looter may she reign, ; And, through • wormer night serest. Wham dot• doth never wholly west, God stare and bless oar Bmpress-Quem. —By the Peet Laureate.. CANADA. The grand old woods of Canada. How cool and dim below The shade of their sweet rushing leaves ! Svelte changing webs and sunlight wettest Where (etas and mousse grow. • The gleet tress of Caned'► Lark pies end birch drooped sow ; The stately elm. lbs maple )ell, The ,tardy bomb, 1 love them ail, And well their formes I know. The tweet wealth of Needs : The eheppet'. blows mooned Throutb the wisp sir, while oold end atilt, The eww's deep Moak o'er vale sod bill Lias white upon the iswnd. • The ■parktiag stream of Carada, That 'tee* earl shadow, pass, Then wind where shale -fed cattle shalt_ Tbr.ogb verdant meadows .akle-deep, .leaf Mamas I. ooms sad mese."!ii d revA t Indian ed Woad* : Dania biome marmart.g tide, Pres. pebbly *averse dim17 lime, 'Irma leafy ,h•da of little* green. Grey front and salmon glide. The beauteous 1akw ds et O•as: With loving ayes i see Their water stretched in endless oheia,riao By fair Si. Lowe to the main, As coma wild •ad free. Their white smile gleam o'er Huron's wake, Or fade with dying day, Rued memories in m heart awake, Of hots s dear dwelling by the lake. Like sil..hi.e passed away. The prairie, vest of ("seeds : Waive era leaks to the earth, 1s srtieg, whisperis, warm good sight T. slyried Sewers. whew bte.bes barbs m Will hall the orsww's birth. a Feteoart, exoiegdly. "why will people (ilieaghsa gn11 aft. lewsle Alls at. head employ Dr. Jennings when there it "Itim aae.n's self sae blamed the „rah a noble. valorem, phyllielan ..1 Abaed st, leer mod free. Ina, Dr. Angell )r Sown r �z:�s�g�r�� ,l 1KtS, )Kid jifrsgti e's ,tem 40 4111, Pao '69 .itersem. • e'gga- A NOVA SCOTIA CASE. Suffered Is itbout help—Hightail. years est. tier worse—Curd by Dadd's Hida.y Pitt.. Bridgewater, N.S , June 21 tepsoial}— Thera moo area to town better hewers than J. S. ldorgap, tinsmith, who for eighteen years had hose going from lied to worts without help until at teat be trot held of the right treatmeet. Hs says : "I1 began kith the backache, moss is the limbs, and Scal- ly settled down as rb.amatlem. I was a cripple, and after I ria dowa greatly la weight the doctors said it was Diabetes. About a year sad • half ago I quit every- thing else and took Dedd's H,doey Pi14. Have taken twenty-three boxes, sad have regained my weight. health sad atrial/vb. 1 am perfectly cored." TURNING (TRAY » Summer is here; WITH BALDNESS The Darier 1. Averted by U a AYER'S n°miussa "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of 4ckness, my hair turned gray anct began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. H Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken o I commenced using this prepare. • 00 00 prepared to meet it 'with good Hat or Cap when it comm, We have put in stock all Use Iwteat Styles of Spring HATS whioh for n uality ttpd plies annot be equalled. In sea* air numerous a, .ortmtente of the latest 10 GLOVES COLLARS, SHIRTS. HOSIERY. hIUITS, DUFFS APS NECHWEAkt. M%s, and was so well satisfied with - Ste result that I have never tried any other kind of dressing. ILatop ped the hair from falling out, stimu- lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends,"—Mrs, 11. M. HA1owr, Avoca,'ieb. Ayer's Hair Vigor PILIWARZO 1K MAL AMI MIL, I3l tLrON',O.S A. Irer's dere yardage; lesser id'slgp+..o ye. • r • Sum qua , w senate de wean' Witawahlwa Lois lash- % 1 A wheel t & Co. The reliable Has altlhRafakiag Emporia wiw,iir�mt+�O T ..COAL. always on hand. The Beet and only Seraton Coal in this market. Hard, Soft and Black- smith Coal always on hand. All Coal weighed on the market scales, so that you are sore of Good Measure. a..:.-: Cov.'' 1f ems. %olf tiltb►ta t 1644 -_ - 'gar •eMlleet ed' an mus. The Britrah goverom.ot is new ezperimeat- lag with s goo *blob 1, to A* 1000 dots is 123-..a•du. • It-i.th.d..dtieos- ei-atf -der automatic rats yet invented: A. with d. machine gene, the first abet le fired by fwd sad after that the weapes will sheath each riding sad emit a stasis of ballets as Wag as it u ted. Experiments muds tine far show that ea tb. °cassias of • brief, sharp at- ksok, the gnu ma 00(0.411 be mad. to Aro sieves shots to a seined. A very tston.tiag feature of this sew las 1. tb.1 the implode, power results from sem sus of o.rditr. The whole of this sub- sumes 1. *avoided Is pressure, whereas Wok powder Y may meal tor prelim* to the .:teat of fifty per gess. The experi- ments et the gra rderred a *bow slims!..• ively that oordite 1. set affected by water, se M gnuvowd.r, sad w111 stand • greater variation is temperature. WHAT AIL$ YOU ? A oold in the head t ease enemisg! Pane over the eyes ! Di.Ko.tlar dropping in the throat' H.adaobe ? It menu that the seeds of Catarrh have bees .own— Dos't segleot it an hoer—Dr. Agnew'. Catarrhal Powder w111 give relief is Tea Minute.. " I bad aeronio eatarr a for • a.mber et yew, Water would rue from my Do...ad eyes for days ata time I tried messy cures without tiny permao.ot relief. I was is d.atd to try Dr. Agnsw's Catarrbal Pow- der. I1 eared me .ad I have bad ao return at tbs malady. i Aad that ter a oold 1a the bead i1 river almost natant relief. I would not be without it' and 1 recommend It sleet heartily." C ti, Archer, Brew, M.. Sold by J. 11. Davi.. Ile. m..rrear ea Neopeae... " In what does the greatest possible heti- plates •splace.. omelet said Mr. (lr•tbeer, tnterro- rstively repeating th. alsstles. " Wel), .hat r.pe.da " Gamin, home tonight heifer* 6 o'oleeb, but it wee IOW dark in these abort days. I met three *mall boy., *soh about tee years old, w.lki•g aloe, the sidewalk abreast. The middle bey had • harmonica whloh he played veru wen, s rerialii ly web fee sae of bus age : sad the boy es his right was missals. Is s sweet, oleir, boyish rode., the .sag whisk the barleeetea ley was eleytur. The third bey. the bey se the left of the baeal.sfea bey. was WUent. d so he V the ether Iseye esmpapany, .s NA - swam to their mauls teHh delight ; end dor delieat tem elthe w ewer tW is the ftp Q. & P. COO. WOO wee h.lahl.ssi �y tae til..'t e he t a wet 11=1".1 K �gt Attrati; D. C f3t'aAtiftaw, A1s sajgpssiti4 - • 7N is, lie r uh. t74 Mist sad You was 8.4 tart WE LEAD III CHOICE MEATS we ens musty the 'mast egotism treses, our prises wit everybody. We love .vary wax is tee Meat Ung. Fresh Meats Spiced Meats Cooked Meats Curet' Meats - Smoked Meats Prepared Meats. and every ktad of aasmme made. res Special Lines. If you here sot rag bees ed► the City Meal Marko, do act tail to sail send rive our.p.cial Saturday dbplsv Tota lM.0 ties. ANDREWS BROS. & 00. GODZtBWWH STEAM BOILER VOWS. A. S. OHRYST Doo - 1.► Oarpt f • gleet. - esamassearer et all made er BOILICRse Smoke Stacks, Salt Yana, Sheet Iron Works, lite., eta, And Dealer in— Esgines, Maehisery cla.wgs, to An mass of Pipes and Pipe Ffttfagr, atema and Water Games, Globe Vol,.., Cheek Vallee LWtrason, Rjeeter, s.d 1. Om.Msey ea Head at Lowed A almoial line of Steel Water amid R Troughs for use of farmers sad ethers. R.palrles fitment attended la A. L CEETIITAJ , mate P. 8. 1Dx A, Gedarfea, C F�IAl CO. are preparattu' age Freight and Household fusty with Dispatch at reasonable rates„ Dealers in:all grades of WM. LEE. or Harbor Qsp. LEPEZ & LE S'S Stere. idnacnuicompeat. New Goods and Best Values in the Tailoring line at the old -established and reliable West-st Emporium. Satisfac- tion guaranteed in Quality -Style and Price. HUGH DUNLOP Canadian Pacific Telegraph Patronise �_..�...Irl1e soFtr ��jsad o� Wood anti Itiadliag ent to snit customers and deliv meld with promotable. Order( so- pcited. Telephone SIN »dar - _ Secretary age Ullempary to mankind, then bow wash mots OF are they to the better part—woman 1 As they are so neoett• Nary you should gee that what you get are good, thn• Nat int in cash and health. Tinware or Oranitcrwate bought from ns is always good, and as the latest inventions are alwaya added to our stook a hotter adsetics. Cannot be found in Canada. SIM A!D AWACS serhoe h*" naoet aomplets Maas d fbtove s and Barn !WIPER a LEl